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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of Pygo2 during intestinal tumor initiation and progression in vivo

Talla, Suranand Babu 10 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Der natürliche Wnt-Antagonist SFRP4 in der Wachstumsregulation von diffusen großzelligen B-Zell-Lymphomen / The role of natural Wnt antagonist SFRP4 in growth regulation of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Cicholas, Anna Karen 27 April 2016 (has links)
Die heterogene Biologie der diffusen großzelligen B-Zell-Lymphome (DLBCL) und die daraus resultierenden Unterschiede in Therapieansprechen und Prognose stellen ein wesentliches Problem in der aktuellen Therapie von DLBCL dar. Anomalien im kanonischen Wnt-Signalweg und seinen natürlichen Antagonisten wie secreted frizzled-related proteins (SFRPs) sind für verschiedene solide und hämatologische Malignome als wichtige Bestandteile der Tumorgenese und Tumorprogression identifiziert worden. Vorarbeiten unserer Arbeitsgruppe lieferten Hinweise für die Bedeutung von Wnt3a und SFRP4 in der Regulation von DLBCL. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde untersucht, welche Rolle dem Protein SFRP4 in der Wachstumsregulation von diffusen großzelligen B-Zell-Lymphomen zukommt. Die Synthese von SFRP4 wurde in den als Modellzelllinien genutzten humanen DLBCL-Zelllinien nachgewiesen. Unter Verwendung von rekombinantem humanen SFRP4 sowie einer mittels lentiviraler shRNA erzeugten Expressionsreduktion von SFRP4 konnte gezeigt werden, dass SFRP4 zu einer Expansionshemmung sowie zu einer reduzierten Klonogenität bei DLBCL-Zellen führt. Als Ursache für diese Effekte konnte die Inhibition des kanonischen Wnt-Signalwegs durch SFRP4 identifiziert werden. SFRP4 wurde hinsichtlich seiner Bedeutung für die Ausprägung der Side Population (SP), einer Tumorzellsubpopulation mit repopulativem Potenzial, in DLBCL-Zellen untersucht. Dabei wurde sowohl durch exogene Zugabe als auch durch Reduktion von SFRP4 auf Transkriptebene die Bedeutsamkeit von SFRP4 für die SP-Regulation gezeigt. Untersuchungen zur differentiellen SFRP4-Expression sowie SFRP4-Promotormethylierung in Side Population versus non-Side Population wiesen epigenetische Mechanismen in der Regulation des SP-Phänotyps nach. Das DNA-demethylierende Medikament 5-Azacytidine reduzierte in DLBCL-Zelllinien Expansion sowie Klonogenität. Darüber hinaus beeinflusste 5-Azacytidine den kanonischen Wnt-Signalweg und den SFRP4-Gehalt der DLBCL-Zellen. Die Bedeutung von Exosomen als interzelluläre Kommunikatoren, die Wnt-Proteine transportieren, wurde unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von SFRP4 evaluiert. Sowohl SFRP4 als auch Wnt3a waren in der Exosomen- und der Mikrovesikelfraktion von DLBCL-Zellen nachweisbar. Die Exosomen waren in der Lage, den kanonischen Wnt-Signalweg an den Zielzellen zu aktivieren und Einfluss auf die Side Population zu nehmen. Insgesamt wurde für SFRP4 erstmalig eine hemmende Wirkung auf das Wachstum von DLBCL-Zellen demonstriert. Weiterführende Studien können adressieren, inwiefern die aufgezeigten Mechanismen der Wachstumsmodulation von DLBCL-Zellen durch SFRP4 in therapeutischen Anwendungen genutzt werden können.

