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Produktionseffektivisering av asfaltsvältarFranzén, Adam, Hellström, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
Projektets syfte var att effektivisera en flaskhalsstation på Dynapacs monteringslina av vältar. Dynapac tillverkar vältar för olika typer av underlag. En vält är en maskin bestående av en eller två valsar som vibrerar och packa underlaget som den kör på, exempelvis asfalt. Arbetets resultat innebär produktionseffektivisering av produktionsflödet hos Dynapac. Dynapac upplever att stationen där sammankoppling av valsarna till välten sker är en flaskhals för flödet. Anledningen till detta beror på att sammankopplingen sker vid sidan av linjen på ett specifikt monteringsbord, vilket resulterar i att många onödiga lyft krävs. För att minimera tiden så mycket som möjligt så är en ny monteringsmetod vid sammankopplingen nödvändig. Olika koncept tas fram och sedan poängsätts varje koncept där det koncept med högst poäng väljs och vidareutvecklas för att anpassas mot bland annat riskanalysen. Vid framtagning av de olika koncepten tas det hänsyn till den kravspecifikation som vi tillsammans med Dynapac tagit fram. Dynapac värnar om sina anställdas hälsa vilket medför att det ligger stort fokus kring säkerhet och ergonomi vid framtagning av den nya monteringsmetoden. Rapporten omfattar även en kort beskrivning av Scania i Oskarshamn och deras montering av lastbilshytter. Hos Scania sker montering på ett liknande sätt som hos Dynapac. Hållfasthetsberäkningar och ritningar för det valda konceptet tas fram. Ritningarna till det valda konceptet hittas bland bilagorna. / The purpose of the project was to streamline a bottleneck station on Dynapac's mounting line of rollers. Dynapac manufactures rollers for different types of groundwork. A roller is a machine consisting of one or two rollers that vibrates and pack the groundwork on which it drives, for example asphalt.The result of the work involves production efficiency of Dynapac's production flow. Dynapac finds that the station where you interconnect the rollers to each other is a bottleneck for the flow. The reason for this is because the interconnection occurs next to the line on a specific mounting table, resulting in many unnecessary lifts is needed. In order to minimize time as much as possible, a new method of interconnection is required. Different concepts are developed and then each concept is scored where the concept with highest points is chosen for further development. When developing the different concepts, consideration is given to the requirement specification that we have developed together with Dynapac. Dynapac protects the health of the employees, which means that there is a lot of focus on safety and ergonomics when developing the new assembly method. The report also includes a brief description of Scania in Oskarshamn and their assembly of truck cabins. This is a company where assembly takes place in a similar way to Dynapac and a comparison of the companies is made.Strength calculations and drawings for the chosen concept are made and the drawings are included in the annexes.
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Framtagning av förslag på produktionslayout / Developing production layout proposalsHultenius Syversen, David, Eklund, Emanuel January 2017 (has links)
Mastec Components befinner sig i dagsläget i en expansionsfas där en ny produkt skall ingå i deras produktportfölj. En preliminär produktionslayout har tagits fram för den nya produktionen av Mastec Components. Denna rapport kommer dels granska och analysera denna produktionslayout och om den går att använda för den tilltänkta produktionsvolymen eller om en ny layout behövs tas fram. Ytterligare undersökning har utförts för implementering av ett lämpligt materialhanteringssystem för transport av produkt genom produktionen. Brist på information gällande den nya produktionen har resulterat i en noggrann litteraturundersökning för vilka viktiga ingående parametrar som bör ingå i framtagande av produktionslayouten. Flera författare har påvisat att produktvolym, produktmix och konkurrensfaktorer som centrala aspekter som bör betraktas vid utformning av en produktionslayout. Produktmix och produktvolym har tidigt i studien undersökts för att välja rätt processtyp för produktionen. Processtypen har i samband med företagets konkurrensfaktorer genererat ett lämpligt produktionssystem, som sedan nyttjades i produktionslayouten. Med företagets varierande försäljningsvolymer har kapacitetsberäkningar utförts på arbetsbemanning och produktionstid för att påvisa hur kapaciteten bör se ut för att nå upp till de olika volymscenarierna. Granskning och urval av materialhanteringssystem har genomförts genom bedömning av värderingsfaktorer utifrån Mastec Components egna krav. Dessa värderingsfaktorer har sedermera används för att skapa ett värderingsschema som slutligen påvisat ett lämpligt resultat för materialhanteringssystem som går att använda i den nya produktionen. Resultatet visade att den produktionslayout som Mastec Components tog fram fungerade för en viss produktionsvolym, men efter en viss produktionskapacitet krävdes dubbla flöden. I och med det behövdes en ny produktionslayout tas fram för att tillgodose den tilltänkta produktionsvolymen. Produktflödet antas vara fullständigt linjebalanserat i forskningen, utifrån data för takttid som tillhandahållits. Rapportens vidare arbete rekommenderar Mastec Components att undersöka behovet för linjebalansering efter att produktionen startat för att minimera förluster i produktionen.
