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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ladies in the House : gender, space and the parlours of Parliament in late-nineteenth-century Canada

Reid, Vanessa. January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Germanic Women: Mundium and Property, 400-1000

Dunn, Kimberlee Harper 08 1900 (has links)
Abstract Many historians would like to discover a time of relative freedom, security and independence for women of the past. The Germanic era, from 400-1000 AD, was a time of stability, and security due to limitations the law placed upon the mundwald and the legal ability of women to possess property. The system of compensations that the Germans initiated in an effort to stop the blood feuds between Germanic families, served as a deterrent to men that might physically or sexually abuse women. The majority of the sources used in this work were the Germanic Codes generally dated from 498-1024 AD. Ancient Roman and Germanic sources provide background information about the individual tribes. Secondary sources provide a contrast to the ideas of this thesis, and information.

Trasgressione e consenso nella vocazione realistica di una scrittrice ottocentesca : Itinerario Artistico della Marchesa Colombi (Maria Antonietta Torriani, 1840-1920)

Pierobon, Ermenegilda 06 1900 (has links)
Il presente lavoro si propane di portare un contributo critico all'opera della Colombi, delineandone quegli aspetti salienti che caratterizzano la sua partecipazione alla scena letteraria come donna e come professionista. Le sue scelte poetiche, basate sull'ideale di un'intima, inscindibile unita donna-parola-lingua e sull'armoniosa corrispondenza vita-arte, contribuiscono ad acuire il confl itto con il repressivo e misogino ambiente ottocentesco. Si crea una continua tensione tra la tendenza all'adeguamento impasto dalla priorita di difendere la propria presenza e l'altrettanto forte spinta alla trasgressione come necessita di salvaguardare la coerenza a se stessa. L'ambivalenza vissuta verso il padre, depositario dell 'ordine sociale, si riflette, coerentemente con le premesse poetiche, nelle polemiche condotte nei confronti dei padri della letteratura. Se queste ultime tendono a rimanere contenute a livello metatestuale, in genera le, il genuino ed autentico messaggio letterario viene soprattutto espresso attraverso il gusto antifrastico dell'ironia ea livello metaforico e simbolico. La messa in luce della repressione e della morte dei valori femminili, la creativita intellettuale e fisica, che costituiscono la vera essenza dell'individuo e della stessa esistenza umana, va di pari passo con la maturazione di un sofferto compromesso con le dure leggi imposte dalla vita. Dalla crudelta di lavori alienanti alla brutale caduta degli ideali e dell'amore, si raggiunge, con le opere maggiori, un rinnovato equilibrio vita-arte che, nella sublimazione delle esperienze di morte, eleva l'espressione artistica a piano ultimo di salvezza e di realizzazione individuale. Nell'affermazione di un'arte firmata al femminile e posta al servizio della giustizia e della verita, si consuma cosi la disobbedienza nei confronti di ogni forma arbitraria di potere. Connotato al maschile, esso viene evidenziato nei suoi effetti deleteri ed alienanti anche nella connivenza e mancanza di una reale autenticita delle stesse donne, in particolare le madri. Dall'analisi dell'opera della Colombi emerge l'immagine di una scrittrice che si distingue non solo per la sua originalita e complessita, ma anche per l'indubbia modernita sia di stile che di problematiche / The aim of the present study is to offer a critical contribution on the writings of the Marchesa Colombi by tracing and developing those aspects of her work which best characterise her personality as a woman and as a writer. Her poetical choices, based on the ideal of an intimate, indivisible unity of woman-word-language and on the harmonious correlation between life and art, focus sharply on her conflict with the repressive and misogynist ambience of nineteenth-century Italy. Her works reveal a constant tension between the need to adapt in order to defend her own presence (as a writer) and the urge to transgress as a means to safeguard her inner, personal coherence. The author's ambivalence towards the father, depositary of the social order, is further reflected, in keeping with her poetical vision, in the polemical debates held with the fathers of Italian literature. Whereas these debates remain embedded within a metatextual discourse, the genuine and authentic message of her works is generally expressed on the metaphorical and symbolic levels and by an extensive antiphrastic use of irony. The need to stress the repression and death of feminine values, the intellectual and physical creativity which constitute the true essence of the individual, goes hand in hand with the artist's achievement of maturity as a painful compromise with the hard rules imposed by life. From the cruelty of a alienating labour to the brutal collapse of her ideals and of love, Colombi is able to achieve in her major works a new form of balance between life and art which, by sublimating the experience of death, elevates the artistic expression to the heights of personal salvation and of self-realization. By affirming her art as a product of the feminine mind at the service of justice and truth, she plays out her disobedience against all arbitrary forms of power. This study of the works of the Marchesa Colombi reveals the image of a writer who distinguishes herself not only for her originality and complexity but also for the marked modernity both in her style and in her choice of subject / Department of Classics & Modern European Languages / D.Litt. et Phil. (Italian)

