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A simulation-optimization method for economic efficient design of net zero energy buildingsDillon, Krystal Renee 22 May 2014 (has links)
Buildings have a significant impact on energy usage and the environment. Much of the research in architectural sustainability has centered on economically advanced countries because they consume the most energy and have the most resources. However, sustainable architecture is important in developing countries, where the energy consumption of the building sector is increasing significantly. Currently, developing countries struggle with vaccine storage because vaccines are typically warehoused in old buildings that are poorly designed and wasteful of energy. This thesis created and studied a decision support tool that can be used to aid in the design of economically feasible Net Zero Energy vaccine warehouses for the developing world. The decision support tool used a simulation-optimization approach to combine an optimization technique with two simulation softwares in order to determine the cost-optimal design solution. To test its effectiveness, a new national vaccine storage facility located in Tunis, Tunisia was used. Nine building parameters were investigated to see which have the most significant effect on the annual energy usage and initial construction cost of the building. First, tests were conducted for two construction techniques, five different climates in the developing world, and three photovoltaic system prices to gain insight on the design space of the optimal solution. The results showed the difference between an economically efficient and economically inefficient Net Zero Energy building and the results were used to provide generalized climatic recommendations for all the building parameters studied. The final test showed the benefits of combining two optimization techniques, a design of experiments and a genetic algorithm, to form a two-step process to aid in the building design in the early stages and final stages of the design process. The proposed decision support tool can efficiently and effectively aid in the design of an economically feasible Net Zero Energy vaccine warehouse for the developing world.
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Identification and characterisation of physicochemical processes controlling indoor concentrations of submicron aerosols and volatile organic compounds / Identification et caractérisation des processus physicochimiques contrôlant les concentrations en particules submicroniques et composés organiques volatils en air intérieurStratigou, Evdokia 04 June 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse développe les connaissances scientifiques sur l’origine et le comportement des polluants intérieurs en phases gazeuse et particulaire. Une description complète des processus physiques contrôlant les concentrations de polluants en air intérieur dans une pièce inoccupée et non meublée a été réalisée. En utilisant des paramètres bien quantifiés (taux de renouvellement d’air, facteur de pénétration et vitesse de dépôt), nous avons pu appliquer un modèle de bilan massique aux particules. Les résultats ont montré que, en l’absence significative de sources intérieures, une caractérisation fine des paramètres ci-dessus permettait de décrire de manière satisfaisante les concentrations intérieures en PM2.5 et PM10 à partir des données extérieures, tandis que les PM1 montrent une variabilité significativement plus marquée due aux transformations physicochimiques. Par la suite, les composés organiques volatils (COV) et la composition chimique des particules submicroniques ont été mesurés en temps réel lors d’une campagne intensive. Un enrichissement important des concentrations en COV a été observé lorsque l’air ambiant pénètre à l’intérieur du bâtiment, en particulier pour les COV oxygénés qui présentent une dépendance significative avec l’humidité relative, tandis que pour les particules les changements observés dépendent de leur composition chimique et de leur diamètre, montrant une diminution de 20% pour les PM1 à 86% pour les plus grosses particules (>5 μm). L’excès d’ammonium observé dans les deux environnements a permis de déconvoluer les nitrates organiques des inorganiques, ceux-ci présentant une dépendance plus forte avec la température, révélant une décomposition thermique plus importante en air intérieur. En résumé, l’environnement intérieur agit principalement comme une source d’émissions continues de COV, alors qu’une tendance inverse est observé pour les particules, du fait de transformations possibles pouvant se produire même dans les conditions les plus simples, sans occupant ni mobilier. / This thesis improves the scientific knowledge on the origin, behavior and fate of gas and particle-phase pollutants indoors under unoccupied unfurnished conditions. A first campaign provided a complete description of the physical processes controlling the indoor concentrations. Using well quantified parameters (air exchange rate, penetration factor and deposition rate), a mass balance model provided insights for the particle budget closure. The results showed that when indoor sources are not significant, a careful characterization of the abovementioned parameters allows to estimate PM2.5 and PM10 in a satisfying manner from outdoor data. However the PM1 fraction shows a significantly higher variability due to physicochemical transformations. Subsequently, a second intensive campaign was performed to investigate volatile organic compounds (VOC) and PM1 chemical composition in real time. A strong increase in VOC concentrations was observed when outdoor air penetrates indoors, especially oxygenated VOC which exhibited a significant dependence on relative humidity, while the changes observed for particles once indoors depend on their chemical composition and diameter, showing a decrease from 20% for submicron particles up to, 86% for large ones (>5. µm). The investigation of ammonium neutralization revealed an excess of ammonium indoors and outdoors, which is attributed to organic- in addition to inorganic-bonded ammonium nitrate. The latter showed a stronger dependency on temperature gradient from outdoors to indoors, revealing stronger thermal decomposition once indoors. In summary, the indoor environment acts mainly as a continuous emission source of VOCs, while the opposite trend is observed the particles due to possible transformations that can occur even under the simplest conditions, with no occupants and no furnishing.
