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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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'n Histories-argeologiese studie van die Plaas Welkomskraal, Distrik Venterstad, Noordoos-Kaap

Coetzee, Gertruida Catharina Johanna 17 March 2014 (has links)
Summaries and keywords in Afrikaans and English / Hierdie histories-argeologiese studie bied ‘n basiese beskrywing van die materiële kultuur van ‘n afgeleë Suider-Afrikaanse plaas wat tussen die 1880’s en die 1930’s bewoon is. Die studie berus op ‘n gedetailleerde ontleding van die opgegraafde vondste wat herwin is van ashope wat met drie wooneenhede op die plaas Welkomskraal, geleë in die distrik Venterstad in die Noordoos-Kaap, verbind word. Die artefakte is aan die hand van die naslaanversameling in die Bloemfonteinse Nasionale Museum en handelsadvertensies geïdentifiseer. Die materiële kultuur dek die volle spektrum van die alledaagse lewe van die plaasbewoners en word aangevul deur genealogiese data, wat aantoon dat die grondeienaars die nasate was van die eerste trekboere wat hulle in die gebied gevestig het. Die bewoningsperiode van Welkomskraal val saam met die tweede industriële revolusie, wat gekenmerk is deur die massaproduksie van goedere en ‘n toenemend globale handelsnetwerk. Die versameling lewer bewys dat boere in die verre binneland toegang tot ‘n wye reeks ingevoerde produkte gehad het, hoewel hulle nie noodwendig welvarend was nie. / This historical archaeological study provides a baseline description of the material culture of a remote southern African farm occupied between the 1880s and the 1930s. The study is based on a detailed analysis of the excavated finds recovered from middens associated with three homesteads, located on the farm Welkomskraal, in the Venterstad district of the north-eastern Cape. Artefacts were identified using the reference collection of the National Museum in Bloemfontein and commercial adverts. The material culture covers the full spectrum of the daily lives of the farm’s occupants and is complemented by genealogical data, which indicate that the landowners were the descendants of the first trekboers who settled in the area. The occupation of Welkomskraal coincided with the second industrial revolution, which was characterised by mass production of goods and an increasingly global trade network. The assemblage attests that farmers in the deep interior had access to a wide range of imported goods although they were not necessarily prosperous. / Anthropology and Archaeology / M.A. (Argeologie)