Etude de la régulation du gène codant le récepteur de chimiokine CXCR4 dans le système de la ligne latérale postérieure du poisson-zèbre (danio rerio) / Study of the regulation of the gene encoding the chemokine receptor CXCR4 in the zebrafish (danio rerio) posterior lateral line system

Gamba, Laurent 07 December 2010 (has links)
La ligne latérale postérieure embryonnaire du poisson-zèbre est composée d'un ensemble d'organes sensoriels, appelés neuromastes, qui permet au poisson de détecter les mouvements de l'eau. Le primordium qui génère la ligne latérale postérieure embryonnaire migre de la tête vers l'extrémité de la queue le long d'une piste de cellules sécrétrices de SDF-1, et dépose des groupes de cellules précurseurs des neuromastes. Cette migration dépend de la présence de CXCR4, le récepteur de SDF-1, dans la région en tête du primordium et de la présence du second récepteur de SDF-1, CXCR7, dans la région en queue du primordium. L'objectif de ma thèse est d'identifier des régulateurs de l'expression de cxcr4b au sein du primordium. Nous avons montré que l'inactivation du récepteur des strogènes ESR1 induit l'expression ectopique de cxcr4b dans les cellules de queue du primordium alors que sa surexpression induit une réduction du domaine d'expression de cxcr4b, suggérant que ESR1 agit comme un répresseur de cxcr4b. Cette découverte expliquerait pourquoi les strogènes diminuent la capacité métastatique des cellules du cancer du sein strogéno-dépendants. L'inactivation de ESR1 conduit aussi à l'extinction de l'expression de cxcr7b dans les cellules de queue du primordium, cet effet étant toutefois indirect et induit par la signalisation ectopique SDF-1/CXCR4 dans ces cellules. L'inactivation et la surexpression de ESR1 provoquent toutes deux une migration défectueuse du primordium, confirmant l'importance de ce récepteur dans le contrôle de la migration dépendante de SDF-1. Nous avons aussi montré qu'un effecteur majeur de la signalisation Wnt canonique, LEF-1, contribue au contrôle de l'expression de cxcr4b et de cxcr7b dans les cellules en tête du primordium. Nous montrons que la prolifération cellulaire, qui assure une taille constante du primordium en dépit des dépositions successives de cellules, est réduite en absence de LEF-1, et que cela conduit à une ligne latérale postérieure incomplète. / The zebrafish embryonic posterior lateral line is componed by a set sense organs, called neuromasts, allowing the fish to detect the water movements. The primordium that generates the embryonic posterior lateral line of zebrafish migrates from the head to the tip of the tail along a trail of SDF-1-producing cells, and deposits cell groups that will become the neuromasts. This migration critically depends on the presence of the SDF-1 receptor CXCR4 in the leading region of the primordium and on the presence of a second SDF1 receptor, CXCR7, in the trailing region of the primordium. The aim of my thesis is to identify regulators of the cxcr4b expression within the primordium. Here we show that inactivation of the estrogen receptor ESR1 results in ectopic expression of cxcr4b throughout the primordium, whereas ESR1 overexpression results in a reciprocal reduction in the domain of cxcr4b expression, suggesting that ESR1 acts as a repressor of cxcr4b. This finding could explain why estrogens significantly decrease the metastatic ability of ESR-positive breast cancer cells. ESR1 inactivation alsoleads to extinction of cxcr7b expression in the trailing cells of the migrating primordium; this effect is indirect, however, and due to the down-regulation of cxcr7b by ectopic SDF-1/CXCR4 signaling in the trailing region. Both ESR1 inactivation and overexpression result in aborted migration, confirming the importance of this receptor in the control of SDF-1-dependent migration. We also showed that a major effector of the canonical Wnt signaling, LEF-1, contributes to the control of both cxcr4b and cxcr7b expression in the leading cells of the primordium. We show that cell proliferation, which ensures constant primordium size in spite of sucessive rounds of cell deposition, is reduced upon lef1 inactivation, leading in a truncated posterior lateral line.

