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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vaikų, augančių vienoje šeimoje, skirtingos mokymosi motyvacijos, savitumai / The peculiarities of different motivations in learning process of the children growing in the same family

Tartilienė, Aldona 07 June 2006 (has links)
The main subject – the reasons of different motivations in learning process of children growing in one family. That lead me to chose the subject – children living together in one family with different learning motivation. In order to improve the child education and the family influence to the person there is a need to know that in scientific view. The main goal – to discover the peculiarities of different motivations in learning process of the children growing in one family in the secondary schools of Utena district. In order to achieve that goal I have these targets: 1. To describe the conception of motivations and theories of motivation, to highlight the connection between the demands and inner motivation; 2. To find out what influence of different motivations in the learning process of the children have micro level and the educational position of parents, the school. 3. To investigate peculiarities of different motivations in learning process of children growing in one family. In oder to go more deep in this subject of interest these methods of research were used: the study of the scientific literature; the analysis of the archival documents; questionnairing; statistical analysis. The methodology of this research is grounded on the theory of self – determination stresses inner motivation based on appropriate organizing of social environment where the person feels competent, autonomous and that helps him to keep terms with others. Research description: This research... [to full text]

Vaikų(7-11)situacinio mikromokymosi plėtojimosi galimybės namų ir mokyklos aplinkoje / Possiblities of the Development of the Situational Microlearning for 7-11 year-old Children in Home and School Environment

Beniušienė, Aida 09 June 2006 (has links)
Nowadays it is very important to link the pupil’s personal experience in his family, at school environment, in the community with his consciousness and moral deeds. For this purpose we should help to young people to become stronger in this new environment. Only personal characteristics, the school and home environment, teachers and parents’ attitude to subjects, teaching methods determine the pupil’s ability how to learn during all this learning process. The main goal for each teacher should be the responsibility for pupils’ education and improving the pupils’ abilities. These are the most important and the greatest goals for the nation culture. The theme of this work is Possibilities of the Development of the Situational Microlearning for 7-11-year-old Children in Home and School Environment. The hypothesis of the work shows that all educators know the main point of the situational microlearning very deeply and all main aspects of this are spread in educational institutions. The goal of this work is to explain the main point of the situational microlearning and to expose the possibilities of the development in educational institutions and in home environment. Also, to research how primary school teachers and pupils are interested in the situational microlearning turning attention to the main point and possibilities of the application. The objectives are: 1. To motivate the educational importance of the pupils’ situational microlearning theoretically. 2. To do the research... [to full text]

Pedagogų ir policininkų bendradarbiavimo prielaidos vaikų nusikalstamumo prevencijoje / Presumptions of Cooperation between Teachers and Policemen in Children's Delinquency Prevention

Urnikis, Ričardas 09 June 2006 (has links)
The relevance of work was dictated by the period and new unusual problems of children’s life and behaviour. One of them is constantly growing delinquency of children, which was often explained only by the problems of adolescence. Children’s delinquency is not only children’s or group problem. It is a problem of adults’ attitudes and relationships, based on these attitudes with a child, who enters all institutions, operating in the society, i.e. different training institutions (for example: school), family, as an institution, forming child’s life style and other educational institutions (law and order institutions and other). As the problem of children delinquency is complex social, pedagogical, cultural, then two cooperation groups can successfully perform prevention: school teachers and inspector groups specialists of juveniles affairs. Problem. The question is raised whether the traditional attitudes of teachers and policeman, when the children inclined to delinquency, are called criminals and whether it is a setback, preparing prevention programmes. The aim is to ground and empirically research teachers’ and policemen’ attitudes to children delinquency as the assumption of cooperation optimizing prevention of children delinquency. The research hypothesis was confirmed that the children inclined to delinquency are often devaluated as people, inappropriate to the family, society and other institutions. In society stereotypical attitudes to a child as a functional individual... [to full text]

Kurčiųjų paauglių vizualinės raiškos ypatumai / The Singularities of Deaf Teenager's Visual Expression

