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Claridad del autoconcepto, inclusión del otro en el self y ajuste diádico en adultos de Lima MetropolitanaConde Zúñiga, Lourdes Gabriela 24 June 2015 (has links)
La claridad del autoconcepto (CAC) es una característica estructural del autoconcepto referida al grado de claridad, coherencia y estabilidad de las creencias acerca de uno mismo. La inclusión del otro en el self (IOS), por otro lado, es un aspecto relacional del self referido la traslape de las representaciones mentales de uno mismo y del otro. Ambos constructos están vinculados a aspectos de las relaciones interpersonales como la resolución de conflictos, pero su rol en la calidad de las relaciones de pareja aun no queda claro. En este estudio se analizó la relación entre la CAC y la IOS y cómo ambos constructos se vinculan con el ajuste diádico – una medida de la calidad de las relaciones románticas que contempla el consenso entre sus miembros. Para ello se utilizaron cuestionarios de autoreporte para evaluar los constructos en 84 adultos (50 mujeres y 34 hombres) de Lima Metropolitana, que tenían entre 25 y 55 años de edad (M= 41, DE=8.92) y una relación de pareja de 15 años en promedio (Min= 2.6; Max.= 34.5; DE=8.5). Se halló que para el caso de los hombres la CAC está inversamente relacionada con la IOS (r = -.331, p= .056) y que para ambos sexos la IOS se vincula de manera directa y moderada con el ajuste diádico (r = .480, p<.001). Estos resultados se discuten a partir de la teoría de Self-construals de Markus y Kitayama (1991) y de las diferencias de género en ellas (Cross y Madson, 1997). / The Self-Concept Clarity (SCC) is a structural feature of self-concept that refers to the clarity, consistency and temporal stability of beliefs about oneself. Inclusion of Other in the Self (IOS), on the other hand, is a relational aspect of self, referred to the overlap of mental representations of self and other. Previous evidence has shown that both constructs are linked to important aspects of interpersonal relationships, such as conflict resolution; but its role in the quality of romantic relationships is still not clear.In this research, the relationship between SCC and IOS and how both constructs are linked to the Dyadic Adjustment –measure of the quality of romantic relationships contemplated consensus among its members – were analyzed. For this,a self-report questionnaire was used to measure the constructs in 84 adults (50 women and 34 men) of Lima,that were 25 and 55 years old(M = 41, SD = 8.92) and with have a romantic relationship of 15 years (Min = 2.6; Max = 34.5;SD = 8.5). The results suggest that formen, the SCC has inverse relationship with IOS (r = -.331, p = .056), and that for both gendersthe IOS is directly and moderately linked with the Dyadic Adjustment (r = .480, p<.001). The results are discussed from Self-construal theory(Markus and Kitayama, 1991) and from the gender differences in them (Cross and Madson, 1997).
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Svänghjulstränings inverkan på styrkerelaterade variabler - en metaanalys / Effects of flywheel training on strength related variables - a meta-analysisPetré, Henrik January 2016 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställning Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera effekten av svänghjulsträning på styrkerelaterade variabler som påverkar idrottslig prestation genom en sammanställning av befintlig vetenskaplig litteratur. Studiens frågeställning var: (1) Vilken effekt har svänghjulsträning på muskeltillväxt (hypertrofi)? (2) Vilken effekt har svänghjulsträning på utvecklingen av maximal styrka? (3) Vilken effekt har svänghjulsträning på utvecklingen av Power (effektutveckling)? (4) Vilken effekt har svänghjulsträning på horisontell förflyttning? (5) Vilken effekt har svänghjulsträning på vertikal förflyttning? Metod En metaanalys för 15 experimentella studier som uppfyllt urvalskriterierna genomfördes. De inkluderade studierna kvalitetsgranskades med Pedros skala. För att möjliggöra en sammanställning av samtliga resultat analyserades resultaten i dataprogrammet Review Manager version 5.3 med Random effekt modell och presenteras med Forest plots. Jämförelserna gjordes över en period på 4-24 veckor. Resultat Svänghjulsträning under en period av 4-24 veckor visar på en statistisk signifikant utveckling av muskulär hypertrofi (effektstorlek 0,68), maximal styrka (1,40), Power (1,0), horisontell (0,54) och vertikal förflyttning (0,60). Slutsats