Genetic Studies of Alzheimer's Disease

Blom, Elin January 2008 (has links)
Patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) often have a family history of the disease, implicating genetics as a major risk factor. Three genes are currently known to cause familial early-onset AD (<65 years): the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and the presenilins (PSEN1 and PSEN2). For the much more common late-onset disease (>65 years), only the APOE gene has repeatedly been associated to AD, where the ε4 allele increases disease risk and decreases age at onset. As APOE ε4 only explains part of the total estimated disease risk, more genes are expected to contribute to AD. This thesis has focused on the study of genetic risk factors involved in AD. In the first study, we conducted a linkage analysis of six chromosomes previously implicated in AD in a collection of affected relative pairs from Sweden, the UK and the USA. An earlier described linkage peak on chromosome 10q21 could not be replicated in the current sample, while significant linkage was demonstrated to chromosome 19q13 where the APOE gene is located. The linkage to 19q13 was further analyzed in the second study, demonstrating no significant evidence of genes other than APOE contributing to this peak. In the third study, the prevalence of APP duplications, a recently reported cause of early-onset AD, was investigated. No APP duplications were identified in 141 Swedish and Finnish early-onset AD patients, implying that this is not a common disease mechanism in the Scandinavian population. In the fourth study, genes with altered mRNA levels in the brain of a transgenic AD mouse model (tgAPP-ArcSwe) were identified using microarray analysis. Differentially expressed genes were further analyzed in AD brain. Two genes from the Wnt signaling pathway, TCF7L2 and MYC, had significantly increased mRNA levels in both transgenic mice and in AD brains, implicating cell differentiation and possibly neurogenesis in AD.

Molecular Studies of Diamond-Blackfan Anemia and Congenital Nail Dysplasia

Fröjmark, Anne-Sophie January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the effect of genetic mutations on the pathophysiology of two human disorders: Diamond-Blackfan Anemia (DBA) and isolated congenital nail dysplasia. The first part of this thesis (Paper I-III) investigates the mechanism associated with DBA. DBA is a rare bone marrow failure syndrome characterized by the absence or decrease of erythroid precursor cells. The disease is further associated with growth retardation, malformations, predisposition to malignant disease and heterozygous mutations in ribosomal protein (RP) genes. The second part of this thesis (Paper IV) investigates the genetic basis of isolated autosomal recessive nail dysplasia characterized by pachyonychia and onycholysis of both finger- and toenails. It further dissects the molecular mechanisms regulating nail development. In the first study, we investigated the previously reported RPS19/PIM-1 interaction by generating a combined Rps19/Pim-1 knockout mouse model. We found that allelic Rps19 insufficiency and Pim-1 deficiency have a cooperative effect on murine hematopoiesis resulting in increased myeloid cellularity associated with cell cycle alterations and reduced apoptosis. In the second study, we analyzed primary fibroblasts from DBA patients with truncating mutations in RPS19 or RPS24 and observed a marked delay in cellular growth associated with specific cell cycle defects. In the third study, we discovered that recombinant RPS19 binds its own mRNA and that the binding is altered when two DBA-associated RPS19 mutations are introduced. In the fourth study, we identified mutations in the WNT signaling receptor Frizzled 6 (FZD6). We observed that the nonsense mutant fails to interact with the first downstream effector Dishevelled. Fzd6 mutant mice displayed claw malformations and we detected a transient Fzd6 expression in the distal digits at the embryonic time point for nail development. In summary, this thesis elucidates several mechanisms in the etiology of DBA and congenital nail dysplasia and mechanisms regulating nail development.

Analysis of genetic interactions and hierarchies of Wnt-signaling components in vivo

