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The creation of Uni-REPM A universal model for assessing requirements engineering process maturityNguyen, Thi Thanh Loan January 2010 (has links)
Context. The empirical study of Somerville in 2005 has shown that potential business benefits could be achieved by assessing and improving the Requirement Engineering (RE) process. However, currently there has not been an adequate instrument for practitioners to perform this work. Most known process assessment models such as CMMI and ISO do not pay intensive attention on RE whereas tailored models such as GPG and REPM do not cover the mentioned area extensively. Objectives. This thesis presents a conceptual research of RE process assessment in which the researcher aims to develop a practical model for evaluating the maturity of RE processes in industrial settings. Methods. A major part of this study consists of a systematic review and a literature review to explore all RE ―good practices‖ as a profound basis for the new model. Together with identifying potential activities, the two reviews also highly regarded the feasibility of certain practices and their context to assure the validity of the model. Conclusions. Based on the results of the reviews, Uni-REPM is formulated and introduced. The objective of Uni-REPM is twofold. Firstly, it is expected to be applicable for assessing the maturity of RE processes in various scenarios where an organization would use different development approaches. Secondly, it instructs practitioners with what to perform in RE processes and what they would benefit from such activities. As an assessment instrument, Uni-REPM serves a simple and low cost solution for practitioners to identify the status of their RE process. As a guidance tool, Uni-REPM is believed to lessen the gap between theoretical and practical worlds by transferring the available RE technologies from research to real work.
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Graphical Corporate Interface. A concept for semi-produced Graphical User Interfaces for corporations. / Graphical Corporate Interface. A concept for semi-produced Graphical User Interfaces for corporations.Persson, Emmeli, Sjelvgren, Helen January 2005 (has links)
Abstract The objective of this bachelor’s project is to investigate how to reuse the graphical- and technical aspects of a user interface, and to develop a concept for a semi-produced GUI. When giving shape to a user interface the aim is to make it usable for the end user, so naturally that is part of the work as well. There are a lot of innovative and interesting techniques in the web based GUI domain and some of them are suitable when the aim is to make a GUI which is both reusable and a corporate structure. Two stages exist in the semi-produced GUI concept. The first stage is to investigate and develop the semi-produced. The second stage is to use the semi-produced GUI and prepare a specific GUI for the end user. The whole concept will require some extra effort to begin with. There has to be an enquiry into which functions in the GUI are likely to be reused. The architecture has to be planned to be reusable and be well documented. In the GUI development there are several roles involved and all of them will be affected by the reuse idea. The core in the semi-produced concept is a component-based architecture, a well-prepared reference GUI, GUI- documentation and guidelines.
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Expected and Achieved Outcomes of Reshoring: A Swedish PerspectiveVestin, Alexander, Sequeira Frank, Movin January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: Over the last couple of decades, globalization has impacted market competition. This results in that companies heavily offshore to low-wage countries to enhance its competitiveness through lower costs. Offshoring constitutes relocation of manufacturing activities to other existing manufacturing sites in foreign countries. In recent years, low-wage countries have grown and developed. Studies show that low cost environments are increasing in cost, eliminating the benefits of offshoring. This phenomenon has sparked a new trend, ‘reshoring’- to bring back manufacturing to the home country, which has been acknowledged by both researchers and practitioners. The trend has become more distinct due to the increasing numbers of cases where companies that previously offshored manufacturing activities are returning them to the home country. The research done on reshoring focuses mainly on a “why” perspective, with drivers that cause reshoring and barriers that prevent them. However, research concerning the outcomes of what a company expected from reshoring and what they achieved afterwards is limited, especially in the high cost environment of Sweden. The purpose of this study is to explore the expected and achieved outcomes of the reshoring process through a multiple case study including four companies from Sweden that have reshored manufacturing back to Sweden. Method: The method used in this thesis was a systematic literature review to gain knowledge of the phenomenon. With the help of the systematic literature review an interview guide was created to assist in the data collection. This thesis used a multiple case study, the data was collected through semi-structured interviews