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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Indoor and outdoor dust in Damaturu Nigeria : composition, exposure and risk to human health

Mohammed, Fatima Sule January 2013 (has links)
Harmattan and Dust (sand) storms together with anthropogenic activities including the use of firewood and kerosene as fuel for cooking, and diesel/petrol generators for electricity generation are potential sources of particulate and gaseous pollutants in homes in Damaturu town, Nigeria. Other activities like the burning of locally produced incense and mosquito coils as well as the use of aerosol sprays are further possible sources of indoor pollution, which may result in exposure of people to a range of pollutants through inhalation, by ingestion of settled dusts as well as dermal contact. Local people associate occurrence of dust events with adverse health effects and hence there is a need for an understanding of the composition of the settled and airborne dusts in order to assess the possible associated health risks. The first phase of the study involved selection and development of methods of dust sampling and analysis. For validation of the methods employed and to establish a broad understanding of the characteristics of the settled dusts, an initial survey study was conducted involving the application of thermal desorption/gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (TD/GC/MS) analysis for organic compound analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for analysis of metals, and microbiological analysis. Airborne samples were also collected using sorbent tubes to determine organic compounds in air during activities such as cooking with kerosene, gas, and firewood as well as during electricity generation with fossil fuels. Carbon monoxide (CO) and ultrafine particles (UFPs) monitored simultaneously during some of the household activities. The study involved a novel method of extracting organic chemical emissions from dust by heating of the dusts directly in a micro chamber (μ-CTETM) and collection of emissions on sampling tubes. The method provided a relatively quick way of collecting chemical emissions from dusts that are readily available for release. The sampled tubes were analysed by TD/GC/MS. The conventional solvent extraction of the dusts was also carried out and the extracts were analysed by liquid injection-GC/MS and results of the two methods compared. The study determined a number of constituents (metals, SVOCs, phthalates and physical properties) of dusts collected from households in Damaturu during different weather events and from different indoor/outdoor locations; and compared with some UK samples. The samples investigated include dusts deposited; during two notable dusty-weather events (Harmattan and Storm) as well as when there was no notable dust event; during human activities; and dusts from different types of buildings (modern and traditional homes) as well as inside and outside homes. A standard reference material for organic chemicals (SRM 2585) was also analysed. The physical characterization of the settled house dust samples analysed revealed the various shapes and sizes, and elemental composition of the constituents, which included respirable particles. The microbial analysis also indicated the presence of the spores of a host of fungi and bacterial species; and the possible contributions of household activities to the increased production of pollutants (UFP and CO) ascertained. The μ-CTE extraction of the house dusts by heating with TD/GC/MS analysis of the emissions as well as the solvent extraction-GC/MS revealed the presence of many organic chemical compounds with different analytical retention times and varying concentrations in the dust samples. Chemicals of interest quantified: benzene, hexanal, nonanal, diethyl phthalate (DEP), diisobutylphthalate (DIBP), dibutylphthalate (DBP), and diethylhexylphthalate (DEHP). A host of other chemicals commonly present in the analysed samples identified using the NIST library associated with the MS system software. These chemicals included naphthalene and C10-C16 aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, which would need confirmation by running the pure compound samples. There was an observed higher concentration of the chemicals in the solvent extracts than the μ-CTE extracted dust. The higher concentration of the chemicals in the solvent extracts expected due to the aggressive removal of the chemicals by the organic solvent whereas in the case of thermal extraction only the readily available chemicals (loosely bound to the matrix) released by increases in temperature were removed. Generally, the concentrations of the chemicals found were higher in the indoor than in the outdoor dust samples. In the analysis of the dusts collected during weather events; higher chemical concentrations observed in the samples collected during Harmattan period than the other periods. The Harmattan dust period may pose increased exposures to dust and possible health risks. More exposure is expected to occur in the traditional homes compared with the modern homes due to the higher concentrations of the chemicals in both the indoors and the outdoors and this may be especially important to women and children who spend most of their times at home. Metal analysis involved microwave-assisted digestion of the dust samples followed by ICP-MS analysis. The total quant method of metal analysis for a general profiling indicated the presence of more than 50 elemental contaminants in house dust. The results of the quantitative analysis for six target metals: Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn showed their presence in all indoor and the outdoor dust samples. The mean concentrations showed that the metals were in higher concentrations in the indoor dusts than in the outdoor dusts. The quantitative analysis carried out indicated higher metal contents in the storm dusts than the dusts during the other periods. Results of the dusts collected from modern and traditional homes indicated the presence of the metals in higher concentrations in the dusts from traditional homes than the dusts from the modern homes. The estimated mean concentrations of the metals and phthalates inadvertently ingested as a constituent of dust indicated that some of the pollutants could exceed the tolerable daily intake (TDI) due to high exposures to dust expected to be the case in Damaturu. The results of the investigation of the dust composition, combined with information on exposure to dust and pollutants, show that dusts are a risk to the health of people in the Damataru community. Recommendations are made for more studies to provide a better understanding of dust ingestion and exposure to some phthalates and heavy metals in particular and the possible health risks. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first ever research study of airborne and settled dusts undertaken in North-Eastern Nigeria.

