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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Co-design workshops om stigmatiserade ämnen : Designförslag för att undvika ytterligare stigmatisering

Strand, Sofia, Oredsson, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
Co-design workshops (CDW) kan förbättra idégenereringen i designprocessen. CDW grundar sig i att människor ska arbeta tillsammans i realtid men vid forskning om stigmatiserade ämnen kan det vara svårt att genomföra den öga mot öga på grund av stigman. Tidigare forskning visar en större komplexitet med att forska om stigmatiserade ämnen inom human-computer interaction (HCI). Det finns en stor risk för att stigmatisera deltagarna ytterligare eftersom forskningen ofta involverar att designa tillsammans. Syftet med studien är att få kunskap om hur designers kan stöttas vid genomförandet av CDW om stigmatiserade ämnen för att inte stigmatisera deltagarna ytterligare, samt att främja inkludering av människor som upplever stigma i co-design vid design av digitala produkter och tjänster som berör dem. En designorienterad studie har genomförts där designförslag har tagits fram baserat på litteratur. Designförslagen har inkorporerats i en artefakt som i denna studie är en process i form av en CDW som också användes för att utvärdera och testa upplevelsen av CDW med stigmatiserade ämnen. Resultatet av studien är fyra designförslag kopplat till social sårbarhet, känslomässiga reaktioner, initiativtagande och skillnader i kunskap. Dessa kan användas vid genomförandet av CDW om stigmatiserade ämnen för att inte skapa obehag hos deltagarna eller stigmatisera ytterligare. / Co-design workshops (CDW) can improve the production of ideas in the design process. CDW is based on people working together in real time, but when researching stigmatized subjects, it can be difficult to carry out the research eye to eye due to the stigma. Previous research shows a greater complexity in researching stigmatized subjects in human-computer interaction (HCI). There is a great risk of further stigmatizing the participants because the research often involves designing together. The purpose of the study was to gain knowledge about how designers can be supported in the implementation of CDW on stigmatized subjects to prevent further stigmatizing participants, and to encourage the inclusion of people who experience stigma in co-design when designing digital products and services that affect them. A design-oriented study has been carried out where design suggestions have been developed based on literature. The design suggestions have been incorporated into an artifact which in this study is a process in the form of a CDW, which was also used to evaluate and test the experience of CDW with stigmatized subjects. The result of the study are four design suggestions connected to social vulnerability, emotional reactions, initiative and differences in knowledge. These can be used in the implementation of the CDW about stigmatized subjects to not create discomfort among the participants or further stigmatize.

Something for architecture

Liljeqvist, Björn January 2016 (has links)
Something is an institution and exhibition space for art and architecture in Stockholm, located within the urban fabric on and underneath a former schoolyard on Södermalm. / Something är en institution och ett utställningsrum för konst och arkitektur i Stockholm, placerat som en del av den urbana strukturen, på och under en tidigare skolgård på Södermalm.

Future of Hydropower in Sweden - Results of a workshop using external and value-based scenarios

Petriks, Olga January 2010 (has links)
Increasing importance of environmental concerns, growing demand for renewable energy, future introduction of electrical cars, improving energy efficiency, ambivalent attitude of society to nuclear power and multiple other external factors may become driving forces for future changes within the hydropower field in Sweden. On the other hand the dynamics for these changes can emerge from the value-systems, arguments, intentions and actions of the stakeholders, many of which are not satisfied by the present situation within the sector, but see its future changes in a different way. This makes the study case of hydropower in Sweden challenging for technology assessment and at the same time the technology assessment method, the scenario workshop that can provide interaction among the opposing parties and serve as a bridging event between the phase when various ways of future technology development are promoted by various actors and the decision-making phase. The ensuing research question is if the scenario workshop can be successfully applied to the hydropower case, the technology which is more than hundred years old, and if it can improve communication among the stakeholders to enhance their learning. The learning implies different dimensions such as Improved articulation of the problems at hand, probing each other‟s world and better understanding of the other stakeholders‟ positions and value systems, driving forces and crucial events for the future development of the whole hydropower sector and possible scenarios for this development. In order to answer this question more than 20 interviews with the main stakeholders have been carried out and a workshop based on possible external and internal future scenarios for hydropower in Sweden was organized. Evaluation of the workshop showed that the chosen method was efficient and the aim, which was stakeholders learning, was reached.

