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Investigating Perceive Value in B2B SettingAmbekar, Shubham, Samuel Jonathan Andrews, Danny Duke January 2021 (has links)
Value is fundamental in business-to-business marketing, where marketing revolves around the term value. Understanding the value of offering through customers' eyes is important for business success. Due to the subjective nature of value, it's imperative to understand the value based on the customer's individual interpretation. In this context, perceived value plays a central theme for this study, and analyzed in the terms of benefits and sacrifices. But to capture the broader picture of customers' value functional, social, and emotional perceived values were considered. The research questions were formed to investigate the kind of values that customers perceive, and another question was framed to investigate the multidimensionality of values. In order to answer the research questions, a qualitative descriptive approach was applied and through judgmental sampling, respondents were chosen. The five potential customers were interviewed through semi-structured technique. The authors applied the model “value hierarchy” to investigate the customer's perceived value which consists of three layers: attributes, consequences and objects; it shows correlation among the three layers. The laddering technique was used in connection with hierarchy, through this technique authors understood how consumers were able to perceive value in each layer. The tangibilization strategy was used to provide cues that helped build mental construct of services in customer’s minds. Customers assess the services by evaluating its value. The value from the consequences were perceived multidimensionally by customers depending on the attributes. Customers perceived functional value in aspects of saving time and ease of workload. They were able to perceive value socially, when some features helped manage stress among the employees and through provision of these services to end customers saw an increase in firm awareness in the market. Customers also felt a feeling of happiness when using certain attributes especially among the end customers thereby bringing emotional value into the picture. All the different values perceived helped reach their respective end-goals. The model found useful to investigate the customer value sequentially, also evaluating current customer’s needs. The study revealed that the attributes aren't chosen without a purpose. Customers perceive some benefits from the attributes that help achieve their specific needs. The study was confirmation about integrating the model with different value dimensions helped determine the connection of these dimensions with customer value. The study ends with presenting managerial, theoretical and practical implications and provides ground for future research in exploring other framework of values, followed by limitations of the study.
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Värdesamskapande och värdesamförstörande vid onlineshopping : En kvalitativ undersökning om konsumenters perspektiv på onlineshopping / Value co-creation and value co-destruction in online shopping : A qualitative survey concerning consumers’ perspective on online shoppingFröberg, Sandra, Elfström, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Compared to traditional in-store shopping, online shopping has several benefits which implies that an increasingly number of consumers are shopping over the internet. Despite the popularity of online shopping, there are also several problems and negative aspects with this consumption approach. Previous service research has to a small extent studied value formation in relation to online shopping. In addition, research on value formation has mostly investigated positive aspects in the terms of value co-creation. On the other hand, the negative aspects of value formation, which are termed value co- destruction, have not been investigated to the same extent. This study is based on the service-dominant logic perspective on value formation where a qualitative research of consumers' experiences of online shopping was conducted. This in purpose to increase the understanding of how consumers co-create and co-destroy value in online shopping, and thus contribute to knowledge development in research on value formation. In order to collect empirical data, semi-structured interviews have been used to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between online shopping and value formation. The results of the study were subsequently analyzed in relation to the theoretical framework. The most important findings of the study are that consumer expectations are central in value formation. When these expectations are fulfilled consumers experience online shopping as value co-creation, but when expectations are not fulfilled it becomes value co-destruction. The findings of this study are in line with previous research on the fact that a congruence regarding which engagements, procedures and understandings that are relevant in a specific interaction implicates value co-creation and that incongruence instead results in value co-destruction. One contradiction to previous research, however, is that incongruent perceptions of praxis in a given interaction are not always negative since the findings from this study