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Dorze Weaving in Ethiopia : A Model of Education for Sustainable Development?Hofverberg, Hanna January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the study is to analyse the learning process of the Dorze weaving in Ethiopia and its implications on Education for Sustainable Development, ESD. My two main questions are: 1. How do the Dorze understand their learning process in weaving? 2. What conclusions concerning education for sustainable development applied on textile handicraft can be drawn from the findings of my case study? In order to answer these questions I have made a field study on the Dorze (the weavers) in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia for 10 weeks. The study has a socio-cultural and narrative approach and the method used are interviews, observations and review of documents. The result is presented in a “metastory” where I retell the stories and introduce the results of the study and that gives answers to question 1. UNESCO’s recommendations on ESD are used to analyse the findings and give the answer to question 2. The result shows that the learning process depends on the environment with its people, who have gathered knowledge of raw material and techniques for generations but the latter also needs to develop to meet new challenges. “Shiro Meda” is the centre of learning. To grow up in “Shiro Meda” it becomes natural to work with textile production, accept a special lifestyle with clear gender differences and a hierarchical structure. The educational model of spinning and twisting are “learning by doing”, whereas young boys start practising weaving under the leadership of an older teacher step by step. From an ESD perspective the Dorze education is holistic, practical, individualized, and contains some problem solving even if the students are not participating in decisions on how they learn. The education is highly integrated in the daily life of the weaving community and is also relevant to the surrounding local community. Moreover the education transfers a historical legacy of cultural continuity, and has shown itself to be dynamic and adaptable to change. A weakness in this traditional knowledge system is the low profit the weavers are making and the set hierarchical and gender rules which need to be developed in order to be sustainable for future challenges. The final discussion highlights the relevance of my findings for a Swedish learning context. / 2010ht4661
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Advanced manufacturing technology for 3D profiled woven preforms / Neue Fertigungstechnologie für 3D profilierte Preforms auf WebbasisTorun, Ahmet Refah 22 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
3D textile performs offer a high potential to increase mechanical properties of composites and they can reduce the production steps and costs as well. The variety of woven structures is enormous. The algorithms based on the conventional weaving notation can only represent the possible woven structures in a limited way. Within the scope of this dissertation, a new weaving notation was developed in order to analyze the multilayer woven structures analytically. Technological solutions were developed in order to guarantee a reproducible preform production with commingled hybrid yarns. Terry weaving technique can be utilized to create vertical connections on carrier fabrics, which makes it suitable for the development of complex profiles. A double rapier weaving machine was modified with electronically controlled terry weaving and pneumatic warp yarn pull-back systems. Various spacer fabrics and 3D profiles were developed. A linear take-up system is developed to assure reproducible preform production with a minimum material damage. Integrated cutting and laying mechanisms on the take-up system provides a high level of automation.
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På tal om texturen / Talking about that textureAndersson, Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
Abstract I want to talk about tactile experiences, words that extend beyond touch. A full-body experience of space that begins with the senses, creating a collective understanding when everything is combined. We step in unbeknownst, activating our senses through the shapes and textures that enthral us. With our eyes, we access the dynamic of the room. The foundation of my work is texture, so I explore the surface through it and textile is my chosen material because it allows me to do just that. By distorting, adding and pulling apart I can always get a new experience of it. In this project I work with three-dimensional patterns on the surface of the textile, and with subtle changes in volume I try to capture the light that falls on it and emphasis the texture to make the experience of it even richer.
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Form from flat : Exploring emergent behaviour in woven textilesWalters, Kathryn January 2018 (has links)
The character of woven textiles is dependent on both the materials and the loom technology used. While digitally-controlled jacquard looms are a major development in weaving technology, they have mostly been used in developing representational and pictorial weaving. Such three-dimensional weaving as exists, utilises materials in predictably similar ways. Here, through systematic experimentation, three shrinking and two resisting yarns have been combined in multi-layer weaves in order to explore their potential for form-generating behaviour. Three-dimensional form occurs when the shrinking yarn/s place the resisting yarn/s under tension. To relieve this tension, the resisting yarn moves within the weave, creating waves or folds. The resulting form is highly sensitive to variation, demonstrating emergent behaviour, and identifying the woven textile as a complex system. Demonstrating the variety of form possible from a limited number of materials, the results represent a small body of work aiming to re-form weaving. The exploration of synergistic material combinations is therefore shown to be an exercise of value to fields from art textiles through to industry. It demonstrates that there is great development potential in woven textiles. Understanding the behaviour of materials is fundamental to furthering form-based weaving.
