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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Game based pedagogies and the volunteer coaching community : (re)imagining coach learning and knowledge through a collaborative approach

Williams, Shaun January 2017 (has links)
Collaborative action was undertaken in response to the continued criticisms of formal coach education. It is strongly felt that we can no longer merely criticise what is not happening in terms of coach learning, but a key requirement now is to demonstrate other options. In the UK up to 80% of coaches are volunteers who reach out to around eight million people involved in sport. This valuable workforce is largely forgotten and the bureaucratic structures which oversee formal coach education are merely concerned with quotas and income generation. A fundamental problem with formal coach education is the way in which learning is decontextualized and a knowledge deficit remains. Coaching is multifarious and complex and we need to consider better ways in terms of how we prepare people for this. The Coach Learning and Development (CLAD) programme was devised and implemented in October 2013 to May 2014 at a community rugby club in Wiltshire. Over this 8 month period a range of strategies for coach learning were integrated into CLAD to evidence methods which benefitted the transition of knowledge(s). The theoretical endeavours of Basil Bernstein are introduced to SCR for the first time, particularly the ‘pedagogical device’ to understand, theorise and develop insight into the type of educational contexts that can better support the learning of volunteer coaches. Findings suggest that CLAD as collaborative action learning was successful in transforming coaches to engage with more positive and contemporary forms of coaching pedagogy. Namely ‘game based pedagogies’ argued to be theoretically underpinned by the ‘constraints based approach’. Empirical insights are given in the hope that this can spur further methodological enquiries that move beyond the mere criticism of coach education. SCR needs research endeavours that shift beyond the ‘bricolage’ where knowledge is transferred into the real world to influence real change. Therefore, the findings also draw on the pivotal features of CLAD to not only support more value laden research commitments, but to inform policy developments and practice that can re-configure more successful outcomes for coach education and coaches.

Characteristic profile of female volunteers in therapeutic settings

Gearhart, Anne T. January 2011 (has links)
Photocopy of typescript. / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

Compelled to Volunteer: American Conscientious Objectors to World War II as Subjects of Medical Research

Bateman-House, Alison January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation is a history of the use of World War II-era American conscientious objectors as the subjects of medical research. Under the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, conscientious objectors had two choices: provide noncombatant service within the military or provide work of national importance under civilian direction under the auspices of a program called Civilian Public Service (CPS). Conscientious objectors who chose assignment to CPS were placed in camps in which the men labored on a work project authorized by the U.S. Selective Service System, the government entity that administered the draft. At the outset of the CPS program, the camps were modeled after the work camps of the Civilian Conservation Corps, a New Deal jobs program. Over time, and largely due to protests that such Civilian Conservation Corps-type forestry and soil conservation work assignments were not the promised work of national importance, other types of CPS camps were developed, with work projects dealing with public health, custodial care for the mentally disabled, or scientific research. In the later, which became commonly known as the guinea pig units, over five hundred conscientious objectors voluntarily participated as research subjects for a diverse assortment of scientific studies, including projects that dealt with infectious diseases, diet, frostbite, psycho-acoustics, and the impacts of temperature extremes and of altitude. In addition to describing the creation and operation of the guinea pig units, this dissertation examines the use of American World War II conscientious objectors as research subjects in light of two specific questions: first, why did these men volunteer to be guinea pigs? And second, was the use of World War II-era conscientious objectors as research subjects in keeping with the ethical standards of the time? This dissertation draws upon a diverse array of sources to answer the question of motivation from the volunteers' perspectives. Likewise, this dissertation relies upon a wide array of sources to piece together what researchers of the day, both military and civilian, would have considered acceptable and unacceptable uses of people in the name of research.