Det finns stöd i litteraturen för att friska individer presterar bättre på så väl dynamiska styrketest som funktionella test efter svänghjulsträning. Evidensen är särskilt stark för att svänghjulsträning utvecklar maximal styrka och Power för tränade yngre individer samt i kortare mer intensiva block. Denna metaanalys har bara sammanställt skillnader i prestation före och efter svänghjulsträning och kan därför inte säga om effekten av svänghjulsträning är större än effekten av upprepade mätningar eller annan träning. / Aim The aim of this study was to identify the effect of the flywheel training on strength-related variables that affect athletic performance by compiling existing scientific literature. Research questions: (1) What effect does flywheel training have on muscle growth (hypertrophy)? (2) What effect does flywheel training have on the development of maximum strength? (3) What effect does flywheel training have on the development of Power (effect development)? (4) What effect does flywheel training have on the development of horizontal movement? (5) What effect does flywheel training have on the development of vertical movement? Method A meta-analysis was conducted from 15 experimental studies that met the selection criteria. The quality of included studies was reviewed by Pedro scale. In order to identify possible bias in the selection process a Funnel plot was carried out. To enable the compilation of all results an analyze with Random effect model was carried out with software Review Manager Version 5.3 and presented with Forest plots. Comparisons were made over a period of 4-24 weeks. Results Flywheel training for a period of 4-24 weeks show a statistically significant increase in effect size for muscular hypertrophy (0,49), maximum strength (1,40), Power (1,00), horizontal-(0,54) and vertical movement (0,60). Conclusions There's support in published studies that healthy individuals perform better on dynamic strength tests as wells as functional test after flywheel training. The evidence is particularly strong that flywheel training develops maximum strength and Power in trained younger individuals and in shorter more intensive blocks. This meta-analysis has just compiled the differences in performance before and after flywheel training and therefore cannot say if the effect of flywheel training is greater than the effect of repeated measurements or other exercise.
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Efeito do Yo Jyo Hen Shi Ko (YHK) no metabolismo lipídico na esteatohepatite experimental / Evaluation of Yo Jyo Hen Shi Ko (YHK) in hepatic lipid metabolism in experimental steatohepatitisPereira, Isabel Veloso Alves 19 May 2010 (has links)
A Doença Hepática Gordurosa Não Alcoólica (DHGNA) é atualmente uma das formas mais comuns de doença hepática, e está diretamente relacionada com a obesidade. Estudos indicam uma prevalência por volta de 30% na população ocidental e 11% na população oriental. A DGHNA possui um largo espectro abrangendo desde casos de esteatose simples sem inflamação, até casos com esteatohepatite e fibrose, podendo evoluir para cirrose e carcinoma hepatocelular. A fisiopatogênese da DHGNA é baseada em múltiplos eventos: resistência insulínica, aumento da lipólise periférica, aumento da síntese de novo de lipídeos, estresse oxidativo, endotoxemia crônica no desencadeamento da inflamação e fibrose entre outros. A etapa inicial caracteriza-se pelo acúmulo de ácidos graxos no hepatócito, suplantando sua capacidade de metabolização e exportação conseqüente à ação lipogênica da insulina, desta forma o metabolismo de ácidos graxos está intimamente ligado ao desenvolvimento da DHGNA. O Yo Jyo Hen Shi Ko (YHK) é um composto natural usado na medicina japonesa para tratamento de doenças hepáticas e apresenta propriedades antioxidantes, antiinflamatórias e hipolipemiantes. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do YHK no metabolismo hepático de lipídeos. Para tanto, foram utilizados camundongos obesos (ob/ob) com esteatohepatite não alcoólica (ENA) induzida por dieta deficiente em colina e metionina (DCM) e foram analisados no tecido hepático, genes relacionados com a síntese de novo de lipídeos (SREBP1c, FASn), genes relacionados com a oxidação e exportação de lipídeos (CPT1a e SCD-1, MTP), assim como genes relacionados com o armazenamento de lipídeos (Perilipina e ADFP). O YHK apresentou um efeito citoprotetor hepático com melhora dos parâmetros histológicos neste modelo experimental de ENA. Associadamente, houve redução na expressão de genes relacionados à síntese de novo como SREBP e da FASn, quando se comparou o grupo tratado com DCM+YHK com o grupo não tratado DCM. Em contrapartida, houve aumento na expressão da MTP e da SCD-1 ocasionando uma maior exportação de triglicerídeos hepáticos nos animais que utilizaram o YHK. Ainda, o YHK modulou as proteínas Perilipina e ADFP. Por outro lado, não houve modificação na oxidação de lipídeos.. Conclui-se que o YHK pode ser uma droga promissora no tratamento da DHGNA, já que age modulando genes envolvidos na síntese e exportação de lipídeos hepáticos, reduzindo o acúmulo de gordura no hepatócito / Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is currently one of the most common forms of liver disease, related directly to the increase of obesity in the world. Previous studies indicate a prevalence of around 30% in the western population and 11% in the eastern. This disease covers cases from simple steatosis without inflammation to cases of steato hepatitis (NASH) and fibrosis and it may lead to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The pathophysiology of NAFLD is based on multiple events: insulin resistance, increased peripheral lipolysis, increased de novo lipogenesis, oxidative stress, endotoxemia in triggering chronic inflammation and fibrosis and others. The initial stage of the disease is characterized by the accumulation of fatty acids in hepatocytes caused by the lipogenic action of insulin. This condition results in the surpassing of the cells ability to metabolize and export. This way, the metabolism of fatty acids is closely linked to the development of NAFLD. The Yo Jyo Hen Shi Ko (YHK) is a natural compound used in Japanese medicine for the treatment of liver disease and it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and lipid lowering properties. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of YHK in the hepatic metabolism of lipids. An experimental model was designed using obese mice (ob/ob) affected by NASH induced by a deficient diet in choline and methionine (MCD). Then, genes from its hepatic tissue related to de novo lipogenesis (SREBP1c, FASN), to lipid oxidation and exportation (CPT1A and SCD-1, MTP) as well as genes related to lipid storage (Perilipin and ADFP) were analyzed. The YHK presented a cytoprotective effect, improving the hepatic histological parameters in this experimental model. Additionally, when comparing the group treated with MCD + YHK (diet + YHK) to the untreated MCD group (diet) there was a reduction in the expression of genes related to de novo synthesis like SREBP1c and FASn. However, an increased expression of MTP and SCD-1 were observed leading to a greater liver exportation of fatty acids in animals that were treated with YHK. Moreover, the YHK modulated the proteins Perilipin and ADFP. On the other hand, there was no changing in lipid oxidation. In summary, the YHK can be a promising drug for the treatment of NAFLD, as it acts by modulating genes involved in the synthesis and exportation of hepatic lipids, reducing the accumulation of fat in hepatocytes
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Los efectos del bagaje multilingüe en la actitud lingüística y en la motivación para adquirir una lengua extranjeraRutström, Linnea January 2018 (has links)
Este estudio se dedica a investigar los posibles efectos de un bagaje multilingüe en: (1) las actitudes ante el multilingüismo en general, y, más concretamente ante el español como lengua extranjera, (2) en la capacidad de crear autoimágenes ideales multilingües y como hablantes de español y, finalmente (3) en el esfuerzo intencional de adquirir español como lengua extranjera. Como parte del marco teórico del presente estudio se ha utilizado el componente yo idealdel sistema del yo motivacional de L2, proporcionado en primer lugar por Dörnyei (2005), pero ampliado en nuestro estudio para incluir el nuevo paradigma multilingüe. A través del método cuantitativo, en este caso una encuesta, se han analizado las respuestas de dos grupos de alumnos suecos. Un grupo del alumnado tiene el sueco como lengua materna y el otro grupo tiene un bagaje multilingüe, es decir, tiene otra lengua materna. Los resultados indican que el bagaje multilingüe, en esta selección de participantes, afecta positivamente todas las dimensiones estudiadas, aunque en la primera dimensión acerca de las actitudes, las diferencias son menos significativas. Lo más notable entre los resultados del estudio es la mayor capacidad que