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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vie quotidienne au travail et apprentissage dans les communautés professionnelles : l'exemple du réseau des « Ateliers de Pédagogie Personnalisée » / Dayly work life and training in professional communities : the « Ateliers de Pédagogie Personnalisée » example (personnalized coaching workshops)

Pinot, Bénédicte 11 January 2016 (has links)
Le réseau des Ateliers de Pédagogie Personnalisée (APP), qui fête ses 30 ans en 2015, est porteur d'une dynamique d'apprentissage collectif « informel ». Créé par des acteurs de l'orientation, de l'insertion et de la formation pour répondre au mal-être de jeunes en colère, ce dispositif de formation s'est progressivement disséminé sur le territoire national. Ancrée sur l'expression des acteurs APP de Haute-Normandie, cette recherche inductive apporte un nouveau regard sur ce réseau professionnel. Nous avons mis en lumière un lien entre la forme du collectif APP et le rôle de l'imaginaire partagé, dit « esprit APP ». Ce lien tiendrait à l'existence d'un processus d'apprentissage informel constitué d'une part d'un compagnonnage entre pairs et d'autre part d'une « autoformation sociale existentielle » du collectif. Nous avons vu s'organiser l'idée de « communauté professionnelle » informelle APP dans laquelle se développerait un « rhizome », configuration souterraine d'« espaces d'intimité sociale» comme lieux d'apprentissage. Elle serait dotée d'une histoire, de valeurs, d'une identité collective, d'une professionnalité spécifique liée à des « pratiques » professionnelles. La pérennité du réseau pourrait ainsi s'expliquer par cette forme spécifique d'apprentissage. / The « Ateliers de Pédagogie Personnalisée » or APP network, celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2015, provides an « informal » dynamic of collective training. That training framework, founded by stakeholders in lifelong guidance, professional insertion and training, to answer to the malaise of the angry youth, has been gradually extended to the national territory. Fed from self-expression among stakeholders in the APP network of Upper Normandy, this inductive research brings a new perception of this professional group.We have highlighted a connection between the form of the APP collective and the role of the shared vision, called « APP spirit ». The reason of this connection would be an informal learning process, with on one side a buddy system ; on the other side « autoformation sociale existentielle » of the collective. We have seen how the idea emerges of an informal « professional community » APP in which a rhizome would develop, i.e. an underground configuration of « social privacy spaces » seen as local learning places. This community » would be a group with a cultural history, core values, a collective identity and a specific professional nature due to its professional « practices ». The sustainability of the APP network could be mainly linked to this specific form of learning.

Materials, Practices, and Perceptions Associated with Prior Participation in an Aerospace Education Workshop: a Case Study

Boyd, Jacqueline Breeden 05 1900 (has links)
This qualitative study was conducted in a large north Texas school district. The subjects were four elementary teachers who had previously attended a summer aerospace education workshop. The researcher observed in each classroom during science instruction and other areas where aerospace concepts might be taught to determine material usage, practices, and perceptions associated with teaching aerospace. The teachers' lesson planbooks, textbooks, and supplementary materials were also examined by the researcher. Interviews were conducted with each teacher's principal and the district science coordinator to determine their effects on the practices and perceptions of the subjects.