Hacking, Silvana 15 June 2006 (has links)
Investigation object-visual expression of deaf teenagers. The object - of investigation is to state the singularity of deaf teenager’s visual expression. The work reviews the deaf people visual expression singularity and evolution, represented in pedagogical and methodological literature, visual expressing learning process of deaf teenagers. There was examined the visual expression differences and similarities between deaf and hearing teenagers in this job. The work also explains hearing and deaf teenager’s attitude towards visual expression, the similarities and differences. Investigation methods: Theoretical: the studies of pedagogical, psychological and other literature, which represents the questions of deaf people visual expression, the analysis of educational system documents, secondary school education programs, methodical literature, internet sources relating this theme. Empirical: the questionnaire for hearing and deaf students helped to determine similarities and differences in their attitude to visual expression. Practical test of visual expression: certain theme paintings in hearing and deaf 5-10 form student groups. Methods of mathematic analysis: percentage of questionnaire and test results. Conclusion: Summarizing the literature sources relating to deaf people visual expression aspect, we can notice that starting from a certain age range deaf person’s perception develops slower than hearing person’s. After the investigation of deaf and hearing people attitude... [to full text]

Vaikų ir jaunimo klubų prieinamumo ir organizacinės sklaidos prielaidos / Preconditions for Accessability and Organizational Spread of Child and Youth Clubs

Vidžiūnaitė, Elvyra 27 June 2006 (has links)
One of forms of informal education — Children and Youth Clubs. According to club’s constitution, club is institution of informal education, which works in social, educational and cultural areas and provides for members of community such services as: organizing purposeful leisure for children and youth, permitting of positive socialization, artistic activity and self-expression of children and youth. Proper organization and realization of informal education — interesting activity after classes — pull away children and youth from empty, senseless leisure, herewith away from bad addictions and crime. Artistic, technical, sportive and other activities help children and youth to realize their demand for self-expression and communication, form national and cultural self-awareness. Purpose of this work — to analyze possibilities and preconditions for accessability and organizational spread of child and youth clubs in Vilnius. For implementation of this purpose the following methods were used: • Qualitative method — structured interview with directors of Vilnius’ Children and Youth Clubs; • Quantitative method — questioning of youth of age 14-18 (special questionnaires were uses); • Budgeting and costs analysis. Research shoes that children and youth don’t have equal possibilities to participate in informal education activities, because these possibilities depend on financial potential of their parents. Informal education is important part of educational system. Children and youth... [to full text]

Vaikų dienos centras kaip ugdymo institucija (Belgijos) patirtis / Children day care center and educational institution(its experience in Belgium)

Valuntonienė, Jurgita 15 June 2005 (has links)
A concluding thesis by Jurgita Valuntonienė, postgraduate of Vilnius Pedagogic University, Social Pedagogy Department, named “Children Day Care Center as an educational institution (its experience in Belgium)”. Day Centers offer care for children during the day time and other additional services in order to satisfy the main children’s needs which are not given by the family. The other aim is to support the family by developing maternity and paternity skills and put them into practice at home. Children Day Care Centers and their activities in Lithuania prevent children from negative social conditions, satisfy their needs and give a possibility for a family to get some social services. It can be stated that services provided for children and their families at Day Care Centers conform to alternative ward ship. It is gradually being tried to improve the activity of Children Day Care centers and to enlarge the number of services it can offer. One of the Children Day Care center’s priorities is the qualification of its workers. But after the comparison of analogical centers in Belgium and in Lithuania, it was noticed that our country has less volunteers willing to offer their help and work in these institutions. Furthermore, after the comparative analysis it was evident that age interval of children who use the service of these institutions is much wider in Belgium than in Lithuania (from 3 to 14 years). The service of these centers is payable in Belgium even though the price... [to full text]

Pediatrų endokrinologų, slaugytojų ir tėvų požiūris į šeimos problemas, vaikui susirgus cukriniu diabetu / The approach of pediatric endokrinologists, nurses and parents towards family problems with children suffering from diabetes mellitus

Pilkauskienė, Ramutė 14 June 2005 (has links)
Summary The diabetes is а chronic non-infectious disease that touches people from the birth to the old age. Children and young people mostly suffer from diabetes type 1. Тhe morbidity in this disease is increasing not only in Lithuania but also in the whole world. In 1980, 30 million people in the world suffered from the diabetes, while in 2000 there were already 100 million such people. As the number of children suffering from the diabetes is increasing, it is very important to understand what influence to their psycho-social development is caused bу this disease, how the relationship between the child and his or her family changes, and how the relationship between the diabetics, their family and the environment develops. When а child falls ill with the diabetes, the family faces many questions, and the life splits into two parts: before the disease and after its diagnosing. А child who suffers from diabetes of type 1 has to make insulin injections during аll his or her life, to check the quantity of glucose in the blood, to observe nutrition recommendations. The family whose child falls ill with an incurable disease experiences the process of loss. The duration of its stages and its succession depends of the psychosocial state of the family. The treatment of children's diabetes is also complicated due to psychological peculiarities of the age of children. Children of different ages can perform different tasks and to undertake different duties. Eventually, а child will bе... [to full text]

