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Understanding the Team Dynamics of an Executive Virtual TeamRiley, Ramona Leonard 2011 August 1900 (has links)
Organizations of all types are now able to operate in virtual capacities through time, space, and distance across multinational boundaries; therefore, geography no longer limits business functioning. In fact, many corporate executives and boards employ virtuality in their work regimen. Therefore, organizations employ virtual executives to work teams with ideal skill sets to effectively persevere and complete tasks through distance, space, and time. The purpose of this study was to identify and yet understand the experiences of executive multinational, virtual board members working as a team in a virtual environment. Through this research the virtual dynamics of the virtual team have been studied, prodded, purposely mismatched, and weaved together to understand the culture of the virtual environment in which the team members interact and perform duties. With this particular board, there has been a history of previous work experience or exposure in some capacity; however, it has no great impact on their interaction and work with the entire board.
In this study, an exploratory look at the experiences, perceived team dynamics, and strategies used to successfully function as a virtual team are highlighted from a qualitative perspective. The purpose is to describe the individual perspectives of how a multinational executive virtual team best works.
The findings of this study reveal that there are many ways to communicate utilizing technology, but the objective for this virtual team is to be multidimensional in use. That means that honest communication is necessary for the board to perform at their optimal level. Therefore, the theoretical framework is based on team performance as a teamwork process-based construct which depends on communication, relationship, and trust to add success for virtual teams The framework results in three step process for team flow and success i.e., the importance of face-to-face meetings; advantages of virtual teaming; and challenges of virtual teaming to result in virtual team performance dependent on the team having communication, relationship, and trust present.
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Success Factors Of Software Development In A Distributed Setting: A Collective Case StudyBulgurcu, Burcu 01 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This study represents an attempt to address and discuss some of the most significant questions in the research on virtual software development work today. The research is held as a collective case study, including three cases with distinctive characteristics in both the software projects investigated and the types of collaborations. The study aims to reveal the success factors in virtual work, especially on the issues of communication, coordination and collaboration, by presenting the unfavorable experiences and major issues encountered in each case, as well as the favorable ones and lessons learned at the end of the development processes. The collective research focuses on both the global and non-global contexts. As a result, it points out the distinctive and opposite findings of the cases, and proposes discussions of those findings according to the properties of the development settings.
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Not Just Another Team Member : How management is affected when the customer is a member of the global virtual teamJörgensen, Niklas, Meléus, Sammy January 2015 (has links)
Purpose - The aim of the paper is to understand how management is affected by having the customer as a member of the global virtual team within agile work methods. Research Method - This research is based on a qualitative methodological choice, and an embedded single case study conducted through a cross-sectional time horizon. The research is based on primary and secondary data. The primary data has been collected from management, employees, and customer, through semi- and in depth interviews, and observations in Sri Lanka. Secondary data is conceptualized from literature in the Global Virtual Team research field. Results - A customer is seen as a colleague and a critical team member, where the developers and management work closely with the customer. However, the customer is not fully seen as a traditional colleague. The customer’s influence outweighs the influence of the supplier, resulting in a dynamic shift of influence towards the customer. Not allowing the dynamic shift, i.e. not increasing attention towards the customer significantly, could result in a loss of business. Furthermore, the background of the customer affects the manager’s role as a Bridge Maker. How efficient the collaboration turns out within the team is dependent on the customer background, and how well the management allocates time and efforts accordingly. Research limitations - Due to time and resource limits, and the depth scope of the study, only one case firm and one customer laid the basis of this paper. Further investigation of how management is affected by having the customer as a member of the global virtual team could be the direction of future studies. Practical implications - The findings allow management to allocate their time and resources more effectively cross projects and increase the understanding of how the firm is affected by having the customer as a member of the team in the global virtual team setting. As a result, it will potentially increase the overall success of the company. Originality/value - This study supplies the contribution to existing management literature as it includes an external stakeholder, the customer, in the global virtual team, which is a growing phenomenon that has not been captured by current literature. Keywords - Global teams, Virtual teams, Multicultural teams, Customer as a team member, Bridge Maker, Team leadership, Biculturalism, Agile work process Paper type – Master thesis
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Trust Development in Distributed Teams: A Latent Change Score ModelPavlova, Evgeniya 01 January 2012 (has links)
Advances in collaborative work tools and communication technologies have made computer-mediated teams a part of virtually every organization. One of the challenges for members of virtual teams is the development of trust. This study examined the reciprocal relationship between trust and effectiveness in virtual teams, employing an input-process-output-input approach. Data were collected from 183 individuals comprising 61 teams. Teams participated in a computer-simulated search and rescue mission. Three alternative latent change score structural equation models were fit to the data to examine the bidirectional relationships between trust and effectiveness. Results revealed that the two
factors of trust, cognition-based trust and affect-based trust, are always present, therefore examination of the trust-effectiveness relationship for each trust factor is warranted. The analyses revealed that generally, effectiveness has an impact on changes in trust, but trust does not influence the changes in effectiveness. Implications for organizations are discussed. Future research should examine the relationships between in trust and effectiveness on the team level. Additionally, research should explore the reciprocal relationship between each trust factors and effectiveness subtypes - attitudinal, behavioral, and performance effectiveness.