Tekstuele verbande in die oeuvre van J.C. Steyn

Van der Merwe, Willem Petrus 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing berus op die idee dat die tekste in die oeuvre van sommige skrywers op so 'n manier met mekaar verbonde is dat 'n mens dit as 'n eenheid kan begin lees en ervaar. Met Derrida se begrip van genealogiese verwantskap van tekste as vertrekpunt, het ek daardie intertekstuele verbande in J.C. Steyn se oeuvre nagegaan waardeur sy hoorspelteks, poesie- en prosatekste tot 'n verwikkelde weefsel ontwikkel het. Dit het gou duidelik geword dat daar twee hoofstrominge in Steyn se tekste aan die orde kom: 'n motief van persoonlike tekortkominge wat deurwerk na 'n groter sosiale groep toe is van vroeg af duidelik skering en inslag daarin. Reeds in "Die skuldige: 'n hoorspel" (1974) staan die homo­ erotiese geneigdheid van die sentrale karakter in noue verband met die sosio-ekonomiese vraagstuk van die gesin wat al hulle aardse besittinge verloor. Die gedigte in die eerste helfte van Die grammatika van liefhe (1975) word gekenmerk deur die digterspersoonlikheid se sterk weersin teen sy eie tekortkominge; in die laaste gedeelte gaan sy persoonlike gemoeidheid oor in 'n besorgdheid oor die Afrikaner en die voortbestaan van Afrikaans. Van Op pad na die grens (1976) af, oor Dagboek van 'n verraaier (1978) en Die verlore vader (1985) tot en met Hoeke Boerseuns ons was (1991) neem die hoofstrominge van Steyn se tekste duideliker vorm aan: aan die een kant is daar die nasionale problematiek waar hy voortbou op C.J. Langenhoven se Die pad van Suid-Afrika, en die bestaanstryd van die Afrikaner volg tot in die huidige tydsgewrig; aan die ander kant worstel die karakters van sy tekste met persoonlike vraagstukke waaronder veral 'n homo-erotiese geneigdheid waarmee hulle hul nie kan versoen nie. Oorkoepelend vertel Steyn die verhaal van die Afrikaanse elckerlijc wat hom as gevolg van teenstrydige sosiaal-politieke invloede toenemend in 'n toestand van leed, verwarring en geestelike ontreddering bevind. Ten slotte wys ek hoe Steyn deur middel van defiksionalisering in sy tekste homself en die Afrikaner ontmasker. Die invloed daarvan is heilsaam: op persoonlike vlak is dit suiwerend en die stukrag van sy kuns; in die geval van die Afrikaner vervul hy daarmee die rol van die Afrikaner se kollektiewe gewete. / This research is based on the theory that the texts in the oeuvre of certain writers are related to each other in such a way that one can read and experience them as a unity. Using Derrida's concept of the genealogical relationship of texts as a point of departure, I have examined those intertextual relationships in J.C. Steyn's oeuvre in which his radio play, poetry and prose texts have developed to a complicated fabric. It soon becomes clear that two main streams emerge in Steyn's texts: a motif of personal defect which percolates to a larger social group. Already in "Die skuldige: 'n hoorspel" (1974) the homoerotic disposition of the central figure is closely related to the socio-economic problems of the family who lose all their material possessions. The poems in the first half of Die grammatika van liefhe (1975) are characterised by the poetic personality's strong aversion to his own imperfections; in the final part, his personal concern about the Afrikaner and the continued existence of Afrikaans emerge. From Op pad na die grens (1976), through Dagboek van 'n verraaier (1978) and Die verlore vader (1985), up to and including Hoeke Boerseuns ons was (1991), the main streams of Steyn's texts become more clearly discernible: on the one hand, one encounters the national concerns in which Steyn develops themes found in C.J. Langenhoven's Die pad van Suid-Afrika and follows the Afrikaner's struggle for survival to the present juncture; on the other hand, the characters of his texts struggle with personal difficulties such as a propensity to homoeroticism to which they cannot reconcile themselves. An overarching concern of Steyn's is the story of the Afrikaans Everyman who, as a result of conflicting socio-political influences, increasingly finds himself in a state of sorrow, confusion and spiritual collapse. Finally, I reveal how Steyn exposes himself and the Afrikaner in his texts by means of defictionalisation. Its influence is beneficial: at a personal level, it is purifying and is the impetus of Steyn's art; and, in the case of the Afrikaner, it fulfils the role of the Afrikaner's collective conscience. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / D. Litt et Phil. (Afrikaans)

Modèles d'embeddings à valeurs complexes pour les graphes de connaissances / Complex-Valued Embedding Models for Knowledge Graphs