The role of magic and medicine in the lives of ancient Egyptian women and their children

Witts, Jennifer 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates the role that magic and medicine played in the lives of ancient Egyptian women and children. In a time when giving birth often ended in the death of the mother and child, and child mortality was extremely high, a variety of protective measures were undertaken by the ancient Egyptians. Medicine as the scientific treatment of ailments and women's health in general did exist in Egypt, however, life in Egypt was determined by religion and especially magic. The health of the ancient Egyptian woman and her child was studied by looking at the way in which magic influenced medicine, as well as by looking at how this connection between magic and medicine influenced the life and health of ancient Egyptian women and children. The research model followed was that of an interlinking society in which each aspect of Egyptian life had varying impacts on each other. The degree of impact of magic on aspects such as menstruation, conception and pregnancy was investigated, as well as, the magico-medical spells, amulets and other devices that were used to protect a woman and her baby. A catalogue of sources is given, including written and non-written sources. The first included the medical papyri and magical spells against evil forces and sickness. The second group were visual representations, divine statuettes, amulets and the specialized magical stelae (cippl) and "magical wands" ("Zaubermesser"). This thesis attempts to better understand how feminine issues such as menstruation, pregnancy, and giving birth were perceived and contended with, as well as to shed some light on the medical and magical treatment and protection of the women and children in ancient Egypt. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die rol wat magie en medisyne in die lewens van vrouens en kinders in antieke Egipte gespeel het. In 'n tyd toe die geboorte van 'n kind baie keer die dood van die ma en haar baba veroorsaak het, en kindersterftes uiters hoog was, het die antieke Egiptenare 'n verskeidenheid beskermingsmaatreëls gebruik. Medisyne as die wetenskaplike behandeling van siektes en vroulike gesondheidsorg het in Egipte bestaan, maar die lewe in Egipte was egter bepaal deur die godsdiens en veral die magie. Die gesondheid van die vroue en kinders van antieke Egipte is bestudeer deur te kyk hoe magie medisyne beïnvloed het, sowel as om te kyk hoe die verband tussen magie die medisyne die lewe en gesondheid van vroue en kinders in antieke Egipte bepaal het. Die navorsingsmodel wat gevolg is, is van 'n samelewing waarbinne elke aspek van die lewe in Egipte 'n impak op die ander het. Die graad van impak van magie op aspekte soos menstruasie, konsepsie en swangerskap is ondersoek, sowel as die "magies-mediese" spreuke, amulette en ander middels wat as beskerming vir die vrou en haar baba gebruik is. 'n Katalogus van bronne is ingesluit en sluit beide skriftelike en nie-skriftelike bronne in. Onder die eerste groep val mediese papiri en magiese tekste teen bose magte en siekte. Die tweede groep gee aandag aan visuele voorstellings, godebeeldjies, amulette en die gespesialiseerde magiese stelae (cippl) en "toorstaffies" ("Zaubermesser"). Hierdie tesis poog om beter te verstaan hoe vroulike sake soos menstruasie, swangerskap en geboorte gesien en hanteer is, sowel as om meer lig te werp op die mediese en magiese behandeling en beskerming van vrouens en hulle kinders in antieke Egipte.

