Spelling suggestions: "subject:"zoologia."" "subject:"zoologie.""
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Nattfjärilar (Macrolepidoptera) längs smala kraftledningsgator omgiven av olika successionsstadier av boreal skog / Abundance and species richness of moths (Macrolepidoptera) along narrow power line corridors surrounded by different successional stages of boreal forestUlvrike, Villemo January 2022 (has links)
Ett av de primära hoten mot biologisk mångfald och populationsnedgångar är utvecklingen av de moderna jord- och skogsbruket, där intensifierad markanvändning vidare har lett till förlust av lämpliga livsmiljöer för många organismgrupper, inklusive insekter. Nattfjärilar anses vara en indikatorgrupp för miljöförändringar och deras nedgång har dokumenterats i flera europeiska länder. Utvecklingen av infrastruktur som ytterligare bidrar till markanvändningen, till exempel kraftledningsgator, har fått ett ökat intresse att utforskas ur ett naturvårdsperspektiv. Studier har visat att insektsgrupper som till exempel vilda bin och dagfjärilar potentiellt kan använda kraftledningsgator som en möjlig livsmiljö, men liknande studier är bristfälliga för nattfjärilar. Kraftledningsgator löper genom landskapets varierande naturtyper och korsar därmed skogsbestånd påverkade av skogsbruket. Denna studie undersökte abundans och artrikedom av nattaktiva storfjärilar (Macrolepidoptera) i norra Sverige längs smala kraftledningsgator omgiven av olika successionsstadier av boreal skog och skog opåverkade av kraftledningsgator som kontroll. Samtidigt undersöktes effekter av säsong och nattlig temperatur på förekomsten av nattfjärilar i studien. Nattfjärilar samlades in genom ljusfångst under juli och augusti 2022. Vidare kunde ingen signifikant skillnad påvisas i artrikedom eller abundans av nattfjärilar mellan kraftledningsgator omgiven av olika tillväxtstadier av skogsbestånd och kontrollgruppen. Däremot observerades en varierad artsammansättning i vardera habitattyp. Resultatet kan vagt antyda att nattfjärilar i varierande skogsbestånd möjligtvis kan nyttja de smala kraftledningsgator som löper genom områdena om ledningsgatan innehar en gynnsam miljö med viktiga värdväxter. Men större studier behövs för att undersöka kraftledningsgator som livsmiljö och eventuella effekter av angränsande omgivning. Utöver påvisades skillnader i abundans och artrikedom av nattfjärilar mellan perioder (juli och augusti), samt positiva korrelationer mellan fångstfrekvensen av nattfjärilar och högre temperatur under nätterna vid ljusfångst. Resultaten indikerar att säsong och temperatur är faktorer som bör tas i beaktning vid studier av nattfjärilar för att få mer tillförlitliga provtagningar i ett habitat. Nationella långtidsstudier av nattfjärilar saknas och en ökad kunskap om status och trender av populationer är nödvändigt. Naturvårdsåtgärder för infrastrukturbiotoper behöver en samverkan mellan aktörer och ett helhetsperspektiv där omgivande landskap tas i beaktning. Fler och större studier behövs för att utvärdera kraftledningsgators potential i förhållande till deras negativa effekter på biodiversitet och fler studier är nödvändiga för att undersöka om kraftledningsgators arealer kan optimeras i förvaltning och användas av viktiga hotade insektsgrupper, som till exempel nattfjärilar. / One of the primary threats to biodiversity and population declines is intensified agriculture and forestry management. Intense land use leads to loss of suitable habitats for many groups of organisms, including insects. Moths are considered an indicator group for environmental changes and their decline has been documented in several European countries. Furthermore, development of infrastructure, power line corridors for example, also contributes to land use. However, studies have indicated that insects such as wild bees and diurnal butterflies can potentially use power line corridors, but studies are lacking if this applies to moths. Power line corridors run through the landscape and their adjacent environment are thus very varied. This study investigates the abundance and species richness of moths (Macrolepidoptera) in northern Sweden, along narrow power line corridors surrounded by different successional stages of boreal forest, compared to forests unaffected by power lines. Mid- and late summer season and temperature effects were also investigated. Moths were collected in july and august 2022 by sampling at night with light traps. No significant difference could be demonstrated between power line corridors surrounded by different forest types and the control group, for either abundance or species richness. Even though there were no difference in species richness between sites, the species composition of moths in each habitat varied. The result may indicate that moths in different forest types potentially can use the narrow power line corridors that run through the area, if the local environment is favorable and vital host plants are present, but more studies are needed to investigate power lines as novel habitats and possible effects of the surrounding environment. Furthermore, abundance and species richness of moths were greater in late summer, and postively corellated with higher temperatures at nights, which indicates that these factors should be taken into account when sampling moths to survey and evaluate populations in a site. National long-term studies of moths are lacking and an increased knowledge of status and trends of moth communities is needed. From a conservation point-of-view, the areas beneath power lines should be managed and optimized with a landscape perspective in consideration. More studies are necessary to evaluate power line corridors possibility to act as potential novel habitats for important groups of organisms that are declining, for example insects such as moths. Read more
