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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Feministische Mädchenarbeit

Fröhlich, Fabienne 17 January 2018 (has links)
Feministische Mädchenarbeit fungiert als selbstkritisches, pädagogisch-politisches Angebot, das der Jugendarbeit zugeordnet wird und aus historischer Perspektive einen starken Bezug zur Frauenbewegung aufweist. Ursprünglich als geschlechtshomogener Schutzraum gedacht, hat sich feministische Mädchenarbeit seit ihrer Entstehung Ende der 1970er Jahr durch die Rezeption (queer-)feministischer und rassismuskritischer Theorien bzw. Konzepte weiterentwickelt: entstanden sind Trans*-Räume und Empowermenträume sowie das Konzept der heteronormativitätskritischen Mädchen_arbeit.


Yüksel, Gökçen 18 December 2018 (has links)
In den wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen der Mathematik, Physik, Philosophie, Geschichte und der Geografie ist der Raum sowohl als Untersuchungsgegenstand als auch als Analyseinstrument von zentralem Interesse. Er kann als soziales Phänomen und Produkt sozialer Praktiken und Handlungen gelten. Theoretische Annahmen solcher Art qualifizieren Raum als analytische Kategorie und sorgen für seine Anschlussfähigkeit an die Geschlechterdifferenzierungsforschung sowie die Gender und Queer Studies. In den Fokus gerät dabei die Interdependenz von Raum- und Geschlechterordnungen.

Fältets herrar : Framväxten av en modern författarroll / Masters of the Field : The Origin of a Modern Role of Authors

Gedin, David January 2004 (has links)
<p>The dissertation describes a crucial step in the development of a modern writer's identity in Sweden. It applies the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu’s theories of the autonomous ”literary field” to the development in eighteen-eighties, one of the most important periods in Swedish literary history.</p><p>During this decade a large group of authors appeared, with August Strindberg in the front. In accordance with the dominating esthetical view of the nineteenth century, ”ideal realism”, the writers had an ethical responsibility. But they differed from their predecessors by not being loyal to the bourgeois society and its values, as codified in the concept of ”decency”, that contained, among other things, rules for what could be said in public. On the contrary, the new generation of authors attacked the bourgeoisie in novels, dramas and articles, especially in the singularly most controversial area, the regulation of sexuality and the ideals of bourgeois women.</p><p>This study argues that the new authors in their radical criticism aimed at the position of power in society traditionally upheld by the State church, which supervised education and ethical values. They did this by creating a role for themselves as young and oppressed, something that made it possible to deny any responsibility for the present state and furthermore to speak up, despite their own bourgeois background, for other oppressed groups like the working classes, the poor and women. But this also meant that they could not be successful in their ambitions to gain influence without loosing their identity. This was especially the consequence of the fact that an autonomous ”literary field” did not yet exist. That is, there were no internal literary institutions that, seemingly independent of the rest of society, decided what was ”good literature.” Instead, the singularly most important judge of interesting literature was the bourgeois public. Strindberg seems to have realised this early, and achieved an identity as ”uncontrolled”. He thereby lost his intellectual credibility, but gained a much bigger freedom to write and also got the attention of the large audience. At the same time, his writing undermined the values of decency by breaking the bourgeois society’s fundamental wall between the private and the public sphere, not least by writing what was regarded as facts about his own private life. </p><p>The conservative reaction accelerated towards the end of the decade while the authors grew more and more bitter about the public’s lack of understanding. At this point the author Verner von Heidenstam took the opportunity to declare a new literary era, dissociating his aesthetics from the one of the Eighties and proclaiming the necessity of an aristocratic, ethically indifferent literature (with himself as its leader). </p><p>Confronted with the new concept of what ought to be regarded as “modern”, the established male authors were generally quick to separate themselves from the female authors, and to identify the attacked literature solely with the one that critically discussed the situation of women in society - a description that has been largely adopted in the history of literature. A number of male authors also wrote novels separating themselves from the Eighties. Thus, they could continue into the new period, while female authors in general were silenced or forced to write in less esteemed genres (”popular literature”, children’s books). </p><p>Ultimately the result was a more distinct male domination coupled with a growing contempt for the large audience. This, in turn, created a need for internal institutions that could interpret, value and support literature - scholarships, elitist critics, and a writers’ union. These institutions subsequently were founded or developed during the nineties – all of them steps towards autonomy.</p>

Fältets herrar : Framväxten av en modern författarroll / Masters of the Field : The Origin of a Modern Role of Authors

