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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kirčio vieta kaip morfologinė priemonė bendrinėje lietuvių kalboje / Accent as Means of Morphology in Standard Lithuanian

Teresevičiūtė, Kristina 04 March 2009 (has links)
Darbe aptariami teoriniai morfonologijos dalykai sinchroninės analizės metodu, kur buvo išskirtos šios opozicijos: kirčio vieta pagal leksines, gramatines, leksines - gramatines opozicijas. Buvo nustatyti rastų opozicijų skaičiai, aprašytos tos pačios poros, pasižyminčios skirtingu intensyvumu. Pateikta žodžių skiemenų struktūra, priegaidžių ir kirčio vietos analizė. / Summary Accent as means morphfonology in Standard Lithuanian Morphonology is a branch of lingguistics that studies the phonological structure of morphemes as well as phonological changes in morphology. Thus morphonology is closely connected with several branches of linguistics – phonetics, phonoly, morphology, morphemics and syntax. The object of morphonology has always been discussed in linguistics. Initially only historical changes of phonemes were analysed, because they always to be referred to change of grammatical or lexical meaning of the world. Different positionant changes are also important in morphonology. In Lithuanian they can also be observed most often in morpheme juncture if there occurs a special phonetic position in a deficite grammatical form or derivative. In other grammatical form or derivative with a morpheme combination having been changed, the position of phonemes involved in juncture and consequently the sound adjustment change also. Changes mainualy manifest themselves as different kinds of assimilation with positional sound interchange. In Lithuanian morphological functions are inherent in syllable intonation and word or sentence strese. Morphonological functions of syllable intonation are connected with metathony – the change of intonation in cognate words. Metathony in Lithuanian functions as a means of both derivation and inflection – the change of intonation can be connected with the change of lexical and grammatical semantics. As metathony is a... [to full text]

Varliagyvių tyrimai Krekenavos regioniniame parke / Amphobians research in Krekenava regional park

Lūžaitė, Donata 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbe tiriamas varliagyvių vystymasis ir jų pasiskirstymas Krekenavos regioniniame parke. Darbo objektas – varliagyviai Krekenavos regioniniame parke Darbo tikslas – nustatyti Krekenavos regioninio parko varliagyvių rūšinę įvairovę ir jos pasiskirstymą. Darbo metodai – eksperimentas, natūralus stebėjimas, matavimas, maršrutinis metodas. Darbo rezultatai. Šiame darbe panaudota medžiaga buvo surinkta 2006.04.23, ir 2006.birželio – rugsėjo mėnesiais. Atlikus stebėjimus buvo pastebėti akivaizdūs skirtumai tarp namų ir lauko bandymo rezultatų. Kambario sąlygos, šiluma ir temperatūra nulėmė buožgalvių greitesnį vystymąsi, nei lauko sąlygomis. Namų sąlygomis buožgalvių metamorfozė nuo embriono iki buožgalvio trunka 4 dienas. Lauko sąlygomis buožgalviai vystosi panašiai, kaip ir natūraliomis sąlygomis , metamorfozė nuo embriono iki buožgalvio trunka 12 dienų. Smailiasnukės varlės ( Rana arvalis) gausiai sutinkamos pušyne. Paprastasis tritonas (Titrus vulgaris) aptinkamas tik sausuose pušynuose. Mišriame lapuočių miške – pievinės varlės (Rana temporaria). Glitėtų beržyne gausiai sutinkamos varlės ežerinė varlė (Rana ridisbunda) ir kūdrinė varlė (Rana esculenta). Senvagėje ir užtvankoje varlių pasiskirstymas nėra būdingas vienai ar kitai gyvenamajai aplinkai. Krekenavos regioniniame parke gausiausiai sutinkamos rudosios varlės, o iš jų – pievinė varlė (Rana temporaria); ji mažiausiai išranki savo gyvenamajai vietai. / This master work analyses the development of amphibians and their distribution in Krekenava regional park. The object of this work – the amphibians in Krekenava regional park. The goal of this work – to determine the variety of amphibian species in Krekenava regional park, their abundance and distribution. The objectives of this work – experiment, natural observation, measurement, route method. The results of this work. The material used in this work was collected in 2006.04.23 and June ) September period of 2006. After observation there were noticed big differences between the results achieved in experiment within outside and inside conditions. Inside conditions, warmth and temperature have caused faster development of tadpoles than within outside conditions. The methamorphosis of tadpoles within inside conditions takes 4 days. The development of tadpoles within outside conditions in their natural habitat is very similar, only in takes 12 days to develop from embryo to tadpoles. Rana arvalis are very common in pine forest. Triturus vulgaris are found only in dry pine forest. Rana temporaria are very common in leaf – bearing forests. Rana esculenta and Rana ridibunda are very common in birch forest. The distribution of frogs in the old riverbed and the, pond isn’t common for one or the other natural habitat. The most common frog species in Krekenava regional park is the brown frog species - Rana temporaria , which is the least fastidious for its natural habitat.

