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Epidemiologia da atividade física e sua associação com obesidade em amostra representativa da população adulta de Porto AlegreGustavo, Andréia da Silva January 2009 (has links)
Introdução: Inatividade física é fator de risco para doenças não transmissíveis (DNTs). Dentre essas, destaca-se que a obesidade (central e adiposidade na região da cintura) é fator de risco independente para mortalidade. O International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) tem sido utilizado para investigar a epidemiologia da atividade física, com o objetivo de padronizar a investigação. Objetivos: Verificar a prevalência de atividade física segundo diferentes critérios e a associação com obesidade na população adulta de Porto Alegre/RS. Método: Este é um estudo transversal de base populacional, representativo da população adulta (18 a 90 anos) de Porto Alegre. É parte do estudo de Síndrome de Obesidade e Fatores de risco para doença cardiovascular (SOFT Study). Atividade física foi avaliada utilizando o IPAQ versão curta. Características demográficas e socioeconômicas foram investigadas. Obesidade foi determinada por índice de massa corporal P30 kg/m2 e adiposidade central pela circunferência da cintura. Características demográficas (cor da pele - auto-referida e categorizada em branca ou não-branca; idade - calculada a partir das datas de nascimento e entrevista), socioeconômicas (escolaridade - avaliada pelo número de anos completados na escola; ter trabalhado no mês precedente à entrevista, e status marital – categorizado em solteiro, separado ou viúvo, e casado ou com companheiro) e características de estilo de vida (consumo abusivo de bebidas alcoólicas – definido para mulheres que consumiram P15 gramas/dia ou homens que consumiam P30 gramas/dia 12, tabagismo – categorizado em fumante atual, ex-fumante e não tabagistas. O módulo de amostras complexas foi utilizado para considerar o efeito do desenho, c2 de Pearson para analisar a relação entre exposição de interesse e obesidade. Taxas de prevalência e intervalo de confiança (IC 95%) foram calculados com o modelo de Regressão de Cox com tempo igual a um. Resultados: Entre os critérios de baixo nível de atividade física, dos 1858 adultos 30,5% eram insuficientemente ativos conforme o protocolo do IPAQ, 25,5% realizavam menos do que 150 minutos por semana, 38,6% despendiam menos do que 1000 kcal por semana e 34,5% passavam seis horas ou mais sentados por semana. Diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os sexos, com maior prevalência entre os homens, foram detectadas para atividades vigorosas P150 min/sem (26,9% vs. 14,2%), deslocamento P150 min/sem (51,1% vs. 43,8%), prática por tempo igual ou superior a 1000 minutos por semana (18,9% vs. 14,2%) e permanência sentado por semana maior ou igual a seis horas/dia (37,4% vs. 32,4%). A relação inversa com idade foi confirmada em todos os critérios de atividade física para as mulheres e na maior parte dos critérios para os homens. Exceção constitui comportamento sedentário, associado à idade apenas entre os homens e com maior prevalência entre os mais jovens. Ao analisar a associação de alto nível de atividade física com obesidade, identificou-se na amostra que 25% eram muito ativos, 21% eram obesos e 29% tinham obesidade central. Homens e mulheres, respectivamente, apresentaram diferenças significativas quanto à prevalência de obesidade (17,5 vs. 23,5%, p=0,006), obesidade central (17,5 vs. 37,3%, p<0,001), mas não em relação a alto nível de atividade física (26,3 vs. 24,7%, p=0,5). A relação inversa de alto nível de atividade física com idade foi confirmada para homens (p<0,001) e mulheres (p<0,001), mas associação independente de alto nível de atividade física com menor risco de obesidade só foi caracterizada para mulheres (p=0,01). Conclusão: As prevalências de atividade física variam com a definição, mas os critérios do IPAQ e a duração maior ou igual a 150 minutos/semana se assemelham. As prevalências identificadas pelo IPAQ em Porto Alegre são semelhantes as descritas para o Brasil. A atividade física de alto nível é menos propensa a viés de aferição. E a associação com obesidade deve reproduzir a realidade. Na população de Porto Alegre a associação entre atividade física de alto nível e obesidade não foi confirmada para homens. Entre as mulheres, a associação foi significativa e independente de outros fatores de confusão. / Introduction: Physical inactivity is a risk factor for non-communicable diseases (NCD). Among them, central obesity and waist adiposity stand out as an independent risk factor for mortality. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) has been used to assess physical activity epidemiology, aiming to standardize the investigation. Objective: To assess the prevalence of physical activity according to different criteria and its association with obesity in adults in the city of Porto Alegre, south Brazil. Methods: This is a cross-sectional population-based study, representative of the adult population (18-90years old) of Porto Alegre. It is part of the Study of Obesity and Risk Factors (SOFT study). Physical activity was assessed using the short version of IPAQ. Obesity was determined by body-mass index P 30kg/m2, and central adiposity by waist circumference. Demographic (skin color, self referred and categorized in white or non-white; age, calculated from birth and interview dates), socioeconomic (education, defined as number of years in scholl; working during the month