A LCA Study of Activated Carbon Adsorption and Incineration in Air Pollution Control

Saffarian, Saman January 2010 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis was to compare GAC adsorption method, VOCs incinerationmethod and Non-treatment alternative by using LCA to find which method or alternative isenvironmentally preferable. The LCA framework proposed by ISO 14040 (1997) has beenconsidered in this research. The comparison was made by considering a flue gas contaminatedby toluene (with three different concentration 100, 1000, 2000 mg/m3). The plant locationwhere the polluted flue gas is emitted has been assumed to be located in Borås, Sweden. Theflow rate of emitted flue gas was 10000m3/hr. The present thesis report contains two mainparts.The results of LCA showed that when the toluene concentration is low (< 100 mg/m3), GACadsorption method, Non-treatment alternative and VOCs incineration method are respectivelypreferable from environmental point of view. On the other side, when the tolueneconcentration of inlet stream is high (>1000 mg/m3), the order of GAC adsorption method,incineration and Non-treatment alternative is more desirable. Furthermore, the resultsillustrated that as toluene plays the role of fuel as a hydrocarbon, VOCs incineration methodis much more suitable when toluene concentration is high due to lower demand on additionalfuel. In the other words, high toluene concentration of influent leads to less environmentalimpact when VOCs incineration method is exploited. Conversely, the environmental impactof GAC adsorption method is increased when the inlet concentration of toluene is escalated.In overall, the weighted result showed that GAC adsorption method is the most preferablemethod while Non-treatment alternative is the worst.

Avaliação de compostos orgânicos voláteis em lodos de esgotos para fins agrícolas / Evaluation of Volatile Organic Compounds in Sewage Sludge for Agricultural Use

