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Engineering Multicomponent Nanostructures for MOSFET, Photonic Detector and Hybrid Solar Cell ApplicationsJamshidi Zavaraki, Asghar January 2015 (has links)
Silicon technologyhas been seekingfor a monolithic solution for a chip where data processing and data communication is performed in the CMOS part and the photonic component, respectively. Traditionally, silicon has been widely considered for electronic applications but not for photonic applications due to its indirect bandgap nature. However, band structure engineering and manipulation through alloying Si with Ge and Sn has opened new possibilities. Theoretical calculations show that it is possible to achieve direct transitions from Ge ifit is alloyed with Sn. Therefore, a GeSn system is a choice to get a direct bandgap. Extending to ternary GeSnSi and quaternary GeSnSiCstructures grown on Si wafers not only makes the bandgap engineering possible but also allowsgrowing lattice matched systems with different strain and bandgaps located in the infrared region. Different heterostructures can be designed and fabricated for detecting lightas photonic sensing oremitting the light as lasers. Alloying not only makes engineering possible but it also induces strain which plays an important role for electronic applications. Theoretical and experimental works show that tensile strain could increase the mobility, which is promising for electronic devices where high mobility channels for high performance MOSFETs is needed to speed up the switching rate. On the other hand, high n-doping in tensile strains in p-i-n structures makesΓ band transitions most probable which is promising for detection and emission of the light. As another benefit of tensile strain, the direct bandgap part shrinks faster than the indirect one if the strain amount is increased. To get both electronic and photonic applications of GeSn-based structures, two heterostructures (Ge/GeSn(Si)/GeSi/Ge/Si and Ge/GeSn/Si systems), including relaxed and compressive strained layers used to produce tensile strained layers, were designed in this thesis. The low temperature growth is of key importance in this work because the synthesis of GeSn-based hetrostructures on Si wafers requires low thermal conditions due tothe large lattice mismatch which makes them metastable. RPCVD was used to synthesize theseheterostructures because not only it offers a low temperature growth but also because it is compatible with CMOS technology. For utilization of these structures in devices, n-type and p-type doping of relaxed and compressive strained layers were developed. HRRLMs, HRTEM, RBS, SIMS, and FPP techniques were employed to evaluatestrain, quality, Sn content and composition profile of the heterostructures. The application of GeSn-based heterostructures is not restricted to electronics and photonics. Another application investigated in this work is photovoltaics. In competition with Si-based solar cells, which have, or areexpected to have,high stability and efficiency, thirdgeneration solar cells offer the use of low cost materials and production and can therefore be an alternative for future light energy conversion technology. Particularly, quantum dot sensitized solar cells are associated with favorable properties such as high extrinsic coefficients, size dependent bandgaps and multiple exciton generation and with a theoretical efficiencyof 44%. In this work, two categories of QDs, Cd-free and Cd-based QDs were employed as sensitizers in quantum dot sensitized solar cells (QDSSCs). Cd-based QDs have attracted large interest due to high quantum yield,however, toxicityremains still totheir disadvantage. Mn doping as a bandgap engineering tool for Cd-based type IIZnSe/CdS QDs wasemployed to boostthe solar cell efficiency. Theoretical and experimental investigations show that compared to single coreQDSSCs,typeII core-shells offer higher electron-hole separation due to efficient band alignment where the photogenerated electrons and holes are located in the conduction band of the shell and valence band of the core, respectively. This electron-hole separation suppresses recombination and by carefully designing the band alignment in the deviceit can increase the electron injection and consequently the power conversion efficiency of the device. Considering eco-friendly and commercialization aspects, three different “green” colloidal nanostructures having special band alignments, which are compatible for sensitized solar cells, were designed and fabricated by the hot injection method. Cu2GeS3-InP QDs not only can harvest light energy up to the infraredregion but can also be usedastypeII QDs. ZnS-coating was employed as a strategy to passivate the surface of InP QDs from interaction with air and electrolyte. In addition, ZnS-coating and hybrid passivation was applied for CuInS2QDs to eliminate surface traps. / <p>QC 20151125</p>
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Application of SiGe(C) in high performance MOSFETs and infrared detectorsKolahdouz Esfahani, Mohammadreza January 2011 (has links)
Epitaxially grown SiGe(C) materials have a great importance for many device applications. In these applications, (strained or relaxed) SiGe(C) layers are grown either selectively on the active areas, or on the entire wafer. Epitaxy is a sensitive step in the device processing and choosing an appropriate thermal budget is crucial to avoid the dopant out–diffusion and strain relaxation. Strain is important for bandgap engineering in (SiGe/Si) heterostructures, and to increase the mobility of the carriers. An example for the latter application is implementing SiGe as the biaxially strained channel layer or in recessed source/drain (S/D) of pMOSFETs. For this case, SiGe is grown selectively in recessed S/D regions where the Si channel region experiences uniaxial strain.The main focus of this Ph.D. thesis is on developing the first empirical model for selective epitaxial growth of SiGe using SiH2Cl2, GeH4 and HCl precursors in a reduced pressure chemical vapor deposition (RPCVD) reactor. The model describes the growth kinetics and considers the contribution of each gas precursor in the gas–phase and surface reactions. In this way, the growth rate and Ge content of the SiGe layers grown on the patterned substrates can be calculated. The gas flow and temperature distribution were simulated in the CVD reactor and the results were exerted as input parameters for the diffusion of gas molecules through gas boundaries. Fick‟s law and the Langmuir isotherm theory (in non–equilibrium case) have been applied to estimate the real flow of impinging molecules. For a patterned substrate, the interactions between the chips were calculated using an established interaction theory. Overall, a good agreement between this model and the experimental data has been presented. This work provides, for the first time, a guideline for chip manufacturers who are implementing SiGe layers in the devices.The other focus of this thesis is to implement SiGe layers or dots as a thermistor material to detect infrared radiation. The result provides a fundamental understanding of noise sources and thermal response of SiGe/Si multilayer structures. Temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) and noise voltage have been measured for different detector prototypes in terms of pixel size and multilayer designs. The performance of such structures was studied and optimized as a function of quantum well and Si barrier thickness (or dot size), number of periods in the SiGe/Si stack, Ge content and contact resistance. Both electrical and thermal responses of such detectors were sensitive to the quality of the epitaxial layers which was evaluated by the interfacial roughness and strain amount. The strain in SiGe material was carefully controlled in the meta–stable region by implementingivcarbon in multi quantum wells (MQWs) of SiGe(C)/Si(C). A state of the art thermistor material with TCR of 4.5 %/K for 100×100 μm2 pixel area and low noise constant (K1/f) value of 4.4×10-15 is presented. The outstanding performance of these devices is due to Ni silicide contacts, smooth interfaces, and high quality of multi quantum wells (MQWs) containing high Ge content.The novel idea of generating local strain using Ge multi quantum dots structures has also been studied. Ge dots were deposited at different growth temperatures in order to tune the intermixing of Si into Ge. The structures demonstrated a noise constant of 2×10-9 and TCR of 3.44%/K for pixel area of 70×70 μm2. These structures displayed an improvement in the TCR value compared to quantum well structures; however, strain relaxation and unevenness of the multi layer structures caused low signal–to–noise ratio. In this thesis, the physical importance of different design parameters of IR detectors has been quantified by using a statistical analysis. The factorial method has been applied to evaluate design parameters for IR detection improvements. Among design parameters, increasing the Ge content of SiGe quantum wells has the most significant effect on the measured TCR value. / QC 20110405