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A Methodology to Sequentially Identify Cost Effective Energy Efficiency Measures: Application to Net Zero School BuildingsJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: Schools all around the country are improving the performance of their buildings by adopting high performance design principles. Higher levels of energy efficiency can pave the way for K-12 Schools to achieve net zero energy (NZE) conditions, a state where the energy generated by on-site renewable sources are sufficient to meet the cumulative annual energy demands of the facility. A key capability for the proliferation of Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) is the need for a design methodology that identifies the optimum mix of energy efficient design features to be incorporated into the building. The design methodology should take into account the interaction effects of various energy efficiency measures as well as their associated costs so that life cycle cost can be minimized for the entire life span of the building.
This research aims at developing such a methodology for generating cost effective net zero energy solutions for school buildings. The Department of Energy (DOE) prototype primary school, meant to serve as the starting baseline, was modeled in the building energy simulation software eQUEST and made compliant with the requirement of ASHRAE 90.1-2007. Commonly used efficiency measures, for which credible initial cost and maintenance data were available, were selected as the parametric design set. An initial sensitivity analysis was conducted by using the Morris Method to rank the efficiency measures in terms of their importance and interaction strengths. A sequential search technique was adopted to search the solution space and identify combinations that lie near the Pareto-optimal front; this allowed various minimum cost design solutions to be identified corresponding to different energy savings levels.
Based on the results of this study, it was found that the cost optimal combination of measures over the 30 year analysis span resulted in an annual energy cost reduction of 47%, while net zero site energy conditions were achieved by the addition of a 435 kW photovoltaic generation system that covered 73% of the roof area. The simple payback period for the additional technology required to achieve NZE conditions was calculated to be 26.3 years and carried a 37.4% premium over the initial building construction cost. The study identifies future work in how to automate this computationally conservative search technique so that it can provide practical feedback to the building designer during all stages of the design process. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Built Environment 2016
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The net zero-energy home: Precedent and catalyst for local performance-based architectureJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: The building sector is responsible for consuming the largest proportional share of global material and energy resources. Some observers assert that buildings are the problem and the solution to climate change. It appears that in the United States a coherent national energy policy to encourage rapid building performance improvements is not imminent. In this environment, where many climate and ecological scientists believe we are running out of time to reverse the effects of anthropogenic climate change, a local grass-roots effort to create demonstration net zero-energy buildings (ZEB) appears necessary. This paper documents the process of designing a ZEB in a community with no existing documented ZEB precedent. The project will establish a framework for collecting design, performance, and financial data for use by architects, building scientists, and the community at large. This type of information may prove critical in order to foster a near-term local demand for net zero-energy buildings. / Dissertation/Thesis / Appendix M - Simulation and Weather Data / M.S. Built Environment 2014
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Förslag på ytterväggskonstruktion för småhus : Analys med hänsyn till energi, statik, fukt och kostnad / A proposal for exterior wall construction for houses : Analysis considering static, energy, moisture and costSchöllin, Anton, Widell, Mark January 2013 (has links)
