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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Proposed Taxonomy of Software Weapons / Ett förslag på taxonomi för programvaruvapen

Karresand, Martin January 2002 (has links)
<p>The terms and classification schemes used in the computer security field today are not standardised. Thus the field is hard to take in, there is a risk of misunderstandings, and there is a risk that the scientific work is being hampered. </p><p>Therefore this report presents a proposal for a taxonomy of software based IT weapons. After an account of the theories governing the formation of a taxonomy, and a presentation of the requisites, seven taxonomies from different parts of the computer security field are evaluated. Then the proposed new taxonomy is introduced and the inclusion of each of the 15 categories is motivated and discussed in separate sections. Each section also contains a part briefly outlining the possible countermeasures to be used against weapons with that specific characteristic. </p><p>The final part of the report contains a discussion of the general defences against software weapons, together with a presentation of some open issues regarding the taxonomy. There is also a part discussing possible uses for the taxonomy. Finally the report is summarised.</p>

USA: s militära intervention i Irak : En studie av hur Bushadministrationens agerande överensstämmer med FN stadgan

Schneider, Johan, Malmgren, Andreas January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>University of Växjö, School of Social Sciences</p><p>Course: POC 536, Political Science 41-60</p><p>Title: The U.S. military intervention in Iraq – A study of how the intervention corresponds with the UN Charter</p><p>Authors: Andreas Malmgren & Johan Schneider</p><p>Supervisor: Lennart Bergfeldt</p><p>Date: 2006-09-26</p><p>The aim of this essay is through a qualitative literature study examine the main arguments of the Bush administration to justify a military intervention in Iraq. The theories used to explain the actions of the U.S. are system level analysis, hegemonism and realism while the UN Charter will be applied as a normative theory. The research questions are:</p><p>■ What were the main arguments of the Bush administration for a military intervention in Iraq?</p><p>■ How do these arguments correspond to the UN Charter?</p><p>U.S. claimed that Iraq was manufacturing nuclear weapons and this was threatening the security of the U.S. The administration also wanted to liberate the Iraqi people from the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein. When the U.S. could not get support through the UN they decided to act independently.</p><p>According to the UN Charter, UN or its member states are not allowed to intervene in matters within the domestic jurisdiction of any state neither is it allowed to act with a pre-emptive purpose. An exceptional clausal exists if the Security Council decides it is a threat to peace or peace crimes. If a state act without the UN mandate this could undermine the UN authority.</p><p>Keywords: Weapon of mass destruction, intervention, Iraq, UN Charter, Bush administration</p>

Principled pragmatism : non-governmental influence on New Zealand's nuclear disarmament advocacy 1995-2000 : thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Political Science /

Burford, Lyndon Raymond. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Canterbury, 2008. / Typescript (photocopy). "November 2008." Includes bibliographical references (leaves 141-152). Also available via the World Wide Web.