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ラジカル制御を用いた表面反応過程及び薄膜形成に関する研究後藤, 俊夫, 河野, 明廣, 堀, 勝, 伊藤, 昌文 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(A)(2) 課題番号:08405005 研究代表者:後藤 俊夫 研究期間:1996-1998年度
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Numerical Modeling and Characterization of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube ArraysJoseph, Johnson 01 January 2013 (has links)
Since their discoveries, carbon nanotubes have been widely studied, but mostly in the forms of 1D individual carbon nanotube (CNT). From practical application point of view, it is highly desirable to produce carbon nanotubes in large scales. This has resulted in a new class of carbon nanotube material, called the vertically aligned carbon nanotube arrays (VA-CNTs). To date, our ability to design and model this complex material is still limited. The classical molecular mechanics methods used to model individual CNTs are not applicable to the modeling of VA-CNT structures due to the significant computational efforts required. This research is to develop efficient structural mechanics approaches to design, model and characterize the mechanical responses of the VA-CNTs. The structural beam and shell mechanics are generally applicable to the well aligned VA-CNTs prepared by template synthesis while the structural solid elements are more applicable to much complex, super-long VA-CNTs from template-free synthesis. VA-CNTs are also highly “tunable” from the structure standpoint. The architectures and geometric parameters of the VA-CNTs have been thoroughly examined, including tube configuration, tube diameter, tube height, nanotube array density, tube distribution pattern, among many other factors. Overall, the structural mechanics approaches are simple and robust methods for design and characterization of these novel carbon nanomaterials
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Preparation and characterization of Carbon Nanotube based vertical interconnections for integrated circuits / Herstellung und Charakterisierung von auf Kohlenstoffnanoröhren basierenden vertikalen Kontakten im Metallisierungssystem für integrierte SchaltkreiseFiedler, Holger 25 September 2014 (has links) (PDF)
(ULSI) causes an increase of the resistance of the wiring system by increased scattering of electrons at side walls and grain boundaries in the state of the art Cu technology, which increases the RC delay of the interconnect system and thus degrades the performance of the device. The outstanding properties of carbon nanotubes (CNT) such as a large mean free path, a high thermal conductance and a large resistance against electromigration make them an ideal candidate to replace Cu in future feature nodes. The present thesis contributes to the preparation and properties of CNT based vertical interconnections (vias). In addition, all processes applied during the fabrication are compatible to ULSI and an interface between CNT based vias and a Cu metallization is studied. The methodology for the evaluation of CNT based vias is improved; it is highlighted that by measuring the resistance of one multiwall CNT and taking into account the CNT density, the performance of the CNT based vias can be predicted accurately. This provides the means for a systematic evaluation of different integration procedures and materials. The lowest contact resistance is obtained for carbide forming metals, as long as oxidation during the integration is avoided. Even though metal-nitrides exhibit an enhanced contact resistance, they are recommended to be used at the bottom metallization in order to minimize the oxidation of the metal-CNT contact during subsequent processing steps. Overall a ranking for the materials from the lowest to the highest contact resistance is obtained: Ta < Ti < TaN < TiN « TiO2 « Ta2O5 Furthermore the impact of post CNT growth procedures as chemical mechanical planarization, HF treatment and annealing procedures after the CNT based via fabrication are evaluated. The conductance of the incorporated CNTs and the applicable electrical transport regime relative to the CNT quality and the CNT length is discussed. In addition, a strong correlation between the temperature coefficient of resistance and the initial resistance of the CNT based vias at room temperature has been observed. / Die kontinuierliche Miniaturisierung der charakteristischen Abmessungen in hochintegrierten Schaltungen (ULSI) verursacht einen Anstieg des Widerstandes im Zuleitungssystem aufgrund der erhöhten Streuung von Elektronen an Seitenwänden und Korngrenzen in der Cu-Technologie, wodurch die Verzögerungszeit des Zuleitungssystems ansteigt. Die herausragenden Eigenschaften von Kohlenstoffnanoröhren (CNT), wie eine große mittlere freie Weglänge, hohe thermische Leitfähigkeit und eine starke Resistenz gegenüber Elektromigration machen diese zu einem idealen Kandidaten, um Cu in zukünftigen Technologiegenerationen zu ersetzen. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Herstellung und daraus resultierenden Eigenschaften von Zwischenebenenkontakten (Vias) basierend auf CNTs. Alle verwendeten Prozessierungsschritte sind kompatibel mit der Herstellung von hochintegrierten Schaltkreisen und eine Schnittstelle zwischen den CNT Vias und einer Cu-Metallisierung ist vorhanden. Insbesondere das Verfahren zur Evaluierung von CNT Vias wurde durch den Einsatz verschiedener Methoden verbessert. Insbesondere soll hervorgehoben werden, dass durch die Messung des Widerstandes eines einzelnen CNTs, bei bekannter CNT Dichte, der Via Widerstand sehr genau vorausgesagt werden kann. Dies ermöglicht eine systematische Untersuchung des Einflusses der verschiedenen Prozessschritte und der darin verwendeten Materialien auf den Via Widerstand. Der niedrigste Kontaktwiderstand wird für Karbidformierende Metalle erreicht, solange Oxidationsprozesse ausgeschlossen werden können. Obwohl Metallnitride einen höheren Kontaktwiderstand aufweisen, sind diese für die Unterseitenmetallisierung zu empfehlen, da dadurch die Oxidation der leitfähigen Schicht minimiert wird. Insgesamt kann eine Reihenfolge beginnend mit dem niedrigsten zum höchsten Kontaktwiderstand aufgestellt werden: Ta < Ti < TaN < TiN « TiO2 « Ta2O5 Desweiteren wurde der Einfluss von Verfahren nach dem CNTWachstum wie die chemischmechanische Planarisierung, eine HF Behandlung und einer Temperaturbehandlung evaluiert, sowie deren Einfluss auf die elektrischen Parameter des Vias untersucht. Die Leitfähigkeit der integrierten CNTs und die daraus resultierenden elektrischen Transporteigenschaften in Abhängigkeit der CNT Qualität und Länge werden besprochen. Ebenso wird die starke Korrelation zwischen dem Temperaturkoeffizienten des elektrischen Widerstandes und des Ausgangswiderstandes der CNT basierten Vias bei Raumtemperatur diskutiert.