prior to the interview; marital status, categorized in single, divorced or widowed, and married), and life style (abusive alcohol consumption, defined as P15g/day for women and P 30g/day for men; smoking, categorized in current smokers, non-smokers, and ex-smokers) characteristics were investigated. The SPSS complex samples module was used to consider the design effect. Pearson’s chi-square test was used to analyze the relation among obesity and the variables of interest. Prevalence rates and 95% confidence intervals were calculated using Cox regression with time set to 1. Results: Using the different criteria for low physical activity, 30.5% of 1858 adults were insufficiently active according to the IPAQ protocol, 25.5% performed less than 150 minutes of physical activity per week, 38.6% spent less than 1000kcal per week, and 34.5% spent six hours or more sitting per week. Statistically significant differences were detected between men and women, with a higher prevalence for men, for P150min/week of vigorous activities (26.9 vs. 14.2%), P 150min/week of walking (51.1 vs. 43.8%), P 1000min/week of practice (18.9 vs. 14.2%), and P 6h/day sitting (37.4 vs. 32.4%). Inverse correlation with age was confirmed in al criteria of physical activity for women, and on most criteria for men. An exception was sedentary behavior, associated to age only among men and with higher prevalence among young individuals. Analyzing the association of high level of physical activity with obesity, we identified that 25% of the sample were very active, 21% were obese and 29% ha central obesity. Men and women had significant differences regarding obesity (17.5 vs. 23.5%, p= 0.006) and central obesity (17.5 vs. 37.3%, p<0.001) prevalence, but not regarding high level of physical activity (26.3 vs. 24.7%, p=0.5). The inverse association of high physical activity level with age was confirmed for men (p<0.001) and women (p<0.001), but association independent of high physical activity level with less risk of obesity was only confirmed for women (p=0.01). Conclusion: Prevalence of physical activity varies according to definition, but IPAQ criteria and duration P 150min/week are similar. The prevalences identified by IPAQ in Porto Alegre are similar to those described in Brazil. High level physical activity is less prone to reporting bias, and its association with obesity should reproduce reality. In the population of Porto Alegre the associations between high level physical activity and obesity was not confirmed for men. Among women, the association was positive and independent of other confusion factors.
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Fysisk aktivitet och PISA-resultat : En studie om relationen mellan elevers fysiska aktivitetsvanor och PISA-resultat / Physical activity and PISA-results : A study about the relationship between students’ physical activity habits and PISA-resultsBerglund Nilsson, Mikael January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Den här studien har använt data i form av OECDs PISA-resultat och OECDs enkätsvar, som också tillhör PISA, med syfte att undersöka relationen mellan PISA-resultat och olika former av fysisk aktivitet. PISA-testerna genomförs vart tredje år för OECDs medlemsländer, med syfte att jämföra olika länders skolsystem. Fysisk aktivitet argumenteras ha en effekt på akademiska resultat och just därför bör en ökning av fysisk aktivitet resultera i bättre resultat på PISA-tester. Syfte Denna studie menade att studera relationen mellan tre olika fysiska aktivitetsvariabler, antalet dagar med fysisk aktivitet i skolan per vecka, antal dagar med medelhög, samt högintensiv fysisk aktivitet per vecka och PISA-resultat. Metod Eleverna som genomförde PISA-testet fick svara på frågor under testperioderna om hur fysiskt aktiva de var. Dessa data, som finns öppet tillgängliga som medelvärden inom de olika svarsalternativen, jämfördes sedan med elevernas resultat på PISA-testet med One Way Measure ANOVA tester och Tukey HSD Post-Hoc tester för att se skillnader mellan antalet dagar inom varje fysisk aktivitetsvariabel. Resultat Studiens resultat visade på att en dag med medelhög och högintensiv fysisk aktivitet är bättre än ingen dag med fysisk aktivitet och att flera dagar är bättre än en dag fram till och med sex respektive fyra dagar. Elever som är har fler än 1-2 dagar med fysisk aktivitet i skolan presterar bättre än elever som inte har någon fysisk aktivitet alls eller som är fysisk aktiva fler än två dagar i veckan. Slutsats Den huvudsakliga slutsatsen är att ungdomar som utövar fysisk aktivitet presterar bättre på PISA-tester än dem som inte är fysiskt aktiva och att flera dagar än en dag med medelhög och högintensiv fysisk aktivitet är associerat med än bättre resultat, till och med 6 dagar. / Abstract This study has used data, taken from the OECD’s PISA-test results and questionnaire answers, in order investigate the relationship between PISA-results and different forms of physical activity. PISA-tests run every three years, in countries which are members of the OECD, in order to compare their national education systems. Physical activity is argued to have an effect on academic results and, therefore, an increase in physical activity should result in better results on the PISA-tests. Aim This study aims to look at how three different physical activity measures, the amount of days with physical activity in school, the amount of days with moderate physical activity and vigorous activity, respectively, is associated with the PISA