Schelp, Nadine 06 December 2012 (has links)
Der Wnt/β-catenin Signalweg reguliert zusammen mit anderen Signalkaskaden die Embryogenese sowie auch die Homöostase und die Proliferation der Stammzellen im adulten Organismus. Mutationen in Komponenten dieses Signaltransduktionsweges führen zu einer aberranten Aktivierung von β-catenin und wurden in vielen verschieden Krebsarten einschließlich Darmkrebs beobachtet. Die transkriptionelle Akivität von β-catenin wird von verschiedenen nukleären Kofaktoren beeinflusst. Hierzu zählen insbesondere die Proteine der Pygopus Familie, die in Drosophila eine essentielle Rolle im kanonischen Wnt-Signalweg spielen, in Vertebraten allerdings vielmehr Kontext abhängig agieren. Insbesondere Pygo2 ist hierbei vermutlich auch an der malignen Transformation verschiedener Zelltypen mit anschließender Ausbildung von Tumoren beteiligt. Auch wenn bereits gezeigt werden konnte, dass Pygo2 in Darmtumoren überexprimiert wird, ist bisher unbekannt, ob es tatsächlich eine Rolle bei der Entstehung von intestinalen Tumoren spielt. Anhand von genetischen Experimenten in der Maus zeigt diese Arbeit zum ersten Mal in vivo, dass Pygo2 für die normale Homöostase des Darms nicht essentiell ist, aber an der Ausbildung von Darmtumoren, welche durch eine Stabilisierung von β-catenin induziert werden, beteiligt ist. Weder im embryonalen noch im adulten Darm beeinflusste der konditionale Villin-Cre bedingte Knock-out von Pygo2 in epithelialen Zellen die normale embryonale Entwicklung oder die Homöostase im adulten Darm. Auch für die Regulation von Zielgenen des Wnt/β-catenin Signalweges unter physiologischen Bedingungen scheint Pygo2 funktionell redundant zu sein. Im Gegensatz dazu verhinderte der Verlust von Pygo2 die Entstehung von β-catenin induzierten intestinalen Tumoren und normalisierte die damit verbundene Hyperproliferation sowie die erhöhte Expression von Wnt/β-catenin Zielgenen und intestinalen Stammzellmarkern. Überraschenderweise konnte die Ausbildungen von Adenomen in ApcMin/+ Mäusen durch Deletion von Pygo2 nicht verhindert werden. Der Vergleich beider Mausmodelle ergab eine erhöhte Expression von BCL9-2 in den Adenomen der ApcMin/+ Mäuse aber nicht in den Hyperplasien, die durch aktiviertes β-catenin induziert wurden. Dies könnte darauf hinweisen, dass in Apc mutierten epithelialen Zellen BCL9-2 für die Tumorprogression verantwortlich ist. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl der knock-down von Pygo2 als auch von BCL9-2 in human Kolonkarzinomzellen die Proliferation reduzierte. Anhand von immunohistochemischen Analysen des Phosphorylierungsstatus von ERK1/2, einem „downstream“ Effektor von K-ras, konnten außerdem pERK1/2 positive Zellen in den intestinalen Adenomen von ApcMin/+ Mäusen, nicht aber in hyperproliferierenden Zellen mit stabilisierten β-catenin nachgewiesen werden. Zusammenfassend weisen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit daraufhin, dass die Funktion von Pygo2 im Darm Kontext abhängig ist. Während in normalen epithelialen Zellen des Darms Pygo2 offensichtlich funktionell redundant ist, scheint es für die Ausbildung von intestinalen Tumoren, welche durch dereguliertes Wnt/β-catenin induziert werden, essentiell zu sein. Daher könnte Pygo2 ein idealer Angriffspunkt für die zielgerichtete Therapie von Darmtumoren mit β-catenin Mutation sein.

Análise comparativa da expressão dos genes Vangl1 e Vangl2 durante a ontogênese da galinha (Gallus gallus) / Comparative analysis of Vangl1 and Vangl2 gene expression during chicken ontogenesis (Gallus gallus)