Modelling weapon assignment as a multiobjective decision problem

Lotter, Daniel Petrus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In a ground-based air defense (GBAD) military environment, defended assets on the ground require protection from enemy aircraft entering the defended airspace. These aircraft are detected by means of a network of sensors and protection is afforded by means of a pre-deployment of various ground-based weapon systems. A fire control officer is responsible for deciding upon an assignment of weapon systems to those aircraft classified as threats. The problem is therefore to find the best set of weapon systems to assign to the threats, based on some pre-specified criterion or set of criteria. This problem is known as the weapon assignment problem. The conditions under which the fire control officer has to operate are typically extremely stressful. A lack of time is a severely constraining factor, and the fire control officer has to propose an assignment of weapon systems to threats based on his limited knowledge and intuition, with little time for analysis and no room for error. To aid the fire control officer in this difficult decision, a computerised threat evaluation and weapon assignment (TEWA) decision support system is typically employed. In such a decision support system a threat evaluation subsystem is responsible for classifying aircraft in the defended airspace as threats and prioritising them with respect to elimination, whereas a weapon assignment subsystem is responsible for proposing weapon assignments to engage these threats. The aim in this thesis is to model the weapon assignment problem as a multiobjective decision problem. A list of relevant objectives is extracted by means of feedback received from a weapon assignment questionnaire which was completed by a number of military experts. By using two of these objectives, namely the cost of assigning weapon systems and the accumulated single shot hit probability, for illustrative purposes, a bi-objective weapon assignment model is derived and solved by means of three multiobjective optimisation methodologies from the literature in the context of a simulated, but realistic, GBAD scenario. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is implemented by means of assessments carried out in conjunction with a military expert. The assignment of weapon systems to threats is achieved by means of a greedy assignment heuristic and an AHP assignment model. Both these methods provide plausible results in the form of high quality assignments achieving an acceptable tradeoff between the two decision objectives. However, a disadvantage of the AHP approach is that it is inflexible in the sense that a large portion of its pre-assessments have to be reiterated if the set of weapon systems and/or threats is adapted or updated. A bi-objective additive utility function solution approach to the weapon assignment problem is also developed as a result of various assessments having been carried out in conjunction with a military expert. The assignment of weapon systems to threats is again achieved by means of a greedy assignment heuristic and a utility assignment model. Both these methods again provide high quality assignments of weapon systems to threats, achieving an acceptable trade-off between the two decision objectives. However, a disadvantage of the utility function approach is that if additional weapon systems are added to the current set of weapon systems, which achieve objective function values outside the current ranges of the values employed, new utility functions have to be determined for the relevant objective function. Moreover, both the AHP and utility function approaches are also constrained by generating only one solution at a time. A final solution approach considered is the implementation of a multiobjective evolutionary metaheuristic, known as the Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA II). This approach provides very promising results with respect to high quality assignments of weapon systems to threats. It is also flexible in the sense that additional weapon systems and threats may be added to the current sets without the need of considerable additional computations or significant model changes. A further advantage of this approach is that it is able to provide an entire front of approximately pareto optimal solutions to the fire control officer. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In ’n militêre grond-gebaseerde lugafweeromgewing vereis bates op die grond beskerming teen vyandelike vliegtuie wat die beskermde lugruim binnedring. Hierdie vliegtuie word deur middel van ’n netwerk van sensors waargeneem en deur middel van ’n ontplooing van ’n verskeidenheid grond-gebaseerde wapenstelsels afgeweer. ’n Afvuur-beheer operateur is verantwoordelik vir die besluit om wapenstelsels aan vliegtuie wat as bedreigings geklassifiseer is, toe te wys. Die onderliggende probleem is dus om die beste stel wapens, volgens ’n voorafbepaalde kriterium of ’n stel kriteria, aan die bedreigings toe te wys. Hierdie probleem staan as die wapentoewysingsprobleem bekend. Die toestande waaronder die afvuur-beheer operateur besluite ten opsigte van wapentoewysings maak, is besonder stresvol. ’n Gebrek aan tyd is ’n uiters beperkende faktor, en die afvuurbeheer operateur moet gevolglik binne ’n tydspan wat weinige analise en geen ruimte vir foute toelaat, wapentoewysings volgens sy beperkte kennis en intuïsie maak. ’n Gerekenariseerde bedreigingsafskatting-en-wapentoekenningstelsel kan gebruik word om die operateur met besluitsteun te bedien. In sò ’n besluitsteunstelsel is ’n bedreigingsafskattingdeelstelsel verantwoordelik om vliegtuie wat die beskermde lugruim binnedring as bedreigings of andersins te klassifiseer en ten opsigte van eliminasie te prioritiseer, terwyl ’n wapentoewyingsdeelstelsel verantwoordelik is om wapentoewysings aan die bedreigings voor te stel. Die hoofdoel in hierdie tesis is om die wapentoewysingsprobleem as ’n multikriteria-besluitnemingsprobleem te modelleer. ’n Lys van relevante doelwitte is met behulp van ’n wapentoewysingsvraelys verkry wat aan militêre kenners vir voltooing uitgestuur is. Twee van hierdie doelwitte, naamlik toewysingskoste en geakkumuleerde enkelskoot-trefwaarskynlikheid, is vir illustratiewe doeleindes gebruik om ’n twee-doelwit wapentoewysingsprobleem te formuleer wat met behulp van drie multikriteria-besluitnemingsmetodologië uit die literatuur in die konteks van ’n realistiese, gesimuleerde grond-gebaseerde lugafweerscenario opgelos word. Die analitiese hiërargiese proses (AHP) is met behulp van assesserings in samewerking met ’n militêre kenner geïmplementeer. Die toewysing van wapenstelsels is met behulp van ’n gulsige toewysingsheuristiek asook aan die hand van ’n AHP-toewysingsmodel bepaal. Beide hierdie metodes is in staat om resultate van hoë gehalte te behaal wat ’n aanvaarbare afruiling tussen die twee doelwitte verteenwoordig. ’n Nadeel van die AHP is egter dat dit onbuigsaam is in die sin dat ’n groot hoeveelheid vooraf-assesserings herhaal moet word indien meer wapenstelsels en/of bedreigings by die huidige sisteem gevoeg word. ’n Twee-doelwit additiewe nutsfunksiebenadering tot die wapentoewysingsprobleem is ook met behulp van velerlei assesserings in samewerking met ’n militêre kenner ontwikkel. Die toewysings is weereens met behulp van ’n gulsige wapentoewysingsheuristiek asook ’n nutstoewysingsmodel bepaal. Beide hierdie metodes is ook in staat om resultate van hoë gehalte te behaal wat ’n aanvaarbare afruiling tussen die twee doelwitte verteenwoordig. ’n Nadeel van die nutsfunksiebenadering is egter dat indien addisionele wapenstelsels by die huidige stel wapenstelsels gevoeg word, en indien die waardes van hierdie addisionele wapenstelsels buite die grense van die doelfunksiewaardes van die huidige wapenstelsels val, daar ’n nuwe nutsfunksie vir die relevante doelwit van voor af bereken moet word. Beide die AHP- en die nutsfunksiebenaderings is verder tot die lewering van slegs een oplossing op ’n slag beperk. Laastens is ’n multikriteria evolusionêre metaheuristiek (die NSGA II) geïmplementeer wat ook goeie resultate in terme van hoë-gehalte toewysings van wapenstelsels aan bedreigings lewer. Die voordeel van hierdie benadering is dat dit buigsaam is in die sin dat die getal wapenstelsels en bedreigings in die huidige sisteem aangepas kan word sonder om noemenswaardig meer berekeninge of groot modelveranderinge teweeg te bring. ’n Verdere voordeel is dat die metaheuristiese benadering daartoe in staat is om ’n front van benaderde pareto-optimale oplossings gelyktydig te lewer.

