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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vnímání ženské nahoty v 2. polovině 19. století v kontextu francouzského umění / Perception of female nudity in the second half of the 19th century in the context of French art

Bažantová, Jitka January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is to analyze the perception of a naked female body in French society of the 2nd half of the 19th century. The work focuses on discovering, highlighting and interpreting the theme of female nudity in artistic works of this period, which provoked strong reactions and influenced contemporary culture. The first part is consecrated to the position of women in the 2nd half of the 19th century society on historical, social and cultural backgrounds and its changes in the ambience of the first wave of the women's movement. The attention is brought to some significant representatives of early feminism and to the goals and innovations these personalities were aiming to achieve. The second part of the thesis describes and analyzes selected works of art on the theme of female nudity. First, it deals with the works of academic painters who were the bearers of traditional artistic ideals and academic rules for displaying naked female body. Their artistic production is nowadays somewhat underestimated. In art history, however, it plays an important role. Therefore, the value of their work for the study of the perception of a naked female body is not omitted. The interest then turns to the Impressionism, the outstanding 2nd half of the 19th century art movement. In the center of...

Agents of Change: An Analysis of Gender Planning for Development in Africa at the Canadian International Development Agency

Acquah, Augusta January 2012 (has links)
The thesis examines how the social construction of African women in development discourse transformed from the 1970s to the 2000s, focusing in particular on the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). From the 1970s to the 1990s representations of African women were based on women’s economic potential. The mainstreaming of gender in the 1990s resulted in women being represented as agents of change. This approach gave women an opportunity to play roles in decision-making but led to policies that failed to challenge the established institutions. The emphasis on women as agents of change opened doors to some African women but with implications for the women’s movement. Only some middle-class women appear to benefit but their gains have been marginal in comparison to the gender inequalities that persist. The thesis uses secondary sources and interviews with development practitioners in Ottawa to understand the representation of African women as agents of change.

Více žen do politiky: občanské aktivity v ČR / More Women into Politics: Civil Society Activities in the Czech Republic

Dušková, Štěpánka January 2014 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with the role civil society plays in the process of introducing more women into politics. Women are significantly underrepresented in the Czech politics. This situation can be changed by adopting measures to support women in politics. These measures must either be voluntarily adopted by political parties or regulated by law. In order for political parties to recognize the necessity of such measures, they must be pressured by the voters. That is why nongovernmental organizations' activity is needed, as they are able to push interests through and they can inform public as well as cooperate with other subjects in order to achieve their goals. An example of such an organization is the organization Fórum 50 %, whose activities are subject to an analysis in this thesis. The master's thesis is divided into four chapters. The first part of the thesis covers the civil society and interest representation in theory. The second chapter is concerned with the concept of women's political representation, presents statistics of the number of women in Czech politics, identifies the main barriers that prevent women from political participation and introduces the instruments that can help regulate the amount of women in politics. The third chapter depicts female-oriented nongovernmental organizations in the Czech Republic after 1989 and the women's movement development. The last chapter focuses on the analysis of activities of the organization Fórum 50 %.

The Effectiveness of Nongovernmental Organizations and their Impact on the Status of Women in Nicaragua

Weeks, Monica 28 March 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify the role of nongovernmental organizations in Nicaragua and their impact on the status of women. The study analyzed the status of women at the beginning of the revolution, starting in 1980. The study then examined the evolution of non-governmental organizations deriving from the original group named the Luisa Amanda Espinosa Association of Nicaraguan Women (AMNLAE). It then described the impact of non-governmental organizations on policy making and building civic societies. Ultimately, this study analyzed the status of women thirty years after the revolution and demonstrates through institutionalism that because of the effect of non-governmental organizations on society, the status of women has improved. It then concluded that nongovernmental and intergovernmental organizations are necessary for building civic societies wherein gender equality is accepted.