Silva, Marcos Gualberto da 29 October 2009 (has links)
O lodo de esgoto, também denominado biossólido, depois de tratado adequadamente, constitui fonte de matéria orgânica, micro e macro-nutrientes para o crescimento das plantas. A aplicação do lodo de esgoto no solo pode trazer benefícios tais como: distribuição em áreas para produção agrícola, recuperação de solos perdidos por erosão, aplicação em áreas de reflorestamento. Os lodos de esgotos, entretanto, são resíduos que contem patógenos, metais pesados, e poluentes orgânicos, entre estes os compostos orgânicos voláteis (COVs). A resolução CONAMA nº 375 em vigor no Brasil, assim como as regulamentações de outros países, não exigem valores limites para alguns COVs considerados prioritários. Uma base de dados sobre COVs em lodos de esgoto é necessário para estabelecer valores limites nos lodos usados para fins agrícolas. O presente trabalho evidenciou a presença de COVs em concentrações significativas nas amostras de lodo coletadas nas Estações de Tratamento de Esgoto (ETE) na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP), Jundiaí, Vinhedo e Americana. Na ETE da RMSP foram encontrados vários COVs em concentrações significativas. Dentre os COVs identificados, apenas 1,4-diclorobenzeno e naftaleno apresentam valores permitidos em solo agrícola (390 e 120 µmg/kg, respectivamente) e valores de concentrações muito acima desses limites foram encontrados para as amostras de lodo da ETE de RMSP (845 a 2037 e 901 a 5670 µmg/kg, respectivamente). Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho, embora não forneçam dados suficientes para uma imediata tomada de decisão, permitem fornecer subsídios técnicos para iniciar uma base de dados sobre COVs em lodo de esgoto que, futuramente, utilizando-se metodologias adequadas, será útil para se realizar uma revisão das regulamentações vigentes para lodo de esgoto com finalidade agrícola. / The sewage sludge also entitled biosolid, after adequate treatment, is source of organic matter, micro and macronutrients for plants growth. The application of sewage sludge in soil may provide some benefits like: distribution in areas for agricultural production, recovery of degraded soil by erosion, application in areas of reforestation. However, sewage sludges are residues that contain phatogens, heavy metals, organic pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The current resolution in Brazil (CONAMA nº 375), as well as regulations from other countries do not establish acceptable levels for some priority VOCs. It is necessary to establish data a base related to VOCs in sewage sludge for agricultural use to be able to present acceptable levels of them. The present work reports the presence of VOCs at significant levels in sewage sludge samples collected at sewage treatment stations (ETE) in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo city (RMSP), Jundiaí, Vinhedo and Americana. Among VOCs identified, only 1,4 dichlorobenzene and naphthalene are regulated for use in agricultural soil (390 and 120 µg/kg, respectively) and levels found for sewage sludge samples from RMSPETE were higher than those regulated limits (845 to 2037 and 901 to 5670 µg/kg, respectively). Although results obtained in this study do not provide enough data for an immediate decision, results will be useful to start a data base regarding to VOCs in iv sewage sludge for agricultural use that, using adequate methodologies, will permit a review of current regulations on VOCs for agricultural use.

Kinetic Study on Degradation of Gas-phase 1, 3-Butadiene and Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether Acetate (PGMEA) by UV/O3

Huang, Bo-Jen 24 October 2005 (has links)
This study investigates the rate kinetics for BD and PGMEA oxidation by UV/O3 process. The reactor constructs of a 100 cm x 20 cm x 85 cm (L x W x H) stainless steel chamber, in which four vertical steel plates (20 cm x 65 cm, W x H) were inserted to establish a plug flow path for the flowing gas. The reactor has a total effective volume of 170 L. Each of the five compartments of the reactor is equipped with an individual UV irradiation system with a 3.0-cm x 15-cm (ID x L) quartz sheath that housed an UV lamp, and two electric UV power inputs of 0.147 or 0.294 W/L were obtained. The gas flows perpendicularly to the UV lamps in the reactor. The influent tested VOC concentration was adjusted to about 50 ppm, and the gas flows were controlled at the individual flow rate of 60 and 120 L/min. The effects of moisture content (relative humidity, RH), ozone dosage (initial molar ratio of ozone to the tested VOC, m) and UV volumetric electric power input on the removal of the tested VOCs are investigated in the study. Also, kinetic models of the tested VOCs by photolysis, ozonation and UV/O3 have been developed and confirmed with reference to the experimental data. According to the kinetic models, both photolysis rate and oxidation rate by UV/O3 are following the first order behavior with respect to the tested VOC concentrations which are low. The result reveals the absorbance for the reactions is weak absorbance under UV irradiation. The reaction rates are proportional to the UV electric power inputs in UV-initiated reactions. And the parameter, £i, which represents the ratio of OH radical consumption rate by the tested VOC to the total OH radical consumption rate, can be obtained by simulating the performance of experimental data of OH reactions. The experimental results reveal that for BD oxidation with a gas space time of 85 sec and RH = 40 ¡V 99%, BD photolysis did not occur at wavelength of 185 nm with UV electric power inputs of 0.147 and 0.294 W/L. The ozonation efficiency of BD reached 90% at m = 3.5, and RH had no influence on the removal efficiency of BD. The removal efficiencies by UV/O3 process reached 90% with m = 2.2 and 1.6 for UV power inputs of 0.147 and 0.294 W/L, respectively. The addition of ozone apparently encouraged BD removal efficiency by UV/O3 process. And the enhancement of ozone dosage (m = 0.5 ¡V 4.4) would promote the decomposition of BD more effectively than the enhancements of UV power input (from 0.147 to 0.294 W L-1) and RH (from 40 to 99%). For PGMEA photolysis in a batch reactor with volume of 1.188 L, the photolysis occurred at wavelength of 185 nm under UV irradiation. And the photolysis rate follows the first order behavior with respect to the concentration of PGMEA. But PGMEA photolysis did not occurred at UV wavelength of 254 nm. PGMEA ozonation was performed in the same batch reactor; and the removal efficiency of only 50% at m = 3.96 would take 35 min. So, PGMEA ozonation in the plug flow reactor did not be observed at the conditions of the gas space time of 85 sec and RH = 15 ¡V 99%. Besides, the photolysis of PGMEA was carried out at the above conditions. The removal efficiency of PGMEA by UV/O3 could reach 90% at the conditions of the gas space time of 170 sec, UV volumetric electric power input of 0.294 W/L and m = 2.9. And the enhancement of UV power input (from 0.147 to 0.294 W L-1) would promote the decomposition of PGMEA more effectively than the addition of ozone dosage (m = 1.05 ¡V 15.63) and RH = 15 ¡V 99%.