and documents. The findings were analyzed within each case, cross-case, and in comparison to literature. Findings: To analyze the outcomes on the same premises, the researcher had to create a framework. All the outcomes from the literature were categorized based on firms’ operational and competitive capabilities namely cost, quality, delivery, flexibility, service, innovation, environment, culture, risk mitigation, reputation and trust, and government legislations. It was found that all the case companies had a successful reshoring process and all their expected outcomes were achieved. However, in comparison to the expected outcomes found in the literature, the companies expected less from reshoring. The companies were unaware of the full extent of reshoring, since their expectations were limited. The most expected outcome of reshoring, found in all the cases and in theory were: to decrease total cost, increase delivery speed, increase reputation and trust, and use the comfort of the home culture. A thorough analysis of achieved outcomes, in case and in literature, showed that all the case companies have achieved lower total cost, increased delivery speeds and higher reputation and trust. On comparing all the achieved outcomes in case and in literature it is evident that researchers have studied the process of reshoring from a why and theoretical perspective, aside from the effects after the reshoring, which this thesis has accomplished. A comparison between expected and achieved outcomes of all the case companies collectively, showed that they have achieved lower costs, higher quality, better service and higher reputation and trust, beyond what they expected. Implications: Reshoring back to Sweden would bring back more manufacturing jobs and encourage further local sourcing within the country. Strategical collaboration within the supply chain in the home country would make companies more responsive to customer demand. Geographically, the literature lacks case studies from Sweden, therefore, this thesis will contribute to theory by presenting successful reshoring case studies from Sweden
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Arbetsmarknadens parters syn på arbetstidsförkortning : En kvalitativ studie om hur sex representanter för svenska arbetsmarknadens parter ser på arbetstidsförkortning / Social partners view the labor marketHedin, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie har gjorts för att se hur sex representanter för arbetsmarknadens parter ser på arbetstidsförkortning och vilka värderingar som ligger till grund för deras synsätt men även synen på arbetstidsförkortning i relation till förslitningsskador, arbetslöshet, medlemmarnas preferenser samt den ekologiska hållbarheten. Tidigare forskning som har gjorts kring arbetstidsförkortning visar på att majoriteten av arbetstagarna vill ha arbetstidsförkortning hellre än högre lön. Men även arbetstidsförkortning i relation till den ekologiska hållbarheten tar forskarna upp som en viktig del. Flera av forskarna menar på att arbetstidsförkortning genererar välmående hos individen samt att livspusslet är något som underlättas för individen med kortare arbetstid. Intervjuer har gjort med Svenskt Näringsliv, Tjänstemannaorganisationen samt Landsorganisationen. Vidare även med Unionen och Teknikföretagarna på central nivå samt IF Metall på lokal nivå. Uppsatsens teorier är teorin om instrumentella rationalismen, teorin om den kommunikativa rationalismen, konflikt och maktresursteorin samt teorin om spårbundenheten. Resultat har visat på att representanterna för arbetsmarknadens parter strider för sina medlemmars intresse vilka vill ha högre lön och inte kortare arbetstid, något som står i kontrast till tidigare forskning. Om medlemmarna velat ha kortare arbetstid hade parterna förhandlat om det, menar representanterna. Resultatet visar även att arbetsmarknadens parter inte anser att arbetstidsförkortning skulle vara till hjälp vid förslitningsskador eller arbetslöshet som de istället anser kan lösas på andra vis. Den ekologiska hållbarheten var något parterna inte ansåg låg på deras bord, men vid personliga svar hade representanterna åsikter om den ekologiska hållbarheten. Uppsatsens resultat diskuteras i diskussionsdelen. / This study has been conducted to see how six representatives of the social partners look at working hours shortening and the values that underpin their approach, but also the view of working time shortening in relation to wear and tear, unemployment, members' preferences and ecological sustainability. Previous research that has been done about working time shortening shows that the majority of employees want a shortage of working hours rather than higher pay. But also the reduction of working time in relation to ecological sustainability takes the researchers as an important part. Several researchers argue that working time shortening generates well-being in the individual and that the life expectancy is something that is facilitated for the individual with shorter working hours. Interviews have been conducted with the Swedish Enterprise, Officials and the National Organization, but also the Union and Technology companies at central level and IF Metall at local level. The theories of the essay are the theory of instrumental rationalism, the theory of communicative rationalism, conflict