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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estupro na imprensa: o processo de trabalho de jornalistas e profissionais de direito na cobertura do caso Roger Abdelmassih pelo jornal Folha de S.Paulo (2009-2015), na perspectiva de estudos de jornalismo, da legislação e das práticas do Poder / -

Lieli Karine Vieira Loures Malard Monteiro 22 March 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa parte da leitura de uma cobertura jornalística e desvenda o processo de produção das notícias e as condições de sua veiculação, com mediações dos estudos de jornalismo, estudos de direito e dos estudos de gênero. Iniciamos com a análise empírica do conteúdo jornalístico produzido pelo jornal Folha de S.Paulo entre janeiro de 2009 e maio de 2015, sobre os acontecimentos relacionados à investigação, ao julgamento, à fuga e à prisão de Roger Abdelmassih, especialista em reprodução humana assistida condenado a 278 anos de prisão por cometer crimes contra a dignidade sexual de 37 pacientes. O processo de leitura colocou-nos interrogações sobre a cobertura jornalística. Em busca de respostas, entrevistamos jornalistas e profissionais do direito envolvidos no caso e constatamos diferenças e relações de interdependência no trabalho deles, que condicionam os acontecimentos em 1) fatos jurídicos culminados em processos de caráter privado na Justiça e 2) em fatos jornalísticos culminados em informações traduzidas em textos publicáveis na imprensa, conforme demonstramos no Capítulo 2 desta dissertação. Estudos de jornalismo apontam as limitações do fazer jornalístico e sua inserção na vida cotidiana e o processo de repetição do senso comum que pode ser desafiado em condições especiais (MORETZSHON, 2007). Mas pesquisa da feminista (SEGATO, 2003) destaca a importância da informação veiculada pela imprensa para a defesa dos direitos das mulheres. Estudos de gênero rastreiam a construção dos estereótipos de gênero e a ordem patriarcal de gênero que embasam valores morais a partir dos quais são forjados os estigmas e preconceitos que atingem as vítimas de estupro (SAFFIOTI, 2015). Na análise de conteúdo do jornal Folha de S.Paulo, constamos uso de termos inadequados para nominar vítimas e agressor, erros jurídicos e julgamentos morais impertinentes ao caso. Essas visões dominantes e equivocadas sobre as vítimas de estupro precisam ser desconstruídas por outro modo de fazer jornalismo. Esta pesquisa nos mostrou que, ao descolar-se dos fatos jurídicos, a cobertura jornalística confinou no universo privado a violência sexual. Deixando de tratá-la como questão de saúde pública, não promoveu a divulgação de informações que poderiam contribuir para a construção da cidadania das mulheres. / This research stems from the reading of a news story coverage and unveils the production process of news stories and their dissemination, negotiated by media, law, and gender studies. We begin with the empirical analysis of the journalistic content produced by Folha de São Paulo between January 2009 and May 2015 about the incidents involving the investigation, trial, escape and arrest of Roger Abdelmassih - specialist in assisted human reproduction condemned to 278 years of prison for committing crimes against the sexual dignity of 37 patients. The process of reading posed questions about the news coverage. In search for answers, we interviews journalists and lawyers involved in the case and found differences and relations of interdependence in their work, which condition the events in 1) legal facts culminating in private processes in the legal system and 2) in journalistic facts culminating in information translated into publishable texts in the press, as demonstrated in the 2nd chapter of this dissertation. Media studies point the limitations of journalistic procedures and its insertion in the daily lives and the repetition process of commen sense that may be challenged in special conditions (MORETZSHON, 2007). But feminist research (SEGATO, 2003) highlights the importance of the information circulated by the media to defend women\'s rights. Gender studies trace the construction of gender stereotypes and the patriarchal gender order that ground the moral values on which the stigma and prejudice that affect rape victims is forged (SAFFIOTI, 2015). In the content analysis of Folha de São Paulo we found the use of inadequate terms to name the victims and the aggressor, legal errors, and unconnected value judgments about the case. These dominant and erroneous views about rape victims must be deconstructed by a different type of journalistic procedure. This research demonstrates that in disconnecting from legal facts, the news coverage confined sexual violence to a private realm. By not treating it as a matter of public health, it did not promote the circulation of useful information that would help the women\'s rights cause.