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Reproductive physiology of the female three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatusRoufidou, Chrysoula January 2017 (has links)
Reproduction in vertebrates, including fishes, is under control of the brain-pituitary-gonad (BPG) axis. The female three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, produces egg clutches at intervals of a few days and spawns them in a nest built by male. Following ovulation, eggs are stored in the ovarian cavity surrounded by the ovarian fluid (OF). If spawning or spontaneous release do not occur, the eggs can undergo overripening, a phenomenon occurring both in nature and captivity. In this PhD thesis, the changes of reproductive hormones and vitellogenesis were studied at overripening of eggs and over the natural spawning cycle. OF properties were also examined at overripening of eggs and after treatment with sex steroids. Plasma levels of steroids: testosterone (T), estradiol (E2), 17,20β-dihydroxypregn-4-en-3-one (17,20β-P) and 17,20β,21-trihydroxypregn-4-en-3-one (17,20β,21-P) were measured by radioimmunoassay, and relative mRNA levels of the pituitary gonadotropins (fsh-β/lh-β), brain gonadotropin-releasing hormones (gnrh2/gnrh3) and kisspeptin and its receptor (kiss2/gpr54) by qPCR. Overripening of eggs was accompanied with a significant reduction in most of endocrine parameters of BPG axis (T, E2, 17,20β-P; lh-β; kiss2, gpr54). Low level of hormones could be advantageous for the overripe egg-bound females, since this would reduce further ovulations giving higher chances to survive and reproduce again. Over the 3-day spawning cycle, T and E2 were highly correlated, showed cyclicity with low levels at ovulation and increasing from 24 and 6 hours post-spawning (hps), respectively. Spawning may give rise to this increase as these rises did not occur if release of the eggs does not happen (overripe females). A peak at pituitary lh-β mRNA levels appeared 48 hps, a day before the next ovulation. No significant changes were found for the other studied hormones. Vitellogenesis was studied by measurement of the vitellogenin mRNA levels in the liver by qPCR. The levels were highest at 24 and 48 hps and were positively correlated to both E2 and T over the cycle. However, changes were small suggesting a rather continuous vitellogenesis over the stickleback spawning cycle which could be an advantage for a multiple spawner with a limited spawning season. Overripening reduced vitellogenin mRNA levels but did not abolish it. OF amount was diminished in overripe females and had a lower viscocity but higher dry weight and protein levels than in non-overripe ovulated females, suggesting that changes in OF properties are related to the egg overripening. The effects of steroids were studied using Silastic capsules. T and 17,20β-P induced an increase of OF amount, but protein levels were only increased in 17,20β-P-treated females, proposing a role of this steroid in the control of OF secretion. 1-D SDS-PAGE showed that OF contained several proteins, some of them came from eggs, but no consistent differences between groups. Concluding, the knowledge of the reproductive physiological changes is important for understanding their essential roles in the production of viable eggs in this species but also in the reproductive physiology of female fishes in general. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p> Read more
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Effekten av predatorinducerade morfologiska förändringar hos Rana temporaria / The effect of predatorinduced morphological changes in Rana temporariaTjärnlund Norén, Lindy January 2017 (has links)
Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of an organism to express different phenotypes depending on the biotic or abiotic environment. In many cases, the response to the environment is beneficial to the individual and can therefore represent adaptive phenotypic plasticity. An example includes morphological and life-historical response to predators. Because there has been a weak interest in the effect of these morphological changes, and it often assumes, but rarely shown, that predator-induced changes are adaptive. I tested how different variables, such as maximum acceleration and velocity, were related to each other in different Gosner stages. Eggs and tadpoles of the species Rana temporaria were exposed to various predator enclosures, a control, a stalking predator (European Perch, Perca