and power theory and the theory of traceability. Results have shown that the social partners 'representatives are fighting for their members' interests, who want higher pay and no shorter working hours, which contrasts with previous research. If the members wanted shorter working hours, the parties had negotiated it, the representatives said. Results have shown that the social partners 'representatives are fighting for their members' interests who want higher pay and no shorter working hours, which contrasts with previous research. If the members had a shorter working time, the parties had negotiated it, the representatives said. Resultatet also shows that the social partners do not consider that reduction in working hours would be helpful in the event of wear and tear injury or unemployment which they instead consider to be solved in other ways. he ecological sustainability where any parties were not considered lay on their tables, but in personal responses, representatives had opinions about ecological sustainability. The result of the study is discussed in the discussion section
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Riktlinjer för styrning av gastryck vid gasatomisering samt kartläggning av pulveregenskaperSöderlind, Andreas, Forsström, August January 2016 (has links)
High quality powder steel is manufactured through gas atomization at Erasteel Kloster AB in Söderfors. During their batches they have a problem with varying weight of capsules which can cause problems with bending capsules and unreliable exchange. Bent capsules risk damaging the equipment and cannot be used.The work was performed with the purpose to investigate the source for varying weights of capsules during batches and with the goal to account for a solution on how the varying capsule weights can be reduced.Powder samples were taken during five batches aiming to investigate the cause for varying capsule weights. The powders characteristics were analyzed with different methods which presented the powders size distribution, fill density, tap density and flowability. The Lubanska equation which calculates powders mean diameter was simplified and adjusted for the Erasteel plant with the intention to control gas pressure depending on the metal flow rate.Analyzes showed that the powder size distribution was changing during every batch. The amount of larger particles decreased more than the amount of small particles increased meanwhile the width of the powders size distribution decreased. This gave the largest width of size distribution half-way into the batch and the highest capsule weights were obtained at this moment.The simplified equation was applied to the moment when highest capsule weights was obtained and gave guidelines on how the gas pressure should be controlled to achieve similar size distribution. Further analyzes showed that the metal flow rate was proportional to the gas temperature due to it is measured after being in contact the melt stream.Since the equation was simplified and verified on five batches more tests needs to be extracted. It needs to be done not only to get a more reliable equation but also for an opportunity to test it in practice. With samples collected from more batches, there is a possibility to control the gas pressure with gas temperature and an automatic control of the gas pressure could be performed. / På Erasteel Kloster AB i Söderfors tillverkas högkvalitativt pulverstål genom gasatomisering. De har ibland under deras körningar problem med varierande kapselvikter vilket kan ge problem med att kapslar veckas vid komprimering samt opålitligt utbyte. Veckade kapslar riskerar att skada komprimeringsutrustningen samtidigt som kapseln måste skrotas. Arbetet utfördes i syftet att undersöka orsaken till varför kapselvikterna varierar under chargerna och med målet att redogöra för hur variationerna på kapselvikterna kan minskas. Under fem körningar togs pulverprover ut för att undersöka orsaken till varför kapselvikterna varierar. Pulvrets egenskaper analyserades med olika metoder vilka gav pulvrets storleksfördelning, fylldensitet, skakdensitet samt flytbarhet. Den Lubanska ekvationen för att beräkna pulvers medeldiameter vid gasatomisering förenklades och anpassades till Erasteels anläggning för att anpassa gastryck efter metallflöde. Analysen visade att pulvrets storleksfördelning förändrades under samtliga körningar. Mängden stora pulverkorn minskade mer än vad mängden små pulverkorn ökade under atomiseringen. Detta medförde att den största variationen av stora och små pulverkorn var halvvägs in i chargen och vid denna tidpunkt erhölls även de högsta kapselvikterna. Den förenklade ekvationen gav, med hjälp av tidpunkten då kapselvikterna var som högst, riktlinjer för hur gastrycket bör styras för att uppnå liknande storleksfördelning. Ytterligare analyser visade att gastemperaturen var proportionellt mot metallflödet, då temperaturen mättes efter att gasen varit i kontakt med det rinnande stålet. Eftersom den tillämpade ekvationen förenklades och verifierades mot endast fem körningar borde fler tester utföras. Detta för att ge en mer tillförlitlig styrning samt möjligheten att testa ekvationens riktlinjer i praktiken. Med provuttag under flera charger finns möjligheten att styra gastryck mot gastemperatur och med hjälp av detta skapa en automatiserad styrning.
