Spelling suggestions: "subject:"array fluorescence (XRF)"" "subject:"spray fluorescence (XRF)""
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Developing a methodology for the non-destructive analysis of British soft-paste porcelainDunster, Joanna Margaret January 2016 (has links)
Soft-paste porcelain was produced in Britain in great quantities between the mid-18th and early 19th centuries. Due to industrial secrecy and the complexities of creating a product that would survive high-temperature firing, a range of paste recipes was employed by dozens of factories. This has resulted in an array of porcelains which vary in their elemental composition and mineralogy. This research carries out a meta-analysis of the published data for porcelain bodies and glazes and concludes that some discrimination can be achieved using the major and minor elemental composition of the bodies, and that for the glazes intra-factory variation is often greater than inter-factory variation in composition. A pilot investigation of the trace elemental composition of British porcelain is carried out using Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy, which finds compositional groups corresponding to different sources of clay and silica raw materials. In the interests of preserving intact objects, there is recognised a need for a non-destructive method for analysing British porcelain, in order to provenance and date objects. Such a method would rely on data from the surface of the object, which is typically covered by glaze and over-glaze coloured enamels, and this research demonstrates that the formulae used for the glaze and enamels are in some cases characteristic of the factory, or workshop, and period at which they were created. Hand-Held XRF analysis is used to analyse the glaze, underglaze blue and polychrome enamels on a selection of porcelain objects from different factories, and compositional traits are identified that allow some factories and periods to be distinguished. Glass standards are developed, which are representative of the glaze and enamel composition, and which could allow X-ray fluorescence (XRF) data to be calibrated for fully quantitative results.
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Lithic Technology and Obsidian Exchange Networks in Bronze Age Sardinia, Italy (ca. 1600-850 B.C.)Freund, Kyle P. 01 April 2010 (has links)
The Sardinian Bronze Age (Nuragic period) and the factors which created and maintained an island-wide identity as seen through the presence of its distinctive nuraghi have received considerable attention; however the amount of research directly related to the stone tools of the era has been relatively limited despite the wealth of knowledge it is capable of yielding. This thesis hopes to contribute to Sardinian archaeology through the study of ancient technology, specifically obsidian lithic technology, by combining typological information with source data gleaned from the use of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). These data are integrated with statistical analyses breaking down the spatial distribution of nuraghi across the island through the use of distance-based methods, including k-means and kernel density analyses, which create a more comprehensive understanding of the island-wide political and social structure. This research will test the hypothesis that changes in the acquisition of obsidian raw materials were coupled with corresponding changes in how the obsidian was used. The results provide precedence for future work in Sardinia and create a model for integrating two types of analyses, sourcing and typological. By combining these results, it is possible to investigate how obsidian influenced the ancient economy as well as assess its cultural significance for people of the past.
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La caractérisation géochimique par fluorescence X (XRF) de sources de cherts du Nord-Ouest irlandaisMasson, Laetitia 08 1900 (has links)
Ce projet vise à développer un protocole d’analyses par fluorescence aux rayons X (XRF) afin d’appréhender le potentiel de cette méthode d’analyse géochimique à distinguer des sources de cherts du Nord-Ouest irlandais. Ces échantillons de roches ont été récoltés dans le cadre du projet Irish Lithic Landscapes dirigé par Killian Driscoll, Adrian Burke et Heather Short. Le but est donc la caractérisation des sources de matières premières utilisées par les populations préhistoriques durant la fin du Mésolithique, le Néolithique ainsi qu’au début de l’Âge du Bronze. Ces analyses pourraient ainsi compléter la base de données LIR (Lithotheque Ireland) référençant les sources de matières premières lithiques irlandaises, cette dernière pouvant ainsi être utilisée pour comparer les données géologiques et archéologiques et permettre de considérer les stratégies d’acquisition des populations anciennes et d’identifier la source de certains artéfacts en chert.