Trouillon, Théo 29 September 2017 (has links)
L'explosion de données relationnelles largement disponiblessous la forme de graphes de connaissances a permisle développement de multiples applications, dont les agents personnels automatiques,les systèmes de recommandation et l'amélioration desrésultats de recherche en ligne.La grande taille et l'incomplétude de ces bases de donnéesnécessite le développement de méthodes de complétionautomatiques pour rendre ces applications viables.La complétion de graphes de connaissances, aussi appeléeprédiction de liens, se doit de comprendre automatiquementla structure des larges graphes de connaissances (graphes dirigéslabellisés) pour prédire les entrées manquantes (les arêtes labellisées).Une approche gagnant en popularité consiste à représenter ungraphe de connaissances comme un tenseur d'ordre 3, etd'utiliser des méthodes de décomposition de tenseur pourprédire leurs entrées manquantes.Les modèles de factorisation existants proposent différentscompromis entre leur expressivité, et leur complexité en temps et en espace.Nous proposons un nouveau modèle appelé ComplEx, pour"Complex Embeddings", pour réconcilier expressivité etcomplexité par l'utilisation d'une factorisation en nombre complexes,dont nous explorons le lien avec la diagonalisation unitaire.Nous corroborons notre approche théoriquement en montrantque tous les graphes de connaissances possiblespeuvent être exactement décomposés par le modèle proposé.Notre approche, basées sur des embeddings complexesreste simple, car n'impliquant qu'un produit trilinéaire complexe,là où d'autres méthodes recourent à des fonctions de compositionde plus en plus compliquées pour accroître leur expressivité.Le modèle proposé ayant une complexité linéaire en tempset en espace est passable à l'échelle, tout endépassant les approches existantes sur les jeux de données de référencepour la prédiction de liens.Nous démontrons aussi la capacité de ComplEx àapprendre des représentations vectorielles utiles pour d'autres tâches,en enrichissant des embeddings de mots, qui améliorentles prédictions sur le problème de traitement automatiquedu langage d'implication entre paires de phrases.Dans la dernière partie de cette thèse, nous explorons lescapacités de modèles de factorisation à apprendre lesstructures relationnelles à partir d'observations.De part leur nature vectorielle,il est non seulement difficile d'interpréter pourquoicette classe de modèles fonctionne aussi bien,mais aussi où ils échouent et comment ils peuventêtre améliorés. Nous conduisons une étude expérimentalesur les modèles de l'état de l'art, non pas simplementpour les comparer, mais pour comprendre leur capacitésd'induction. Pour évaluer les forces et faiblessesde chaque modèle, nous créons d'abord des tâches simplesreprésentant des propriétés atomiques despropriétés des relations des graphes de connaissances ;puis des tâches représentant des inférences multi-relationnellescommunes au travers de généalogies synthétisées.À partir de ces résultatsexpérimentaux, nous proposons de nouvelles directionsde recherches pour améliorer les modèles existants,y compris ComplEx. / The explosion of widely available relational datain the form of knowledge graphsenabled many applications, including automated personalagents, recommender systems and enhanced web search results.The very large size and notorious incompleteness of these data basescalls for automatic knowledge graph completion methods to make these applicationsviable. Knowledge graph completion, also known as link-prediction,deals with automatically understandingthe structure of large knowledge graphs---labeled directed graphs---topredict missing entries---labeled edges. An increasinglypopular approach consists in representing knowledge graphs as third-order tensors,and using tensor factorization methods to predict their missing entries.State-of-the-art factorization models propose different trade-offs between modelingexpressiveness, and time and space complexity. We introduce a newmodel, ComplEx---for Complex Embeddings---to reconcile both expressivenessand complexity through the use of complex-valued factorization, and exploreits link with unitary diagonalization.We corroborate our approach theoretically and show that all possibleknowledge graphs can be exactly decomposed by the proposed model.Our approach based on complex embeddings is arguably simple,as it only involves a complex-valued trilinear product,whereas other methods resort to more and more complicated compositionfunctions to increase their expressiveness. The proposed ComplEx model isscalable to large data sets as it remains linear in both space and time, whileconsistently outperforming alternative approaches on standardlink-prediction benchmarks. We also demonstrateits ability to learn useful vectorial representations for other tasks,by enhancing word embeddings that improve performanceson the natural language problem of entailment recognitionbetween pair of sentences.In the last part of this thesis, we explore factorization models abilityto learn relational patterns from observed data.By their vectorial nature, it is not only hard to interpretwhy this class of models works so well,but also to understand where they fail andhow they might be improved. We conduct an experimentalsurvey of state-of-the-art models, not towardsa purely comparative end, but as a means to get insightabout their inductive abilities.To assess the strengths and weaknesses of each model, we create simple tasksthat exhibit first, atomic properties of knowledge graph relations,and then, common inter-relational inference through synthetic genealogies.Based on these experimental results, we propose new researchdirections to improve on existing models, including ComplEx.

