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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Produção de leite e desempenho de ovelhas e cordeiros da raça Bergamácia em três sistemas de manejo /

Serrão, Leila Sílvia, 1979- January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Edson Ramos Siqueira / Banca: Paulo Francisco Domingues / Banca: João Alberto Negrão / Resumo : Resumo: Delineou-se o presente trabalho com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos de três sistemas de manejo, com diferentes idades à desmama dos cordeiros (48horas, 30 e 45 dias) sobre a produção, composição do leite e incidência de mastite. Utilizaram-se 68 ovelhas Bergamácia distribuídas em três grupos por ordem de parição e idade. A dieta utilizada para os sistemas foi composta de silagem de sorgo e concentrado, na proporção volumoso: concentrado de (40:60), segundo exigência do NRC (1985). Os sistemas foram denominados de acordo com a idade à desmama dos cordeiros, sendo D48h = desmama às 48 horas após o parto e aleitamento artificial até 45 dias; D30d = desmama aos 30 dias e as ovelhas submetidas à ordenha somente após este período; D45d= desmama aos 45 dias com ordenha simultânea à amamentação. Neste último sistema os cordeiros permaneceram com suas mães em pasto durante 8 horas/dia e foram separados no final da tarde. As ovelhas dos três sistemas foram ordenhadas mecanicamente uma vez ao dia, às 8h 00, com produção de leite mensurada diariamente durante 90 dias para os sistemas D48h e D45d e 60 dias para o sistema D30d. Amostras de leite foram coletadas semanalmente para determinação da composição centesimal e contagem de células somáticas. A produção média total de leite das ovelhas do sistema D48h foi similar às ovelhas do sistema D45d e D30d (28,26; 28,65; 18,79 kg/ovelha/lactação, respectivamente). Nas três primeiras semanas, quando apenas os sistemas D48h e D45d foram avaliados, o teor médio de gordura, proteína e sólidos totais apresentaram-se superiores no D48h quando comparados ao D45d. A contagem de células somáticas foi similar entre os sistemas e apenas na primeira semana de lactação as ovelhas do sistema D45d apresentaram menor CCS em relação as ovelhas do sistema D48h. / Abstract: This work aimed to evaluate the effects of three management systems, with different ages of lambs at weaning (48 hours, 30 and 45 days), on production, and composition of milk e incidence of mastitis. It was used 68 Bergamasca ewes allocated in three groups by order of parturition and age. The diet used for the systems was made up with sorghum silage and concentrate, in the volumous:concentrate ratio of (40:60), according to NRC (1985). Systems were named according to lambs' age at weaning, being D48h = weaning 48 hours after parturition and artificial nursing up to 45 days; D30d = weaning at 30 days of age and sheep submitted to milking only after this period; D45d = weaning at 45 days of age with simultaneous milking. In this latter system, lambs remained with their mothers in pasture during 8 hours/day and were separated in the evening. Sheep from the three systems were mechanically milked once a day, at 8h 00 with milk production measured daily during 90 days for D48h and D45d and 60 days for D30d. Milk samples were collected weekly for determination of centesimal composition and somatic cells counting. The final average milk production D48h ewes were similar for systems D45d and D30d, (28.26, 28.65 and 18.79 kg/ewe/lactation, respectively. In the first three weeks, when only systems D48h and D45d were evaluated, the percentage of milk fat, protein, lactose and total solids were higher in D48h when compared to D45d. Somatic cells counting was similar among systems and at the 1-wk test day the D45d ewe was lower SCC than D48h ewe. / Mestre

O ovo em pó na alimentação de leitões recém-desmamados. / Spray-dried egg for weanling pigs.

