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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Work Strategies And Experiences Of The Wave Of 1989 Immigrants From Bulgaria Settled In Ankara

Karakilic, Ilhan Zeynep 01 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study focuses on the work strategies of 1989 immigrants who had to move from Bulgaria to Turkey and settled in Ankara. During this immigratio wave, nearly 150,000 people immigrated to Turkey and settled permanently. In this study, the operational definition of the immigrant work strategy is the activities and the attitudes that the immigrants take to find and maintain thier first jobs, immediately after immigration. To learn about the work strategies of the immigrants, I conducted a field research which was based on semi-structured in depth interviews. In my sample, there are fifteen women and fifteen men who have work experience both in Bulgaria and Turkey. During the field research, i asked the respondents questions about their immigration ad settlement processes, their working lives, both in Bulgaria and Turkey and their perceptions about working. Theni to interpret this data, I employ three approaches from the international migration literature: migration system approach, political approach and network aapproach with some important concepts like social capital and work ethic and I tried to connect them with work strategies of the immigrants. As a result of this study, it is suggested that to improve their standards of living, the immigrants developed a work strategy with two main steps: finding a job and maintaining this job. Immigrants follow different patterns in these two steps. While they are trying to find a job, they benefit from existing immigrants&#039 / networks which are products continous immigration waves from Bulgaria to Turkey and Turkish state&#039 / s provisions which are for the accomadation of the immigrants who are privileged in the eyes of the state due to their ethnicity and religion. As a second step of the work strategy, they maintain these jobs with the help of work ethic they gained in Bulgaria and their ignorance about the operation of Turkish labour market. With these characteristics they are distinguished among the non-immigrant workers. The narratives which are widely told by the immigrants and shared by the employers and other employees enviably also emphasize how hardworking they are, how loyal they are to their job, to their employers and to their country and strenthen the immigrants&#039 / position in the labour market.

Stötta varandra för att kunna stötta andra : En socialpsykologisk studie om socialsekreterares upplevelse av sin arbetssituation

Mogren, Lisa, Gacanin, Arabela January 2015 (has links)
Socialsekreterare är en yrkesgrupp med stora påfrestningar emotionellt och ärendemässigt. Enligt tidigare studier har belastningen på socialsekreterare de senaste tio åren ökat. Syftet med denna studie är att få en ökad förståelse för hur socialsekreterare upplever sin arbetssituation. Utifrån ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv belyses vilka emotioner som uppkommer i arbetet och hur socialsekreterare hanterar dessa samt vilken betydelse socialt stöd har för hur de uppfattar sin arbetssituation. Studien bygger på en sammansatt metod bestående av kvalitativa intervjuer och textanalys. De fem socialsekreterare som intervjuats arbetar inom socialtjänstens barn- och ungdomsavdelning. Analysen är utförd utifrån fyra teman: emotioner och emotionellt arbete, yrkesroll och yrkesidentitet, sociala relationer, socialt stöd och responsivitet samt byråkrati. Förutom analys av materialet från intervjuundersökningen analyseras en debattartikel av Pia Tham från DN debatt och tre repliker på denna. I resultatet framkommer att stöd från chefer och kollegor är avgörande för att uppleva sin arbetssituation som hanterbar och arbetet som positivt. Socialsekreterare som känner ett gott socialt stöd på arbetsplatsen mår bra i sitt arbete och känner yrkesstolthet medan de som inte upplever tillräckligt socialt stöd upplever mer negativ stress, uttrycker hälsoproblem och vill lämna sitt arbete. / Social workers are a professional group of workers that deal with emotional strains on a daily basis. According to previous studies the workload of social workers has increased within the last ten years. The aim of this study is to increase the understanding of how social workers perceive their work situation. Based from a hermeneutic perspective, the emotions that appear in the workfield and how social workers handle those emotions are highlighted, as well as the importance social support has on how they perceive their work situation. A mixed method consisting qualitative interviewes  and text analysis is used. The five social workers that are interwiewed are working within the children social services and youth department. The analysis is based on four themes; emotions and emotional work, professional role and professional identity, social relations, social support and responsivity, and finaly bureaucracy. In addition to analysing the material from the interwiews a debate article of Pia Tham from DN debatt has been analysed as well as three replications of this article. The result reveals that support of managers and colleagues  is essential for social workers to percieve their work situation as manageable and work as positive. Social workers who experience strong social support in their workfield feel good and useful about their job, and they look up to their profession with pride, while on the other hand, those that do not experience a proper social support feel more of the negative stress, express more health problems and wants to leave their work.

