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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vidurinės mokyklos abiturientų baimės ir pažangumo ypatumai bei sąryšis / The Reletion and specialities of academic achievement and fear of the leavers of secondary school

Sugaudis, Svajūnas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - ištirti vidurinės mokyklos abiturientų baimės ir pažangumo ypatumus bei sąryšį. Buvo ištirta 111 moksleivių. Darbe naudota metodika - „Diferencijuotas mokyklos baimės aprašas“ - (DBA) - (Diferentielle Leistungsangast Inventar (DAI), (Rost D. H., Schermer F. J. 1997), leidžiantis nustatyti abiturientų baimę provokuojančių veiksnių, baimės apraiškos formų bei baimės įveikos ir įtvirtinimo būdų lygius. Ji panaudota du kartus – vieną kartą likus mėnesiui iki egzaminų buvo naudojamas ilgasis variantas, o kitas trumpasis pakartotinis variantas – prasidėjus pirmiesiem įskaitų laikymam. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad abiturientų įvairių baimės rodiklių išreikštumas pirmojo bei pakartotinio tyrimo metu skiriasi, o taip pat šie rodikliai skiriasi priklausomai nuo lyties, bet fiziologinės baimės apraiškos pakartojus tyrimą išlieka nepakitusios. Humanitarinį ir realinį mokymosi profilį pasirinkę abiturientai įvairių baimės rodiklių išreikštumu nesiskiria. Tik pakartotinio testavimo rezultatai rodo, kad į humanitarinius mokslus linkę abiturientai labiau nei linkę į realinius kontroliuoja baimę. Be to, pakartotinio testavimo rezultatai rodo, kad abiturientai, pasirinkę didesnį valstybinių egzaminų skaičių, mažiau linkę į išorinį ir vidinį baimės įtvirtinimą nei abiturientai, pasirinkę mažesnį egzaminų skaičių. / The aim of this research is to assess the connection between fears of school – leavers and academic achievement peculiarity. 111 school-leavers participated in this research. These method were used for investigation – Discriminating Fear of School Inventory (DBA) - (Diferentielle Leistungsangast Inventar (DAI), (Rost D. H., Schermer F. J. 1997), which lets to assess factors provoking fear of school- leavers, fear‘s expressions, coping ways with fear and levels of fear fix. School – leavers were assessed two times. The results indicated that fear index are different at testing first and second time. These indexes are different to men and women, but at first and second time of testing the physiological expresses of fear are the same. The index of fear are the same in school leavers with humanitarian and real profiler (first time testing), but humanitarians can control fear more effectively than real profiler schoolchildren (second time testing). One more thing – school- leavers who have chosen more exams were more prone to fix fear than school- leavers who have chosen less exams.

Proposition d'un guide en vue de réaliser un diagnostic de sécurité dans une localité urbaine

Pominville, Jaude January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

OSSemellan - Oro, stress och sömnproblem: En indikerad preventiv insats för ungdomar / OSSemellan - Worry, stress and sleeping problems: An indicated preventative effort for youths

Andersson, Erik, Hansson, Olov January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

HEMFÖRHÅLLANDEN OCH DEPRESSIVA SYMPTOM : Oro och katastroftänkande som mediatorer mellan negativa hemförhållanden och depressivasymptom hos ungdomar / Worry and Catastrophic Thinking as Mediators Between Negative Home Conditions andDepressive Symptoms in Adolescents

Fröjdfeldt, Sara, Granlund, Ellen January 2014 (has links)
Negativa hemförhållanden har tidigare visats bidra till depressivasymptom. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka: 1) omförhållanden som oro och katastroftänkande är mediatorer mellannegativa hemförhållanden och depressiva symptom, 2) om det finnsnågra könsskillnader i detta avseende. Studien baserades påinsamlade data från ett pågående projekt vid Örebro universitet. Enenkätundersökning utfördes på 18 högstadieskolor i tre mellansvenskastäder med totalt 2749 elever i årskurs 7 och 8. Resultaten visade enpositiv korrelation mellan negativa hemförhållanden och depressivasymptom, samt att båda faktorerna oro och katastroftänkande partielltmedierade mellan negativa hemförhållanden och depressiva symptom.Det fanns könsskillnader som visade att flickor som blev utsatta förpsykologisk kontroll speciellt hade ett katastroftänkande, somkorrelerade högt med depressiva symptom. Slutsatsen är attförhållanden hos människor, som uttalad oro och katastroftänkande,till väsentlig grad förklarar varför negativa hemförhållanden har såkraftig effekt på ungdomars depressiva symptom. / Negative home conditions have previously been shown to contributeto depressive symptoms. The purpose of this study was to examinewhether the conditions worry and catastrophic thinking are mediatorsbetween negative home conditions and depressive symptoms. Thedata was selected from an existing survey conducted among studentsin grades 7-8 at secondary schools in three Swedish cities. A total of2749 secondary school students participated in this cross-sectionalstudy. The results showed a positive correlation between negativehome conditions and depressive symptoms, and both factors worryand catastrophic thinking partially mediated between negative homeconditions and depressive symptoms. The conclusion is thatconditions in humans, such as pronounced worry and catastrophicthinking, to a substantial degreee explains why negative homeconditions have so powerful effects on young people’s depressivesymptoms.