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Supporting the work of global virtual teams: the role of technology-use mediationClear, Tony January 2008 (has links)
This thesis investigates the role of technology-use mediation in supporting the work of global virtual teams. The work is set in the context of a longer term action research programme into collaborative computing and global virtual teams, initiated by Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand and Uppsala University in Sweden. Over the period since 1998, global virtual collaborations involving teams of students from both universities have been conducted annually. This thesis investigates the 2004 collaboration cycle, in which participants from St Louis University Missouri joined the collaboration. This was the first triadic collaboration, and covered Northern, Southern and Western aspects of the globe while traversing three widely divergent time-zones. In spite of the extensive experience in collaboration possessed by the coordinators at all three sites, the results of the global virtual trial were at best mixed. This repeated experience of dissatisfaction in our global virtual collaborations, in spite of the technology being in place has been a primary motivator for this work. Why is global virtual collaboration difficult? What roles and activities are critical? How can we do it better? These are not issues solely to do with the student actors in the global virtual teams, but more to do with the supporting cast, engaged in “activities which involve the shaping of other users activities of [technology] use” (Orlikowski et al., 1995, p.425). Thus came about my interest in exploring the topic of technology-use mediation. This thesis applies a research framework adapted from DeSanctis & Poole’s “Adaptive Structuration Theory” (1994) by the author. Initially applied to “facilitation” in virtual teams “Extended Adaptive Structuration Theory (EAST)” (Clear, 1999a), has undergone further development. The resulting research framework “Technology-use Mediated AST (TUMAST)” is applied here for the first time to investigate technology-use mediation activities performed during the global virtual collaborative trial. A corpus of data based on the email communications of supporting parties to the collaboration is analysed in depth in this study, applying a combination of grounded theoretic and structurational techniques. Thus a very rich and firmly grounded picture of the processes of technology-use mediation is built. This thesis represents the first known in-depth longitudinal study of technology-use mediation in a real global virtual team setting. From this exploratory study some novel theorizations have resulted. Methodologically it demonstrates analysis of technology-use mediation applying the TUMAST framework in a manner that captures the richness and evolution over time of these complex activities. Substantively it proposes a novel theory of “Collaborative Technology Fit (CTF)”. It is hoped that future global virtual team coordinators and researchers may apply the theory in order to map their situation, and diagnose their degree of collaborative alignment on multiple dimensions, thus enabling corrective actions to be taken. While the work arises in a tertiary education context, it reflects the reality of professionals at work in a global virtual team. Its application within other domains remains to be proven, but readings from the literature, and personal experience within global virtual software development teams suggest its wider applicability.
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Virtual teams make SMEs leap like frogs : A research regarding how virtual teams influence the internationalization process within a SMEEriksson, Jakob, Snårelid, Emanuel January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine what impact the new phenomena of virtual teams have on a Swedish SMEs internationalization process. The method of the thesis was decided to be a qualitative study, together with an abductive approach. The data was collected by interviewing managers from six different SMEs that have implemented virtual teams in their organization. All companies are located in Sweden, and are active on the international market, or aim to be internationalized in a near future. Multiple theories are presented in the theoretical framework, the theories chosen to support this thesis are Internationalization, Small-medium enterprise, Virtual teams vs physical teams, and cultural dimensions influencing the team. Based on the theories, a conceptual framework model was developed to show the connection between the mentioned theories. All findings extracted from the interviews is presented in the empirical findings chapter, where the primary data describes each case answers regarding the specific topics and theories. The analysis chapter visualizes the connection between empirical findings and the different theories, presenting advantages and challenges when using a virtual team. The conclusion of the thesis show that implementation of virtual teams can help Swedish SMEs leap over stages in a classical internationalization process. The thesis intends to influence managers of SMEs to implement virtual teams to digitalize their company, or to make their internationalization process easier. Ending the thesis with recommendations for future research