I detta examensarbete studeras kommande energikrav för byggnader i Sverige och i synnerhet kraven på specifik energianvändning. Detta mot bakgrund av EU-kommissionens och EU-parlamentets direktiv, EPBD2, om nära nollenergibyggnader 2020. Därefter bearbetas ett förslag på en ny ytterväggskonstruktion som med lägre U-värde än den befintliga ytterväggen ska sänka Fiskarhedenvillans olika hustypers specifika energianvändning. Syftet med sänkningen är att möjliggöra för Fiskarhedenvillan att uppfylla de kommande energikraven. Det är många parametrar som måste uppfyllas och det nya ytterväggsförslaget analyseras förutom ur energisynpunkt även med hänsyn till statik, fukt och kostnad. Beräkningar för statik och specifik energianvändning har gjorts för ett referenshus. Resultatet av att byta ut den befintliga ytterväggskonstruktionen mot det framarbetade förslaget med ca 33 % lägre U-värde gav endast en sänkning med ca 6 % av den specifika energianvändningen. För att sänka referenshusets specifika energianvändning ytterligare bör även resterande delar av klimatskalet förbättras samt ett annat uppvärmningssätt väljas. Avslutningsvis diskuteras resultatet och vi lämnar rekommendationer för fortsatta studier. / This thesis studies future energy requirements for buildings in Sweden and in particular the requirements for specific energy use. This is in light of the European Commission and European Parliament Directive, EPBD2, on nearly-zero energy buildings 2020. A proposal for a new exterior wall construction in Fiskarhedenvillan houses with lower U-value than the existing exterior wall is analyzed. The purpose of the new wall is to reduce the specific energy use to enable Fiskarhedenvillan to meet the future energy requirements. There are many parameters that must be considered. The proposed new exterior wall construction is analyzed not only from the energy point of view but also with regard to statics, moisture and cost. Calculations for the statics and the specific energy use have been made for a reference building. The changed design of the exterior wall resulted in a reduction of the U-value with 33 % but only 6 % of the specific energy use. A further reduction of the specific energy use for the reference house requires improved design of the remaining building envelope and a new heating method. Furthermore the results are discussed and recommendations for further studies are given,
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Multidimensional Assessment For a Case Studied Zero Energy Building : Climate positive buildings with and without a connection to the district heating networkRimec, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this report is to get an overview of the CO2 reduction possibilities when adopting different renewable energy source, when the case studied building sustains a district heating network connection and when not, and how the renewable energy source flexibilities (Solar and Wind) differ depending on region. The method regards a ETC house that falls into the climate positive category and assesses the reduction when comparing CO2 emissions form the energy demand. The result for the flexibilities is then compared to the BBR demand. The result shows a difference of around 10% in production for the flexibilities when comparing the northern and middle region with the southern. And a decrease between 19-36% gCO2. Comparing a scenario with and without a connection to the district heating network showed that when the ground source heat pump offsets the energy demand, CO2, and cost reductions (6 and 4% respectively) can be seen. With an average installation cost, the payback period for the ground source heat pump can be estimated to be around 4 year. In conclusion the thesis project shows that the climate is a ruling factor when assessing energy questions for the residential sector. It also shows the difference in CO2 and cost that comes with it can be reduced and help mitigated the sectors effects on the environment. This in turn shows that the overall reduction of CO2 for the case studied building follows the demands and goals set by the European commission and gives motivation to expand the construction as cost is also reduced.
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Penzion / Boarding HouseKryštofová, Iveta January 2022 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is the processing of the design documentation for the construction of a boarding house with nearly zero energy consumption. The plot is located in the cadastre unit Znojmo-Louka, in a buildable area for recreation. The new building is detached, with partial basement, and has two floors. There is a preparation area in the one-storey section, including a dining area. Accommodation units can be found in a two-storey segment. And there is a technical background of the building in the basement. The vertical load-bearing system is made of ceramic blocks and concrete poured fittings used in the basement. The horizontal structures are formed cast-in-place reinforced slabs. The building is covered with a warm flat vegetation roof and a cold roof made of truss girders. The building is insulated with a contact thermal insulation system made of polystyrene. The building is based on deep piles and foundation reinforced concrete strips.