Israel se identiteit en die boek Rut

De Villiers, Gezina Gertruida January 2015 (has links)
Van vodde tot fluweel' sou 'n gepaste beskrywing vir die narratief in die Rutboek wees. 'n Arm! maar deugsame vrou ontmoet 'n ryk en eerbare man. Hulle trou en 'n paar geslagte later word die nasie se grootste koning uit hulle gebore. Die proefskrif toon egter aan dat dit in die Rutboek om meer as die oppervlak van die verhaal gaan. Wanneer die narratief teen die agtergrond van die tydperk van die tweede tempel gelees word! ontvou die intrige in terme van weduwee Naomi se verhaal as metafoor vir die verhaal van weduwee Israel. Beide weduwees het hul identiteit in die vreemde verloor: Naomi in Moab en Israel in die ballingskap. Beide keer leeg, identiteitloos terug. Naomi se lee identiteit word op 'n besondere manier deur haar Moabitiese skoondogter nuut ingeklee! want deur Rut se toedoen verander haar identiteit van 'n ellendige weduwee na die van 'n pleegmoeder vir wie daar verlossing gekom het. Vir posteksiliese Israel wil die Rutboek vertel dat die vreemdelinge wat intussen ook JHWH, die God van Israel begin aanbid het, nie die gemeenskap se identiteit bedreig nie, dit ontmasker die vrees dat gemengde huwelike skade vir die volk sal berokken en toon aan dat hulle selfs deeI van die belangrikste genealogiee van die nasie vorm. Posteksiliese Israel het vreemdelinge nodig om vorm aan 'n nuwe identiteit te gee wat hoop vir die toekoms bied. Daarom die titel van die proefskrif: Israel se identiteit en die boek Rut. Vir die hedendaagse konteks is die Rutboek 'n voorbeeld van hoe gesaghebbende religieuse tekste binne 'n veranderde konteks kreatief en nuut herinterpreteer kan word! sonder om die kern van die bedoeling prys te gee. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2015. / tm2016 / Old Testament Studies / PhD / Unrestricted

Pojem autonomie: k předpokladům moderní subjektivity a dějinnosti / The concept of autonomy: conditions of modern subjectivity and historicity

Janoščík, Václav January 2010 (has links)
Předkládaná práce se snaží o artikulaci pojmu autonomie v jeho komplexnosti rámci. V první části jsou tematizovány jednotlivé kontexty tohoto pojmu, ve snaze prohlédnout jeho strukturu. Následně práce sleduje jeho vlastní historii. V poslední části pak hodláme výslednou koncepci aplikovat na dvě vybraná historiografická díla. Tímto postupem se snažíme zejména důsledně proniknout do bohaté interdisciplinární literatury, formulovat a hájit původní teze týkající se struktury i genealogie tohoto pojmu a prokázat tak nejen jeho historickou relevanci, ale také konceptuální užitečnost v rámci metodologie historické vědy.

Die lewe en werk van ds Kálmán Papp II (geb 1924), met verwysing na die Hongaarse agtergrond, die Nederlandse periode en die Suid-Afrikaanse periode (Afrikaans)