Kompiuterizuotos darbo vietos funkcionalumo specifikavimo modelis / Model of computerised workspace functionality specification

Misevičiūtė, Birutė 28 May 2004 (has links)
The workspace design is usually treated as a part of the user interface design without paying a lot of attention to a workspace design. Such approach works rather well when small IS, which consists of tens of functions and only few actors, is being designed. However, in such case finding optimal and fast solutions can become problematic when IS workspace is being designed for large scale IS. The purpose of this work is to present a model of computerised workspace functionality specification, using information flows specification. The creation of workspace structure is based on function hierarchy model. After making analysis of computerized workspace design and functions modeling, the function hierarchy modeling technique and process of building computerized workspace should be presented, implemented and verified. Also the CASE tool for function modeling and structure of workspace design is described.

Sigito Birgelio poezijos kraštovaizdis / Landscape in Sigitas Birgelis‘ Poetry

Stankowska, Jurgita 02 June 2014 (has links)
Darbe analizuojami Lenkijos lietuvių rašytojo Sigito Birgelio dešimt poezijos rinkinių: „Tarp krantų“ 1992, „Tarp durų ir dulkių“ 1993, „Eilėraščiai iš anapus Dievo“ 1997, „Septynios dienos, septyneri metai“ 1998, „75 eilėraščiai“ 1999, „Iš toli ir arti“ 2003, „Holograma“ 2004, „Tarp trijų Šešupės krantų“ 2005, „Visadan esma“ 2006 ir „Septintas nakty“ 2012. Pasirinktoje lyrikoje ieškoma Punsko ir Seinų krašto, Lietuvos, Lenkijos ir kitų regionų kraštovaizdžio, vietų reikšmės kultūros kontekste. Dėmesys skiriamas poeto gimtosios vietos jotvingiškajam kraštovaizdžiui. Darbe neapsiribojama žvilgsniu į kaimo vietas, pasižyminčias aiškiu kultūros vaizdiniu, bet tiriama ir miesto topografija. Poeto kuriamas individualus žemėlapis lyrikoje atveria ribos vaizdinį, kurį formuoja gyvenimas prie dviejų valstybių – Lenkijos ir Lietuvos ribos. / This paper analyses ten collections of poems written by Lithuanian poet living in Poland Sigitas Birgelis: „Tarp krantų” (1992), „Tarp durų ir dulkių” (1993), „Eilėraščiai iš anapus Dievo” (1997), „Septynios dienos, septyneri metai” (1998), „75 eilėraščiai” (1999), „Iš toli ir arti” (2003), „Holograma” (2004), „Tarp trijų Šešupės krantų” (2005), „Visadan esma” (2006) and „Septintas nakty” (2012). The meaning of places in the cultural context are sought in chosen lyrics including Punskas and Seinai regions as well as Polish, Lithuanian and other landscapes. The most attention is paid for Yotvingian landscape of the poet’s homeland. This work does not confine to taking a glimpse into the village landscape, which are characterized by clear cultural scenery, instead, it examines the topography of the city. Personal map created by Birgelis’ in lyrics opens the border image, which is being formed by the everyday life near the border of two countries - Poland and Lithuania.