Jag har aldrig mött en kvinnomisshandlare, i deras ögon : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av behandlare och volontärers upplevelser av samtal med män som utövat våld i nära relationer

Kindstrand, Emelie, Bramme, Sara January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur behandlare och volontärer upplever att män som utsatt kvinnor för våld i nära relationer beskriver och förklarar sina erfarenheter som våldsutövare och hur de talar om våldet i relation till deras bild av maskulinitet. Vidare är syftet att undersöka hur respondenterna påverkas av männens berättelser. Studien baseras på fem kvalitativa intervjuer, där en intervjuguide tillämpas för att strukturera datainsamlingen. Resultaten analyseras utifrån tre olika teman; männens sätt att beskriva och berätta om våldet, männens bild av maskulinitet samt hur respondenterna påverkades av männens berättelser. Teorier som har använts i denna studie är teorier om spegeljaget, våldets normaliseringsprocess för männen samt kognitiv dissonans. Resultatet av denna studie tyder på att män använder narrativa strategier för att förmildra och förklara sitt våldsutövande i nära relationer. Respondenterna upplever känslor som maktlöshet och frustration vid samtal med män som inte vill ta ansvar för sina handlingar. / The purpose of this paper is to investigate how therapists and volunteers find that men who exposed women to violence in close relationships describe and explain their experiences as violence practitioners and how these men describes violence in relation to their image of masculinity. Furthermore, the purpose is to investigate how respondents are affected by the stories of men. The study is based on five qualitative interviews, where an interview guide is used to structure the data collection. The results are analyzed based on three different themes; men's ways of describing and telling about violence, men's image of masculinity and how respondents were influenced by men's stories. Theories that have been used in this study is theories of mirror self, the normalization process of violence for men and cognitive dissonance. The result of this study suggests that men use narrative strategies to mitigate and explain their violence in close relationships. Respondents experience feelings like powerlessness and frustration in conversations with men who do not want to take responsibility for their actions.

Dubbelbestraffad? : En studie om insatser och bemötandet vid våld i nära relation utifrån kvinnors och myndighetspersoners perspektiv.

Majas, Katri, Berglund, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Syftet för denna studie har varit att undersöka vilka bakomliggande faktorer som påverkar kvinnor som levt med våld i nära relation att inte anmäla våldet de utsatts för. Samt möjliga samband mellan kvinnors första myndighetskontakt och om den kontakten är avgörande för kvinnors beslut att gå vidare med en polisanmälan eller ej undersöks. Studien är en kvalitativ studie där empirin består av åtta intervjuer, varav fyra med kvinnor som levt med relationsvåld men lyckats ta sig ur relationen. Den andra delen som intervjuades var socialsekreterare som jobbar i kvinnofridsteam i olika stadsdelar i Stockholms stad.Resultaten i studien visar på att både det bemötandet som kvinnorna fick av socialsekreterarna samt att det stödet de fick inte var anpassat utefter de behoven som kvinnorna hade. Studiens resultat visar på en brist på samordning, att myndigheterna inte har ett tillräckligt bra samarbete myndigheterna emellan vilket gör att kvinnorna inte får den bästa möjliga hjälp som de skulle kunna få. / The aim of this study has been to research the underlying factors or causes that affect women who are living with violence in their relationships not to report the violence they have been exposed to. Even the possible links between women's first contact with Social authority and whether that contact is crucial for women's decision to proceed with a report to the police or not is being investigated. The study is a qualitative study where the empirical data consists of eight interviews. The interviews were held with four women who used to live with violence in their relationships and with four social workers who works in teams for domestic abuse specialised for women in various districts in the city of Stockholm. The results in the stud yshow that both the way the women were treated and the support they received was not adapted to the needs of the women. The result of the study also shows that different authorities do not have enough cooperation, which means that women who have experienced domestic abuse do not get the best help possible.