Writing about women and women's writing

Ng, Po-chu., 伍寶珠. January 2006 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Chinese / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

Entre textos e imagens: representa??es femininas em livros did?ticos de hist?ria (2008 ? 2014)

Martins, Cristiane da Silva Lima 27 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Jadson Francisco de Jesus SILVA (jadson@uefs.br) on 2018-09-18T22:28:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIssertacaoCristianeMartins.pdf: 2498693 bytes, checksum: 401a9906739eca46d6900a643ca8a6e7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-18T22:28:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIssertacaoCristianeMartins.pdf: 2498693 bytes, checksum: 401a9906739eca46d6900a643ca8a6e7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-07-27 / This dissertation aims to analyze the representation of women in history textbooks directed to the last years of Elementary School (8th and 9th grades), used in the public schools of Brazil, approved by the Programa Nacional do Livro Did?tico (PNDL) [The National Program of Textbook] in 2008, 2011, and 2014. Among the questions contained in the dissertation, there is the concern about the way in which the performance of women as historical agents was built up over the years in didactic materials. The analysis focuses on the texts and images included in the following textbooks: Hist?ria, Sociedade & Cidadania (2006), Projeto Ararib? (2007), and Estudar Hist?ria: Das origens do homem ? era digital (2011), since textbooks are important tools in the process of consolidation and propagation of representations. Hence, we sought to think the sphere of women?s representation in the textbooks created after a period of educational reforms: the process of evaluation of the textbooks undertaken by PNDL, which has started in the beginning of 1996; the elaboration of the Par?metros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs) [National Curriculum Parameters], in 1998; and the Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCNs) [National Curriculum Guidelines], in 2013. Furthermore, we have tried to problematize what will be, from now on, the possibilities of change, also in history textbooks, after the approval of the Base Nacional Curricular Comum (BNCC) [National Curricular Common Base] in 2017. The analysis of the sources allowed us to verify that most of the contents, in the textbooks, continue to privilege the political and economic aspects. In this way, the approaches on women, when mentioned, appear in complementary texts, separated from the main subject. The study of representations, as proposed by Roger Chartier, was the basis for the construction of the analyzes that constitute this work. / Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar as representa??es sobre as mulheres nos livros did?ticos de hist?ria direcionados aos ?ltimos anos do Ensino Fundamental (8? e 9? ano) utilizados nas escolas p?blicas do Brasil, aprovados pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Did?tico - PNLD em 2008, 2011 e 2014. Entre as quest?es contidas na disserta??o est? presente a inquieta??o em rela??o ? forma como a atua??o das mulheres enquanto agentes hist?ricos foi constru?da ao longo dos anos nos materiais did?ticos. O foco principal das an?lises recaiu sobre os textos e imagens contidas nos seguintes livros did?ticos - LD Hist?ria, Sociedade & Cidadania (2006), Projeto Ararib? (2007) e Estudar Hist?ria: Das origens do homem ? era digital (2011), haja vista que os livros did?ticos s?o ferramentas importantes na consolida??o e propaga??o de representa??es. Desse modo, procurou-se pensar a esfera da representa??o das mulheres nos livros escolares produzidos ap?s um per?odo de reformas educacionais: o processo de avalia??o dos livros did?ticos empreendidos pelo PNLD, que teve in?cio em 1996, a elabora??o dos Par?metros Curriculares Nacionais - PCN (1998), das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais - DCN (2013). Al?m disso, buscou-se problematizar quais ser?o, daqui para frente, as possibilidades de mudan?a tamb?m nos livros did?ticos de Hist?ria ap?s a aprova??o da Base Nacional Comum Curricular - BNCC (2017). A an?lise das fontes nos permitiu constatar que a maior parte dos textos, nos LD, continua privilegiando os aspectos pol?ticos e econ?micos. Desse modo, as abordagens sobre as mulheres, quando mencionadas, aparecem em textos complementares, separadas do corpo principal do conte?do. O estudo das representa??es, tal como proposto por Roger Chartier, foi a base para a constru??o das an?lises deste trabalho.

Semanário o sexo feminino: a produção jornalística feminina na segunda metade do século XIX em perspectiva historiográfica