Oro, riskuppfattning och kommunikationsbehov Att kommunicera vid långvariga miljö- och hälsorisker vid förorenade glasbruksområden

Voxberg, Elin January 2018 (has links)
Vid pågående och långvariga miljö- och hälsorisker är det viktigt att kommunicera med invånare kontinuerligt. Denna enkätstudie undersöker därför informationsbehovet hos invånare vid förorenade områden och hur det överensstämmer med myndigheternas syn på kommunikationen. Vidare undersöks oro och riskuppfattning hos invånarna samt hos kommunikatörerna på kommunerna och länsstyrelserna. Undersökningen görs med glasbruksområden som exempel då studier pekar på förorening vid och i närheten av dessa områden men risken för människors hälsa inte är helt fastställd. Resultatet visar att en stor andel av, både invånare och myndigheternas kommunikatörer, tror att det finns risk för och är oroliga för hälsa, miljö och kommande generationers hälsa i närheten av de förorenade områdena. Oron för att bo i närheten är inte lika stor som oron för hälsa och miljö. Både riskuppfattningen och oron är större för miljö än för hälsa. Av dem som bor närmre än 5 km från närmsta glasbruk vill 68 % ha mer information vilket är fler än bland dem som bor längre ifrån, 31%. Tidigare information har de flesta fått från lokala media. Helst vill invånarna kommunicera med kommunen, länsstyrelsen, Naturvårdsverket och till viss del även med lokala media. De som bor närmre än 5 km från ett glasbruk vill ha information via papperstidning, informationsmöten och brev. Detta överensstämmer inte helt med myndigheternas åsikt där kommunikation främst skett via hemsidan och där hemsida, informationsmöten och sociala media är de kommunikationsvägar myndigheterna vill använda. Kommunen, länsstyrelsen och Naturvårdsverket anses som ansvariga för kommunikationen och det är flest som litar på dessa aktörer. Sammantaget visar studien att kommunikationen hittills kan ses som bristfällig och att det behövs förbättrad kommunikation vid långvariga miljö- och hälsorisker. Det finns, i det specifika fallet, utrymme för att förbättra kommunikationen och förutsättningarna är goda om kommunicerande aktörer ser upp för fallgroparna. / At ongoing and long-term environmental- and health risks is it important to communicate with the inhabitants continuously. This study therefore uses a survey to investigate the need for information among inhabitants and how it aligns with the authorities view on the communication. Further, worry and risk perception is examined among inhabitants and the municipalities and the county administration. The study is done with glasswork areas as an example since earlier research indicate contamination on and near these areas but the risk for human health is not yet established. The result show that a substantial share, of both inhabitants and the authority’s employees, thinks there is risk for and is worried about health, environment, and future generations health at contaminated sites. The worry about living close by is not as big as the worry about health and environment. Both risk perception and worry are greater for the environment than for health. Of the inhabitants living closer than 5 km from nearest glasswork, 68% wants more information which is more than among the inhabitants living further away, 31%. Previous information has most people got from local media. The inhabitants prefer to communicate with the municipality, the county administration, and the Swedish EPA and to some extent even with local media. The ones living closer than 5 km from a glasswork want information through newspapers, briefings and letters. This is not fully consistent with what the authorities think, where communication mainly occurred through the website and the website, briefing and social media are the ways authorities want to use for communication. The municipality, county administration and the Swedish EPA considers as responsible for the communication and these authorities got most trust among the inhabitants. Altogether this study shows that the communication so far can be considered as inadequate and that there is a need for improved communication at long term environmental and health risks. There is, in the specific case, room to improve the communication and the conditions are good, if the communicating actors watch out for pitfalls.