La technique analytique de la fluorescence X n’étant pas sans contraintes, l’analyse statistique fut un défi. Ce projet de mémoire a mis en avant la difficulté que représentent les limites de détections propres à l’appareil XRF PANalytical Epsilon 3 ainsi que les problèmes liés à la taille des échantillonnages et à la variabilité intra-source lorsqu’elle est supérieure à celle inter-source. Bien que les résultats ne soient pas aussi concluants que souhaités, il en reste néanmoins que cette recherche est un premier pas pour des études plus poussées sur les cherts de cette région et ainsi comprendre et dépasser les problèmes rencontrés. / The aim of this project is to develop an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis protocol in order to understand the potential of this geochemical analysis method to distinguish between sources of cherts in the North-West of Ireland. These rock samples were collected as part of the Irish Lithic Landscapes project led by Killian Driscoll, Adrian Burke and Heather Short, with the aim of characterizing the sources of raw materials used by prehistoric populations during the Late Mesolithic, Neolithic and early Bronze Ages. These analyses could thus complement the LIR (Lithotheque Ireland) database referencing Irish lithic raw material sources, which could then be used to compare geological and archaeological data, to consider the acquisition strategies of ancient populations and to identify the source of certain chert artifacts.
As the analytical technique of X-ray fluorescence is not without its constraints, statistical analysis was a challenge. This dissertation project highlighted the difficulty represented by the detection limits specific to the PANalytical Epsilon 3 XRF instrument, as well as problems linked to sampling size and intra-source variability when it is greater than inter-source variability. Although the results are not as conclusive as desired, the fact remains that this research is a first step towards more in-depth studies of the cherts in this region, in order to understand and overcome the problems encountered.
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O método dos parâmetros fundamentais em FRX e sua implementação efetivaBalbino, Daniela Pereira 28 February 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The materials characterization techniques, especially the X-ray diffratometry (XRD) and the X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) has been well developed since the x-ray discovery at the end of XIX century, the x-ray diffraction phenomena by crystals at the beginning of XX century. Despite the two techniques derived from a common scenario, the quantitative X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy has been an advance more slowly, when compared to X-ray diffractometry. This lead the XRF to bee more knowledge by quick and fast qualitative analyses. By other side XRD technique has the quantitative principles established since the 50 decade of the last century. Around the 80 decade a increase of the interest about the quantitative procedures was did due to the possibility of the numerical treatment of the Sherman equations. This lead to a minimize the need of a individual standards in XRF. Many algorithms was described in the scientific literature about the XRF and it was the main interest in these mastering degree development, because in later times was development an first software by the group with goal the understand so well the quantification methodologies involving in chemical analysis by XRF. This work has as the main subject the validation of a new version of the software IILXRF2012, which was subject of a later mastering in the research group. / As técnicas de caracterização de materiais, em especial a difratometria de raios X (DRX) e a espectroscopia de fluorescência de raios X (FRX) tem se desenvolvido a passos largos desde a descoberta dos raios X no final do século XIX e da observação do fenômeno de difração dos raios X por cristais no início do século XX. Embora essas duas técnicas, de certa forma, sejam derivadas de um cenário comum, a interação dos raios X com a matéria, a espectroscopia de fluorescência de raios X teve um avanço, do ponto de vista quantitativo mais lento do que a difratometria de raios X. Isso levou a técnica de FRX a ser mais conhecida pela realização rápida de análises qualitativas do que quantitativas enquanto que técnica de DRX desde o final da década de 50 do último século já possuía os fundamentos do refinamento de estruturas, algo que atualmente nem é mais novidade. Todavia em meados da década de 80 do século passado houve um significativo aumento do interesse na técnica de FRX devido a possibilidade de tratamento numérico das equações de Sherman desenvolvidas em meados da década de 50 que forneciam o caminho matemático para a determinação quantitativa elemental através de uma análise teórica, praticamente eliminando a necessidade de padronização. Em razão disso diversos algoritmos foram sendo desenvolvidos ao longo das últimas décadas e no intuito de uma compreensão de como esse tipo de medida é possível, uma dissertação de mestrado foi defendida pela nossa equipe procurando explorar os conceitos envolvidos nessas análises. Em razão dos resultados serem promissores decidiu-se pela continuidade desse trabalho procurando-se uma implementação efetiva da metodologia desenvolvida para análise quantitativa de FRX via resolução numérica das equações de Sherman. Para tanto escolheu-se um conjunto de materiais para testes no intuito de validar uma nova versão do software IILXRF2012, cuja primeira versão foi objeto do desenvolvimento do trabalho de dissertação anterior.