Oliveira, Liliam de 04 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-10-19T11:48:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Liliam de Oliveira.pdf: 4496573 bytes, checksum: 818ece285b7ebc9d96d5d9055b4d1cab (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-19T11:48:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Liliam de Oliveira.pdf: 4496573 bytes, checksum: 818ece285b7ebc9d96d5d9055b4d1cab (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-09-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The main aim of this thesis is to analyze some editorials of the weekly newspaper "O Sexo Feminino", by Lady Francisca Senhorinha da Motta Diniz, published from 1873 until 1889, firstly at the city of Campanha da Princesa in the state of Minas Gerais and lately in Rio de Janeiro, according to Linguistic Historiography perspective, based on Koerner's principles of contextualization, immanence and adequation (1996). Its line of research is History and Description of Portuguese Language. This way, we inquired how metaphorical resources that, according to Lakoff and Johnson (2002), are cognitive processes which manifest argumentatively, on editorials of this weekly newspaper contributed to the development of arguments on behalf of women during the nineteenth century. We also investigated how the entire process of production, publishing, and distribution of the weekly newspaper "O Sexo Feminino" was established. To rebuild the spirit of the times, according to the principle of contextualization, we present how Brazil was during 1800's, how women lived on nineteenth century, the feminism, women's literature, and journalism during the 19-th century and the life and work of Lady Francisca Senhorinha da Motta Diniz. In line with the principle of immanence, these elements had been studied in the light of books like Aristotle's Rhetoric (2005); Ernesto Carneiro Ribeiro's Serões Grammaticaes (1915[1890]); Manoel da Costa Honorato's Retórica e Poética (1879) and Luís José Junqueira Freire's Elementos da Retórica Nacional (1869). We can also observe the application of the principle of adequation while presenting books like George Lakoff's Metaphors We Live By (2002) and Chaïm Perelman and Lucie Olbrecths-Tyteca's The New Rhetoric: Treatise of Argumentation (2005). Therefore, we try to identify argumentative resources used by Lady Francisca Senhorinha da Motta Diniz in her editorials and point out the characteristics of argumentation and figures of speech, through Classical Rhetoric and Grammar, linking them as well to Perelman and Olbrecths-Tyteca's The New Rhetoric Theory and to Lakoff and Johnson's Conceptual Metaphor Theory. Considering the results achieved, we can assure that Lady Francisca, based on feminist ideals, looked for grounds to build an argumentation in defense of women's civil and political rights and gender equality, exposing the abuses of patriarchal society during the 19-th century and leading the way for the establishment of feminist struggle on the following centuries through female protagonism in all facets of society / Esta tese tem como foco a análise dos editoriais presentes no semanário O sexo Feminino, de propriedade de Dona Francisca Senhorinha da Motta Diniz, que foi publicado entre os anos 1873 e 1889, primeiro na cidade de Campanha da Princesa – MG e depois na cidade do Rio de Janeiro – RJ, na perspectiva da Historiografia Linguística, a partir dos princípios da contextualização, imanência e adequação, propostos por Koerner (1996). Ela insere-se na linha de pesquisa História e Descrição da Língua Portuguesa. Assim, questionamos como os recursos metafóricos que, de acordo com Lakoff e Johnson (2002), são processos cognitivos que se manifestam argumentativamente, presentes nos editoriais do semanário contribuíram na elaboração de argumentos em defesa da mulher oitocentista. Investigamos também como se deu o processo de produção, editoração e divulgação do semanário O Sexo Feminino. No sentido de reconstruir o espírito da época, obedecendo ao princípio de contextualização, apresentamos o Brasil oitocentista, a mulher brasileira no século XIX, o feminismo, a produção literária e jornalística feminina no século XIX e a vida e obra de Dona Francisca Senhorinha da Motta Diniz. Tendo em vista o princípio de imanência, esses elementos são estudados à luz das obras de Aristóteles (2005) Retórica; Ernesto Carneiro Ribeiro (1915[1890]) Serões Grammaticaes; Manoel da Costa Honorato (1879) Retórica e Poética; Luís José Junqueira Freire (1869) Elementos de retórica nacional. Ao apresentar as obras de George Lakoff e Mark Johnson (2002) Metáforas da Vida Cotidiana e Chaïm Perelman e Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca (2005) Tratado da argumentação: a nova retórica, observamos a aplicação do princípio de adequação. Buscamos, assim, identificar os recursos argumentativos utilizados por Dona Francisca Senhorinha da Motta Diniz em seus editoriais e apontar as características da argumentação e da metáfora, como um instrumento relevante na construção da argumentação, a partir da Retórica Clássica e da Gramática, relacionando-os também à Teoria da Nova Retórica de Perelman e Olbrechts-Tyteca e à Teoria da Metáfora Conceptual de Lakoff e Johnson. Considerando os resultados obtidos, podemos asseverar que, Dona Francisca, buscou nos ideais feministas, subsídios para construir a argumentação em defesa da ampliação dos direitos civis e políticos da mulher e da equiparação dos direitos femininos aos do homem, denunciando os abusos da sociedade patriarcal do século XIX e abrindo caminho para o estabelecimento da luta feminista nos séculos subsequentes, por meio da defesa do protagonismo feminino em todas as esferas sociais