scores for those specific groups. Method The students who completed the PISA-tests also got to answer questions regarding their physical activity habits. These physical activity data, available as means within each different answer, were compared to their group’s PISA-score. Analyses were done using One Way Measure ANOVA tests and Tukeys HSD Post-Hoc tests in order to see difference between numbers of days of physical activity. Results The result of the study showed that one day of moderate and vigorous physical activity is better than no physical activity and that an increasing number of days of physical activity is better up till 4-6 days of physical activity. Students who have 1-2 days of physical activity in school perform better than students who do not have any physical activity or more than two days of physical activity. Conclusions The overall conclusion is that youths who engage in physical activity reach better results on the PISA-tests than people who are not physically active and that an increasing number of days, up till 6 days with physical activity, is better than one.
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A Pilot Study to Examine the Impact of Smartphone Screen Time and Self-Reported Exercise in the Physically Active AdultsMaben, Sela 03 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Analysis of Scottish health survey data to inform Scottish physical activity and sedentary behaviour policy and surveillanceStrain, Tessa Rosalind January 2018 (has links)
In 2011, the United Kingdom (U.K.) physical activity (PA) guidelines were updated. The adult moderate-to-vigorous intensity PA (MVPA) recommendation changed to reflect that different frequency and intensity permutations lead to equivalent health benefits. New recommendations were added for muscle strengthening activities (MSA) and the reduction of sedentary time (ST). Those over 65 years were also recommended to undertake balance and co-ordination activities (BCA). Despite these new additions, Scottish PA policy still concentrated on MVPA, with considerable resources allocated to sport and some exercise activities. Since 2012, the Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) has collected data relating to these new recommendations annually, but few analyses have been undertaken. This thesis contains the most comprehensive analyses of the 2012-15 SHeS PA and ST data to date, and a review into whether the method produces valid and reliable estimates. The aim of this thesis was to inform Scottish PA and sedentary behaviour policy by producing research to support the incorporation of these new recommendations and the promotion of non-sport-related MVPA policies. It also aimed to inform any future developments to PA and ST surveillance in Scotland. The first three studies of this thesis are cross-sectional analyses of the updated recommendations for adults in Scotland. They present prevalence and participation data in specific domains, activities, and behaviours by age and sex. The main findings were that (1) sport was a minority contributor to the total MVPA of adults in Scotland, regardless of sex, age, or activity status (never more than 20%), (2) compliance with the MSA recommendation was approximately half that of the MVPA recommendation (31% of men and 24% of women), and compliance with the BCA recommendation amongst those over 65 years was very low (19% of older men and 12% of older women), and (3) middle-aged adults in work reported a comparable amount of weekday ST to adults over 75 years (7-8 hours per day). The fourth study was a review of the available evidence into whether the PA and ST estimates produced by the 2012-15 SHeS were valid and reliable. The SHeS was found to be fit for purpose, but recommendations were made regarding the analysis and interpretation of the data to minimise areas of concern. These were (1) analyse MVPA data with and without the domain of occupational MVPA, (2) make it clear that only sport and exercise activities can contribute to achieving the MSA and BCA recommendations under the SHeS method, and (3) focus on the comparisons between groups in relation to ST, rather than on the absolute values. The fifth study used the findings from the previous four to inform the design of a prospective cohort study that will investigate the joint effects of MVPA and total ST on all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. This thesis contains the results of the preliminary analyses. This study is designed to inform policy by providing novel information on how the combination of these behaviours affects health outcomes in a representative sample of Scottish adults. There is clear evidence that this work has already informed policy and surveillance. The work on the relative contribution of the domains of MVPA is regularly cited in evidence briefings for the Scottish Government and the Scottish Parliament. This has increased the awareness amongst key policy-makers that sport is not a major contributor to the total MVPA of adults in Scotland. The work on MSA, BCA, and ST was a catalyst for a proposal to include indicators relating to these recommendations on the national PA monitoring framework. The work on MSA and BCA has also been a key reference text in preparation for the next update to the U.K. PA guidelines, stressing the need to consider surveillance at an early stage. In summary, the novel analyses of SHeS data undertaken for this thesis have demonstrably informed PA and sedentary behaviour policy and surveillance in Scotland.