Papp, Kalman Diederik 07 June 2011 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Hierdie studie is onderneem om 'n biografie daar te stel van dominee Kálmán Papp II, predikant van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika (sedert 1951) en stamvader van die familie Papp in Suid-Afrika. Daar sal uiteraard ook gekyk word na sy teologiese posisie as predikant en verkondiger van die Evangelie van die Here, Jesus Christus. Die studie val uiteen in vier hoofstukke. Die eerste hoofstuk skets die agtergronde waaruit Papp afkomstig is. Die geskiedenis, land en taal van die Hongaarse volk kom eerste aan die orde, vervolgens die geskiedenis van die Christendom en die geskiedenis en etos van die Hervormde Kerk van Hongarye, en laastens Papp se genealogiese agtergrond. Die tweede hoofstuk van hierdie studie beskryf Papp se kinder- en studentejare in Hongarye (1924-1946): sy geboorte en opwindende kleuter- en laerskooljare in Mándok, sy vaderlose hoërskooljare aan die Lévai Jószef Hervormde Gimnasium in Miskolc, sy bedrywige studentejare aan die Graaf Tissza István Universiteit in Debrecen, sy aangrypende ervarings tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog, en sy vertrek na Nederland vir nagraadse studie. In die derde hoofstuk word Papp se verblyf in Nederland en sy studie van bykans twee jaar (1947-1949) aan die Universiteit van Utrecht beskryf, asook sy noodgedwonge emigrasie na Suid-Afrika. Papp se interessante lewensverloop in Suid-Afrika (1949-2008) word in die laaste hoofstuk van hierdie studie, wat uit ses afdelings bestaan, beskryf. Sy aankoms en vestiging in Suid-Afrika, studentetyd aan die Univer-siteit van Pretoria, toelating tot die evangeliebediening, afloswerk as proponent en huweliksbevestiging word in die eerste vier afdelings beskryf. Die vyfde afdeling beskryf Papp se voltydse bedieningstyd van veertig jaar in die gemeente Krugersdorp (1951-1991). Hierdie afdeling beslaan die grootste gedeelte van hierdie studie en is onderverdeel in vier afdelings wat elk 'n periode van ongeveer een dekade dek. Die eerste onderafdeling dek onder andere sy ontvangs in die gemeente, die kort maar aangename tydperk van sy eerste medeleraarskap, sy eerste publikasies en openbare optredes, die vreugdevolle geboorte van sy vyf kinders, die afstigting van die gemeentes Magaliesburg in 1953 en Krugersdorp-Oos in 1954, sy toegewyde betrokkenheid by die sinodale aktiwiteite van die kerk, onbaatsugtige hulpverlening aan en bediening van die Hongaarse vlugtelinge van 1956, lojale lidmaatskap van en betrokkenheid by die Paardekraal Feeskommissie, die ywerige bevordering van ekumeniese bande en die sewentigste verjaardagviering van die gemeente Krugersdorp. Die tweede onderafdeling beskryf Papp se deernisvolle betrokken-heid by die Jac van Belkum Kinderhuis te Krugersdorp, die periode van 'n ongelukkige tweede medeleraarskap, die noodgedwonge afstigting van 'n derde gemeente (Krugersdorp-Noord), sy sterk en entoesiastiese leiding met die oprigting van 'n nuwe pastorie en inrigting van 'n kerksaal, en die vreugdevolle viering van die gemeente Krugersdorp se 75ste bestaansjaar. In die derde onderafdeling word Papp se intensiewe betrokkenheid in die gemeenskap van Krugersdorp, by name by die Sterkfontein Hospitaal en Laerskool Burgershoop, en sy geesdriftige bearbeiding van die gemeente Outjo in die destydse Suidwes-Afrika onder andere beskryf, asook die viering van sy 25ste ampsjubileum, en die legitimasie en ordening van sy twee predikanteseuns en skoondogter. Die vierde onderafdeling dek onder andere die geboorte van Papp se eerste kleinkinders, sy aktiewe betrokkenheid by die 1983 Bybelfees en die ontvangs van verskeie familielede, gaste en besoekers uit die buiteland. Verskeie hoogtepunte in Papp se lewe word ook in hierdie onderafdeling beskrywe - sy amnestie, die eeufees van die gemeente Krugersdorp, wat met sy emeritaat saamgeval het, en die verskyning van Papp se gedenkalbum oor die geskiedenis van die gemeente Krugersdorp. Verskeie terugslae in Papp se lewe word ook in hierdie afdeling beskryf - die persoonlike probleme en egskeidings van sy kinders en die dood van verskeie familielede en vriende. Die laaste afdeling van hierdie studie beskryf Papp se aftreejare (1992-2008) - sewentien jare waarin verskeie hoogtepunte en terugslae mekaar voortdurend afgewissel het. Onder die hoogtepunte tel Papp se prominente deelname aan die Paardekraal Geloftefees, die erkenning van sy dienswerk aan die gemeenskap van Krugersdorp, die hertoelating van sy oudste seun en skoondogter as predikante, drie reise na Hongarye, die viering van sy tagtigste verjaardag, goue bruilof en 50ste ampsjubileum, en die toekenning van 'n ereprofessoraat. Onder die terugslae tel verskeie operasies en die tragiese dood van sy derde seun. Die studie word afgesluit met 'n samevattende teologiese evaluasie en ‘n waarderende beskrywing van Papp se sonderlinge gawes en unieke persoonlikheid. ENGLISH: The purpose of this study has been to compile a biography of the Reverend Kálmán Papp II, minister