Arbetslinjens hegemoni : En diskursanalys / The Hegemonic New Work Strategy : A discourse analysis

Magnusson, Amanda, Larsson, Linda January 2020 (has links)
When analysing what the concept of work has meant historically in Sweden, acomplex image of shifting meanings emerge. Labour has been given meaning andvalue to the individual as a tool of empowerment and self-reliance and to society asa way of financing the welfare state. There has also been a conflict in how to besthandle those who fall outside of the norm of labour. The history of the SwedishNew Work Strategy is a history of conflict regarding whose responsibility it is toensure the wealth and wellbeing of the persons in unemployment or on sick leave:the state, or the individual. In this study, we use Carol Bacchi’s (2009) method fordiscourse analysis to critically analyse how labour, unemployment and sick leaveis represented in documents from two governmental agencies with close ties to boththe state, the labour market, and the individual. We conclude that the currentdiscourse surrounding labour, unemployment and sick leave is centred around theNew Work Strategy and the norm of labour. The individual is categorised as apassive recipient of the governmental agencies’ programmes. The individual isrepresented as needing to be disciplined and controlled, shaped, and conformed tothe ideal of being employable and having the ability to work full time. The goals ofthe governmental agencies are represented to be minimising the usage of sick leavebenefits or unemployment benefits. Labour is also portrayed in the documents asthe only way of financing the welfare state, and as the foremost solution to socialexclusion. Analysing how problems with unemployment and sick leave isrepresented leads to realising that the language we use may construct and constrictthe way we as individuals and as social workers understand social problems. Thiscreates possibilities of thinking differently about what social problems arerepresented to be and how best to handle them.

Формирование процедуры сопровождения банкротства клиентов крупного бизнеса в контексте минимизации проблемной задолженности в банке : магистерская диссертация / Formation of the procedure for bankruptcy support for large business clients in the context of minimizing bank`s problem debts

Маркова, Ю. А., Markova, Y. A. January 2024 (has links)
В исследовании систематизирован понятийный аппарат «проблемной задолженности», даны предложения по улучшению процесса сопровождения взыскания задолженности по кредитам организаций, в отношении которых инициировано банкротство или которые находятся в процессе банкротства, путем раннего выявления проблемных активов и принятия мер по оптимальному удовлетворению требований банка. Предложенные автором рекомендации позволят снизить кредитные риски в виде просроченной задолженности и увеличить размер взыскиваемой задолженности в рамках банкротства. / The study systematizes the conceptual apparatus of “problem debt”, provides proposals for improving the process of supporting the collection of debt on loans through early identification of problem assets and taking measures to optimally satisfy the bank’s requirements. The recommendations will reduce credit risks in the form of overdue debt and increase the amount of debt collected under bankruptcy.