Ikimokyklinės įstaigos ir šeimos partnerystė, rengiant vaikus mokyklai / Partnership of pre-school institution and family preparing children to school

Dilienė, Sigita 07 June 2006 (has links)
The participation of parents in the education is interpreted as one of main its educational rights, realizing the objects of qualitative development, because the families and pedagogues constantly are sharing the engagements in children’ developing, each time they are directed in the deeper variety of life in the family, pre-school group and community. The problem of survey is determined by the fact, that the education of parents of pre-school institutions in Utena is a new phenomenon and it is not enough related with the change of pre-school education, the modern educational models oriented to the child and the ideas of adults’ education and the permanent (self-) learning. The purpose of survey was to establish the relation between the family and pre-school group. To show the possibilities of parents’ participation in the activity (the life) of pre-school group. To evaluate the perception and expectation about preparing the child to school. The survey was done in the pre-school groups of pre-school institutions and kindergartens-primary schools of Utena town. The result of survey showed, that the relation among pedagogues and parents help to develop the personality of the child, the interchanging information enables to know better the character, likings, aptitudes of child, the cooperation permits to know better the child’s behavior in the group of peers.

Socialinių pedagogų bendradarbiavimas su rizikos šeimomis, įtakojant vaikų nusikalstamumo mažinimą / Cooperation between social pedagogues and families at risk for minimize childrens delinquency

Šlechticova, Liudmila 03 July 2006 (has links)
Youth delinquency is a relevant theme for discussions not only in Lithuania but also in a whole world for a long time already. On a sociological view, the forms of the behaviour which is declinatory from the norms (deviation), appear more often in a society which is in the economical – social transformation period. Children and youth is the part of the society, the most sensitive to changes. Their „I“ conception isn’t formed yet, and the social immaturity is clearly visible. The atmosphere in a family, and the upbringing methods has a high influence on the developing personality attitude and value system/ orientation. On the social pedagogical aspect, the family socium is the underlying area in the Lithuanian social policy. The social policy is oriented towards the sane consolidation of the family socium relationships and the development of the family potential. In this context, the particular role in the social policy of the country is given to the social pedagogue’s work with the family. Recently, both - the interinstitutional cooperation and the cooperation of the social pedagogue with the falimy is emphasized very often, while dealing with its and the child’s social problems. However, in the official instruction of the social pedagogue, the cooperation concept, as a cooperation with a family while solving the child’s problems is not mentioned. The social pedagogue is indicated as an adviser. Practically, the social pedagogue‘s cooperation with the family is laden with... [to full text]

Socialinė parapijos funkcija / The social function of the parish

Kelertas, Virginijus 04 July 2006 (has links)
Das Verständnis der Nächstenliebe, wie sie im Neuen Testament entfaltet wird, hatte seit jeher größten Einfluss auf die konkrete Umsetzung der Inhalte christlich-sozialer Bewegungen. Sie wird begründet als eine christliche Pflicht, Berufung und Verehrung Gottes. Die Gesellschaft des 19. Jahrhundert nahm die Verbreitung der Ideen von planmäßiger Arbeit geistig und physisch behinderter Menschen, mit Verkündigung des Evangeliums und unter Ausdruck der Hilfe in christlicher Liebe (Innere Mission), also im heutigen Sinne sozialer Tätigkeiten, als Zuständigkeitsbereich religiöser Organisationen wahr. Die sozialen Prinzipien der christlichen Kirchen, die in theologisch begründeten Werten, theologisch-humanitären Motivationen und zielgerichteter Orientierung verwurzelt sind, konnten ob ihrer Normativität auch in staatlichen Institutionen angewandt werden. Ein an geistigen Werten orientiertes Management hat über die Effektivität der christlichen sozialen Organisationen entschieden. Die wichtigste Funktion eines Sozialverbandes besteht im Aufbau einer Verbindung zwischen dem Menschen, der sich in einer schwierigen Situation befindet, und den ihn umgebenden gesellschaftlichen Strukturen. Die religiösen Gemeinschaften in Litauen führen oft auch ohne als regelrechte soziale Dienste institutionalisiert worden zu sein, soziale Tätigkeiten als Teil anders gewichteter Programme durch. Noch bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg hatten unterschiedliche gesellschaftliche und religiöse Organisationen sehr... [to full text]

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