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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Variabilité de la zone de minimum d’oxygène du Pacifique Est équatorial au cours du Quaternaire récent / Eastern Equatorial Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone variability over late quaternary

Cartapanis, Olivier 20 June 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectifs de documenter les variations spatiotemporelles de la zone de minimum d’oxygène (OMZ) du Pacifique Nord-Est, et d’identifier les mécanismes qui ont causé ces variations. L’étude est fondée sur l’analyse géochimique des composants majeurs, mineurs et traces de sédiments prélevés dans le Pacifique Nord-Est, en combinant des mesures par ICP-MS et scanneur XRF. Ces mesures ont permis de distinguer l’effet de la productivité biologique de celui de la ventilation océanique sur l’oxygénation du sédiment. J’ai pu mettre en évidence le rôle prépondérant de la productivité au niveau de la Basse Californie (23°N), qui varie en phase avec les températures en Atlantique Nord durant les 120.000 dernières années. Par ailleurs, la ventilation océanique a probablement joué un rôle important au niveau du golfe de Papagayo (12°N), par l’advection de masses d’eau provenant des hautes latitudes nord et sud. L’intensité de l’OMZ du Pacifique Nord-Est serait donc influencée par des modifications des circulations océaniques et atmosphériques, liées aux climats des hautes latitudes des deux hémisphères. / This thesis aims at documenting the spatiotemporal variations of the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) of the northeastern Pacific, and identifying the mechanisms that caused theses variations. The study is based on the geochemical analyses of major, minor, and trace elements of sediments from the northeastern Pacific, by combining ICP-MS and XRF scans measurements. These measurements allowed distinguishing the effect of biologic productivity and oceanic ventilation on sediment oxygenation. I was able to highlight the predominant impact of the productivity off the Baja California Margin (23°N), which varied in phase with the high northern Atlantic temperature across the past 120,000 years. Moreover, oceanic ventilation did play an important role off the Papagayo Gulf (12°N), because of the advection of water mass coming from the high northern and southern latitudes. OMS intensity in the northeastern Pacific could thus be influenced by changes in the atmospheric and oceanic circulation, in relation to high northern and southern latitudes climates.

Laminations sédimentaires et variabilité climatique et océanographique haute-fréquence sur la marge péruvienne / Sedimentary laminations and high-frequency climatic and oceanographic variability on the Peruvian margin

Fleury, Sophie 04 June 2015 (has links)
Le Système d’Upwelling Péruvien (PUS) et la Zone à Oxygène minimum (OMZ) qui y est associée font partie des régions les plus marquées par les variations climatiques de type El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), tant à l’échelle interannuelle qu’à l’échelle décennale. Or, peu d’enregistrements de l’impact de l’ENSO sur cette zone géographique atteignent ces résolutions temporelles, malgré des conditions propices à la conservation de dépôts sédimentaires laminés.Nous avons analysé ces archives sédimentaires à l’échelle de la lamine et en utilisant des marqueurs sédimentologiques, micro paléontologiques et géochimiques afin de retracer les variations de tous les paramètres susceptibles de répondre aux changements climatiques(précipitations, productivité, dénitrification, températures océaniques de surface). Cette approche nous a permis de disposer d’un enregistrement complet des conditions environnementales dans l’OMZ du Pérou à des échelles pluri-annuelle à multidécennale, ce qui est inégalé sur des périodes au-delà du dernier millénaire. Nous avons ainsi pu mettre en évidence une forte empreinte de la circulation de Walker sur le PUS. Cet impact est modulé par les régions extra tropicales de l’hémisphère Nord, en particulier par l’Oscillation Nord-Atlantique (NAO) à l’échelle multidécennale, par la circulation thermohaline à l’échelle centennale et par l’Anticyclone Sibérien à l’échelle millénaire. / The Peruvian Upwelling System (PUS) and the corresponding Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) are part of the regions where the imprint of climatic variations due to El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) at the interannual and multidecadal timescales is the strongest. However,only a few records of ENSO-like climatic variability reach such short timescales in thisgeographical area, despite prevailing conditions favorable to the preservation of laminatedsediments. We analyzed these sedimentary archives at the scale of the lamination, using sedimentology, micropaleontology and geochemistry. The aim was to trace variations in all parameters responding to climatic changes (rainfall, productivity, denitrification, sea surfacetemperatures). This approach has provided a full record of environmental conditions in thePeruvian OMZ at multiannual and multidecadal timescales for the first time on time intervals exceeding the last millennium. We thus evidenced a strong imprint of the Walker circulation on the PUS. This impact is paced by the extratropical northern hemisphere, especially by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) at the multidecadal timescale, by the thermohaline circulation at the centennial timescale and by the Siberian High at the millennial timescale.

