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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays on DSGE Models and Bayesian Estimation

Kim, Jae-yoon 11 June 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores the theory and practice of sovereignty. I begin with a conceptual analysis of sovereignty, examining its theological roots in contrast with its later influence in contestations over political authority. Theological debates surrounding God’s sovereignty dealt not with the question of legitimacy, which would become important for political sovereignty, but instead with the limits of his ability. Read as an ontological capacity, sovereignty is coterminous with an existent’s activity in the world. As lived, this capacity is regularly limited by the ways in which space is produced via its representations, its symbols, and its practices. All collective appropriations of space have a nomos that characterizes their practice. Foucault’s account of “biopolitics” provides an account of how contemporary materiality is distributed, an account that can be supplemented by sociological typologies of how city space is typically produced. The collective biopolitical distribution of space expands the range of practices that representationally legibilize activity in the world, thereby expanding the conceptual limits of existents and what it means for them to act up to the borders of their capacity, i.e., to practice sovereignty. The desire for total authorial capacity expresses itself in relations of domination and subordination that never erase the fundamental precarity of subjects, even as these expressions seek to disguise it. I conclude with a close reading of narratives recounting the lives of residents in Chicago’s Englewood, reading their activity as practices of sovereignty which manifest variously as they master and produce space. / Ph. D. / For an empirical analysis the statistical model implied in the theoretical model is crucial. The statistical model is simply the set of probabilistic assumptions imposed on the data, and invalid probabilistic assumptions undermines the reliability of statistical inference, rendering the empirical analysis untrustworthy. Hence, for securing trustworthy evidence one should always validate the implicit statistical model before drawing any empirical result from a theoretical model. This perspective is used to shed light on a widely used category of macroeconometric models known as Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) Models. Using U.S. time-series data, the paper demonstrates that a widely used econometric model for the U.S. economy is severely statistically misspecified; almost all of its probabilistic assumptions are invalid for the data. The paper proceeds to respecify the implicit statistical model behind the theoretical model with a view to secure its statistical adequacy (validity of its probabilistic assumptions). Using the respecified statistical model, the paper calls into question the literature evaluating the theoretical adequacy of current DSGE models, ignoring the fact that such evaluations are untrustworthy because they are based on statistically unreliable procedures.

Qualidade de escarola minimamente processada em função de métodos de conservação / Quality of minimally processed escarole as function of conservation methods

