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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Automatiserad artikelplockning : En fallstudie på Scania Sverige AB i Oskarshamn / Automated material handling : A case study at Scania AB Sweden in Oskarshamn

Andersson, Saga, Eriksson, Sara January 2022 (has links)
En äldre verkstad som är anpassad till en tillverkning med många manuella moment är svår att automatisera. Det är en av anledningarna till att många industrier fortfarande har en del manuella moment i sin tillverkning och därmed en bristande arbetsergonomi. Den bristande arbetsergonomin är ett stort problem hos många tillverkande industrier. Genom att visa på automationsmöjligheter i en äldre verkstad såsom pressverkstaden hos Scania så hoppas vi på att flera industrier kan se förbättringsmöjligheterna och erbjuda sina anställda en bättre arbetsergonomi. Genom en kartläggning av TAK och jämförelser mellan manuellt beräknade värden och de som genererats automatiskt i företagets system kan brister i de egna systemen identifieras.

Läget i berggrummet : En kvalitativ undersökning av inverkande faktorer i arbetsmiljön på en byggarbetsplats i ett bergrum / The situation in the cave : A qualitative study of factors influencing the work environment at a construction site in a cave

Miladi, Lubna January 2014 (has links)
Strävan efter att minska risker för arbetsskador och uppnå en god arbetsmiljö är betydelsefull idag inte minst på byggarbetsplatser.   Syftet med examensarbetet var att, utifrån kartläggning av arbetsmiljön på en byggarbetsplats, belysa några faktorer som har inverkan på arbetsmiljön. Magisteruppsatsen har begränsats till att undersöka arbetsmiljön på en byggarbetsplats i ett bergrum. Några organisatoriska faktorer som säkerhetskultur, attityder, kunskap samt fysiska faktorer som belysning, buller, farliga ämnen och personlig skyddsutrustning har undersökts.   Med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer och observationer på arbetsplatsen i bergrummet kunde en analys av intervjuer och resultat sammanställas.   Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det finns sannolikhet för olycksfall på grund av fall från höjder, stenfall och fallande material. Yrkesarbetarna upplever dålig belysning och exponeras för höga bullernivåer. Damm och dieselavgaser är luftföroreningar som mest är förekommande på byggarbetsplatsen. Yrkesarbetarna har inte tillräcklig förståelse och kunskap om ergonomi, hälsorisker och effekter av hög bullernivå, dålig belysning och farliga ämnen. Slarv från en del arbetare och bristande ekonomiska insatser i arbetsmiljön kan vara bland de största hindren för arbetsmiljöarbetet. Överlag är säkerhetskulturen inom organisation ganska god och det finns bra attityder gentemot säkerhetsarbete. Positiva attityder visas gentemot säkerhetsregler och rutiner samt bra kännedom och motivering finns kring tillbudsrapportering från både ledningen och yrkesarbetarna. Yrkesarbetarna är motiverade att skydda sig och använda personlig skyddsutrustning. Men det finns undantag då vissa yrkesarbetare ibland slarvar med sin personliga skyddsutrustning, på grund av bekvämlighet. / Efforts to reduce the risk of accidents at work and achieve a good work environment, is important today, not least at construction sites.   The purpose of the thesis was to investigate the work environment of a construction workplace, to study some of the factors that influence the work environment. This study has been limited to investigating working conditions at a construction workplace in a cave. Some organizational factors as safety culture, attitudes, knowledge as well as physical factors such as lighting, noise, hazardous substance and personal protective equipment has also been studied.   With qualitative interviews and observations at the workplace in the cave, an analysis of the interviews and results has been compiled.   The result of the investigation shows that there is likelihood of accidents due to falls from heights, falling stones and falling material. The workers are experiencing poor lighting and exposed to high noise levels.  Dust and diesel fumes are air contaminants the construction workplace. The workers need more understanding and knowledge about ergonomics, health risks and the effects of high noise level, poor lighting and hazardous substances. Workers negligence and economic problem can be the main obstacles to a good work environment. The safety culture within the organization, however, is generally good and there is good attitude to safety performance. There are positive attitudes toward safety’s rolls and routines, as well as good knowledge and justification are around incident reporting from both leaders and workers. The workers are motivated to protect themselves and use personal protective equipment in the workplace. But there are exceptions where some lazy workers sometimes are careless with their personal protective equipment and the reason is convenience.