Study on the Biological Treatment of Air-borne VOCs by Sieve-plate Absorption Tower Combined with Activated Sludge Aeration Tank

Chang, Hsiao-Yu 24 October 2005 (has links)
Bioprocesses for air pollution control can generally be categorized as bioscrubber, biofilter, and biotrickling filter systems. These processes have been proven to be economical and effective for control of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with concentrations of <1,000 mg C m-3 in gas streams. First, an activated sludge aeration tank (W x L x H = 40 x 40 x 300 cm) with a set of 2 mm orifice air spargers was utilized to treat gas-borne VOCs (toluene, p-xylene, and dichloromethane) in air streams. The effects of liquid depth (Z), aeration intensity (G/A), the overall mass transfer rate of oxygen in clean water (KLaO2), the Henry¡¦s law constant of the tested VOC (H), and the influent gaseous VOC concentration (C0) on the efficiency of removal of VOCs were examined and compared with a literature-cited model. Results show that the measured VOC removal efficiencies and those predicted by the model were comparable at a G/A of 3.75 ¡V 11.25 m3 m-2 hr-1 and C0 of around 1,000 ¡V 6,000 mg m-3. Experimental data also indicate that the designed gas treatment reactor with KLaO2 = 5 ¡V 15 hr-1, could achieve > 85% removal of VOCs with H = 0.24 ¡V 0.25 at an aerated liquid depth of 1 m, and > 95% removal of dichloromethane with H = 0.13 at a 1 m liquid depth. The model predicts that, for gas treatment in common activated sludge tanks, with KLaO2 = 5 ¡V 10 hr-1, depth = 3 ¡V 4.5 m, G/A = 9 ¡V 18 m3 m-2 hr-1, > 92% VOC removal can be achieved with operating parameters of Z of 3.0 m and KLaVOC/(G/A) of about 0.28 m-1, for VOCs with H < 0.3, such as most oxygen-containing hydrocarbons with low molecular weights, and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and dichloromethane. Second, an activated sludge aeration tank and a sieve-plate column with six sieve plates were utilized to treat gas-borne VOCs in air streams. The tank was used for the biodegradation of the absorbed VOCs from the column which utilized the activated mixed liquor drawn from the tank as a scrubbing liquor. This research proposed a model for VOC absorption to a down-flow activated sludge liquor in a sieve-plate column. The experimental setup consisted of a pilot-scale activated-sludge tank and a sieve-plate tower, as demonstrated. The sieve-plate tower was constructed from a 25 x 25 x 162 cm (W x L x H) acrylic column with six custom-made sieve plates. Each plate has 382 holes which are 3 mm in diameter arranged on a square pitch. The holes give an open area of 3.82% of the whole plate area for gas flow. Two 25 mm-i.d. down-comer pipes were also equipped to allow for the downflow of the activated sludge liquor. Ports were provided at the column inlet, outlet, and each plate for gas and liquid sampling. Experiments were conducted and the model verified based on the results of tests on the removal efficiencies of isopropyl alcohol (IPA), toluene and p-xylene in the system operated at a range of influent VOC concentrations, air application rates, and liquid/gas flow ratios (L/G). The model developed by a material balance for the gaseous- and liquid-VOC over each plate of the column was developed and experimentally verified in this study. Superficial gas velocity over the column plate (U), number of plates (N), volumetric liquid-phase VOC-transfer coefficient (KLaVOC), aerated liquid depth over the plate (Z), volumetric liquid/gas flow-rate ratio (L/G), dimensionless Henry¡¦s law coefficient of the VOC to be absorbed (H), VOC content of the influent scrubbing liquor (xN+1), and the biodegradation rate constant of the VOC in the activated sludge mixed liquor (k) are among the affecting parameters to the effectiveness of the VOC removal. Model application by the model for effects of affecting parameters on the VOC removal effectiveness indicates that L/G, plate number N, biodegradation rate constant k, Henry¡¦s law constant of VOC H are among the important ones. A L/GH of greater than 2 and N of around 6 are enough for the effective (>90%) removal of the influent VOCs with H < 0.01 if no biodegradation occurred in the column. However, a N of over 16 is required for the influent VOCs with H of around 0.2. Biodegradation with a rate constant of around 100 hr-1 in the column greatly improves the column performance.