Soares, Carlos Dornelles Ferreira 22 August 2016 (has links)
A escarola é uma das hortaliças folhosas mais consumidas em saladas, considerada um alimento rico em nutrientes e compostos antioxidantes. Devido ao seu preparo trabalhoso, este vegetal apresenta forte potencial para o mercado de produtos minimamente processados, porém, este produto apresenta escurecimento nas folhas durante o armazenamento. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a influência do armazenamento refrigerado, atmosfera modificada passiva e da aplicação de antioxidantes sobre os aspectos de qualidade da escarola minimamente processada. Foram realizados três experimentos. No primeiro experimento, foi avaliado o efeito do armazenamento em quatro temperaturas 0, 5, 10 e 15°C, por 20 dias a 90-95% UR. No segundo, avaliou-se a utilização da atmosfera modificada passiva pelo acondicionamento do produto em quatro embalagens plásticas: policloreto de polivinila (PVC), polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD), polipropileno (PP) e polipropileno bi-orientado (BOPP), durante o armazenamento a 0°C e 90-95% UR por 20 dias. O último experimento objetivou verificar os efeitos da aplicação dos antioxidantes: ácido ascórbico 1%, ácido cítrico 1%, ácido oxálico 1% e ácido etilenodiamino tetra-acético (EDTA) 2% por 21 dias de armazenamento a 0°C e 90-95% UR. Em todos os experimentos foram realizadas as análises de cor, L, C e °h e o índice de escurecimento, teor de ácido ascórbico, teor de clorofila total e carotenoides totais, compostos fenólicos totais e perda de massa. Para o experimento de refrigeração, foram realizadas ainda, as análises de taxa respiratória e produção de etileno. Nos experimentos de embalagens e antioxidantes, foram realizados o monitoramento das concentrações internas de O2 e CO2 nas embalagens e a atividade das enzimas polifenoloxidase e peroxidase, sendo que para este último experimento, foram realizadas ainda, análises microbiológicas referentes a ausência ou presença de Salmonella, quantificação de coliformes totais e bactérias psicrotróficas durante o armazenamento. A temperatura de 0°C é a mais recomendável para a redução de perdas na qualidade da escarola, essa temperatura proporcionou redução da taxa respiratória e perda de massa, bem como foi a que manteve os maiores os teores de ácido ascórbico e de pigmentos dessa hortaliça. Sendo que não foram observados sintomas de dano por frio no produto. Dentre os filmes estudados, constatou-se que as concentrações de 16 % de oxigênio e 3% de dióxido de carbono geradas no interior do filme de PVC, proporcionaram o menor escurecimento das folhas e maior conservação dos teores de ácido ascórbico, clorofila e carotenoides totais no produto. Observou-se ainda, que a escarola minimamente processada apresenta sensibilidade a altas concentração de CO2. Para o último experimento, não foi verificada a presença de Salmonella em nenhum dos tratamentos. Entre os antioxidantes aplicados, verificou-se que o tratamento de ácido cítrico 1% é o mais indicado para conservação dos atributos de qualidade da escarola minimamente processada, por ter mantido baixo índice de escurecimento, os maiores teores de pigmentos e alto teor de ácido ascórbico, bem como ter proporcionado baixa perda de massa e desenvolvimento microbiológico dentro dos limites estabelecidos. / Escarole is one of the most consumed leafy vegetal in salads, it is considered a rich source of nutrients and antioxidant compounds. Due to his arduous preparation for consumption or preparation of dishes, this vegetable shows a strong potential for fresh cut products market, however, this product exhibits browning on its leaves during storage. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of refrigerated storage, passive modified atmosphere and the application of antioxidants on quality aspects of fresh cut escarole. Three experiments were carried out. The first experiment evaluated the effect of four storage temperatures 0, 5, 10 and 15° C, for 20 days to 90-95% RH. In the second one, the effect of the use of passive modified atmosphere was evaluated by four plastic packaging: polyvinyl chloride (PVC), low density polyethylene (LDPE), polypropylene (PP) and bi-oriented polypropylene (BOPP), during storage at 0° C and 90-95% RH for 20 days. The last experiment aimed to check the effects of the application of following antioxidants: ascorbic acid 1%, citric acid 1%, oxalic acid 1% and etilenodiamino tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) 2% for a period of 21 days of storage at 0° C and 90-95% RH. In all experiments were performed the following analysis: color by L, C and °h and observation of browning index, ascorbic acid content, total chlorophyll content, total carotenoids content, total phenolic compounds content and weight loss. For the temperature experiment, the analysis of respiratory rate and ethylene production were also carried out. In the passive modified atmosphere and the antioxidants experiments, the monitoring of concentrations of O2 and CO2 in headspace of the packages and the activity of polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase enzymes were also made, and for the last experiment, were carried out microbiological analysis concerning the absence or presence of Salmonella and total coliforms and psychrotrophic bacteria counts during storage. The temperature of 0°C is the most recommended for the reduction of losses in the fresh cut escarole quality, that temperature provided respiratory rate reduction and reduction of the weight loss as well as was the one that kept the highest contents of ascorbic acid and pigments. Symptoms of chilling injury were not observed on the product during the storage. Among the films studied, it was found that concentrations of 16% oxygen and 3% carbon dioxide generated inside the PVC film, provided the minor browning index of the leaves and better conservation of levels of ascorbic acid, chlorophyll and carotenoids. It was observed that the fresh cut escarole is sensitivity to high CO2 concentrations. In the last experiment, the presence of Salmonella was not detected on the treatments. Between antioxidants applied, it was found that the treatment of citric acid 1% is the most suitable for the conservation of the fresh cut escarole quality attributes, for keeping low browning index, the highest concentrations of pigments and high content of ascorbic acid, as well as having provided low weight loss and microbiological development within the limits.