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Desempenho de equipes virtuais no multisourcing de serviços de tecnologia da informação. / Performance of virtual teams in the multisourcing of information technology services.Hugo Martinelli Watanuki 15 September 2014 (has links)
No setor da terceirização de serviços de Tecnologia da Informação (TI), uma estratégia global emergente é o multisourcing, que busca a combinação na provisão de serviços de TI a partir do melhor conjunto de fornecedores ao redor do globo. No campo operacional do multisourcing, a cooperação precisa ser desenvolvida entre as equipes de serviço que, além de fronteiras organizacionais, frequentemente estão distribuídas através de fronteiras geográficas, culturais e temporais. Dadas as complexidades do ambiente em que essas equipes virtuais atuam, parte do sucesso do multisourcing pode ser colocado em risco caso os desafios enfrentados por tais equipes não sejam gerenciados adequadamente. A constituição da base de fornecimento do multisourcing parece ser um dos elementos críticos a serem considerados nessa questão, já que suas características podem afetar a estruturação das equipes virtuais e, por conseguinte, o desempenho das mesmas. O objetivo deste trabalho é abordar a questão do desempenho das equipes virtuais no contexto do multisourcing de serviços de TI. Busca, portanto, analisar o impacto que determinados elementos estruturais das equipes virtuais, relacionados com as características da base de fornecimento do multisourcing, apresentam sobre o desempenho dessas equipes. Para essa finalidade, foi desenvolvido um modelo teórico relacionando as variáveis de interesse e o mesmo foi avaliado com base nos dados coletados a partir de um survey com profissionais de prestação de serviços de TI. O método de análise estatística utilizado é a modelagem de equações estruturais de mínimos quadrados parciais. Os resultados do modelo estatístico sugerem que a variedade de práticas de trabalho apresenta influências significativas para o desempenho das equipes estudadas e que a influência do tamanho e distribuição da equipe podem ser minimizadas caso os membros das equipes possuam elevada experiência prévia com o desenvolvimento de trabalho em contextos virtuais. Esses resultados também foram extrapolados para uma análise acerca da importância das características da base de fornecimento para o sucesso do multisourcing de serviços de TI. Implicações para teoria e prática são discutidas. / In the outsourcing of Information Technology (IT) services, an emergent global strategy is the multisourcing of IT services, whose purpose is to blend IT service provisioning from the optimal set of suppliers around the globe. At the operational level, the cooperation needs to be developed among the service teams that, besides organizational boundaries, are frequently distributed across geographical, cultural and temporal boundaries. Given the complex environments where these virtual teams operate, much of the multisourcing success can be at risk if the challenges faced by these teams are not properly managed. The composition of the multisourcing supply base appears to be a critical element to be considered in this matter, since its characteristics may affect the structuring of the virtual teams and, therefore, the team performance itself. The aim of this study is to approach virtual team performance in the context of the multisourcing of IT services. To this end, it attempts to assess the impact of specific structural elements of virtual teams, which are associated with the characteristics of the multisourcing supply base, over the performance of these teams. For this purpose, a theoretical model was developed and evaluated with data collected through a survey among IT service provisioning professionals. The data was analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling. The results from the statistical model suggest that the variety of work practices has a significant influence over the virtual team performance and that the influence stemming from team size and team distribution can be minimized if the virtual team members have considerable previous experience with the development of work in virtual settings. These results were also extrapolated for a discussion in regards to the importance of the supply base characteristics to the multisourcing success. Implications for practice and theory are discussed.