Adriana Nogueira Figueiredo 10 July 2002 (has links)
Foram realizados dois experimentos para determinar a composição química, os coeficientes de digestibilidade de nutrientes e os valores de energia e proteína digestíveis do ovo em pó (OP) e avaliar o desempenho e os componentes sanguíneos e plasmáticos de leitões recém-desmamados alimentados com dietas contendo níveis crescentes de proteína do OP em substituição à proteína do plasma sanguíneo. O Experimento I consistiu de um ensaio de digestibilidade, sendo utilizados oito leitões (quatro machos castrados e quatro fêmeas), mestiços Landrace x Large White com 15,9 kg de peso médio. Os tratamentos consistiram de uma dieta basal e uma dieta teste (70% dieta basal + 30% OP) com quatro repetições cada. Utilizou-se a metodologia da coleta parcial de fezes com o uso de 0,5% de óxido crômico (Cr2O3) adicionado às dietas como indicador. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente do OP foram de 87,18, 80,76, 81,99 e 70, 54%, respectivamente, para a matéria seca, energia bruta, proteína bruta e extrato etéreo. A partir dos coeficientes de digestibilidade determinados e os valores de proteína bruta (56,53%) e energia bruta (5.897 kcal/kg) foram calculados os valores de 43,91% de proteína digestível e 5.139 kcal/kg de energia digestível do OP para leitões em fase de creche. No Experimento II, foram utilizados 90 animais (machos castrados e fêmeas), mestiços Landrace x Large White, desmamados com 24 dias e 5,6 kg de peso médio. O período experimental compreendeu duas fases, a pré-inicial (1 a 14 dias) e inicial (15 a 28 dias pós-desmame), onde os tratamentos consistiram de cinco rações isonutritivas com níveis crescentes (0, 25, 50, 75 e 100%) de substituição protéica do plasma sanguíneo da dieta pelo OP. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, com nove repetições por tratamento e dois animais por unidade experimental (baia). Os animais e a ração foram pesados para o cálculo do ganho diário de peso (GDP), consumo diário de ração (CDR) e conversão alimentar (CA) em cada fase e período total. Ao final do ensaio de desempenho foi retirada uma amostra de sangue de cada animal para a determinação dos componentes plasmáticos (uréia, proteína total, albumina, globulina, relação albumina/globulina, triglicérides e colesterol) e sanguíneos (hematócrito e hemoglobina). Não houve diferença entre os tratamentos (P > 0,05) para as variáveis de desempenho na fase de 1 a 14 dias pós-desmame. Para a segunda fase experimental e para o período total, foi observada uma redução linear (P < 0,01) do GDP e CDR, à medida que aumentava o nível de substituição do PS pelo OP. Para as variáveis dos componentes plasmáticos e sanguíneos não foram observadas diferenças significativas (P > 0,05) entre os tratamentos. Concluiu-se que o ovo em pó pode substituir completamente o plasma sanguíneo sem afetar o desempenho dos animais na fase de 1 a 14 dias pós-desmame, enquanto que na fase de 15 a 28 dias essa substituição prejudicou o desempenho dos animais, refletindo assim, em um pior desempenho no período total (1 a 28 dias). A inclusão crescente do ovo em pó nas dietas não alterou os componentes plasmáticos e sanguíneos. / Two experiments were carried out to determine the chemical composition, nutrients digestibility and digestible energy and protein of spray-dried egg (OP) and to study the performance and plasma and blood components of weanling pigs fed a diets containing OP. In Experiment I, eight Landrace x Large White crossbred pigs (four barrows and four gilts), averaging 15.9 kg live weight were used for digestibility assay. The animals were assigned to two treatments and four replications/treatment. The treatments consisted of the basal diet and test diet (70% of basal diet + 30% of OP) The method was the partial faeces collection, using 0.5% of chromium oxide (Cr2O3) in the diet as fecal marker. The apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter, gross energy, crude protein and crude fat were, respectivily, 87.18, 80.76, 81.99 and 70.54%. From these results of apparent digestibility coeficients and the values of crude protein (56.53%) and gross energy (5,897 kcal/kg) resulted in 43.91% of digestible protein and 5,139 kcal/kg of digestible energy for OP. In Experiment II, ninety Landrace x Large White crossbred pigs (barrows and gilts) were weaned at 24 days of age with 5,6 kg live weight. The experimental period was divided in two phases, 1 to 14 days and 15 to 28 days post-weaning. The treatments consisted of five dietary levels of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 % of substitution of plasma protein for OP protein. Pigs were alloted in a randomized block design with nine replications per treatment and two pigs per experimental unit (pen). Pigs were weighed and the data of feed intake per pen were registered every week. Pig performance data such as average daily gain (GDP), daily feed intake (CDR) and feed conversion (CA) were analyzed by polynomial regression. No treatment effects (P > 0.05) were observed on performance for 1-14 day post-weaning phase. For the 15-28 phase and for the total period, linear reductions (P < 0.01) of GDP and CDR, were observed with increased dietary OP levels. No treatment effects (P > 0.05) were observed on plasma and blood components. Therefore, it can be conclued that the spray-dried egg can completely replace plasma without affecting the performance of pigs during 1-14 day post-weaning phase. For the 15-28 day phase and total period, added OP levels showed a depressive effect on pig performance. The plasma and blood components were not affected by the inclusion of spray-dried egg.