muestran los alumnos cuyo bagaje es multilingüe de no sólo crear un yo idealmultilingüe, sino también un yo ideal como hablante de español. Es este un resultado que ilumina el rol motivador del multilingüismo en la adquisición de lenguas y señala la necesidad de crear vías educativas que valoren y fomenten el multilingüismo dentro de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. / This study is dedicated to investigating the potential effects of a multilingual background in: (1) attitudes displayed towards multilingualism in general, and more specifically towards Spanish as a foreign language, (2) the ability to create ideal, multilingual images of one’s self and of one’s self as a Spanish speaker, and (3) the intentional effort of acquiring Spanish as a foreign language. Part of the theoretical framework for this study comes from the ideal self from The L2 motivational self system, provided firstly by Dörnyei (2005), but herein expanded to include the new multilingual paradigm. Utilizing the quantitative method, in this case a survey, we have analyzed answers provided by two groups of Swedish students. One student group has Swedish as their mother tongue while the other has a multilingual background, meaning that they have a different mother tongue. The answers reveal that in this group of participants, the multilingual background has a positive effect on all three of the aspects studied, although in the first aspect concerning attitudes, the differences are less significant. What is most notorious about the study results is that the participants possessing a multilingual background have a greater ability to create not only an ideal, multilingual self but also an ideal Spanish speaking self. This fact highlights the motivational role that multilingualism plays when it comes to acquiring languages and it points out the need to create educational channels that value and encourage multilingualism within the teaching of foreign languages.
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Efeito do Yo Jyo Hen Shi Ko (YHK) no metabolismo lipídico na esteatohepatite experimental / Evaluation of Yo Jyo Hen Shi Ko (YHK) in hepatic lipid metabolism in experimental steatohepatitisIsabel Veloso Alves Pereira 19 May 2010 (has links)
A Doença Hepática Gordurosa Não Alcoólica (DHGNA) é atualmente uma das formas mais comuns de doença hepática, e está diretamente relacionada com a obesidade. Estudos indicam uma prevalência por volta de 30% na população ocidental e 11% na população oriental. A DGHNA possui um largo espectro abrangendo desde casos de esteatose simples sem inflamação, até casos com esteatohepatite e fibrose, podendo evoluir para cirrose e carcinoma hepatocelular. A fisiopatogênese da DHGNA é baseada em múltiplos eventos: resistência insulínica, aumento da lipólise periférica, aumento da síntese de novo de lipídeos, estresse oxidativo, endotoxemia crônica no desencadeamento da inflamação e fibrose entre outros. A etapa inicial caracteriza-se pelo acúmulo de ácidos graxos no hepatócito, suplantando sua capacidade de metabolização e exportação conseqüente à ação lipogênica da insulina, desta forma o metabolismo de ácidos graxos está intimamente ligado ao desenvolvimento da DHGNA. O Yo Jyo Hen Shi Ko (YHK) é um composto natural usado na medicina japonesa para tratamento de doenças hepáticas e apresenta propriedades antioxidantes, antiinflamatórias e hipolipemiantes. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do YHK no metabolismo hepático de lipídeos. Para tanto, foram utilizados camundongos obesos (ob/ob) com esteatohepatite não alcoólica (ENA) induzida por dieta deficiente em colina e metionina (DCM) e foram analisados no tecido hepático, genes relacionados com a síntese de novo de lipídeos (SREBP1c, FASn), genes relacionados com a oxidação e exportação de lipídeos (CPT1a e SCD-1, MTP), assim como genes relacionados com o armazenamento de lipídeos (Perilipina e ADFP). O YHK apresentou um efeito citoprotetor hepático com melhora dos parâmetros histológicos neste modelo experimental de ENA. Associadamente, houve redução na expressão de genes relacionados à síntese de novo como SREBP e da FASn, quando se comparou o grupo tratado com DCM+YHK com o grupo não tratado DCM. Em contrapartida, houve aumento na expressão da MTP e da SCD-1 ocasionando uma maior exportação de triglicerídeos hepáticos nos animais que utilizaram o YHK. Ainda, o YHK modulou as proteínas Perilipina e ADFP. Por outro lado, não houve modificação na oxidação de lipídeos.. Conclui-se que