shows that consumer expectations have sometimes been exceeded. Hence, value co-creation has occurred despite incongruent perceptions. The study also shows that value-in-exchange is at least as important as value-in-use since many consumers choose online shopping because of cheaper prices. / Jämfört med traditionell handel i butik är onlineshopping förknippat med ett flertal fördelar vilket inneburit att allt fler konsumenter handlar över internet. Trots onlineshoppingens popularitet finns det också åtskilliga problem och negativa aspekter med detta konsumtionssätt. Tidigare tjänsteforskning har i liten utsträckning studerat värdeformering i samband med onlineshopping. Forskning kring värdeformering har dessutom mestadels undersökt positiva aspekter i form av värdesamskapande. De negativa aspekterna av värdeformering, som benämns värdesamförstörande, har däremot inte undersökts i samma utsträckning. Denna studie utgår från det tjänstedominanta perspektivet på värdeformering där en kvalitativ undersökning av konsumenters upplevelser av onlineshopping genomförts. Detta i syfte att bidra till att öka förståelse för hur konsumenter samskapar respektive samförstör värde vid onlineshopping och därmed bidra till kunskapsutveckling inom forskningen om värdeformering. För insamlandet av empiriska data har semistrukturerade intervjuer använts för att få en djupare förståelse kring relationen mellan onlineshopping och värdeformering. Studiens resultat har därefter analyserats i förhållande till det teoretiska ramverket. De viktigaste resultaten från studien är att konsumenternas förväntningar är centrala vid värdeformering. När dessa förväntningar uppfylls upplever konsumenterna onlineshoppingen som värdesamskapande, men när förväntningarna istället inte uppfylls blir det värdesamförstörande. Studiens resultat går i linje med tidigare forskning kring att en kongruens gällande vilka mål, regler och kunskaper som är relevanta vid en specifik interaktion medför värdesamskapande och att en inkongruens istället resulterar i värdesamförstörande. En motsägelse mot tidigare forskning är dock att inkongruenta uppfattningar kring praxis vid en viss interaktion inte alltid är negativa i och med att studiens resultat visar på att konsumenternas förväntningar ibland har överträffats. Därav har värdesamskapande skett trots inkongruenta uppfattningar. Studien visar även på att värde i utbytet är minst lika viktigt som värde i användandet på grund av att många konsumenter väljer onlineshopping till följd av billigare priser.
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Doing well by doing good : Hur kommunikation och anpassning av CSR skapar värdeEriksson, Johanna, Söderberg, Alessia January 2013 (has links)
Background: Today, It’s not uncommon that international companies and organizations have a higher turnover than the GDP of developing countries. Consequently, this may suggest that the choices companies make in the context of their business has a great potential to influence the world from an economic, but also from a social and environmental standpoint. From this the notion emerged that companies have a responsibility, referred to as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). A clear definition of the CSR concept is difficult to find, more than 37 different definitions has been identified. Common to all these is that they address a number of underlying themes such as: Balance, Responsibility, and Value. Few studies examine companies’ underlying assumptions about the adaptation and communication of CSR, and the perception of how one type of value in relation to another is created and defined. It is clear, however, that companies must make a choice regarding which areas of CSR they should prioritize. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to study how Swedish companies strategically adapt their CSR initiatives and CSR communication to create value. Method: In order to answer the purpose of the thesis a qualitative method has been used. Interviews were conducted with CSR representatives from three major Swedish companies. Theories: The Pyramid of CSR, Green marketing activities on three levels, Generic environmental strategies and Ten rules for successful CSR communication. Conclusion: The results of the study suggest that the link between the adaption of CSR and CSR communication is based on the business value perspective. Furthermore, it would seem that the competitive strategy of a company is in close symbiosis with their value perspective. The result of the study indicate that there is not a value perspective which should be preferred over others in the adaption of CSR and CSR communication, the value perspective should instead be relative to the company’s current competitive strategy and industry conditions. / Bakgrund: I dagsläget finns flera internationella företag och organisationer som har en högre omsättning än många utvecklingsländers BNP. Följaktligen kan detta innebära att de val företag gör inom ramen för sin verksamhet har stor möjlighet att påverka omvärlden ur ett ekonomiskt, men även ur ett socialt och miljömässigt perspektiv. Givet denna möjlighet till påverkan har även uppfattningen att företag besitter ett ansvar utvecklats, benämnt Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR). En enhetlig definition för CSR är svår att finna, mer än 37 skilda definitioner finns identifierade. Gemensamt för alla dessa är att de länkar samman ett antal underliggande teman såsom; balans, ansvar och värde. En begränsad mängd forskning har behandlat företags underliggande antaganden om anpassning och kommunikation av CSR, samt synen på hur något typ av värde i relation till detta skapas och definieras. Tydligt är dock att företag måste göra ett val gällande vilka områden inom CSR de skall fokusera på för att på det mest förmånliga sättet gynna företaget och vara i enlighet med deras strategiska mål.. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur svenska företag strategiskt resonerar kring anpassningen av sitt arbete med Corporate Social Responsibility, samt kommunikationen av detta arbete för att kunna erbjuda ett värde. Metod: För att besvara syftet har en kvalitativ ansats nyttjats genom flertalet genomförda intervjuer med CSR-representanter på tre svenska företag. Teori: Den teoretiska referensramen utgörs av CSR-pyramiden, Gröna marknadsföringsaktiviteter på tre nivåer, Generiska miljöstrategier samt Tio regler för framgångsrik CSR-kommunikation. Slutsats: Studiens utfall har föreslagit att sambandet mellan anpassning av CSR och kommunikationen av detta, först och främst utvecklas utifrån företagets värdeperspektiv. Företagets valda konkurrensstrategi verkar även vara i symbios med detta värdeperspektiv. Studiens resultat indikerar inte att det finns en värdesyn som bör föredras framför andra i samband med anpassning av CSR och CSR-kommunikation, utan detta bör istället vara i relation till företagets rådande konkurrensstrategi och förutsättningar inom branschen.
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Introducing New Rain Data : A Case Study of Value Proposition Development for Ericsson Weather Data / Introducering av Ny Regndata : En Fallstudie om Utveckling av Värdeerbjudande för Ericsson Weather DataALIC, ALMEDINA, EMILSSON, CAROLINE January 2018 (has links)
A rapid development with many innovations has happened in recent years. Nevertheless, more than half of all innovations fail, why it is important to understand the customers: their demand, their needs and their benefits. Hence, the purpose of this study is to develop a value proposition for a high technological product in rain measurement, called Ericsson Weather Data (EWD). Since it is a technology-driven product, it is necessary to understand the potential customers to determine the product's market potential. Therefore, semi-structured interviews have been conducted with potential users in Sweden. The purpose has been to understand how they use rain data, which challenges and improvement opportunities there are with current rain data and which the most prominent value drivers are. Our empirical findings show that most of rain data in Sweden is free and published online by public entities. However, the current measurements are one-point measurements, which leads to information losses. This complicates the assessment of rain damages, why there is a great desire for increased spatial resolution. In addition, there is a need for better information regarding local cloudbursts. We have developed a value proposition, matched to the customers’ needs. EWD measures rainfall using the existing mobile network, which is more deployed and achieves a better spatial resolution than the traditional equipment. In addition, EWD measures rain data with an interval of ten seconds, generating tighter (more) information about local cloudbursts. As cloudbursts and spatial resolution were highlighted as the most important factors, a value proposition with resonating focus has been developed, meaning that we focus on these two factors. / En snabb utveckling med många innovationer har skett under senare år. Trots det misslyckas mer än hälften av alla innovationer, varför det blir allt viktigare att förstå kunderna: deras efterfrågan, deras behov och deras nytta. Syftet med det här arbetet är att utveckla ett värdeerbjudande för en högteknologisk produkt inom regnmätning, kallad Ericsson Weather Data (EWD). Då det är en teknikdriven produkt, är det nödvändigt att förstå de potentiella kunderna för att avgöra produktens marknadspotential. Därav har semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomförts med potentiella kunder i Sverige. Syftet har varit att förstå hur de använder regn data, vilka utmaningar och förbättringsmöjligheter de ser med nuvarande regndata och vilka de främsta värdedrivarna är. Våra empiriska resultat visar att majoriteten av den data som används i Sverige är gratis och publiceras online av statliga myndigheter. Dock, är nuvarande mätningar enpunktsmätningar, vilket leder till att information går förlorad. Detta bidrar till svårbedömliga skadevalideringar, varför det råder en stor önskan om en ökad geografisk täckning. Dessutom finns ett behov av bättre information om lokala skyfall. Vi har utvecklat ett erbjudande, utifrån kundernas behov. EWD mäter regn med hjälp av det befintliga mobila nätverket, som är mer utspritt och uppnår därav en bättre geografisk täckning än den traditionella utrustningen. Dessutom mäter EWD regndata med ett intervall på tio sekunder, vilket genererar tätare (mer) information om lokal skyfall. Eftersom skyfall och geografisk täckning lyfts fram som de viktigaste faktorerna, har ett värdeerbjudande med resonating focus utvecklats, vilket innebär att vi fokuserar på dessa två parametrar.