Pedrosa, Angelica Vasconcelos, 1986- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Lúcia Elvira Alvares / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T17:37:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pedrosa_AngelicaVasconcelos_M.pdf: 1992620 bytes, checksum: ed7d02568860e3ccf1e489cf2928818e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: A correta padronização do corpo do embrião requer a atividade de diferentes vias de sinalização. Dentre elas, uma que se destaca é via de sinalização Wnt de polaridade celular planar (Wnt/PCP), que é responsável pelo controle da polaridade celular e pela organização celular de diversos tecidos nos animais. Uma vez interrompida, a via Wnt/PCP pode causar falhas no fechamento do tubo neural, provocando defeitos congênitos. Em seres humanos, mutações em componentes-chave da via Wnt/PCP como as proteínas codificadas pelos genes Vangl1 e Vangl2 têm sido associadas à graves malformações geradas por falhas no fechamento do tubo neural. Estruturalmente, ambos os genes Vangl1 e Vangl2 codificam proteínas de superfície transmembranares, essenciais para o desenvolvimento apropriado do embrião. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a caracterização do padrão de expressão dos genes Vangl1 e Vangl2 durante a embriogênese de Gallus gallus. Ensaios de hibridação in situ em embrião inteiro (whole mount) e cortes em vibratómo foram realizados com a finalidade de estabelecer temporal e espacialmente o padrão de expressão dos genes Vangl1 e Vangl2. Como resultado, observou-se que estes genes são expressos durante as etapas de gastrulação, neurulação e no início da organogênese do desenvolvimento embrionário de Gallus gallus. No início da gastrulação, os genes Vangl1 e Vangl2 possuem domínios de expressão comuns nos embriões de galinha, uma vez que ambos são expressos na linha primitiva, nódulo de Hensen e crescente cardiogênico. Contudo, nossos dados revelaram particularidades na expressão destes genes, uma vez que há uma predominância dos transcritos de Vangl1 na região posterior da linha primitiva, enquanto Vangl2 apresenta uma expressão uniforme ao longo desta estrutura. Em adição, enquanto Vangl1 é expresso na notocorda e em toda a extensão do nódulo de Hensen, Vangl2 é expresso no entorno desta estrutura. Ao longo da neurulação e na organogênese inicial, ambos os genes Vangl são expressos de maneira similar, em domínios que abrangem a placa, as pregas e o tubo neural. Outros importantes domínios de expressão dos Vangl correspondem às vesículas ópticas e óticas, às vesículas encefálicas particularmente na região das flexuras encefálicas, aos diferentes tipos de mesoderma (paraxial, intermediário e lateral) e ao assoalho da faringe. Ao comparar os resultados obtidos por hibridação in situ em galinha ao um levantamento bibliográfico sobre outros vertebrados, observou-se uma sobreposição dos domínios-chave de expressão nos diferentes organismos, demonstrando a conservação filogenética da atividade destes genes e sugerindo uma possível conservação funcional. Desta forma, nossos dados sugerem que os genes Vangl desempenham um importante papel no desenvolvimento embrionário de aves, possivelmente coordenando os movimentos morfogenéticos durante a gastrulação, bem como a formação da placa neural e posterior dobramento e fechamento do tubo neural, além de outros processos da embriogênese de aves / Abstract: The correct patterning of the embryo's body requires the activity of different signaling pathways. Among them, one that stands out is the Wnt Planar Cell Polarity Signaling Pathway (Wnt/PCP), which is responsible for controlling the cell polarity and cellular organization of many tissues in animals. Failures in the Wnt/PCP signaling can cause neural tube birth defects. In humans, mutations in key components of the Wnt/PCP as the Vangl1 and Vangl2 molecules were identified in patients with neural tube defects. Structurally, both Vangl1 and Vangl2 genes encode transmembrane surface proteins similar, which are essential to proper development. The present study aimed to characterize the expression pattern of Vangl1 and Vangl2 genes during embryogenesis in Gallus gallus. Whole-mount in situ hybridization assays and vibratome sectioning of embryos were conducted in order to establish the spatial and temporal expression pattern of Vangl1 and Vangl2 genes. Our results showed that these genes are expressed during gastrulation, neurulation and early organogenesis in Gallus gallus. At the onset of Gastrulation, Vangl1 and Vangl2 genes have common areas of expression in chicken embryos, since both are expressed in the primitive streak, Hensen's node and cardiogenic crescent. However, our data showed particularities in the expression of these genes, since there is a predominance of Vangl1 transcripts in the posterior region of the primitive streak while Vangl2 has a uniform expression throughout that structure. In addition, while Vangl1 is expressed in the notochord and in the full length of the Hensen's node, Vangl2 is expressed only around this structure. Throughout neurulation and early organogenesis, both Vangl genes are expressed in a similar manner on the neural plate, neural groove, neural folds and in the neural tube. Other important areas of Vangl expression correspond to optical and otic vesicles, the brain vesicles, the different types of mesoderm (paraxial, intermediate and lateral) and the floor of the pharynx. By comparing the chicken expression of Vangl genes with other vertebrates, we notice that there are overlapping expression patterns among key areas among different organisms, showing a phylogenetic conservation of expression domains and suggesting a possible functional conservation. Overall, our data suggests that Vangl genes play an important role in embryonic development of bird, possibly by coordinating the morphogenetic movements during gastrulation, as well as the formation of neural tube, among other processes during the birds embriogenesis / Mestrado / Biologia Celular / Mestra em Biologia Celular e Estrutural