o YHK pode ser uma droga promissora no tratamento da DHGNA, já que age modulando genes envolvidos na síntese e exportação de lipídeos hepáticos, reduzindo o acúmulo de gordura no hepatócito / Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is currently one of the most common forms of liver disease, related directly to the increase of obesity in the world. Previous studies indicate a prevalence of around 30% in the western population and 11% in the eastern. This disease covers cases from simple steatosis without inflammation to cases of steato hepatitis (NASH) and fibrosis and it may lead to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The pathophysiology of NAFLD is based on multiple events: insulin resistance, increased peripheral lipolysis, increased de novo lipogenesis, oxidative stress, endotoxemia in triggering chronic inflammation and fibrosis and others. The initial stage of the disease is characterized by the accumulation of fatty acids in hepatocytes caused by the lipogenic action of insulin. This condition results in the surpassing of the cells ability to metabolize and export. This way, the metabolism of fatty acids is closely linked to the development of NAFLD. The Yo Jyo Hen Shi Ko (YHK) is a natural compound used in Japanese medicine for the treatment of liver disease and it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and lipid lowering properties. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of YHK in the hepatic metabolism of lipids. An experimental model was designed using obese mice (ob/ob) affected by NASH induced by a deficient diet in choline and methionine (MCD). Then, genes from its hepatic tissue related to de novo lipogenesis (SREBP1c, FASN), to lipid oxidation and exportation (CPT1A and SCD-1, MTP) as well as genes related to lipid storage (Perilipin and ADFP) were analyzed. The YHK presented a cytoprotective effect, improving the hepatic histological parameters in this experimental model. Additionally, when comparing the group treated with MCD + YHK (diet + YHK) to the untreated MCD group (diet) there was a reduction in the expression of genes related to de novo synthesis like SREBP1c and FASn. However, an increased expression of MTP and SCD-1 were observed leading to a greater liver exportation of fatty acids in animals that were treated with YHK. Moreover, the YHK modulated the proteins Perilipin and ADFP. On the other hand, there was no changing in lipid oxidation. In summary, the YHK can be a promising drug for the treatment of NAFLD, as it acts by modulating genes involved in the synthesis and exportation of hepatic lipids, reducing the accumulation of fat in hepatocytes
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La identidad femenina a través de la pluralidad de voces : La representación de la identidad femenina en el cuento Si esto es la vida, yo soy Caperucita, de Luisa Valenzuela, y en el poema largo La jaula bajo el trapo, de María Negroni / The feminine identity through the plurality of voices : The representation of the feminine identity in the tale Si esto es la vida, yo soy Caperucita roja by Luisa Valenzuela and in the long poem La jaula bajo el trapo by María NegroniGrecco Cardozo, Rut January 2019 (has links)
El punto de partida para el siguiente trabajo es el supuesto de que en el cuento de Luisa Valenzuela, Si esto es la vida, yo soy Caperucita roja(1993), y en el poema largo La jaula bajo el trapo,de María Negroni,se le da tratamiento al tema de la identidad femenina, más específicamente de la construcción y del proceso madurativo de la identidad como sujeto femenino, entrelazándolo con la identificación con la figura materna y el autodescubrimiento de la identidad desde la relación madre e hija.Dada la similitud temáticade ambas obras nos interesa realizar un estudio comparativo sobre el tratamiento de la identidad femenina en ambos textos y nuestro análisisse centrará en la pluralidad de voces, ya que consideramos que este aspecto es especialmente relevante para abordarhistorias maternofiliales como modo de construir una identidad femenina en las obras en cuestión. Para realizar nuestro objetivo partiremos del estudio de Mijaíl Mijáilovich Bajtín, Problemas de la poética de Dostoievski (2003), para abordar el fenómeno de la pluralidad de voces,y nos valdremos de términos polifonía enunciativa y dialogismo al que añadimos un concepto fundamental para los fines de nuestro trabajo la identidad femenina, extraído de Breve introducción a la teoría literariarealizado por Jonathan Culler.
