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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anställningstypens betydelse för arbetsmotivationen : Självbestämd och icke självbestämd arbetsmotivation hos sjuksköterskor anställda av vårdgivare respektive bemanningsföretag / Types of Employment and Their Influence on Work Motivation : Self-Determined and Nonself-Determined Work Motivation Among Nurses Employed by Health Care Providers or Contract Employment Agencies

Mård, Olof, Sandberg, Jan-Henrik January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka graden och arten arbetsmotivation hos direktanställda och bemanningsanställda sjuksköterskor utifrån Self-Determination Theory. Data inhämtades genom en webbenkät som distribuerades till respondenterna genom e-post och sociala medier. Totalt inkom 384 svar. Arbetsmotivationen mättes genom mätverktyget WEIMS (Work Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Scale). En mixad ANOVA användes för att analysera data. Resultatet visade att bemanningsanställda sjuksköterskor hade högre arbetsmotivation än vad direktanställda sjuksköterskor hade. Detta överensstämde inte med hypotes 1. Resultatet visade att både direktanställda och bemanningsanställda sjuksköterskor hade högre självbestämd än icke självbestämd arbetsmotivation. Det överensstämde inte med hypotes 2. Då datainsamlingsfasen erbjöd vissa problem med att upptäcka och utesluta störande variabler, som till exempel sjuksköterskornas yrkesinriktning, kan det vara motiverat att replikera studien med bättre kontroll över dessa faktorer. / The aim of this study was to investigate the strength and type of work motivation among regular and contractual nurses using Self-Determination Theory. Data was collected through a web-based questionnaire which was distributed to the respondents through email and social media. Altogether 384 respondents replied. Work motivation was measured using WEIMS (Work Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Scale). Data was analyzed using a mixed-design ANOVA. The result showed that contractual nurses had higher work motivation compared to regular nurses. This was not in line with hypothesis 1. The result showed that both regular and contractual nurses had higher self-determined than nonself-determined work motivation. This was not in line with hypothesis 2. Due to some problems with the collection of data concerning the discovery and extinction of confounding variables, such as nurses’ professional orientation, it could be motivated to replicate the study under better control over those factors.

Upplevd jämställdhet och samband med arbetsmotivation : Den upplevda jämställdhetens betydelse för arbetsmotivation hos kvinnor och män på en mansdominerad organisation

Ivares Dahlgren, Alva, Koebe Gustafsson, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Sverige är Europas mest jämställda land. Däremot anser männen i större utsträckning än kvinnorna att vi lever i ett jämställt samhälle. Den föreliggande studien genomfördes för att undersöka könsskillnader i upplevd jämställdhet i en arbets- och organisationskontext. Studien syftade även till att undersöka samband mellan upplevd jämställdhet och arbetsmotivation. Datainsamlingen genomfördes via en webbenkät vilken besvarades av 60 deltagare. Resultatet visade ingen skillnad i upplevd jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män. Vidare visade resultatet att graden av jämställdhet förklarade 22 procent av arbetsmotivationen hos kvinnorna och 19 procent hos männen. / Sweden is Europe's most gender-equal country. On the other hand, men to a greater extent than women believe that we live in an equal society. The present study was conducted to investigate gender differences in perceived gender equality in a work and organizational context. The study also aimed to investigate the relationship between perceived gender equality and work motivation. The data collection was carried out via an online questionnaire which was answered by 60 participants. The results showed no difference in perceived equality between women and men. Furthermore, the results showed that the degree of gender equality explained 22 percent of the work motivation for women and 19 percent for men.

Medarbetarens uppfattning av arbetsmotivation

Stockhaus, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
Arbetsmotivation kan beskrivas som ett övergripande samlingsnamn för de faktorer som framkallar, formar och driver en människa mot olika mål i arbetet. Det finns fördelar med en hög arbetsmotivation och en eventuell relation till produktivitet har ofta legat i fokus. Detta har gjorts för att gynna företag och deras tillväxt. Tidigare forskning visar dock inte enbart på detta utan också på att en hög arbetsmotivation kan ge positiva effekter hos medarbetaren, bland annat en förbättrad hälsa samt minskad upplevelse av stress. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka gruppträningsinstruktörers uppfattning av arbetsmotivation. Fokus har legat på de faktorer som påverkar medarbetarens arbetsmotivation samt arbetsmotivationens relation till stress. Information samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med anställda gruppträningsinstruktörer. Data samanställdes och analyserades med tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att faktorer som feedback, relationer på arbetsplatsen, arbetets meningsfullhet samt kompetens och intresse bidrog till ökad arbetsmotivation. Utöver detta visar resultatet på att en hög arbetsmotivation upplevs som ett visst skydd mot arbetsrelaterad stress. Dock framkom det även att ytterligare faktorer var nödvändiga för att uppnå lägsta möjliga nivå av stress. / Work motivation can be described as a collective name for the factors that develop, molds and drive man against various goals at the workplace. There are advantages with a high work motivation but the focus has previously often been on an eventual increase in productivity. This has been done with the aim to promote companies and their growth. However, this is not the only result in previous research and positive effects of work motivation on the employees themselves have been reported, for example, improved health and a decrease in perceived stress. The purpose of this study is to explore group fitness instructors views on work motivation. The focus have been directed to the factors that affect employees work motivation and the relation of work motivation to stress. Information was collected in semi-structured interviews with employed group fitness instructors. The data was compiled and then analyzed with thematic analysis. The result shows that factors as feedback, relations in the workplace, job satisfaction, expertise and interest contributed to increased work motivation. In addition to this the results show that high work motivation is perceived to give some protection against work-related stress. However, it was shown that additional factors were needed to achieve lowest possible level of stress.