Oxidation characteristics of fluorine-, nitrogen-, and sulfur-containing organic compounds by UV/O3

Chang, Ken-Lin 10 September 2007 (has links)
DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) is a liquid with a high boiling point (189 oC) that has been extensively utilized in various industries owing to its ability to dissolve various organic and inorganic compounds. DMSO is increasingly being adopted as a detergent or a photo-resistant stripping solvent in manufacturing semiconductors and liquid crystal displays (LCD). Therefore, DMSO is now a major component of wastewater. The biological treatment of DMSO-containing wastewater generates noxious DMS (dimethyl sulfide) and other compounds that may cause odor problems. Also having a high water solubility and a moderate boiling point (110 oC), tetrafluoro propanol (TFP) has been extensively applied in the manufacture of CD-R and DVD-R, due to its ability to dissolve organic dyes. The spin coating process produces a large amount of wastewater containing TFP. No reports have been written on the biodegradability of TFP to the authors¡¦ knowledge. Additionally, HMDS (hexamethyldisilazane) has been extensively used in life science microscopy and material science. For instance, the semiconductor industry employs HMDS to promote the adhesion of photo-resistant material to oxide(s). HMDS is classified as a carcinogen, and has an ammonia odor. Condensing incinerators have been found to be unsuitable for treating HMDS-containing waste gases, because of the formation of silicon dioxide, which blocks porous adsorbents. Biological treatment also appears to be unpromising due to its low water solubility and limited biodegradability. This investigation evaluates the feasibility, effectiveness and oxidation characteristics of aqueous DMSO, TFP and gaseous HMDS (hexamethyldisilazane) by UV/O3 processes. A reactor made entirely of acrylic plastic with an effective volume of 10 L was employed for the reactions. The tested VOCs concentrations were adjusted to 400¡V890mg/L and 772¡V887 mg/L for DMSO and TFP, respectively, and the gas (ozone-enriched air) flow rate was controlled at 3L/min. The effects of various solution pH values (acidic, alkaline, uncontrolled), solution temperatures (26 oC, 37 oC, 48 oC and 60 oC), and UV wavelengths (254 nm and 185+254 nm) on the removal of tested VOCs were studied . Additionally, the operation costs of treating DMSO and TFP by UV/O3 were estimated. Experimental results demonstrate that acidic conditions (pH = 3.6) favored the degradation of DMSO, and that the removal efficiency could reach 95% at a volumetric UV intensity P/V of 2.25 W/L and a reaction time of 120 min. However, alkaline conditions (pH = 9.5) favored the decomposition of TFP, with the removal efficiency reaching 95% at P/V = 2.5 W/L and a reaction time of 60 min. Both DMSO and TFP exhibited zero-order degradation kinetics when sufficient ozone was supplied. Raising the oxidation temperature did not increase the UV/O3 oxidation of TFP in the tested concentration and temperature ranges. Operation costs of the UV/O3 per unit volume of wastewater with DMSO or TFP are comparable to those of the methods described in the literature. For the gaseous HMDS oxidation, two batch reactors with effective volumes of 1.2 and 5.8 L were used employed with the decomposition occurred under UV (185+254 nm) irradiation and UV (254 nm)/O3 processes. Tests were performed with initial HMDS concentrations of 32¡V41mg/m3 under various initial ozone dosages (O3 (mg)/HMDS (mg) =1¡V5), atmospheres (N2, O2, and air), temperatures (28 oC, 46 oC, 65 oC and 80 oC), relative humilities (20%, 50%, 65% and 99%) and volumetric UV power inputs (0.87 W/L, 1.74 W/L, 4.07 W/L and 8.16 W/L) to assess their effects on the HMDS degradation rate. Results of this study demonstrate that the decomposition rates for the UV (185+254 nm) irradiation exceeded those for the UV (254 nm)/O3 process for all conditions. UV (185+254 nm) decompositions of HMDS displayed apparent first-order kinetics. A process with irradiation of UV (185+254 nm) to HMDS in air saturated with water at temperatures of 46¡V80 oC favors the HMDS degradation. With the above conditions and a P/V of around 8 W/L, k≈ 0.20 s−1, and over 90% of the initial HMDS was degraded in a time of 12s. The main mechanisms for the HMDS in wet air streams irradiated with UV (185+254 nm) were found to be caused by OH free radical oxidation produced from photolysis of water or O (1D) produced from photolysis of oxygen. Economic evaluation factors of UV (185+254 nm) and UV (254 nm)/O3 processes at various UV power inputs were also estimated.