Análise de dados de expressão gênica: normalização de microarrays e modelagem de redes regulatórias / Gene expression data analysis: microarrays and regulatory networks modelling

Fujita, André 10 August 2007 (has links)
A análise da expressão gênica através de dados gerados em experimentos de microarrays de DNA vem possibilitando uma melhor compreensão da dinâmica e dos mecanismos envolvidos nos processos celulares ao nível molecular. O aprimoramento desta análise é crucial para o avanço do conhecimento sobre as bases moleculares das neoplasias e para a identificação de marcadores moleculares para uso em diagnóstico, desenho de novos medicamentos em terapias anti-tumorais. Este trabalho tem como objetivos o desenvolvimento de modelos de análise desses dados, propondo uma nova forma de normalização de dados provenientes de microarrays e dois modelos para a construção de redes regulatórias de expressão gênica, sendo uma baseada na conectividade dinâmica entre diversos genes ao longo do ciclo celular e a outra que resolve o problema da dimensionalidade, em que o número de experimentos de microarrays é menor que o número de genes. Apresenta-se, ainda, um pacote de ferramentas com uma interface gráfica de fácil uso contendo diversas técnicas de análise de dados já conhecidas como também as abordagens propostas neste trabalho. / The analyses of DNA microarrays gene expression data are allowing a better comprehension of the dynamics and mechanisms involved in cellular processes at the molecular level. In the cancer field, the improvement of gene expression interpretation is crucial to better understand the molecular basis of the neoplasias and to identify molecular markers to be used in diagnosis and in the design of new anti-tumoral drugs. The main goals of this work were to develop a new method to normalize DNA microarray data and two models to construct gene expression regulatory networks. One method analyses the dynamic connectivity between genes through the cell cycle and the other solves the dimensionality problem in regulatory networks, meaning that the number of experiments is lower than the number of genes. We also developed a toolbox with a user-friendly interface, displaying several established statistical methods implemented to analyze gene expression data as well as the new approaches presented in this work.

The software JMulTi

Benkwitz, Alexander 03 July 2002 (has links)
Die Dissertation entwickelt und untersucht Methoden für die Analyse dynamischer Mehrgleichungsmodelle (VAR Modelle). Zuerst wird ein allgemeines Konzept für die Einbindung statistischer Prozeduren in eine menügesteuerte Software entwickelt. Die resultierende Java--Bibliothek besteht aus konfigurierbaren Oberflächenkomponenten und Funktionen, die die Kommunikation zum statistischen Softwarepaket GAUSS ermöglichen. Diese Bibliothek ist die Grundlage für die Software JMulTi, einem menügeführten Programm zur Analyse univariater und multivariater Zeitreihen. Der Einsatz von JMulTi bei der Analyse von VAR Modellen wird anschließend dokumentiert. Dazu werden für den monetären Sektor in Deutschland unrestringierte und restringierte VAR Modelle geschätzt und unterschiedliche Bootstrapkonfidenzintervallen für Impulsantworten berechnet und verglichen. Diese Intervalle sind Gegenstand einer abschließenden und detaillierten Analyse. Es wird untersucht, ob die in JMulTi verwendeten Bootstrapverfahren (und weitergehende Vorschläge wie z.B. das Subsampling) in der Lage sind, die mögliche Inkonsistenz des standardasymptotischen Verfahrens bei der Berechnung von Konfidenzintervallen für Impulsantworten zu überwinden. Eine Monte-Carlo-Studie illustriert die Leistungsfähigkeit der untersuchten Methoden. / The thesis develops and examines tools for the analysis of dynamic multi-equation models (VAR models). First, a general concept for the integration of statistic procedures into a menu controlled software is developed. The resulting Java-library consists of configurable graphical user interface components and functions, which allow communication to the statistic software package GAUSS. This library is the basis for the software JMulTi, a menu-driven program for analyzing univariate and multivariate time series. The use of JMulTi for analyzing VAR models is documented next. Unrestricted and restricted VAR models for the monetary sector of Germany are estimated and different bootstrap confidence intervals for impulse responses are computed and compared. These intervals are subject of a concluding and detailed analysis. It is examined whether the bootstrap methods used in JMulTi (and further suggestions, e.g. the subsampling) are able to overcome the possible inconsistency of the standard asymptotic method when computing confidence intervals for impulse responses. A Monte-Carlo-study illustrates the performance of the examined methods.