Être leader : tensions, stratégies et dynamiques au cœur du travail identitaire

Geinoz, Lara 06 1900 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat présenté en vue de l'obtention du doctorat en psychologie - recherche intervention, option psychologie du travail et des organisations (Ph.D) / Les gestionnaires d’aujourd’hui sont constamment exposés à des discours sur le leadership qui leur demandent d’être des leaders. Mais qu’est-ce que signifie être un leader ? Plus que jamais, la notion même du leader est ambiguë. La complexité grandissante des environnements organisationnels fait en sorte qu’elle est sujette à de multiples interprétations. En réponse à cette ambiguïté, un nombre croissant d’études tente de se rapprocher de l’expérience vécue des gestionnaires pour mieux comprendre comment ils s’y prennent pour répondre à la question : Qui suis-je en tant que leader ? Dans leur ensemble, ces études suggèrent qu’un travail identitaire en continu soit nécessaire pour développer et maintenir une identité de leader. Cela dit, à ce jour, les études se sont principalement intéressées aux contextes de transition. Par conséquent, nous en savons peu sur le travail identitaire que font les gestionnaires dans leur contexte usuel de travail. La présente thèse explore donc la question suivante : Comment les gestionnaires en position de leadership s’engagent-ils dans un travail identitaire face à la notion de leader ? La thèse a pour objectif d’explorer et d’approfondir cette question en s’intéressant au travail identitaire de 12 gestionnaires issus de différents types de milieux organisationnels. Un devis qualitatif a été utilisé pour explorer leur expérience subjective. Une méthode d’analyse abductive basée sur l’analyse thématique réflexive proposée par Braun et Clarke a été utilisée. Cinq grands résultats ressortent de cette thèse. L’analyse a mis en lumière que les leaders peuvent ressentir trois types de tensions identitaires : 1) une incompatibilité entre deux de leurs idéaux identitaires de leader, 2) une divergence entre leur identité de rôle de leader et les attentes organisationnelles y étant rattachées et 3) une incompatibilité entre leur identité de leader et une autre de leur identité. L’analyse des idéaux identitaires a notamment mis en lumière que les leaders se retrouvent à cheval entre deux paradigmes de leadership. Cela en aspirant à des idéaux du paradigme post-héroïque qui conçoit le leadership comme un processus d’influence partagé et bidirectionnel ; tout en aspirant à des idéaux du paradigme héroïque qui conçoit le leader comme la principale source d’influence. Les identités et aspirations identitaires conflictuelles amènent les leaders à faire appel à diverses stratégies pour tenter de gérer les tensions ressenties. Afin d’en rendre compte avec parcimonie, une typologie schématisée de 16 stratégies de travail identitaire a été créée en s’appuyant sur la littérature. La mise en relation des différentes tensions et stratégies a permis de faire ressortir cinq dynamiques intégratrices qui synthétisent le travail identitaire que font les leaders de l’étude. Ce travail intégrateur a également permis de formuler des propositions théoriques quant au lien entre l’interprétation des tensions comme des menaces ou opportunités et le type de dynamiques identitaires dans lesquelles les leaders s’engagent. Ces résultats offrent des contributions théoriques à la littérature générale sur le travail identitaire ainsi qu’à la littérature sur le travail identitaire des leaders, plus spécifiquement la théorie de la construction de l’identité de leader, la théorie de l’identité narrative, la théorie critique et la théorie de l’identité de rôle. Finalement, la thèse offre des contributions pratiques quant aux formules pédagogiques entourant le développement des leaders. / Managers today are constantly exposed to leadership discourses that ask them to be leaders. But what does it mean to be a leader? More than ever, the very notion of a leader is ambiguous. As the complexity of organizational environments grows, so too does the multiple interpretations of the concept of leader. In response to this ambiguity, a growing number of studies are trying to get closer to the lived experience of managers to better understand how they go about answering the question: Who am I as a leader? Taken together, these studies suggest that ongoing identity work is necessary to develop and maintain a leadership identity. That said, to date, studies have mainly focused on transitional contexts. Consequently, we know little about the identity work that managers do in their usual work context. This thesis therefore explores the following question: How do managers in a leadership position engage in identity work in the face of the notion of leader? It aims to deepen this question by focusing on the identity work of 12 managers from different types of organizational backgrounds. A qualitative design was used to explore their subjective experience. An abductive analysis method based on the reflexive thematic analysis proposed by Braun and Clarke was used. Five main results emerge from this thesis. The analysis highlighted that leaders can experience three types of identity tensions: 1) an incompatibility between two of their leader identity ideals, 2) a divergence between their leader role identity and the organizational expectations attached to it, and 3) an incompatibility between their leader identity and another of their identities. The analysis of identity ideals has highlighted that leaders find themselves straddling two paradigms of leadership. This by aspiring to ideals of the post-heroic paradigm which sees leadership as a shared, two-way process of influence; while aspiring to ideals of the heroic paradigm which sees the leader as the main source of influence. Conflicting identities and identity aspirations lead leaders to use various strategies to try to resolve the tensions they feel. Building on existing literature and the result of this study, a schematic typology of sixteen identity work strategies was created. The linking of the different tensions and strategies has helped identify five integrative dynamics that synthesize the identity work in which the leaders engaged. This integrative work has also allowed to formulate theoretical proposals regarding the link between the interpretation of tensions as threats or opportunities and the type of identity dynamics in which the leaders engage. These results offer theoretical contributions to the general literature on identity work as well as to the literature on leader identity work, more specifically on leadership identity construction theory, narrative identity theory, critical theory and role identity theory. Finally, the thesis offers practical contributions regarding the pedagogical formulas surrounding the development of leaders.

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