Stress in the workplace : the phenomenon, some key correlates and problem solving approaches

Vogel, Fergus Ruric 14 November 2007 (has links)
In this study the researcher set out to determine the levels and the causes of workplace stress, as well as the consequences of stress in terms of witnessed and experienced aggression in the workplace, anxiety, depression, and worry for a sample of 205 subjects. To achieve this, the following tests were used: 1) Experience of Work and Life Circumstances Questionnaire, 2) the Aggression in the Workplace Questionnaire, 3) the IPAT Anxiety Scale,4) the Beck Depression Inventory, and 5) the Penn State Worry Questionnaire. The subjects’ ability to cope withexperienced stressors in relation to social problem solving was examined with the Social Problem-Solving Inventory-Revised. The raw data were analysed by means of the usual descriptivestatistics. In addition, inferential statistics including z-tests, t-tests, analysis of variance and posthoc analyses (Scheffé) were conducted for the following groups: total group, gender, marital status, age, organizational type, qualification and position level. Results indicate that most of the subjects in the sample experienced normal levels of stress, indicating that the participants generally experienced their circumstances within or outside the workplace as satisfactory. Generally, the results also indicated that their expectations regarding their work situation were met. With reference to the consequences of stress, the total sample reported low levels of witnessing and experiencing workplace aggression, normal levels of anxiety, low levels of depression and worry. Good overall social problem solving suggests the ability to cope with demands and stressors within and outside the workplace. Generally, Pearson correlations indicated significant relationships between a) levels of stress as experienced by subjects and b) witnessed and experienced workplace aggression, c) anxiety, d) depression, e) worry and f) social problem solving. That most of the subjects in this sample were able to deal effectively with the demands and stressors placed on them, from within and outside the workplace suggests the ability to use effective problem-focused coping involving social problem solving which for most participants, was due to a positive problem orientation and effective rational problem solving skills. These findings may be useful as part of a stress management programme to help employees deal with stress proactively by becoming more effective problem-solvers. In terms of a salutogenic paradigm, and consistent with recent developments in positive psychology, the findings indicate that more attention should be paid to possible reasons why some employees appear to cope with stress more effectively than others. / Thesis (PhD (Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Psychology / PhD / unrestricted

Exploring needs and supportive factors for students with autism spectrum conditions who show signs of anxiety within the mainstream school setting

Menzies, Dawn January 2013 (has links)
The prevalence of anxiety amongst children with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) is reportedly considerably higher than the general population (Ozsivadjian & Knott, 2011). Research considering intervention for children with ASC and anxiety has predominantly been from a clinical perspective, with limited evidence based literature being found that explored the needs of these students in relation to anxiety within the mainstream secondary school educational context. Anxiety can increase during adolescence for children with ASC (White, Ollendick, Scahill, Oswald, & Albano, 2009) and many of the anxiety related worries of children with ASC have been found to be related to school (Ozsivadjian & Knott, 2011). However, there is a dearth of research regarding practical support within an educational setting that can be implemented by schools on a needs basis to support students with ASC and signs of anxiety. Four students with a diagnosis of an ASC who had presented with signs of anxiety were identified from mainstream secondary schools across one English local authority. A parent and an educational practitioner who worked with each student also participated. A qualitative multiple embedded case study design was utilised. Suitably differentiated methods for gaining this cohort of students’ views and engaging them in the research were employed. Data from semi-structured interviews and educational documentation were analysed for main themes using thematic analysis based upon Braun and Clarke's (2006) six phase model. The perceived needs and difficulties of anxious students with ASC and what is considered to be effective practice in supporting them within a mainstream secondary school setting are outlined. The study provides some understanding of the needs of students with ASC and how schools support management of their anxiety. The research intends to extend knowledge of the needs of these students and what works in effectively supporting these students within a mainstream secondary school setting.