fluviatilis), and an ambush predator (dragonfly larvae). The tadpoles mean weight, maximum acceleration and velocity, mobility, boldness, and morphological changes in various Gosner stages were analyzed. My tests showed a significant difference in tadpole weight and their morphology, however, there were no differences in speed, acceleration, boldness or mobility. The morphometric analysis of the tadpoles showed a significant change of tadpoles in the perch treatment compared to the tadpoles in the control. The tadpoles in the perch treatment showed a higher TH/TL (tail height/tail length) ratio, and were overall heavier, than the tadpoles in the control, but no significant change compared to the tadpoles in the dragonfly treatment. This shows that the kairomones and alarm cues triggered a large morphological change, but the effect of the change requires more research. Read more
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Taxonomy of the Rufous-naped lark (Mirafra africana) complex based on song analysisNymark, Marianne Kristine January 2021 (has links)
The Rufous-naped lark Mirafra africana complex consists of 22 subspecies spread across the African continent. Several of the subspecies have recently been suggested to potentially be treated as separate species. In this study a comparative analysis was done on the song from seven of the subspecies: M. a. africana, M. a. athi, M. a. grisescens, M. a. kabalii, M. a. nyikae, M. a. transvaalensis and M. a. tropicalis. The results showed that M. a. athi, M. a. kabalii and M. a. nyikae are all very divergent from each other as well as from the other four subspecies. In contrast, M. a. tropicalis, M. a. grisescens, M. a. africana and M. a. transvaalensis are not clearly separable from each other. Based on the results, I suggest that M. a. athi, M. a. kabalii and M. a. nyikae can be classified as separate species, with M. a. africana, M. a. tropicalis, M. a grisescens and M. a. transvaalensis forming a fourth species (M. africana sensu stricto). Finally, I conclude that this study shows that more studies need to be done on the subspecies of the Mirafra africana complex.
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Beteendesyndrom hos blankål (Anguilla anguilla): aktivitet och respons på främmande objekt i en artificiell miljö / Behavioural syndromes in silver eel (Anguilla anguilla): activity and response to novel objects in an artificial environmentIngelman Åslund, Trollet January 2020 (has links)
Ökad kunskap om djurs beteendesyndrom kan möjliggöra förbättrade bevarandeåtgärder för hotade arter. I den här studien genomgick 108 blankålar (Anguilla anguilla) två beteendetester; “open-field test” och “novel-object test”. Ålars morfologi och val av föda, habitat och dygnsaktivitet har i tidigare studier visats hänga ihop. I den här studien undersökte jag om det fanns något samband mellan ålarnas morfologi, aktivitet samt respons på främmande föremål. De ålar som var mest aktiva under open-field-testet var också de ålar som visade störst intresse för det främmande föremålet i novel-object-testet. Det fanns dock inte något samband mellan morfologi och aktivitet eller mellan morfologi och respons på främmande föremål. Detta innebär att ett utforskande och djärvt beteendesyndrom har upptäckts hos vissa av ålarna, medan den bakomliggande faktorn fortsätter vara okänd. / Increased knowledge of behavioural syndromes may contribute to enhancing our conservation methods for endangered species. In this study, the behavior of 108 silver eels (Anguilla anguilla) was assessed in two assays: an open-field test and a novel-object test. Eel morphology and diel activity as well as diet and habitat use have previously been shown to correlate with each other. In this study, I investigated the potential relationship between the morphology, activity and response to a novel object. The most active eels during the open-field test were also the ones that expressed the most interest for the novel object. There was, however, no correlation between morphology and activity or morphology and response to the novel object. This means an exploring and bold behaviour syndrome was discovered amongst some of the eels, whilst the underlying cause remains unknown. Read more
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Phenotypic correlates of spawning migration behaviour for roach (Rutilus rutilus) and ide (Leuciscus idus) in the stream Oknebäcken, Sweden.Lindbladh, Emma, Eriksson, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Migration occurs among many animal species for the purpose of, among other things, finding food or to reproduce. Spawning migration is a form of migration that occurs among many fish species where they move to another site for reproduction. The movement can be obstructed by migration barriers like road culverts. Barriers to migration pose one of the greatest threats to biodiversity and ecosystem functions in freshwater. They impair the connectivity of watercourses and may prevent fish from improving reproductive success or completing their life histories altogether. There are both benefits and costs with migration, benefits such as increased survival for the