4th International Probabilistic Workshop: 12th-13th October 2006, Berlin, BAM (Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing)

Proske, Dirk, Mehdianpour, Milad, Gucma, Lucjan 06 January 2009 (has links)
Die heutige Welt der Menschen wird durch große Dynamik geprägt. Eine Vielzahl verschiedener Prozesse entfaltet sich parallel und teilweise auf unsichtbare Weise miteinander verbunden. Nimmt man z.B. den Prozess der Globalisierung: Hier erleben wir ein exponentielles Wachstum der internationalen Verknüpfungen von der Ebene einzelner Menschen und bis zur Ebene der Kulturen. Solche Verknüpfungen führen uns zum Begriff der Komplexität. Diese wird oft als Produkt der Anzahl der Elemente eines Systems mal Umfang der Verknüpfungen im System verstanden. In anderen Worten, die Welt wird zunehmend komplexer, denn die Verknüpfungen nehmen zu. Komplexität wiederum ist ein Begriff für etwas unverstandenes, unkontrollierbares, etwas unbestimmtes. Genau wie bei einem Menschen: Aus einer Zelle wächst ein Mensch, dessen Verhalten wir im Detail nur schwer vorhersagen können. Immerhin besitzt sein Gehirn 1011 Elemente (Zellen). Wenn also diese dynamischen sozialen Prozesse zu höherer Komplexität führen, müssen wir auch mehr Unbestimmtheit erwarten. Es bleibt zu Hoffen, dass die Unbestimmtheit nicht existenzielle Grundlagen betrifft. Was die Komplexität der Technik angeht, so versucht man hier im Gegensatz zu den gesellschaftlichen Unsicherheiten die Unsicherheiten zu erfassen und gezielt mit ihnen umzugehen. Das gilt für alle Bereiche, ob nun Naturgefahrenmanagement, beim Bau und Betrieb von Kernkraftwerken, im Bauwesen oder in der Schifffahrt. Und so verschieden diese Fachgebiete auch scheinen mögen, die an diesem Symposium teilnehmen: Sie haben erkannt, das verantwortungsvoller Umgang mit Technik einer Berücksichtigung der Unbestimmtheit bedarf. Soweit sind wir in gesellschaftlichen Prozessen noch nicht. Wünschenswert wäre, dass in einigen Jahren nicht nur Bauingenieure, Maschinenbauer, Mathematiker oder Schiffsbauer an einem solchen Probabilistik- Symposium teilnehmen, sondern auch Soziologen, Politiker oder Manager... (aus dem Vorwort) --- HINWEIS: Das Volltextdokument besteht aus einzelnen Beiträgen mit separater Seitenzählung. / PREFACE: The world today is shaped by high dynamics. Multitude of processes evolves parallel and partly connected invisible. For example, the globalisation is such a process. Here one can observe the exponential growing of connections form the level of single humans to the level of cultures. Such connections guide as to the term complexity. Complexity is often understood as product of the number of elements and the amount of connections in the system. In other words, the world is going more complex, if the connections increase. Complexity itself is a term for a system, which is not fully understood, which is partly uncontrollable and indeterminated: exactly as humans. Growing from a single cell, the humans will show latter a behaviour, which we can not predict in detail. After all, the human brain consists of 1011 elements (cells). If the social dynamical processes yield to more complexity, we have to accept more indetermination. Well, one has to hope, that such an indetermination does not affect the basic of human existence. If we look at the field of technology, we can detect, that here indetermination or uncertainty is often be dealt with explicitly. This is valid for natural risk management, for nuclear engineering, civil engineering or for the design of ships. And so different the fields are which contribute to this symposium for all is valid: People working in this field have realised, that a responsible usage of technology requires consideration of indetermination and uncertainty. This level is not yet reached in the social sciences. It is the wish of the organisers of this symposium, that not only civil engineers, mechanical engineers, mathematicians, ship builders take part in this symposium, but also sociologists, managers and even politicians. Therefore there is still a great opportunity to grow for this symposium. Indetermination does not have to be negative: it can also be seen as chance.

