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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Analysis on the Past Studies about the New Immigrant Women¡¦s Children---from the MA Theses and PhD Dissertations during 2001-2006.

Lin, Yi-Shiuan 06 August 2007 (has links)
The large growing number of the population of the new immigrant women¡¦s children gives rise to the wide spread attention of the social and education researchers to their studying performance and life-adjustment. This study adopts content analysis method to analyze and sort the 101 studies of MA theses and PhD dissertations during 2001-2006. The purpose of this study is to understand the content of the past studies about the new immigrant women¡¦s children, including the trend, the object, the subject, the approach, the region and the result. Furthermore, standing on the conclusion, this study would give some suggestions to the governments and related organizations. There are several main conclusions and suggestions as follows: 1.Conclusions (1)The objects and the study approaches of these studies have more variety than before. (2)The number of the object of the studies about the new immigrant women¡¦s children and their parents is more than others. (3)The subject of the studies about life-adjustment of the new immigrant women¡¦s children¡¦s is more than others. (4)Conducting the quantification study approach is more favorable than other choices. (5)The number of the studies in south of Taiwan is a little more than the north of Taiwan and much more than other regions of Taiwan. (6)The conclusions of 101 studies are positive in terms of self-concept, life-adjustment and interpersonal relationship. However, these studies still don¡¦t have any final conclusion of studying performance and development of new immigrant women¡¦s children. 2.Suggestions (1)The government should advocate the concept of the multi-culture education more often. (2)School should set up the policy to revise the student number in each class. Teachers should establish the good communication network to promote the interaction between the teachers and the parents of new immigrant women¡¦s children positively. (3)In the future, the further studies would be expected to publish the object of the teachers, the comparative studies about foreign and Taiwanese students, and the study regions might focus on middle and eastern of Taiwan.

"Det handlar om prioriteringar" : Kvinnors villkor och intressen i lokal politik

Hedlund, Gun January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

Kulturtanter : En studie i kvinnlig kulturkonsumtion / Cultured Ladies : A Study in Female Consumption of Culture

Berggren, Uffe January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study is, using the Swedish expression “kulturtant” (cultured lady) as starting point, to understand how and why women consume the products of the culture industry more eagerly than men. The study is using the concepts put forward by Pierre Bourdieu; fields, capital and habitus. It is a qualitative study based on discussions in focus groups, interviews and material gathered through Google Alerts. In the literature this gap between the sexes with regard to the higher consumption on behalf of women has been referred to as the “puzzle” of women´s cultural consumption. The empirical results show that the women in the study are well aware of what they want to gain by participating in cultural activities like reading, going to concerts, watching plays or going to the movies. There are three main results: The first result is that the women in the study want to participate in activities with peers that respect them. The second result is that the women are eager that their cultural activities should give them durable experiences. The third result can be described as a wish of the women that taking part in cultural activities will help them to develop as human beings, to become better persons. The women have made what can be called a culture journey that in analogy with a class journey may be argued to be non-reversible.

LULEÅS FOLKBIBLIOTEKSUTVECKLING UR ETT GENUSPERSPEKTIV : - med fokus på centralbibliotekarien Olga Bardh

Bergenudd, Linnéa January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att synliggöra folkbiblioteksutvecklingen i Luleå, samt att lyfta fram fler kvinnor som bidragit till folkbiblioteksutvecklingen i Sverige. Studien undersöker vilka faktorer som påverkat progressionen av Luleå kommuns folkbibliotek, samtidigt som dessa sätts i relation till Sveriges biblioteksutveckling. Trots att Valfrid Palmgren beundrade och framhävde Luleås folkbibliotek i sin skrift år 1911, är Norrbottens bibliotekshistoria tämligen dold för omvärlden. Luleås bibliotek var bland de första biblioteken i Sverige som utsågs till centralbibliotek, där bibliotekarien Olga Bardh anställdes som chef. Olga Bardh var en välutbildad kvinna med stora visioner om att skapa ett modernt och framstående bibliotek i Luleå och Norrbotten. Denna studie ämnar undersöka vilken betydelse hennes arbete hade för biblioteksutvecklingen, och på vilket sätt detta i så fall yttrade sig. Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkter utgår från Christina Florins (1987) teorier om den svenska folkskolans feminiserings- och professionaliseringsprocess i början på 1900-talet, Yvonne Hirdmans (2004) teorier om genussystemet, samt Hanna Westberg-Wohlgemuths (1996) teorier om könsmärkning. Med hjälp av kritisk diskursanalys har det empiriska materialet analyserats i hopp om att verka för social förändring, där undertryckta samhällsgrupper synliggörs.

Nation und Geschlecht.