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XRF-mätning av tungmetaller i bottensediment under vattenGonzalez, Charlotte January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att besvara frågan om röntgenfluorescens är en bra metod för att mäta kvicksilver i bottensediment under vatten. Undersökningen har genomförts genom ett fysiskt experiment och kräver någon form av ett röntgenfluorescenssystem. Ett röntgenfluorescenssystem ger ett fluorescensspektrum som visar en intensitet av röntgenstrålar i antalet fotoner per sekund (counts) som funktion av energi i elektronvolt. Detta kan avslöja vilka grundämnen som befinner sig i fiberbanken och hur mycket av grundämnet. Röntgenfluorescens används redan i många olika applikationer, exempelvis i matindustrin, gruvor och för analys inom forskning. Denna undersökning har visat att röntgenfluorescens även fungerar för mätningar under vatten men kräver mer optimering för bättre precision.
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Caracterização de pinturas do artista Alfredo Volpi por meio de métodos não destrutivos: espectrofotômetro, EDXRF, MEV e imageamento multiespectral / Characterization of the artist Alfredo Volpi\'s paintings by non-destructiva methods: spectrophotometer, EDXRF, SEM and multispectral imagingMori, Eva Kaiser 02 September 2015 (has links)
Alfredo Volpi (1896 - 1988) é um dos mais importantes pintores brasileiros contemporâneos. Sua extensa obra foi marcada, principalmente, por composições cromáticas e abstrações geométricas. Foi um artista que dava importância muito grande à técnica e aos materiais, tendo desenvolvido uma maneira própria e sistemática de trabalhar: confeccionava suas próprias telas, tintas e até pigmentos, com terras naturais. Analisou-se ao todo 11 pinturas a têmpera em diversos suportes (tela, aglomerado de madeira e mural), 10 delas realizadas na década de 1950, período em que a obra do artista passou por uma grande transformação, do figurativismo ao abstracionismo e do uso de tintas industriais à base de óleo para a técnica medieval da têmpera. As características de opacidade, saturação cromática e presença material do pigmento sobre a superfície da tela, inerentes a esta técnica pictórica, tornam-se elementos tão importantes em sua obra, quanto o uso da cor na formação do espaço. Foram realizados estudos de cor e composição química dos materiais e levantamentos de informações sobre seus procedimentos técnico-artísticos a partir de métodos analíticos complementares não destrutivos e pesquisa em diversas fontes, pois entende-se que estes elementos são chaves importantes para o entendimento mais profundo de sua obra. O espectrofotômetro foi utilizado para medição da cor com base em curvas espectrais e coordenadas numéricas de referência dentro de um espaço de cor uniforme. Técnicas de imageamento por luz visível, fluorescência visível por radiação ultravioleta e reflectografia de infravermelho próximo foram utilizadas para levantar informações sobre o processo criativo do artista, detectar locais de intervenções de restauro e observar o grau de fluorescência de cada área cromática das pinturas como auxiliar na identificação de pigmentos. A técnica de EDXRF (Espectroscopia de Fluorescência de Raios X por Energia Dispersiva) foi importante para caracterização química dos materiais. O MEV-EDS (Microscópio Eletrônico de Varredura com Espectroscopia por Dispersão de Energia de Raios X) forneceu informações sobre composição química e imagens da superfície dos materiais presentes nas pinturas murais. A partir da integração destas informações pôde-se identificar uma parte da rica paleta deste pintor, documentar as cores das pinturas no presente, identificar ou dar indicações da composição dos pigmentos e da base de preparação das pinturas e iluminar partes da história de cada uma das obras, como presença de esboços feitos à grafite, pinturas anteriores encobertas, pinceladas e maneiras de misturar a tinta e documentar seu estado atual de conservação. As ferramentas utilizadas se mostraram úteis na caracterização das pinturas, revelaram informações inéditas sobre a obra deste artista e levantaram novas indagações. As informações obtidas podem ser o início de um banco de dados sobre sua obra. / Painter Alfredo Volpi (1896 - 1988) is one of the