Factors underlying intimate partner violence by young Zulu men in Oakford, Verulam and building their capacity to be nonviolent intimate partners

Sikakane, Nomvula January 2017 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Master of Technology in Public Administration- Peace Studies, Durban University of Technology, 2017. / South Africa has many issues around domestic violence resulting from culture, patriarchy and historical prejudices. It has been suggested that intimate partner violence is mainly perpetrated by men against women, and is an effort by men in a patriarchal society to dominate women. The purpose of this research is to build the capacity of young Zulu men to be non-violent intimate partners. The study utilised the Social Learning Theory and Feminist Theory. The study adopts an Action Research design, the goal of which is to solve concrete community problems by engaging community participants in the inquiry process. A mixed research methodology will be adopted for the study and will involve the use of both qualitative and quantitative data. 50 questionnaires will be administered to 50 Zulu young men between the ages of 18-35 in the Oakford Verulam area, while qualitative data will be obtained through focus group discussions, divided into three groups consisting of nonviolent, previously violent and currently violent men. The findings of this research suggest that there are several factors attributed to cause violence in an intimate relationship and these factors are deeply rooted in the background and upbringing of these men. The findings also suggest that in order to curb violence in the communities one would have to first address the underlying issues and for men to unlearn certain behaviours and traits they learnt during childhood. / M

Violence against student nurses by patients and their relatives in public hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal

Majola, Bongi Angeline January 2017 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Health Sciences (Nursing), Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2017. / BACKGROUND: Quiet often when students return from clinical placement, complain of being abused by patients and their relatives. Student nurses view clinical placement as an anxiety producing part of the nursing programme (Magnavita and Heponiemi 2011: 208). As a result, some resign and leave nursing fearing for their lives. AIM OF THE STUDY: To determine the extent and types of violence experienced by student nurses from patients and their relatives or friends in public hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal, and whether this leads to intentions to leave the nursing profession. METHODOLOGY: A quantitative, descriptive cross sectional survey approach conducted amongst student nurses (n=421) at KwaZulu-Natal College Nursing R425 Program starting from their first year of training up to the midwifery module. Self-Administered Questionnaires (SAQ) were used to collect data and data analysed using SPSS version 23. RESULTS: All respondents (n=421) completed the SAQ (annexure B). Many student nurses, especially female students, are victims of intimidation, bullying and verbal abuse as opposed to physical and sexual abuse by patients’ relatives and patients. The workplace violence against student nurses resulted in anger and absenteeism. The majority have not reported any abuse and they were not even aware of any policy that exists in their institutions against any form of violence. DISCUSSION: Findings in this study revealed that student nurses, like all other nurses, were also at a high risk of workplace violence. This may be because nurses have the closest contact with patients and their relatives; hence they are at high risk of exposure to violence. Since all settings are potentially high risk for violence, it is therefore necessary for the management to improve security in all high-risk areas for the student nurses to be safe. RECOMMENDATIONS: Public hospitals and the Department of Health (DOH) needs to formulate clear policies regarding violence against student nurses, and information on how to report the occurrence. There is a need for development or improvement of policies, procedures and intervention strategies. The DOH needs to address the issues of violence by implementing strategies to create a supportive environment that facilitates empowerment for the positive emotional wellbeing of student nurses. Managers have the responsibility to create and maintain zero tolerance regarding workplace violence. Public hospitals need to employ Managers with required skills and higher education to deal with workplace violence. There is a need for further research and more details on workplace violence and its cause. / M

An exploration of myth in the adaptation processes of Zimbabwean migrants residing in Port Elizabeth