Aproveitamento biotecnológico do glicerol derivado da produção de biodiesel para a obtenção de biomassa e ribonucleotídeos / Biotechnological utilization of glycerol derived from biodiesel production for obtaining biomass and ribonucleotides

Juan Daniel Rivaldi Chavez 05 September 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo a utilização de glicerol, principal subproduto da produção de biodiesel, como fonte de carbono para a produção de biomassa e ribonucleotídeos de leveduras. Com este propósito, foi realizado um screening de leveduras para identificar aquelas cepas com maior capacidade de crescimento em glicerol. As leveduras Hansenula anomala CCT 2648 e Kluyveromyces marxianus var. lactis CCT 4086 apresentaram os maiores valores de fator de conversão (YX/S) e produtividade volumétrica em células (QX) sob condições fixas de glicerol (30 g/L), temperatura (30 oC) e pH (5,5). Foi também detectada a produção de etanol e ácidos orgânicos, por algumas das leveduras estudadas em meios contendo glicerol. Com base no potencial de produção de biomassa das cepas selecionadas na etapa anterior, foram realizados estudos para avaliar a influência da concentração de glicerol (10 - 50 g/L), extrato de levedura (1 - 3 g/L), pH(4,5 - 6,5) e temperatura (28 - 40oC) no crescimento destas linhagens, utilizando planejamento experimental 24. De acordo com os resultados, a levedura Hansenula anomala CCT 2648 foi selecionada para a produção de biomassa e ribonucleotídeos em experimentos conduzidos em bioreator por apresentar maior concentração de biomassa (4,59 g/L) quando comparada com a levedura Kluyveromyces marxianus var lactis CCT 4086 (3,37 g/L). Nesta fase, foi avaliada a influência da agitação (300 - 700 rpm), aeração (0,5 - 2 vvm) e concentração de glicerol (10 - 50 g/L) com o objetivo de estabelecer as melhores condições de processo, por meio de planejamento 23. Os maiores valores de YX/S (0,57- 0,60 g/g) foram obtidos nos ensaios conduzidos sob a menor concentração de glicerol (10 g/L), entretanto, o maiores valores de QX (0,44 - 0,62) foram obtidos em cultivos quando se utilizou valores de agitação superiores a 500 rpm. A análise estatística confirmou a significância das variáveis, concentração de glicerol e agitação, e permitiu estabelecer os modelos matemáticos representativos da influência destas variáveis na produção de biomassa e ribonucleotídeos por Hansenula anomala CCT 2648. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho demonstraram o potencial de utilização do glicerol derivado da fabricação de biodiesel como fonte de carbono de baixo custo para a produção de biomassa e biomoléculas, como por exemplo os ribonucleotídeos. / Glycerol is considered to be the principle sub-product derived from biodiesel production process. In this work, glycerol was used as the only carbon source for biomass accumulation and ribonucleotides production. For this purpose screening of different strains was achieved, where the yeasts defined as Hansenula anomala CCT 2648 and Kluyveromyces marxianus var. lactis CCT 4086 showed high biomass yield (Y X/S) and productivity (QX) as well as better ribonucleotides production, using an initial concentration of glycerol of 30 g/L, temperature of 30oC and pH of 5,5. In addition, ethanol and organic acids were detected during glycerol assimilation by these two studied yeasts. Since these two selected yeast showed a promising potential in biomass and ribonucleotides production, a 24 complete factorial design was employed in order to study the influence of different parameters: glycerol initial concentration (10 - 50 g/L), yeast extract initial concentration (1-3 g/L), pH (4,5 - 6,5) and temperature (28 - 40oC) on the fermentation yield and productivity. According to the obtained results, the yeast Hansenula anomala CCT 2648 achieved higher biomass production (4,59 g/L) when compared to Kluyveromyces marxianus var lactis CCT 4086 (3,37 g/L). Such fact lead to the selection of Hansenula anomala CCT 2648 for a scale-up production of ribonucleotides using a stirred stank bioreactor, where the influence of the following fermentation parameters were studied: agitation (300 - 500 rpm), air input (0,5 - 2 vvm) and glycerol initial concentration (10 - 50 g/L) using a 23 full factorial design. High values of YX/S (0,57 - 0,6 g/g) were observed when the experiments were carried out at lower glycerol concentration (10 g/L), while high values of QX (0,44 - 0,62 g/L.h) were observed at high agitation rates of 500 rpm and above. Mathematical models were also created to confirm this influence of glycerol initial concentration and bioreactor stirring on biomass and ribonucleotides production by Hansenula anomala CCT 2648. Obtained results in this work demonstrated the feasibility of using glycerol derived from biodiesel production as a promising low-value carbon source for biomass and ribonucleotides accumulation.