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Anställningsintervjuns betydelse i rekryteringsprocessenFernström Winberg, Karin, Hildingsson, Lisa January 2005 (has links)
I arbetslivet blir det mer och mer viktigt att företag och organisationer rekryterar rätt person. Den nyrekryterade måste ha rätt kompetens och samtidigt vara den person som passar in i företagets kultur. I det här arbetet har vi behandlat rekryteringsprocessen med inriktning mot anställningsintervjun. Uppsatsens syfte är att belysa rekryterares syn på anställningsintervjun och dess betydelse i rekryteringsprocessen. För att kunna besvara vårt syfte har vi valt att göra kvalitativa intervjuer med fem rekryterare. I vår studie beskrivs rekryteringsprocessen och anställningsintervjun ur rekryterarnas perspektiv. I intervjumanualen finns frågor om hela rekryteringsprocessen för att kunna sätta in anställningsintervjun i sitt sammanhang och ge en bild av dess betydelse. Frågeställningar som studien bygger på är: hur genomförs rekryteringsprocessen, hur genomförs anställningsintervjun för att få fram relevant information om den sökande samt vilken typ av information söker rekryteraren i anställningsintervjun och varför är den viktig. I vårt resultat har vi kommit fram till att rekryterarna har i stort sett samma syn på rekryteringsprocessen och anställningsintervjuerna. Samtliga rekryterare genomför alltid någon form av anställningsintervju och intervjun är en viktig del av rekryteringsprocessen. I vår studie har vi sett att rekryteringsprocessen följer i stort sett samma mönster: arbetsanalys, annonsering, urval, intervju, eventuellt olika tester och referenstagande. Anställningsintervjuerna genomförs ofta som panelintervjuer och den sökande får svara på nutids/dåtidsinriktade frågor. Rekryterarna söker information om den sökandes personliga egenskaper, sociala situation och i viss mån kompetens. Rekryterarna vill förvissa sig om att den potentiella medarbetaren ska passa in i arbetsgruppen och organisationen.
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Knowledge-Based Integrated Aircraft Design : An Applied Approach from Design to Concept DemonstrationMunjulury, Raghu Chaitanya January 2017 (has links)
The design and development of new aircraft are becoming increasingly expensive and timeconsuming. To assist the design process in reducing the development cost, time, and late design changes, the conceptual design needs enhancement using new tools and methods. Integration of several disciplines in the conceptual design as one entity enables to keep the design process intact at every step and obtain a high understanding of the aircraft concepts at early stages. This thesis presents a Knowledge-Based Engineering (KBE) approach and integration of several disciplines in a holistic approach for use in aircraft conceptual design. KBE allows the reuse of obtained aircrafts’ data, information, and knowledge to gain more awareness and a better understanding of the concept under consideration at early stages of design. For this purpose, Knowledge-Based (KB) methodologies are investigated for enhanced geometrical representation and enable variable fidelity tools and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO). The geometry parameterization techniques are qualitative approaches that produce quantitative results in terms of both robustness and flexibility of the design parameterization. The information/parameters from all tools/disciplines and the design intent of the generated concepts are saved and shared via a central database. The