Stefanovic, Svetlana 26 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Dissertation bietet eine Darstellung und Analyse der Handlungsfelder serbischer Frauen. Dabei werden die Frauenbildung, das Engagement von Frauen in sozialkaritativen und patriotischen Frauenvereinen, sowie ihre Teilnahme an den zwischen 1876 und 1918 geführten „Befreiungskriegen“ thematisiert. Das Problemfeld von Nation und Geschlecht ist für Serbien fast völlig unbearbeitet. Die vorliegende Untersuchung geht den folgenden Fragen nach: Wie partizipierten Serbinnen am Prozess der Nations- und Nationalstaatsbildung? Welche Weiblichkeits- und Männlichkeitsbilder wurden im Nationsbildungsprozess verwendet? Auf welche Art und Weise partizipierten sie an den Kriegen und unterstützten das Militär? Wie wirkte sich der „Große Krieg“ auf die Geschlechterordnung in Serbien bzw. Jugoslawien aus? Da die für Frauen zentralen politischen, kulturellen und ökonomischen Wandlungsprozesse im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert in der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft der Städte stattgefunden haben, konzentriert sich auch diese Darstellung auf den städtischen Raum und seine Bewohnerinnen. Das bäuerlich-ländliche Frauenleben wird nur kurz angerissen. Die Arbeit nimmt den weiblichen Gruppenbildungsprozess in den Blick, der innerhalb einer schmalen bürgerlichen Schicht stattfand. In den westeuropäischen Ländern entstanden die ersten Frauenvereinigungen am Ende des 18. bzw. zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts. Serbien, dessen Bevölkerung mehrheitlich lese- und schreibunkundig war und von einer ländlichen Subsistenzwirtschaft lebte, folgte mit einer zeitlichen Verzögerung von mehreren Jahrzehnten. Um 1900 war in allen diesen Ländern ein dichtes Netz unterschiedlichster Frauenvereine anzutreffen. Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts stieg auch in Serbien die Zahl der Frauenvereine, die sich in einem Dachverband zusammenschlossen. Dieser Bund trat den internationalen Frauenorganisationen bei.

"Assistência pré-natal na adolescência: concepções das adolescentes e dos profissionais de saúde" / Pre-natal care in the adolescence: conceptions of adolescents and health professionals. 163p. 2004.

Bocardi, Maria Inês Brandão 06 February 2004 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivos identificar as concepções sobre assistência pré – natal de um grupo de gestantes adolescentes primíparas, inscritas no programa de assistência pré – natal nas Unidades de Saúde da Rede de Atenção à Saúde do município de Marília – SP; identificar as concepções sobre assistência pré – natal na adolescência dos profissionais de saúde (médicos, enfermeiras e auxiliares de enfermagem) que atuam nestes serviços; como também analisar as relações estabelecidas entre as concepções das gestantes adolescentes e dos profissionais de saúde na construção da assistência pré – natal. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevistas semi – estruturadas, realizadas com 17 profissionais de saúde e 18 gestantes adolescentes primíparas. Procurou-se identificar unidades temáticas pela Análise de Conteúdo. Para construção do processo de análise apropriamos de referenciais teóricos de construções sócio – culturais de significados representativos do cotidiano da assistência pré – natal através de um emaranhado de percepções e interpretações sobre o perfil da clientela atendida, concluindo que a assistência se faz de forma diferenciada e assim exercem papel fiscalizador, identificam os fatores de risco da gestação, discorrem sobre as dificuldades encontradas para prestarem assistência e revelam as ações da equipe de saúde. As adolescentes identificaram a assistência pré – natal recebida, permeada por procedimentos técnicos que incluem desde a realização de exames e procedimentos a orientações, que pelas suas características peculiares conforma a assistência como sendo monótona e ao mesmo tempo coercitiva ao serem fiscalizadas pelos profissionais que as atende. Pudemos apreender que o mundo social do pré – natal às adolescentes habitados pelos profissionais de saúde é construído dentro de um universo simbólico que desqualifica a adolescente para a entrada no mundo das mulheres adultas – a maternidade. Por outro lado, para as adolescentes o pré – natal é o dispositivo usado para revelar-lhes os limites de ser um corpo para si e ser um corpo para ter um filho e desautoriza-las como capazes de ter uma autonomia e poder de decisão. / This study aimed at identifying the conceptions about prenatal care of a group of adolescents on their first pregnancy. The adolescents were registered in the Prenatal Program offered by the Basic Health Units in the municipality of Marília – SP. The goals of this research were also to identify the conceptions of health professionals who work in these services (physicians, nurses and nursing aides) on prenatal care in adolescence; to analyze the relations established between the adolescents and health professionals conceptions in the construction of prenatal care. This is a qualitative research. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 17 health professionals and 18 adolescents on their first pregnancy. The author identified thematic units through content analysis. In order to construct the analysis process, author used the socio-cultural theoretical references on representative meanings of prenatal care through several perceptions and interpretations about the profile of the clientele, concluding that the care is provided in a differentiated way and that the health professionals play a fiscalizing role, identifying the pregnancy risk factors, reporting the difficulties they find to provide the care and revealing the actions of the health team. The adolescents identified prenatal care as surrounded by technical procedures, including examinations and orientations, characterizing a monotonous and at the same time coercive care as they are fiscalized by the professionals who provide their care. Author found that the social world of adolescents’ prenatal care resided by health professionals is built within a symbolic universe that disqualifies the adolescents to become adult women through maternity. In addition, for the adolescents, prenatal is a mechanism used by them to reveal their limits of being a body for themselves and being a body to have a baby and to unauthorized them as capable to have autonomy and decision power.