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The theoretical relevance of an updated Marxian theory of commodity in economicsAhumada, P. E. January 2007 (has links)
How does material production become socially recognised in capitalism? This is a fundamental question to be addressed in capitalist production, since material production takes place privately and independently in a global and atomistic system. This thesis shows that the question is tackled by Marx in the first three chapters of Capital. The process of social recognition of material production is that of the realisation of work carried out privately and independently as part of the social labour. For Marx this occurs through the private and independent work becoming objective social labour as the substance of the value of commodities, and through the latter finding its necessary developed mercantile expression in the price form of commodities. Therefore, private and independent work becomes social labour through the recognition of its product as equivalent to a certain amount of money. The thesis argues that Marx's answer is powerfully insightful but flawed because it did not succeed in fully characterising the historical specificity of commodity. Commodity is not merely the differentiated unity of use value and value but of use value and mercantile use value, and of labour value and mercantile value. The former dialectic is immediate and distinguishes between the utility of commodity as a direct means of consumption or production and that as a means of exchange, fully determining the behaviour of the private and independent commodity producer. The latter dialectic is objective and distinguishes between commodity as the embodiment of the social labour necessary to reproduce it and as the embodiment of command over social labour, enabling the adjustment of the productive structure. Both dialectics are mediated by the mercantile form of value, which allows the indirect expression of labour value as the gravitational force of the system. The theory of commodity offered in this thesis, unlike that of Marx, consistently hinges on the atomistic private and independent commodity producer. The thesis shows that commodity production is the organisation of society's labour for its material reproduction, just as in any previous mode of production. The discovery of the generic aspect of commodity production breaks the false immediate link between production and supply, and that between the labour theory of value and both the supply-side-determined theory of price and the single-factor theory of production. The thesis also shows that the mercantile form of value is what allows society's labour to become an objective and autonomous materially abstract substance regulating the adjustment of the productive system under the form of material signals. This is the specific aspect of a global mode of production comprised of free and independent individuals. The mercantile form of value is thus Adam Smith's invisible hand. Finally, the thesis analyses some implications of the framework with regard to the analysis of monetary phenomena, capital accumulation and sustainable development, and reviews the most popular Marxian topic in Economics: the transformation of values into prices of production.
