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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estimating time since infection in early homogeneous HIV-1 samples using a poisson model

Giorgi, Elena, Funkhouser, Bob, Athreya, Gayathri, Perelson, Alan, Korber, Bette, Bhattacharya, Tanmoy January 2010 (has links)
BACKGROUND:The occurrence of a genetic bottleneck in HIV sexual or mother-to-infant transmission has been well documented. This results in a majority of new infections being homogeneous, i.e., initiated by a single genetic strain. Early after infection, prior to the onset of the host immune response, the viral population grows exponentially. In this simple setting, an approach for estimating evolutionary and demographic parameters based on comparison of diversity measures is a feasible alternative to the existing Bayesian methods (e.g., BEAST), which are instead based on the simulation of genealogies.RESULTS:We have devised a web tool that analyzes genetic diversity in acutely infected HIV-1 patients by comparing it to a model of neutral growth. More specifically, we consider a homogeneous infection (i.e., initiated by a unique genetic strain) prior to the onset of host-induced selection, where we can assume a random accumulation of mutations. Previously, we have shown that such a model successfully describes about 80% of sexual HIV-1 transmissions provided the samples are drawn early enough in the infection. Violation of the model is an indicator of either heterogeneous infections or the initiation of selection.CONCLUSIONS:When the underlying assumptions of our model (homogeneous infection prior to selection and fast exponential growth) are met, we are under a very particular scenario for which we can use a forward approach (instead of backwards in time as provided by coalescent methods). This allows for more computationally efficient methods to derive the time since the most recent common ancestor. Furthermore, the tool performs statistical tests on the Hamming distance frequency distribution, and outputs summary statistics (mean of the best fitting Poisson distribution, goodness of fit p-value, etc). The tool runs within minutes and can readily accommodate the tens of thousands of sequences generated through new ultradeep pyrosequencing technologies. The tool is available on the LANL website.

An investigation into the molecular aetiology of Parkinson's disease in South African patients

Glanzmann, Brigitte 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a severely debilitating neurodegenerative disorder that results in motor circuit dysregulation and ultimately, causes impairment of movement. This condition is due to the selective degradation of the dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta in the midbrain, which subsequently results in the pathological symptoms namely bradykinesia, resting tremor, postural instability and rigidity. It was initially hypothesized that individuals who develop PD were exposed to an environmental trigger(s) that caused the onset of the disease, but more recently, a significant genetic component, coupled to environmental factors have been implicated in disease pathogenesis. Currently, there are eight genes (Parkin, PINK1, LRRK2, SNCA, DJ-1, ATP13A2, EIF4G1 and VPS35) that have been directly implicated in PD. Worldwide, the prevalence of neurodegenerative disorders is increasing as populations are living longer. In Europe, Canada and USA, it has been projected that the prevalence of PD may increase by a factor of two between 2010 and 2050; approximately a 92% increase. In Tanzania (the only study done in sub-Saharan Africa) an even larger increase of 184% between 2005 and 2025 is predicted, due to the fact that the speed of populations ageing in developing countries, will exceed that of developed countries. Research into the causes and risk factors underlying neurodegenerative disorders such as PD is therefore urgently needed for policy makers and governments in developing nations to take appropriate action to deal with this impending health care problem. The aim of the present study was to investigate the molecular aetiology of a group of South African PD patients. A total of 262 patients from various ethnic backgrounds were recruited for the