Möjligheter och hinder för det förebyggande arbetsmiljöarbetet : En intervjustudie med en enhet på Feelgood Företagshälsa och två av deras kundföretag inom byggbranschen. / Opportunities and barriers to the preventive work environment : An intervju study with a Feelgood Occupational Health Service Unit and two of their client companies within the construction industry

Åberg, Jenny January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Företagshälsovården i Sverige avses som en oberoende expertresurs till företag och ska identifiera samt förklara sambanden mellan arbetsmiljö, organisation, produktivitet och hälsa. Generellt sett anlitar kundföretag FHV framförallt för reaktiva, efterhjälpande insatser då ohälsa redan har uppstått i företaget. Byggnadsarbetare vistas ständigt i en riskfylld miljö och utsätts för tunga lyft, ensidiga arbetsrörelser och ogynnsamma arbetsställningar. Det är därför viktigt att undersöka hur företagshälsovården kan bidra till det förebyggande arbetsmiljöarbetet till kundföretagen för att möta utmaningarna i byggarbetsmiljön.Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka möjligheter och hinder som finns för företagshälsovårdens förebyggande arbetsmiljöarbete.Metod: En litteraturstudie och en intervjustudie genomfördes under våren 2013. Vetenskapliga artiklar och andra dokument inhämtades via databaser tillgängliga via bibliotek vid KTH, Göteborgs Universitet samt Halmstad Universitet. Tio individuella semi-strukturella intervjuer utfördes med arbetsmiljöingenjör och kundansvarig på en Feelgood-enhet samt med arbetsledare, skyddsombud och med personer som hade en HR- och arbetsmiljöposition på två av Feelgoods kundföretag inom byggbranschen.Resultat: Utifrån analysen framkom åtta teman som utgjorde möjligheter och hinder för det förebyggande arbetsmiljöarbetet: konsultativt förhållningssätt, systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete, arbetsplatsbesök, kompetens, marknadsföring och kommunikation, ledningsgruppen, bristande samordning mellan yrkesprofessionerna på FHV samt kundavtalet.Slutsats: Företagshälsovården behöver ta ett större ansvar i det förebyggande arbetsmiljöarbetet och ifrågasätta kundföretagen för att råda dem i bra arbetsmiljölösningar. Företagshälsovården behöver även bli bättre på att marknadsföra sin verksamhet för att kundföretagen ska veta vad de kan utnyttja FHV till. Feelgood är professionella och har hög kompetens i de individuella samtalen men kan förbättra sin branschkompetens på organisatorisk nivå. Arbetsplatsbesök efterfrågas och kundföretagen såg att FHV har en roll i att utföra tekniska mätningar och att hjälpa till i arbetet med arbetsrotation. De förebyggande arbetsmiljötjänsterna borde vara skrivna i avtalet för att de ska utnyttjas i större utsträckning. / Background: The occupational health services (OHS) in Sweden is provided as an impartial expert advice to client companies and shall identify and explain the relationship between work, organization, productivity and health. In general, client companies use the occupational health services particularly for reactive services, when illness has already occured in the company. Construction workers staying constantly in a hazardous environment and are exposed to heavy lifting, monotonous movements and bad working positions. It is therefore important to examine how occupational health can contribute to the preventive work environment for client companies to meet the challenges of the construction work.Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the opportunities and barriers that exist to the preventive work of occupational health services.Method: A literature review and an interview study was conducted in spring 2013. Scientific papers and other documents were obtained through databases available through the libraries at the Royal Institute of Technology, University of Gothenburg and Halmstad University. Ten individual semi-structural interviews were carried out with a safety engineer and an account manager at a Feelgood unit, as well as with supervisors, safety representatives and with people who had an HR and working position on two of Feelgoods client companies in the construction industry.Results: The analysis revealed eight themes that represented opportunities and barriers to preventive work environment: consultative approach, systematic work environment management, workplaces visits, competence, marketing and communication, management, lack of coordination between professions in occupational health services and customer agreement.Conclusion: The occupational health service needs to take greater responsibility in preventive work environment and challenging client companies to advise them in good working solutions. Occupational health services also needs to be better at marketing their business to client companies to know what they can use OHS for. Feelgood are professional and have high competence in the individual conversations but can improve their professional skills at organizational level. The client companies demand field visits and they saw that OHS has a role in performing technical measurements and help in the process of job rotation. Preventive health services should be written into the agreement in order to be utilized to a greater extent.