Aproveitamento biotecnológico do glicerol derivado da produção de biodiesel para a obtenção de biomassa e ribonucleotídeos / Biotechnological utilization of glycerol derived from biodiesel production for obtaining biomass and ribonucleotides

Chavez, Juan Daniel Rivaldi 05 September 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo a utilização de glicerol, principal subproduto da produção de biodiesel, como fonte de carbono para a produção de biomassa e ribonucleotídeos de leveduras. Com este propósito, foi realizado um screening de leveduras para identificar aquelas cepas com maior capacidade de crescimento em glicerol. As leveduras Hansenula anomala CCT 2648 e Kluyveromyces marxianus var. lactis CCT 4086 apresentaram os maiores valores de fator de conversão (YX/S) e produtividade volumétrica em células (QX) sob condições fixas de glicerol (30 g/L), temperatura (30 oC) e pH (5,5). Foi também detectada a produção de etanol e ácidos orgânicos, por algumas das leveduras estudadas em meios contendo glicerol. Com base no potencial de produção de biomassa das cepas selecionadas na etapa anterior, foram realizados estudos para avaliar a influência da concentração de glicerol (10 - 50 g/L), extrato de levedura (1 - 3 g/L), pH(4,5 - 6,5) e temperatura (28 - 40oC) no crescimento destas linhagens, utilizando planejamento experimental 24. De acordo com os resultados, a levedura Hansenula anomala CCT 2648 foi selecionada para a produção de biomassa e ribonucleotídeos em experimentos conduzidos em bioreator por apresentar maior concentração de biomassa (4,59 g/L) quando comparada com a levedura Kluyveromyces marxianus var lactis CCT 4086 (3,37 g/L). Nesta fase, foi avaliada a influência da agitação (300 - 700 rpm), aeração (0,5 - 2 vvm) e concentração de glicerol (10 - 50 g/L) com o objetivo de estabelecer as melhores condições de processo, por meio de planejamento 23. Os maiores valores de YX/S (0,57- 0,60 g/g) foram obtidos nos ensaios conduzidos sob a menor concentração de glicerol (10 g/L), entretanto, o maiores valores de QX (0,44 - 0,62) foram obtidos em cultivos quando se utilizou valores de agitação superiores a 500 rpm. A análise estatística confirmou a significância das variáveis, concentração de glicerol e agitação, e permitiu estabelecer os modelos matemáticos representativos da influência destas variáveis na produção de biomassa e ribonucleotídeos por Hansenula anomala CCT 2648. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho demonstraram o potencial de utilização do glicerol derivado da fabricação de biodiesel como fonte de carbono de baixo custo para a produção de biomassa e biomoléculas, como por exemplo os ribonucleotídeos. / Glycerol is considered to be the principle sub-product derived from biodiesel production process. In this work, glycerol was used as the only carbon source for biomass accumulation and ribonucleotides production. For this purpose screening of different strains was achieved, where the yeasts defined as Hansenula anomala CCT 2648 and Kluyveromyces marxianus var. lactis CCT 4086 showed high biomass yield (Y X/S) and productivity (QX) as well as better ribonucleotides production, using an initial concentration of glycerol of 30 g/L, temperature of 30oC and pH of 5,5. In addition, ethanol and organic acids were detected during glycerol assimilation by these two studied yeasts. Since these two selected yeast showed a promising potential in biomass and ribonucleotides production, a 24 complete factorial design was employed in order to study the influence of different parameters: glycerol initial concentration (10 - 50 g/L), yeast extract initial concentration (1-3 g/L), pH (4,5 - 6,5) and temperature (28 - 40oC) on the fermentation yield and productivity. According to the obtained results, the yeast Hansenula anomala CCT 2648 achieved higher biomass production (4,59 g/L) when compared to Kluyveromyces marxianus var lactis CCT 4086 (3,37 g/L). Such fact lead to the selection of Hansenula anomala CCT 2648 for a scale-up production of ribonucleotides using a stirred stank bioreactor, where the influence of the following fermentation parameters were studied: agitation (300 - 500 rpm), air input (0,5 - 2 vvm) and glycerol initial concentration (10 - 50 g/L) using a 23 full factorial design. High values of YX/S (0,57 - 0,6 g/g) were observed when the experiments were carried out at lower glycerol concentration (10 g/L), while high values of QX (0,44 - 0,62 g/L.h) were observed at high agitation rates of 500 rpm and above. Mathematical models were also created to confirm this influence of glycerol initial concentration and bioreactor stirring on biomass and ribonucleotides production by Hansenula anomala CCT 2648. Obtained results in this work demonstrated the feasibility of using glycerol derived from biodiesel production as a promising low-value carbon source for biomass and ribonucleotides accumulation.