Respostas fisiológicas, produtivas e comportamentais de ovelhas Santa Inês submetidas a manejos considerados estressantes e desempenho de seus cordeiros / Physiological, productive and behavioral responses of Santa Inês ewes subjected to stressful managements and performance of their lambs

Monalissa de Melo Stradiotto 29 May 2012 (has links)
Com o objetivo de avaliar a susceptibilidade de ovelhas ao estresse e a relação com a produção de leite, 50 fêmeas da raça Santa Inês foram submetidas durante 2 lactações sucessivas a quatro situações de estresse (1: estresse fisiológico padrão via administração de ACTH; 2: desmame; 3: primeira ordenha; 4: mudança de ordenhador). Foram avaliadas as respostas fisiológicas, produtivas e comportamentais das ovelhas e o comportamento e ganho de peso dos cordeiros. Na 1ª lactação, os cordeiros foram desmamados com 60 dias de idade e, na 2ª de acordo com os tratamentos: 1º Grupo com 60 dias de idade e o 2º Grupo com 45 dias de idade. A maior parte das ovelhas estudadas foi considerada medianamente susceptível ao estresse, portanto não foi possível classificá-las estatisticamente, pois poucos animais foram considerados muito ou pouco susceptíveis. Após a administração de ACTH e estresse de primeira ordenha, o cortisol apresentou as maiores concentrações aos 60 minutos sendo que após cinco horas as concentrações basais foram restabelecidas. Porém, após o desmame, o cortisol permaneceu elevado, apresentando maiores valores no grupo desmamado aos 45 dias (P&lt;0,05). A mudança de ordenhador causou estresse e promoveu posteriormente maior liberação de cortisol (P&lt;0,05). O comportamento observado na sala de ordenha foi correlacionado positivamente com o tempo de ordenha, produção de leite e reatividade, pois alguns animais apresentaram comportamento mais agitado e reativo na ordenha, com maior frequência de coices, sobre-passos e micção. A produção de leite foi significativamente maior (P&lt;0,05) na segunda quinzena de lactação e a duração da lactação foi estimada em 75 dias. Para ambas as lactações, os teores de sólidos totais, gordura, lactose, minerais e proteína aumentaram (P&lt;0,05) ao longo do período. Nas duas lactações, as frequências dos comportamentos materno-filiais observados diminuíram com o passar dos dias, em função do maior interesse pela alimentação sólida em detrimento ao leite. Não houve influência da lactação e nem da idade a desmama nos pesos dos cordeiros ao parto e a desmama (P&gt;0,05), e as ovelhas recuperaram o peso corporal algumas semanas após o parto. / With the objective to evaluate the susceptibility of ewes to stress and its relation to milk production, 50 Santa Ines females were submitted to four stressful challenges during two successive lactations (1: standard physiological stress through ACTH administration; 2: weaning; 3: first milking; 4: change of milker). In ewes, it were evaluated the physiological, productive and behavioral responses and in lambs behavioral responses and weight gain. In first lactation, lambs were weaned with 60 days of age and in the second according to the treatments: 1st Group with 60 days of age and the 2st Group with 45 days of age. Most of the studied ewes were considered median susceptible to stress, therefore, it was not possible to classify them statistically, as few animals were considered high or low susceptible. After ACTH administration and first milking stress, cortisol level presented the highest concentrations at 60 minutes and after 5 hours, basal concentrations were reestablished. However, after weaning, cortisol level remained high, presenting the greatest values in the weaned group at 45 days (P&lt;0.05). The change of milker caused stress and later promoted higher cortisol release (P&lt;0.05). The behavior observed in milking parlor was positively correlated with time of milking, milk production and reactivity, as some animals presented more restless behavior and reactive during milking with higher frequency of kicks, pawing and urination. Milk production was significantly higher (P&lt;0.05) in the second fortnight of lactation and the duration of lactation was estimated in seventy five days. For both lactations, the contents of total solids, fat, lactose, minerals and protein increased (P&lt;0.05) along the period. In both lactations, the frequencies of maternal-offspring behaviors observed decreased along the days, in function of higher interest for solid feed in detriment of milk. There was no influence of lactation and age at weaning in lambs weight at birth and at weaning (P&gt;0.05) and ewes recovered body weight some weeks after birth.