Optimise recharging process for Electro-Mobility using Internet of Things

Cortés, Jorge Lorenzo, Casero Sánchez, Alejandro January 2022 (has links)
Climate change is being fought with policies and measures implemented worldwide to reduce Greenhouse Gases (GHG). One of these policies is to reduce the use of fossil fuels because they accelerate climate change and harm human health through pollution. The automotive industry is a significant player in this transition. The automotive industry is shifting from vehicles powered by a fossil energy powertrain to one that consumes clean energy. The industry is moving towards electric mobility, but this technology has a disadvantage compared to traditional mobility. Electric Vehicles (EVs) need more time to regain their range than conventional vehicles (CV) that use fossil fuels, a massive reason why users do not adopt this technology. This thesis focuses on an optimised charging process to make EVs a realistic alternative for user transport and meet the Paris Climate Accords goals. To this end, a study has been carried out analysing various points and technologies such as Electro-Mobility (e-mobility), recharging technologies, or Cloud-based systems that could optimise the charging process and have a scalable, scalable system that all EVs can use. This project has used the Internet of Things (IoT) to enable EVs to communicate with charging stations in a reliable manner with a scalable system. In addition, it has been possible to store data in the cloud, where it is processed in real-time, and mathematical equations have been developed in the python programming language. The user has access to the information through an interface that allows them to check the most optimal charging points (CPs) in different categories such as total charging time, distance from the various stations, charging total price and the CPs services. These technologies used in this thesis will contribute to optimising the charging process, leaving the door open to future developments in the e-mobility field. / <p>Universidad de Granada, Spanien och  Universidad de Málaga, Spanien</p>

Capable Production Process

Eriksson, Sofi January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis is about capability analysis performed at Bosch Rexroth in Mellansel. The aim is to analyse the manufacturing process and to find where they are capable or not, by process observations and looking at the measured data over a period of time. The capability analysis is a statistical method, looking at both measured values of a produced part, as well as measurement distributions. It is used to find variation and predict future behaviour of the process. It is found that capability is a useful tool, and can be used to give manufacturing processes an index to measure the stability. The capability process is made in two steps. First the measuring tools are looked at, and if the tool is considered so that an operator can affect the process, then operator variation is as well looked at. When the measuring tool is capable the process data is analysed, to find or create a capable process. It was found that capability analysis is a powerful tool in order to give its production process a measurable value. The capability indices will provide answers if the process is stable or not, and it can be seen changes in stability over time. When working with capability easy method need to be establish in order to be able to fast provide the capability indices. It was also found that small changes in randomness of data can affect the result of the capability significantly, and cautions when data is not normal distributed when transforming data if needed. / I detta examensarbete är en kapabilitetsanalys genomförd hos Bosch Rexroth i Mellansel. Målet var att analysera deras tillverkningsprocess och hitta vart de är kapabel eller inte, genom att titta på processen och mätdata över en tidsperiod. En kapabilitetsprocess är en statisk metod, där man tittar på både mätvärden för producerade delar och fördelningar på mätdatat. Det används för att hitta variationer och för att kunna förutspå framtida händelser för en process. Kapabilitet är ett användbart verktyg och kan användas för att ge processen ett mätbart index för stabiliteten i processen. Kapabilitetsprocessen är genomfört i två steg. Först ses mätdonet över och om man antar att en operatör kan påverka mätutrustningen görs en operatörs variation för mätutrustningen. När mätutrustningen är kapabel analyseras insamlat mätdatat, för att se om processen är kapabel eller inte, då processen var icke kapabel utfördes en utvärdering på varför och hur de kan bli kapabel. Slutsatsen blev att kapabilitet är ett användbart verktyg för att kunna ge sin produktions process ett mätbart värde. Kapabilitetsindex kan ge svar på om process är stabil eller inte, man kan även se ändringar över en period av tid. Vid användning av kapabilitet är det viktigt att ha enkla arbetsmetoder för att snabbt kunna ge svar på processens kapabilitetindex, då små ändraringar på mätdatat kan ge märkbara ändringar på kapabiliteten. En viss aktsamhet behöver finnas då slumpvariationer på mätdatat uppstår och när en datainsamling inte är normalfördelat och eventuellt behöver transformeras.