Gedin, David January 2004 (has links)
The dissertation describes a crucial step in the development of a modern writer's identity in Sweden. It applies the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu’s theories of the autonomous ”literary field” to the development in eighteen-eighties, one of the most important periods in Swedish literary history. During this decade a large group of authors appeared, with August Strindberg in the front. In accordance with the dominating esthetical view of the nineteenth century, ”ideal realism”, the writers had an ethical responsibility. But they differed from their predecessors by not being loyal to the bourgeois society and its values, as codified in the concept of ”decency”, that contained, among other things, rules for what could be said in public. On the contrary, the new generation of authors attacked the bourgeoisie in novels, dramas and articles, especially in the singularly most controversial area, the regulation of sexuality and the ideals of bourgeois women. This study argues that the new authors in their radical criticism aimed at the position of power in society traditionally upheld by the State church, which supervised education and ethical values. They did this by creating a role for themselves as young and oppressed, something that made it possible to deny any responsibility for the present state and furthermore to speak up, despite their own bourgeois background, for other oppressed groups like the working classes, the poor and women. But this also meant that they could not be successful in their ambitions to gain influence without loosing their identity. This was especially the consequence of the fact that an autonomous ”literary field” did not yet exist. That is, there were no internal literary institutions that, seemingly independent of the rest of society, decided what was ”good literature.” Instead, the singularly most important judge of interesting literature was the bourgeois public. Strindberg seems to have realised this early, and achieved an identity as ”uncontrolled”. He thereby lost his intellectual credibility, but gained a much bigger freedom to write and also got the attention of the large audience. At the same time, his writing undermined the values of decency by breaking the bourgeois society’s fundamental wall between the private and the public sphere, not least by writing what was regarded as facts about his own private life. The conservative reaction accelerated towards the end of the decade while the authors grew more and more bitter about the public’s lack of understanding. At this point the author Verner von Heidenstam took the opportunity to declare a new literary era, dissociating his aesthetics from the one of the Eighties and proclaiming the necessity of an aristocratic, ethically indifferent literature (with himself as its leader). Confronted with the new concept of what ought to be regarded as “modern”, the established male authors were generally quick to separate themselves from the female authors, and to identify the attacked literature solely with the one that critically discussed the situation of women in society - a description that has been largely adopted in the history of literature. A number of male authors also wrote novels separating themselves from the Eighties. Thus, they could continue into the new period, while female authors in general were silenced or forced to write in less esteemed genres (”popular literature”, children’s books). Ultimately the result was a more distinct male domination coupled with a growing contempt for the large audience. This, in turn, created a need for internal institutions that could interpret, value and support literature - scholarships, elitist critics, and a writers’ union. These institutions subsequently were founded or developed during the nineties – all of them steps towards autonomy.

#NiUnaMenosBolivia fights back : A discourse theoretical analysis on the struggle against gender-based violence in Bolivia

Yegorova, Olga January 2017 (has links)
Femicides are not a new phenomenon. Marches involving thousands of people all around the Latin American continent to fight them, however, is. Ni Una Menos - Not one woman less - is the slogan that also mobilized Bolivians to mass-based protests in November 2016.This thesis investigates the counterpublic of #NiUnaMenosBolivia for the purpose of understanding its discursively articulated identities. A multidisciplinary discourse theoretical analysis combines Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s discourse theory with Nancy Fraser’s contributions to the struggle over needs of counterpublics to examine textual, photographic and ethnographic data.Two levels of identities of #NiUnaMenos are extracted from the investigation: Internal agonistic identities pinpoint at the friction between the representors and the represented identities of the counterpublic. A collective identity evolves in the context of the struggle for justice, freedom and dignity through the construction of an antagonistic “Others” who are held responsible for femicidal violence.This study builds a bridge between feminist activism and academic discourse for feminist studies of the region. It further develops and exemplifies a methodological toolkit for a theoretically based discourse analysis on contemporary women’s movements.

La protection sanitaire du jeune enfant en Belgique, 1890-1940: question sociale, enjeux politiques et dimension sexuée

Marissal, Claudine 20 December 2007 (has links)
À la fin du 19ème siècle s'organise progressivement en Belgique un vaste mouvement de lutte contre la mortalité infantile. Des médecins et des femmes philanthropes créent des oeuvres, les consultations de nourrissons, qui visent à apprendre aux mères à soigner leurs enfants suivant les nouveaux préceptes de l'hygiène. Durant la Première Guerre mondiale, elles connaissent un formidable essor et finissent par couvrir le pays. Après la guerre, le principe de la protection sanitaire du jeune enfant est inscrit dans la loi et un organisme est spécialement créé à cet effet :l'Oeuvre nationale de l'enfance (ONE). L'ONE, qui dépend directement du Gouvernement, contrôle et finance durant l'entre-deux-guerres plus d'un millier d'oeuvres de l'enfance. À la veille de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, près de la moité des enfants âgés de moins d'un an, accompagnés de leur mère, y sont suivis de manière plus ou moins prolongée. Ces oeuvres participent à un vaste mouvement d'éducation maternelle et d'assignation des femmes à la sphère reproductive et domestique, tout en favorisant la médicalisation de la grossesse et de l'accouchement.<p>Cette thèse étudie le mouvement de protection sanitaire du jeune enfant et la médicalisation de la maternité dans une perspective de genre. À travers une analyse des discours de ses promoteurs et des principes d'organisation des oeuvres, elle montre combien les enjeux politiques, sociaux, démographiques et sexués ont durablement influencé l'organisation de la protection infantile et maternelle. Elle apporte de nouvelles réflexions sur la dimension sociale de l'éducation maternelle. Elle met par ailleurs en exergue le rôle essentiel joué par les femmes, aux côtés des médecins, dans la gestion des oeuvres de l'enfance et analyse le statut et les relations de pouvoir qui se sont tissées entre les médecins, les dames patronnesses, les travailleuses sociales et les représentants de l'État. Les investissements sociaux féminins sont analysés sous l'angle de leur autonomie, de leur visibilité et de leur portée émancipatrice. Ce faisant, cette thèse montre de quelle manière les œuvres de l'enfance ont favorisé, de manière assez paradoxale, une transgression des modèles sexués en favorisant un questionnement sur la condition maternelle et l'intervention des femmes dans la sphère publique et politique. / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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