Kritzinger, Barbara January 2010 (has links)
Migration is recognised as an escalating phenomenon of human behaviour worldwide. In the Southern African region African migrations and migrants have remained a focal point of discussion amongst politicians, citizens and migrants themselves in recent years. In South Africa, a major destination of migrants from various African Diasporas, this renewed interest in the topic has occurred in the context of xenophobic related violence aimed at foreigners within the broader economic, political and social arena. These factors extend to South Africa’s relationships with her near neighbours. Thus, Zimbabwe’s political, economic and social crisis has overflowed into South African borders, contributing large numbers of migrants to her population. Previous research has underrepresented the perspectives of migrants and Zimbabwean migrants in particular. Zimbabwean migrants seek economic opportunities to better themselves and maintain the survival of their families who remain in their country of origin. They are transnationals who engage in continuous movement between one place and the next, supporting various livelihoods. Little is understood about migrant adaptation to their complex contexts. In this research project, content analysis was conducted of data gathered during interviews and participant-observation of Zimbabwean migrant traders on the beachfront informal market in Port Elizabeth. The maintenance of the cultural values and identity of the myth of the hero as upholder of household honour was found to be significant in the adaptation of migrants to their multi-faceted lives. The findings indicate that migrant life is indeed uncertain and ever-changing. Their resilience in the face of continual change illustrated both conflict and compromise between “social cohesiveness (and) social flexibility” (Bauman, 1998: 15-16)

Partner abuse: Health consequences to women.

Warren, Ann Marie 12 1900 (has links)
Intimate partner violence is endemic in the United States. According to the American Medical Association (1992), one-fifth to one-third of women will sustain violence from a partner or ex-partner in their lifetime. The relevant literature was organized by ICD-9-CM categories. This study examined the health consequences of partner abuse in a sample of community women using a sample consisting of 564 women in three ethnic groups. Because prior research has failed to account for variations by type of abuse on health consequences, this study assessed psychological abuse, violence and sexual aggression by women's partners. To determine whether or not different types of abuse had an effect on women's health, hierarchical regression analyses were conducted. The regression equations were calculated for women within each ethnic group to facilitate identification of similarities and differences and to control for ethnic differences in risk for specific diseases. The results were consistent with past research on health consequences of abuse and extended the prior literature by showing that psychological abuse had a pervasive effect on health conditions, distress and use of health care resources. Additionally, ethnic differences emerged. As expected, ethnicity appeared to function as a moderator. Clinical implications and recommendations are made for future research, suggesting the development of a new assessment tool for partner abuse screening.

Transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT) em mulheres vítimas de violência praticada por parceiro íntimo