Confrontation and engagement in relations between the DPRK and the United States, 1991-2011

Yi, Yurim 12 March 2016 (has links)
In examining why the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) pursues nuclear weapons, this study focuses on Pyongyang's consistent demand for normalization of relations with Washington. The primary aims of this study are 1) to study the significance of normalization of relations with Washington as an alternative to nuclear weapon development in the DPRK, 2) to investigate potential causal relationships between Pyongyang's policy choices and Pyongyang's expectation for normalization of relations with Washington, and 3) to examine whether culturally sensitive behavior significantly influences Pyongyang's policy decisions. To understand the significance of normalization of relations and the meaning of Pyongyang's behavior, this study depends heavily on cultural perspectives. In this study, two independent variables are examined for their effects on Pyongyang's policy, 1) Pyongyang's expectation for normalization of relations with Washington, and 2) the alignment of Washington's policy with Pyongyang's cultural code. Two hypotheses emerge from these two factors: first, when Pyongyang had high expectations for normalization of relations with Washington, Pyongyang was more likely to choose engagement policies and give less priority to pursuit of nuclear weapons; and second, the more Washington's policies harmonized with Pyongyang's cultural code, the more Pyongyang cooperated with Washington. Using case studies and discourse analysis, this study examines four periods from 1991 to 2011. Interviews with North Korean defectors and with South Korean experts complement this study of expectation and cultural meaning. The study concludes, first, that normalization of relations with Washington appeared to Pyongyang as a viable alternative to nuclear weapon development in providing a security guarantee and national dignity. Second, during most periods, Pyongyang appeared to believe that it was highly dependent on nuclear weapons for its regime survival when it could not expect the benefits of improved relations with Washington. By the same token, Pyongyang's regime survival seemed less dependent on nuclear weapons when it could expect improved relations with Washington. At some times, however, Pyongyang practiced confrontation as a way to improve domestic stability. But usually high context diplomacy by the United States elicited positive responses.