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Stress and Microstructural Evolution During the Growth of Transition Metal Oxide Thin Films by PVDNarayanachari, K V L V January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
System on Chip (SoC) and System in Package (SiP) are two electronic technologies that involve integrating multiple functionalities onto a single platform. When the platform is a single wafer, as in SOC, it requires the ability to deposit various materials that enable the different functions on to an underlying substrate that can host the electronic circuitry. Transition metal oxides which have a wide range of properties are ideal candidates for the functional material. Si wafer on which micro-electronics technology is widely commercialized is the ideal host platform.
Integrating oxides with Si, generally in the form of thin films as required by microelectronics technology, is however a challenge. It starts with the fact that the properties of crystalline oxides to be exploited in performing various functions are direction dependent. Thus, thin films of these oxides need to be deposited on Si in certain crystallographic orientations. Even if a suitably oriented Si wafer surface were available, it does not always provide for epitaxial growth a critical requirement for controlling the crystalline orientation of thin films. This is because Si surface is covered by an amorphous oxide of Si (SiOx). Thus, during growth of the functional oxide, an ambience in which the Si itself will not oxidize needs to be provided. In addition, during thin film growth on either Si or SiOx surface stresses are generated from various sources. Stress and its relaxation are also associated with the formation and evolution of defects. Both, stress and defects need to be managed in order to harness their beneficial effects and prevent detrimental ones.
Given the requirement of SoC technology and the problem associated, the research work reported in this thesis was hence concerned with the precise controlling the stress and microstructure in oxide thin films deposited on Si substrates. In order to do so a versatile, ultra high vacuum (UHV) thin film with a base pressure of 10-9 Torr was designed and built as part of this study. The chamber is capable of depositing films by both sputtering (RF & DC) and pulsed laser ablation (PLD). The system has been designed to include an optical curvature measurement tool that enabled real-time stress measurement during growth.
Doped zirconia, ZrO2, was chosen as the first oxide to be deposited, as it is among the few oxides that is more stable than SiOx. It is hence used as a buffer layer. It is shown in this thesis that a change in the growth rate at nucleation can lead to (100) or (111) textured films. These two are among the most commonly preferred orientation. Following nucleation a change in growth rate does not affect orientation but affects stress. Thus, independent selection of texture and stress is demonstrated in YSZ thin films on Si. A quantitative model based on the adatom motion on the growth surface and the anisotropic growth rates of the two orientations is used to explain these observations. This study was then subsequent extended to the growth on platinized Si another commonly used Si platform..
A knowledge of the stress and microstructure tailoring in cubic zirconia on Si was then extended to look at the effect of stress on electrical properties of zirconia on germanium for high-k dielectric applications. Ge channels are expected to play a key role in next generation n-MOS technology. Development of high-k dielectrics for channel control is hence essential.
Interesting stress and property relations were analyzed in ZrO2/Ge. Stress and texture in pulsed laser deposited (PLD) oxides on silicon and SrTiO3 were studied. It is shown in this thesis that stress tuning is critical to achieve the highest possible dielectric constant. The effect of stress on dielectric constant is due to two reasons. The first one is an indirect effect involving the effect of stress on phase stability. The second one is the direct effect involving interatomic distance. By stress control an equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) of 0.8 nm was achieved in sputter deposited ZrO2/Ge films at 5 nm thickness. This is among the best reported till date.
Finally, the effect of growth parameters and deposition geometry on the microstructural and stress evolution during deposition of SrTiO3 on Si and BaTiO3 on SrTiO3 by pulsed laser deposition is the same chamber is described.