Felippe, Andreia Monteiro 04 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-01-22T17:33:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 andreiamonteirofelippe.pdf: 1203907 bytes, checksum: a400095495631e4ababc94dcb3696c65 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-01-25T18:55:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 andreiamonteirofelippe.pdf: 1203907 bytes, checksum: a400095495631e4ababc94dcb3696c65 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-25T18:55:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 andreiamonteirofelippe.pdf: 1203907 bytes, checksum: a400095495631e4ababc94dcb3696c65 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-04 / A violência contra a mulher é considerada um problema de saúde pública, devido às graves consequências físicas e mentais que produz, dentre elas, o Transtorno de Estresse Pós-Traumático (TEPT). Objetivos: Investigar a relação entre TEPT e violência contra a mulher praticada por parceiros íntimos, com ênfase nas vítimas atendidas pelo setor de psicologia na DPOF (Delegacia de Orientação e Proteção à Família) de Juiz de Fora. Os objetivos específicos são: constatar a prevalência de TEPT nos casos de VPI acima citados; descrever a frequência de fatores como: histórico de violência na família de origem, vitimização prévia, tipo de violência sofrida, uso de álcool e drogas pelo parceiro, bem como o tempo de exposição ao evento traumático no grupo estudado; verificar a associação entre percepção de suporte social, TEPT e depressão. Métodos: Estudo transversal, quantitativo, descritivo e associativo. A amostra compõe-se de 41 mulheres vítimas de violência por parceiro íntimo, que recorreram à DPOF no primeiro semestre de 2013. Foram aplicados os seguintes instrumentos: entrevista estruturada, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist- Civilian Version (PCL-C), Escala de Percepção de Suporte Social (EPSS) e Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI-I). Resultados: A partir do rastreamento dos sintomas do TEPT, obteve-se a prevalência de possíveis casos do transtorno em 82,9% das mulheres entrevistadas. Houve uma associação positiva entre depressão e TEPT, e negativa entre TEPT e percepção de suporte social. Conclusões: O trabalho aponta para a necessidade de se criar estratégias específicas de intervenção para mulheres vítimas de VPI, diante da alta prevalência do transtorno. É preciso, especialmente, realizar projetos nos órgãos jurídicos de proteção à mulher, a fim de fortalecer o suporte social da mesma ao enfrentar situações adversas relacionadas à agressão. / Violence against women is considered a public health problem due to serious physical and mental consequences it produces, such as Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Objectives: To investigate the relationship between PTSD and violence against women by intimate partners, with emphasis on victims served by psychology sector in Juiz de Fora DPOF (Precinct Guidance and Family Protection). The specific objectives are: to find out the prevalence of PTSD in IPV cases cited above, to describe the frequency of factors such as: history of violence in the primitive family, previous victimization, type of violence, use of alcohol and drugs by the partner, as well as the time of exposure to the traumatic event in the studied group; to verify the association between perceived social support, depression and PTSD. Methods: The study is cross-sectional, quantitative, descriptive and associative. The sample consists of 41 female victims of intimate partner violence, who resorted to DPOF the first half of 2013. The following instruments applied were: Structured interview, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist- Civilian Version (PCL-C), Perceived Social Support Scale (EPSS) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-I). Results: From the trace of the symptoms of PTSD, we obtained the prevalence of disorder possible cases in 82,9% of the women interviewed. There was a positive association between depression and PTSD, and negative association between PTSD and perceived social support. Conclusions: The study points to the need to create specific intervention strategies for women victims of IPV, given the high prevalence of this disorder. We must especially perform projects in the legal bodies to protect women in order to strengthen their social support to face adverse situations related to the aggression.