Patienters upplevelse av att leva med diabetesfotsår : En litteraturöversikt / Patients' experience of living with diabetes foot ulcers : A literature review

Gamboa Alva, Paola, Kelmendi, Jehona January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetessjukdomen är en kronisk sjukdom som drabbar ett stort antal människor världen över. I Sverige drabbas omkring cirka 50 000 människor av diabetessjukdomen rapporterar nationella diabetesregistret. Att leva med diabetes under en längre tid kan medfölja olika komplikationer. En av de är den allvarliga diabetesfotsår, som i sin tur uppkommer av kombinationen av nervskada och dålig blodcirkulation. Femton procent av diabetespatienter utvecklar minst ett fotsår under sjukdomens prevalens. Fotsår som har en lång läkningsprocess kan även leda till amputation. Behandlingen för dessa fotsår involverar olika instanser samt specialistfotteam. I behandlingen kan ingå egenvård, kirurgiska ingrepp, behandling med lokalt negativt tryck och hyperbar syrgasbehandling. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att leva med diabetesfotsår. Metod: Metoden har genomförts som en litteraturöversikt vilket bygger på kvalitativ och kvantitativ vetenskaplig forskning. Databaserna som CINAHL Complete och Medline användes för att samla ihop materialet till den har arbetet. Bestämmande sökorden relaterad till ämne användes i både databaserna för att kunna få de lämpliga artiklarna till syftet. Noggrann analys utfördes av artiklarna och slutligen belystes fyra huvudkategorier i resultatet. Resultat: Arbetets resultat presenteras i fyra huvudkategorier som är: Fysiska smärtan, inre känslor, bristande kunskap och begränsningar av livssituationen. Inom den första kategorin framkom att patienterna upplevde smärta vid sömn, när de går, när de står men också smärta från själva såret med mera. Den andra beskriver att patienter med diabetesfotsår upplever en hel del negativa känslor i olika sammanhang. Tredje kategorin omfattar bristande kunskap kring fotsåren men också mötet med vårdpersonalen. Till sist framkom livsbegränsningar som handlar om utförande av vardagliga aktiviteter, begränsningar i sociala sammanhang och arbetsmiljön. Men också svårigheter när det gäller socioekonomiska området. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuteras utifrån Katie Erikssons caritativa teori kring lidande, hälsa och vårdande. / Background: Diabetic disease is a chronic disease affecting a large number of people worldwide. In Sweden, about 50,000 people suffer from diabetes, reports the National Diabetes Register. Living with diabetes for an extended period of time can come with various complications. One of them is the severe diabetic foot ulcer, which in turn arises from the combination of nerve damage and poor blood circulation. Fifteen percent of diabetic patients develop at least one foot ulcer during the prevalence of the disease. Foot ulcers that have a long healing process can also lead to amputation. The treatment for these foot ulcers involves various instances as well as specialist foot teams. The treatment can include self-care, surgical procedures, treatment with local negative pressure and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Aim: The purpose is this study is to describe patient´s experiences of living with diabetes foot ulcers. Method: The method has been carried out as a literature review which is based on qualitative and quantitative scientific research. The databases such as CINAHL Complete and Medline were used to collect the material until it has worked. Determined keywords related to topic were used in both databases in order to get the appropriate articles for the purpose. A thorough analysis was carried out of the articles and finally four main categories were highlighted in the result. Results: The results of the work are presented in four main categories which are: Physical pain, inner feelings, lack of knowledge and limitations of the life situation. Within the first category, it emerged that patients experienced pain during sleep, when they walk, when they stand, but also pain from the wound itself and more. The second describes that patients with diabetes foot ulcers experience a lot of negative emotions in different contexts. The third category includes a lack of knowledge about the foot ulcers but also the meeting with the health care staff. Finally, life constraints emerged, which are about the execution of everyday activities, restrictions in social contexts, working environment and difficulties in the socio-economic field. Discussion: The result is discussed based on Katie Eriksson's charitable theory of suffering, health and caring.

A challenge or a threat : Exploring expressive writing as a reframing tool to cope with the transition to online learning