Libertas entre sobrados: contratos de trabalho doméstico em São Paulo na derrocada da escravidão / Released slaves among houses: Contracts of domestic work in São Paulo in the overthrow of slavery

Telles, Lorena Feres da Silva 22 August 2011 (has links)
A pesquisa acompanha as experiências sociais de mulheres escravas, libertas e descendentes livres, na cidade de São Paulo, durante o último quartel do século XIX, no processo social da transição do trabalho escravo para o livre. Pesquisamos livros de inscrições e de contratos de trabalho livre, exigências previstas pelas Posturas Municipais sobre Criados e Amas de Leite, de 1886. O conjunto de regulamentos vinha formalizar deveres e obrigações para empregadores e trabalhadores livres, no contexto do crescimento urbano acelerado, do processo avançado da abolição e da política imigratória que conduziam para a Capital imigrantes pobres e libertos destutelados. Migrantes das regiões escravistas da Província e daquelas que forneceram escravos para o tráfico interprovincial, africanas livres e nascidas na Capital empregaram-se nas residências das elites e camadas médias urbanas. Vislumbramos as estratégias de sobrevivência das agentes do trabalho doméstico livres e pobres, que a polícia registrava nos anos finais do regime escravista. Afastadas das atividades rentáveis, no contexto de pouca diversificação econômica, ex-escravas e descendentes livres sobreviveram dos parcos ganhos auferidos daqueles serviços socialmente desqualificados, dos quais os membros das elites e classes médias dependiam: fazendeiros, estrangeiros proprietários de hotéis, donos de confeitarias, coronéis, funcionários públicos, profissionais liberais, viúvas pobres e remediadas. Reconstituímos o cotidiano dos variados trabalhos que desempenharam a cozinha, a lavagem e o engomado das roupas, a limpeza da casa, o cuidado e o aleitamento de crianças , transitando entre as ruas, as várzeas dos rios e o tenso ambiente das casas. Das entrelinhas dos textos emergem libertas dispostas a improvisar variadas formas de resistência e recusa à opressão cotidiana. Experimentaram as liberdades possíveis e inegociáveis: recusaram com suas indisciplinas as jornadas extenuantes de trabalho, conquistaram aumentos salariais, cuidaram de seus doentes, compartilharam moradias com seus companheiros e filhos. Abandonando por fim os sobrados, indispuseram-se ao assédio sexual, aos maus tratos e aos baixos ordenados, que nem sempre recebiam: permanências de um escravismo doméstico e persistente, que, com suas práticas, ousaram recusar. / The research assembles the social experiences of slave women, released and free descendants in São Paulo during the last quarter of the nineteenth century, in the social process of transition from slave work to freedom. In order to accomplished our aim, we rummage into the books, subscriptions and free employment contracts, requirements established by Municipal ordinances on Criadas e Amas de Leite, from 1886. The ensemble of regulations was made in order to formalize the duties and obligations for employers and free employees , in the context of hasty urban growth the advanced process of abolition and the immigration policy that led, to the main city, poor immigrants and unruly people. Migrants from provincial slavery region sand those slaveholders who provided slaves to an interprovincial trafficking, mainly free African born, were employed in the elite and urban middle classes residences. We glimpse the survival strategies from poor and free agents of the housework registered by the police during the final years of the slave regime. Displaced from profitable activities in the context of low economic diversification, formers slaves and free descendants survived from meager gains earned from these socially unskilled services of which the members of the elite and middle classes depended and profited: farmers, foreigners hotel owners, colonels, civil servants, professional, widows and poor remedied. Our research attempt to reconstruct the daily life of several jobs that these free women have done in the new social order: the kitchen, washing and ironing clothes, cleaning the house, care and feeding children, traffic in the streets, the riverside and the tense environment of the houses. Reading between the lines of texts, it is possible to observe the existence of released women willing to improvise various ways of resistance and rejection of everyday oppression. Their experience makes possible ways of non-negotiable freedom, refusing, with their misbehavior, the days of exhausting work, consequently, winning wage increases, caring for their patients and the possibility of sharing housing with their partners and children. With the further abandon of the traditional townhouses, they eventually avoid the sexual harassment and the bad treatment: sojourn of domestic and persistent slavery, that these women, with their daily practices, have dared to decline.

A study of the processes and outcomes of women's schooling in Guangzhou, 1931-1937.