study, and 35% had a positive family history of PD with the average age at onset (AAO) being 54.3 years of age (SD = 12.5 years). Mutation screening of the known PD genes (Parkin, PINK1, LRRK2, SNCA and DJ-1) was performed using high resolution melt and Sanger sequencing. Genotyping was done using fluorescently-labelled PCR primers followed by electrophoresis on an ABI 3130xl genetic analyser (for CTG repeats in JPH3) and with a KASP™ Genotyping Assay (for a 16bp indel in DJ-1). In order to identify a novel PD-causing gene, whole exome sequencing (WES) was conducted on three Afrikaner probands with an Illumina Genome Hiseq 2000TM and the sequences were aligned using the NCBI Human Reference Genome 37.2. The BORG (Bio-Ontological Relationship Graph) semantic database, which models the relationship of human and model organism genes to functions, pathways and phenotypes, was used to filter and prioritise genetic variants shared between the three PD exomes. It was determined that the known PD genes do not play a significant role in disease pathogenesis in the South African patients as only 15/262 (5.7%) of the patients harboured mutations: seven in Parkin, one in PINK1, six in LRRK2 and one in SNCA. Only one of the patients harboured a 16bp indel variant at the transcription start site of DJ-1. None of the Black PD patients had pathogenic repeat expansions in JPH3 thereby excluding Huntington disease-like 2 as a cause of the disease phenotype. Genealogical analysis revealed that six of the apparently unrelated Afrikaner PD probands were related to a founder couple that immigrated to South Africa in the 1600s which suggests that there is a possible founder effect for the disease. Bioinformatics analysis of WES data on three of the probands identified 21 variants in 12 genes that were present in all three PD exomes and fulfilled various criteria. Sanger sequencing was used for verification of five variants and of these, two (in CDC27 and NEDD4) were found to be artefacts. The remaining three (in HECDT1, TBCC and RNF40) were excluded based on the lack of cosegregation with disease and the high frequency of the allele in controls. Further work is necessary to verify the presence of the remaining sixteen variants and to characterise each of them for their possible pathogenicity. The discovery of novel PD-causing genes is important as this may shed light on the pathways or processes that are involved. A current hypothesis implicates the lysosome-dependent pathway as a unifying biochemical pathway that can account for the phenotypic spectrum within PD. Notably, although Mendelian forms are thought to account for only about 10- 15% of cases, the study of Mendelian inherited variants is likely to provide insight into the pathophysiology of the more common sporadic form of this condition. Dissecting the key molecular mechanisms underlying PD will provide critical information for improved treatment strategies and drug interventions that will ultimately prevent or halt neuronal cell loss in susceptible individuals. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Parkinson se siekte (PS) is 'n erge neurodegeneratiewe bewegings-siekte, wat motorstroombaan disregulasie veroorsaak. Dit lei uiteindelik tot beperkte bewegings vermoëns. Hierdie toestand word veroorsaak weens die selektiewe agteruitgang van die dopaminergeniese neurone in die substantia nigra pars compacta in die midbrein, wat later lei tot die patologiese simptome naamlik: bradykinesia, rustende spiersametrekkings, posturale onstabiliteit en rigiditeit. Daar is aanvanklik vermoed dat individue wat PS ontwikkel, aan 'n omgewingsfaktor(e) blootgestel is wat die aanvang van die siekte veroorsaak het, terwyl meer onlangs is daar 'n aansienlike genetiese komponent tesame met omgewingsfaktore geïdentifiseer, wat betrokke is by die patogenese van die siekte. Tans is daar agt gene (Parkin, PINK1, LRRK2, SNCA, DJ-1, ATP13A2, EIF4G1 en VPS35) wat direk by PS geïmpliseer is. Wêreldwyd is daar ‗n toenemende voorkoms van neurodegeneratiewe siektes aangesien bevolkings langer leef. In Europa, Kanada en die VSA, is daar geprojekteer dat die voorkoms van PS tussen 2010 en 2050 met 'n faktor van twee verhoog kan word. Dit is ongeveer 'n 92%- verhoging. In Tanzanië (die enigste studie