integrated framework facilitates multi-fidelity analysis, combining low-fidelity models with high-fidelity models for a quick estimation, enabling a rapid analysis and enhancing the time for a MDO process. The geometry is further propagated to other disciplines [Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Finite Element Analysis (FEA)] for analysis. This is possible with an automated streamlined process (for CFD, FEM, system simulation) to analyze and increase knowledge early in the design process. Several processes were studied to streamline the geometry for CFD. Two working practices, one for parametric geometry and another for KB geometry are presented for automatic mesh generation. It is observed that analytical methods provide quicker weight estimation of the design and when coupled with KBE provide a better understanding. Integration of 1-D and 3-D models offers the best of both models: faster simulation, and superior geometrical representation. To validate both the framework and concepts generated from the tools, they are implemented in academia in several courses at Linköping University and in industry
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Analys av tidsbestämt förebyggande underhåll : Jämförelse av underhåll baserat på kalenderdagar eller drifttiderNancke, Jonas, Hassel, Mikael January 2017 (has links)
Moderna tillverkningssystem består vanligen av automatiserade och flexibla maskiner som opererar under höga hastigheter och bidrar till en mer flexibel och effektiv produktion (Savsar, 2006). Samtidigt som maskiner utrustning blir allt mer teknologiskt avancerade blir de också mer komplexa och svårare att kontrollera vilket ökar betydelsen av underhåll och underhållsrelaterade aktiviteter (Savsar, 2006). Att ha en tydlig underhållsstrategi är betydande då underhåll påverkar driftsäkerhet, kvalitet, direkta och indirekta kostnader i verksamheten (Wang, et al., 2007). Underhållsstrategier definieras som uppsättningen av olika underhållsåtgärder och den generella strukturen av hur dessa åtgärder är sammansatta (Pintelon, et al., 1999). Denna studie är utförd på Volvo Construction Equipment Operations i Eskilstuna. Fallföretagets fabrik är utrustad med varierande maskiner med olika tillförlitlighetskrav, säkerhetsnivåer och feleffekter. Underhållsstrategin som används på fallföretaget är idag främst avhjälpande underhåll och tidsbestämt kalenderstyrt förebyggande underhåll. Creehan (2005) förklarar att det enligt grundläggande statistiska koncept är lämpligt att påstå att det finns två fundamentala fel inom ett underhållssystem. Sannolikheten att förebyggande underhållsaktiviteter utförs i onödan samt sannolikheten att fel förekommer mellan korrekt utförda förebyggande underhållsaktiviteter. Denna studie syftar till att utreda ett tidsbestämt förebyggande underhåll och jämföra för och nackdelar med intervaller baserat på kalenderdagar eller drifttider. Frågor som ställts är vilka strategier som finns och när tidsbestämt underhåll är att föredra, för och nackdelar med att basera förebyggande underhåll på kalenderdagar och drifttider. Resultatet visar på att det finns en variation i drifttider mellan maskiner på fallföretaget samt att det är främst drifttiden som påverkar slitage av komponenter. Det innebär att maskiner är i behov av underhåll vid olika tidpunkter. För att minska sannolikheten för att underhåll utförs för ofta eller sällan bör drifttider tas med utformningen av underhållsstrategi. Studien har avgränsats till ett fallföretag och en produktionscell med fyra bearbetande maskiner.