Unconventional reservoir characterization using real samples based on differential thermal analysis, evaluation of rock parameters, and HC extraction using HP-CO2 aiming reservoir recovery recommendations

Muktadir, A. T. M. Golam 02 March 2022 (has links)
To meet the global hydrocarbon energy demand, it is imperative either to enhance the production from existing fields by applying innovative engineering solutions or discovering new field /resource areas. Both of these options are investigated by petroleum engineers intensively to tackle the challenges of meeting the ever-increasing demand. Meeting the energy demand as, like any other developing country, Jordan is facing a formidable challenge and requires exploration for conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon resources. As Jordan has a long exploration history for conventional reservoirs, Unconventional resource exploration and production seems to be the way to find new energy sources. Different exploration wells were drilled to evaluate the hydrocarbon potential. This research work is focusing on an experimental investigation to evaluate Jordanian hydrocarbon potential as well as to provide recommendations for future exploration activities in shale resources. The Evaluations were performed through comprehensive laboratory experiments that include measurements of Total Organic Content, Grain density, Pore Size Distribution, Specific Surface Area (BET), Mineralogy, Thermogravimetry Analysis, and Rock-Eval pyrolysis. The petrophysical properties (TOC, grain density, pore size distribution) of Jordanian shale (nine different wells) are investigated. The TOC and grain density are in an inversely proportional relationship. The TOC results show a gradual increment with the depth. All the samples have higher porosity dominated by macro pores. Fourteen (14) samples were selected primarily based on TOC (above 1.5%) for further analysis. The specific surface area results show a proportional relationship with the TOC content. Considering the petrophysical properties and mineralogy, these Jordanian shales broadly can be considered as high porosity clay and mudstone type of shale. Thermogravimetry analysis (TG/DTG) results indicate quantitative information related to organic and inorganic matter. Detection of thermos-reactive minerals, especially clay, carbonate, muscovite, pyrite is possible due to the combination of TG/DTG/DSC. The samples are examined under three different procedures which includes different heating programs. The oxidizing and inert atmospheric conditions (procedure i & ii) have the same heating program whereas procedure iii (inert atmospheric condition) has a heating program similar to the Rock-Eval pyrolysis program. The results of these samples show the complex nature of shale as well as organic matter by reacting in different stages (two or, three stages). Depending of the maturity of organic matter, the reaction occurring temperature range varies. Maximum oxidization reaction peaks happen between 479°C to 502°C. The maximum pyrolysis reaction peaks between 498°C to 521°C. Compared with complex heating (procedure iii) and rock Eval pyrolysis, S2 results indicate a high amount of inorganic compounds. Considering TGA reaction peaks and rock Eval pyrolysis results, these Jordanian shales indicate immature with low hydrocarbon generation potential. The Jordanian shale samples are analyzed by using Rock-Eval pyrolysis. Analysis results are used to interpret petroleum potential in rocks. The most important information includes organic matter types (also connected with the depositional settings), organic matter thermal maturity, and the remaining hydrocarbon generation potential in the current form. The organic geochemical analysis results indicate mostly poor to no source rock potential except JF2-760 samples. The hydrogen index (HI) and oxygen index (OI) result suggests that type iii kerogen and type iii/ iv kerogen are most likely from terrestrial and varied settings origin. The low hydrogen, as well as, low S2 value indicate very little hydrocarbon generation potential. Similarly, The Tmax and PI data indicate immature to early mature source rock status and low conversion scenario. Furthermore, the supercritical CO2 is injected into the samples, which is similar to gas flooding experiments to understand the recovery process. Hydrocarbon recovery or, CO2-shale interaction is determined by comparing three different properties (TOC, SSA, and TGA) pre-and-post supercritical CO2 injection. Supercritical CO2 injection in immature shale shows very limited property changes (TOC, SSA, and TGA) to the samples. However, in presence of hydrocarbon the pre-and post-injection property changes TOC, TGA, and SSA (BET) are noticeable enough to conclude HC recovery. Although in the case of immature shale with no hydrocarbon potential the kerogen or bitumen extraction has not been detected, which can be significant in the case of greenhouse gas storage, especially CCUS. This could reduce the risk of Organic Matter (OM) migration possibility in case immature shale formation is present in a suitable geological location.