Srovnání vlivu obohacování práce na pracovní motivaci pracovníků v závislosti na stupni dosaženého vzdělání / Comparison of the Impact of Job Enrichment on the Work Motivation of Workers Depending on the Level of Their Education

Paulová, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
In my diploma thesis I describe problems of the job enrichment considering the impact of job enrichment and its factors on the work motivation of workers depending on the level of their education. I present attitudes to job enrichment and I explain the psychological background of the job enrichment. I introduce the basics motivation theories, which impact the job enrichment attitudes. Based on the research survey madden, I analyze and compare the impact of job enrichment and its factors on the work motivation of workers depending on the level of their education. The objective of this work is to supplement existing knowledge of the relation between the job enrichment and the work motivation of workers depending on the level of their education. The thesis has a form of the empirical study. Key words: Job enrichment, work motivation

Angažovanost zaměstnanců / Employee Engagement

Štillerová, Aneta January 2012 (has links)
Employee engagement is a recent work attitude that was introduced among practitioners in the 90's of last century. Academic researchers accepted this new concept reservedly and discuss the actual contribution of the term to the work motivation theory. There can be identified several different approaches toward defining the term in the academic literature. Yet there is no general agreement on one single approach. At the same time the concept is a subject to objections, that it brings nothing new and extra above the existing work concepts, especially work satisfaction and organizational commitment. In my thesis I set myself an objective to answer a question whether the concept of employee engagement introduces new aspects of strong identification and activation to the work motivation theory. In the second chapter I compare employee engagement to the established work attitudes, namely to work satisfaction, organizational commitment, job involvement and organizational citizenship behaviour. By compilation of theoretical resources I demonstrate that employee engagement is distinct from the other work attitudes by its strong degree of employee identification and activation. Afterwards I define engagement on its own and strive for systematic classification of its concepts. Via compilation of theoretical...

Att motivera en arbetstagare -En jämförande fallstudie om arbetsmotivation inom två vinstdrivande organisationer

Karlsson, Linn, Norlin, Emil January 2018 (has links)
Today's society is on several levels dependent on organizations and their maintaining of work and production which demands that people can find motivation to do tasks within their workrole. This study will examine how employees in for-profit organizations is motivated to fulfill their working tasks. The purpose of this study will be answered partly by examining how employees experience motivation but also adding how employers perceive the experienced motivation. This is a qualitative comparative case-study which in addition to the central purpose also answers if there are differences and similarities about work motivation between an organization within the public and private sector. The study proceeds from several themes which is based on previous research and theory and uses a theoretical framework “intrinsic and extrinsic motivation” to delimit the study. The results shows that work motivation is something subjective and that both intrinsic and extrinsic factors affect motivation in different ways. The themes that were chosen proved to be of importance although the study illuminate that they affect people in different ways in various situations. The results of this study proved that there were many similarities between the public and private sector in what motivates employees.

Framtidens sjuksköterskor : En kvantitativ studie om vad sjuksköterskestudenter värderar som viktigt hos framtida arbetsgivare

Wedin, Tove, Wiskirchen, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
The Swedish labour market is facing major challenges with regard to supply of skilled staff and recruitment of new employees. This concerns especially the welfare sector where an important group to attract is nurses. The purpose of this study is to elucidate what factors students in the nursing program at Umeå University value as important in future employers.The results from this study could be of value for the organisations to take into account; also,for employer branding. To find this out, an internet-based questionnaire was sent out via email to the nursing students attending semester 4–6. Based on the answers received, it is shown that the nursing students at Umeå University value social work environment, a high salary and good leadership as the three most important in future employment. High wages were equally valued between the genders but all the other areas where more highly valued by women. This study shows similarities to previous research within the field and how it looks today in the nursing profession, that is the soft and post-materialistic values where highly valued. What contradicts,and even makes this study unique, is that the nursing students also valued the materialistic values a safe and secure employment and a high salary as an incredibly important factor in their future professional life. To attract these students future employers has to offer a good social work environment where they can have fun with colleagues and ask for help if needed. They must also be given an adequate salary that corresponds to what their work actually entails.