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表示責難的「darou+助詞」之意思用法 / The blameful meaning of “darou+particle”黃志傑 Unknown Date (has links)
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The Recognition of Rights and Capabilities on Fichte’s Theory of Natural Right” / El reconocimiento de derechos y de capacidades en la teoría fichteana del derecho naturalArrese, Héctor 09 April 2018 (has links)
In this paper I try to reconstruct the arguments developed by Fichte in his work Foundations of Natural Right (1796/1797), in order to support the necessity of a recognition of capabilites and rights by the other, so that the I can constitute itself as a self-consciousness. I also take into account the criticisms the Fichtean theory has received by many contemporary interpreters, testing its consistency in the light of these arguments. / En este trabajo intento reconstruir la argumentación desarrollada por Fichte en su obra Fundamento del derecho natural, de 1796/1797, en orden a fundamentar la necesidad de un reconocimiento de capacidades y de derechos por parte del otro, para que el yo pueda constituirse como autoconciencia. También considero las críticas que ha recibido la teoría fichteana por parte de diferentes intérpretes contemporáneos, testeando la consistencia de la misma a la luz de estas argumentaciones.
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La intertextualidad como recurso de seducción : Un análisis de la relación Molina/Valentín en El beso de la mujer araña, de Manuel PuigNascimento Josefsson, Nadia Pricilla January 2018 (has links)
En el presente estudio se analiza la utilización de la intertextualidad como recurso de seducción por parte del personaje Luis Molina hacia el personaje Valentín Arregui en dos de las películas citadas en El beso de la mujer araña, de Manuel Puig. Se parte del concepto de dialogismo de Mijaíl Bajtín y del término intertextualidad, propuesto por Julia Kristeva. A través de la utilización de la hermenéutica, el estudio hace un análisis que es centrado en torno a ideas analíticas y que hacen una conexión entre las películas La mujer pantera y Yo anduve con un zombie y sus respectivas versiones narradas por el personaje Molina. Como resultado del análisis, se concluye que Molina utiliza la narración de las películas con el objetivo de seducir a su compañero de celda.
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Wie kann eine Christliche gemeinde interkultell Werden?: eine praktisch-theologische untersuchung von drei Evangelischen Freikirchen in Deutschland / How can a Christian Church community become intercultural?: a practical theological study of three Evangelical free churches in Germany / Hoe kan ʼn Christengemeente interkultureel word?: ʼn Praktiese teologiese ondersoek van drie Evangeliese vrye gemeentes in Duitsland / Tshitshavha tsha kereke ya Tshikhiresite tshi nga vha hani tsha mvelele dzo ṱanganelanaho? Ngudo ya vhukuma ya zwa vhufunzi ya kereke tharu dza Evangeli yo vhofholowaho ngei GermanyMarquardt, Felix Maximilian 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in German, English, Afrikaans and Southern Sotho / Text in German / Christliche Gemeinden in Deutschland finden sich zunehmend in einer interkulturell zusammengesetzten Gesellschaft wieder und viele fragen danach, wie eine Integration von Migranten in ihre bestehenden Gemeinden gelingen kann. In dieser qualitativ-empirischen Studie wurden drei evangelische Freikirchen in Deutschland dahingehend untersucht, wie sie sich von einer ehemals monokulturell-deutschen Gemeinde in eine interkulturelle Gemeinde entwickelt haben. Dabei wurden in besonderer Weise die Voraussetzungen für die Entwicklung, der Veränderungsprozess und besondere Merkmale der Gemeinden untersucht. Als Grundlage für die Forschung wurde ein aus verschiedenen Disziplinen zusammengeführtes Modell aus Erkenntnissen zu interkulturellem Gemeindebau entworfen.
In der Studie wird deutlich, dass interkultureller Gemeindebau sowohl bereichernd als auch herausfordernd und konfliktgeladen erlebt wird. Besonders wichtig sind dabei eine strategisch kompetente Leitung, eine missionarische Grundausrichtung, ein liebevoller und wertschätzender Umgang miteinander, die Einigung auf gemeinsame Leitlinien, das Feiern von Erfolgen, Beziehungsaufbau, das Einladen zur Mitarbeit auf Augenhöhe, interkulturelle Leitungsteams, die Übersetzungsarbeit, Geduld und Flexibilität sowie die Bereitschaft, voneinander zu lernen. / German society is becoming increasingly intercultural, and many Christian churches are asking how migrants can be successfully integrated into established churches. In this qualitative-empirical study, three free evangelical churches in Germany were examined to determine how they developed from a previously monocultural German church into an intercultural church. In the course of the study, the prerequisites for development, the change process and special features of the churches were specifically examined. An integrated model designed on the basis of insights of various disciplines regarding the intercultural construction of churches served as the foundation for the research.