Guerra do Paraguai: os caminhos da memória entre a comemoração e o esquecimento / Paraguayan War: the memory paths between celebration and forgetfulness

Marcelo Santos Rodrigues 30 September 2009 (has links)
Em 01 de março de 1870 a Guerra do Paraguai estava terminada. Para conter o inimigo em suas fronteiras, o Brasil precisou mobilizar o Exército, a Guarda Nacional e criar corpos de Voluntários da Pátria. Durante cinco anos o cenário político e social se modificou e, raro era a família que não teve um filho, irmão, pai, esposo, parente ou amigo lutado no Paraguai. Terminada a campanha as tropas regressaram para o Brasil. Controvérsias entre o governo de D. Pedro II, a imprensa liberal e parlamentares da câmara e do senado, em relação à recepção das tropas no Brasil, provocaram acalorados debates. Tratava-se da disputa entre comemorar e esquecer. Nessa tese percorremos os caminhos da memória da Guerra do Paraguai e para isso transitamos pelas ruas embandeiradas da Corte e das capitais das províncias para narrar os festejos populares e oficiais na recepção dos servidores da pátria recebidos com regozijo, lágrimas, flores e poesias pela população que rendia homenagens aos filhos defensores da honra nacional. No dia 10 de julho de 1870, o governo de D. Pedro II realizou no Rio de Janeiro a festa oficial, a festa do barracão, para comemorar a vitória do Brasil e lembrar os mortos e assim encerrar um capítulo da história pátria que tantas vidas deixaram no solo Paraguaio. Assistimos do alto da tribuna parlamentar a disputa pela memória da guerra de onde Caxias e o Conde D´Eu protagonizaram essa disputa. Transitamos pelas ruas de Niterói, Salvador, Recife e São Paulo e do Desterro, onde soldados doentes e mutilados, egressos dos campos paraguaios, mendigavam, provocavam desordens públicas e davam-se em espetáculos. Nas províncias encontramos as viúvas e órfãos que em súplicas ao rei pediam o pão pela perda do arrimo de família. Nas secretarias do governo, nas salas dos presidentes de províncias e nas redações de importantes jornais, era grande o volume de ofícios e petições requerendo o pagamento de indenização ao governo. Veteranos da campanha reivindicavam soldos atrasados, lote de terras, empregos públicos, condecorações e títulos honoríficos. Nas prisões públicas encontramos ex-escravos reconduzidos ao cativeiro pelos seus senhores. Na ilha de Bom Jesus percorremos o suntuoso edifício do Asilo dos Inválidos, um lugar de ressentimento. Assim, a história que procuramos narrar, transita por dois caminhos: o da comemoração e o do esquecimento / The Paraguay War finished on the 1st of March, 1870. In order to keep the enemies within their frontiers, Brazil needed to mobilize the Army and the National Guard. Also, a group of Volunteers was formed. The political and social scenery changed thoroughly during the 5 years of war, and almost all family had a member a son, a brother, a husband or a friend fighting in Paraguay. The troops returned to Brazil after the bloody campaign. A lot of debate was promoted by controversies between the govern of D. Pedro II, the liberal press and members of the senate regarding the reception of the troops in Brazil. It was a dispute between commemorating and forgetting. In this thesis, we follow the paths that lead to the memory of the war in Paraguay: the adorned streets of Rio de Janeiro as well as the provinces capitals, so as to report both the popular and official parties that received the volunteers with relief, tears, flowers and poetry. On July 10th 1870, an official party, known as Festa do Barracão was held in Rio de Janeiro, to celebrate the victory of Brazilian troops and to remember those who died at war, finishing a sad, violent chapter of the national history. We analyzed the dispute between Count DEu and the Duke of Caxias for the memory of the war. We also walked through the streets of Niterói, Salvador, Recife, São Paulo and Desterro, where sick and mutilated soldiers, ex-combatants of the war, turned into mendicants, provoking public disorders and riots. In the provinces far from Rio, we met the widowers and orphans who begged the imperial government for bread. In the secretaries of government, in the offices of province presidents and at important press centers, a huge volume of petitions and pleads required refunds and compensations. Veteran military men applied for belated payments, earth, public jobs, honorific titles etc. In public prisons, ex-slaves were taken back to captivity by their old masters. In Bom Jesus Island, we walked around and through the sumptuous building of the Invalids Asylum, a place full of resentment. The story we want to tell walks, thus, in two simultaneous paths: commemoration and forgetfulness.