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Simulation of AGVs in MATLAB : Virtual 3D environment for testing different AGV kinematics and algorithmsJaime Mérida, Carlos January 2020 (has links)
The field of robotics is becoming increasingly more important and consequently, students need better tools to gain knowledge and experience with them. The University of Skövde was interested in developing a learning tool focused on a virtual simulation of mobile robots. Despite the fact that there are several programmes to create this tool, MATLAB was preferable because of its strong presence in educational institutions. The objectives were oriented towards testing different robot kinematics in an adjustable virtual 3D environment. Moreover, the simulation needed a part in which future users could design own algorithms in order to control the AGVs. Therefore, sensors such as LIDAR sensors were necessary to enable a possible interaction between the robot and the scenario created. This project was developed with a previous study and a comparison of some MATLAB projects and tools. After that, the scenario and the simulation were produced. As a result, a virtual simulation has been created emphasising that the user could modify and adapt multiple parameters such as the size of the AGV, the form of the virtual environment or the selection of forward or inverse kinematics in order to develop different types of algorithms. Other features can be adjusted manually such as the type or number of sensors as well as SLAM conditions. Finally, this thesis was conducted to give a basis about mobile robots and to be a first step for operating with real robots. The simulation also provides an easy to use interface in which students can keep working in it through the introduction of new applications related to image processing or more sophisticated algorithms and controllers.
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Deltid i nöd och lust : En studie om kvinnligt deltidsarbete i äldreomsorgen / Part-time in distress and desire : A study on female part-time work in eldercareNordin, Elin, Yngve, Pär January 2020 (has links)
Public healthcare is already suffering from a shortage of staff, and as the population gets older, the need for eldercare gets greater every year. As a part of solving this problem, public employers have given all of their employees the ‘right to full-time work’, as many workers in Swedish eldercare work part-time. Despite this opportunity, a lot of female employees still choose to work part-time. With qualitative interviews, focusing on the stories of female workers, we aim to increase the understanding of female part-time work in Swedish elderly care. The analysis puts weight on norms, barriers, opportunities, and preferences, as all playing a part in female workers attitudes and choices related to part-time work. Our essential conclusions are that the ‘part-time norm’ is reproduced within and outside the elderly care, as it is both workplace-specific and linked to societal norms. At the same time, the female workers show variation in their individual preferences when it comes to work-life balance, which seems to be related to the choices and attitudes towards part-time work. However, several of the female employees find that the work in elderly care makes it difficult to achieve their preferred work-life balance, and to them, part-time work is a solution to this problem. The actions of women are conditioned by the structures they have to relate to. Based on this, they do their best to live up to both the expectations that exist on them, but also to achieve their preferred lifestyles.
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Hjältarna som kämpar i frontlinjen mot Covid-19 : En kvalitativ studie om arbetsmotivation under pandemin / The heroes fighting in the front line against Covid-19 : A qualitative study on work motivation during the pandemicBajrami, Albana, Hashani, Vera January 2020 (has links)
Utgångspunkten har varit att undersöka sjukvårdspersonalens arbetsmotivation. Syftet är att belysa sjuksköterskors och undersköterskors upplevelser av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön under en pandemi och om de två yrkesgrupperna upplevde några skillnader på deras psykosociala arbetsmiljö, samt vad som motiverar sjukvårdspersonalen till att arbeta under krissituationer i vården. Metoden som används är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats med följd av semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre undersköterskor och tre sjuksköterskor från Västra Götalands Regionen. Fyra huvudkategorier framkom, samt åtta subteman identifierades som belyser de två yrkesgruppers positiva och negativa faktorer som påverkade sjukvårdspersonalens upplevelse av psykosociala arbetsmiljö och deras arbetsmotivation under pandemin, samt om de två yrkesgrupperna upplevde skillnader avseende psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Sjukvårdspersonalen beskrev sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö som en påfrestande arbetsinsats och en stor arbetsbelastning. Men till stor del en positiv inställning och en känsla av meningsfullhet och motivation var betydelsefullt för sjukvårdspersonalens välbefinnande. Sjukvårdspersonalens psykosociala arbetsmiljö under pandemin är väldigt ansträngd och påfrestande. Det framkommer inte att det finns några skillnader av upplevelsen på psykosociala arbetsmiljön, men däremot finns det skillnader beroende på vilken avdelning personalen arbetar i. Sjukvårdspersonalens arbetsmotivation under pandemin är ett kollegialt samarbete samt den variation som arbetet medför varje dag. En annan viktig faktor för arbetsmotivationen var tacksamhet och uppskattning från patienter och anhöriga samt glädje när patienterna tillfrisknar och kommer tillbaka till vardagen.