Enabling robot grasping teaching using mixed reality

Beigveder Durante, Pablo, Fernández Nadales, Marcos January 2022 (has links)
The exploration of realistic grasping with industrial robots could open gates in the way of understanding the industry, giving robots the ability to adapt to different situations without reprogramming and therefore, become more flexible tools. In order to facilitate this apparently complex task it is important to implement new tools for robot programming. The project presented shows the development of a program that lets the user give specific instructions about ways of approaching new objects in the task of robot grasping using a mixed reality interface. The proposed solution can let the user work in real time and repeat saved paths with familiar objects. This program consists of recording the user’s movement, saving and processing the information to a robot that can replicate the exact same approaches and grasps. The development of this project as a mixed reality interface permits bringing together the real and virtual world with safety of working with a previsualization of the robot and with the certainty of processing the information right in the real world. This solution is a flexible tool that can be changed to different situations and be implemented in any kind of production.

Extending the Digital Shadow for Industrial Robotic Arms in a Mixed Reality Environment

Molina Morillas, Santiago, Soler García, Enrique January 2022 (has links)
In recent years, the traditional manufacturing industry is challenged worldwide with the astounding growth and advancement so-called Industry 4.0. One of the multiple objectives pursued by the industry with this technological revolution is to achieve a new enhanced standard of safety. In addition, a solution against inaccurate offline robot programming needs to be tackled. The combination of a Digital Shadow (DS) of the robot with visualisation in Mixed Reality (MR) can help to increase safety and eventually, even make the design process faster. In this survey paper, a visualisation system in MR that allows the user to overlay digital tools into a UR10e Physical Robot (PR), thus permitting the PR to interact with digital work objects is proposed. To achieve the synchronisation between the digital and real assets, a DS of the robot has been developed. The integration of the Digital Models (DMs) of tools and work objects allows the user to work with the robot without load, opening the possibility of recreating and testing in real-time experimental industrial processes.

Perception and implementation of Zero Defect Manufacturing approach in foundries

Saliji, Mohamed January 2022 (has links)
Foundry is an industry that is both very old and very forward-looking. It is an essential base for several industrial sectors in today’s world. However, the metal casting industry faces a lot of challenges, including quality. There is a need for a converging system that orients all the resources towards meeting the quality requirements throughout the whole process. Zero Defect Manufacturing (ZDM) is a concept that aims to meet this need by adopting the four strategies of Detection, Prevention, Prediction and Repair. In that context, ZDM has been a subject of several collaborations between industrial sectors and the scientific community given its importance to the industrial field. Nevertheless, there is a lack of research into the implementation of this concept in certain types of industries, such as foundries. This thesis aims to fill this gap by presenting a generic review and a better understanding of the implementation of the ZDM approach in foundries. A systematic literature study has been conducted and the result has been compared to the empirical data collected via interviews with managers working in the metal casting industry. It was found that the nine key enablers of ZDM implementation in foundries are 1) Sensors &amp; embedded systems, 2) AI &amp; DigitalTwins, 3) Advanced robotics, 4) Connectivity &amp; mobility, 5) Cloud computing, 6) Edge computing, 7) Forecasting &amp; Modelling, 8) Business Solutions, 9) Intelligence &amp; control systems. Automation enhances ZDM in foundries by enabling continuous and consistent data collection throughout the whole process. Ensuring skilled labour in specific disciplines such as PLC programming and statistics is seen to be a major challenge for foundries. At the end of the thesis, propositions for future studies in the field of ZDM in foundries and the role of future technologies, such as metal 3D printing, are proposed.