Studies on particle resuspension, infant exposure, and the sleep microenvironment

Boor, Brandon Emil 17 September 2015 (has links)
Understanding the transport of particulate and gaseous indoor air pollutants from source to exposure is paramount to improve our understanding of the complexities of the built environments in which we spend the majority of our time. This dissertation offers new insights on particle resuspension from indoor surfaces, infant exposure to organic contaminants released from crib mattresses, and the dynamics of pollutant transport and human exposure while sleeping. Particle resuspension is the physical process by which settled particles detach from a surface and become airborne through application of various aerodynamic and mechanical removal forces. Resuspension is an important indoor source of coarse mode particles (> 1 µm in diameter) and can be a source mechanism for biological matter and organic contaminants that accumulate in house dust. Settled dust deposits on indoor surfaces can vary considerably in their structure and mass loading, yet little is known as to how these parameters affect resuspension. Through wind tunnel experiments, this research demonstrates that the deposit structure (monolayer or multilayer) can have a significant impact on the number of particles that aerodynamically resuspend. Furthermore, this dissertation presents the first full-scale experimental chamber study to show that human body movements in bed can resuspend settled mattress dust particles. An indoor aerosol model was utilized to provide a mechanistic understanding of the impact of movement intensity, surface vibrations, bedroom ventilation rate, and dust loading on the resuspension flux and intake fraction of resuspended particles. Infants spend most of their time sleeping and are likely to be exposed to elevated concentrations of chemicals released from their crib mattresses. Through a combination of chamber experiments and solvent extractions, this research shows that infant crib mattresses can emit a variety of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and contain numerous chemical additives, including phthalate and alternative plasticizers, flame retardants, and unreacted isocyanates. Additionally, this study discovered that infants are exposed to approximately twice the concentrations of VOCs in their breathing zones as compared to the bulk bedroom air, due to their close proximity to the source.