Estudos sobre os genes da família Dapper = origem, evolução e análise da expressão durante a ontogênese dos membros de galinha = Studies on the Dapper gene family : origin, evolution and expression analysis during chicken limb development / Studies on the Dapper gene family : origin, evolution and expression analysis during chicken limb development

Sobreira, Debora Rodrigues, 1981- 07 November 2013 (has links)
Orientadores: Lúcia Elvira Alvares, José Xavier Neto / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T10:52:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sobreira_DeboraRodrigues_D.pdf: 9430834 bytes, checksum: 1c730ee238256c4ea0f303311fa3283b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Os genes da família Dapper (Dpr) codificam proteínas adaptadoras capazes de ligar-se fisicamente a diferentes moléculas e modular as vias de sinalização Wnt e TGF-?. Diferentes análises funcionais revelaram que os Dpr atuam na especificação do eixo corporal e do tecido neural, nos movimentos morfogenéticos, no desenvolvimento do olho, na indução da cardiogênese, adipogênse e cicatrização. Diversos estudos foram realizados a fim de compreender o papel desempenhado pelos Dpr durante a embriogenêse dos vertebrados e na homeostase de tecidos adultos. Contudo, muitas questões ainda necessitam ser elucidadas. Este projeto de Doutorado teve como objetivo (1) descrever os sítios de expressão da família gênica Dpr durante a ontogênese dos membros de galinha, associando-a as vias de sinalização Wnt e TGF-? e (2) investigar a origem e a evolução desses genes durante a filogenia dos metazoários. Nossos resultados confirmaram que os genes Dpr são dinamicamente expressos durante o desenvolvimento dos membros de galinha, provavelmente, modulando os sinais Wnt e TGF-?. Os genes Dpr são encontrados no mesênquima indiferenciado dos membros em formação e em células progenitoras de condrócitos, pericôndrio e tendões. Esses resultados sugerem as moléculas Dpr como um novo grupo de marcadores do desenvolvimento dos membros em galinha. Já nossas análises filogenéticas revelaram que os Dprs surgiram durante a evolução dos organismos deuterostômios e um novo ortólogo dessa família de proteínas, denominado Dpr4, foi descrito. Acreditamos que o nosso trabalho irá fornecer bases para estudos moleculares com o intuito de estabelecer a função individual de cada membro da família Dpr, bem como auxiliar no entendimento sobre como estas proteínas podem interagir e cooperar entre si para modular diferentes vias de sinalização molecular em diferentes contextos celulares / Abstract: The Dapper (Dpr) genes form a small gene family of adaptor proteins important to several processes of vertebrates development, such as the specification of the body axis and neural tissue, morphogenetic movements, eye development, induction of cardiogenesis, adipogenesis and wound healing, by modulating the Wnt and TGF-? signaling pathways using specific conserved domains/motifs. Three Dpr genes have been identified in human and mouse, two in chicken, one in frog and two in zebrafish genome. Since the discovery of Dpr proteins, several assays have been performed in order to understand the role of this family during embryogenesis, although many questions still need to be elucidated. Thus, this PhD project aimed to (1) describe the possible role of Dpr genes during ontogeny of chicken regarding the regulation of Wnt and TGF-? signaling pathways and (2) investigate the origin and evolution of Dpr family over the course of metazoan evolution. Our results demonstrated that Dpr genes are involved in chicken limb development, probably, by modulating Wnt and TGF-? signals. Dpr genes were found in the undifferentiated limb mesenchyme, progenitor of chondrocytes, perichondrium and tendons. These results suggest that Dpr genes are good candidates to a new set of markers in chicken limb development. Furthermore, our phylogenetic analysis revealed that the Dprs arose late during the deuterostomes evolution and allowed the identification of a new Dpr paralog (Dpr4), meaning that a repertoire of four Dact genes is found in vertebrates. Thus, our work will provide the basis for molecular studies in order to establish the role of each individual member of this family as well as how the set of Dpr proteins can interact and cooperate to modulate different molecular signaling pathways in different cellular contexts / Doutorado / Biologia Tecidual / Doutora em Biologia Celular e Estrutural