Arbetsmotivation - en jämförande studie på ett svenskt företag

Torstensson, Anette January 2009 (has links)
<p>Känslan av att man alltid ska vara produktiv är medfödd hos oss människor. Att få de anställda att vara motiverade och därmed prestera bra på arbetet är något som blivit en utmaning för arbetsgivarna, eftersom många arbetstagare numera söker arbetstillfredsställelse på andra sätt än bara genom det faktum att man får lön för mödan. För att undersöka huruvida arbetsmotivationen skiljer sig beroende på kön, tjänst och arbetslivserfarenhet genomfördes en enkätundersökning på ett medelstort svenskt företag. Enkäten innehöll fem frågeområden som tillsammans mäter arbetsmotivation. Deltagare var 64 anställda, varav 48 män och 16 kvinnor. Resultaten visade att män värderade engagemang högre än kvinnor gällande arbetsmotivation. I övrigt visade resultaten inga signifikanta skillnader i arbetsmotivation mellan grupperna vilket kan tolkas som att de anställda på det aktuella företaget utgjorde en homogen grupp med likvärdig arbetsmotivation.</p>

Leva för att jobba eller jobba för att leva? : En undersökning om arbetsmotivation

Jansson, Ann-Catrin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Leva för att jobba eller jobba för att leva?</p><p>En undersökning om arbetsmotivation</p><p>Ann-Catrin Jansson</p><p>Tidigare forskning visar att kommunalanställda trivs bättre på jobbet jämfört med övriga sektorer som industri- tjänste- och statlig sektor. Ett uttryck för arbetsmotivation är trivseln. Syftet med studien var att identifiera vilka psykosociala faktorer som påverkar trivseln på ett kommunalt servicehus. Studien genomfördes med en enkät som deltagarna (n = 36) besvarade. Enkäten hade 72 frågor, varav 63 frågor togs från QPS. En multipel linjär regressionsanalys (metod stepwise) användes för att analysera associationerna mellan QPS och trivsel, resultatet visade att låga arbetskrav och hög arbetsmotivation var signifikant associerade till trivseln. Associationen mellan ålder och QPS var emellertid låg. Undersökningen, som kan ses som en förberedande pilotstudie på grund av det låga antalet respondenter, visade på tendenser som kräver vidare forskning.</p>

The Relationship between Employee Work Motivation and Performance: Mediating Effect of Training Transfer -- The Case of the Insurance Industry

Lin, Chuan-pin 06 August 2007 (has links)
Whether one organization can survive or not, it will depend on its competitiveness. In other words, an organization which is not competitive enough will be forced to leave from this competitive battlefield. On the perspective of human capital, while taking about the level of the organizational competitiveness, the quality of ¡§human resource¡¨ is the key indicator besides the production equipment. In this case, almost every organization put efforts on employee training and education on talents for long-term planning. On personal perspective, training does not only increase one¡¦s confidence and job satisfaction, but also improve the performance ¡]Baldwin & Ford, 1988; Roat, 1988; Curry, Dobbins & Ladd, 1994¡^. In other words, a complete training can increase personal confidence and job performance efficiency as well. Curry (1994) indicated that the only 10-13% trainees can transfer what they have learned from training program to their work, which turns out the waste of 87-90% training cost (Huang, 1999). Moreover, one¡¦s willingness on participation depends on his motivation (Amabile, 1988) which implies that employees¡¦ motivation will significantly influence their performance. In this study, according to the released information of companies from The Life Insurance Association of The Republic of China, we have surveyed the employees of the top 8 companies. The variables including training transfer, as the independent variable, job performance, as the dependent variable, and work motivation, as the moderator, will be examined in this study. We are going to discuss that the work motivation will mediate the relationship between training transfer and job performance through hierarchical regression analyses. The result indicated that training transfer significantly influence job performance and work motivation mediates the relationship between training transfer and job performance. In practice, the trainers can try to increase the trainees¡¦ motivation on participation or consider those employees who are tend to be active on participation while developing organizational training program. Besides, the course design and teaching approaches can improve higher satisfaction of trainees. Increasing employees¡¦ work motivation through social support from managers and colleagues, promotion incentives, new job skills learned from training programs to improve employees¡¦ job performance.

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