January 1999 (has links)
by Tom Wood Kon. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 217-232). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Chapter Chapter One: --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- The Substantive Problem: Women's Disadvantageous Position in Educationin China before 1842 --- p.2 / Chapter 1.2 --- Context of the Study: Education for Girls in Guangdong in 1930s --- p.4 / Chapter 1.2.1 --- Political Environment in 1930 China --- p.6 / Chapter 1.2.2 --- Economic Conditions --- p.8 / Chapter 1.2.3 --- Education in Rural Areas --- p.10 / Chapter 1.2.4 --- Guangdong in the 1930s --- p.11 / Chapter 1.3 --- Perspectives of the Study: Symbolic Interactionism --- p.14 / Chapter 1.4 --- Significance of the Study --- p.15 / Chapter 1.5 --- Research Questions --- p.15 / Chapter Chapter Two: --- Theoretical Context of the Study: --- p.18 / Chapter 2.1 --- Symbolic Interactionism --- p.18 / Chapter 2.2 --- Sociology of Education: The Processes of Schooling --- p.20 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- The Deweyan Perspective --- p.20 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- The Structural-Functionalist Perspective --- p.21 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- Structural-Functionalist View of Knowledge --- p.22 / Chapter 2.2.4 --- Schooling and Theories of Reproduction --- p.23 / Chapter (1) --- Economic-Reproductive Model --- p.23 / Chapter (2) --- Cultural-Reproductive Model --- p.23 / Chapter (3) --- Hegemonic-State Reproductive Model --- p.24 / Chapter 2.2.5 --- Schooling and the Theories of Resistance --- p.26 / Chapter 2.2.6 --- The New Sociology of Education --- p.27 / Chapter 2.2.7 --- Paulo Freire's View on Schooling Process --- p.32 / Chapter 2.3 --- Benefits of Schooling --- p.33 / Chapter 2.3.1 --- Structural-Functionalist Theory --- p.34 / Chapter 2.3.2 --- Human Capital Theory --- p.36 / Chapter 2.3.3 --- Education and State Formation --- p.38 / Chapter 2.3.4 --- Benefits from Individual Points of View --- p.40 / Chapter 2.4 --- The Question of Applicability --- p.42 / Chapter Chapter Three: --- Historical Context of the Study --- p.45 / Chapter 3.1 --- Women's Education in China before 1942 --- p.45 / Chapter 3.2 --- "Development of Women Education in China, 1842-1930s" --- p.49 / Chapter 3.2.1 --- The Contribution of Mission Schools --- p.50 / Chapter 3.2.2 --- The Private Schools for Girls --- p.55 / Chapter 3.2.3 --- The Government Efforts in Girls' Education --- p.57 / Chapter 3.2.4 --- Educational conditions in Guangdong --- p.61 / Chapter 3.2.5 --- Portrait of the First Girl School --- p.63 / Chapter Chapter Four: --- Research Design --- p.66 / Chapter 4.1 --- Definition of Key Concepts --- p.66 / Chapter 4.1.1 --- Benefits of Schooling --- p.66 / Chapter 4.1.2 --- Schooling Process --- p.67 / Chapter 4.1.3 --- Curriculum and Hidden Curriculum --- p.67 / Chapter 4.2 --- The Scope of Study --- p.68 / Chapter 4.3 --- Research Methods --- p.70 / Chapter 4.3.1 --- Qualitative Studies --- p.70 / Chapter 4.3.2 --- In-depth Interview --- p.72 / Chapter 4.3.3 --- Documentary and Textual Analysis --- p.73 / Chapter 4.4 --- Sample Selection --- p.76 / Chapter 4.5 --- Data Collection and Organization --- p.77 / Chapter 4.6 --- Limitations of the Study --- p.78 / Chapter Chapter Five: --- The Profiles of the Respondents --- p.80 / Chapter 5.1 --- Ru - Daughter of a Doctor of Chinese Medicine --- p.80 / Chapter 5.2 --- Fang 226}0ؤ Daughter of a Postman --- p.83 / Chapter 5.3 --- Rong 226}0ؤDaughter of a Restaurant Owner --- p.87 / Chapter 5.4 --- Qing 226}0ؤ Daughter of a Judge --- p.90 / Chapter 5.5 --- Summary --- p.93 / Chapter Chapter Six: --- Acquisition of the Educational Opportunity --- p.97 / Chapter Chapter Seven: --- The Origins and Development of the Girls' School --- p.106 / Chapter 7.1 --- The Origins --- p.106 / Chapter 7.2 --- Development of the School --- p.107 / Chapter 7.2.1 --- The Tianma Lane Period (1928-33) --- p.107 / Chapter 7.2.2 --- The Tengfeng Road Period (1934-37) --- p.109 / Chapter 7.2.3 --- The Liangjiao Period (1937-38) --- p.111 / Chapter 7.3 --- Sources of Students --- p.114 / Chapter Chapter Eight : --- Reconstruction of the Schooling Processes --- p.116 / Chapter 8.1 --- The Physical Environment --- p.116 / Chapter 8.2 --- Assembly --- p.119 / Chapter 8.3 --- Curriculum --- p.125 / Chapter 8.4 --- Extra-curricular Activities --- p.135 / Chapter 8.5 --- Anti-Japanese Activities --- p.137 / Chapter 8.6 --- Communist Activities --- p.142 / Chapter 8.7 --- Social Environment --- p.144 / Chapter 8.7.1 --- The Principals --- p.145 / Chapter 8.7.2 --- The Teachers --- p.149 / Chapter 8.7.3 --- The Classmates --- p.157 / Chapter Chapter Nine: --- The Outcomes of Schooling --- p.163 / Chapter 9.1 --- Life as a Teacher During Social and Political Upheavals --- p.163 / Chapter 9.1 --- The Impact of War --- p.163 / Chapter 9.1.3 --- The Meaning of Education --- p.167 / Chapter 9.1.3 --- Application of Knowledge --- p.171 / Chapter 9.2 --- Teaching Life in the 'New China' --- p.178 / Chapter 9.2.1 --- Attitudes towards the New State --- p.179 / Chapter 9.2.2 --- The Orientation of Values --- p.181 / Chapter 9.2.3 --- Life as Teacher --- p.184 / Chapter 9.3 --- Benefits of Schooling --- p.193 / Chapter 9.3.1 --- The Elitist Education --- p.193 / Chapter 9.3.2 --- Independence of Educated Women --- p.194 / Chapter 9.3.3 --- Being Competent and Active Participation --- p.196 / Chapter 9.3.4 --- The Impact of Knowledge --- p.198 / Chapter 9.3.5 --- Cultivation of Critical and Rational Mind --- p.200 / Chapter 9.3.6 --- The Search for Freedom of Love and Marriage --- p.202 / Chapter 9.3.7 --- We are Graduates of 1937 --- p.205 / Chapter 9.3.8 --- The Bond of Sisterhood --- p.208 / Chapter 9.4 --- Conclusion --- p.210 / Interview Guide --- p.213 / Glossary --- p.214 / Reference in English --- p.217 / Reference in Chinese --- p.227