wat tot dusver in sub-Sahara Afrika gedoen is) word daar selfs ‗n groter toename, van 184% tussen 2005 en 2025 voorspel. Dit is te danke aan die feit dat die bevolkings- veroudering in ontwikkelende lande die van ontwikkelde lande sal oorskry. Ondersoeke na die oorsake en risiko-faktore onderliggend aan neurodegeneratiewe siektes, byvoorbeeld PS, word dus dringend benodig deur beleidmakers en regerings in ontwikkelende lande, sodat hulle die nodige stappe kan neem om hierdie dreigende gesondheidsorg-probleem op te los. Die doel van die huidige studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die molekulêre etiologie van 'n groep Suid-Afrikaanse PS pasiënte. 'n Totaal van 262 pasiënte van verskillende etniese agtergronde, is gewerf vir die studie. Hiervan het 35% 'n positiewe familiegeskiedenis van PS en die gemiddelde aanvangs ouderdom (AAO) was 54,3 jaar (SD = 12,5 jaar). Mutasie-analise van die bekende PS gene is uitgevoer met behulp van hoë resolusie smelt en Sanger volgordebepaling. Genotipering is gedoen met behulp van fluoresserend geëtiketteerde PKR inleiers met elektroforese, op 'n ABI 3130xl genetiese analiseerder (CTG herhalings in JPH3), en met 'n KASP ™ Genotipering toets (vir 'n 16bp indel in DJ-1). Ten einde, om 'n nuwe PSveroorsakende geen te identifiseer was heel eksoom volgordebepaling (WES) uitgevoer op drie Afrikaner PS positiewe pasiënte met 'n Illumina Genome Hiseq 2000™ en die volgorders is gerangskik met behulp van die NCBI Menslike Verwysings Genoom 37.2. Die BORG (Bio- Ontologiese Verhoudings Grafiek) semantiese databasis, wat gebaseer is op die verhouding van die mens en model organisme gene funksies, paaie en fenotipes, en is gebruik om genetiese variante, wat gedeel word tussen die drie PS exome te filtreer en te prioritiseer. Daar is vasgestel dat die bekende PS gene nie 'n belangrike rol in die patogenese van die siekte in die Suid-Afrikaanse pasiënte speel nie. Dit is aangesien slegs 15/262 (5.7%) van die pasiënte bekende mutasies dra: sewe in Parkin, een in PINK1, ses in LRRK2 en een in SNCA. Slegs een van die pasiënte het 'n 16bp delesie variant in die transkripsie promotor area van DJ-1 gedra. Geen van die Swart PS pasiënte het patogeniese herhalings in JPH3 vertoon nie. Gevolglik is Huntington siekte-agtige 2 uitgesluit as 'n oorsaak van die siekte fenotipe. Genealogiese analise het getoon dat ses van die skynbaar onverwante Afrikaner PS pasiënte verwant is aan 'n stigter paartjie wat in die 1600's na Suid-Afrika geïmigreer het, wat daarop dui dat daar 'n moontlike stigter effek vir die siekte is. Bioinformatiese analise van WES data vir drie van die pasiënte, het 21 variante in 12 gene geïdentifiseer, wat in al drie PS exome teenwoordig was en verskeie kriteria vervul het. Sanger volgordebepaling is gebruik vir die bevestiging van vyf variante en van hierdie, is twee (in CDC27 en NEDD4) bevind om artefakte te wees. Die oorblywende drie (in HECDT1, TBCC en RNF40) is uitgesluit gebaseer op die gebrek aan gesamentlike-segregasie met die siekte en die hoë frekwensie van die allele in die kontrole groep. Verdere werk is nodig om die teenwoordigheid van die oorblywende variante te verifieer en om elkeen van hulle te karakteriseer vir hulle moontlike patogenisiteit. Die ontdekking van die nuwe PS-veroorsakende gene is belangrik aangesien dit lig kan werp op die stelsels of prosesse wat betrokke is. 'n Huidige hipotese impliseer die lisosoom-afhanklike pad as 'n verenigende biochemiese padweg, wat verantwoordelik is vir die fenotipiese spektrum binne PS. Alhoewel Mendeliese vorms vermoedelik verantwoordelik is vir slegs omgeveer 10-15% van die gevalle, is die studie van Mendelse gene geneig om insig te verkry in die patofisiologie van die meer algemene sporadiese vorm van hierdie toestand. Ontleding van die kern molekulêre meganismes onderliggend aan PS sal kritiese inligting vir beter strategieë vir behandeling en geneesmiddel-intervensies voorsien, wat gevolglik neuronale sel verlies in vatbare individue sal voorkom of beëindig. / Medical Research Council / National Research Foundation / Harry Crossley Foundation

Imiba yentlalo nenkcubeko kwizibongo zeenkosi ezintathu zamaxhosa