Parfa, Nils-Olof, Östlund, Olle January 2021 (has links)
The COVID-19 pandemic has extensively impacted upon society and limited opportunities for social interaction due to government regulations. University students have been required to adapt to a transition from classroom to online based learning, with a subsequent loss of resources and study-specific venues for social interaction. In general, university students are identified as being at increased risk of experiencing mental health issues; social isolation and loneliness incurred as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic can further contribute to students’ vulnerability. The present study explores student attitudes concerning the transition to online studies using the theoretical foundation of Challenge and Threat states, and examines the utility of Written Emotional Disclosure to improve student coping. The study was undertaken with 45 students (23 women, 22 men; aged between 18-35 years) attending Umeå University. Data were collected during the completion of an online based expressive writing intervention. Participants were instructed to write about their experience of the transition to online studies, and reflect upon how they could develop strategies to cope with possible academic difficulties. Participants also reported levels of general anxiety, positive and negative affect, emotional and social loneliness, challenge, threat, worry, and confidence. Data analysis revealed that students’ reporting heightened levels of general anxiety as well as emotional loneliness were more likely to experience the transition as threatening and were more prone to excessive worry. No statistically significant intervention effects were found. Limitations of the present study are discussed and future research is proposed. / COVID-19-pandemin har påverkat samhället i stor utsträckning och de införda restriktionerna har begränsat möjligheterna till social interaktion. Universitetsstudenter har varit tvungna att ställa om till onlinestudier, med förlust av resurser och studiespecifika sociala sammanhang som följd. Universitetsstudenter är en riskgrupp när det kommer till mental ohälsa; social isolering och ensamhet till följd av COVID-19-pandemin kan ytterligare bidra till elevernas sårbarhet. Denna studie har undersökt studenters attityder gentemot övergången till onlinestudier utifrån teorin om Challenge- and Threat states och om Written Emotional Disclosure kan förbättra studenternas coping. Undersökningen genomfördes med 45 studenter (23 kvinnor, 22 män, i åldern 18-35 år) som studerade vid Umeå universitet. Data samlades in genom en onlinebaserad skrivövning. Deltagarna instruerades att skriva om sina erfarenheter av övergången till onlinestudier och reflektera över hur de kunde utveckla strategier för att hantera eventuella svårigheter. Deltagarna rapporterade också nivåer av positiva och negativa affekter, emotionell och social ensamhet, challenge, threat, oro och självförtroende. Analyser visade på att studenter med högre nivåer av ångest och emotionell ensamhet var mer benägna att uppleva övergången till onlinestudier som mer hotfull och oroade sig i högre utsträckning kring densamma. Inga statistiskt signifikanta interventionseffekter hittades. Denna studies begränsningar diskuteras och fokus för framtida forskningsområden föreslås

Epidemiologie und nosologischer Status der Generalisierten Angststörung

Hoyer, Jürgen, Beesdo, Katja, Becker, Eni S., Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2003 (has links)
Theoretischer Hintergrund: Die diagnostischen Kriterien der Generalisierten Angststörung (GAS) und ihr Status als eigenständige psychische Störung waren lange umstritten. Inzwischen liegen neuere epidemiologische Daten vor, die ein präziseres Bild dieser Störung und ihrer Besonderheiten ermöglichen. Methode: Es wird ein systematischer Überblick zu Prävalenz, Verlauf und Komorbidität, zur Beeinträchtigung und zum Inanspruchnahmeverhalten sowie zur Spezifität des Kernsymptoms (Sorgen) erstellt. Ergebnisse: GAS ist eine häufige Störung, die im jungen Erwachsenenalter einsetzt, jedoch auch – anders als andere Angststörungen – hohe Inzidenzraten im mittleren Lebensalter aufweist. Der Verlauf ist eher chronisch. Trotz hoher Komorbidität lässt sich die Störung valide abgrenzen. Klinisch relevante Sorgen erweisen sich als störungsspezifisch. Die Beeinträchtigungen sind auch bei GAS-Patienten ohne Komorbidität beträchtlich. Schlussfolgerung: Der Forschungsstand spricht für die Bedeutung und Eigenständigkeit der Diagnose sowie für die stärkere Beachtung offener Forschungsfragen. / Background: The diagnostic criteria for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and its status as an independent mental disorder have been controversial. More recent epidemiological data provide a more precise picture of this disorder and its specific features. Methods: A systematic overview is given in regard to prevalence, course and comorbidity, impairment, and help-seeking behavior as well as to specificity of the core symptom (worries). Results: GAD is a frequent disorder with high incidence rates in middle-age groups, which are not seen in other anxiety disorders. Despite the high comorbidity GAD can be validly distinguished. Clinically relevant worries have been proven as specific for the disorder. The impairments are also considerable for patients without comorbid disorders. Conclusions: Research supports the independent status of GAD and the importance of this diagnosis. Unsolved questions are to be analyzed in future research.

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