Análise de seqüências var de populações naturais de Plasmodium falciparum da Amazônia Brasileira / Analysis of var sequences from natural parasite populations of Plasmodium falciparum in the Brazilian Amazon

Kirchgatter, Karin 06 March 2002 (has links)
Os genes var de Plasmodium falciparum codificam a proteína PfEMP1 expressa na superfície de eritrócitos infectados e que medeia os fenômenos de citoaderência e \"rosetting\". Ambos os fenômenos estão diretamente associados à malária grave, e seu domínio mais N-terminal, DBL1alfa, media especificamente \"rosetting\". Análise de seqüências DBL1alfa de isolados brasileiros e de outros países revelou que a similaridade entre elas não pode predizer origem geográfica. Com o objetivo de determinar se existem seqüências DBL1alfa associadas à malária grave, analisamos as seqüências DBL1alfa expressas em parasitas obtidos de pacientes brasileiros com esta manifestação clínica e encontramos que as seqüências predominantemente expressas apresentavam uma ou duas deleções de cisteínas. Significativamente, apesar de freqüentes no genoma de parasitas de pacientes com malária não grave, essas seqüências foram raramente expressas. Esses dados demonstram a primeira associação de seqüências PfEMP1 expressas e malária grave em pacientes da Amazônia Brasileira. / Plasmodium falciparum var genes code for PfEMP1, a protein expressed on the surface of infected erythrocytes, and which mediates cytoadherence and rosetting. Both phenomena are directly associated with severe malaria and the most N-terminal domain, DBL1alfa, specifically mediates rosetting. DBL1alfa sequence analysis from Brazilian and worldwide isolates revealed that sequence similarities cannot predict geographical origin. To determine whether there are DBL1alfa sequences associated with severe malaria, we examined expressed var DBL1alfa sequences in patients with severe malaria from the Brazilian Amazon and found that the predominantly expressed DBL1alfa sequences from these parasites lacked 1-2 cysteine residues. Significantly, these sequences were amply found on the genomic repertoire of parasites from patients with mild malaria and yet they were rarely expressed. These data demonstrate the first association of particular PfEMP1 expressed sequences and severe malaria in patients from the Brazilian Amazon.

Uma investigação empírica sobre as principais fontes de choques das flutuações econômicas brasileiras / An empirical investigation into the mean sources of economic fluctuation in Brazil