Caring Consumption : Caring for home textiles by interacting towards sustainable behaviours through a co-creation workshop

Meesak, Keiu January 2020 (has links)
This research is investigating ways of promoting social change towards more sustainable practices around the consumption of decorative home textiles. Knowledge is built and a prototype developed by using transdisciplinary design theory and participatory design methods.  Motivators for this work are the sustainability goals defined by the United Nations, specifically reducing waste through prevention and building awareness for sustainable lifestyles (UN Sustainability Initiative, 2020); and a combined interest of becoming more accessible to more people and interacting with them there where they are from the point of view of product or service design, as well as working towards sustainability goals of IKEA (Ingka Group, 2020).  The context of home textiles has been chosen because textile waste is a growing problem and with the main emphasis being on issues relating to clothing items and fast fashion, problems with home textiles can be easily overlooked. However, with giant fast fashion companies like H&M and Zara entering the home decor market, there is a reason to focus on preventing the same kind of issues rising with home fashion textiles as have with fast fashion clothes.  The aim is to understand the behaviours and meanings surrounding home fashion textiles and to reduce the amount of textile waste going to landfills through prevention and mindful consumption. The purpose is to develop a vehicle of interaction between IKEA and consumers that emphasizes inclusion and the merits of co-creating to solve a problem in a sustainable way and benefits IKEA in their pursuits of cultivating a stronger relationship with the consumers while working towards their circularity goals.  The prototype proposed as a result is an evidence-based tool for communication which enables IKEA to access more people while offering both parties a chance to learn from each other while developing sustainable initiatives and mindsets.

Preserving Legacy: The Development of the Design Workshop Archives and Digital Collection at Utah State University

Dunlap, Amanda J. 01 May 2014 (has links)
The Design Workshop Archives and Digital Collection offer a unique opportunity for analysis of the archival process for landscape architecture collections. The goal of this project was to analyze the format of landscape architecture archive collections and design protocol for the creation of the Design Workshop Archives and Digital Collection. A review of best practices and experimentation has guided the appraisal and accessioning of four of Design Workshop’s Legacy Projects. The integration of a digital collection gathered from physical drawings, paper manuscripts, and computer files offers unique opportunities to establish standards and procedures for the creation of an archive at a university campus. The collaboration of professionals, archivists, and landscape architecture staff to create the archives has proven to be useful in many ways. The result is a manual composed of a review of best practices along with an account of the accessioning process undertaken in the creation of this new collection. Scholarly review of the archives evidenced the need for an altered approach to the archiving process in order to support the creation of the digital collection and the quantity of project material. Additional measures were created to appropriately represent and preserve the unique visual components of the works.


Parschat, Lisa, Gehling, David, Matzke, Robert, Schober, Mathias 26 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Effektivare lagerhantering inom byggproduktion med hjälp av 5S : en strukturerad förbättringsmetod