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Medidas de risco em otimização de portfolios / Risk measures in portfolio optimizationBueno, Luís Felipe Cesar da Rocha, 1983- 25 February 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Jose Mario Martinez Perez / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Computação Cientifica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T15:09:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Bueno_LuisFelipeCesardaRocha_M.pdf: 1111693 bytes, checksum: 531a933822f5dcf9cacad7dea6be5f53 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Nesta dissertacao fazemos uma exposicao sobre alguns modelos matematicos com aplicacoes em economia. Dentre os modelos estudados destacamos a versao discreta das populares medidas de risco VaR (Value at Risk ) e C-VaR (Conditional Value at Risk ). Discutimos algumas propriedades de tais medidas, e, principalmente, expomos sobre algumas ideias para otimiza-las sob uma formulação do tipo OVO (Order Value Optimization) e propomos uma nova formulação para o problema de minimizar a VaR / Abstract: In this dissertation we make a presentation on some mathematical models with applications in economics. Among the studied models we highlight a discrete version of the popular risk measures VaR (Value at Risk) and C-VaR (Conditional Value at Risk). We discuss about some properties of such measures, and, above all, expose on some ideas for optimizing the VaR and CVaR under a OVO (Order Value Optimization) formulation and propose a new formulation to the problem of minimizing the VaR / Mestrado / Otimização / Mestre em Matemática Aplicada
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Value Creation Process in the Retail Grocery ChainCetin, Hülya, Zachee, Valerie January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> The retail market in the 21<sup>st</sup> century will be determined on how quickly and efficiently the retailer can respond to shifts in consumer demands. Due to the physical environment of the store (store value) and the interaction with the consumer (shopping trip value), the local retail store has the advantage of generating this tangible and intangible information. It is then of importance that this information will be transferred towards the retailer, who has the opportunity to use this information and generate it into outputs that can be used as negoitables; this value creation process is an unique success indicator for creating a value network within retail supply chain.</p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The aim of this research is to present an understanding on the value creation process in the grocery retail chain.</p><p><strong>Methodology:</strong> Having an inductive nature, this thesis tried to bring a new understanding on value creation in grocery retail business, by using hermeneutics as a methodology approach. For empirical study, the qualitative approach was used. Data was collected through open-ended interviews with representatives in grocery retail chains.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The main players in the value network were determined in a grocery retail chain as retailer, local retail store and other stores in the chain; and the suppliers. An intensive value exchange between the retail store and the retailer was found and following that, it was concluded that the retailer converts the value input from the local retail store into tangible and intangible value outputs towards suppliers. Combining the conclusions, the research defines that a value network is existing, but on a very low level. But more to the point, the study shows the importance of value creation by the retail chain, and that creating the possibility to share information about products, in-store experience, consumer knowledge, and consumer requirements is one of the biggest advantage the grocery retail chain has to develop this value network further.</p><p> </p>
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Study and Case of Wrong-Way Risk : Explorative Search for Wrong-Way Risk / Studie av Felvägsrisk : Explorativ sökning efter FelvägsriskGrönberg, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
Usage of financial measurements that address the default probability of counterparties have been market practice for some time. Quantifying counterparty credit risk is usually done through the credit value adjustment which adjusts the value from a risk-free value to a risky value. When quantifying the credit value adjustment there is an important assumption that the financial exposure (value) and probability of counterparty default are independent variables. Wrong-way risk implies a relationship where exposure and probability of default are increasing together. It is an unfavourable relationship since as a party stands to gain more the probability of the counterparty not being able to pay also increase. When removing the independency assumption, the quantification of the credit value adjustment becomes more complex and there are several different methodologies with the aim to quantify CVA without the independency assumption. This paper analyses different methods of quantification and discusses different potential mitigators of wrong-way risk. But also, a case study searching for potential wrong-way exposures at a Swedish investment bank. The case study considers whether the exposures could potentially be influenced by wrong-way risk through stress tests on different value adjustments. The stress tests change the value adjustment and in turn imply wrong-way movements. At an investment bank that work towards minimizing risk it would be surprising to find large wrong-way risk exposures. But there are some interesting observations which could be deemed as wrong-way movements and would be interesting for the bank to investigate. Overall for the bank, wrong-way risk exposure cannot be claimed as significant. Conclusions involve modelling approach I deem the most useful in a perspective of calibration methodology, computer efficiency and deviation. Also, some suggestion of further development of this paper. / Under en tid har användning av finansiella mått som inkluderar motpartskreditrisk varit marknadsstandard. Kreditvärdesjustering används för att kvantifiera motpartskreditrisk och justerar värdet från ett riskfritt till ett värde som inkluderar motpartskreditrisk. När man justerar värdet används ett viktigt antagande som säger att den finansiella exponeringen (värdet) samt sannolikheten att motparten inte uppfyller sina förpliktelser är oberoende variabler. Felvägsrisk implicerar ett förhållande där exponeringen och sannolikheten att motparten inte kan uppfylla sina förpliktelser ökar tillsammans. Det är ett ofördelaktigt förhållande eftersom när en part kan tjäna mer ökar sannolikheten att motparten inte kan betala. När oberoende-antagandet tas bort blir kvantifieringen mer komplex, men det finns flera olika metoder som kvantifierar kreditvärdesjusteringen utan oberoende-antagandet. Denna uppsats analyserar olika kvantifieringsmetoder och diskuterar olika metoder för att minimera felvägsrisk. Uppsatsen innehåller även en fältstudie med syfte att hitta felvägsrisk bland exponeringarna hos en svensk investeringsbank. Fältstudien överväger huruvida exponeringarna eventuellt kan vara influerade av felvägsrisk genom att stressa olika mått för värdejustering. Stresstesterna påverkar värdejusteringen som i sin tur kan implicera felvägsrisk. Hos en svensk investeringsbank vars arbete involverar att minimera risk hade det varit förvånande att hitta stora exponeringar med felvägsrisk. Men det finns vissa observationer som tycks påvisa ofördelaktiga förhållanden som tyder på felvägsrisk. Dessa observationer skulle vara intressant för banken att se över utifrån den potentiella felvägsrisken. Överlag för banken kan jag inte påstå att exponeringen av felvägsrisk är signifikant. Slutsatserna involverar vilken modelleringsmetod som jag anser är mest användbar utifrån kalibrering, dataeffektivitet och potentiell avvikelse. Samt några förslag på vidare utveckling av denna rapport.