Magma-Carbonate Interaction and CO2 Release: A Case Study from Carlingford Igneous Centre, Ireland / Magma-karbonat-interaktion och CO2-utsläpp: En studie från Carlingford Igneous Centre, Irland

Lagrosen, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Magma which intrudes into carbonate rich crust, interacts with the carbonate in several ways, for example by contact metamorphism and formation of marble or by metasomatism resulting in calc-silicate skarn. These processes release volatiles, such as CO2, from the carbonate and might thus cause climate change. One volcanic complex where the intrusions and their surrounding metamorphic aureole are well exposed and therefore convenient for investigation of magma-carbonate interaction is the Carlingford Igneous Centre in NE of Ireland. The complex is dominated by a gabbro lopolith and a microgranite ring dyke, which intruded into limestone and meta-siltstone at around 62-60 Ma. The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent of magma-carbonate interaction and assess the amount of CO2 which could have been released from the aureole at Carlingford. This is done by analysing major and trace elements as well as carbon and sulphur content in skarn and marble samples from a transect along the calc-silicate metamorphic aureole. The analytical methods used are SEM- EDX, XRF, LA-ICP-MS and carbon and sulphur analyses. The CO2 release is calculated by comparing the carbon and CO2 content in the skarn and marble samples with that in the unmetamorphosed limestone. The results show that the skarn has experienced a strong interaction with the magma, as it contains several high-grade minerals, such as wollastonite, vesuvianite and pyrope, and has lost almost all its carbon. The extent of interaction and amount of CO2 release is generally much lower in the marble, even though a few marble samples show a strong interaction and a high degree of degassing. On the other hand, the amount of marble in the aureole turns out to be significantly higher than the amount of skarn (70-90% compared to 10-30%). The total mass of CO2 release from the calc-silicate aureole is calculated to 0.64-9.06 Gt, where 1.30-2.67 Gt being the most realistic amount. This released CO2 has probably not caused any significant climate change on its own but may have had a small contribution to global warming together with other volcanoes that were active during the same period of time. / Magma som tränger in i karbonatrik jordskorpa, integrerar med karbonaten på flera olika sätt, t.ex. genom kontaktmetamorfos och bildande av marmor eller genom metasomatos, vilket resulterar i kalk-silikatisk skarn. Dessa processer släpper ut flyktiga ämnen, som exempelvis CO2, från karbonaten och kan därmed orsaka klimatförändring. Ett vulkaniskt komplex där intrusioner och deras omgivande metamorfa aureoler är välexponerade och därmed lämpliga för undersökning av magma-karbonat-interaktion är Carlingford Igneous Centre i nordöstra Irland. Komplexet domineras av en gabbro-lopolit och en mikrogranitisk ring-gång, som trängde in i kalksten och metasiltsten för ca 62-60 Ma. Syftet med studien är att undersöka graden av magma-karbonat-interaktion och bedöma mängden CO2 som kan ha släppts ut från aureolen i Carlingford. Detta utförs genom analysering av huvudelement och spårelement samt av kol- och svavelinnehåll i skarn- och marmorprover från en transekt genom den kalk-silikatiska metamorfa aureolen. De analytiska metoder som används är SEM-EDX, XRF, LA-ICP- MS samt kol- och svavelanalyser. Mängden CO2 beräknas genom att jämföra kol- och CO2-innehåll i skarn- och marmorprover med innehållet kol och CO2 i den ickemetamorfa kalkstenen. Resultaten visar att skarn har genomgått en stark interaktion med magman, då bergarten innehåller flera mineral av hög metamorf grad, som exempelvis wollastonit, vesuvianit och pyrop, samt har förlorat nästan allt sitt kol. Graden interaktion och mängden CO2-utsläpp är generellt mycket lägre i marmorn än i skarnen, även fast några marmorprover visar stark interaktion och en stor del avgasning. Å andra sidan är mängden marmor i aureolen signifikant högre än mängden skarn (70-90% jämfört med 10-30%). Den totala massan av CO2-utsläpp från den kalk-silikatiska delen av aureolen är beräknad till 0,64-9,06 Gt, där 1,30-2,67 Gt anses vara den mest realistiska mängden. Detta utsläpp av CO2 har troligtvis inte orsakat någon signifikant klimatpåverkan på egen hand, men kan ha haft en liten bidragande effekt till global uppvärmning tillsammans med andra vulkaner som var aktiva under samma geologiska tidsperiod.