Voluntariado em hospitais : uma análise institucional da subjetividade / Voluntary work in hospitals : an institutional analysis of the subjectivity

Ortiz, Marta Cristina Meirelles 15 July 2007 (has links)
Esse trabalho tem por objetivo investigar a prática do voluntariado hospitalar por meio da realização de entrevistas com voluntários a fim de compreender a produção da subjetividade no discurso desses agentes institucionais. Empreende-se inicialmente um levantamento histórico sobre o voluntariado, assim como do nascimento do hospital e das práticas caritativas a ele relacionadas. A discussão teórica começa com a problematização do mandamento cristão do amor ao próximo à luz da psicanálise de Sigmund Freud e de sua releitura por Françoise Dolto. Discute-se também a desconstrução do sujeito em Michel Foucault e suas relações com o conceito de \"sujeito-dobradiça\" em Marlene Guirado. Para a pesquisa são realizadas entrevistas semidirigidas com oito voluntários em hospitais, provenientes de quatro grupos distintos. As entrevistas são analisadas com o método de análise de discursos elaborado por Marlene Guirado. A partir dessas análises, constata-se que o voluntariado tem como objeto institucional não a cura, mas o bem-estar. Apesar de as recorrências serem marcantes nas falas dos entrevistados, os procedimentos e relações constituídas por, e constituintes do, voluntariado são dispostos de maneira diversa nos diferentes grupos. Suas práticas são desenvolvidas intersticialmente na contramão da instituição hospitalar. A produção de subjetividades no voluntariado se dá pelas diversas formas como são construídas as relações de proximidade possíveis entre voluntários e pacientes. / This work aims to investigate the practices of hospital volunteering by means of interviews with volunteers, in order to understand the production of the subjectivity in the speech of these institutional agents. It undertakes initially a historical survey on voluntary work, as well as on the birth of the hospital and related charitable practices. The theoretical discussion begins with the problematization of the christian commandment of love for the neighbor to the light of Sigmund Freud psychoanalysis and its new reading by Françoise Dolto. It algo discusses the desconstruction of the subject in Michel Foucault and its relations with the concept of \"hinge-subject\" in Marlene Guirado. For the research semidirected interviews with eight volunteers in hospitals, proceeding from four distinct groups, are carried out. The interviews are analyzed with the discourse analysis method elaborated by Marlene Guirado. From these analyses, it is evidenced that the voluntary work has as institutional object not the cure, but well-being. Although the recurrences in the interviewed person\'s speeches are remarkable, the procedures and relations constituted by, and constituent of, voluntary work are showed in diverse ways in different groups. Its practice is developed interstitially in the contraflow of the hospital institution. The production of subjectivity in voluntary work is accomplished by the various ways the possible nearness relations between volunteers and patients are constructed.

Variants of Volunteerism among Mature Adults within Communities of Northeast Tennessee.

Edwards, Martha Wilcox 01 May 2004 (has links)
A purposive study conducted among mature adults aged 55 and older in Northeast Tennessee examined variants of volunteerism as well as volunteer needs of agencies and organizations and what percent of volunteers in those agencies fall within the specified age group. Mature volunteers in the region match profiles of other studies -- predominantly white, married, homeowners, who are protestant, females with educational levels beyond high school, and who have income levels above the regional average. Findings show that most volunteers attend religious services at least once each week but found no association between gender and informal volunteerism, between health and volunteerism, or that rural volunteers are more likely to participate in informal volunteer activities. Results were analyzed using the chi-square test of statistical significance.

Dobrovolnictví v rámci sportovní akce - Olympijské parky 2016-2018 / Volunteering on sport event- Olympic Parks 2016- 2018

Svobodová, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
Title: Volunteering in a sports event - Olympic Parks 2016-2018 Objectives: The main objective of this thesis, based on the research of the development of volunteer satisfaction rate of cooperation with the Czech Olympic Committee, is to provide specific recommendations for improving the cooperation between these parties. The research will focus on the cooperation between COC and volunteers within the events of Rio - Lipno 2016 and PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Parks. Methods: The research was implemented using qualitative and quantitative methods. For the quality of the data an interview with the main volunteer coordinator, Tomáš Mirovský, and the observations in the natural environment of the events were conducted. The author participated in this sporting event as a volunteer. She represented an equal member of the group. As the observer was in the position of participant of the team, the other co-workers were informed about her true identity. The quantitative method was implemented through paper and electronic questionnaires. Results: The research results showed that the development of the satisfaction rate of volunteer cooperation with the Czech Olympic Committee improved in 2018. The research revealed the drawbacks of COC especially in the area of organization, insufficient informative directions...