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Elaboração do orçamento empresarial com base na geração de valor / Budget preparatuib based business value generationFrangiotti, Anderson Tadeu 30 September 2011 (has links)
A dinâmica do mercado e a competitividade têm levado as organizações a se adaptarem de forma cada vez mais rápida às exigências de fornecedores, clientes e acionistas. Sendo assim, uma etapa importante de preparação organizacional para este novo mercado tão exigente é a construção do orçamento empresarial. A montagem orçamentária busca em seus resultados a obtenção do lucro corporativo, porém as novas estratégias organizacionais discutem que as empresas não visam apenas ao lucro, mas também à geração de valor organizacional. Esta metodologia é conhecida como EVA® e propõe cobrir os gastos com as atividades empresariais, bem como obter uma remuneração maior que a expectativa de mercado aos acionistas e financiadores da empresa. Entende-se, então, que pode existir uma lacuna, que pressupõe que a construção do orçamento empresarial leve em conta a geração de valor organizacional. Para isso, este trabalho propõe, como objetivo geral, mudar a abordagem de orçamento com enfoque em lucro para a visão de geração de valor da empresa. Para este estudo, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico sobre a estrutura do orçamento empresarial, bem como sobre as metodologias existentes sobre o assunto, e também uma revisão sobre geração de valor e seus indicadores de resultados. O método de estudo é uma pesquisa aplicada, qualitativa e quantitativa, pois busca compreender de forma qualitativa o estudo levantado, bem como, por meio de números ou dados numéricos, a comprovação do estudo quantitativamente. É também uma pesquisa exploratória, pela necessidade de complementar os dados não disponíveis na literatura, e bibliográfica, pois tem como base estudos já publicados, como teses, dissertações e livros. Com o resultado da pesquisa, identificou-se que as empresas que utilizam o modelo tradicional de orçamento podem conseguir resultados diferentes daqueles obtidos com o modelo baseado na geração de valor. Dessa forma, elaborar uma proposta de metodologia na construção do orçamento com base na geração de valor pode nortear as organizações na busca por resultados voltados para a sustentabilidade financeira corporativa. Além disso, este trabalho visa contribuir para o debate sobre aperfeiçoamento do orçamento empresarial. / Market dynamics and competitiveness have led organizations to adapt in an ever faster way to the demands of suppliers, customers and shareholders. Thus an important step of organizational preparation, for this new rigorous market, is to build the business budget. The budget elaborations seeks to obtain corporate profit, but the new organizational strategies that companies have today state that profit is not the most important part, but the generation of organizational value. This methodology is known as EVA ®, and proposes to cover spending on administrative activities as well as getting a higher return than those expected by shareholders and lenders of the company. It is understood then that there may be a gap, where the budget construction takes into account the generation of organizational value. Considering this possibility this study suggests as main goal, to change the budget approach focusing on profit for the approach in focusing in the company\'s value generation. This study was based on a broad literature about the structures of the enterprise budget, as well as existing methodologies on the subject, and also a review of value generation and its performance indicators. The study method is an applied research, qualitative and quantitative, for it seeks to understand the qualitative information raised, and by means of numbers or numerical data to prove the study quantitatively. It is also an exploratory research since it is necessary to complement the data which is not available in the literature, and bibliography, since it is based on published studies, such as theses, dissertations and books. The result of the research identified that companies using the traditional budget can get different results obtained with the model based on value generation. Thus, the proposed methodology of building the budget based on value creation can guide organizations in the pursuit of results-oriented corporate financial sustainability. Moreover, this work has as objective to contribute to the discussion of improving the business budget.