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Condutividade de películas finas de PEDOT:PSS. / On the conductivity of PEDOT:PSS thin films.Alexandre Mantovani Nardes 18 December 2007 (has links)
As interessantes propriedades eletrônicas, mecânicas e óticas dos materiais orgânicos conjugados fizeram emergir diversas aplicações tecnológicas e comerciais em dispositivos baseados nesses materiais, tais como sensores, memórias, células solares e diodos emissores de luz poliméricos (LEDs). Neste sentido, o tema central desta tese é o estudo das propriedades elétricas e morfológicas e os mecanismos de transporte eletrônico de cargas no PEDOT:PSS, uma blenda polimérica que consiste de um policátion condutivo, o poli(3,4- etilenodioxitiofeno) (PEDOT) e do poliânion poli(estirenosulfonado) (PSS). PEDOT:PSS é amplamente usado como material de eletrodo em aplicações na área de eletrônica plástica, como mencionado anteriormente. Apesar da condutividade elétrica dos filmes finos de PEDOT:PSS possa variar várias ordens de grandeza, dependendo do método pela qual é processado e transformado em filme fino, as razões para este comportamento é essencialmente desconhecido. Esta tese descreve um estudo detalhado do transporte eletrônico de cargas anisotrópico e sua correlação com a morfologia, as condições e as dimensões da separação de fase entre os dois materiais, PEDOT e PSS. Antes de abordar as propriedades do PEDOT:PSS, uma camada de filme fino inorgânica usada para aumentar o tempo de vida de dispositivos orgânicos é descrita no Capítulo 2. Um importante mecanismo de degradação em LEDs poliméricos é a fotooxidação da camada ativa. Assim, isolar a camada ativa da água, oxigênio e luz, torna-se crucial para o aumento do tempo de vida. Um sistema de deposição química a partir da fase de vapor estimulada por plasma (PECVD) é usado para depositar filmes finos de nitreto de carbono em baixas temperaturas, menores que 100 °C, sobre PLEDs com a intenção de aumentar o tempo de vida destes dipositivos e diminuir a fotodegradação do poli[2-metoxi-5- (2-etil-hexiloxi)-p-fenileno vinileno] (MEH-PPV) em ambiente atmosférico. O filme fino de nitreto de carbono possui as características de um material que pode bloquear a umidade e que tem espessura e flexibilidade adequados para a nova geração de PLEDs flexíveis. As características dos filmes finos de nitreto de carbono e MEH-PPV foram investigadas usando-se técnicas de espectroscopia ótica, com particular ênfase no processo de degradação do MEHPPV sob iluminação. Os resultados mostraram que o filme fino de nitreto de carbono protege o filme polimérico e diminui consideravelmente a fotooxidação. Para avaliar o efeito do encapsulamento em dispositivos reais, LEDs poliméricos foram fabricados e pelas curvas de corrente-tensão um aumento no tempo de vida é confirmado quando a camada de nitreto de carbono é presente. O tempo de vida desejado, maior que 10.000 horas, para aplicações comerciais não foi atingido, entretanto, o encapsulamento pode ser melhorado otimizando as propriedades da camada de nitreto de carbono e combinando-as com camadas de outros materiais orgânicos e inorgânicos. Os capítulos seguintes deste trabalho aborda os estudos realizados com o PEDOT:PSS, uma vez que é amplamente usado em eletrônica orgânica, mas relativamente tem recebido pouca atenção com respeito ao transporte eletrônico de cargas, bem como sua correlação com a morfologia. No Capítulo 3, experimentos com microscopia de varredura por sonda (SPM, Scanning Probe Microscopy) e medidas de condutividade macroscópica são utilizados para estudar e obter um modelo 3D morfológico completo que explica, qualitativamente, a condutividade anisotrópica observada nos filmes finos de PEDOT:PSS depositados pela técnica de spin coating. Imagens topográficas de microscopia de varredura por tunelamento (STM) e imagens da seção transversal observadas com o microscópio de forca atômica (X-AFM) revelaram que o filme fino polimérico é organizado em camadas horizontais de partículas planas ricas em PEDOT, separadas por lamelas quasi-contínuas de PSS. Na direção vertical, lamelas horizontais do isolante PSS reduzem a condutividade e impõe o transporte eletrônico a ser realizado por saltos em sítios vizinhos próximos (nn-H, nearest-neighbor hopping) nas lamellas de PSS. Na direção lateral, o transporte eletrônico via saltos 3D em sítios a longas distâncias (3D-VRH, variable range hopping) ocorre entre as ilhas ricas em PEDOT que são separadas por barreiras muito mais finas de PSS, causando um aumento da condutividade nesta direção. Esta discussão é estendida ao Capítulo 4 com uma descrição quantitativa do transporte eletrônico de cargas predominantes. Particularmente, é demonstrado que o transporte de cargas via saltos 3D em sítios a longas distâncias ocorre entre ilhas ricas em PEDOT e não entre segmentos isolados de PEDOT ou dopantes na direção lateral, enquanto que na direção vertical o transporte de cargas via saltos em sítios vizinhos próximos ocorre dentro das lamelas do quasi-isolante PSS. Em algumas aplicações, faz-se necessário usar PEDOT:PSS com alta condutividade elétrica. Isso pode ser feito adicionando-se sorbitol à solução aquosa de PEDOT:PSS. Após um tratamento térmico, e dependendo da quantidade de sorbitol adicionado, a condutividade aumenta várias ordens de grandeza e as causas e consequências de tal comportamento foram investigadas neste trabalho. O Capítulo 5 investiga as várias propriedades tecnológicas do PEDOT:PSS altamente condutivo tratado com sorbitol, tais como a própria condutividade, os efeitos dos tratamentos térmicos e exposição à umidade. É observado que o aumento da condutividade elétrica, devido à adição de sorbitol na solução aquosa, é acompanhado por uma melhoria na estabilidade da condutividade elétrica em condições atmosféricas. Surpreendentemente, a condutividade elétrica do PEDOT:PSS, sem tratamento com sorbitol (~ 10-3 S/cm), aumenta mais de uma ordem de grandeza sob ambiente úmido de 30-35 % umidade relativa. Este efeito é atribuido a uma contribuição iônica à condutividade total. Análise Temogravimetrica (TGA), espectrometria de massa com sonda de inserção direta (DIP-MS) e análise calorimétrica diferencialmodulada (MDSC) foram usadas como técnicas adicionais para o entendimento dos estudos deste Capítulo. No Capítulo 6, microscopia de varredura por sonda-Kelvin (SKPM) foi empregada para medir o potencial de superfície dos filmes finos de PEDOT:PSS tratados com diferentes concentrações de sorbitol. Mostra-se que a mudança no potencial de superfície é consistente com uma redução de PSS na superfície do filme fino. Para estudar o transporte eletrônico nos filmes finos de PEDOT:PSS altamente condutivos tratados com sorbitol, o Capítulo 