Violência e sofrimento nas relações íntimo-afetivas : possibilidades compreensivas no contexto de uma delegacia da mulher

Paixão, Leilane Almeida 20 January 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:08:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 leilane_almeida_paixao.pdf: 33649161 bytes, checksum: d25b4624ee24bb94f1d6f019d1a80091 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-01-20 / The present study aimed to understand how the suffering resulting from violence in intimate-affective relationships between men and women is revealed, at a police station dedicated to crimes against women. In this work, we tried to think of violence as related to a malaise in contemporary times, glimpsed by the advent of modern technology and its implications for Dasein, in its ways of thinking and being in the world. Therefore, we developed a qualitative study based on Heideggerian existential phenomenological perspective. As strategies for action, there were three months of participant observation in the Delegacia Especializada em Atendimento à Mulher (Specialized Precinct to Assistance of Women - DEAM) in Recife - PE, as well as narratives of ethnographic interviews with 05 employees : 03 women and 02 men. The content of logbooks of the researcher, produced during the observations, as well as the narratives of employees, were understood in the light of Critelli's Analytical Sense (1996). Experiences observed in the field and brought to the narratives indicate crystallized meanings in the ways of being-with-others, which feature in daily routine of DEAM through jealousy scenes and complaints, feelings of ownership and control, attempts to restrict other person's possibility of being, rigidity in the gender binary positions. Utilitarian relationships predominate in these ways of being-with, in which the other person seems to be set up as a tool to be used to some benefit. Conceptions about violence dipped in impersonal void are revealed, still in this context, ruled by the lack of thought and by preformatted social values which sometimes naturalize violence as the only possibility of being-with-others in conflict situations. In this context, the precinct is convened to, by law, adopt punitive, repressive and protective measures, seeking to placate ignorance and dull the pain. However, it is observed that, often, the law cannot cope with such violence that is spreading, as well as shield people from suffering. We conclude that it becomes increasingly important to discuss, from a meditating thought, the intensification of violence and helplessness in contemporaneity, occasioned by the nihilistic implications of modern technology. Moreover, to the extent that the sociocultural context seems to point to a trivialization of human suffering, it is crucial to think a way to care of women and men in situations of violence, from a clinical action that does not let stereotypes captured by binary "victim versus aggressor", "guilty versus innocent", "male versus female", but encompassing the human whole, considering this historical moment of its unveiling of being. / O presente estudo teve como objetivo compreender o modo como se desvela o sofrimento, decorrente da violência nas relações íntimo-afetivas entre homens e mulheres, numa delegacia da mulher. Nesse trabalho, buscou-se pensar a violência relacionada a um mal-estar na contemporaneidade, vislumbrado pelo advento da técnica moderna e suas implicações para o Dasein, em seus modos de pensar, ser e estar no mundo. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido um estudo qualitativo, baseado na perspectiva fenomenológica existencial heideggeriana. Como estratégias de ação, foram realizados três meses de observação participante na Delegacia Especializada em Atendimento à Mulher (DEAM) de Recife-PE, bem como entrevistas narrativas de cunho etnográfico com 05 colaboradores: 03 mulheres e 02 homens. O conteúdo dos diários de bordo da pesquisadora, produzidos durante as observações, bem como as narrativas dos colaboradores, foram compreendidos à luz da Analítica do Sentido de Critelli (1996). As experiências observadas em campo e trazidas a partir das narrativas apontam para sentidos cristalizados nos modos de ser-com-o-outro, que se apresentam no cotidiano da DEAM através de cenas e queixas de ciúmes, sentimentos de posse, controle, tentativas de restrição do poder-ser do outro, rigidez nas posições binárias de gênero. Predominam nestes modos de ser-com, relações utilitárias em que o outro parece se configurar como instrumento a ser utilizado para algum benefício. Desvelam-se, ainda, nesse contexto, concepções sobre a violência mergulhadas no vazio impessoal, pautadas na falta de reflexão e em valores sociais pré-formatados que, por vezes, naturalizam a violência como única possibilidade de ser-com-o-outro em situações de conflito. Nesse contexto, a delegacia passa a ser convocada para que, através da lei, sejam adotadas medidas punitivas, repressivas e protetivas, na busca de aplacar a ignorância e amortecer a dor. Contudo, observa-se que, muitas vezes, a lei não consegue dar conta dessa violência que se alastra, tampouco de amparar o sofrimento das pessoas. Conclui-se que se faz cada vez mais importante problematizar, a partir de um pensamento que medita, a intensificação da violência e do desamparo na contemporaneidade, ensejada pelas implicações niilizantes da técnica moderna. Além disso, na medida em que o contexto sociocultural parece apontar para uma banalização do sofrimento humano, torna-se crucial pensar o acolhimento às mulheres e aos homens em situação de violência, a partir de uma ação clínica que não se deixe capturar pelos estereótipos binários vítima versus agressor , culpado versus inocente , masculino versus feminino ; mas que abarque o humano, considerando esse seu momento histórico de desvelamento do ser.