Local Media Representations of the Colombian Women’s Peace Movement La Ruta Pacífica De Las Mujeres

Kersjes, Elizabeth Anna 24 July 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to analyze how the media in Colombia covers the events and campaigns of the pacifist women’s movement La Ruta Pacífica de las Mujeres. The movement was formed in 1996 to draw attention to violence against women and to call for a negotiated end to Colombia’s internal armed conflict through peaceful demonstrations. The study uses a series of semi-structured interviews with members of the movement and a content analysis of major print media stories about the movement to analyze press coverage and forms of representation. The analysis finds that large, powerful media outlets based in the country’s principal cities largely ignore the movement, while smaller, local media outlets based in provincial regions and alternative media outlets cover the movement’s activities and campaigns. La Ruta Pacífica has developed media strategies to foster friendly media relations when possible and to work without any media attention when necessary.

Na okraji zájmu? České moderní ženy a Orient v první polovině 20. století / Czech modern women and the Orient in the first half of the 20th century: Challenging both gender and colonial dichotomies from the margins of Europe

Havlůjová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
Hana Havlůjová: Czech modern women and the Orient in the first half of the 20th century: Challenging both gender and colonial dichotomies from the margins of Europe Abstract In regards to both Czech and international research context my thesis has two main objectives. Firstly, it aims to explore various Czech sources, be them written or visual, in order to examine their potential for cultural history-based research on Czech modern women's (re)presentations of the Orient in the first half of the 20th century. Secondly, it uses a perspective 'from the margins of Europe' in order to challenge traditional dichotomies that prevail in a majority of research on gender and nationalism as well as colonialism worldwide. Therefore, my analyses of Czech modern women's (re)presentations of the Orient focus mainly on the interplay of three modern discourses - feminism, nationalism and orientalism. The first part of the thesis First impressions: Three Czech modern women in the Orient comprises three case studies on Pavla Dušková, Ludmila Matiegková and Vlasta Kálalová Di- Lotti, who travelled to and stayed in the Near East (Egypt, Palestine, Iraq) in the 1920s and 1930s. Their personal papers (e.g. family correspondence, unpublished travelogues) as well as published works (e.g. academic pieces of writing, popular novels)...

戦後沖縄の基地と軍用地料問題 : 地域を内部から問う女性運動 / センゴ オキナワ ノ キチ ト グンヨウ チリョウ モンダイ : チイキ オ ナイブ カラ トウ ジョセイ ウンドウ

桐山 節子, Setsuko Kiriyama 20 September 2017 (has links)
本論文は、戦後沖縄における女性運動の歴史の一端をたどるものである。基地の町の女性問題が、地域が受け取る軍用地料と密接に関わり、基地維持を支える軍用地料の利権が、日米関係や地域運動と相互に関係しつつ、どのように地域を再構成し続けているかを検討する。具体的には、戦後基地の町となった国頭郡金武町字金武(金武区と並里区)で1990年代から2000年代中頃にたたかわれた軍用地料をめぐる女性差別解消運動を検討する。 / This thesis examines the problem concerning Camp Hansen rental payments and military bases in Okinawa since 1945, from the viewpoint of the local women's movement.The purpose is to understand the human rights, political and economic problems of women who live in military base towns in Kin-cho, the focus of our case-study. In particular, I examine the role military base rental payments have played in restructuring the area. This reconfiguration is closely interrelated with Japan-US relations, the rental income for the bases and the regional movement. This is, therefore, also the history of the women rooted in the area. / 博士(現代アジア研究) / Doctor of Philosophy in Contemporary Asian Studies / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Mobilisierung der Frauen oder 'weibliche Zurückhaltung'?