Pinelli, João Fernando Salazar 12 March 2010 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho é, a partir de um modelo estrutural de economia aberta novokeynesiano, determinar se as flutuações econômicas no Brasil são resultados de algumas poucas fontes principais de choques ou de muitas fontes diferentes de choques bem como as respostas dinâmicas que estes geram nas flutuações econômicas, utilizando-se da análise de decomposição de erros de Cholesky. Para isso, a analise feita nesse trabalho inicia-se com a abordagem teórica do regime de metas de inflação, situando o regime dentro do novo consenso macroeconômico. Então, a abordagem empírica para o caso brasileiro é realizada estimando-se um modelo de vetores autorregressivos (VAR) contemplando proxies que melhor representam as principais variáveis macroeconômicas brasileiras, sendo essas escolhidas a partir do estudo dos trabalhos empíricos que trataram da política monetária no Brasil em período recente. A análise dos efeitos dos choques é realizada por meio das funções de resposta ao impulso e da decomposição do erro de previsão. Os principais resultados empíricos obtidos por esse trabalho sugerem que: i) a taxa de juros se mostra como um importante instrumento para a política monetária, sendo utilizada pelo Banco Central para conter pressões sobre o hiato do produto e da inflação; ii) surpresas inflacionárias não trazem ganhos temporários em termos de um produto maior do que o nível natural; iii) a taxa de inflação mostra uma razoável persistência; iv) a taxa de inflação mostrou-se sensível a variações no câmbio. / The mean goal of this dissertation is to determine if the Brazilian output fluctuation is due to few mean sources of shocks or to several sources of shocks, using Cholesky error decomposition analysis. In order to do it, the analysis starts with a theoric approach for the inflation targeting regime, placing it into the new macroeconomic consensus. After that, the empirical approach for the Brazilian case is done by estimating an autoregressive model using proxies that best represent the mean Brazilian macroeconomic variables. These variables were chosen after a careful study of the empirical Brazilian monetary policy working papers done recently. The analysis of the shocks effects is done through both impulse-response functions and error forecast decomposition. The mean results suggest that: i) the interest rate is an important monetary policy tool and its being used by the Brazilian Central Bank in order to avoid pressures on both inflation and output gap; ii) inflation shocks does not bring gains in terms of higher product in the sort run; iii) the inflation rate has a reasonable degree of persistence; iv) the inflation rate is sensitive to exchange rate changes.

Essays on Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Vulnerability and Uncertainty / Essais sur les investissements directs étrangers, la vulnérabilité économique et l'incertitude

Razafindravaosolonirina, Romain 10 December 2018 (has links)
L'objet de la thèse est d'étudier le lien entre les différents volets de la vulnérabilité économique, définie selon les termes de Guillaumont, et le niveau d'Investissement Direct Etranger (IDE). Plus précisément, l'objectif des papiers présentés dans la thèse s'articule selon la logique suivante. Tout d'abord, il s'agit de déceler dans le cadre du premier papier les différentes formes de vulnérabilité qui affectent le niveau d'IDE. Dans un second temps, notre analyse se focalise sur le lien avec les traités d'investissements et étudie comment ces traités modifient la relation IDE - Vulnérabilité. Dans un troisième temps, notre focus concerne l'étroite relation qui existe entre l'aide au développement et les IDE, afin de préciser dans quelles mesures l'Aide et les IDE sont intimement liés. Finalement, nous abordons un spectre plus large en étudiant non plus seulement l'investissement mais aussi l'économie en général, avec un travail sur l'influence de l'incertitude de la politique économique sur les variables macroéconomiques. / The aim of the thesis is to analyze to what extent Economic Vulnerability, defined by Guillaumont, affects Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). More precisely, various papers in the thesis follow the current logic. First, It is important to unveil the relationship between various components of economic vulnerability affecting the level of FDI. Second, our analysis focus on how investment treaties modify the link FDI-Vulnerability. Third, focus on the close link between FDI and Official Development Assistance. Finally, We assess a larger spectrum by taking into account how uncertainty resulting from economic policy could affect macroeconomic aggregates.

Assimilation variationnelle de données altimétriques dans le modèle océanique NEMO : exploration de l'effet des non-linéarités dans une configuration simplifiée à haute résolution / Variational altimetric data assimilation in the oceanographic numerical model NEMO : investigation of the impact of nonlinearities in an academic configuration at high resolution