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Měření pohybové aktivity studentů UK FTVS a Palestry pomocí dotazníku IPAQ / Measuring of physical activity of UK FTVS and Palestra students using IPAQHronková, Ilona January 2011 (has links)
Title: Measuring of physical activity of UK FTVS and Palestra students using IPAQ Aims: - find out the range of physical activity of students from schools mentioned above - compare the results with each other and also with other researches - confirm or disconfirm hypotheses - set down conclusions Methods: questionnaire Results: - students of both schools are highly physically active (in comparison with ordinary population) - UK FTVS students are more active in all kinds of physical activity performed at school or in leisure time than Palestra students - UK FTVS students spend the most time on vigorous PA at school, while Palestra students spend the most time on vigorous PA at free time - concerning only UK FTVS, women are more active than men Key words: vigorous physical activity, moderate physical activity, International Physical Activity Questionnaire IPAQ, MET values, leisure time, young adults
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Physical activity promotion in children using a novel smartphone game: a pilot randomized controlled trialLapusniak, Sam 16 March 2022 (has links)
Background: Regular physical activity (PA) is critical for children’s health and wellbeing. Despite the numerous health benefits, most Canadian children do not meet the Canadian PA guidelines. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and social restrictions added new challenges to meeting the PA guidelines. Mobile health (mHealth) technology can be leveraged to promote PA among children. Combining gamification with mHealth interventions has the potential to further improve program effectiveness. Thus, “Draco” was developed as a virtual pet smartphone app to increase PA in children using self-determination theory as a framework to promote intrinsic motivation for PA.
Objective: The primary objective is to evaluate the satisfaction and acceptability of the Draco app after four weeks. Secondary objectives include evaluating the preliminary effectiveness of the Draco app to improve average daily steps, average daily MVPA, perceived autonomy for PA, perceived competence for PA, and perceived relatedness to the app.
Methods: 43 Canadian children, aged 8-14 years old, not meeting the Canadian PA guidelines of 60min of MVPA per day were randomly allocated to an intervention or control group. Participants in the control group used a step-tracking app for four weeks. Intervention participants were instructed to use the Draco app. Participants completed a baseline and follow-up questionnaire. PA outcomes were tracked using a Fitbit provided to each participant. Intrinsic PA motivation was assessed using an adapted version of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI). Intrinsic motivation was assessed using the satisfaction subscale. Exit interviews were completed to determine app acceptability.
Results: Participants demonstrated high levels of satisfaction and acceptability with the Draco app 2.83 (1.29). Intervention participants increased their average daily steps by 909 (1701). The control group increased their steps by 46 (1507). The Draco app had a small effect on promoting steps, MVPA, relatedness and small effects at increasing autonomy and competence.
Conclusion: Participants demonstrated high levels of satisfaction and acceptability with the app. Participants in the intervention group showed greater increases in PA with small effect sizes. Preliminary evidence highlights the importance of tailoring game design to the users. Technical limitations impacted recruitment and user experiences. Additional development time should be taken to stabilize the app and add new game features for a definitive RCT. / Graduate
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