7 usa medidas de temperatura e campo elétrico em função da conduvitidade correlacionados com analises morfológicas realizadas por STM. É observado que o transporte eletrônico por saltos, na direção lateral, muda de 3D-VRH para 1D-VRH quando o PEDOT:PSS é tratado com sorbitol. Esta transição é explicada por uma auto-organização das ilhas ricas em PEDOT em agregados 1D, devido ao tratamento com sorbitol, tornando-se alinhadas em domínios micrométricos, como observado pelas imagens de STM. / Employing the unique mechanical, electronic, and optical properties of the conjugated organic and polymer materials several technological and commercial applications have been developed, such as sensors, memories, solar cells and light-emitting diodes (LEDs). In this respect, the central theme of this thesis is the electrical conductivity and mechanisms of charge transport in PEDOT:PSS, a polymer blend that consists of a conducting poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polycation (PEDOT) and a poly(styrenesulfonate) polyanion (PSS). PEDOT:PSS is omnipresent as electrode material in plastic electronics applications mentioned above. Although the conductivity of PEDOT:PSS can vary by several orders of magnitude, depending on the method by which it is processed into a thin film, the reason for this behavior is essentially unknown. This thesis describes a detailed study of the anisotropic charge transport of PEDOT:PSS and its correlation with the morphology, the shape, and the dimension of the phase separation between the two components, PEDOT and PSS. Before addressing the properties of PEDOT:PSS, a new barrier layer is described in Chapter 2 that enhances the lifetime of organic devices. An important degradation mechanism in polymer LEDs is photo-oxidation of the active layer. Hence, isolating the active layer from water and oxygen is crucial to the lifetime. Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) is used to deposit a thin layer of carbon nitride at low deposition temperatures, below 100 °C, on a polymer LED that uses poly[2-methoxy-5-(2´-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4- phenylene vinylene] (MEH-PPV) as active layer. A thin layer of carbon nitride acts as barrier for humidity, but is still sufficiently bendable to be used in flexible polymer LEDs. The characteristics of carbon nitride and MEH-PPV films have been investigated using optical spectroscopy, with particular emphasis on the degradation process of MEH-PPV under illumination. The measurements show that the carbon nitride coating indeed protects the polymer film and diminishes the photo-oxidation considerably. To study the effect of the encapsulation in real devices, polymer LEDs were made and their current-voltage characteristics confirm the enhanced lifetime in the presence of a carbon nitride barrier layer. However, the target, a lifetime of more than 10,000 hours for commercial applications, was not achieved. The remaining chapters of this thesis describe the investigations of PEDOT:PSS. PEDOT:PSS is widely used in organic electronics. So far, relatively little attention has, been paid to the mechanisms of charge transport in this material and the correlation of those properties to the morphology. In Chapter 3, scanning probe microscopy (SPM) and macroscopic conductivity measurements are used to obtain a full 3D morphological model that explains, qualitatively, the observed anisotropic conductivity of spin coated PEDOT:PSS thin films. Topographic scanning probe microscopy (STM) and cross-sectional atomic force microscopy images (X-AFM) reveal that the thin film is organized in horizontal layers of flattened PEDOT-rich particles that are separated by quasi-continuous PSS lamella. In the vertical direction, the horizontal PSS insulator lamellas lead to a reduced conductivity and impose nearest-neighbor hopping (nn-H) transport. In the lateral direction, 3D variable-range hopping (3D-VRH) transport takes place between PEDOT-rich clusters which are separated by much thinner barriers, leading to an enhanced conductivity in this direction. This discussion is extended in Chapter 4, where a quantitative description of the length scales of the predominant transport is obtained. Particularly, it is demonstrated that the hopping process takes place between PEDOT-rich islands and not between single PEDOT segments or dopants in the lateral direction, whilst in the vertical direction the current limiting hopping transport occurs between dilute states inside the quasi-insulating PSS lamellas. By a post-treatment it is possible to modify PEDOT:PSS to raise its conductivity, by orders of magnitude. Typically, the addition of sorbitol to the aqueous dispersion of PEDOT:PSS that is used to deposit thin films via spin coating leads to an enhancement of the conductivity after thermal annealing. The causes and consequences of such behavior were investigated in detail. Chapter 5 describes the various properties of the highly conductive sorbitol-treated PEDOT:PSS, such as the conductivity itself, and the effects of thermal annealing and exposure to moisture. It is found that the conductivity enhancement upon addition of sorbitol is accompanied by a better environmental stability. Surprisingly, the electrical conductivity of PEDOT:PSS thin films without sorbitol treatment is increased by more than one order of magnitude in an environment with more than 30-35 % relative humidity. This effect is attributed to an ionic contribution to the overall conductivity. Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), direct insert probe-mass spectrometry (DIP-MS) and modulation differential scanning calorimetry (MDSC) were used as additional tools to demonstrate that, after thermal treatment, the concentration of sorbitol in the final PEDOT:PSS layer is negligibly small. In Chapter 6, scanning Kelvin probe microscopy (SKPM) is employed to measure the surface potential and work function of this PEDOT:PSS films that were deposited from water with different sorbitol concentrations. It is shown that work function of PEDOT:PSS is reduced with increasing sorbitol concentration. This shift can be explained by and is in agreement with- a reduction in the surface enrichment with PSS of the film. To study the charge transport properties of the highly conductive sorbitoltreated PEDOT:PSS films, temperature dependent and electric field dependent measurements are correlated with morphological analysis by STM in Chapter 7. It is found that by sorbitol treatment the hopping transport changes from 3DVRH to 1D-VRH. This transition is explained by a sorbitol-induced selforganization of the PEDOT-rich grains into 1D aggregates that are aligned within micrometer sized domains, as observed in STM images.