Proyecto Ecaniqo App / Project Ecaniqo App

Diez Canseco Vivanco, Jose Antonio, Huamán Castro, Francisco Eduardo, Pendavis Corbetto, Gabriel, Samaniego Fernández, Jeferson, Wong Torres, Valeria Rosaylin 02 December 2021 (has links)
El trabajo de investigación presentado tiene como objetivo general poder brindar servicios automovilísticos especializados a domicilio , a personas que carezcan de tiempo u otros motivos para acudir a talleres, por lo que se les brindará servicios de autos por medio de un aplicativo denominado E-caniqo ,el cual se encuentra dirigido al mercado meta que son personas de Lima Metropolitana , entre los 20 y 50 años correspondientes al nivel socioeconómico NSE A y B,que posean autos de origen europeo, coreano o japonés. Por ello,para poder analizar la viabilidad del modelo de negocio se tomará en cuenta un enfoque de investigación el cual es mixto, a quienes se les entregará un diseño de investigación experimental . Para ello, se llevan a cabo varios experimentos para la validación de nuestro proyecto los cuales consisten en prototipos, entrevistas a expertos y usuarios, sitio web propio, publicidad para crecimiento en redes sociales y aumento de interacciones, esto se lleva a cabo con el objetivo de medir el nivel de aceptación y el grado de satisfacción de de nuestros destinatarios. Por otro lado, la factibilidad económica de nuestro proyecto se mide en base a proyecciones financieras que incluyen costos, gastos, ingresos e inversiones que nos permiten verificar la escalabilidad del negocio y su potencial futuro para hacerlo sustentable en el tiempo. Los resultados de nuestras validaciones indican que posibles clientes consideran válido el proyecto, teniendo una intención de compra obtenida con publicidad pagada,además teniendo en cuenta el retorno de la inversión ,de la misma manera la utilidad esperada ,en donde validaremos la sostenibilidad del negocio. / The research work presents as a general objective to be able to provide specialized car services at home, to people who lack time or other reasons to go to mechanical workshops, for which they will be provided car services through an application called E-caniqo, which is aimed at the target market that are people from Metropolitan Lima, between 20 and 50 years old corresponding to the socioeconomic level NSE A and B, who own cars of European, Korean or Japanese origin. Therefore, in order to analyze the viability of the business model, a research approach will be taken into account, which is mixed, to whom an experimental research design will be delivered. For this, several experiments are carried out for the validation of our project which consist of prototypes, interviews with experts and users, our own website, advertising for growth in social networks and increased interactions. This is carried out with the objective to measure the level of acceptance and the degree of satisfaction of our recipients. On the other hand, the economic feasibility of our project is measured based on financial projections that include costs, expenses, income and investments that allow us to verify the scalability of the business and its future potential to make it sustainable over time. The results of our validations indicate that potential clients consider the project valid, having a purchase intention obtained with paid advertising, also taking into account the return on investment, in the same way the expected profit, where we will validate the sustainability of the business. / Trabajo de investigación

Plataforma Virtual “Ingenio”

Benavides Guzman, Diego Antonio, Bravo Obando, Luciana Cecilia, Cabellos Farje, Daniel Alonso, Chang Quijano, Diego Raul, Morales Rojas, Galia Alexandra 04 December 2021 (has links)
El presente proyecto detalla la creación de Ingenio, una propuesta que brinda talleres virtuales diseñados para desarrollar las inteligencias múltiples en los niños de 6 a 12 años del NSE B y C a nivel nacional. Para ello, se ha propuesto el desarrollo de una plataforma web, la cual tendrá como aliados a profesores independientes que la usen de forma gratuita para brindar sus servicios. El proyecto nace ante la necesidad de que los niños puedan potenciar otras habilidades adicionales a las impartidas tradicionalmente, ya que la oferta de actividades extracurriculares en colegios u otras instituciones es baja en el sector. Esta situación se ha agravado a raíz de la pandemia del COVID-19, debido a que estos actores han buscado reducir sus costos o no han tenido la capacidad para adaptar los talleres a la modalidad virtual. Además, con esta propuesta también se satisface la necesidad de los profesores particulares. Por un lado, se reduce el esfuerzo individual de captación de alumnos y, por otro lado, se les facilita un espacio para monitorear el aprendizaje de estos. Para validar la deseabilidad, factibilidad y viabilidad de este proyecto se efectuaron diversos experimentos y análisis de resultados. Entre los más importantes se destaca que la plataforma puede ser creada en un plazo de 3 meses cumpliendo todos los requisitos técnicos, se estima una venta de más de S/900,000.00 para el 3er año y se obtiene un VAN de S/18,672. / The current project details the creation of Ingenio, a proposal that provides virtual workshops designed to develop multiple intelligences in children from 6 to 12 years of age of the upper-middle and middle economic class Peru nationwide. For this purpose, it has been proposed the development of a web platform, which will have as allies independent teachers who will use such platform free of charge to provide their services. The project was born out of the need for children to be able to enhance other skills in addition to those traditionally taught, since the supply of extracurricular activities in schools and other institutions is very limited. This situation has worsened as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, due to the fact that these actors have sought to reduce their costs or because they did not have the capacity to adapt the workshops to the virtual modality. In addition, this proposal also satisfies the needs of private teachers. On the one hand, it reduces the individual effort of recruiting students and, on the other hand, it provides them with a space to monitor their student’s learning. To validate the desirability, feasibility and viability of this project, several experiments and analysis of results were carried out. Among the most important results, we can highlight that the platform can be created in a period of 3 months fulfilling all the technical requirements, and that by the 3rd year of operations this project it is estimated to reach a sales level of more than S/900,000.00 for the 3rd year, and a VNA of S/18,672. / Trabajo de investigación

Skrivevenemang i folkbildningens anda : en kvalitativ studie av arrangörers syn på folkbildning och mångfald vid skrivevenemang