Women writing women : gender and representation in British 'Golden Age' crime fiction

Hoffman, Megan January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, I examine representations of women and gender in British ‘Golden Age' crime fiction by writers including Margery Allingham, Christianna Brand, Agatha Christie, Ngaio Marsh, Dorothy L. Sayers, Josephine Tey and Patricia Wentworth. I argue that portrayals of women in these narratives are ambivalent, both advocating a modern, active model of femininity, while also displaying with their resolutions an emphasis on domesticity and on maintaining a heteronormative order, and that this ambivalence provides a means to deal with anxieties about women's place in society. This thesis is divided thematically, beginning with a chapter on historical context which provides an overview of the period's key social tensions. Chapter II explores depictions of women who do not conform to the heteronormative order, such as spinsters, lesbians and ‘fallen' women. Chapter III looks at the ways in which the courtships and marriages of detective couples attempt to negotiate the ideal of companionate marriage and the pressures of a ‘cult of domesticity'. Chapter IV considers the ways in which depictions of women in schools, universities and the workplace are used to explore the tensions between an expanding role in the public sphere and the demand to inhabit traditionally domestic roles. The thesis concludes with a discussion of the image of female victims' and female killers' bodies and the ways in which such depictions can be seen to expose issues of gender, class and identity. Through its examination of a wide variety of texts and writers in the period 1920 to the late 1940s, this thesis investigates the ambivalent nature of modes of femininity depicted in Golden Age crime fiction written by women, and argues that seemingly conservative resolutions are often attempts to provide a ‘modern-yet-safe' solution to the conflicts raised in the texts.

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