Monitoramento das concentrações de aldeídos e BTEX como precursores de ozônio e o efeito final de semana das concentrações de ozônio na região de Bangu. / Monitoring of alehydes and BTEX as ozone precursors and weekend effect of ozone concentrations in the Bangu area.

Debora Bonfim Neves da Silva 25 February 2014 (has links)
O ozônio é um poluente secundário formado pela presença de poluentes atmosféricos primários e secundários formados a partir de uma sequência de reações entre o dióxido de nitrogênio e de compostos orgânicos voláteis (COV). No grupo de compostos orgânicos voláteis estão os aldeídos e os BTEX. Os COVS são emitidos, no Rio de Janeiro, principalmente por veículos automotores. O presente estudo realizou então coletas de aldeídos e BTEX no período de 2013. Além disso, com dados de 2012 e 2013 de poluentes de uma rede automática de monitoramento analisou o possível efeito fim de semana existente na região. O efeito fim de semana é caracterizado por altas concentrações de ozônio no final de semana mesmo com a redução da frota das emissões de NOx e COVs neste período. / Ozone is a secondary pollutant formed in the presence of primary and other secondary pollutants in a sequence of reactions between nitrogen dioxide and volatile organic compounds (VOC). In the chemical group of volatile organic compounds are included aldehydes and BTEX. VOC are emitted in the city of Rio de Janeiro primarily by automobile vehicles. This study performed sampling of aldehydes and BTEX in the period of the year of 2013. Besides, using data imported of an automatic pollutant monitoring net of the years of 2012 and 2013, this study analyzed the possible weekend effect in this region. The weekend effect is characterized by high concentrations of ozone in the weekends, even with the reduction of the traffic, and the consequent reduction of the emissions of NOx and VOC in this period.

Avaliação das concentrações de BTEX em ambiente indoor: estudo de caso da sala de spinning de uma academia de ginástica Rio de Janeiro / RJ. / Assement of concentration of BTEX in indoor enviroment: case study of a spinnin room - Rio de Janeiro, RJ.