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Fatores críticos de sucesso na gestão de projetos com equipes virtuais: uma visão global. / Critical success factors for project management using virtual teams : a global view.André Machado Dias Ferreira 29 May 2014 (has links)
Gestão de projetos com equipes virtuais é um tema relevante no meio acadêmico e na prática das empresas e neste contexto, o estudo dos fatores críticos de sucesso neste tipo de atividade possui grande importância. Este trabalho teve por objetivo identificar os fatores críticos de sucesso na gestão de projetos com equipes virtuais e verificar como cada um destes influencia no sucesso de projetos com equipes virtuais. Para tanto, identificou-se na literatura pertinente um conjunto de sete fatores críticos de sucesso com seus respectivos atributos. Usando-se de survey, foram coletados dados em duas pesquisas Primeiramente, um piloto que teve por objetivo coletar a percepção de gerentes de projetos sobre o nível de importância de cada um dos sete fatores críticos de sucesso identificados na literatura. Este piloto permitiu que um entendimento inicial fosse obtido de forma a se desenhar a pesquisa final. Em seguida, na pesquisa final, coletaram-se dados de projetos em nível mundial os classificando em América Latina, Ásia e Oceania, Estados Unidos e Canadá e Europa. Verificou-se a presença de cada fator crítico de sucesso frente ao sucesso percebido em cada projeto, avaliado conforme o modelo de SHENHAR e DVIR (2007). Usando-se de análise fatorial, determinou-se um conjunto de atributos para os fatores críticos de sucesso avaliados que foram comparados com o sucesso percebido em cada projeto através de análise de correlação de Pearson. Adicionalmente, fez-se uso de um conjunto de variáveis de controle para verificar se estas influenciavam na correlação entre os fatores críticos de sucesso e as dimensões de sucesso, de modo a dar solidez para os achados da pesquisa. O estudo concluiu que oito são os fatores críticos de sucesso em projetos que usam equipes virtuais, com a seguinte escala de importância, do mais para o menos importante: 1) liderança; 2) comportamento do membro da equipe; 3) padrão de comunicação da equipe; 4) confiança; 5) comunicação do membro da equipe; 6) ferramentas de controle; 7) gestão do conhecimento e; 8) organização e estrutura. Cada fator crítico de sucesso possui um conjunto de atributos e influencia de forma distinta em cada dimensão de sucesso de SHENHAR e DVIR (2007). Finalmente, são descritas as limitações do trabalho e recomendações de pesquisas futuras. / Project management using virtual teams is a theme of great relevance at this moment in the academy and for project management professionals. In this theme, the study of critical success factors is of great importance. This work had the objective of identify the critical success factors for managing virtual teams and verified how each of these critical success factors causes influence to the success of projects using virtual teams. For that, this work identified a group of seven critical success factors and their respective attributes in the literature. Using survey, collected data in two researches, a pilot research that had the objective of getting project managers perception on the level of importance of each of these seven critical success factors identified in the literature. This pilot research allowed an initial understanding so the final research could be drawn. In the final research, a world wide data was collected being classified as Latin America, Asia and Oceania, United States and Canada and Europe. It was verified the presence of each critical success factor against the perceived success of the project measured using the model from SHENHAR e DVIR (2007). Using factor analysis it was determined a set of attributes for each critical success factor comparing them to the perceived success of the project using Pearsons correlation analysis. In addition, a set of control variables was used to verify if these cased any type of influence to the correlation measured between the critical success factors and the success dimensions, in order to consolidate the findings of this research. The study concluded the existence of eight critical success factors in projects using virtual teams, in the following scale of importance, from the most to the less important: 1) leadership; 2) team member behavior; 3) team communication pattern; 4) trust; 5) team member communication; 6) control tools; 7) knowledge management and; 8) organization and structure. Each critical success factor has its own set of attributes and has a different influence in each success dimension from SHENHAR e DVIR (2007). Finally, it describes the limitations of the study and recommendations for future researches.
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Communication, collaboration and belongingness in virtual teams : mapping out enablers and constraints / Kommunikation, samarbete och tillhörighet i virtuella team : en kartläggning av möjliggörare och begränsningarFristedt, Saga January 2021 (has links)
In an increasingly digital world, virtual work becomes more common every year. Additionally, virtual work has suddenly become the reality for a large part of the world’s population due to the coronavirus pandemic. Therefore, a study on virtual teamwork is currently of high relevance. The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding and provide knowledge on enablers and constraints for communication, collaboration and belongingness in virtual teams as well as ICTs impact on the virtual teamwork. The study has a phenomenological research design with a qualitative approach. Empirical data has been collected by studying three transnational, virtual teams by conducting six semi-structured individual interviews. The sample was selected through a strategic selection. A thematic analysis has been conducted to compile and analyze the data, which thereafter has been set in relation to the theoretical framework of the study. The enablers found in the results were flexibility and availability for communication, clearly defined roles, high level of both task- and relationship based communication as well as depth of relationships, trust and shared understanding for collaboration, and responsibility, seeing into team members homes and virtual social team activities for belongingness. Additionally, ICTs were found as a main enabler for all themes. The identified constraints