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Tillämpning av träbaserat modulväggsystem för påbyggnad av efterkrigstidens flerbostadshus : Utifrån energikrav och ekonomiska förutsättningar / Application of Wood Based Module Wall System for Vertical Attic Extension of Post-war Residential Building : By Energy Demand and Economic PreconditionsSamuelsson, Jimmy, Debes, Yahya January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Nya svenska energikrav definieras som nära-nollbyggnader för både nybyggnation och renovering, där man strävar efter en årlig balans mellan ingående och utgående energi för byggnaden. Påbyggnad genom prefabricerade modulsystem med bärande väggar av korslimmat massivträ har genom internationella studier visat sig både tids- och kostnadseffektiv vid renovering. Målet med rapporten är att undersöka möjligheten att tillämpa detta påbyggnadssystem för svenska renoveringsprojekt av efterkrigstidens flerbostadshus som både är kostnadseffektivt och som klarar nya svenska energikrav. Metod: Rapporten syftar till att besvara frågeställningarna genom en fallstudie. Inledningsvis, under en litteraturstudie, beskrivs incitament till påbyggnation vid renovering. Utefter en dokumentanalys av referensbyggnaden, utförs sedan energi- och kostnadsjämförelser mellan påbyggnation av korslimmade massivträväggar och platsbyggd träregelkonstruktion. Resultat: Svenska efterkrigstidens bostadsbestånd visar sig, via renovering och påbyggnation, ha hög potential för att positiv påverka den i Sverige genomsnittliga specifika energianvändningen samtidigt som det erbjuder snabb och kostnadseffektiv urban bostadsförtätning. Den värmeisolerande förmågan för korslimmat massivträ är, för en påbyggnad, likvärdigt det av platsbyggd träkonstruktion. Beräkningarna visar däremot hur byggnation från efterkrigstiden har svårt att uppnå krav för nära-nollenergihus. Kostnad för montering av påbyggnadsstomme och innerväggar m.m. visar på ca 2,7 % besparing för förslag av korslimmat massivträ. Konsekvenser: Rapporten lyfter fram möjligheterna kring renovering av svenska flerbostadshus från efterkrigstiden och fördelarna att göra detta i kombination med påbyggnation. Det finns goda förutsättningar för implementering av korslimmade massivträväggar även i svenska påbyggnadsprojekt och detta till något lägre pris och arbetstid gentemot platsbyggd konstruktion. Trots att detta vilar mycket på valet av prefabricering, har undersökningen lyckats exponera ett befogat alternativ för påbyggnadsprojekten i framtiden. Eventuella svårigheter i att uppnå nya energikrav vid renovering av äldre bostadsbestånd har även lyfts fram i rapporten. Begränsningar: Kontroll av bärförmåga för referensbyggnaden via konstruktionsmässiga beräkningar genomförs inte i denna rapport. Beräkning av livscykelkostnad ingår inte i detta arbete. Rapporten fokuserar istället på ekonomisk effektivitet i produktionsskedet. Rapporten fokuserar sin undersökning kring åtgärder för energianvändning och berör inte eventuella åtgärder för t.ex. högre tillgänglighet. / Purpose: New Swedish energy requirements are defined as Near Zero Energy Buildings for both new construction and renovation, with the purpose of balancing energy entering and exiting the building. Vertical attic extensions through prefabricated module system containing loadbearing walls of cross laminated timber has, by international studies, shown the potential for time and cost efficiency during renovation projects. The purpose of this inquiry is to examine the possibility to apply this extension system for Swedish renovation projects on post-war residential buildings that are both cost effective and that satisfies new Swedish energy regulations. Method: The report aims to answer the questions through a case study. Initially a literature study describes the incentives of vertical attic extensions and renovation. Then through a document analysis of a reference building, energy and cost comparisons are carried out between an attic extension of cross laminated timber and wood construction assembled on site. Findings: The Swedish post-war housing stock shows high potential through renovation and attic extension, to positively influence the Swedish average specific energy use while simultaneously providing fast and cost effective urban densification. The heat insulating performance of cross laminated timber is, for an attic extension, equivalent that of an on-site assembled wood construction. However, calculations shows difficulties for post-war housing stock to achieve the requirements for Near Zero Energy Buildings. The cost for assembling extending structure and interior walls etc. reveals approximately 2,7 % savings with cross laminated timber. Implications: The report brings forth the possibilities regarding renovation of the Swedish post-war stock of multifamily housing and the advantages of doing so in combination with vertical attic extensions. There are good conditions for implementation of cross laminated timber walls even in Swedish extension projects, while having the potential to lower costs slightly and saving time in relation to on site construction. Even though the results depend a lot on the choice of prefabrication, the study has exposed a valid alternative for future attic extension projects. The report also reveals potential difficulties in achieving new energy requirements for renovation of older housing stock. Limitations: Verification of load capacity through constructional calculations are not performed in this inquiry. Calculating the life-cycle cost is not a part of this project, which instead focuses on economic efficiency during production. The report focuses its research at energy-saving measures and doesn’t concern measures regarding for example higher accessibility.
