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Imagining beyond the (k)now : Creating a shared space for planting seeds of imaginationHenriks, Linnéa, Schleicher, Inga January 2024 (has links)
Our current times are marked by the unprecedented challenges of environmental and social crisis. Transformative changes need to take place and in this study, we explore the role of Gotlandic citizens engaged in sustainability in creating a sustainable future. We follow a recent scholarship focusing on the power of imagination in the context of shaping sustainable futures. Through the theory lens of spaces, we map Gotlandic citizens’ individual experiences of context where they engage with sustainability in different forms of rational and imaginative reflection, alone or together. We conduct qualitative interviews to investigate existing spaces combined with action research where we create a new space of shared imagination in the form of a workshop. An in-depth understanding is gained of the reactions and emotions that our study participants express towards all of these spaces. Going beyond the (k)now, both in the meaning of going beyond traditional forms of knowledge but also in the sense of going into an uncertain future, allowed us to investigate the role of arts-based imagination in the context of an island community. Our findings suggest that spaces for practicing imagination are lacking, but are highly valued when experienced. They provide an alert hopefulness and a gentle way for ordinary citizens to engage with the complex topic of sustainable futures. Another key result of our study is that communities are important spaces where collective visions can grow.
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The Workshop Project at Denton, Texas, Senior High School for the Summer of 1940Roark, Otis G. 08 1900 (has links)
We propose in this study to give a brief review of the workshop project as carried on at the Denton Senior High School, Denton, Texas, during the six-weeks summer session of 1940. While the purpose of this paper is not to give an evaluation of the program, we shall point out some of the best points and suggest a few items which might be improved.
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Methodological Challenges of Researching Positive Action MeasuresArchibong, Uduak E., Darr, Aliya, Eferakorho, Jite, Scally, Andy J., Atkin, K., Baxter, C., Johnson, M.R.D., Bell, M., Waddington, L., Wladasch, K., Bedard, T., Adejumo, O., Sharps, P.W., Bradshaw, P. January 2009 (has links)
Yes / This paper highlights some ofthe methodological challenges which have arisen in collecting
data for an international study on positive action measures. It will describe strategies employed to
encourage participation in the study from as wide a range of organisations and individuals using a
mixed method approach. The paper will also discuss the methodological and sensitive issues related
to this type of research in organisations and strategies adopted by the research team to ameliorate
any problems that have arisen whilst maintaining trustworthiness and rigour in the study.
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Perceptions of the Impact of Positive Action in EU and non-EU CountriesArchibong, Uduak E., Eferakorho, Jite, Darr, Aliya, Scally, Andy J., Atkin, K., Baxter, C., Johnson, M.R.D., Bell, M., Waddington, L., Wladasch, K., Bedard, T., Adejumo, O., Sharps, P.W., Bradshaw, P. January 2009 (has links)
Yes / Around the world, inequalities exist around boundaries of race, social class, gender, disability,
religious beliefs and sexual orientation, often resulting from past and current discriminatory
practices. Governments have taken certain measures, including enacting policies such as positive action,
to remedy such discrimination. This paper provides a comparative analysis of perceptions of the impact
of positive action in seven EU and three non-EU countries. The study adopted participatory methods
including consensus workshops, interviews and policy analysis to obtain data from designers of positive
action. Findings are discussed, conclusions drawn and wide-ranging recommendations are made at
the EC, individual countries and organisational levels.
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Shared Knowledge : An Exploration of the Use and the Design of Participatory WorkshopsMolander, Linda January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis presents an exploration of participatory workshops. It focuses on how these may involve a design project’s various stakeholders, and take the design process further by joint activities of mutual learning. The main concern addressed in the thesis is how participatory workshops may be designed and carried through, together with companies working with design. The aim of the exploration is to gain an understanding of the various steps of the design and implementation of workshops, and also how these steps interact during the process. The exploration is mainly based on the design and implementation of three different workshops: One workshop was designed on behalf of a design consultancy as part of the phase of concept, in an ongoing design project about cleaning products. Afterwards the team worked on ideas based on the winning concepts from this workshop. A second workshop was designed for a working team at a company of wood floor production, in order to identify what future steps to take. The outcome emphasized what the team needed as well as desired to be working on next. In collaboration with the same wood floor producer, a third workshop was also designed as a part of the company’s design competition. This workshop aimed to making the competitors share their personal experiences of the theme of the competition. The workshop resulted in a joint creation of understanding and knowledge about the company’s demands and desires of the new product. In order to broaden my perspective on the method, I carried out a number of interviews, for example with MiL Institute, who is working with management training and coaching, and with Ordrum, who offers training in communication. To support mutual learning in the workshops, aspects of knowledge and learning are additionally included in the study. The exploration shows the advantage of using prepared ambiguous materials as part of the framework of a workshop, for supporting divergent thinking; individual and collective storytelling; diversity of ideas; and collaboration between people. Additionally the exploration indicates that people’s involvement in participatory workshops may create more responsibility of the design, through the experience of a shared ownership of the process. Moreover, it points out the challenge of working co-creationally in design work, also through the design process of workshops.