It became clear in this study that building an intercultural church not only enriches the church, but is also experienced as challenging since it has the potential to give rise to conflict. The following elements are especially important: strategic and competent leadership, a basic missionary orientation, a loving and esteeming manner in associating with one another, consensus on common guidelines, a celebration of successes, building of relationships, an invitation for others to minister on equal terms, intercultural leadership teams, translation work, patience and flexibility, and a willingness to learn from one another. / Die Duitse samelewing raak toenemend interkultureel, en talle Christengemeentes wonder hoe migrante in gevestigde gemeentes opgeneem kan word. Wyses waarop drie Evangeliese gemeentes in Duitsland ontwikkel het van eens monokulturele Duitse gemeentes in interkulturele gemeentes, is in hierdie kwalitatief empiriese studie ondersoek. In die besonder die voorvereistes vir verandering, die veranderingsproses en die unieke kenmerke van die gemeentes is in hierdie studie verken. ʼn Geïntegreerde model wat berus op die insigte van verskeie dissiplines wat hulle op die interkulturele samestelling van kerke toespits, het die basis van die navorsing gevorm.
Dit blyk uit hierdie studie dat die totstandkoming van ʼn interkulturele gemeente nie slegs verrykend kan wees nie, maar dat dit moontlik ook tot onenigheid aanleiding kan gee. Die volgende is van besondere belang: strategiese en bevoegde leiers, ʼn sendingoriëntasie, liefdevolle en respekvolle omgang met mekaar, eenstemmigheid oor algemene riglyne, ʼn viering van suksesse, die bou van goeie verhoudinge, ʼn versoek dat ander op gelyke voet dien, interkulturele leierskapspanne, vertaalwerk, geduld en toegeeflikheid, en die gewilligheid om by mekaar te leer. / Tshitshavha tsha German tshi khou ṋaṋa u vha na mvelelo dzo ṱanganelanaho, nahone kereke nnzhi dza Tshikhiresite dzi khou vhudzisa uri ṱhunḓu dzi nga ṱanganyiswa hani zwavhuḓi kha kereke dzi re hone. Kha ngudo iyi ya khwaṱhisedzwaho nga tshenzhelo na ndeme, kereke tharu dza evangeli yo vhofholowaho dza ngei Germany dzo lingwa u vhona uri dzo bvelela hani u bva kha u vha dza tshikale dza Germany dza mvelele nthihi u ya kha kereke ya mvelele yo ṱanganelanaho. Kha khoso iyi ya ngudo, ṱhoḓea ya u bvelela, maitele a tshanduko na zwiṱaluli zwo khetheaho zwa kerekezwo lingululwa. Tshiedziswa tsho ṱanganelanaho tsho itwaho ho sedzwa luvhonela lwa masia o fhambanaho mayelana na u fhaṱa kerekedzo ṱanganelanaho tsho shuma sa mutheo wa ṱhoḓisiso.
Zwo bvela khagala kha ngudo iyi uri u fhaṱa kereke yo ṱanganelanaho a zwi pfumisi fhedzi kereke, zwi dovha zwa vha tshenzhelo ire na khaedu saizwi i na khonadzeo ya u vusa dzikhakhathi. Zwipiḓa zwi tevhelaho ndi zwa ndeme vhukuma: vhurangaphanḓa vhu re na tshiṱirathedzhi nahone ho ṱalifhaho, u pfumbudzwa ha mutheo kha zwa vhufunzi, nḓila ua lufuno na ndeme kha matshilisano, u tendelana kha nyendedzo dzi fanaho, u pembelela mvelaphanḓa, u fhaṱa vhushaka, thamba ya vhaṅwe kha u funza nga milayo i linganaho, thimu dza vhurangaphanḓa ha mvelele yo ṱanganelanaho, mushumo wa vhupinduleli, u konḓelela na u tenda u shanduka, na u ḓiimisela u guda kha vhaṅwe. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Christian Leadership)
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