Influência da suplementação com cromo orgânico no desempenho de bezerros de corte submetidos a desmama / Influence of organic chromium supplementation on performance of beef calves undergoing weaning

Sousa, Isadora Karolina Freitas de 21 February 2014 (has links)
Foi realizado estudo para comprovar hipótese de que a suplementação dietética com cromo antes, durante e após a desmama pudesse diminuir o estresse causado por este processo. Para tal, foram utilizados 150 bezerros mestiços, machos e fêmeas, entre cinco e seis meses de idade. Esses foram divididos em dois grupos iguais de 75 animais, sendo que um deles recebeu e outro não suplementação com 0,9 mg de carboaminofosfoquelato de cromo/ 100 kg PV, misturado a um sal proteinado para ser consumido na base de 0,1% do PV via creep feeding, no decorrer de 60 dias antes e 60 dias após a desmama forçada. Foram coletadas amostras sanguíneas e urinárias no M0 (60 dias antes da desmama), M1 (desmama), M2 (48 horas após a desmama) e M3 (60 dias após a desmama) para determinação de cortisol, glicose, proteína total e albumina e cromo sérico e cromo e creatinina na urina. No M2 avaliou-se o temperamento dos animais pelo teste do escore composto na balança, com a seguinte escala: 1 (calmo) a 5 (muito estressado), classificando os escores 1 e 2 como mansos e 3 a 5 como bravos. O ganho acumulado de peso foi superior nos bezerros suplementados com cromo antes da desmama e no decorrer de todo o experimento. A suplementação com cromo promoveu uma redução do estresse, diminuindo também os teores de cortisol e de proteína séricos durante a desmama. O estresse da desmama provocou aumento da excreção de cromo pela urina, sendo esta mais destacada nos animais bravios com altos teores de cortisol. O desconforto da desmama provocou nos animais bravios aumento dos teores de cortisol, glicose, proteína total e diminuição no ganho de peso acumulado após a desmama. / In order to study the influence of dietary chromium to mitigate the stress of weaning, 150 crossbred six-month beef male and female calves were used. These calves were distributed into two equal groups and both received a corn, soybean meal, mineral supplement on a 0.1% BW daily basis, in a creep feeding, throughout the 60 d before and 60 d after the weaning. It was included in this diet for the supplemented group 0.9 mg/100 kg BW of organic chromium. Body weight was measured and samples were collected at different times (day 0, weaning, 48 h after weaning (48W) and at the end of the experiment) to measure serum cortisol, glucose, total protein and albumin, chromium, and urinary chromium and creatinine. At 48 W the temperament of the calves was assessed by the scale composite score to classify them as calm or stressed calves. The chromium supplementation increased significantly the weight gain before weaning and throughout the experiment; decreased the number of stressed calves, and the serum levels of cortisol and total protein at W48. The weaning stress caused an increased urinary excretion of chromium, being highest in the stressed calves with high levels of cortisol. The detrimental effects of weaning triggered in the most stressed calves higher levels of serum cortisol, glucose, and total protein, as well as decreased their weight gain.