What We Do Best: Quality Collections Care Practices in Small Museums in Utah

Miller, Pamela Wilder 01 May 2008 (has links)
ABSTRACT: Small museums occupy a distinctive niche in the world of museums. They hold unique objects in their collections, exhibit them, and educate the public about them. All museums have the challenge to care for collections in a manner that will enhance their preservation for future generations. Large museums have paid staff and budgets for collections care. Small museums, as used in this study, have one full-time staff person or less, who are often inadequately trained in caring for collections. Nevertheless, they still must work to preserve their collections for the future. In this qualitative study, the grounded theory method was used to identify and recommend quality collections care practices in small Utah museums for developing training programs in collections care. There are small museums that practice aspects of quality collections care. These museums were identified using survey forms and Performance Goals records in the Utah Office of Museum Services. Seventeen staff and employees from 15 small museums were interviewed. The data were analyzed using constant comparative analysis to categorize the comments. Themes emerged in response to two research questions: 'What are quality collections care practices in Utah' and 'How are staff and volunteers of small museums in Utah trained in quality collections care practices?' Themes from the collections care aspect centered on knowing what you have and caring for what you have. These included use of the PastPerfect Software Program; timely processing of museum objects; and following the museum's mission, security, housekeeping, and preventative conservation. Themes from the training aspect centered on training efforts within the museum, and training received, learned, or gained through efforts outside the museum. These included the Internet for training, sharing information, workshops and conferences, and mentors and networks. Application of the themes to collections care was discussed, including suggestions for implementation. This was followed by a discussion of the role of small museums, volunteers in small museums, state museum organizations, quality collections care practices, and training for collections care. Finally, an alarm was sounded for some serious issues confronting small museums in Utah, ending with recommendations for further study.

Understanding the organization of volunteers at visitor attractions

Edwards, Deborah, University of Western Sydney, College of Law and Business, School of Management January 2005 (has links)
This thesis investigates how volunteers are organized at visitor attractions. It focuses on museums and art museums; non-profit institutions that manage large volunteer programs. The study addresses five important issues : 1/ in what context do museums and art museums operate; 2/ why people are motivated to volunteer for these institutions; 3/ what is the extent to which the institution interacts with its external environment and how this affects organizing routines of volunteers; 4/ what is the relationship between volunteer motivation, interest dissatisfaction and value commitments; and 5/ how this understanding can result in the better management of volunteers. Two attractions in New South Wales and one in the Australian Capital Territory were investigated. The author collected data on field activities of volunteer managers and coordinators, and administered a questionnaire to the total population of volunteers in these three attractions. The thesis contributes to a more holistic understanding of volunteers that offers a critical theoretical extension to tourism, institutional and neo-institutional literature. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

志工對地方政府推動志願服務團隊績效評價之研究-以新竹市為例 / Research Concerning an Achievement Appraisal of Government Promoted Voluntary Service Groups-Taking Hsinchu as an example