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Conception optimale de bâtiments à énergie nette nulle sous différents climats / Optimal design of net zero energy buildings under different climatesHarkouss, Fatima 28 June 2018 (has links)
La conception des bâtiments à consommation énergétique nette zéro (BCENN) a été introduite pour limiter la consommation d'énergie et les émissions polluantes dans les bâtiments. Le défi dans la conception de BCENN est de trouver la meilleure combinaison de stratégies de conception qui feront face aux problèmes de performance énergétique d'un bâtiment particulier. Cette thèse présente une méthodologie pour l'optimisation multicritères basée sur la simulation des BCENN. La méthodologie proposée est un outil utile pour améliorer la conception des BCENN et faciliter la prise de décision dans les premières phases de la conception des bâtiments. L’amélioration des bâtiments en matière d'efficacité énergétique nécessite une optimisation des paramètres passifs. Une étude complète sur la conception passive optimale pour les bâtiments résidentiels est présentée. Le confort thermique adaptatif des occupants est également amélioré en mettant en œuvre les stratégies de refroidissement passif appropriées telles que les dispositifs d’occultation et la ventilation naturelle. Les caractéristiques des systèmes de conditionnement de l’air et de production d’énergie mis en œuvre dans les BCENN doivent être sélectionnées avec soin pour garantir l'objectif de performance prévu. Dans cette thèse, six ensembles de systèmes énergétiques sont comparés et optimisés, pour la conception de BCENN dans des climats représentatifs choisis, à savoir Indore (besoin de froid dominant), Tromso (besoin de chaud dominant) et Beijing (climat mixte). / The conception of net zero energy buildings (NZEB) has been introduced to limit energy consumption, global warming potentials, and pollution emissions in buildings. The challenge in NZEB design is to find the best combination of design strategies that will enhance the energy performance of a particular building. The aim of this thesis is to develop an understanding of NZEBs design concepts. Besides, it aims to assist NZEB designers to select the suitable design options of passive and RE systems based on a systemic evaluation in different climates. This thesis presents a methodology for the simulation-based multi-criteria optimization of NZEBs. The methodology is applied to investigate the cost-effectiveness potential for optimizing the design of NZEBs in different case studies taken as diverse climatic zones. The proposed methodology is a useful tool to enhance NZEBs design and to facilitate decision making in early phases of building design. A comprehensive study on optimal passive design for residential buildings is presented. The occupants’ adaptive thermal comfort is also improved by implementing the appropriate passive cooling strategies such as blinds and natural ventilation. The configurations and capacities of the implemented RE systems in NZEBs must be appropriately selected to ensure the intended performance objective. In the thesis, investigation, optimization and comparison of six RE solution sets for designing NZEBs is carried out in three typical climates: Indore (cooling dominant), Tromso (heating dominant) and Beijing (mixed climate).
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Environmentální řešení administrativního objektu v Hodoníně / Environmental solution of administrative building in HodonínSnášel, Michal Unknown Date (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to design a seven-storey office building in Hodonín, Czechia. The building has retail spaces in the basement and first floor and offices in second to sixth floors and utility room and elevator engine room in the seventh floor. Individual floors are accessible via stairs and elevator. The vertical load-bearing structure consists of reinforced concrete walls and columns. Horizontal load-bearing structure consists of cast-in-place reinforced concrete slabs. The roof is flat with photovoltaic power plant connected to main battery. The main source of heating energy for the building is a heat pump (air-water) backed by a secondary electric boiler. Fresh air is supplied by a HVAC unit installed on the roof. Overheating due to solar heat gains and equipment is mitigated by local AC ceiling units. Automated roller blinds reacting to solar gains and glare are installed over the windows. The next part of thesis consists of comparison of pressure properties of sheet metal duct and CLIMAVER system.
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