O desmame precoce aumenta e reprograma a diferenciação de células mucosas do colo em células zimogênicas na mucosa gástrica de ratos. / Early Weaning Induces and Reprograms Differentiation of Mucous Neck Cells into Zymogenic Cells in the Gastric Mucosa of Rats.

Silva, Melissa Teles 25 July 2018 (has links)
Na mucosa gástrica, cinco tipos compõe o epitélio gástrico: mucosas superficiais, parietais (CP), mucosas do colo (CMC), endócrinas e zimogênicas (CZ). As CMC originam as células CZ por transdiferenciação e a população de CP é importante para que o processo ocorra.Durante a transdiferenciação observamos células com características de CMCs e CZs, denominadas células em transição (CT) que ocupam o segmento entre o colo e a base da glândula. Essa transição entre células e a presença de CP são essenciais para a homeostase da base da glândula. Porém, estudos mostram que alterações no padrão alimentar influenciam a organização do epitélio gástrico de ratos, e o desmame precoce (DP) modifica a dinâmica de proliferação, migração e maturação das células. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar os efeitos imediatos do DP sobre as populações de CMC, CZ, CT e CP, e investigar se tais efeitos são mantidos até a vida adulta. Para isso, ratos Wistar (CEUA ICB USP 18/2015) foram divididos em dois grupos: amamentado controle (A) (permaneceram com a mãe até 21 dias), e DP (separados das mães aos 15 dias). O estômago foi coletado aos 18, 30 e 60 dias de vida pósnatal. Em cortes histológicos, verificamos que o índice de CP não foi alterado pelo DP, porém a distribuição dessa célula na glândula foi modificada aos 18 e 30 dias. Sob microscopia de fluorescência e confocal, observamos que o DP aumentou a população de CMC (GSIIFITC+) aos 18 dias (A vs DP; P<0,01), e de CZ (Mist1-Cy3+) aos 18 e 60 dias (A vs DP; P<0,05). O número de CT/campo (GSII-FITC+Mist1-Cy3) não se alterou após o DP, evidenciando que o segmento de transição entre o colo e a base da glândula representa um importante controle de tamanho populacional. Para avaliar o comportamento de CT em relação ao seu destino (CZ) e sua origem (CMC), analisamos o índice de CT sobre essas populações. Sobre o destino, devido à ausência de resposta no número de CT/campo e ao aumento de CZ nos animais DP, o índice CT/CZs variou aos 18 e 30 dias. No entanto, o índice de CT/CMC (origem) não foi alterado pelos tratamentos nas diferentes idades. Sob microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, avaliamos as características ultraestruturais das CMC, CT e CZ aos 18 dias, e observamos principalmente as organelas envolvidas na reorganização das células durante a transdiferenciação. Nosso estudo mostrou que o desmame precoce acelera a diferenciação celular e muda a distribuição de células mucosas do colo e zimogênicas na glândula gástrica, porém esse processo ocorre com preservação do tamanho compartimento de transição e do número de células parietais. Assim, podemos sugerir que o desmame precoce aumenta a população de células zimogênicas por meio de uma passagem mais rápida entre a região do colo e da base, na presença de células parietais, e esse mecanismo seria acionado logo após a transição da dieta, podendo manter-se ativo até a vida adulta. / Five epithelial cell types are found in the gastric mucosa: surface mucous, parietal (PC), mucous neck (MNC), endocrine, and zymogenic (ZC). The MNC originates ZC through transdifferentiation, and the presence of PC is important for the process. During transdifferentiation, we observe cells that present characteristics from MNC and ZC that are identified as transition cells (TC). They occupy the area between the neck and base of the gastric gland. The transition between these cells and the presence PC are essential for homeostasis at the base of the gland. However, studies show that changes in dietary pattern influence the organization of rat gastric epithelium, and early weaning (EW) modifies the proliferation, migration and maturation dynamics of these cells. Our aim was to evaluate the immediate effects of EW on the populations of MNC, ZC, TC and PC, and to investigate if such effects are maintained until adult life. To that, Wistar rats (CEUA ICB USP 18/2015) were divided into two groups: suckling control (S) (pups remained with the mother until 21 days), and EW (pups were separated from mother at 15 days). The stomach was collected at 18, 30 and 60 postnatal days. After analyses of histological sections, we verified that PC indices were not altered by EW, but the distribution of this cell was modified at the 18 and 30 days. By fluorescence and confocal microscopy, we determined that EW increased MNC population at 18 days (A vs PD, P <0.01), and ZC at 18 and 60 day (A vs DP; P <0.05). TC number/field did not change after EW, indicating that the transition between neck and gland base is under an important population control. In order to evaluate the behavior of TC regarding its final differentiation (ZC) and origin (MNC), we calculated TC index on these populations. In relation to ZC, we found a variation in TC index at 18 and 30 days, specially because TC number did not change, whereas ZC population increased. However, the TC index on GSII + cells (origin) was not altered by treatments throughout growth and ageing. Finally, under electron microscopy, we studied the ultra structure of MNC, TC and ZC and observed the reorganization of secretory apparatus during transdifferentiation at 18 days. Thus, we can suggest that EW increases ZC population through a rapid traffic through transition compartment between neck and base, in the presence of parietal cells, and such mechanism would be triggered soon after dietary transition and be kept activated until adult life.