adults and offspring, and costs such as increased energy consumption and increased mortality. The costs are often dependent on the morphological traits of the individual, like body shape and size. In this study, the spawning migration of two species of fish of the family Cyprinidae, ide (Leuciscus idus) and roach (Rutilus rutilus) was investigated. Few studies have been made on ide or on roach compared to other cyprinids and salmonids. This study might therefore enhance the overall knowledge of these two species. The overall aims of this project are to study and compare phenotypic correlates of spawning migration behaviour of ide and roach. The field studies were performed in Oknebäcken, Mönsterås (SE632310-152985), Sweden in March and April 2020. To describe the watercourse and define the location and characteristics of different potential migration barriers, a simplified biotope mapping method was used. The fish were caught in a hoop net and then measured, weighted, sexed, and injected with passive integrated transponder using the bevel down method. In order to register in stream movement of fish, reading stations with antennas were placed, at two locations upstream from the marking station and one downstream at the estuary. The sex ratio differed from the expected 1:1 with a majority of females for both species. This might be a result of fluctuations in survival of spawn coupled with different age-at-maturity between sexes. We found that individuals that arrived early to the stream were larger for both study species, as other studies also reported. Also, male ide was both larger and arrived before female ide. There might be an energy cost associated with early arrival to the stream and therefore, larger individuals arrive first. For roach, there was no difference in arrival time between the sexes although female roach were larger. There was no difference in the time spent in the stream between the species. For ide, females stayed for a longer period of time in the stream than males. However, the opposite was true for roach. This may be because male roach might benefit from more fertilization events when staying longer. There might therefore be a trade-off between the energy cost in staying in the stream and the increased fitness advantage in fertilization events. We found no correlation between any of the morphological traits and migration distance. However, since very few individuals were registered at the upstream reading stations, there might be an effect of migration barriers on the spawning migration. The mortality after spawning was higher for roach than for ide. For ide, a larger proportion of females than males died. For roach, individuals that arrived early was classified as alive to a greater extent than those who arrived late. Both similarities and differences between the species were discovered in this study which concludes that even closely related species might differ substantially from each other. Read more
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Investigating fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) sightings in Skjálfandi Bay, Iceland, and potential migratory movements through photo-identificationLundström, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
In studies of migration and life-history of many large whales, photo-identification has proven a very powerful tool. Unfortunately, photo-identification is not as established and common when it comes to the second largest animal on earth, the fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus).Despite the massive size of the creatures many things remain unknown about them, such asmigration patterns, the geographical and temporal locations of wintering and individual seasonal range. This study aimed to investigate when fin whales normally visit Skjálfandi Bay, Iceland, and if they migrate between Skjálfandi Bay and Ireland, using photo-identification. The results showed somewhat that the fin whale visits in Skjálfandi Bay were most common in March and April which could be connected to arrival of schooling fish such as capelin (Mallotus villosus) early spring, and that visits have not changed noticeably over the years, suggesting that the fin whales will keep coming to Skjálfandi Bay. One possible fin whale match was found between Skjálfandi Bay and Ireland, suggesting but not confirming migration between the two locations. Further investigation is needed to understand fin whale migration patterns. Because of typical fin whale behavior, similar dorsal fins and unreliable weather, the photo-identification system was discussed, and improvements suggested. A more established photo-identification system could include fin whale photo-ID catalogues with pictures from dorsal view and from the left and right side. However, the photo-identification methods need further investigating to improve even more and to find the best possible way to identify and photograph fin whales. / Foto-identifiering har visat sig vara ett användbart verktyg för att studera migration men även livshistoria hos många stora valar. Tyvärr är fotoidentifiering inte lika etablerat och vanligt när det gäller det näst största djuret vår jord, sillvalen (Balaenoptera physalus). Trots valens massiva storlek finns det en stor kunskapsbrist kring dess migrationsmönster, de geografiska och tidsmässiga platserna för övervintring och individuellt säsongsutbrednings-område bland annat. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka när sillvalarna normalt kommer till Skjálfandi Bay, Island, och om de migrerar mellan Skjálfandi Bay och Irland, med hjälp av foto-identifiering. Resultaten visade delvis att sillvalarna oftast besöker Skjálfandi Bay i mars och april, vilket kan vara kopplat till att stimfiskar såsom lodda (Mallotus villosus) kommer dit tidig vår, och att besökssiffrorna inte har ändrats mycket över åren vilket tyder på att sillvalarna kommer fortsätta komma till Skjálfandi Bay. En möjlig matching hittades mellan en identifierad sillval i Skjálfandi Bay och en identifierad sillval i irländska vatten, vilket tyder på men inte bekräftar migration mellan de två platserna. På grund av det typiska sillvalbeteendet och derasliknande ryggfenor samt det opålitliga vädret som en faktor, diskuterades fotoidentifieringssystemet och förbättringar föreslogs. Ett mer etablerat fotoidentifieringssystem hade kunnat inkludera fotoidentifieringskataloger med bilder på sillvalar från ovan sida och från båda sidor. Däremot behöver fotoidentifieringsmetoderna vidare undersökning för ytterligare förbättringar och för att hitta det bästa sättet att identifiera och fotografera sillvalar. Read more
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Analyzing Factors Influencing Reproductive Success of the Mountain Chicken : Nordens Ark Captive Breeding ProgramDonaldson, Chad January 2019 (has links)
Amphibians globally are declining with roughly a third facing extinction due primarily to threats linked to human impacts. One way in which this is being combated is by captive breeding programs. Nordens Ark in Sweden, in collaboration with other organizations, is attempting to breed one of the most threatened frogs for future reintroduction to the wild. The mountain chicken (Leptodactylus fallax) has unique characteristics related to its reproduction which make it challenging to breed successful offspring. Using Nordens Ark’s data on environmental conditions within breeding enclosures, this study attempts to determine which extrinsic factors are having the most influence on reproduction, in order to increase the success of the captive breeding program. Multiple linear regression analysis and model simplification using Stepwise regression and Akaike information criterion (AIC) were performed in order to determine which explanatory variables had the most influence in relation to foam nests. A reduced model with significant values for explanatory variables was deemed the best model based on the dataset. Of the 14 environmental variables tested, minimum temperature after nest construction had the most influence on foam nest length. When compared to wild habitats, temperatures within enclosures may be too high or lack seasonal cyclical patterns. Barometric pressure and humidity also had influence on foam nests, but the relationships between these environmental conditions is difficult to parse. Food supplements were also a significant factor and suggest that lack of vitamins or nutrients can have a negative effect on reproductive success. Ensuring the optimal conditions can be difficult for captive breeding programs, especially as amphibians are under-represented and face biases in conservation and research. Read more
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Mellan ideal och vetenskap: bild-textdissonanser i framställningar av djur i Svenska Familj-Journalen 1877–1882Andrén, Sara January 2023 (has links)
This thesis examines the Swedish 19th century family magazine, Svenska Familj-Journalen, and the interaction between bourgeois attitudes, science, and depictions of animals. My main purpose is to demonstrate how image-text divergences can discover ruptures between 19th century bourgeoise ideology and science. The study consists of a selection of illustrations and texts, the majority being popular zoology depictions that were published in the magazine between 1877–1882. By using nature-culture oppositions as well as art historian Sonya Petersson’s concept of the counteractive illustration, I am able to elucidate differences between texts and images. The texts and images are subsequently analyzed by relating them to contemporary scientific discourses, as well as to the early Swedish animal welfare and nature conservation movements. The results of this study are that image-text divergences reveal 1) that images of animals could depict the animal as such, rather than as a symbol of bourgeois ideals, 2) an insecurity in the magazine’s attitudes toward Darwin’s theory of sexual selection, illustrating circumstances where the magazine chose to adhere to its ideological dispositions rather than accept Darwinian consensus, 3) that the magazine, in publishing texts that were critical of wild life exploitation, diverged from its progress oriented narrative, and that its use of images counteracted these messages. Read more
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