most important contemporary Brazilian artists. His extensive work, mostly characterised by chromatic compositions and geometric abstractions, is technically unique. The artist attributed great importance to craft and materials, developing his own systematic way of working. Among the paintings analysed were 11 temperasin various supports (canvas, hardboard panel and mortar). Of the selection, 10 paintings were made around 1950, when the artist\'s work underwent a major transformation, from figuration to abstraction, from the use of industrial oil-based paints to the medieval technique of tempera. This technique, known for its opacity, colour saturation and material presence of pigments on the canvas,became as important as the colour itself in the shaping of the artist\'s new spatial relation. It is understood that these elements are important keys to a deeper understanding of his work, both technically and artistically. The present investigation was carried out making use of non-destructive complementary analytical techniques. The aim was to study the chromatic and chemical composition characteristics of his paintings and gather information on the technical procedures the artist may have used. The spectrophotometer was used to measure the colour based on the spectral curves and numerical reference coordinates within a uniform colour space. Techniques of visual examination with visible light, visible fluorescence by ultraviolet radiation and near-infrared reflectography were used to gather information about the artist\'s creative process. These techniques also helped detect restoration patches and identify pigments. The EDXRF (Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence) technique was important for chemical characterization of materials, while the SEM-EDS (Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy) provided surface images and information on the chemical composition of the material present in the murals. From the integration of these techniques it was possible to identify a part of the rich palette of Volpi´s paintings; to document the present aspects of the colours; to recognize or give indications of pigment and ground compositions and to shed light on parts of each of the works background, such as the presence of graphite sketches, covered earlier paintings and brushstrokes as well as to document the current condition of the works under study. The tools used have proven useful in characterizing the paintings, revealing new information about the work of the artist and raising new questions. The information obtained may be the beginning of a database on his oeuvre.
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Caracterização de pinturas do artista Alfredo Volpi por meio de métodos não destrutivos: espectrofotômetro, EDXRF, MEV e imageamento multiespectral / Characterization of the artist Alfredo Volpi\'s paintings by non-destructiva methods: spectrophotometer, EDXRF, SEM and multispectral imagingEva Kaiser Mori 02 September 2015 (has links)
Alfredo Volpi (1896 - 1988) é um dos mais importantes pintores brasileiros contemporâneos. Sua extensa obra foi marcada, principalmente, por composições cromáticas e abstrações geométricas. Foi um artista que dava importância muito grande à técnica e aos materiais, tendo desenvolvido uma maneira própria e sistemática de trabalhar: confeccionava suas próprias telas, tintas e até pigmentos, com terras naturais. Analisou-se ao todo 11 pinturas a têmpera em diversos suportes (tela, aglomerado de madeira e mural), 10 delas realizadas na década de 1950, período em que a obra do artista passou por uma grande transformação, do figurativismo ao abstracionismo e do uso de tintas industriais à base de óleo para a técnica medieval da têmpera. As características de opacidade, saturação cromática e presença material do pigmento sobre a superfície da tela, inerentes a esta técnica pictórica, tornam-se elementos tão importantes em sua obra, quanto o uso da cor na formação do espaço. Foram realizados estudos de cor e composição química dos materiais e levantamentos de informações sobre seus procedimentos técnico-artísticos a partir de métodos analíticos complementares não destrutivos e pesquisa em diversas fontes, pois entende-se que estes elementos são chaves importantes para o entendimento