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Jane Austen ou le besoin de remailler le monde : une représentation romanesque problématique. / Jane Austen and the Need to Mend the World : A Problematic Novelistic Representation.Tremblet, Aurélie 01 December 2017 (has links)
Jane Austen (1775- 1817) vécut à une période de ruptures politiques, économiques et sociales sur lesquelles se greffèrent des expériences de la séparation sur les plans familiaux, personnels mais également professionnels et littéraires qui engendrèrent un sentiment de déchirure, sinon conscient, du moins profond. Le sentiment de la déliquescence du lien social et le besoin conséquent de liant qui émanent de ses 9 romans sont le reflet littéraire de ces expériences initiales fortes de la déliaison. De ce constat – navré – de la fragmentation du monde résulte l’élaboration d’une véritable éthique de l’attachement qui témoigne d’une préoccupation centrale pour les notions de sociabilité, de bienveillance et de politesse. Celles-ci définissent le souci d’autrui comme la voie tant de l’harmonie sociale que de la félicité et de la moralité, mettant en avant le rôle essentiel de la médiation d’autrui dans la constitution du sujet et établissant Austen non seulement en véritable romancière de l’union mais en romancière conservatrice. Cependant, chez Austen, le maillage se fait également procédé d’écriture, relevant d’une volonté de structuration, d’ordre et de contrôle scripturaux, qui, si elle accorde une place de choix au lien avec le lecteur, n’est pas sans présenter des ambivalences conséquentes. Le maillage ne cacherait-il pas autre chose qu’un besoin de relier le monde ? Ne participerait-il pas, au final, à définir Austen comme une romancière de l’Ego, travaillée par la notion de désir et partageant notamment les préoccupations de ses contemporains romantiques ? / Our project is to offer an analysis of the nine major works of English novelist Jane Austen. Austen (1775-1817) lived through a time of political, economic and social changes, on top of which came further personal and professional experiences of loss and separation which led to an overwhelming sense of fragmentation. As to counter what she deemed a serious threat to her world, Austen thus elaborates a profound ethics of attachment, testifying to a real concern for the notions of sociability, sympathy and politeness, which bears striking similarities with Shaftesbury’s philosophy. Concern for others is defined as the only real path towards social harmony, personal felicity and morality, underlining the centrality of social relationships in Austen’s representation of the individual. However, we will throw light on the complexity and problems of such representation, so as to show how instrumental those ambivalences are in defining Austen actually as a novelist of the « I », preoccupied with the notion of personal desire and sharing the concerns of her Romantic contemporaries as early as Northanger Abbey and Sense and Sensibility.
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The changing scale and mode of textile production in late Saxon England : its relationship to developments in textile technologyHenry, Philippa Anne January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Projektové vyučování v rámci výuky pěstitelských prací na 1. stupni ZŠ / Project learning within the education of cultivation work at primary schoolHEGROVÁ, Eva January 2007 (has links)
This paper on Project learning within the education of cultivation work at primary school assesses educational project works, its brief history and types, as well as different point views on the matter. Not only does it deal with the problematic terminology, but also its introduction into the practical education. The three projects discussed are as follows: 1. What can be found on fields in autumn? 2. What is never abundant? 3. Weaving plants All of them have been brought into the practical use and can serve the teachers for inspiration. Understandably, the projects have been elaborated to suit the Project-based Education, combining more subjects and unifying them.
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Arte têxtil e estesia: entrelaçamento, fios, pontos com a educação estética em oficinas de criação coletiva / Textile art and aesthesis: entanglement, thread, points with the aesthetic education in collective creation workshopsRégis, Ana Manuela Farias, Régis, Ana Manuela Farias 16 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:31:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013-12-16 / This study is part of a research developed in the Visual Arts Postgraduate Program/ Master's degree of the Arts Center of the Federal University of Pelotas/ RS, in order to analyze how art teaching makes possible to question art as a form of expression. This study considers art as a body-subject relationship, using as methodology collective creation workshops, which confront the clutter that creating provides, make possible to poeticization the tiny, the anodyne, the garbage, the ordinary and what is not important in everyday life. Through the creation of poetic images is possible to work the unreasonable (Meira, 2007), the sensitive, therefore approaches to the craft. The author participated in the group exposing her trajectory, which identifies with the other participants of the workshops, composed mostly by students of Education and by artisans cooperative enterprises, without higher education. After concluding the Textile Art I/ II disciplines, the author realized that the craft was also part of her training as a teacher and artisan, so allowed to share her experiences in meetings. This way, the author understood the constitution of the body-subject when working with plots, lines and drawings. This study is based on works such as "Design + Craft: The Brazilian Path" of Adélia Borges, which presents a brief history of brazilian handicraft; "The Craftsman" and "Together", present the construction of what is the craft, under the gaze of Richard Sennett; from the aesthetic education standpoint, the author uses the work of Marly Meira: "Philosophy of Creation - Reflections on the meaning of the sensitive"; "Phenomenology of Perception" of Maurice Merleau-Ponty; "The sense of the senses: the sensitive education" of João Francisco Duarte Júnior, and "Emotions and language in Education and in Politics", of Humberto Maturana, who makes an analysis from the perspective of the sensitive being. / Este estudo faz parte de uma pesquisa que se desenvolveu no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Visuais/ Mestrado, do Centro de Artes da Universidade Federal de Pelotas/RS, cujo objetivo é analisar como o ensino da arte possibilita problematizar a arte como forma de expressão. Este estudo considera a arte em uma relação corpo-sujeito, utilizando como metodologia a realização de Oficinas de Criação Coletiva, que confrontam a desordem que a criação traz, tornam possível a relação que poetiza o minúsculo, o anódino, o lixo, o vulgar, o sem importância de todo o dia. Por meio da criação de imagens poéticas, pode-se trabalhar o descabido (Meira, 2007), o sensível, razão pela qual se aproxima do artesanato. A autora participou do grupo trazendo sua trajetória, o que a identifica com os participantes das oficinas, constituídas, em sua maioria, por alunos em Pedagogia e por artesãs cooperativadas, sem formação superior. Após cursar as disciplinas de Arte Têxtil I e II, a autora percebeu que o artesanato também fez parte de sua formação como professora e artesã, possibilitando que compartilhasse suas vivências e experiências nas tramas. Dessa forma, foi possível compreender como se constitui um corpo-sujeito, quando trabalha-se com tramas, linhas e desenhos. O estudo fundamentou-se em obras como: Design + artesanato: o caminho brasileiro , de Adélia Borges, que apresenta uma breve história do artesanato no Brasil; O Artífice e Juntos , que apresentam a construção do que é artesanato sob o olhar de Richard Sennett; e sob o olhar da educação estética, a autora traz Marly Meira, com seu trabalho Filosofia da Criação. Reflexões sobre o Sentido do sensível ; Maurice Merleau-Ponty com Fenomenologia da Percepção ; O sentido dos sentidos: a educação (do) sensível , de João Francisco Duarte Júnior; e Emoções e linguagem na educação e na política , de Humberto Maturana, que analisa sob uma ótica do Ser sensível.
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Estudo do trançado para desenvolvimento de produtos têxteis artesanais / Study of artisanal braiding for the development of handmade textiles productsDuarte, Adriana Yumi Sato, 1988- 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Franco Giuseppe Dedini / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T03:41:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Duarte_AdrianaYumiSato_M.pdf: 12125505 bytes, checksum: 3905d87344e274e166ea8b7f129f87c3 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo propor uma linguagem para a técnica artesanal de trançado manual, atividade praticada em diversas regiões do Brasil que utiliza materiais flexíveis para desenvolver produtos como cestos e esteiras, de modo a sistematizar a construção das armações e reafirmar a importância desta atividade para o país nos aspectos sociais, culturais e econômicos. Para tanto, o cenário desta pesquisa é baseado na análise da produção artesanal no Brasil, estudo do trançado manual e suas atividades análogas e a inserção das diretrizes de metodologia e ferramentas de projeto neste contexto. O conhecimento atrelado à prática do trançado manual é transmitido de forma oral e geracional, e em razão disto, está sendo perdido progressivamente. Por este motivo, como consequência da sistematização do trançado, o resgate deste conhecimento também é contemplado na pesquisa. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram a relação entre o trançado manual e a tecelagem, atividade têxtil que transforma fios em tecidos, transferindo a nomenclatura, representação numérica e gráfica da tecelagem para o trançado manual. Assim, o que se pretende nesta pesquisa é sugerir uma linguagem para o trançado manual, ainda inexistente na área, que permita o desenvolvimento de um banco de dados e, futuramente, novas armações / Abstract: This research aims to propose a language for the artisanal braiding, a handicraft technique practiced in different regions of Brazil that uses flexible materials to develop products like baskets and mats, in order to systematize the construction and to reaffirm the importance of this activity in social, cultural and economic aspects. Therefore, the background of this research is based on the analysis of handicraft production in Brazil, the study of the braiding and its similar activities and the insertion of guidelines from methodology and design tools in this context. The knowledge linked to this practice is transmitted orally and between generations, and because of this, is being gradually lost. For this reason, as a consequence of the systematization of braiding, the rescue of this knowledge is also covered in this survey. The results indicated the relationship between artisanal braiding and weaving, a textile activity that transforms yarn into fabric, transferring the numerical and graphical representation for weaving to braiding. So, what is intended in this research is to suggest a language for artisanal braiding, which is lacking in the area, in order to allow the development of a database and, in future, new patterns / Mestrado / Mecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto Mecanico / Mestra em Engenharia Mecânica
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Thermoplastic fiber-reinforced composites based on noncrimped and multilayered weavesKleicke, Roland, Mountasir, Adil, Cherif, Chokri, Hoffmann, Gerald, Franz, Christian 09 October 2019 (has links)
Manufacturing of thermoplastic composite based on textile preforms made from hybrid yarns is well suited for the production of fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) in medium- and large-scale production runs. Especially, the consolidation of thermoplastic FRP is currently complicated by the high viscosity of molten material. Woven multilayered and z-reinforced NCF-preforms are very interesting for FRP supposed to withstand threedimensional loading and impact stress. These preforms with z-directional reinforcement improve the FRP delamination behavior and out-of-plane characteristics. The wellknown composite parameters are essential to ensure the use of these materials in a wide range of applications.
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