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Realizace čtenářských dílen na ZŠ / The Implementation of Reading Workshop at the Primary SchoolTISCHLEROVÁ, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the inclusion of the reading workshop methods in the primary schools and its application to the lessons of the Czech language and literature. The main aim of the theoretical part is to define key concepts connected with the topic. It describes the definitions of the reading workshop, the reading literacy and the description of "The formal notice no. 56", which has been focused on the support of the development of reading in the Czech schools. In this part the particular educational methods, which are focused on the development of reading, and the Czech and international researches are characterized. The practical part of the thesis, using the qualitative surveys, appraises the preparation and the realization of the project "The formal notice no. 56" at the particular primary school. There were realized the interviews with the educators and the head master. The assets and negative features of the reading workshop were followed by those dialogues. According to the direct observation of the methods during the lessons of the Czech language and literature, there were recorded the reactions of pupils to the reading and working with a text. In the practical part there are also the characteristics of the materials which were created under the project in the school. The purpose of these researches is to find out how the teachers as well as the schoolchildren react to the method and if it brought to the classes any new elements and if it could be still the part of education in the future.
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När tekniken sitter i fingrarna. : Designprinciper för handgestsanvändning i gränssnitt.Dry, Anthony January 2016 (has links)
I denna studie har problematik kring avancerad gestbaserad navigering bejakats. Detta främst för att de riktlinjer som länge studerats inom Människa-Datorinteraktion (MDI) inte har etablerats på de plattformar där gestbaserad navigering är central. Det råder tvetydigheter angående hur bra interaktion bör tillämpas, då främst genom att stora aktörer inom området valt att applicera sina egna riktlinjer på sina enskilda plattformar. Tidigare har forskare undersökt naturliga gestmönster hos användare genom att simulera ett händelseförlopp och sedan ge användaren möjligheten att skapa interaktionen. Detta har genomförts med en användargrupp utan tidigare erfarenheter inom denna typ av plattform. Det denna studie haft som mål att belysa är ifall erfarenheter och behov har en påverkan på hur användare kan tänkas använda sig av avancerad gester. Utöver detta har också designprinciper inom MDI studerats för att se dess relevans till gestbaserad navigation. Metoden för att samla in denna data har varit två workshops som fokuserat på att finna nya användningsområden för fyra unika gester samt en diskussionsworkshop baserad på kort med frågor. Från den data som samlats in från representanterna kan man tydligt se att tidigare erfarenheter har en stor påverkan på de konceptuella modeller som representanterna har av användningsområden för avancerade gester. Resultatet visar också på att representanterna fann syften för avancerade gesterna baserat på behov som de själva saknade i dagsläget. Generellt tenderade de förslag som representanterna tagit fram att vara anpassade för en snäv målgrupp och för expertfunktionalitet. I denna studie har det varit tydligt att designprinciper inom MDI har en stor påverkan på hur vi interagerar och uppfattar användning av digitala artefakter då främst rörande förståelse, återkoppling, effektivitet och synlighet. / In this study problems concerning advanced gesture-based navigation is affirmed. This is mainly because the guidelines that have long been studied within the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) has not been established on the platforms where gesture-based navigation is central. There is ambiguity about how good interaction should be applied, primarily by major players in the area which have chosen to apply their own guidelines on individual platforms. Previously, researchers have investigated the natural gesture patterns of users by simulating a series of events and then give the user the ability to create interaction. This has been carried out with a group of users with no previous experience in this type of platform. The present study had the objective to highlight if experience have an impact on how users may use advanced gestures. In addition, design principles within HCI where studied to see its relevance to gesture-based navigation. The methodology for collecting data has been two workshops that focused on finding new uses for four unique gestures and a discussion workshop based on cards with questions. From the data gathered from representatives its confirmed that past experiences have a major impact on the conceptual models of uses for advanced gestures. The results also show that representatives found the purposes for advanced gestures based on the needs that they themselves lacked in the current situation. The proposals that representatives developed for the gestures tended to be adapted to a narrow audience and expert functionality. This study, also confirmed that design principles of HCI has a huge impact on how we interact and perceive the use of digital artefacts, mainly regarding understanding, feedback, effectiveness and visibility.