Mbambo, Mncedi 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines the socio-cultural issues in the praise poems of three Xhosa chiefs, namely, Nkosi Whyte Lent Mbali Maqoma of the amaJingqi, Nkosi Doyle Mpuhle Jongilanga of Dushane of Ndlambe and Nkosi Sipho Mangindi Burns-Ncamashe of amaGwali of Tshiwo. What comes out clear in the poems of these chiefs is that they experienced power problems after and before 1994. Their poetry protests about these political influences and calls for the restoration of the dignity of the chieftancy. The socio-cultural aspects of the praise poems of each chief are devoted to a chapter: Nkosi Whyte Lent Mbali Maqoma in Chapter 2, Nkosi Doyle Mpuhle Jongilanga in Chapter 3, and Nkosi Sipho Mangindi Burns-Ncamashe in Chapter 4. Attention is paid to each chiefs genealogy, praise names, names of oxen because of traditional significance in the life of the chief, the chiefs mother, and place names which have historical importance in the life of the chief. As part of the theoretical framework of praise poetry, praise poetry theory is handled in Chapter 1 of the study. It is concluded in Chapter 5 that Xhosa paramount chiefs still play and will playa crucial socio-cultural role in their communities. They are not only concerned about being custodians of culture but also with the development of their nations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek sosio-kulturele vraagstukke in die prysgedigte van drie Xhosa opperhoofde, naamlik opperhoof Whyte Lent Mbali Maqoma van die amaJingqi, opperhoof Doyle Mpuhle Jongilanga van die Dushane groep van die Ndlambe en opperhoof Sipho Mangindi Burns-Ncamashe van die amaGwali groep van die Tshiwo. Die beeld wat na vore kom na aanleiding van 'n analise van die opperhoofde se prysgedigte dat hulle 'n magsprobleem ondervind het sowel voor as na 1994. Deur hulle poesie teken hulle protes aan oor bepaalde politieke invloede en hulle doen 'n beroep daarop dat die waardigheid van die hoofmanskap herstel word. Die sosio-kulturele vraagstukke wat na vore kom in die prysgedigte van elke opperhoof word behandel in individuele hoofstukke. Hoofstuk 2 ondersoek die prysgedigte van opperhoof Whyte Lent Mbali Maqoma, Hoofstuk 3 die prysgedigte van opperhoof Doyle Mpuhle Jongilanga, en Hoofstuk 4, die prysgedigte van opperhoof Sipho Mangindi Burns- Ncamashe. Aandag word gegee aan die genealogie van elke opperhoof, prysgroetvorme, die name van beeste, op grond van hulle tradisionele betekenis in die lewe van 'n hoofman, die opperhoof se moeder, asook plekname wat 'n historiese belang het in die lewe van die opperhoof. As deel van die teoretiese raamwerk vir die studie word die teorie van die prysgedig behandel in Hoofstuk 1. Hoofstuk 5 gee 'n samevatting van die belangrikste aspekte van die studie en motiveer die gevolgtrekking dat opperhoofde steeds 'n essenstele sosio-kulturele rol speel en ook in die toekoms sal speel in hulle gemeenskappe. Hulle is nie slegs die bewakers van die kultuurwaardes van hulle gemeenskappe nie, maar is ook fundamenteel betrokke by die ontwikkeling van hulle gemeenskappe. / ISISHWANKATHELO Olu luphando ngemiba yentlalo nenkcubeko kwizibongo zeenkosi zamaXhosa ezintathu, uNkosi uWhyte Lent Mbali Maqoma wamaJingqi, uNkosi uDoyle Mpuhle Jongilanga wemiDushane kaNdlambe noNkosi uSipho Mangindi Burns-Ncamashe wamaGwali kaTshiwo. Into evela ngokucacileyo kwizibongo ezingezi nkosi kukuba ngaphambili komnyaka we-1994 nasemva kwawo zifumene ubunzima ekulawuleni abantu bazo. Kwezi zibongo ukukhalaza ngokuphazamisa kwezopolithiko kulawulo Iwazo nelizwi lokubuyiselwa kwesidima sobukhosi kuvela ngokuthe gca. Iveliswa kwisahluko ngasinye imiba ephathelele kwezentlalo nenkcubeko evela kwizibongo zenkosi nganye: uNkosi Whyte Lent Mbali Maqoma kwisahluko 2, uNkosi Doyle Mpuhle Jongilanga kwisahluko 3, noNkosi uSipho Mangindi Burns-Ncamashe kwisahluko 4. Kuqwalaselwe umlibo wenkosi nganye, izikhahlelo zayo, amagama eenkomo ezinentsingiselo kwinkosi leyo, unina wenkosi namagama eendawo ezinentsingiselo kubomi benkosi nganye. Isikhokhelo esiyithiyori yezibongo sinikwe kwisahluko 1 solu phando. Kwisahluko 5 kuphethwa ngokuba iinkosi zamaXhosa zisenenxaxheba enkulu kwaye zisaya kuhlala zinayo kwimiba yentlalo nenkcubeko yabantu bazo. Aziphelelanga nje ekubeni zigcine inkcubeko yoluntu koko zikwanoxanduva lokunyusa umgangatho wobomi babantu bazo.