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Framtagande av dynamiskt VSM-verktyg : Ett utvecklingsarbete hos ABB RoboticsSahlander, Roland January 2017 (has links)
ABSTRACT Introduction and purpose Development of a VSM tool has been done by performing experimental field work at ABB Robotics, a company that mass produces industrial robots and associated accessories. The tool development, the primary part of the project, mainly puts focus on production aspects. Furthermore, it has been centered on plant layouts of the product layout kind (production line). The purpose of the development is to create a tailored VSM tool that auto generates a foundation for value stream maps based on calculations and possibly simple simulation. The purpose is broken down into two questions where concrete problems can be illustrated: A) How should the VSM tool plainly signal capacity vs. demand, time balances in production and the ratio between value and non-value adding aspects as well as intuitively promote knowledge and in a simple and fast manner be applicable to different kinds of production lines? B) Which constraints are placed on the potential of the VSM tool due to the current situation of the company, how does this contradict the main principles of VSM and how can the company work to maximize the tool´s potential in the future? Methodology and knowledge The development which is characterized by continuous counseling and feedback with the internal mentor is mainly based on laboratory work in Excel. In addition, the work has also involved the making of a user guide as well as an adjustable function for indicating production effects with colors. An evaluation of the tool and the user guide has also been made, which mainly is supported by a test run with the internal mentor and the nature of the methodology. The knowledge that the development uses as its footing mainly involves process- and value stream maps from the company, discussions with company personnel, self-performed laboratory work and theory from Rother and Shooks book “Lära sig se” (2005) and Drew. A. Locher´s book “Value Stream Mapping for Lean Development” (2008). Results The VSM tool manages, in a relevant way, to factor in all aspects that can be interpreted using a typical value stream map. In addition it also provides the following: balances between workstations and production lines, suggestions for amount of WIP between these, simple simulation of WIP between these, disturbance aspects, three total times; manufacturing lead time, inventory time and value adding time as well as a graphic illustration over production courses. The results are considered to fulfill the purpose of the project. Conclusion and future meaning The development results in a hybrid solution of sorts, a tool that exists somewhere in-between the typical draw-by-hand VSM work and simulation software. Its advantage is that it combines VSM theory with intuitive, swift and practical usage, which goes well in hand with today´s fluctuating conditions where time pressure of different kinds are present. The drawback is that the concept as a whole requires complementing in the form of Lean knowledge and gemba observations. Furthermore, there are implications associated with some types of parallel production and editing of the tool, which is to be addressed before implementation. In order to fully utilize the tool, the company also has to examine production times and make a minor adjustment to the process of collecting disturbance data. Three suggestions for the future are given; to study availability, transport aspects and the measuring of production times.
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Partsrelationer vid nedläggningar av produktionsenheter / Union-management relations during plant closuresRydell, Alexis January 2015 (has links)
Nedläggningar är en återkommande företeelse på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. I föreliggande avhandling av Alexis Rydell ligger fokus på relationerna mellan ledning och arbetstagarorganisationer under nedläggningsprocesser. Ett nedläggningsbeslut skapar spänning mellan parterna, inte minst eftersom nedläggningsbeslutet ofta innebär negativa konsekvenser för de anställda. Avhandlingen visar hur olika förhållningssätt mellan parterna kan skapa olika förutsättningar för att reducera spänningen och mildra de negativa konsekvenserna. Utifrån fallstudier identifieras nyckelfaktorer för partssamverkan och hur konstruktiva lösningar kan möjliggöras under processen. Dessutom analyseras vilka kontextuella faktorer som påverkar processen och dess potentiella inverkan på utfallen. Avslutningsvis presenteras ett förslag till modell för partsrelationer i nedläggningar. / The main topic of this thesis is union-management relations during plant closures. The thesis includes five papers. The first paper is based on a case study that illustrates how management and unions can exchange numerical flexibility with social responsibility to create favorable solutions. This is called a “local flexicurity model in restructuring processes.” The second paper is based on multiple case studies and stresses the importance of longer transition periods that include active Human Resource Management (HRM) efforts toward the local community, which are labeled as “outreach HRM.” The benefit of a longer transition period is that it gives employees, unions and local communities time to plan activities that may mitigate the adverse effects of the closure. The third paper addresses the dynamics of the local labor market and jobseekers’ willingness to commute to work, showing how socio-economic factors affect an individual’s willingness to commute. This implies that socio-economic factors may affect the ability to reconnect to new employment. The fourth paper is based on two case studies. It develops a typology of patterns in union-management relations, which is described as coordination and separation, and it reveals five key factors that contribute to creating the different patterns. It also shows how tension between management and labor can be reduced. The fifth paper is an international comparative study of Sweden and Australia. The paper deals with institutional differences with regard to how mass redundancies and plant closures are handled. Regulations that facilitate the voice of the union and employees are critically examined and illustrated through cases from both countries. Partly based on the five papers, the thesis proposes a model that addresses union-management relations in plant closures. The model takes context, process and outcomes into account. Finally, it discusses recommendations for further research.
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