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Making Room for Play : A play-centric workshop proposal for increasing girls' game literacy and access to gamesBassenge, Leoni January 2021 (has links)
This thesis addresses the gender-specific game access inequalities that exist between male and non-male children. To do this, it proposes a conceptual workshop design named SpielRaum, which aims to offer teens of marginalized genders a safe space to access games. By curating games for free play and combining it with guided discussions and self-reflection exercises, the workshop hopes to facilitate game literacy in a play-centric way. This sets it apart from other game-related workshops for non-male teens, which are also examined. It is found that they tend to be development-centric. Leading up to the workshop design, the game access disparities are put into context. It is found that implicit and explicit exclusion of non-male people in the games domain leads to a vicious circle of non-participation and non-representation. This in turn contributes to the socialized perception of games as a male medium and disadvantages non-male players in the context of gaming. Further, game literacy is determined as an important game access condition and way of self-defense against marginalizing game content. This is why SpielRaum aims to raise non-male participants’ awareness for their own marginalization and show them that they can unapologetically claim gaming for themselves. / Detta arbete tittar på könsspecifika ojämlikheter vad gäller tillgång till videospel som finns mellan manliga och icke-manliga ungdomar. I undersökningen föreslås en konceptuell workshop som heter SpielRaum, som siktar på att ge tonåringar som tillhör marginaliserade könsgrupper en säker miljö för att därmed göra videospel mer tillgängliga. Genom att samla spel för fritt spelande och kombinera guidade diskussioner med självreflekterande övningar, hoppas workshopen kunna ge ökad kunskap om spel på ett spelfokuserat sätt. Detta gör att den skiljer sig från andra workshop-miljöer för icke-manliga tonåringar, vilket även behandlas i arbetet. Vad som upptäcktes var att de tenderar att varautvecklingsorienterade. Under arbetet med workshop-designen sattes skillnaderna runt speltillgänglighet i fokus: det fastställdes att implicit och explicit uteslutning av icke-manliga spelare leder till en ond cirkel av icke-deltagande och icke-representation. Detta bidrar sedan till den sociala uppfattningen att spel är ett medium för män och att icke-män är missgynnade vad gäller spel. Dessutom är kunskap om spel nödvändigt om man ska kunna delta i spel, och kan användas som ett sätt att försvara sig själv mot marginaliserande innehåll i spel. Detta är anledningen till att SpielRaum siktar på att öka icke-mäns medvetenhet för sin egen marginalisering och för att visa att de kan delta i spelvärlden utan att be om lov först.
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Exploring the design space of e-detailing through Magic Machine workshops to advance technologies for desirable futuresGrasselli, Iza January 2020 (has links)
Pharmaceutical detailing is moving to online environments because they are believed to save money, time, and be more convenient. Recently there has also been an increase in e-detailing due to the circumstances around COVID-19 pandemic. In the available literature, the transition to e-detailing is mostly evaluated through efficiency markers, with less focus on broader social implications and the interactions between people involved. To fill this gap and promote development of human-centred e-detailing technologies, this paper explores detailing interactions and related concerns which can guide the development of relevant detailing technologies. The field research and participatory Magic Machine workshops helped reveal and shape concerns which have implications for the future of e-detailing. High-level recommendations were derived to inspire further research and development of lasting, user-centred solutions. Design fiction artifacts were created to convey the research findings as boundary objects between pharmaceutical industry and academia. / Läkemedelskonsulenter flyttar sin verksamhet alltmer till en digital miljö då det anses spara pengar, tid och ska vara mer bekvämt. Covid-19 pandemin har också bidragit till en ökning av användandet av digitala verktyg för läkemedelskonsulenter. Tillgängliga vetenskapliga artiklar inom ämnet som utvärderar digitaliseringen för läkemedelskonsulenter gör det framför allt genom att mäta hur effektivt det är, och inte så mycket på de sociala följderna samt hur det inverkar på interaktionen mellan de inblandade parterna. För att fylla denna kunskapslucka och för att främja en människocentrerad digitalisering för läkemedelskonsulenter utforskar denna masteruppsats interaktionerna och dess relaterade följder, vilket kan användas som vägledning i utveckling av relevanta teknologier för läkemedelskonsulenter. Fältarbete, och en workshop som använde metoden Magic Machine, hjälpte till att ta fram och klargöra de problem som kan ha en viktig inverkan på framtida digitalt läkemedelskonsulterande. Design rekommendationer togs fram för att inspirera kommande forskning och utveckling av hållbara, användarcentrerade lösningar. Den skapade spekulativa designen visar upp forskningsresultat och på ett sätt som kan vara till användning av läkemedelsindustrin och universiteten.
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Vem bryr sig om etisk data? : En explorativ metodstudie om hur företag kan reflektera kring omsorg i syfte att fatta etiska beslut om data / Who cares about ethical data? : An exploratory method study on how companies can reflect on care in order to make ethical decisions about dataBerglund, Elvira, Vergara, Juliet January 2022 (has links)
When the data protection regulation was introduced in 2018, the aim was to create uniformprotection for privacy in personal data. Despite this, there is still a lack of trust among manyusers about how companies actually process their personal data. This highlights the need fornew methods and tools that can support companies to handle personal data in an ethical andresponsible manner. Based on a theoretical and relational framework for ethics of care, thisstudy developed a set of questions to emphasize ethical reflection in the development ofdata-driven services. Through a design exploratory perspective, the set of questions weredeveloped during iterations, and through two workshops as research methods. The workshopsessions were conducted with researchers from Sweden's research institute as well asrepresentatives from two pseudonymous companies that collaborate in collecting citizens'location data. The result showed that the question package fulfilled different functions ofpromoting care, and thus ethical reflection around the handling of personal data. Theparticipants were aware of the ethical challenges that exist when collecting users' locationdata, based on users' needs. The participants had the ability to illuminate these challengesthemselves, but did not know how to respond to the challenges in practice.
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