Muzikos naudojimas pardavimo vietose / Music Use in Points of Sale

Dilys, Lauras 05 June 2014 (has links)
Muzika yra viena iš svarbiausių parduotuvės atmosferos formavimo priemonių. Kartu su interjero dizainu pasirenkama muzika turėtų atspindėti pardavimo vietos stilistiką ir tokiu būdu pritraukti pageidaujamus klientus. Verta paminėti, jog muzikos kuriama atmosfera neapsiriboja parduotuvės plotu ir sukuria zoną šalia parduotuvės, kurioje atsidūręs praeivis pasijaučia beveik viduje: muzikinis fonas veikią žmogaus pasąmonę sužadindamas emocijas ir maloniai kviečia užeiti į vidų, taigi parduotuvės slenksčio peržengimas tampa natūralesniu ir mažiau įpareigojančiu veiksmu. Tyrimai rodo, jog muzika skatina geras lankytojų emocijas, palankesnį nusiteikimą parduotuvės ir jos personalo atžvilgiu ir mažina kontakto užmezgimo su darbuotojais baimę. Atitinkamo tempo muzika gali nuraminti klientą arba sužadinti jame aktyvumą ir tokiu būdu išspęsti srauto problemas. Muzika taip pat veikia subjektyvų laiko suvokimą, mažina nepasitenkinimą tuomet, kai tenka laukti eilėje, taip iššaukia įvairias asociacijas, kurias tikslingai išnaudojus galima nepastebimai reklamuoti pasirinktas prekes ir tokiu būdu skatinti jų pardavimus. Apgalvotas muzikinio fono pasirinkimas įmonei atneša didesnį pelną, taigi kiekvienoje pardavimo vietoje turi būti išnaudojamos muzikos teikiamos galimybės norint pasiekti užsibrėžtų tikslų. / Music is one of the most important means of forming the retail environment. Along with interior design music should illustrate the style of a retail establishment in order to attract desired customers. It is worth mentioning that that the atmosphere that music provides is not limited to the confines of a shop. Music creates a zone surrounding the shop, where a passing by consumer feels almost as though he is already inside. The musical background affects the consumer subconsciously, it pleasantly invites the person to come in, at which point coming in doesn’t seem like such a commitment – the transition becomes more natural. Research shows that music stimulates customers’ good emotions, a more favorable judgment of the shop and its employees and also it helps decrease the fear of engagement with personnel. A respective tempo of music can make the customer more relaxed or more energetic and thus solve problems concerning customer traffic flow. Music also affects customers’ time perception, decreases dissatisfaction caused by the occasional waiting time and tends to evoke all kinds of associations which, if used correctly, become a form of covert marketing. A well chosen musical background means greater sales for the company, thus music should be used in every point of sale, if its owners wish to reach their desired goals.

Asmens privatumas elektroninėje darbo vietoje: teisiniai aspektai / Person's privacy in the electronic workplace: legal aspects

Urbonaitė, Milda 14 December 2006 (has links)
Substantial technology developments over the past two decades have dramatically transformed today’s workplaces. It became easier to perform work functions. However, these changes made employers to think about productive and effective working time usage in the electronic working place. Companies began to use electronic surveillance. The appliance of this equipment determined the appearance of legal problems. Hence the usage of control technologies brings the conflict among the interests of employer and employee. There arises necessity to decide to whose interests to give the preference. There is offered to seek the balance of the interests in order to retain the confidence and trustworthy atmosphere in the workplace. In fact, this is achieved when the fundamental data protection principles – legitimacy, transparency, proportionality and security – are being applied. The legal regulation of USA and European Union differently estimates the problem of the privacy in the electronic working place. The United States inclined to give the preference to business interests because employer posses the electronic equipment. Besides here the employer can use the provider exception. This shows that the employee in the United States can have no reasonable expectation of privacy in the electronic working place. However, in Europe the electronic surveillance is morally illegal and infringes the constitutional right of privacy. European Union values the data protection principles and the... [to full text]