A mulher e a "via crucis" da violência doméstica e familiar - do privado ao público, do público ao privado judicializável

Queiroz, Maria Emilia Miranda de Oliveira 08 April 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:18:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_maria_emilia.pdf: 30765869 bytes, checksum: 30da42856eefdb716c719262a36e778d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-04-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study investigates the forms of social participation of women throughout history. Therefor, it starts using the historical method with literature review. In preparing the evolutionary chart of women's social participation, it was noted that its restriction to the private dimension of the house was common from antiquity to the modern age. So, the dissertation has used the doctrine of Jürgen Habermas (Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere) and Nelson Saldanha (O Jardim e a Praça). The situation of women passes from the complete social exclusion, when it was kept into the private dimension of the house, to a discreet publicization, initiated in the bourgeois family by the literary public sphere. By the publication of novels that portrayed the particularities of daily family life, clubs appeared to discuss the readings, although still restricted to men. These clubs have grown with the explosion of artistic renaissance, enabling the institutionalized press, which in turn evolve, transforming the literary public sphere in the political public sphere. We propose an empirical research and we verified that actuality the printed press of Recife diffuses the patriarchal ideology, which legitimizes familiar domestic violence against women. Returning to the evolutionary chart, we observe that the first form of social integration of women was the integration, through the purge of the difference between the sexes. Thus the woman was forced to masculinize themselves to ratify the alleged equality. With the decay of this process, the daily family went into crisis. The current trend of integration not only of women but also for the other excluded is inclusion, that does not despise the differences but value them in a cyclical view, where each member of society is crucial in the formation of the whole. The Lei Maria da Penha was enacted to pacify an extreme situation of domestic violence, especially after Brazil had been considered negligent in this matter by the OAS. But, as contrary to the dominant patriarchal paradigm in our society, this statute sparked controversy and it was raised its unconstitutionality. While it is not appreciated by the competent court (STF), it generates the judicialization of domestic violence against women. To measure this we took two opposing votes of a Recurso Especial (STJ 1.097.042/DF) which changed the current model since the validity of the Lei Maria da Penha, by requiring the representation of the battered woman for the criminal prosecution of the crime de lesão corporal leve, qualified by domestic violence (art. 129, § 9, CPB). Analyzing the corpus, we found that the position that requires the expression of the will of the victim fits as integration, since it presupposes that a woman has the same conditions of a man for taking the decision to denunciate her spouse (partner). It clashes with the current global multiculturalist movement, which considers the diversity. We also showed that the dissenting vote portrays the process of social inclusion of women by the inclusion, since it uses affirmative action to ensure safety in view the gender inferiority that threatens historically. At this point, the woman still cannot be claimed as equal to men! / O presente estudo dedica-se a investigar as formas de participação social da mulher ao longo da história. Para isso, inicialmente utiliza o método histórico, com revisão de literatura. Na elaboração do quadro evolutivo da participação social das mulheres, notou-se que sua restrição à dimensão privada da casa era comum da Antiguidade até a Idade Moderna, pelo que se optou pela fundamentação na doutrina de Jürgen Habermas, com a Mudança Estrutural da Esfera Pública, e de Nelson Saldanha, com O Jardim e a Praça. A situação da mulher passa da completa exclusão social, quando era mantida na dimensão privada do lar, para uma discreta publicização, iniciada ainda na família burguesa, pela esfera pública literária. Pela publicação dos romances que retratavam as particularidades do cotidiano familiar, formaram-se clubes, para a discussão das leituras, mas ainda restritos aos homens. Esses clubes cresceram com a explosão artística renascentista e deram espaço à imprensa institucionalizada, que, por sua vez, evoluiria, transformando a esfera pública literária em esfera pública política. Propomos uma pesquisa empírica e verificamos que a imprensa escrita recifense, na atualidade, difunde a ideologia patriarcal, que legitima a violência doméstica familiar contra a mulher. Voltando ao quadro evolutivo, temos que a primeira forma de inserção social da mulher foi a integração, com o expurgo da diferença entre os sexos. Mas, com isso, a mulher foi forçada a masculinizar-se para ratificar a alegada igualdade. Com a falência do processo, a família cotidiana entrou em crise. A tendência atual de inserção não só da mulher, mas dos demais excluídos, é a inclusão, que não despreza as diferenças, mas valoriza-as numa visão conjuntural, onde cada membro da sociedade é determinante na formação do todo. A Lei Maria da Penha, como medida afirmativa para pacificar uma situação extrema de violência doméstica e familiar após o Brasil ter sido considerado negligente nesse assunto pela OEA. Mas, como contrária ao paradigma patriarcal dominante na nossa sociedade, esta lei provocou polêmica e foi suscitada sua inconstitucionalidade, que enquanto não é apreciada pela corte competente (STF) gera a judicialização da violência doméstica familiar contra a mulher. Para aferir isso, tomamos dois votos opostos dum Recurso Especial (STJ 1.097.042/DF) que mudou o modelo vigente desde a vigência da Lei Maria da Penha, ao exigir a representação da mulher agredida para a persecução penal do crime de lesão corporal leve, qualificada pela violência doméstica familiar (art. 129, § 9º, CPB). Analisando o corpus, verificamos que o posicionamento que exige a expressão da vontade da vítima, enquadrase como de integração, posto que pressupõe que a mulher tem as mesmas condições que o homem para a tomada de decisão de denunciar seu cônjuge (companheiro), e destoa com o atual movimento mundial multiculturalista, que considera as diversidades. Verificamos ainda que, o voto vencido, retrata o processo de inclusão social da mulher pela inclusão, já que usa da discriminação positiva para lhe garantir segurança, diante da inferioridade de sexo que lhe ameaça historicamente. Nesse momento, a mulher ainda não pode ser exigida como igual ao homem!

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