Bouttier, Pierre-Antoine 04 February 2014 (has links)
Un enjeu majeur des modèles océaniques est de représenter fidèlement les circulations méso- et subméso-échelles afin de simuler leur importante contribution dans la circulation générale et dans le budget énergétique de l'océan. La poursuite de cet objectif se traduit par une augmentation de la résolution spatiale et temporelle à la fois des modèles et des réseaux d'observation de l'océan. Cependant, à ces petites échelles, la dynamique de l'écoulement revêt un caractère fortement turbulent ou non-linéaire. Dans ce contexte, les méthodes actuelles d'assimilation de données (AD), variationnelles en particulier, sont généralement moins performantes que dans un contexte (quasi-) linéaire.L'objectif de cette thèse est d'explorer sous divers aspects le comportement des méthodes variationnelles d'AD dans un modèle d'océan non-linéaire. Pour ce faire, nous avons réalisé une série d'expériences dites "jumelles" en assimilant des données altimétriques simulées suivant les caractéristiques des satellites altimétriques Jason-1 et SARAL/AltiKA . À l'aide de ces expériences, nous analysons sous différents angles les problématiques posées par les non-linéarités à l'AD. Enfin, nous ouvrons plusieurs pistes d'amélioration de l'efficacité du système d'AD dans ce contexte.Ce travail est basé sur le logiciel de modélisation océanique NEMO, incluant la configuration de bassin océanique turbulent idéalisé SEABASS, à différentes résolutions spatiales. Dans la continuité de la plateforme de recherche en AD avec NEMO, NEMO-ASSIM, nous avons utilisé et contribué au développement de cet ensemble d'outil, comprenant, entre autre, opérateur d'observation, modèles linéaire tangent et adjoint de NEMO, permettant de mener à bien notre étude. Le système d'AD variationnelle utilisé est le logiciel NEMOVAR.Les résultats présentés tentent de lier les échelles caractéristiques des structures d'erreurs d'analyse et l'activité aux petites échelles. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé une large gamme de diagnostics, e.g. erreur quadratique moyenne spatiale et temporelle, caractéristiques des fonctions coûts, caractérisation de l'hypothèse linéaire tangente, PSD des champs d'erreurs d'analyse.Nos expériences montrent que le 4DVAR incrémental contrôle efficacement la trajectoire analysée au 1/4° pour de longues fenêtres d'AD (2 mois). Lorsque la résolution augmente, la convergence de l'algorithme apparaît plus lente voire inexistante sous certaines conditions. Cependant, l'algorithme permet encore de réduire convenablement l'erreur d'analyse. Enfin, l'algorithme 3DFGAT se révèle beaucoup moins performant, quelle que soit la résolution.De plus, nous montrons également l'importance de l'adéquation entre la circulation simulée et l'échantillonnage altimétrique, en terme d'échelles spatiales représentées, pour obtenir de meilleures performances. Enfin, nous avons exploré la stratégie de minimisation dite "progressive", permettant d'accélérer la convergence du 4DVAR à haute résolution. / A current stake for numerical ocean models is to adequately represent meso- and small-scale activity, in order to simulate its crucial role in the general ocean circulation and energy budget. It is therefore also a challenge for data assimilation (DA) methods to control these scales. However this small-scale activity is strongly linked to the nonlinear or turbulent character of the flow, whereas DA methods are generally much less efficient in such contexts than in (almost) linear ones. For variational DA methods as incremental 4DVAR, non-linearities imply convergence difficulty, the cost functions to be minimised presenting multiple local minima.The purpose of this thesis is to address this problem specifically, by exploring the behaviour of variational DA methods in a non-linear ocean model. To achieve this objective, a series of "twin" experiments assimilating simulated altimeter data, following the characteristics of altimetric satellite Jason-1 and SARAL/AltiKA, are analyzed. We also find different ways to improve efficiency of variational algorithms applied to turbulent circulations.This work is based on oceanic modelisation software called NEMO, including a idealized turbulent oceanic basin configuration, SEABASS, and DA components (e.g. Observation operator, Linear Tangent and Adjoint Models). Thanks to NEMO-ASSIM research platform, we have used and developed this set of tools. The used variational DA system itself is NEMOVAR.We present results characterizing scales and structures of the analysis error along the assimilation process, as well as tentative links with small scale activity. To study both the algorithm convergence and the analysis and forecast errors in a qualitative and quantitative way, a large spectrum of systematic diagnostics has been employed, e.g. spatial and temporal RMSE, cost function characteristics, projection of error fields on EOFs, validity of the tangent linear hypothesis, PSD of error fields.In our experiments, it appears that the incremental 4DVAR algorithm proved to be quite robust for long DA windows at eddy-permitting resolution.When the model horizontal resolution increases, the convergence of the minimisation algorithm is poorer but the 4DVAR method still controls efficiently analysis error.It has also been shown that the 4DVAR algorithm is clearly more performant than 3DFGAT for both considered resolutions.Moreover we investigate some strategies for DA in such nonlinear contexts, with the aim of reducing the analysis error. We performed so-called progressive incremental 4DVAR to improve the algorithm convergence for longer assimilation windows. Finally, we show that the adequation in represented flow scales between the model and the altimetric sampling is crucial to obtain the best error analysis reduction.

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