Nuclear Fission Weapon Yield, Type, and Neutron Spectrum Determination Using Thin Li-ion Batteries

January 2017 (has links)
abstract: With the status of nuclear proliferation around the world becoming more and more complex, nuclear forensics methods are needed to restrain the unlawful usage of nuclear devices. Lithium-ion batteries are present ubiquitously in consumer electronic devices nowadays. More importantly, the materials inside the batteries have the potential to be used as neutron detectors, just like the activation foils used in reactor experiments. Therefore, in a nuclear weapon detonation incident, these lithium-ion batteries can serve as sensors that are spatially distributed. In order to validate the feasibility of such an approach, Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) models are built for various lithium-ion batteries, as well as neutron transport from different fission nuclear weapons. To obtain the precise battery compositions for the MCNP models, a destructive inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis is utilized. The same battery types are irradiated in a series of reactor experiments to validate the MCNP models and the methodology. The MCNP nuclear weapon radiation transport simulations are used to mimic the nuclear detonation incident to study the correlation between the nuclear reactions inside the batteries and the neutron spectra. Subsequently, the irradiated battery activities are used in the SNL-SAND-IV code to reconstruct the neutron spectrum for both the reactor experiments and the weapon detonation simulations. Based on this study, empirical data show that the lithium-ion batteries have the potential to serve as widely distributed neutron detectors in this simulated environment to (1) calculate the nuclear device yield, (2) differentiate between gun and implosion fission weapons, and (3) reconstruct the neutron spectrum of the device. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 2017

Is there a connection between experienced realism, rate of fire and loop length on fully automatic rifles in a first-person shooter game in first-person?

Klang, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to test if there is a connection between modern day fully automatic rifles rate of fire, used loop length in implementation and experienced realism in a first-person shooter game in first-person, fired by the players own character. With a background consisting of papers, books and lectures/conferences given by experienced people and other experts in the game industry regarding first person shooter games, a listening test was conducted and carried out on a computer using headphones with both trained and untrained subjects since players can be both. A simple firing-range was constructed in Unreal Engine 4 (Epic Games, 2017) where the subjects could switch between two weapons with different rates of fire and three versions of each with different loop lengths, 4, 8 and 16. The sounds were divided into layers, e.g. body, mechanical and bottom, played back using looping as implementation. The subjects were also asked to rate the sounds regarding gameplay and preference to see if the results would differ between the three categories. The results showed a tendency to choose the longer loop for all categories, but only four comparisons gave a significant result when doing t-tests.

A Proposed Taxonomy of Software Weapons / Ett förslag på taxonomi för programvaruvapen

Karresand, Martin January 2002 (has links)
The terms and classification schemes used in the computer security field today are not standardised. Thus the field is hard to take in, there is a risk of misunderstandings, and there is a risk that the scientific work is being hampered. Therefore this report presents a proposal for a taxonomy of software based IT weapons. After an account of the theories governing the formation of a taxonomy, and a presentation of the requisites, seven taxonomies from different parts of the computer security field are evaluated. Then the proposed new taxonomy is introduced and the inclusion of each of the 15 categories is motivated and discussed in separate sections. Each section also contains a part briefly outlining the possible countermeasures to be used against weapons with that specific characteristic. The final part of the report contains a discussion of the general defences against software weapons, together with a presentation of some open issues regarding the taxonomy. There is also a part discussing possible uses for the taxonomy. Finally the report is summarised.

Vapengravskicket på Öland och Gotland : En studie över regionala och överregionala drag

Berling, Johan January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to evaluate the hypothesis that Öland and Gotland shared a superregional weapon burial custom during the older part of the Scandinavian iron age by comparing the weapon graves and a selection of graves on two cemeteries one from each isle. The essay concludes that the weapon graves on Öland and Gotland (or at least the examined cemeteries) was not connected by a super-regional weapon burial custom.