Extubering av neurointensivvårdspatienter / Extubation of Neurocritical Care Patients

Mökander, Linda, Stenermark, Karin January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Många av patienterna på en neurointensivvårdsavdelning (NIVA) vårdas med respirator under en längre eller kortare period av vårdtiden. Neurointensivvårdspatienterna bedöms ibland utifrån de kriterier för urträning och extubering som används på allmänna intensivvårdspatienter. Detta kan leda till för tidig extubation med reintubation som följd. Syfte: Redogöra för vilka kriterier som ska bedömas hos neurointensivvårdspatienter inför en extubering. Metod: Litteraturstudie. Resultat och slutsats: Neurointensivvårdspatienter behöver uppfylla en kombination av kriterier inför extubation. Hänsyn ska tas till de generella extubationskriterierna avseende andning och cirkulation. Dessutom ska patienten ha en tillräckligt hög medvetandegrad för att kunna följa någon form av uppmaning. Till sist ska patientens förmåga att hålla fri luftväg bedömas genom observation av hostkraft, sekretmängd/konsistens och svalgfunktion. Det behövs ytterligare forskning för att utröna i hur hög grad neurointensivvårdspatienterna behöver vara medvetna inför extubering och på vilket sätt detta bäst bedöms. Forskning behövs kring ett enhetligt tillvägagångssätt för bedömning av hostkraft, sekretmängd/konsistens och svalgfunktion. / Background: Many of the patients cared for in a neurocritical unit are treated with mechanical ventilation for a longer or shorter period of time during their stay in the unit. When weaning or extubating neurocritical patients, they are sometimes assessed according to the criteria for weaning and extubation used in general intensive care patients. This can cause premature extubation, resulting in re-intubation. Aim: Describe the criteria to be assessed in neurocritical patients prior to extubation. Method: Literature review. Results and conclusion: Neurocritical patients need to fulfil a combination of criteria prior to extubation. The general criteria in terms of respiration and circulation must be taken in to consideration, as well as the patient’s level of consciousness. The patient has to be conscious enough to be able to take directions. Lastly the patient’s ability to protect the airway must be assessed by observation of cough strength, the quantities and viscosity of the secretions and the patient’s swallowing function. Further research is required to ascertain the level of consciousness required in the neurocritical patients prior to extubation and in which way the assessment is best carried out. There is also need for further research considering a standardized measurement for assessing cough strength, the quantities and viscosity of secretions and swallowing function in these patients.