Lindell, Julia January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur arrangörer av kortare workshops och kurser i kreativt skrivande förhåller sig till homogena deltagargrupper. Först undersöks deltagarnas sammansättning och sedan arrangörernas syn på mångfald utifrån sin organisations verksamhetsuppdrag. Arrangörerna arbetar på folkbibliotek och studieförbund och undersökningen genomförs med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer. Studien drar slutsatsen att arrangörerna har reflekterat över frågorna och har en vilja att skapa större mångfald under evenemangen. De grupper som anses delta i lägre utsträckning är män, ungdomar under trettio och kulturella minoriteter. Vidare beskrivs verksamheternas idéer och uppdrag som inte närvarande i själva evenemanget men i arbetet bakom, exempelvis i marknadsföringen. / The aim of this study is to examine how five organizers of shorter workshops and courses in creative writing reflect on and work with homogeneous groups of participants. First the composition of participants is examined and than the organizer’s view of diversity in relation to their organization’s purpose. The organizers work in public libraries and in organizations within the popular education, and the investigation is carried out using qualitative interviews. The study’s conclusion is that the organizers have reflected on the questions and have a will to create greater diversity during the events. The groups that are considered to participate less are men, young people under thirty, and cultural minorities. The organizers’ ideas are not described as present in the event, but in the work behind, for example in the marketing.

Teilhabe am Arbeitsleben aus Subjektperspektive

Teismann, Malte 05 August 2022 (has links)
Die Dissertation analysiert in einer explorativen Untersuchung die Konstitution von Teilhabe aus Subjektperspektive im Kontext der Werkstätten für behinderte Menschen (WfbM). Durch die Ratifizierung der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention (UN-BRK) und der Einführung des neuen Bundesteilhabegesetzes rücken das Individuum und seine gleichberechtigte gesellschaftliche Teilhabe in den Vordergrund. Für viele Menschen mit Behinderung findet die gesellschaftliche Teilhabe jedoch in Einrichtungen der Eingliederungshilfe statt. Im Bereich der Teilhabe am Arbeitsleben wird dies unter anderem durch WfbM erfüllt, die im Jahr 2020 circa 315.000 Menschen mit Behinderungen eine Beschäftigung bot. Dies ist insofern problematisch, als dass die Zahlen auch nach der Ratifizierung der UN-BRK darauf hindeuten, dass immer mehr Menschen ihre Teilhabe außerhalb des allgemeinen Arbeitsmarktes sichern. In einem qualitativen Forschungsprojekt wurden sieben Beschäftigte einer WfbM in beruflichen Veränderungsprozessen begleitet. In einer qualitativen Längsschnittstudie wurde die subjektive Ebene von Teilhabe im Sinne der Grounded Theory erforscht, um herauszufinden, welche Möglichkeitsräume der Teilhabe am Arbeitsleben im Kontext der WfbM sichtbar werden und wie Teilhabe aus Subjektperspektive konstituiert ist. Die Ergebnisse der Studie verdeutlichen, dass Teilhabe in der WfbM auf mehreren unterschiedlichen Hierarchieebenen ermöglicht werden kann. Was Individuen als erstrebenswerte Teilhabemöglichkeiten empfinden, ist von ihrem Bewertungsrahmen abhängig. Deutlich wird, dass sich Teilhabe auch in separativen Settings, wie der WfbM einstellen kann, sofern dies kohärent mit den eigenen Teilhabezielen vereinbar ist. Teilhabe aus Subjektperspektive ist dann ein individuell reflektierter Zustand, der sich über ein Gefühl der Passung zwischen dem individuellen Teilhabeziel, den dahinterliegenden Vorstellungen und den realen Bedingungen der wahrgenommenen Möglichkeiten verwirklicht. / The dissertation analyses in an explorative study the constitution of ‚Teilhabe‘ (participation) from a subject perspective in the context of sheltered workshops. The ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN-CRPD) and the introduction of the new Federal Participation Act (Bundesteilhabegesetz) have brought the individual and his or her equal participation to the fore. For many people with disabilities, participation takes place in institutions like sheltered workshops. Sheltered workshops in Germany provided work for approximately 315,000 employees in 2020. This is problematic because even after the ratification of the UN-CRPD, the figures indicate that more and more people are securing their participation outside the general labour market. In a qualitative research project, seven employees of a WfbM were accompanied in occupational change processes. In a qualitative longitudinal study, the subjective level of participation was researched in the sense of grounded theory in order to find out which capabilities become visible in the context of sheltered workshops and how participation is constituted from the subject perspective. The results of the study make it clear that participation in sheltered workshops is made possible on several different hierarchical levels. What individuals perceive as desirable participation opportunities depends on their evaluation framework. It becomes clear that participation can also occur in separative settings such as sheltered workshops, as long as this is coherently compatible with one's own participation goals. Participation from the subject's perspective is then an individually reflected state that is realised through a feeling of fit between the individual participation goal, the underlying ideas and the real conditions of the perceived possibilities.