Terminuotos darbo sutarties sudarymas, kai darbuotojas priimamas į naujai steigiamą darbo vietą / Fixed-term employment contract when a person is employed in newly created position

Zagurskienė, Edita 27 June 2014 (has links)
Pagal Darbo kodekso 109 straipsnį terminuota darbo sutartis nuolatinio pobūdžio darbui atlikti gali būti sudaroma tik išimtiniais atvejais, nustatytais Darbo kodekso 109 straipsnio 2 dalyje. Sudaryti terminuotą darbo sutartį paprastai yra naudingiau darbdaviui, darbuotojo teisės ir interesai, esant terminuotai darbo sutarčiai, tampa labiau pažeidžiami. Viešąjį interesą daugiau atitinka darbuotojo ir darbdavio interesų pusiausvyrą užtikrinančios neterminuotos darbo sutartys, todėl kad nebūtų piktnaudžiaujama terminuotomis sutartimis, įstatymuose nustatyti tam tikri imperatyvieji reikalavimai. Šiame magistro darbe analizuojami terminuotų darbo sutarčių sudarymo, vykdymo bei nutraukimo ypatumai. Magistro darbą sudaro trys pagrindinės dalys. Pirmoje dalyje nagrinėjama bendrosios terminuotos darbo sutarties samprata, požymiai, prielaidos ir ribojimai. Antrojoje magistro darbo dalyje analizuojamas terminuotos darbo sutarties sudarymas, kai darbuotojas priimamas į naujai steigiamą darbo vietą. Atsižvelgiant į Darbo kodekso 109 straipsnio 2 dalies papildymus aptariamos terminuotos darbo sutarties prielaidos, termino nustatymo klausimai, akcentuojant maksimalią terminuotų darbo sutarčių trukmę ir termino nustatymo būdus apžvelgiamas terminuotos darbo sutarties vykdymas. Trečiojoje magistro darbo dalyje nagrinėjamas terminuotos darbo sutarties pasibaigimas. Šioje dalyje, visų pirma, analizuojamos termino pasibaigimo pagrindai, garantijos ir apribojimai bei teisinės terminuotos darbo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The fixed-term employment contract of a permanent nature to do the job can be awarded only in exceptional circumstances set out in Article 109 of the Labour Code, Part 2. To create a fixed-term employment contract is generally beneficial to the employeror the employee's rights and interests under a fixed-term employment contract, it becomes more vulnerable. The public interest is more consistent with open-ended contracts so that were no misuse of fixed-term contracts with certain statutory requirements. This thesis analyzes the fixed-term contracts, performance and terminationfeatures. Master's thesis consists of three main parts. The first part deals with the general concept of fixed-term contract, signs, assumptions and limitations. The second part analyzes the fixed-term employment contract, the worker admitted to a newly set up job. In view of the Labour Code, Article 109 paragraph 2 additions to the contract in question termintuotos assumptions, the term of issues with emphasis on the maximum duration of fixed-term contracts and the term gives an overview of the methods of fixed-term contract. The third part deals with fixed-term contract ends. In this section, in particular, theanalysis of the expiry of the basics, warranties and limitations of the legaltermination of the contract term consequences.

Profesinio informavimo konsultanto vaidmuo profesinio orientavimo sistemoje / The role of vocational information consultant in the system of vocational orientation

Adomaitytė, Gėliūnė 03 July 2006 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze functions and perspectives of vocational information consultant (VIC) institution in Lithuanian vocational orientation system. The research object of this thesis is activity of vocational information consultant. The objectives of the thesis are: 1. to analyze scientific sources and main educational documents, that regulate vocational orientation in Lithuania; 2. to discuss the international experience of vocational orientation development and on that ground to define the principles of VIC activity in Lithuanian vocational orientation system; 3. to explore the peculiarities of VIC activity and to prepare suggestions for VIC education and training program improvement. Research methods: •Quantitative research (questionnaire) •Statistical data analysis Conclusions: 1.Shortage of vocational information places and its uneven distribution influence insufficient accessibility of vocational information services for target groups. 2.One of the main financial and legal problems in this area is establishment and financing of VIC staff. 3.The most important skills of VIC are communication and computer literacy skills. It is necessary to include development of those skills to the VIC education and training program.