Investigating the potential correlations between metal and metalloid concentrations and soil color : A Minor Field Study on the island province of Marinduque, Philippines / Undersökning av potentiella samband mellan metall- och metalloidkoncentrationer och markfärg : En Minor Field Study på ö-provinsen Marinduque, Filippinerna

Saric Söderholm, Ivana Pia, Readwin, Erik January 2023 (has links)
This study was carried out as a bachelor's thesis at KTH Royal Institute of Technology during the spring of 2023, investigating the correlation between the color with the concentration of various metal and metalloids (MMs) in the soil of Marinduque, The Philippines. With a history of mineral exploitation, notably copper and gold, the island has faced persistent environmental challenges, exemplified by the catastrophic waste spills in 1993 and 1996 that contaminated the Boac and Mogpog Rivers. These incidents have left lasting consequences on the environment and human health. The research methodology involved an analysis of soil samples collected from Marinduque, using portable equipment such as Olympus Vanta X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), color scanning using the Nix Pro 2 Color Sensor, followed by data processing through MATLAB version R2023a. The latter involved statistical methods such as Pearson correlation and p-value, which produced correlation coefficients and identified which correlations were statistically significant. The correlations yielded were those between varying MMs concentrations in the soil and CIE L*a*b* soil color parameters across different municipalities in Marinduque. These correlations offer insights into potential causal relationships between arsenic (As), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn), and soil discoloration. Based on correlations between MMs concentrations and soil color, future studies can encompass a broader range of soil assessment and contamination risks analysis, thus offering valuable guidance to local communities and authorities in devising effective strategies for mitigating MMs pollution in the natural environment. / Denna studie utfördes som en kandidatuppsats vid Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (KTH) under våren 2023 och undersökte korrelationer mellan färg, metalloid- och metallkoncentrationer i marken på Marinduque, Filippinerna. Med en historia av mineralutvinning, särskilt koppar och guld, har ön stått inför pågående miljöutmaningar, såsom katastrofala avfallsutsläpp som förorenat floderna Boac och Mogpog. Dessa händelser har lämnat långvariga konsekvenser för miljön och människors hälsa. Forskningsmetoden omfattade en analys av jordprover från Marinduque, med användning av laboratorieutrustning som röntgenfluorescens (XRF), färgskanning med Nix Pro 2 Color Sensor, följt av databehandling genom MATLAB version R2023a. Den senare involverade statistiska metoder som Pearson-korrelation och p-värde, vilka genererade korrelationskoefficienter och identifierade vilka korrelationer som var statistiskt signifikanta. De erhållna korrelationerna var mellan varierande metallkoncentrationer i jorden och CIE L*a*b* markfärgsparametrar inom olika kommuner på Marinduque. Dessa korrelationer ger insikter i potentiella kausala samband mellan arsenik (As), järn (Fe), bly (Pb), mangan (Mn) och zink (Zn), samt jordfärg. Baserat på korrelationer mellan metalloid- och metallkoncentrationer i mark och markfärg kan framtida studier täcka en bredare räckvidd av risker för markförorening, och därmed erbjuda värdefull vägledning till lokala samhällen och myndigheter för att utveckla effektiva strategier för att minska förorening av tungmetaller i den naturliga miljön.

Buttering up the dead : An archaeological study of the relationship between burial urns and grave gifts from the scandinavian Roman Iron Age from Uppland, Sweden, using lipid-and elemental analyses

Sundström, Annika January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker begravningsurnor som deponerats under romersk järnålder i grav A7000 i Broby bro, Täby Socken, Sverige. Materialet som undersöks är en del av forskningsprojektet; Broby bro – en plats där världen passerar. Teorierna kring begravningsritualer från denna tidsperiod har genom lipidanalyser samt elementanalyser förfinats. Av de fem kärl som undersöks har fyra, F16007, F16152, F16195 och F16263, definierats som begravningsurnor. F16137 är fortfarande oidentifierad. Fokus har lagts på att undersöka relationen mellan fynden och även att fastställa om F16195 och F16263 kommer från samma urna. Resultaten visar att F16195 är en gravgåva till F16263.