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Caractérisation de matériaux moléculaires amorphes pour optimiser leur préparation et leurs applicationsLaventure, Audrey 03 1900 (has links)
Les matériaux moléculaires amorphes, aussi appelés verres moléculaires, sont constitués de molécules organiques de petite taille capables de s’organiser de façon désordonnée. En plus de présenter certaines des propriétés analogues à celles des polymères, ils offrent des avantages supplémentaires, puisqu’ils sont des espèces isomoléculaires dont la synthèse, la purification et la mise en œuvre sont facilitées par leur viscosité relativement faible. Toutefois, la préparation souvent exigeante de ces matériaux et leur durée de vie utile limitée par leur tendance à relaxer vers l’état cristallin demeurent des obstacles à leur utilisation pour certaines applications, e.g. opto-électronique, nanolithographie, pharmaceutique. Le développement de stratégies visant à faciliter la préparation de la phase vitreuse et éviter sa cristallisation est donc essentiel à la conception de matériaux moléculaires amorphes fonctionnels. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’établir des relations entre la structure moléculaire des verres moléculaires et leurs propriétés. Pour y arriver, différentes librairies de composés modèles, des dérivés analogues de triazine ayant démontré une excellente capacité à former une phase vitreuse, sont utilisées pour i) déterminer l’influence de la nature et de la position des groupements sur la triazine; ii) explorer l’influence des liaisons hydrogène sur les propriétés des verres lorsque leur structure comporte des groupements fonctionnels reconnus pour faciliter la cristallisation et lorsque leurs conditions de préparation se rapprochent de celles employées en industrie et iii) exploiter la phase amorphe afin d’étudier la photosensibilité des azobenzènes (azo) en vue d’optimiser leur utilisation dans des applications. Tout d’abord, l’influence des différents groupes substituants sur la triazine (groupements de tête, auxiliaires et liants) sur la capacité des composés à former une phase vitreuse (GFA), sur sa stabilité cinétique (GS) et sur sa température de transition vitreuse (Tg) est étudiée. Un système de classification des composés développé à partir de mesures de calorimétrie différentielle à balayage (DSC) et des mesures de spectroscopie infrarouge (IR) à température variable combinées à des analyses chimiométriques facilitent la rationalisation des rôles joués par chaque groupe. L’impact des liaisons hydrogène (H), de la barrière énergétique de rotation et de l’encombrement stérique des groupements est ainsi déterminé, permettant de conclure que le groupe de tête est le plus influent et que la présence de liaisons H n’est pas essentielle au GFA mais qu’elle est importante pour obtenir une Tg élevée. Ensuite, l’influence des liaisons H sur les propriétés des verres se rapprochant de ceux exploités dans l’industrie est explorée. Des mesures de spectroscopie IR à température variable, de DSC et de résolution de structures cristallines ont permis de conclure que les liaisons H réussissent à nuire à la cristallisation des composés et ce, même s’ils sont simultanément fonctionnalisés avec des motifs qui favorisent la cristallisation (empilements π-π entre dérivés stilbènes fluorés et non fluorés). De plus, trois composés analogues fonctionnalisés avec un groupement de tête possédant une capacité décroissante à établir des liaisons H (donneur, accepteur, aucune) ont été déposés en phase vapeur (PVD), une technique employée entre autres dans l’industrie opto-électronique pour évaluer leur capacité à former des verres ultrastables. Les films ainsi préparés présentent tous des propriétés similaires à celles des verres ultrastables précédemment étudiés, telles qu’une plus grande densité et anisotropie, et sont tous plus stables que ceux préparés par refroidissement à partir de l’état liquide. Toutefois, le verre formé du composé avec un groupement de tête donneur de liaisons H est moins stable que les autres d’au moins un ordre de grandeur, suggérant que les liaisons H limitent le niveau de stabilité atteignable par PVD. Finalement, un verre à base de triazine fonctionnalisé avec un groupement azo est employé pour étudier d’un point de vue moléculaire les perturbations provoquées par la photoisomérisation de l’azo. Grâce à une nouvelle méthode de spectroscopie IR, il est possible d’observer un gradient d’environnement moléculaire le long de la molécule lors de la photoisomérisation, permettant de soutenir certaines hypothèses relatives au déplacement macroscopique de la matière qui en résulte. Les mélanges de verres à base de triazine servent aussi de plateforme idéale pour découpler l’influence de la Tg et du contenu en azo sur la photo-orientation de l’azo, mais aussi sur la cinétique d’écriture et l’efficacité des réseaux de diffraction (SRG). Ce travail permet ainsi de déterminer une zone optimale de Tg pour l’inscription de SRG. Ces nouvelles connaissances mèneront à la conception plus rationnelle de nouveaux verres moléculaires, pouvant s’étendre à d’autres matériaux amorphes. / Amorphous molecular materials, also known as molecular glasses, are small organic molecules capable of being organized in a disordered manner. In addition to sharing some of the useful properties of polymers, they offer additional advantages because they are isomolecular species for which synthesis, purification and processing are facilitated by a relatively low viscosity. However, the usually demanding preparation conditions of these materials and their limited functional lifetime due to their tendency to relax to the crystalline state remain obstacles to their use for certain applications, e.g. opto-electronics, nanolithography, pharmaceuticals. The development of strategies to facilitate the preparation of the vitreous phase and avoid its crystallization is therefore essential for the design of functional amorphous molecular materials. The main objective of this thesis is to establish relationships between the molecular structure of molecular glasses and their properties. To achieve it, various libraries of model compounds, analogues of triazine derivatives that have demonstrated excellent glass-forming ability, are used to i) determine the influence of the nature and the position of the groups on the triazine; ii) explore the influence of hydrogen (H) bonds on the properties of glasses when their structure includes functional groups known to facilitate crystallization and when their preparation conditions are similar to those used in industry; and iii) exploit the amorphous phase in order to study the photoresponsiveness of azobenzenes (azo) in order to optimize their use in different applications. The influence of the various substituent groups on the triazine (headgroup, ancillary and linkers) on the glass-forming ability (GFA), the kinetic glass stability (GS) and the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the compounds is first studied. A classification system based on differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and variable temperature infrared spectroscopy (IR) measurements combined to chemometrics analyses facilitate the rationalization of the roles played by each group. The impact of the H-bonds, the energy of the rotation barrier, and the steric hindrance of the groups is determined, leading to the conclusion that the headgroup is the most influential group and that the presence of H-bonds is not essential to the GFA, but important to obtain a high Tg.
The influence of the H-bonds on the properties of glasses approaching those exploited in industry is then explored. Variable temperature IR spectroscopy measurements, DSC studies, and single crystal structure resolution have led to the conclusion that H-bonds impede the crystallization of the compounds even though they are simultaneously functionalized with moieties that promote crystallization (π-π stacking between fluorinated and non-fluorinated stilbene groups). In addition, three similar compounds functionalized with a headgroup presenting a decreasing capability to establish H-bonds (donor, acceptor, none) were vapor-deposited (PVD), a technique used, among others, in the opto-electronic industry, to evaluate their capability to form ultrastable glasses. These PVD glasses all show properties that are similar to those previously reported for ultrastable glasses, including higher density and anisotropy, and are all more kinetically stable than glasses prepared by cooling from the viscous state. However, the PVD glasses prepared with a H-bond donor headgroup are less stable than the others by at least an order of magnitude, suggesting that H-bonds limit the level of kinetic stability achievable by PVD. Finally, a triazine molecular glass functionalized with an azo group is used to study, from a molecular point of view, the perturbations caused by the photoisomerization of the azo. A new IR spectroscopy method was developed to observe a molecular environment gradient along the molecule during photoisomerization, making it possible to support certain hypotheses concerning the resulting macroscopic transport of the material. Triazine-based molecular glass blends are also used as an ideal platform for decoupling the influence of Tg and azo content on the azo photo-orientation, but also on the inscription kinetics and the diffraction efficiency of surface relief gratings (SRGs). This work enables the determination of an optimal Tg range for the inscription of SRGs. Altogether, these new insights will lead to a more rational design of new molecular glasses, which can extend to other amorphous molecular materials.