UAB „Elektronikos komponentai“ vadybininko mobili darbo vieta / Place for the Manager in Private Limited Liability Company “Elektronikos komponentai”

Bukauskas, Nerijus 06 June 2005 (has links)
N. Bukauskas. Mobile Work Place for the Manager in Private Limited Liability Company “Elektronikos komponentai” Master’s thesis (advisor prof. G. Kulvietis – Šiauliai, Šiauliai University, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Department of Computer Science, 2005, 32 pages). In a theoretical chapter of the Master thesis, the conception of mobility and mobile work place is analysed, equipment and software for equipping the mobile work place are discussed as well as mobile solutions introduced by Lithuanian companies are reviewed. Aim of the practical chapter is to equip the mobile work place (places) in Private Limited Liability Company “Elektronikos komponentai”. In order to achieve this goal, work analysis for the employees in every unit has been performed. The general aim of the analysis is to understand and assimilate the problem prior to its realisation. Upon analysis of the work in the sales unit, it was noticed that the largest amount of “manual” work is in this unit, because it is in particular its employees, who due to their work type, spend most of the time not inside the company, but outside its limits. Namely due to these reasons, the sales unit was selected for equipping the mobile work place. After the work analysis of the sales unit, a model of the mobile work place for the manager was created. In order to realise this model, most suitable is a laptop and mobile telephone with General Packet Radio Service (GPRS). According to the requirements set for this task... [to full text]

Organizacijos "Dobilas" veiklų ir procesų sisteminė analizė ir projektavimas / Systemic analysis and projection of function place’s and activity’s system in organization “Dobilas”

Taraškevičius, Aurimas 20 August 2008 (has links)
Šis diplominis darbas susideda iš trijų dalių, kuriuose pateikiama teorinė, praktinė situacijos analizė ir sprendimų priėmimas – kurie atlikti pasinaudojat sisteminiu organizacijos vystymo požiūriu. Teorinė literatūros analizė apima sistemine metodologijos ir minties veiklos pristatymą ir analizę, nuolatinių pokyčių įtaką organizacijos aplinkai bei vadybos mokyklų modelių apžvalgą. Teorinės dalie teiginiais yra paremtos kitos šio darbo dalys. Situacijos analizė pristato organizacijos išorinės ir vidinės aplinkos analizę, išskiriant jų poveikį organizacijos „Dobilas“ veiklai. Naudojat atliktos analizės duomenis, i��skiriamos pagrindinės problemos. Projektinių sprendimų dalyje yra pateikiamos alternatyvos išspręsti antroje dalyje iškeltoms problemoms. Pertvarkant funkcines vietas bei veiklas ir pakeičiant organizacijos veiklos koncepciją, koncentruojantis ties savos produkcijos gaminimu ir realizavimu Lietuvos rinkoje. Diplominio darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos galutinės, apibendrintos išvados kaip darbo pradžioje iškeltų tikslų bei uždavinių rezultatai. / Diploma paper for master’s degree consist of three chapters, which provide theoretical, situation analysis and decision making – making projects based on systematic approach on the development of organization. The theoretical analysis deals with application of systematic methodology of mind and strategic management in the development of state organizations, the influence of dynamic changes in the working environment and analysis of management theories. Theoretical analysis is used for other parts of this work as a main supplier of methods and strategies formatting projects. Situation analysis covers the detail analysis of organization’s inner and outer environment and it’s influence on changes in organization “Dobilas”. By using all analysis made in second part, it is made some conclusion describing main problems, which should be solved. In the chapter of decision making, there are some solutions offers to solve all the problems described in second chapter, by rearranging functional places and activities inside the organization and changing whole conception of the organization, by starting to production and realization of the products in Lithuania’s market. At the end of the diploma paper final conclusions have been made stating that the objective of the diploma paper has been achieved and the task has been accomplished.

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