Δημιουργία διεπαφής επικοινωνίας για λήψη παραμέτρων και έλεγχο αναπνευστήρα μέσω ηλεκτρονικού υπολογιστή. / Design of an interface between a ventilator (used for patient support in the intensive care units) and a personal computer, for breath parameters acquisition and control.

Κουτσοφιός, Κωνσταντίνος 29 June 2007 (has links)
Στόχος της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας ήταν η μελέτη, σχεδιασμός και δημιουργία μίας διεπαφής επικοινωνίας (interface) μεταξύ ενός προσωπικού υπολογιστή (PC) και ενός αναπνευστήρα που χρησιμοποιείται για την υποστήριξη ασθενών στη μονάδα εντατικής θεραπείας. Μέσω της διεπαφής αυτής, μπορεί να γίνει εφικτή η λήψη παραμέτρων αναπνοής του ασθενούς και επίσης ο έλεγχος των παραμέτρων αυτών. Η λήψη παραμέτρων πραγματοποιείται μέσω σειριακής σύνδεσης του προσωπικού υπολογιστή με τον αναπνευστήρα. Ο αναπνευστήρας παρέχει τη δυνατότητα να είναι εξωτερικά ελεγχόμενος μέσω μιας ειδικής διεπαφής που επιτρέπει την αλλαγή των ρυθμίσεων. Αυτό το χαρακτηριστικό, μαζί με την δυνατότητα πρόσβασης στις παραμέτρους αναπνοής μέσω του σειριακού καναλιού επικοινωνίας του, επιτρέπουν τη μελλοντική δημιουργία ενός συστήματος ελέγχου κλειστού βρόγχου του αερισμού, που είναι η βάση για την περαιτέρω ανάπτυξη και εφαρμογή ενός ελεγκτή αποσύνδεσης (του ασθενούς από τον αναπνευστήρα) βασισμένου σε υπολογιστή. Με την ολοκλήρωση της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας, είναι πλέον δυνατή η λήψη όλων των διαθέσιμων παραμέτρων αερισμού και κατάστασης ασθενούς από τον αναπνευστήρα , και επίσης η αλλαγή όλων των ρυθμίσεων του τρόπου αερισμού μέσω του MATLAB. Δημιουργήθηκε βιβλιοθήκη ρουτινών σε MATLAB για την παρακολούθηση και τον έλεγχο του αναπνευστήρα, καθώς και γραφικό περιβάλλον (Graphical User Interface ) για την διευκόλυνση του χρήστη. / Objective of the present work was the design and creation of a communication interface between a personal computer (PC) and a ventilator that is used for the support of patients in the intensive care units. With this interface, the acquisition of breath parameters of a patient and also the control of these parameters can be done. The acquisition of breath parameters is realised via serial connection of a personal computer with the ventilator. With the completion of this work, the acquisition of all available parameters is possible, and also the control of these parameters with the use of MATLAB. A library of routines in MATLAB were created for the control of the ventilator , as well as a Graphical User Interface .

Investigation of Genomic Estimated Breeding Values and Association Methodologies using Bayesian Inference in a Nellore-Angus Crossbred Population for Two Traits