The Effect of Ergonomics in an Assembly Line System’s Work Environment - A Literature Study

Aroian, Naanar, Awaijan, Kristina January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this literature study is to explore the most important ergonomic factors that play a role in shaping the work environment of assembly line systems. Since the subject of ergonomics in production systems has continuously gained great interest in the past years, it was decided to conduct research around this topic. The literature study type was chosen to answer the research questions. This was done because even though various articles discuss the mentioned areas, they usually still have a specific focus. For example, human errors, automation, simulation, virtual reality, etc. Therefore, it was decided to carry on with a more comprehensive review that takes into account the most important ergonomic factors in general and how they influence assembly workstations both positively and negatively. Thus, two research questions were explored: Research question:  What are the most important ergonomic factors that influence an assembly line system’s work environment? Sub-research question: What are the positive and negative effects and what causes them? In order to proceed with the study, a systematic literature review and thematic analysis were conducted through the use of secondary data only. This was done by searching for different articles through two academic databases; ScienceDirect and Scopus. Lastly, the words that were used to search for articles were highly relevant in terms of the research questions. In regards to the analysis and conclusion, different factors were found including automation and cobots, job rotation, the implementation of human factors, and repetitive manual tasks. The results showed that all these factors can affect an assembly line system’s work environment to a great extent, both positively and negatively. First of all, cobots contribute by helping human operators with difficult tasks, yet, the collaboration of humans and robots is viewed as risky to some extent. Furthermore, the level of the implementation of ergonomics at workplaces is crucial to provide a healthy work environment. Ultimately, repetitive tasks can have a great impact on workers, and thereby the whole work environment becomes affected. Therefore, convenient training sessions are highly important to ensure safety in such cases.

Resource Simulation of Machining Processes and Operator Optimization : A Generic Model

Goyal, Akshay January 2022 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose is to present a Generic Model that considers the machining process's resource simulation into account as well as the operator variables. The operator variables are associated with the operations they carry out, the time required, and the ideal number of operators. This Generic Model will serve as a framework for future initiatives for industry and academia, by including resource simulation for machining operations. Design/Methodology/Approach - The simulation model addresses the optimal resource allocation to support efficient machine utilization. The resource in this simulation model is composed of human operators, working across several machining operations of similar specifications, with all of the machines arranged in parallel. The resulting simulation model presented in this thesis is generic in its organization. Findings - The developed Generic Model incorporates material-flow and logistics, tool-ware and machine failure, product-tool interdependence, and other related factors pertaining to the operator task allocation and the number of operators. Further, the optimization of process resources has been presented through results obtained pertaining to machine utilization, productivity and operator distance travelled. Research implications - Several industries are working towards overcoming the challenges pertaining to the resource allocation in the manufacturing process and the requirement for optimizing. As a result, simulation provides a less expensive option for making resource allocation decisions and testing the chosen options. The presented Generic Model will serve as a framework for future initiatives including resource simulation and allocation for machining operations and operators. Originality/Value- The model presented in this thesis, will therefore allow production planners and managers to allocate the necessary resources and observe the outcomes before they are implemented on the shop floor. The Generic Model adds value by allowing for future adjustments in model resources and parameters based on system requirements.

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