Gernhardt, Elisabeth 21 April 2023 (has links)
Der Artikel Elisabeth Gernhardts zu „Mobilisierung der Frauen oder ʻweibliche Zurückhaltungʼ? Die Einigungskriege aus Sicht der deutschen Frauenbewegung“ ist ein Beitrag im Rahmen der Geschichtswissenschaft. Er macht ein auffälliges Forschungsdefizit aus, dass nämlich im hoch beforschten Feld der deutschen Einigungskriege von 1866 und 1870/71 die weibliche Sicht auf den Geschehenszusammenhang bislang nur wenig und unzureichend untersucht ist. Am besonders repräsentativen und rezeptionsstarken Quellenbeispiel des vereinseigenen Publikationsorgans des Allgemeinen Deutschen Frauenvereins (ADF), der Neuen Bahnen, hinterfragt die Verfasserin das nationalstaatliche Interesse, die kriegsspezifischen Positionen sowie die (gender-)markierten Strategien, mit denen die bürgerliche deutsche, ʻerste‘ Frauenbewegung ihre Zielgruppe zu mobilisieren suchte. Wie bezogen die Leitartikel ihre Leserinnen in die aktuelle Situation mit ein? Welche Differenzierungen des politischen und militärischen Geschehens wurden getroffen? Wie korrelierten nationalpolitisches und emanzipationspolitisches Engagement? Im Resultat zeigt sich ein vielseitiges, emotionalisiertes und reflektiert-kritisches Bild der weiblichen Partizipation an Einigungskriegen und Reichsgründung. Rückschläge, Enttäuschungen, Wut – aber auch Hoffnung, Euphorie und Sehnsucht begleiteten die Autorinnen auf dem Weg zur nationalstaatlichen Einigung.

Über Feminismus sprechen, eine geschlechterpolitische Praxis

Ruby, Sophie 21 April 2023 (has links)
Der soziologische, Beitrag von Sophie Ruby (M. A.), „Über Feminismus sprechen, eine geschlechterpolitische Praxis. Diskursanalytische Betrachtungen“, schlägt implizit den Bogen zu den frauenzentriert-feministischen Anfängen der Gender Studies zurück. Dies freilich aus einer wissenskritischen Beobachtungs-Perspektive, in der aktuelle Sachbücher und ihre audiovisuellen wie textlichen Rezensionen als Diskursfragmente eines älteren und neueren Geschlechter- und Feminismusdiskurses gelesen werden können. Die Verfasserin zeigt auf, wie das Sprechen über Feminismus selbst zur geschlechterpolitischen Praxis wird. Nach einer methodologischen Einführung werden die fallübergreifenden Analyseergebnisse vorgestellt. Im Zentrum stehen diskursive Konstruktionen verschiedener Generationen von Frauen und Frauenbewegungen, die Kontrastierung von ‚Opferfeminismus‘ und dem ‚Feminismus emanzipierter Frauen von heute‘, die Fokussierungen, Marginalisierungen und Leerstellen des gesamten Diskurses sowie Strategien zur Legitimierung, Durchsetzung und Institutionalisierung einzelner (oft konkurrenter) Deutungsangebote. Ein besonderes – kritisches – Augenmerk gilt dabei der diskursiven Exklusion sozialkritischer Feminismen und Gegendiskurse. Beitrag – und Band – enden mit Überlegungen der Verfasserin zu einer künftigen diskursiven Praxis feministischer Sprecher/innen, die der hohen Relevanz eines pluralistischen ‚Feminismus für viele‘ angemessen wäre.

‚Wenn wir nicht losgehen, geht niemand los‘

Bock, Jessica 05 May 2023 (has links)
Jessica Bocks Aufsatz mit dem Titel ‚Wenn wir nicht losgehen, geht niemand los‘: Die ostdeutsche Frauenbewegung von 1980 bis 2000 am Beispiel der Stadt Leipzig füllt eine Lücke in der jüngsten Zeitgeschichte, indem er Frauen als handelnde historische Subjekte der Oppositions- und Revolutionsgeschichte sichtbar macht. Am Beispiel von Petra Lux werden wesentliche Entwicklungslinien und Eigenheiten der Leipziger Frauenbewegung 1980- 2000 dargestellt. Hierbei wird deutlich, dass Frauen in jeder Phase, sei es in der SED-Diktatur, in Zeiten des Umbruchs oder in einer Demokratie um ihre Anerkennung als politische Subjekte mit ihren Bedürfnissen und Forderungen sowie um die Erweiterung ihrer Entscheidungs- und Handlungsmöglichkeiten kämpfen mussten. Gleichzeitig muss die ostdeutsche Frauenbewegung trotz systembedingter Eigenheiten auch im Kontakt mit Westdeutschland als Teil einer gesamtdeutschen feministischen Entwicklung gesehen werden, wobei der Aufsatz durch seinen geografischen Fokus auf der Stadt Leipzig unterstreicht, dass Frauen auch außerhalb von (Ost-)Berlin aktiv waren.

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