Mônica Domingues Monteiro 16 March 2011 (has links)
Muitos dos locais onde as atividades são realizadas nas academias de ginásticas são salas pequenas e fechadas com sistema de climatização artificial, freqüentados por um grande número de alunos realizando seus exercícios e profissionais auxiliando as atividades. Com isso, há uma intensa transpiração desses indivíduos, uma freqüente rotina de limpeza do piso e de equipamentos com pequenos intervalos, possibilitando a alterações da qualidade do ar indoor. O presente trabalho busca mostrar as tendências de variações nos valores das concentrações dos poluentes atmosféricos BTEX em ambiente indoor, especificamente na sala de spinning de uma academia de ginástica do Rio de Janeiro. Para o monitoramento da qualidade do ar foram utilizados cartuchos de carvão ativado SKC, acoplado a uma bomba KNF com vazão de 1l min. Para a extração de cada amostra foi feita a análise cromatográfica com cromatógrafo a gás modelo 6890 acoplado a um espectrômetro de massa modelo 5973 da marca Agilent. Foram analisadas 34 amostras coletadas na salas de spinning durante as aulas com atividades aeróbicas, o que intensificava a respiração dos indivíduos, possibilitando uma maior inalação destes COVs. Em contrapartida, também foram coletadas 5 amostras outdoor, 4 delas pareadas indoor/ outdoor para uma análise comparativa das concentrações destes poluentes. Dentre os compostos orgânicos voláteis analisados, o tolueno é o BTEX mais abundante obtido neste trabalho, representando 81% destes COVs indoor. Todas as amostras medidas em pares indoor/ outdoor tiveram concentrações maiores no interior, exceto para o benzeno no dia 3/12/2010. Simples atividades usualmente realizadas pelo homem, como a inserção de piso emborrachado, manutenção do sistema de climatização artificial, e limpeza podem alterar o ar indoor. As conclusões alcançadas após as medições das concentrações de BTEX foram de que o ar indoor estava mais poluído do que o outdoor. Este monitoramento da qualidade do ar indoor ainda é escasso no Brasil. Alguns esforços tem sido feito em relação a ambientes confinados como a Portaria n&#730;3523 do Ministério da Saúde, regulamentando o controle dos ambientes climatizados e a Resolução n&#730;9 da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, além da Resolução CONAMA n &#730;3 estabelecendo padrões de qualidade do ar para alguns compostos químicos, porém muitos compostos químicos ainda não são legislados ou não possuem a devida atenção, não sendo suficientes para contemplar a complexidade do assunto / In many gyms work-out activities take place in small enclosed rooms where the climate is controlled artificially. Normally, those rooms are full of students doing their workout and trainers helping them. Intense human transpiration requires a frequent floor and equipment cleaning routine. This routine, performed at short intervals can affect the indoor air quality. This study is aimed at showing varying concentration levels of the BTEX air pollutant at a gym in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, specifically the spinning room. To monitor the air quality, activated charcoal cartridges (SKC) were used, coupled to a KNF pump with a flow rate of 1l min. For the extraction of each sample, a gas chromatographic analysis machine model 6890 was used coupled to an Agilent mass spectrometer model 5973. We analyzed a total of 34 air samples collected in the spinning room during active aerobic classes; the increased respiration from the subjects allow for a greater inhalation of VOCs. In Contrast, five samples were also collected outdoors; four of them were paired indoor / outdoor for comparative analysis of these pollutants. Among the volatile organic compounds analyzed, toluene was the most abundant BTEX found in this study, representing 81% of indoor VOCs. In all the indoor / outdoor paired samples, the concentration was higher in the interior samples, with one exception, benzene on 3/12/2010. Simple changes that can easily be done by man, such as the installation of rubberized flooring, regular maintenance of the air acclimatization equipment, and general cleanliness can greatly affect the indoor air quality. The conclusion achieved after looking at the BTEX measurements was that the indoor air was more polluted than the air outdoors. This air quality monitoring is still scarce in Brazil. Some efforts have been made in relation to confined spaces such as Ordinance n&#730; 3523 from the Ministry of Health, which regulates the air of air-conditioned environments and Resolution n&#730; 9 of the National Agency for Sanitary Vigilance, as well as Resolution CONAMA n&#730; 3 by setting standards for air quality for some chemical compounds, unfortunately many chemical compounds are not yet legislated or receive proper attention in this matter, therefore not giving this indoor air pollution matter enough grounds to address the complexity of the subject

Monitoramento das concentrações de aldeídos e BTEX como precursores de ozônio e o efeito final de semana das concentrações de ozônio na região de Bangu. / Monitoring of alehydes and BTEX as ozone precursors and weekend effect of ozone concentrations in the Bangu area.

Debora Bonfim Neves da Silva 25 February 2014 (has links)
O ozônio é um poluente secundário formado pela presença de poluentes atmosféricos primários e secundários formados a partir de uma sequência de reações entre o dióxido de nitrogênio e de compostos orgânicos voláteis (COV). No grupo de compostos orgânicos voláteis estão os aldeídos e os BTEX. Os COVS são emitidos, no Rio de Janeiro, principalmente por veículos automotores. O presente estudo realizou então coletas de aldeídos e BTEX no período de 2013. Além disso, com dados de 2012 e 2013 de poluentes de uma rede automática de monitoramento analisou o possível efeito fim de semana existente na região. O efeito fim de semana é caracterizado por altas concentrações de ozônio no final de semana mesmo com a redução da frota das emissões de NOx e COVs neste período. / Ozone is a secondary pollutant formed in the presence of primary and other secondary pollutants in a sequence of reactions between nitrogen dioxide and volatile organic compounds (VOC). In the chemical group of volatile organic compounds are included aldehydes and BTEX. VOC are emitted in the city of Rio de Janeiro primarily by automobile vehicles. This study performed sampling of aldehydes and BTEX in the period of the year of 2013. Besides, using data imported of an automatic pollutant monitoring net of the years of 2012 and 2013, this study analyzed the possible weekend effect in this region. The weekend effect is characterized by high concentrations of ozone in the weekends, even with the reduction of the traffic, and the consequent reduction of the emissions of NOx and VOC in this period.

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