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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lietuvos nacionalinėms rinktinėms priklausančių ir nepriklausančių dziudo imtynininkų motyvacijos, kognityvinių ir emocinių procesų kompleksinis įvertinimas / Complex Evaluation of cognitive and emotional processes of motivation in sports activities for the wrestlers who belong or do not belong to the national teams of Lithuania

Paškevičius, Marius 12 May 2006 (has links)
In the training of judo sportsmen, it is topical for the coach to be aware of the psychological specialties that are important for the sportsmen in this field, and know how they are successfully realized in sporting wrestlers’ activities. Psychological characteristics of Lithuanian judo sportsmen have not been researched so far. In this paper there were researched professionally important qualities of judo wrestlers. The set aim of the research was to evaluate psychosocial specialties, cognitive processes (transfer of attention, spatial-visual thinking) and emotional resistance of judo wrestlers who belong to adult and junior groups in a complex manner, and compare the data of wrestlers, who belong or do not belong to the national team. The personality’s motivational field is analyzed in a complex with other domains, as any activities are conditioned by motives. Motives play an exceptionally important role for the development of actions, thinking and all other cognitive functions. The task of research: 1. To evaluate the sportsmen groups, who belong to adult and junior national judo teams of Lithuania and those ho not, seven psychosocial dimensions that influence the motivation in sports activities. 2. 2To investigate the sportsmen groups, who belong to adult and junior national judo teams of Lithuania and those ho not, cognitive field - operations of attention transfer and spatial-visual thinking. 3. To evaluate the sportsmen groups, who belong to adult and junior national... [to full text]

Prestation utan vision? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om vilka faktorer som bidrar till utveckling av en brottares prestation / Performance without a vision?

Hellman, Hugo, Stillwell, Kevin January 2017 (has links)
The Swedish Wrestling Association are in the process of constructing a new Elite Development Plan which will include the fields: Elite Sports Environment, Coaching Development, Performance Development, Performance Analysis and Research Development. This study will aim to produce knowledge in the field Performance Development. The study analyzes elite wrestlers from the Swedish National Wrestling Team views on how to develop their performance and what factors are most significant. To answer the purpose of the study the Swedish Wrestling Association helped us conduct interviews with eight different wrestlers whom all had different backgrounds. The result showed that there are several important factors that have a significant impact on their performance development, which include training facilities, setting clear short and long-term goals and having support from their surroundings. A short conclusion of the study is that the Swedish wrestlers all have the physical ability to compete on a high international level, however, that they lack in the mental ability which disables them to take the next step in their development. Our hope with this study is that it will lay a foundation for the Swedish Wrestling Association and their future Elite Development Plan.

The Effect of Rapid Weight Loss on the Efficiency of Wrestlers Under Simulated Competitive Conditions

Fabrizio, Anthony N. 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of rapid weight loss on wrestlers' efficiency incorporating competitive aspects of the sport into the research procedures. Six subjects were selected from the North Texas State University Wrestling Club. Eight cardiovascular and neuromuscular measurements were taken and recorded before treatment and following treatment. Astrand's bicycle ergometer test was utilized to obtain exhaustive, heart rates. Data were analyzed by a one-tailed t test at the .05 level. Conclusion of the investigation was that following 6.25 per cent rapid loss of body weight, over a period of one week, no loss of efficiency occurred among wrestlers under simulated competitive conditions.

Lietuvos Olimpinio sporto centro jaunųjų graikų-romėnų imtynininkų rengimas metiniu treniruočių ciklu / The analysis of the cycle of annual trainings for young greco – roman wrestlers of the Lithuanian Olympic Sport Center