張偉賢, Chang, Wei-Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
社會福利領域運用志願服務者提供服務,已經有很長的一段歷史,各種不同型態的志願服務工作往往扮演社會功能維繫的角色,儘管歷經了世代的轉變,人們對於群己關係互賴依存的需求依然不曾改變。而在政經結構急劇變遷的今日,志工及志願服務組織甚至更成為維繫人與人、地區與地區、乃至政府與民間關係的重要機制。 本研究主要在探討:1、志工對於影響我國地方政府推動志願服務團隊之重要面向及其各構面的評價程度情形。2、探討志工對於地方政府推動志願服務團隊績效的評價程度情形。3、志工的性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度、職業、宗教信仰、是否參加過志願服務團隊、目前是否同時參加其他的志願服務團隊及參加志願服務的工作時間等個人基本屬性資料,是否會影響我國地方政府推動志願服務團隊之各重要面向及績效的評價程度差異情形之產生?4、影響我國地方政府推動志願服務團隊之重要面向與其績效的關聯性如何?5、影響我國地方政府推動志願服務團隊之各重要面向對績效預測的程度如何? 本研究係以新竹市社會福利志願服務團隊為研究對象,運用問卷調查法等進行實證研究。從實證分析中,本研究發現志工對影響地方政府推動志願服務團隊之重要面向中之志工的人力資源管理活動及相關配套措施的評價程度較高,而對於志工管理制度及經費補助之評價程度則較低。一般而言,對影響地方政府推動志願服務團隊各重要面向及績效的評價程度上,女性高於男性,中高年齡者高於低年齡者,中等學歷者高於高學歷者,已婚者高於未婚者,參加過志願服務團隊者高於未參加過志願服務團隊者,服務年資深者高於服務年資淺者。另影響地方政府推動志願服務團隊之重要面向及其四個構面均與服務品質、與志願服務團隊互動程度、資源運用的程度、目標達成的程度及績效均有顯著相關存在。再者,對於績效的預測方面,一般而言,以相關配套措施的預測力最佳,經費補助次之。 基於前述的研究發現,為了因應未來志願服務工作的發展,地方政府在推動志願服務團隊工作上政策面應朝向制度明確化、管理合理化、和服務品質化三個方向來發展;另外要加強政府與志願服務團隊的互動關係。而地方政府在推動志願服務工作上所扮演的角色功能與工作重點,則應著重在輔導、資助、監督、諮詢、考核志願服務團隊,以確立各團隊能 依照服務宗旨及能力來提供服務,並透過經費補助、活動補助和培訓志願服務規劃與志工管理人才等方式,來引導與監督志願服務朝有品質的方向發展,以協助推動志願服務工作。 / The field of social welfare has already used volunteers for a very long time. Often all the different types of voluntary service work play the role of holding society together throughout generations of change. Just like in the past, people of today still require groups for mutual reliance and dependence. With the rapid changes occurring within today's political and economic structures, volunteers and voluntary service organizations hold people and districts together to an even greater extent, and so represent an important mechanism in the area of relations between the government and the people. The main points of the research are as follows: 1. Evaluate the extent to which volunteers are able to effect the important aspects and every dimension of our local government promoted voluntary service groups. 2. Inquire into the volunteers' appraisal level of local government promoted voluntary service group achievements. 3. The elicitation of the volunteers' sex, age, marital status, education level, profession, religion. Whether the volunteer has taken part in previous voluntary work. Whether the volunteer is also taking part in other voluntary work, and the amount of time the volunteer is donating to the work. All the above information will be collected for each individual. We hope to see if this information effects how different people evaluate the important aspects and achievements of our local government promoted voluntary service groups. 4. What is the connection effecting the important aspects and achievements of the local government promoted voluntary groups? 5. To what extent do achievement forecasts effect the important aspects of our local government promoted voluntary service groups? The objects of this research are social welfare voluntary service groups in Hsinchu City. An investigative questionnaire is used to carry out actual evidence research. From an analysis of this actual evidence research, it was discovered that volunteers, in relation to our local government promoted voluntary teams, evaluated human resource management activities and related complementary procedures to be comparatively more important than the volunteer system of management and subsidies. Generally speaking, when considering the extent to which the volunteers effected the important aspects and achievements of the local government promoted voluntary service groups, the following conclusions were drawn: - Women were more effective than men. - Middle-aged and senior-aged people were more effective than younger people. - Those educated to a high school level were more effective than those educated to a college level. - Those married were more effective than unmarried volunteers. - Those who had previously taken part in voluntary work were more effective than those who had not. - Those who had volunteered for many years were more effective than those who were new to volunteering. A related existence was displayed between the important aspects of local government promoted voluntary service groups and the following four dimensions: - Service quality - The extent to which voluntary service groups interacted. - The extent to which resources were used. - The extent to which the goals were achieved. Furthermore, concerning the aspect of forecasting achievements, generally speaking, the best forecasts come from related complementary procedures. The next best involve subsidies. Based on the above research discoveries, in order to lead to the development of voluntary service work in the future, the government when promoting voluntary service group work, should develop policy in the areas of system clarification, management rationalization and service qualification. In addition it is necessary to strengthen the relationship between government and voluntary service groups. Local government in order to assist in the promotion of voluntary service work should play the role of and emphasize coaching, provision of financial aid, supervision, consultation and examination. Furthermore, based on the service purpose and abilities of every group, the government should establish the provision of service. This can be done with the aid of subsidies and activity subsidies and through voluntary service training schemes and volunteer management personnel who can guide and supervise the development of quality voluntary services.

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