of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika (since 1951) and progenitor of the Papp family in South Africa. Naturally his theological position as minister and preacher of the gospel of the Lord, Jesus Christ, will be looked at. The study consists of four chapters. In the first chapter, which deals with Papp's historical backgrounds, the history, land and language of the Hungarian nation, the history and ethos of the Reformed Church of Hungary, and the history of Papp's forefathers, with specific reference to the ministers of religion, are dealt with briefly. In more detail, the second chapter describes Papp's childhood and student years in Hungary (1924-1946): his exciting toddler and primary school years in Mándok, his fatherless high school years at the Lévai Jószef Gymnasium in Miskolc, his bustling student years at the Count Tissza István University of Debrecen, his gripping experiences during World War II, and his departure to the Netherlands for post graduate study. Papp's residence in the Netherlands, his two years at the University of Utrecht (1947-1949) and his hasty emigration to South Africa, are dealt with in chapter three. In the last chapter of this study, which consists of six sections, Papp’s interesting course of life in South Africa (1949-2008) is described. His arrival and settling in South Africa, student years at the University of Pretoria, admission to the ministry, temporary service as a candidate minister, and his marriage, are described in the first four sections. The fifth section deals with Papp's ministry of forty uninterrupted years in the Krugersdorp congregation of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk (1951-1991). This section forms the main part of this study and is subdivided into four subsections, each covering a period of approximately one decade. The first subsection covers Papp's reception in the congregation, the short but fulfilling period of his first joint ministry, his first publications and public appearances, the birth of his children, the formation of two new congregations (Magaliesburg in 1953 and Krugersdorp-Oos in 1954), his dedicated involvement in synodical activities of the church, unselfish assistance and support to the Hungarian refugees of 1956, the loyalty portrayed in his involvement in the cultural life of Krugersdorp, his diligent promotion of ecumenical relations and his part in the seventieth anniversary of the Krugersdorp congregation. The second subsection describes Papp's sympathetic involvement with the Jac van Belkum orphanage in Krugersdorp, the period of an unhappy second joint ministry in the congregation, the compelled forming in 1964 of a third new congregation (Krugersdorp-Noord) Papp's strong and enthusiastic guidance in the building of a new parsonage and the transformation of an old abattoir into a church hall, as well as the celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of his congregation. In the third subsection Papp's intense involvement in the community life of Krugersdorp, more specifically with the Sterkfontein Psychiatric Hospital and Burgershoop Primary School, and his zealous work in the church's Outjo congregation in the former South West Africa are dealt with. Then there are also referred to the celebration of his twenty-fifth year in the ministry and the ordination of two of his sons and his daughter in law. The fourth subsection covers the birth of Papp's first grandchildren, his active involvement in the Bible Festival of 1983, and the reception and accommodation of various family members, guests and visitors from abroad. Several high lights of his life are also described in this section: his amnesty, the centenary celebrations of his congregation, which coincided with his retirement, and the publication of his album on the history of the Krugersdorp congregation. However, several set backs in Papp's life are also described in this section - the personal problems of his children, the failure of the marriages of both of his sons in ministry and the passing away of various family members and friends. The last section of this study describes Papp's seventeen years after retirement (1992-2008) - years in which several high lights and set backs occurred. Amongst the high lights were Papp's prominent part in the Day of the Covenant celebrations at Paardekraal, the acknowledgement of his service to the community of Krugersdorp, the re-admission of his eldest son and daughter in law into the ministry, three trips to Hungary, the celebration of his eightieth birthday, his fiftieth wedding anniversary and his fiftieth year in office as a church minister, and last but not the least, the conferment of a honorary professorate. Amongst the set backs were several illnesses and surgeries, and worst of all, the tragic death of his third son. The study concludes with a summarized theological evaluation and an appreciative description of Papp's exceptional gifts and unique personality. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Church History and Church Policy / unrestricted