Putiakov, Aleksej 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiuolaikinės graikų – romėnų imtynės sparčiai vystosi – didėja konkurencija tarp sportininkų, tobulėja sportininkų atrankos sistema. Sparčiai gerėja sportiniai rezultatai, keičiasi taisyklės, o tai skatina ieškoti moksliškai pagristų sportininkų rengimo metodų, priemonių ir treniruotės organizavimo formų. Darbe atlikta Lietuvos olimpinio sporto centro jaunųjų graikų – romėnų imtynininkų rengimo per metinį treniruočių ciklą (2005 – 2006 m.) analizė. Išanalizuota jaunųjų imtynininkų metinio rengimo struktūra, treniruočių krūvių apimtis, specifiškumas, fizinio, funkcinio imtynininkų pajėgumo, bei specialios ištvermės kaita per metinį treniruočių ciklą. Tyrimai parodė, kad imtynininkų metinio rengimo ciklo programos atskirų periodų turinys yra pernelyg vienodas. Mažai besikeičiantis santykinai bendram ir specialiam fiziniam rengimui skiriamas laiko kiekis bei mažai kintantis treniruočių intensyvumas. Tai patvirtina ir imtynininkų fizinio ir funkcinio pajėgumo rodiklių maža kaita metiniame treniruočių cikle. Darbo išvados leidžia daryti prielaidą, kad būtina tobulinti Lietuvos olimpinio sporto cento jaunųjų graikų-romėnų imtynininkų metinio treniruočių ciklo programą. / Contemporary Greco – Roman wrestling has been rapidly developing – competition among sportsmen has increased sportsmen’s selection system. Sporting results have been becoming better, the rules are changing fast and thus all these things stimulate the interest of searching for scientifically approved methods, means and forms of trainings of sportsmen preparation. The study comprises the analysis of the cycle of annual trainings (years 2005-2006) for young Greco – Roman wrestlers of the Lithuanian Olympic Sport Center. The structure of the annual preparation of sportsmen, volume of training, specification, change of physical, functional and special capacity during the annual cycle of training sessions have been analyzed. The research has shown the content of separate periods of the wrestlers’ annual preparation cycle to be too monotonous. Comparatively small amount of time spent for general and special physical preparation. This is confirmed by wrestlers’ minor change of physical and functional capacity in the cycle of annual training session. The conclusion of this study allow us to presume that the plan of annual training cycle for young Greco – Roman wresters at Lithuanian Olympic sport center must be improved.

Vliv kompenzačního programu pro sportovce v řeckořímském zápase / Compensation program for athletes in Greco-Roman wrestling

Konvičný, Luděk January 2017 (has links)
Title: Influence of the compensation program for athletes in the Greco-Roman wrestling. Objectives: This diploma thesis concerned with an evaluation of the postural and phasic muscles on the group of ten Greco-Roman wrestling fighters at the age from 16 to 17. Methods: For the assessment of the muscular inequality we used input and output measurements and based on the findings we have chosen the intervention program according to recommended literature. We applied the intervention program to the training units for four months. At the end of the diploma thesis we evaluated the significance of our program using output measurements according to the captured photographs, which we evaluated: fulfilled = 1, failed = 2. We used the Wilcox test to calculate the statistical significance. Results: The worst results were found in the area of postural muscles of m.erector truncata and phasic muscles of m.rhomboideus. The best results were achieved in the area of postural muscles of m.sternocleidomastoideus in a forward bend and in the area of the biceps femoris. The best results of the phasic muscles were achieved in the area of m.rhomboideus. At the end of this thesis it is statistically confirmed that applied intervention program eventually results in the significant difference between the initial and final...

Modernisation of a Performance Testing Machine for Olympic Wrestlers : A Case Study of the PowerBox Performance Testing Machine / Modernisering av en maskin för prestandatester för olympiska brottare : En fallstudie av PowerBox-maskinen för prestandatestning