Lésions osseuses par armes blanches : analyse des caractéristiques lésionnelles et détermination du mécanisme de production en macroscopie à épifluorescence / Sharp bone trauma : modeling and determination of the kerf in epifluorescence analysis

Capuani, Caroline 29 September 2016 (has links)
L'arme blanche apparaît comme un des instruments le plus fréquemment rencontré en matière judiciaire. Or, selon le principe de transfert de traces de Locart, une arme entrant en contact avec un corps laisse une signature lésionnelle. L'analyse des lésions osseuses engendrées devient alors cruciale afin de rechercher tout indice permettant de remonter à l'agent vulnérant utilisé pour commettre le crime voire à l'identité de l'auteur. Ces travaux de thèse se sont attachés à répondre à cette problématique à travers un nouvel outil d'analyse non délabrant pour l'os, le macroscope à épifluorescence. A travers des études expérimentales et de validation basées majoritairement sur du matériel osseux humain, nous avons pu déterminer des modèles lésionnels sommant les différentes caractéristiques de chaque instrument et apporter des éléments d'orientation permettant de reconstituer le mécanisme de production de la lésion. L'orientation des écailles, des fissures et la compression osseuse du sillon apparaissent comme des éléments fondamentaux permettant de reconstituer la manière dont le coup a été porté dans l'espace ainsi que les positions de l'assaillant et de la victime. Il a été également possible de mettre en évidence des signatures diagnostiques individuelles qui, sous couvert de comparatifs lésionnels, relie de manière exclusive une lésion à un agent vulnérant. Néanmoins, face à la demande croissante de fiabilité et de niveau de preuve, il est devenu nécessaire pour les experts d'apporter une estimation de la validité et du taux d'erreur de leurs observations et conclusions. C'est pourquoi nous avons conduit une étude de validation, réalisée sur les instruments tranchants. Elle a permis d'estimer la valeur du diagnostic lésionnel anthropologique dans le cadre de telles expertises. Nous avons montré que les valeurs prédictives positives et négatives étaient élevées, mais étroitement corrélées au degré d'expérience de l'observateur. Un œil expérimenté s'avère indispensable pour aboutir à une expertise fiable. Enfin, ces différents travaux ont été mis en pratique dans des cas concrets à la fois médico-légaux actuels et archéologiques. Ces applications nous ont permis de confirmer la validité de ce type nouveau d'analyse microscopique avec comme perspective principale l'intégration progressive de cet outil dans des expertises tant contemporaines qu'archéologiques. / Sharp force trauma generated by knives is one of the most common forms of armed violence encountered in judicial procedures. According to Locart's principle of "transfer of traces", a weapon can leave a lesion imprint on the bone. That's why cut mark analyses are important as they allow identification of the weapon class or even the perpetrator of the crime. This thesis addresses this problem by using a new tool that does not alter the bone, i.e. the epifluorescence macroscope. Through experimental and validation processes using mainly human bones, we have been able to identify lesion models exemplifying the characteristics per weapon class, allowing us to model kerfs for each weapon. By the means of fluorescence and comparative analysis, our study also demonstrates that it is possible to highlight special characteristics identifying the unique blade responsible for the imprints observed on a bone. Moreover, we demonstrate for the first time microscopic criteria of directionality, using fluorescence excitation. Orientation of cracks, flakes, and lateral pushing back especially help determine the trajectory of the blow as well as the positions of the aggressor and victim. Nevertheless, scientific evidence is admissible if it is based on a scientific technique accepted as reliable within the scientific community and with judges. The admissibility of expert testimony under this new standard requires an estimation of the validity of the data and proof reliability (the rate of error in observations and conclusions). Our validation study demonstrated a high level of negative and positive predictive value of such diagnoses, but showed that this is closely linked to the observer's level of experience. A highly-experienced regard is essential for a reliable expertise. Thanks to these studies, we have had the opportunity to examine forensic and archaeological cases. These applications have confirmed that this technique could provide a useful preliminary tool for nondestructive examination in dismemberment cases, whether on ancient or contemporary bones.

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