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Um estudo sobre a subjetividade na mensuração do valor justo na atividade da pecuária bovina / A study about the subjectivity in the measuring of fair value in the activity of cattle raisingBrito, Eduardo de 20 October 2010 (has links)
A utilidade da contabilidade para o processo de decisão está relacionada à mensuração e divulgação apropriada de informações que, realmente, reflitam a situação econômicofinanceira dos negócios. O valor justo (fair value) tem sido apresentado como medida de avaliação de certos ativos específicos, entre eles, os biológicos, que são dotados de vida e por isso estão sujeitos a transformações biológicas (nascimento, crescimento, degeneração e morte) as quais afetam significativamente o seu valor, não sendo o custo histórico capaz de refletir fielmente todos os ganhos ou perdas de valor. Diante deste cenário, esta pesquisa terá por finalidade responder à questão: Quais restrições podem ser encontradas na aplicação do valor justo na atividade de pecuária no Brasil, considerando a subjetividade implícita nas escolhas dos métodos de avaliação?; e, consequentemente, seu objetivo é estudar a subjetividade encontrada na aplicação do valor justo na mensuração dos ativos biológicos na atividade pecuária bovina no Brasil, considerando os aspectos conceituais e as regras determinadas pelo Pronunciamento CPC 29. O foco do estudo foi a pecuária bovina de corte em função de sua importância econômica nacional e por existir mercado ativo para os animais em várias fases da vida. A pesquisa revisou os principais conceitos pertinentes ao tema, além dos estudos que permeiam o valor justo, buscando examinar a aplicabilidade, restrições, críticas, vantagens e graus de subjetividade. O estudo de caso foi o método utilizado para conhecer os sistemas em uso na avaliação de ativos biológicos, os quais foram comparados a uma lista de requisitos exigidos pelo valor justo. Os resultados obtidos apontam que é possível ser aplicado o valor justo na atividade agropecuária no Brasil, para o caso estudado, entretanto em algumas fases da vida do animal, principalmente quando não existem valores de mercado disponíveis, tal aplicação encontra maiores restrições além de proporcionar maior subjetividade. / The usefulness of Accounting for decision making is related to measurement and appropriate disclosure of information that really reflect the economic and financial situation of the business. The fair value has been presented as a way of assessment of certain specific assets, including the biological, which are endowed with life and, therefore, are liable to biological transformations (birth, growth, degeneration and death) which affect significantly their value and the historical cost is not able to faithfully reflect every values gains or losts. Under this scenario, this research aims to answer the question: What restrictions can be found in the application of fair value in the activity of cattle raising in Brazil, considering the implicit subjectivity in the choice of assessment methods? And, consequently, the present work aim to study the subjectivity found in the application of fair value in biological assets measurement in cattle raising in Brazil, considering the conceptual aspects and rules determined by the Standard CPC 29. The focus of this study was the beef cattle farming because of its importance for national economic and the existence of active market for these animals at various stages of life. The study reviewed the main concepts that are relevant to the subject, besides the studies that underlie the fair value, seeking to consider the applicability, limitations, criticisms, advantages and degrees of subjectivity. The case study was the method used to know the systems in use in the assessment of biological assets, which were compared to a list of requirements required by the fair value. The results indicates that it is possible to apply the fair value in agriculture and cattle raising activity in Brazil, for the case studied, however in some phases of this animals life, especially when there are no market values available, such application finds further restrictions besides providing greater subjectivity.
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