were time dispersion for all three themes, as well as virtuality as a whole. Additionally misunderstandings was identified for collaboration and lack of natural and spontaneous social conversation for belongingness. Furthermore, the findings implicate that ICTs with characteristics of richer type in relation to media richness are preferred most of the time to enable a better virtual work climate regards to communication, collaboration and belongingness. However, some criteria for media richness cannot be fully utilized in virtual teams due to time dispersion. Lastly, findings implicate that the choice of ICT based on previous experience, rather than linked to suitability, might hinder an optimal model of ICT usage for a well-functioning virtual team. / I en allt mer digitaliserad värld blir virtuellt arbete vanligare varje år. Virtuellt arbete har dessutom hastigt blivit verklighet för en stor del av världens befolkning på grund av coronapandemin. Därför är en studie om virtuellt teamarbete av hög relevans i dagens samhälle. Syftet med denna studie är att få en djupare förståelse och ge kunskap om möjliggörare och begränsningar för kommunikation, samarbete och tillhörighet i virtuella team samt ICTs inverkan på virtuellt teamarbete. Studien har en fenomenologisk forskningsdesign med ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt. Empirisk data har samlats in genom att studera tre transnationella, virtuella team genom genomförandet av sex semi-strukturerade, individuella intervjuer. Intervjupersonerna valdes ut genom ett strategiskt urval. En tematisk analys har genomförts för att sammanställa och analysera data, som sedan satts i förhållande till det teoretiska ramverket för studien. De möjliggörande faktorer som hittades i resultaten var flexibilitet och tillgänglighet för kommunikation, tydligt definierade roller, hög nivå av både uppgifts- och relationsbaserad kommunikation och relationsdjup, förtroende och delad förståelse för samarbete, samt ansvar, att få en inblick i teammedlemmarnas hem och virtuella sociala teamaktiviteter för tillhörighet. Dessutom identifierades ICT som en övergripande möjliggörare. De identifierade begränsningarna var tidsskillnader för alla tre teman samt virtualitet i helhet. Utöver detta var missförstånd identifierat för samarbete och brist på naturlig och spontan social interaktion för tillhörighet. Dessutom visar resultaten på att ICTs med egenskaper av rikare typ i förhållande till media richness oftast föredras för att möjliggöra ett bättre virtuellt arbetsklimat när det gäller kommunikation, samarbete och tillhörighet. Vissa kriterier för media richness kan dock inte utnyttjas fullt ut i virtuella team på grund av tidsskillnader. Slutligen visar studiens resultat på att val av ICT baserat på tidigare erfarenhet, snarare än kopplat till lämplighet, kan hindra en optimal modell för användning av ICT för ett väl fungerande virtuellt team.
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Projektledares upplevelser av kommunikation i virtuella projekt inom IT-branschen / Project managers' experiences of communication in virtual projects in the IT industry.Hultqvist, Johan January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka projektledares upplevelse av kommunikationen i virtuella projekt inom IT-branschen. Datainsamling genomfördes genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med totalt nio projektledare. Det insamlade materialet har analyserats genom tematisk analys. Av resultatet framgår att projekten inom IT-branschen till stor del är virtuella och att kommunikationen mellan projektdeltagarna och även mot beställare till stor del sker virtuellt. Den formen av kommunikation har både för- och nackdelar, men för att för att underlätta det för deltagarna att kommunicera virtuellt är ett fysiskt första möte essentiellt för en effektiv kommunikationsmiljö. Ett sådant möte har inte bara fördelen av att deltagarna lär känna varandra, och därför får det lättare att sedan kommunicera virtuellt, utan det är också ett bra tillfälle att se till att alla deltagare får en gemensam målbild och för att skapa en känsla av grupptillhörighet (s.k. teambuilding). Medan virtuella möten har fördelen att de ofta är mer effektiva och tar mindre resurser i anspråk, har de nackdelen av att kommunikationen många gånger begränsas till text och tal, medan det är svårare att läsa av ansiktsuttryck och kroppsspråk. Samtidigt är text och tal de viktigaste kommunikationsformerna, men det finns med språket alltid en risk för misstag vid tolkningar. Studiens främsta upptäckt är att dålig kommunikation har sin orsak i misstolkningar av information. För att råda bot på detta finns tekniker med kontroll av att informationen nått fram, vilka bör användas för att säkerställa en effektiv kommunikation. / The purpose of the study has been to investigate project managers' experiences of communication in virtual projects in the IT industry. Data collection was conducted through qualitative semi-structured interviews with a total of nine project managers. The collected material has been analyzed using thematic analysis. The results show that projects in the IT industry are largely virtual and that communication between the project members and also towards clients is largely virtual. This form of communication has both advantages and disadvantages, but in order to facilitate virtual communication, a physical first meeting is essential for an effective communication environment. A physical meeting has not only the benefit of the participants getting to know each other, and therefore makes it easier to communicate virtually, but it is also a good opportunity to ensure that all participants share a common goal and to create a sense of group belonging (socalled team building). While virtual meetings often have the advantage of being more efficient and consume less resources, they have the disadvantage of difficulties to read facial expressions and body language. The communication is often limited to text and speech. On the other hand, text and speech are the most important forms of communication, but with textual and oral language there is always a risk of misinterpretation. The study's main finding is that poor communication has its cause in misinterpretation of information. In order to counteract this, there are techniques to verify that the information has been obtained, which should be used to ensure effective communication.
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