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Future Assembly Layout Design for assembly of large robots : A state-of-the-art literature review and a Fuzzy AHP analysis for ABB valuesKarlqvist, Vanessa January 2020 (has links)
Global competition is growing for companies everywhere and the demand for new and improved products are rising for each day that passes. The globalization brings new opportunities as well as new challenges since companies need to stay up to date and implement new technologies to stay competitive. Not only do customers want up to date products, they also want high quality, low price and individualized products, customized for their needs. This puts high demand on manufacturing companies to adapt their businesses, increase product diversity and to being able to introduce new variations and new products quickly. Since the drastic evolution of technology has increased the competitiveness of industrial companies, and the mass customization demands have increased, the necessity to investigate potential system alternatives towards improving production processes, with the help from the new technology, is required. One way of doing this is to revaluate one's assembly layouts since the layout design decision is highly connected to the product portfolio and the production volumes. The specific objective of this thesis is to broaden the case company’s, ABB, knowledge on ways their assembly of large robots can be improved with the focus on potential future assembly solutions. The overall aim of this thesis work is to identify state-of-the-art possible layout design alternatives, evaluate their performances and finding a method of choosing the final layout approach. This is answered by research questions connected to plant layout selection methodology, plant layout options and finally recommendations for the case company. The methodology chosen for deciding the recommended layout is the fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process which is a multi-criteria decision-making tool suitable for decision problems with a hierarchical structure, having main attributes and sub attributes connected to each main attribute. Twenty-four attributes were created and ten layouts based on company observations and a literature study. The layout with the highest score was a layout based on a modernized version of the common fixed position layout. The overall recommendation for the case company was to focus on having a layout in the future with focus on a high technology level as well as high flexibility, for also receiving high performance.
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Utveckling av hjälpmedel för bränsledränering till helikoptermodell Airbus H145 D2Märs, Robert, Kranse, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
Helikoptermodellen Airbus H145 D2 kräver en daglig inspektion av bränslet. Inspektionen innebär att en liten mängd bränsle dräneras ut och inspekteras från dräneringspunkter som är placerade under helikoptern. I dagsläget görs det genom att krypa in under helikoptern, vilket inte är ergonomiskt och kan innefatta vissa risker. Arbetes syfte är att förbättra arbetsmiljön för inspektören, målet är att utveckla en funktionell prototyp av ett hjälpmedel. För att uppnå detta användes tidigare forskning om riskbedömning av arbetsställningar samt användning och framtagning av prototyper i ett utvecklingsarbete. Prototyper tillverkades, testades och utvärderades för att underlätta konstruktionsarbetet. Riskanalyser med riskbedömningsmetoden Ovako Working Posture Analysing System, OWAS, utfördes både med och utan hjälpmedel. Den framtagna prototypen av hjälpmedlet består av en stomme som kan skjutas in under helikoptern. På stommen finns en pelarlyft med en plattform som kan höjas och sänkas med hjälp av en kombination av en spak och ett klämhandtag. På plattformen placeras det befintliga dräneringsverktyget och på så sätt kan dräneringsventilerna öppnas och bränslet dräneras ut. Med det framtagna hjälpmedlet behöver inspektören inte längre ta sig in under helikoptern. Arbetsställningar med en förhöjd risk för belastningsskador har minskats från cirka 90 till 20 procent. De framtagna prototyperna visar fördelar med att tidigt i utvecklingsprocessen använda sig av enkla och snabba prototyper och att redan i utvecklingsarbetet riskanalysera de framtagna idéerna. / The helicopter model Airbus H145 D2 requires a daily inspection of the fuel. The inspection means that a small amount of fuel is drained and inspected from the drainage points located under the helicopter. This is currently done by crawling in under the helicopter, which isn’t ergonomic and may involve some risks. The purpose of this paper is to improve the working environment for the inspector with the goal of developing a functional prototype of a tool. To achieve this, previous research is used on risk assessment of work postures and the use and development of prototypes in a development process. Prototypes was manufactured, tested and evaluated to ease the design process. Risk analyzes using the risk assessment method Ovako Working Posture Analysis System, OWAS, was performed both with and without the tool. The developed prototype tool consists of a frame that can be pushed under the helicopter. On the frame is a pillar lift with a platform that can be raised and lowered using a combination of a lever and a clamping handle. The existing drainage tool is placed on the platform and thus the drainage valves can be opened and the fuel drained out. With the tool, the inspector no longer needs to crawl in under the helicopter. Work positions with an increased risk have been reduced from about 90 to 20 percent. The prototypes shows the advantages of using rapid prototyping methods early in the development and to risk analyze ideas already in the development process.