Posisie van die vrou binne die patriargaat en reinheidsisteem van die Bybelse leefwêreld / The position of women within the systems of patriarchy and purity in the world of the Bible

Kamfer, Serowe Naomi 11 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / In agrarian Palestine with Jerusalem as the economic, administrative and religious centre, the patriarchal family was the nucleus of an androcentric society with honour and shame as pivotal values. Women were regarded as property; useful for procreation. The religious and social participation of women was limited by patriarchy and purity. According to genealogical purity lines, Israelites were classified as true Israel or of dubious status. This determined marriages and access to the Temple. In literature Ben Sira, Philo and Josephus denigrated women, ascribing to them an inherent evil nature. In fiction Mediterranean women were portrayed negatively and positively. The teaching of Jesus and Paul led to a levelling of social status, gender roles and ethnicity in the early church but this was reversed due to the pressure of the ambient patriarchal society and Paul's own ambivalence. In many cultures disparagement and exploitation of women are still prevalent. / In agrariese Palestine met Jerusalem as die ekonomiese, administratiewe en godsdienstige sentrum, was die patriargale familie die kern van 'n androsentriese samelewing met eer en skande as sentrale waardes. Vroue is as eiendom beskou en noodsaaklik vir voortplanting. Godsdienstige en sosiale aktiwiteite van vroue was beperk as gevolg van die patriargaat en die reinheidsisteem. Genealogiese reinheidsgrense het Israeliete geklassifiseer as ware en nie-ware Israeliete en so toegang tot die Tempel, asook huwelike, gereguleer. Skrywers soos Ben Sira, Philo, Josefus en ander het vroue afgekraak en beskryf as inherent boos. Mediterreense vroue is in fiksie negatief en positief uitgebeeld. Die leer van Jesus en Paulus sou die onderskeid op grond van sosiale status, geslag en etnisiteit in die vroee kerk ophef, maar dis later omgekeer weens die druk van die patriargale samelewing en Paulus se eie toedoen. Die geringskatting en uitbuiting van vroue vind steeds plaas in baie kulture. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M. Th. (Bybelkunde)

Basotho family odes (diboko) and oral tradition

Tsiu, M. W. (Moruti William), 1944- 01 January 2002 (has links)
Basotho family odes (diboko) form part of oral literature, and refer to names of families, clans or totems. They constitute poetic compositions conveying information about clans' historical origin, philosophy and ancestors. The performance of this oral art form makes use of formulaic techniques such as linking, parallelism, alliteration, etc., which are commonly used in praise poetry. As basis to the content of these oral art forms, the genealogies of the various Basotho clans are discussed to show the reflection of the progenitor names in the clan praises. The functions of family odes are of educational, social and religious nature. Other functions include their use in compositions of other genres, such as, praise poems, mine workers' chants, traditional doctors' falls (mawa) and songs. The recitation of this oral art form is characterised by the instability of the texts, which takes the form of extensions, additions, truncations, improvisations and genre transitions. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)

Lambda-Fleming-Viot processes and their spatial extensions

Saadi, Habib January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the study of certain stochastic models arising in Population Genetics. The study of biological evolution naturally motivates the construction and use of sometimes sophisticated mathematical models. We contribute to the study of the so-called Lambda models. Our work is divided into two parts. In Part I, we study non-spatial models, introduced in 1999. Although there is a very rich literature concerning the description of genetic diversity thanks to the genealogies arising in these models, we obtain new results by considering the dynamics of the full population. We also contribute by presenting the first Bayesian method that allows us to reconstruct the genealogies generated by these models from data. In Part II, we study a recent extension of these models to the spatial setting. In particular, we prove a non trivial result concerning the geographical dispersal of a new mutant under this model.

Pamětní kniha neboli Erbovník aneb Wappenbuch úředníků zemského soudu jako prostředek sebeprezentace šlechty v raném novověku / Memorial Book alias Armorial Book or Wappenbuch of officials of Lands Court as means of self-presentation of nobility in Early Modern Age

Kocourková, Eva January 2014 (has links)
Aim of this diploma thesis is both a comparison of three manuscripts which are copies of paintings of coats of arms of officials of the Land Court, which decorate spaces at Prague Castle, where Land Court met. Furthermore identification of the individual persons and coats of arms and their perception in the context of self-presentation of the nobility of Early Modern and finally prosopography of officials whose coats of arms are shown in the manuscripts.

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