mais profundo de sua obra. O espectrofotômetro foi utilizado para medição da cor com base em curvas espectrais e coordenadas numéricas de referência dentro de um espaço de cor uniforme. Técnicas de imageamento por luz visível, fluorescência visível por radiação ultravioleta e reflectografia de infravermelho próximo foram utilizadas para levantar informações sobre o processo criativo do artista, detectar locais de intervenções de restauro e observar o grau de fluorescência de cada área cromática das pinturas como auxiliar na identificação de pigmentos. A técnica de EDXRF (Espectroscopia de Fluorescência de Raios X por Energia Dispersiva) foi importante para caracterização química dos materiais. O MEV-EDS (Microscópio Eletrônico de Varredura com Espectroscopia por Dispersão de Energia de Raios X) forneceu informações sobre composição química e imagens da superfície dos materiais presentes nas pinturas murais. A partir da integração destas informações pôde-se identificar uma parte da rica paleta deste pintor, documentar as cores das pinturas no presente, identificar ou dar indicações da composição dos pigmentos e da base de preparação das pinturas e iluminar partes da história de cada uma das obras, como presença de esboços feitos à grafite, pinturas anteriores encobertas, pinceladas e maneiras de misturar a tinta e documentar seu estado atual de conservação. As ferramentas utilizadas se mostraram úteis na caracterização das pinturas, revelaram informações inéditas sobre a obra deste artista e levantaram novas indagações. As informações obtidas podem ser o início de um banco de dados sobre sua obra. / Painter Alfredo Volpi (1896 - 1988) is one of the most important contemporary Brazilian artists. His extensive work, mostly characterised by chromatic compositions and geometric abstractions, is technically unique. The artist attributed great importance to craft and materials, developing his own systematic way of working. Among the paintings analysed were 11 temperasin various supports (canvas, hardboard panel and mortar). Of the selection, 10 paintings were made around 1950, when the artist\'s work underwent a major transformation, from figuration to abstraction, from the use of industrial oil-based paints to the medieval technique of tempera. This technique, known for its opacity, colour saturation and material presence of pigments on the canvas,became as important as the colour itself in the shaping of the artist\'s new spatial relation. It is understood that these elements are important keys to a deeper understanding of his work, both technically and artistically. The present investigation was carried out making use of non-destructive complementary analytical techniques. The aim was to study the chromatic and chemical composition characteristics of his paintings and gather information on the technical procedures the artist may have used. The spectrophotometer was used to measure the colour based on the spectral curves and numerical reference coordinates within a uniform colour space. Techniques of visual examination with visible light, visible fluorescence by ultraviolet radiation and near-infrared reflectography were used to gather information about the artist\'s creative process. These techniques also helped detect restoration patches and identify pigments. The EDXRF (Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence) technique was important for chemical characterization of materials, while the SEM-EDS (Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy) provided surface images and information on the chemical composition of the material present in the murals. From the integration of these techniques it was possible to identify a part of the rich palette of Volpi´s paintings; to document the present aspects of the colours; to recognize or give indications of pigment and ground compositions and to shed light on parts of each of the works background, such as the presence of graphite sketches, covered earlier paintings and brushstrokes as well as to document the current condition of the works under study. The tools used have proven useful in characterizing the paintings, revealing new information about the work of the artist and raising new questions. The information obtained may be the beginning of a database on his oeuvre.