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Investigation of Virtual Commissioning for a Small EnterpriseSvantesson, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
In order to test an automation code for a production cell it is necessary to have access to the physical model. Therefore, the automation code is validated in the end of the design process. Finding and correcting faults in the code takes time and changes late in the design process tend to be expensive. Having a virtual model of a production cell with the same features as a physical model enables to test automation code and evaluate different features in an early stage of development. The process of having a virtual model to validate code and try out new features is called Virtual Commissioning (VC). The ability to detect errors in the code and identify problems early in the process can lower the lead time for the project and reduce the overall cost. Virtual Commissioning is a relative new process step in the industry and have so far mainly used in larger enterprises. This project has been done at a company named NPB Automation AB, located in Jönköping, Sweden. NPB is a smaller company that designs and produces robot cells that are fully automated. This project is an investigate to see if a software that can perform a Virtual Commissioning should be added to their lineup of tools. This task has been managed by empirically finding how a Virtual Commissioning can be set up. To find out how Virtual Commissioning can affect different fields at the company interviews were held with personnel from different working fields. To get practical knowledge and verifying that Virtual Commissioning can be performed on a robot cell produced at the company, a Virtual Commissioning were set up of a subsystem of a robot cell. The Virtual Commissioning in this project was set up with the software Emulate3D connected to a Rockwell PLC model 1769- L33ERMS, the PLC code used were written in Studio 5000 Logix Designer. The conclusion of his project is that Virtual Commissioning can reduce time to market by reducing the commissioning time. The tasks where Virtual Commissioning will benefit the most is in new projects or when validating changes.
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Implementation of Lean Tools in the Garments Industry to Improve ProductivityHasan, Md Mehedi January 2021 (has links)
A few years back, almost every garment manufacturer industry started implementing “lean Manufacturing.” Garments manufacturing is one of the oldest manufacturing systems, compromising a higher number of critical operations. The main performance indicators in the garment industry are the lead time, production rate, more wastage, and labor intensity. To remain competitive in the global market, the most important task for garments manufacturers is to reduce lead time and waste, which is also essential for productivity and long-term stable development. A headlong rush to reduce lead time and waste by turning into lean and responsive manufacturing has created an urgency for researchers and practitioners to apply new tools and techniques for discovering wastages. This thesis focuses on the application of value stream mapping in the garments industry to implement lean manufacturing system. Value stream mapping (VSM) helps visualize Material Flow and Information Flows of all components, cycle times, and utilization of resources. VSM is a proven lean technique in identifying and eliminating wastes in accommodation with similar or identical product routings. The research approach adopted in this thesis is abductive. Qualitative has been collected by the structured and semi-structured interviews. A single case observation has been made to use VSM as a lean tool to achieve productivity improvement at a selected garment company. Both current and future state mapping of cutting section and sewing line scenarios are discussed using value stream concepts. This was analyzed along with the process lead time as standard minute value (SMV) calculation and two gaps as productive time and non-productive. Finally, gain in productivity (increase output pcs, less worker, less working hours), increased productive time, and reduce non-productive time was calculated.
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Covid-19 - Den största krisen i modern tid : En inblick i restaurangbranschen under Covid-19 / Covid-19 - The greatest crisis of modern timesLundgren, Eric, Stua, Marco January 2021 (has links)
The covid-19 pandemic is one of the greatest crises of our time that has affected the whole society to a very large extent. The pandemic has led to drastic changes in both societal and operational levels, which in turn has resulted in extensive financial consequences. The restaurant industry in particular has long been an exposed industry characterized by fierce competition, small margins and uncertain forms of employment. Even before the outbreak of the pandemic, mental illness was considered one of the greatest public diseases of our time. Covid-19 has limited the way people live, which has generated even more serious consequences for human mental health. The purpose of this study is to explore how restaurants in a hospitality-focused city in Sweden have been affected by the covid-19 virus, as well as how they have handled this critical situation. Furthermore, the purpose of the study is to investigate whether, and in such cases, how the covid-19 has affected owners’ psychosocial work environment. A qualitative method has been applied where six semi-structured interviews were conducted. Based on a critically realistic perspektive, the study has analyzed the pandemic’s impact on the restaurant owners’ activities and their business. The result shows that the governments and the Public Health Agency’s restrictions and guidelines, which are constantly changing, have greatly affected the restaurants’ finances. At the same time, the restrictions have set very tough demands on adaptation and business transformation. This in turn has given rise to uncertainty in how business will manage new strategies and routines in a sustainable way. These changes have led to high work-related demands and a lack of control, which has resulted in serious consequences for the restaurant owners’ psychosocial work environment. Overall, there is a clear connection for how these levels interact and affect each other.
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