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Studies on AgInS2 Films as Absorber Layer for Heterojunction Solar CellsSunil, Maligi Anantha January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Currently conventional sources like coal, petroleum and natural gas meet the energy requirements of developing and undeveloped countries. Over a period of time there is high risk of these energy sources getting depleted. Hence an alternate source of energy i.e. renewable energy is the need of the hour. The advantages of renewable energy like higher sustainability, lesser maintenance, low cost of operation, and minimal impact on the environment make the role of renewable energy sources significant. Out of the various renewable energy sources like solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, biogas, tidal and geothermal, usage of solar energy is gradually increasing. Among various solar energy sources, Photovoltaics has dominated over the past two decades since it is free clean energy and availability of abundant sunlight on earth.
Over the past few decades, thin film solar cells (TFSC) have gained considerable interest as an economically feasible alternative to conventional silicon (Si) photovoltaic devices. TFSCs have the potential to be as efficient as Si solar cells both in terms of conversion efficiency as well as cost. The advantages of TFSC are that they are easy to prepare, lesser thickness, requires lesser materials, light weight, low cost and opto-electronic properties can be tuned by varying the process parameters. The present study is focused on the fabrication of AgInS2/ZnS heterojunction thin film solar cell. AgInS2 absorber layer is deposited using both vacuum (sputtering/sulfurization) and non-vacuum (ultrasonic spray pyrolysis) techniques. ZnS window layer is prepared using thermal evaporation technique, detailed experimental investigation has been conducted and the results have been reported in this work. The thesis is divided into 6 chapters.
Chapter 1 gives general introduction about solar cells and working principle of solar cell. It also discusses thin film solar cell technology and its advantages. Layers of thin film solar cell structure, Significance of each layers and possible materials to be used are emphasized. A detailed overview of the available literature on both AgInS2 absorber layer and ZnS window layer has been presented. Based on the literature review, objectives of the present work are defined.
Chapter 2 explains the theory and experimental details of deposition techniques used for the growth of AgInS2 and ZnS films. Details of characterization techniques to study film properties are described in detail.
Chapter 3 presents a systematic study of AgInS2 thin films deposited by sulfurization of sputtered Ag-In metallic precursors. Initially, AgInS2 films are deposited by varying the substrate temperature and properties of as-deposited films are characterized. Structural, morphological, electrical and optical properties of AgInS2 films are explained. From these studies, samples with better properties at particular substrate temperature are optimized. By fixing the substrate temperature, deposition time of silver is varied by keeping other deposition conditions same and the properties of films are discussed. It was observed that deposition time of silver doesn’t have much impact on structural properties of AgInS2 films. However, opto-electric properties of AgInS2 films are enhanced. Based on characterization studies, deposition time of silver is optimized. Deposition time of indium is varied by keeping substrate temperature and silver deposition to optimized value. The properties of as-deposited films are discussed. Based on the above studies, the optimized p type films have a band gap of 1.64 eV, carrier concentration of 1013 ions/cm3 and Resistivity of order 103 Ω-cm.
Chapter 4 presents a systematic study of AgInS2 thin films deposited by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis. AgInS2 films are deposited by varying the substrate temperature and properties of as deposited films are characterized. Structural, morphological, electrical and optical properties of AgInS2 films are explained. From these studies, samples with better properties at particular substrate temperature are optimized. By fixing the substrate temperature, concentration of silver molarity in the precursor solution is varied by keeping other deposition conditions same and the properties of films are discussed. Structural, optical and electrical properties of AgInS2 films are
enhanced with the increase in silver concentration. Based on characterization studies, concentration of silver is optimized. Similarly concentration of indium molarity in the precursor solution is varied and the properties of as-deposited films are discussed. Finally, sulfur molarity in the precursor solution is varied and properties of films are discussed. It was observed that increasing sulfur after certain limit does not have any effect on the properties of the films. Based
on the above studies, this method resulted in the films with resistivity of 103 Ω-cm and band gap of 1.64 eV. These films showed a carrier concentration of 1013 ions/cm3.
Chapter 5 describes the growth of ZnS films using thermal evaporation technique. Influence of thickness on the properties of ZnS films is explained. Samples with good crystallinity, high transmission, and wider gap are selected for device fabrication. This p type layer showed a band gap of 3.52 eV. Solar cells have been fabricated using the AgInS2 films developed by both sputtering and ultrasonic spray pyrolysis techniques. A maximum cell efficiency of 0.92 percent has been achieved for the cell with 0.950 µm thick sputtered AgInS2 layer and thermally evaporated 42 nm thick ZnS layer. In comparison, the ultrasonic spray pyrolysis deposited films gave an efficiency of 0.54 percent. These values are comparable to those mentioned in a couple of reports earlier.
Chapter 6 summarizes the conclusions drawn from the present investigations and scope of future work is suggested.
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"Developing Device Quality Vanadium Dioxide Thin Films for Infrared Applications"Bharathi, R January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Vanadium oxides are being used as the thermal sensing layer because of their applications in infrared detectors. They have high temperature coefficient of resistance, favorable electrical resistance and compatibility with the MEMS technology. Of all oxides of vanadium, only vanadium dioxide (VO2)has been highly investigated as it shows first order transition (semiconducting to metal transition-SMT)at 68 oC. First order transition is understood as the sharp change in the electrical resistance. The change in resistivity in this case is of the order of 105 over a temperature change of 0.1 oC at 68 oC in a single crystal. Doping vanadium oxides with elements like Mo and W reduce the transition temperature. This is very important for room temperature electrical and optical detection. Though most of the research groups subscribe to PLD, cost-effective methods with large area deposition are major focus of this research. Hence for synthesizing VO2 in bulk and thin films, Solution Combustion Synthesis (SCS), Ultrasonic Nebulized Spray Pyrolysis of Aqueous Combustion Mixture (UNSPACM) Chemical vapour deposition (CVD)and microwave are explored. Synthesis of doped VO2 films in CVD has not been done extensively to yield optical quality thin films.