Hulsman, Lauren Lorene 16 December 2013 (has links)
The objectives of this study were to 1) evaluate marker associations for genomic regions of interest and significant ontology terms, 2) evaluate and compare 4 models for their efficacy in predicting genetic merit, 3) evaluate and compare the impact of using breed-of-origin genotypes in a Bayesian prediction model, and 4) evaluate the effects of data partitioning using family structure on predictions. Nellore-Angus F2, F3 and half-sibling calves were used with records for overall temperament at weaning (OTW; a subjective scoring system; n = 769) and Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF; a measure of tenderness; n = 389). After filtering, 34,913 markers were available for use. Bayesian methods employed were BayesB (using ̂) and BayesC (using π = 0 and ̂) in GenSel software, where, after estimation, π ̂ = 0.995 or 0.997 for WBSF or OTW, respectively. No regions associated with either trait were found using π ̂, but when π = 0 associated regions were identified (37 and 147 regions for OTW and WBSF, respectively). Comparison of genomic estimated breeding values from these 3 Bayesian models to an animal model showed that BayesC procedures (using ̂) had the highest accuracy for both traits, but that BayesB had the lowest indication of bias in either case. Using a subset of the population (n = 440), genotypes based on the breed in which the alleles originated from (i.e., breed-of-origin genotypes) were assigned to markers mapped to autosomes (n = 34,449), and incorporated into prediction analyses using BayesB (π ̂ = 0.997) with or without nucleotide-based genotypes. In either case, there was an increase in accuracy when breed-of-origin genotypes were incorporated into prediction analyses. Data partitions based on family structure resulted in 13 distinct training and validations groups. Relationship of individuals in the training with validation individuals did have an impact in some cases, but not all. There was poor prediction of genomic estimated breeding values for individuals in the validation population using BayesB methods, but performed better in all cases than breeding values generated using an animal model. Future studies incorporating breed-of-origin genotypes are of interest to determine if accuracy is improved in these groups.


Hammash, Muna Hassan 01 January 2010 (has links)
The transition from mechanical ventilation (MV) to spontaneous ventilation during weaning is associated with hemodynamic alterations and autonomic nervous system (ANS) alterations (reflected by heart rate variability [HRV]). Although cardiac dysrhythmias are an important manifestation of hemodynamic alterations, development of dysrhythmias during MV and weaning and subsequent impact on length of MV has received little attention. The purposes of this dissertation were to 1) evaluate the relationship of heart rate variability (HRV) during weaning to the development of cardiac dysrhythmias and 2) determine the relationship of cardiac dysrhythmias to length of MV. A convenience sample of 35 patients (66.7% men; mean age 53.3 years) who required MV was enrolled in this study. Continuous 3-lead electrocardiographic data were collected for 24 hours at baseline during MV and for the first 2 hours during the initial weaning trial. HRV was evaluated using spectral power analysis. Twenty- seven patients out of 30 were exposed to a combination of pressure support (8-15 cm H2O) and continuous positive airway pressure 5 cm H2O during weaning trial. Three patients self- extubated and received supplemental oxygen through either a partial rebreathing or non-rebreathing mask. Low frequency (LF) power HRV decreased, while high frequency (HF) and very low frequency (VLF) power HRV did not change during weaning. Multiple regression analyses showed that LF and HF HRV were significant predictors of occurrence of ventricular and supraventricular ectopic beats during weaning, while VLF power predicted occurrence of ventricular ectopic beats only. The mean of occurrence of supraventricular ectopic beats per hour during weaning was double the mean at baseline, while the mean of ventricular ectopic beats per hour did not change. Mean number of supraventricular ectopic beats per hour during weaning was a significant predictor of length of MV. This dissertation has fulfilled an important gap in the evidence base for cardiac dysrhythmias during weaning from MV. Cardiac dysrhythmias and HRV alterations should be systemically evaluated during MV and weaning trials in order to decrease length of MV.


Simpson, Melinda Mallory 01 January 2011 (has links)
Two studies were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of using copper sulfate (CuSO4) as a drench in Hampshire ewes to control stomach worms (Haemonchus contortus). A study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of CuSO4 to control gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) over a three year period. Ewes were FAMACHA scored, hematocrit evaluated for packed cell volume (PCV), and fecal egg counts (FEC) were determined from 2007 through 2009. Ewes received only CuSO4 to control GIN. Ewes with FEC exceeding 6,000 eggs/g feces were drenched. A separate study during the summer of 2008 assessed the potential of CuSO4 drench to cause copper toxicity in Hampshire ewes. Eighty-four ewes were blocked to one of two treatments according to parity and balanced for FEC. One group received CuSO4 (D) and the other was not drenched (ND). Jugular blood samples were collected at pre-determined intervals after CuSO4 was administered to D ewes. Serum was analyzed for aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and creatine kinase (CK). Elevated serum levels indicate copper toxicity. Results suggest CuSO4 has the potential to control stomach worms in Hampshire ewes without causing copper toxicity.

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