van Esch, Jitse Jan January 2023 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on the modernisation of the PowerBox, a performance testing machine intended for Olympic wrestlers to help them enhance their ability to prevent penalty points caused by being pushed out of the wrestling area. As the PowerBox has become outdated and underutilized, this study aims to revive the project by exploring how modern hardware and software technology can be integrated to provide real-time feedback and automate post-analysis processes. Recognising that the success of modernisation depends not only on the data delivered but also on the user experience, a user-centred development cycle was designed to accommodate the demanding schedules of elite athletes. Within this cycle, a prototype was developed and tested to assess the hardware's validity, software usability, and overall user experience. Additionally, an automated data analysis system was developed, and a proof-of-concept was demonstrated in this thesis. The prototype performed exceptionally well, exhibiting high validity of the hardware components, with force correlations exceeding 0.99 and velocity correlations exceeding 0.9. Usability was also rated positively, achieving a 100% success rate in user challenges and an 88.75 score on the system usability scale. Furthermore, users evaluated the overall user experience as excellent based on the user experience questionnaire. Notably, the PowerBox generated significant interest not only among wrestlers but also among other athletes, such as rugby players and handball players. This demonstrates the impact of modernising performance testing machines like the PowerBox. / Denna masteruppsats fokuserar på moderniseringen av PowerBox, en prestationstestmaskin för att hjälpa dem att förbättra sin förmåga att hålla sig innanför det markerade brottningsområdet och därmed undvika straffpoäng. Eftersom PowerBox har blivit föråldrad och underutnyttjad syftar denna studie till att återuppliva projektet genom att utforska hur modern hårdvaru- och programvaruteknik kan integreras för att ge realtidsfeedback och automatisera efteranalysprocesser. Med medvetenhet om att framgången med moderniseringen inte bara beror av den levererade datan utan också av användarupplevelsen har en användarcentrerad utvecklingscykel utformats för att anpassa sig till de krävande scheman för elitidrottare. Inom denna cykel utvecklades och testades en prototyp för att bedöma hårdvarans validitet, programvarans anvandarvänlighet och den övergripande användarupplevelsen. Dessutom utvecklades ett automatiserat dataanalysystem och en bevisföring presenterades i denna avhandling. Prototypen presterade exceptionellt bra och visade hög validitet för hårdvarukomponenterna, med kraftkorrelationer överstigande 0,99 och hastighetskorrelationer överstigande 0,9. Anvandarvänligheten bedömdes också positivt och uppnådde 100% framgångsgrad i användarutmaningar och en poäng på 88,75 på systemets anvandarvänlighetsskala. Dessutom bedömde användare den övergripande användarupplevelsen som utmärkt baserat på användarupplevelseenkäten. Det är viktigt att notera att PowerBox väckte betydande intresse inte bara bland brottare utan också bland andra idrottare, som rugby- och handbollsspelare. Detta visar på effekten av att modernisera prestationstestmaskiner som PowerBox. / Deze masterthesis richt zich op de modernisering van de PowerBox, een prestatietest bedoeld voor Olympische worstelaars om hun vermogen te verbeteren om strafpunten te voorkomen die veroorzaakt worden door buiten het worstelgebied geduwd te worden. De PowerBox is een verouderde machine die nog weinig gebruikt wordt, en het doel van deze thesis is om dit project nieuw leven in te blazen door te onderzoeken hoe moderne hardware- en software technologie geïntegreerd kunnen worden om realtime feedback te bieden en post-analyseprocessen te automatiseren. Het is belangrijk te beseffen dat het success van de modernisering niet alleen afhangt van de geleverde data, maar ook van de gebruikerservaring. Daarom is er een gebruiker gerichte ontwikkelingscyclus ontworpen die ook past binnen het drukke schema van topsporters. Binnen deze cyclus is een prototype ontwikkeld en getest om de validiteit van de hardware, de gebruiksvriendelijkheid van de software en de algehele gebruikservaring te beoordelen. Daarnaast is er een geautomatiseerd data-analyse systeem ontwikkeld waar deze thesis een proof-of-concept van presenteerd. Het prototype presteerde buitengewoon goed, met hoge validiteit van de hardware componenten, met krachtcorrelaties van meer dan 0.99 en snelheidscorrelaties van meer dan 0.9. De gebruiksvriendelijkheid werd ook positief beoordeeld, met een slagingspercentage van 100% bij de uitdagingen en een score van 88.75 op de schaal voor systeemgebruiksvriendelijkheid. Bovendien beoordeelden gebruikers de algehele gebruikservaring als uitstekend op basis van de gebruikerservaringsvragenlijst Opmerkelijk is dat de PowerBox niet alleen veel interesse heeft gewekt bij worstelaars, maar ook bij andere atleten, zoals rugby- en handbalspelers. Dit toont het effect aan van het moderniseren van prestatietestmachines zoals de PowerBox.

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