Global Deletion of Sost Increases Intervertebral Disc Hydration But May Trigger Chondrogenesis

Tori Morgan Kroon (8810045) 07 May 2020 (has links)
Intervertebral discs (IVD) degenerate earlier than many other musculoskeletal tissues and will continue to degenerate with aging. IVD degeneration affects up to 80 percent of the adult population and is a major contributing factor to low back pain. Anti-sclerostin antibody is an FDA-approved treatment for osteoporosis in postmenopausal women at high-risk for fracture and, as a systemic stimulant of the Wnt/LRP5/b-Catenin signaling pathway, may impact the IVD. Stabilization of b-Catenin in the IVD increases Wnt signaling and is anabolic to the extracellular matrix (ECM), while deletion of b-catenin or LRP5 decreases Wnt signaling and is catabolic to the ECM. Here, we hypothesized that a reduction of Sost would stimulate ECM anabolism. Lumbar and caudal (tail) IVD and vertebrae of Sost KO and WT (wildtype) mice (n=8 each) were harvested at 16 weeks of age and tested by MRI, histology, immunohistochemistry, Western Blot, qPCR, and microCT. Compared to WT, Sost KO reduced sclerostin protein and Sost gene expression. Next, Sost KO increased the hydration of the IVD and the proteoglycan stain in the nucleus pulposus and decreased the expression of genes associated with IVD degeneration, e.g., heat shock proteins. However, deletion of Sost was compensated by less unphosphorylated (active) b-Catenin protein in the cell nucleus, upregulation of Wnt signaling inhibitors Dkk1 and sFRP4, and catabolic ECM gene expression. Consequently, notochordal and early chondrocyte-like cells (CLCs) were replaced by mature CLCs. Overall, Sost deletion increased hydration and proteoglycan protein content, but activated a compensatory suppression of Wnt signaling that may trigger chondrogenesis and may potentially be iatrogenic to the IVD in the long-term.

Inhibition of Wnt Signaling Pathways Impairs Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection in Endometrial Epithelial Cells

Kintner, Jennifer, Moore, Cheryl G., Whittimore, Judy D., Butler, Megan, Hall, Jennifer V. 11 December 2017 (has links)
Chlamydia trachomatis infections represent the predominant cause of bacterial sexually transmitted infections. As an obligate intracellular bacterium, C. trachomatis is dependent on the host cell for survival, propagation, and transmission. Thus, factors that affect the host cell, including nutrition, cell cycle, and environmental signals, have the potential to impact chlamydial development. Previous studies have demonstrated that activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling benefits C. trachomatis infections in fallopian tube epithelia. In cervical epithelial cells chlamydiae sequester β-catenin within the inclusion. These data indicate that chlamydiae interact with the Wnt signaling pathway in both the upper and lower female genital tract (FGT). However, hormonal activation of canonical and non-canonical Wnt signaling pathways is an essential component of cyclic remodeling in another prominent area of the FGT, the endometrium. Given this information, we hypothesized that Wnt signaling would impact chlamydial infection in endometrial epithelial cells. To investigate this hypothesis, we analyzed the effect of Wnt inhibition on chlamydial inclusion development and elementary body (EB) production in two endometrial cell lines, Ishikawa (IK) and Hec-1B, in nonpolarized cell culture and in a polarized endometrial epithelial (IK)/stromal (SHT-290) cell co-culture model. Inhibition of Wnt by the small molecule inhibitor (IWP2) significantly decreased inclusion size in IK and IK/SHT-290 cultures (p < 0.005) and chlamydial infectivity (p ≤ 0.01) in both IK and Hec-1B cells. Confocal and electron microscopy analysis of chlamydial inclusions revealed that Wnt inhibition caused chlamydiae to become aberrant in morphology. EB formation was also impaired in IK, Hec-1B and IK/SHT-290 cultures regardless of whether Wnt inhibition occurred throughout, in the middle (24 hpi) or late (36 hpi) during the development cycle. Overall, these data lead us to conclude that Wnt signaling in the endometrium is a key host pathway for the proper development of C. trachomatis.

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