The E-business Opportunity of Selling Women's Boutique Plus-Size Shoe in Taiwan

Cheng, Hui-wen 16 August 2012 (has links)
Shoe, always catch women¡¦s attention. There¡¦s a lot shoe brands in Taiwan, but seldom sales the women¡¦s plus-size. It¡¦s frustrating to go shopping for those girls who need the plus-size. The change of our life-style and the diet preference, ladies now increase in both height and weight. Somehow, the feet length is related to the height, so the need from of the women¡¦s plus-size shoes more than before. Year 2012 in Taiwan, female¡¦s population number is about 11.6millions. The Shoe market is about 600 million every year, and the women¡¦s shoe market is about 300 million big. This research wants to know the potential profit earned from selling the women¡¦s plus-size shoes on the online store. Through the analysis of competitors and the shoes market in Taiwan, planed an entrepreneurial business plan to find the latent profit from internet venture. The result is assume to invest in 10 thousand dollars to run the women¡¦s plus-size shoes business on the internet, can receive a 9% after tax net profit in the end of the first year if the direct cost within 48%. Also break event in the same year. Base on the shoes market information nowadays. The range of direct cost is about from 20% to 48%, so the result of this research could have higher profit gained. It¡¦s hard to know the impacts of economics changes and also don¡¦t know how many dealers are going to do it the future. But if can start the business now when the product is in the growth period, the profit gain must higher.

Women¡¦s Roles in Taiwanese New Cinema: After Twenty Years

Chang, Te-Chuan 18 January 2006 (has links)
This paper conducts a research on the movies chosen from the genre of ¡§Taiwanese New Cinema,¡¨ including ¡§Ah Fei,¡¨ ¡§Osmanthus Alley,¡¨ ¡§Kuei-mei, a Woman,¡¨ ¡§Somewhere My Love,¡¨ ¡§The Woman of Wrath,¡¨ and ¡§Rouge of the North.¡¨ The results of this research are drawn from the data of the in-depth interviews. The audience, such as script writers and directors, and advocates of women¡¦s movement with high educational background and socio-economic status, are interviewed, and these contents are analyzed. Due to various identities of the interviewees, who are both encoders and decoders, the existent theoretical framework is inadequate to explain the phenomena under research. However, according to Hall¡¦s Encoding/Decoding Theory, another way of interpretation, i.e., the ¡§Suggestive Interpretation,¡¨ has been added. It suggests that the script writers and directors should not be confined to the original framework and that they should take the initiative to provide their own opinions. All the possibilities of decoding can thus be included in a more comprehensive way. The ¡§Tilt Theory¡¨ in the study of marriage relationship assumes that only when the relationship has ups and downs like a tilt, can it last long. The conclusion suggests that modern women in Taiwan should be confident, continuously strive to achieve their goal, not let themselves down and do whatever they want to do, so as to become the master of their own life.


Hsu, Tsui-Ku 23 July 2002 (has links)

Existentiella frågor i samtal på kvinnojourer

Dymling, Cecilia January 2014 (has links)
Då en människa drabbas av en kris kan utomstående hjälp krävas för att hantera och bearbeta de existentiella frågor som uppkommer. Ett allvarligt hot mot kvinnors hälsa är våld i nära relationer. Föreliggande studie har undersökt jourkvinnors stödsamtal med våldsutsatta kvinnor på kvinnojourer. Syftet var att undersöka vilken typ av existentiella frågor som personalen möter i stödsamtalen, samt att studera om och i så fall på vilket sätt utrymmet för dessa frågor i stödsamtal bidrar till ett ökat välmående för kvinnor utsatta för mäns våld. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sex jourkvinnor runt om i landet. Hermeneutisk analys med existentialistisk förankring vägledde fram till slutledning. Studiens resultat visar att några av de vanligaste existentiella frågor som uppkommer i stödsamtalen är frågor relaterade till kvinnans identitet samt hennes upplevelse av skuld i koppling till olika val hon gjort. Betydelsen av utrymme för existentiella frågor har relevans för våldsutsatta kvinnor i stödsamtalen.

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