Handheld XRF as a proxy for onsite evaluation of unconventional targets: an investigation of the Woodford shale, Anadarko basin, Oklahoma

Willey, Tyler Jayne January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Geology / Matthew Totten / The Woodford shale is recognized as an abundant source rock across Oklahoma and much of the midcontinent (Lambert, 1990), and up to 8% of the world’s hydrocarbon reserves are estimated to have been sourced by the Woodford and its equivalents (Fritz et al, 1991). The Woodford shale is far more complex than other Devonian black shales found in North America due to the presence of alternating bands of chert-like amorphous silica and silica-rich shale. Analysis of chert and its possible role in gas generation and storage in shales has been largely overlooked. The goal of this study is to determine if chert size, amounts, or polycrystallinity can be indicators of thermal maturity within the Woodford shale. Handheld XRF analysis was conducted on the whole rock samples, and a mudrock specific sodium bisulfate fusion was used to separate the non-clay fraction. SEM was performed on the resulting separates to study and observe changes in chert fabric, grain-size, and amount. No correlations were observed to indicate that chert is an indicator of thermal maturity within the Woodford shale. Increase in chert growth and amount was also not detected within the size fractions as thermal maturity increases. Handheld XRF proved to be a good proxy for quick, onsite analysis of silica concentrations, as well as the amount of organic matter within drill core. This could be beneficial as hydraulic fracking produces best results in areas of higher silica content, and the wells with the highest organic matter have the highest potential for petroleum accumulations.

Monte Carlo modelling of an X-ray fluorescence detection system by the MCNP code

Xia, Xiaolei January 2018 (has links)
This survey has shown, using the Monte Carlo N-Particle(MCNP) code to model a detection system, to demonstrate that it is possible to design a system to measure hazard elements in polluted water. At first, the measurement method needs to be determined. For measuring the specimen component without knowing the accuracy concentration in a short time, when compared with other methods, the Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) is a good choice for solving this problem. Then, a basic part of this method and actual experiment setting is using the simulation to find the suitable parameters such as the input X-ray energy level, the detector thickness, etc. At last, the polluted water has been measured for evaluating the system function.

Mineralogy and petrology of a drill core section from Borg, SW Norrköping – fracture fillings and tentative mineral reactions

Chong, Ting-Fung January 2019 (has links)
During drilling at Borg, ca. 5 km southwest of central Norrköping, an unidentified fine-grained grey rock was encountered in contact with dark red granitic gneiss at 35m depth. The fine-grained grey rock occurs above the red granitic gneiss. Our understanding prior to testing is that the rock may have been formed by fluid alteration of a mafic rock, as neither metamorphic nor sedimentary textures were observed. Understanding this rock and the formation processes related to it, is of interest for the general understanding of the region and of geotechnical importance since fracture fillings may affect the stability of the rock during and after construction projects. This study uses the methods petrography, XRD and XRF to define the fine-grained mafic rock, black vein in the fine-grained mafic rock, the contact zone and the granitic gneiss. Results show that the fine-grained grey rock has a composition of muscovite (36.1%), quartz (24.6%), albite (20.8%), sericite (10.8) and montmorillonite (0.5%). The contact is mainly made of quartz veins and calcite veins. The protolith of the fine-grained mafic rock is suggested to be iron-rich. Further testing on additional unaltered mafic rock samples from the area would provide a more accurate picture of the protolith evolution.

Lithic Technology and Obsidian Exchange Networks in Bronze Age Sardinia, Italy (ca. 1600-850 B.C.)

Freund, Kyle P. 01 April 2010 (has links)
The Sardinian Bronze Age (Nuragic period) and the factors which created and maintained an island-wide identity as seen through the presence of its distinctive nuraghi have received considerable attention; however the amount of research directly related to the stone tools of the era has been relatively limited despite the wealth of knowledge it is capable of yielding. This thesis hopes to contribute to Sardinian archaeology through the study of ancient technology, specifically obsidian lithic technology, by combining typological information with source data gleaned from the use of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). These data are integrated with statistical analyses breaking down the spatial distribution of nuraghi across the island through the use of distance-based methods, including k-means and kernel density analyses, which create a more comprehensive understanding of the island-wide political and social structure. This research will test the hypothesis that changes in the acquisition of obsidian raw materials were coupled with corresponding changes in how the obsidian was used. The results provide precedence for future work in Sardinia and create a model for integrating two types of analyses, sourcing and typological. By combining these results, it is possible to investigate how obsidian influenced the ancient economy as well as assess its cultural significance for people of the past.

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