Chapter I surveys the use of phase transition in oxides system for a variety of practical applications. In particular, Vanadium dioxide (VO2) is chosen as it is found to be very useful for infrared and metamaterials based applications. VO2 is known for its first-order semiconducting to metallic transition (SMT). This chapter attempts to explain the influence of processing, doping, annealing, etc on the SMT characteristics. Important aspects such as the idea of hysteresis in VO2 and similarity to martensitic transformation are discussed. The scope and objectives of the thesis are discussed here.
Chapter II explains in detail the materials and methods used to synthesize VO2 both in bulk and in thin lm form and methods used to study their characteristics. Brief description on the principle and the working of the home-built experimental set up needed for this study is elicited.
In chapter III, attempts were made to understand the phase stability of VO2 and the evolution of crystal structures during the phase transition. VO2 crystallizes in P21/c space group at room temperatures with lattice parameters a=5.752 Ab=4.526 Ac=5.382 Aα=90 β=122.60 γ=90 . Precise control of synthesis parameters is required in stabilizing pure phase in bulk as well as thin lm form. This study focuses on the novel large scale two step synthesis of VO2 using Solution Combustion Synthesis. This involves synthesis of product utilizing redox reaction between metal nitrate and suitable fuel. Generally the products are nanocrystalline in nature due to self-propagation of the exothermic combustion reaction. First step involved the synthesis of V2O5 by combustion reaction between Vanadyl nitrate and urea. In the second step, the as-synthesized V2O5 has been reduced by a novel reduction technique to form monophasic VO2. The presence of competing phases like M1, M2, M3 and R are investigated by XRD, Raman spectroscopy, DSC, Optical and high temperature X-ray diffraction.
Chapter IV deals with the reduction in phase transition temperature by doping the SCS synthesized VO2 with W and Mo. Effect of doping on the transition temperature was studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) in both W and Mo. Electrical characteristics of Mo doped VO2 and Optical characteristics of the W-doped VO2 were also studied using four probe resistivity measurements and UV-VIS Spectroscopy respectively. W addition was found to be more effective in reducing the phase transition temperature. To understand further more on the W addition, X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy measurements were performed. W-addition alters the V4+-V4+ bonding and with W addition it is observed that V was present in V3+state. W was present in W6+ state. The addition of W to VO2 introduces more electrons to the systems and disturbs the V4+-V4+ thus reducing the phase transition temperature of VO2.
Chapter V describes the large scale, large area deposition of thin films of VO2 by a cost effective method. A novel technique to deposit vanadium dioxide thin films namely, UNSPACM is developed. This simple two-step process involves synthesis of a V2O5 lm on an LaAlO3(LAO) substrate followed by a controlled reduction to form single phase VO2. The formation of M1 phase (P21/c) is confirmed by Raman spectroscopic studies. A thermally activated metal{insulator transition (MIT) was observed at 61 oC, where the resistivity changes by four orders of magnitude. The infrared spectra also show a dramatic change in reflectance from 13% to over 90% in the wavelength range of 7-15 m. This indicates the suitability of the films for optical switching applications at infrared frequencies. A trilayer metamaterial absorber, composed of a metal structure/dielectric spacer/vanadium dioxide (VO2) ground plane, is shown to switch reversibly between reflective and absorptive states as a function of temperature. The VO2 lm, which changes its conductivity by four orders of magnitude across an insulator{metal transition, enables the switching by forming a resonant absorptive structure at high temperatures while being inactive at low temperatures. The fabricated metamaterial shows a modulation of the reflectivity levels of 58% at a frequency of 22.5 THz and 57% at a frequency of 34.5 THz.
Chapter VI explains the W doped VO2 thin films synthesized by UN-SPACM. Morphology of the thin films was found to be consisting of globular and porous nanoparticles having size 20 nm. Transition temperature decreased with the addition of W. 1.8 at. %W doping in VO2 transition temperature has reduced upto 25 oC. It is noted that W-doping in the pro-cess of reducing the transition temperature, alters the local structure and also increases room temperature carrier concentration. The presence of W, as was seen in Chapter IV, altered V4+-V4+ bonds and introduced V3+. W was found to be in W6+ state suggesting W addition increased the carrier concentration. Hall Effect measurements suggested the increased carrier con-centration.
The roughness of the synthesized films were very high for them to be of de-vice quality, despite encouraging results obtained by electrical measurements. Hence in order to further improve the smoothness and thereby the optical quality of thin films, Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) is employed.
Chapter VII outlines the effect of processing parameters and post pro-cessing annealing on the semiconductor-metallic transition of VO2. Here in this chapter, the influence of substrate temperature on the SMT properties of VO2 is explored. At different substrate temperatures, the percentage of phase fraction of V in V3+, 4+ and V5+ differed. Besides, the morphology also varied with substrate temperatures. Similarly it is observed that with annealing the VO2 film deposited on glass substrates, SMT properties enhanced which was attributed to filling out of oxygen vacancies. Si based substrates and non-Si based substrates were used for depositing VO2 thin films by CVD. Their temperature coefficient of resistance and SMT properties were studied in order to understand their potential in bolometer and thermal to optical valve based applications.
Chapter VIII involves the study of VO2 thin films for thermal to optical valves. ITO coated glass substrates were used for the purpose. Thin films were deposited by both UNSPACM and CVD. It was observed that the reflectivity pro les of the films synthesized by the above said methods were very different. Hence in the process of understanding the huge difference in the reflectivity pro les, classical harmonic oscillator, Lorentzian model was employed to t the experimental data at room temperature whereas Drude-Lorentzian model was used to t the data at higher temperature (at 100 oC- after transition). With this fitting plasma frequencies of the CVD films were calculated. It was observed that defect chemistry of films synthesized by these methods were different.
In order to further improve the smoothness of the films, microwave method was proposed in Chapter IX. The preliminary results showed the presence of uniform spheres and 3 D hierarchical structures of VO2 consisting of nanorods. This was extended to deposit VO2 thin films on ITO. DSC and Infrared reflectance pro le of VO2 nanopowder suggested the phase transition.
Chapter X summarizes the work done for the thesis and provides insights to the applications and to the future work.
The work reported in this thesis has been carried out by the candidate as part of the Ph.D.program. She hopes that this would constitute a worth-while contribution towards development of VO2 thin film technology and its challenges for reliable infrared device applications.
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