Manos a la obra un taller de manualidades para potenciar la motricidad fina en niños de cuatros años

Terrones Chapoñan, Karen Elena January 2024 (has links)
La coordinación de movimientos para realizar con precisión diversas acciones de nuestro día a día hacen que la motricidad fina sea una de las destrezas que debe ser estimulada desde temprana edad en los niños para lograr un mejor desenvolvimiento en su vida diaria. Por ello frente a la problemática que se ha podido observar en una institución educativa se propuso como objetivo diseñar un taller de manualidades para potenciar la motricidad fina en niños de cuatro años de edad. La metodología empleada en esta investigación es de diseño propositivo donde se aplicó un pre-test a una población de 25 estudiantes a través de una lista de cotejo la cual fue validada por cinco expertos para su aplicación. Se obtuvo como resultados que el 90% de los niños se encontraba en un nivel de inicio con respecto a su motricidad fina. Tomando en cuenta los resultados obtenidos se dio paso a la creación de “manos a la obra” 14 talleres de manualidades donde los niños pueden potenciar su coordinación motora fina. Por lo tanto, se concluye que la creación de estos talleres ayudará a potenciar las habilidades motoras finas de los niños haciéndolos partícipes de la realización de estos. / The coordination of movements to accurately carry out various actions in our daily lives makes fine motor skills one of the skills that must be stimulated from an early age in children to achieve better development in their daily lives. Therefore, in response to the problems that have been observed in an educational institution, the objective was to design a crafts workshop to enhance fine motor skills in four-year-old children. The methodology used in this research is a purposeful design where a pre-test was applied to a population of 25 students through a checklist which was validated by five experts for its application. The results were that 90% of the children were at a beginning level with respect to their fine motor skills. Taking into account the results obtained, we gave way to the creation of “get to work” 14 craft workshops where children can enhance their fine motor coordination. Therefore, it is concluded that the creation of these workshops will help enhance children's fine motor skills by making them participate in carrying them out.

An exploratory study on upward mobility for sheltered workers: a myth or reality?

Lai, Wai-man., 黎偉民. January 1998 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Social Work / Master / Master of Social Work

A critical investigation into the nature and quality of in-service Education and Training programmes for Further education and training (FET) mathematics teachers in the Greater Taung area

Owusu-Mensah, James 29 February 2008 (has links)
The study investigated the nature and quality of in-service education and training programmes organized for Further Education and Training (FET) mathematics teachers in the Greater Taung Area. The researcher is of the contention that more could be done to improve the process and the effectiveness of in-service training in the area. An extensive literature study provides a theoretical foundation and exposes some critical issues for effective in-service training programmes. The qualitative approach is used in the case study. The data were analysed through inductive analysis. The major research findings are that there are no formal processes of identifying the needs of mathematics teachers and further, teachers are not monitored and supervised after in-service sessions. It is recommended that the needs of teachers be identified by the school before inset. For effective monitoring and supervision of mathematics teachers after inset, it is recommended that each cluster within the Area Project Office (APO) should have a subject specialist for mathematics. / EDUCATIONAL STUDIES / MED (MATHS EDUC)

The specific outcomes framework : a tool for learning programme development and implementation

Prinsloo, Glynnis Noreen 06 1900 (has links)
Van der Horst, H van R. / With the introduction in 1998 of Outcomes-Based Education in South Africa, educators will no longer be passive recipients of a curriculum developed within the ivory towers of a Department of Education. Curriculum development will be the task of every educator at the site of delivery. Media articles have painted a gloomy picture of the calibre of educator expected to manage the demands of Outcomes-Based Education. The researcher is of the opinion that there are many dedicated educators willing to accept the historic nature of the journey which lies ahead of them, and who, with the adoption of an encouraging, supportive approach to professional development, will be willing to work with, adapt, modify and improve the Outcomes-Based curriculum presented to them. Educators need to assume responsibility for the professional development of Learning Programmes and the learner support materials to ensure that learners get to grips with the new curriculum. This task can be achieved through high-quality in-service education, training and re-training of educators. This study describes workshops developed by the researcher to familiarise the educators with the Specific Outcomes Framework of Curriculum 2005, and to develop an in-depth understanding of the Specific Outcomes without which, the educators would be at a loss to develop meaningful Learning Programmes. Examples of Learning Programmes developed by some of the participating educators over a period of twelve months indicate the levels of proficiency attained through close monitoring and assistance offered by the researcher. Outcomes-Based Education has been successful where all involved have taken on the challenge to do their best and as we collectively strive to improve the standard of education in South Africa, let us, in the words of Jane Hofmeyer (Article (b),Sunday Times, 25/10/98), "look forward to the day when every child as an educational birthright, can claim access to competent, caring and committed teachers and schools that are organised for success." / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)

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