Björk, Jennifer, Lindström, Moa January 2023 (has links)
Byggsektorn är en bransch med höga produktionskostnader, som till stor del är baserat på resursslöseri. Ett av dessa slöserier är lager, som är nödvändiga inom de flesta organisationer men som ofta kan reduceras i storlek och förbättra sin struktur. Detta kan uppnås med hjälp av filosofin Lean, vars principer både gynnar företaget samt leder till en minskad miljöpåverkan (M. Kidwell 2006; J. Maxwell, 1996). Detta genom att eliminera slöserier och effektivisera processer, vilket också kan tillämpas inom lagerhantering. Projektet har genomförts i samarbete med Skanska och NCC, som båda upplevt problem med strukturen på deras lager. Det övergripande syftet med detta projekt är att ta fram och testa en tydlig metod som kan användas vid strukturering inom en verksamhet. Däremot har inte en fullständig implementering av Lean och 5S skett, utan en lättare version som enkelt kan bidra till struktur. Målet med detta projekt är framförallt att den framtagna metoden ska kunna användas av verksamheter som behöver ordning och reda. Ytterligare ett mål är att Skanska och NCC ska få förbättringsförslag om hur de kan förbättra sina lager. Dessa lösningar samt den framtagna metoden ska också bidra till de tre hållbarhetsmålen. För att kunna nå dessa mål har projektet framförallt använt workshops, men också observationer och intervjuer.  Företagen hade liknande resultat, däremot är de anpassade efter de olika verksamheterna. Ett nuläge, önskat läge och förbättringsförslag utifrån 5S kunde då tas fram. Nuläget visade dålig ordning och reda på lagren hos både Skanska och NCC. Även det önskade läget var liknande då de båda ville ha markerade platser för verktyg och material, en tydlig standard och att alla hjälps åt och engagerar varandra. Detta resulterade i att förbättringsförslag kunde tas fram. Den största slutsatsen som kunde dras av projektet var att en lättare implementering av 5S kunde användas om en verksamhet vill ha struktur på ett lager. Workshop visade sig också vara en effektiv metod för att åstadkomma ett resultat med hjälp av deltagarnas erfarenheter och idéer. Genom att praktiskt testat en workshop och sammanställt teori, intervjuer och observationer har en färdigställd guide tagits fram för hur 5S-metoden kan bidra till struktur på ett lager.


Mountford Corson, Elizabeth, 0000-0002-5768-8710 January 2022 (has links)
Elementary teachers can help students develop a critical literacy lens and learn how to question, analyze, and challenge assumptions. In turn, this can develop an inclusive classroom. My teacher action research looks at how critical literacy impacts both me, the teacher, and my fifth-grade students, in a predominantly White suburban public school over a school year. I was interested in analyzing how my students experience the critical literacy curriculum. The research was guided by the following research questions: (1) On what topics did I and my students focus? (2) What was the nature of my students’ engagement? (3) What positions did my students take up? Data consist of my reflective journal entries, classroom discussions, student work, student surveys, semistructured interviews with students, and discussions with two teacher colleagues. The data was analyzed using three lenses: student and teacher focus, student nature of engagement, and student positionality. A high level of student engagement with the critical literacy work was seen throughout the year and community building was an important part of this work. The reading and writing workshop approach supported the critical literacy work in many ways, including allowing for text selection by students and teachers and giving students time to collaborate, question, research, and take action. Finally, there is a messiness to this work, for teachers and students, that needs to be acknowledged, as well as an expectation to learn from mistakes and to listen to and learn from each other. Developing a critical literacy lens is a lifelong endeavor. / Educational Leadership


Marteleur, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
My degree project has been about converting an existing old industrial building into a youth centre. The buildings core focus is culture together with activity and learning. I wanted to use as much material as possible from the old building. Exterior walls and flooring are left almost untouched while a big part of the buildings construction with roof is changed. I made a new roof that could be used as a park.The building is situated close to the city centre of Eskilstuna, aswell as close to the southern suburbs where problems with segregation is an issue. My vision with Strömbrytaren was to make it a social hub, where youth from different backgrounds would meet and socialize. / Mitt examensprojekt har handlat om att omvandla en existerande gammal industribyggnad till ett ungdomshus. Byggnadens främsta fokus ligger på kultur tillsammans med aktivitet och lärande. Jag ville i mitt projekt använda så mycket av byggnadens befintliga material som möjligt. Exteriöra väggar och golv är i princip lämnade orörda medan en stor dela av byggnadens konstruktion och stomme tillsammans med tak är omgjort. Jag skapade ett nytt tak som kunde användas som en park.Byggnaden är situerad nära Eskilstuna centrum, samt de förorter som ligger söder om stadskärnan där segregation har blivit ett stort problem. Min vision med Strömbrytaren har varit att göra det till en social knytpunkt, där ungdomar från olika bakgrunder kan mötas och umgås.

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