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Investigating the potential correlations between metal and metalloid concentrations and soil color : A Minor Field Study on the island province of Marinduque, Philippines / Undersökning av potentiella samband mellan metall- och metalloidkoncentrationer och markfärg : En Minor Field Study på ö-provinsen Marinduque, FilippinernaSaric Söderholm, Ivana Pia, Readwin, Erik January 2023 (has links)
This study was carried out as a bachelor's thesis at KTH Royal Institute of Technology during the spring of 2023, investigating the correlation between the color with the concentration of various metal and metalloids (MMs) in the soil of Marinduque, The Philippines. With a history of mineral exploitation, notably copper and gold, the island has faced persistent environmental challenges, exemplified by the catastrophic waste spills in 1993 and 1996 that contaminated the Boac and Mogpog Rivers. These incidents have left lasting consequences on the environment and human health. The research methodology involved an analysis of soil samples collected from Marinduque, using portable equipment such as Olympus Vanta X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), color scanning using the Nix Pro 2 Color Sensor, followed by data processing through MATLAB version R2023a. The latter involved statistical methods such as Pearson correlation and p-value, which produced correlation coefficients and identified which correlations were statistically significant. The correlations yielded were those between varying MMs concentrations in the soil and CIE L*a*b* soil color parameters across different municipalities in Marinduque. These correlations offer insights into potential causal relationships between arsenic (As), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn), and soil discoloration. Based on correlations between MMs concentrations and soil color, future studies can encompass a broader range of soil assessment and contamination risks analysis, thus offering valuable guidance to local communities and authorities in devising effective strategies for mitigating MMs pollution in the natural environment. / Denna studie utfördes som en kandidatuppsats vid Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (KTH) under våren 2023 och undersökte korrelationer mellan färg, metalloid- och metallkoncentrationer i marken på Marinduque, Filippinerna. Med en historia av mineralutvinning, särskilt koppar och guld, har ön stått inför pågående miljöutmaningar, såsom katastrofala avfallsutsläpp som förorenat floderna Boac och Mogpog. Dessa händelser har lämnat långvariga konsekvenser för miljön och människors hälsa. Forskningsmetoden omfattade en analys av jordprover från Marinduque, med användning av laboratorieutrustning som röntgenfluorescens (XRF), färgskanning med Nix Pro 2 Color Sensor, följt av databehandling genom MATLAB version R2023a. Den senare involverade statistiska metoder som Pearson-korrelation och p-värde, vilka genererade korrelationskoefficienter och identifierade vilka korrelationer som var statistiskt signifikanta. De erhållna korrelationerna var mellan varierande metallkoncentrationer i jorden och CIE L*a*b* markfärgsparametrar inom olika kommuner på Marinduque. Dessa korrelationer ger insikter i potentiella kausala samband mellan arsenik (As), järn (Fe), bly (Pb), mangan (Mn) och zink (Zn), samt jordfärg. Baserat på korrelationer mellan metalloid- och metallkoncentrationer i mark och markfärg kan framtida studier täcka en bredare räckvidd av risker för markförorening, och därmed erbjuda värdefull vägledning till lokala samhällen och myndigheter för att utveckla effektiva strategier för att minska förorening av tungmetaller i den naturliga miljön.
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Analyses of Common Elements and Oxides in the Paleosols of the Bahamas and of the Northern Mariana IslandsErsek, Vasile 07 August 2004 (has links)
Paleosols from the Bahamas and the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) are closely related to past atmospheric circulation and dust load. In the Bahamas the sources of insoluble residue (IR) must be allogenic because the islands consist of almost pure carbonates. The Al2O3:TiO2 ratio was used to establish the provenance of the IR of the paleosols. Comparisons of this ratio from Bahamian paleosols, North African dust, Lesser Antilles ash and North American loess reveal that the African dust is the major contributor to the IR, with a potential minor volcanic input from the Lesser Antilles. The contribution of the North American loess to the IR was not determined because of geochemical similarities with the North African dust. The study of two outcrops in Eleuthera indicate that paleosols can act as aquicludes. The Bahamian samples were collected on a roughly north-south transect in order to establish the climatic influence on paleosol properties. Even though there is a marked climatic gradient in the Bahamas, the paleosol geochemistry shows no trend that could be related to paleoclimate. While previous studies indicated that the source of insoluble residues in the soils of CNMI is carbonate dissolution, the present study shows that atmospheric deposition of ash from the Mariana arc and dust from the Asian continent may play a significant role in paleosol formation.
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To Make Iron of Iron : A Comprehensive Analytical Study of Spade Shaped Iron BarsPappas Adlreburg, Nickolas January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to provide adequate analytical information on the spade shaped iron bars of Norrland and central Sweden. While their significance has been thoroughly debated for decades, analytical research on them has been confined to cases of single artefacts or theoretical interpretations of their value, meaning and origin. In this study a comprehensive approach is taken into consideration. Based on X-Ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and metallographical analysis this thesis seeks to facilitate new interpretations on quality, production centres and usage based on analytical results. Aiming to settle some of the long lasting questions regarding the artefacts while producing results which can further the discussion by raising new questions, previously unasked.
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