Population genetics of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata in the Western Cape Province, South Africa : invasion potential and dispersal ability

Karsten, Minette 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata, is a highly invasive species throughout the world and considered as one of the most successful agricultural and economical pests. The increase of global trade in fruit and human travel combined with the biology of the medfly has allowed the species to spread from its proposed Afrotropical origin, to a number of locations throughout the world. In the Western Cape various control strategies have been implemented to control medfly populations, including insecticides and more environmentally-friendly techniques such as the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). In order to be effective, however, an SIT program requires some knowledge of the population structure and the movement of individuals between pest-occupied sites. The identification of sites from which re-invasion is most likely to occur and knowledge regarding the primary routes through which pests are likely to re-establish are critical to ensure successful SIT programmes. To provide this important information to SIT and area-wide pest control programs in South Africa, sampling at two different spatial scales (regional- and fine-scale) in South Africa was undertaken. Regional scale sampling was done at 13 locations in the Western Cape and fine scale sampling was done at 13 locations within the Ceres-valley. All individuals were genotyped at 11 polymorphic microsatellite markers and selected individuals from the regional scale were sequenced for the mitochondrial gene COI. Our results show that populations at regional- and fine-scale in the Western Cape are characterized by high levels of genetic diversity (HEregional = 0.805; HEfine = 0.803). Little or weak population differentiation was detected at the regional- and fine-scales, suggesting overall high levels of gene flow among sampling locations. These findings were supported by coalescent based methods indicating sufficient levels of gene flow to prevent population differentiation between neighbouring (200m) and distant (350km) populations. However, natural dispersal in C. capitata has been shown to rarely exceed 10 km. As such, high levels of gene flow between distant populations are more likely the result of humanmediated dispersal, linked to the movement of fresh produce within South Africa. This high level of gene flow has important implications for pest management practices, as my results suggests that area-wide pest management should be undertaken at a regional scale, rather than on a farm or valley scale. My results are placed within a management framework, and I argue for more stringent control when fruit are transported within South Africa. Of particular interest for future studies is the investigation of gene flow at broader spatial scales (i.e. the whole of South Africa) and a comparison of the genetic diversity, population differentiation and gene flow patterns of C. capitata with that of Ceratitis rosa will be important to establish a successful pest management strategy in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Mediterreense vrugtevlieg (medvlieg), Ceratitis capitata, is ‘n indringerspesie wêreldwyd en word beskou as een van die mees suksesvolle ekonomiese en landbou peste. Die medvlieg het ‘n Afrotropiese oorsprong, maar die toename in wêreldwye handel en reis, gekombineer met die biologie van die medvlieg het gelei tot die verspreiding van die spesie na ‘n groot aantal bestemmings regoor die wêreld. Die Wes-Kaap provinsie van Suid-Afrika implementeer tans verskeie strategieë om medvlieg bevolkings te beheer. Hierdie strategieë sluit in die gebruik van plaagdoders sowel as meer omgewingsvriendelike tegnieke soos die Steriele Insektegniek (SIT). Om ‘n effektiewe SIT program te implementeer vereis basiese kennis ten opsigte van die genetiese struktuur van die bevolking sowel as van die beweging van individue tussen verskillende pesvoorkomsgebiede. Die identifisering van areas van waar herkolonisering mees waarskynlik kan plaasvind en kennis in verband met die primêre roetes waardeur pes spesies hervestig, is van kritiese belang om ‘n suksesvolle SIT program te verseker. Medvlieg individue is op twee verskillende ruimtelike skale (streeks- en plaaslike-skaal) versamel om die nodige inligting aan SIT en area-wye pes beheer programme in Suid-Afrika te verskaf. Streeks-skaal individue is by 13 lokaliteite regoor die Wes-Kaap versamel en plaaslike-skaal individue by 13 lokaliteite in die Ceres-vallei. Alle versamelde individue is vir 11 polimorfiese mikrosatelliet merkers gegenotipeer en DNS volgordebepaling van geselekteerde individue vanuit die streek-skaal is gedoen vir die mitochondriale geen COI. My resultate toon dat bevolkings op beide skale gekarakteriseer word deur hoë vlakke van genetiese diversiteit (HEstreeks = 0.805; HEplaaslik = 0.803) en geen of swak bevolkings differensiasie. Hierdie resultate dui daarop dat daar hoë vlakke van geenvloei tussen bevolkings is. Hierdie bevindinge word verder ondersteun deur metodes gebaseer op die statistiese eienskappe van die genealogiese verhouding tussen allele onder sekere mutasie en demografiese modelle, wat voldoende vlakke van geenvloei aandui tussen nabye (200m) sowel as verafgeleë (350km) bevolkings om bevolkings differensiasie te verhoed. Natuurlike beweging in C. capitata is egter selde meer as 10 km, sodanig kan die hoë vlakke van geenvloei toegeskryf word aan die verspreiding van individue met menslike hulp, spesifiek in die vervoer van varsprodukte in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie hoë vlak van geenvloei het verreikende implikasies vir pes beheer praktyke, omdat my resultate voorstel dat area-wye pes beheer onderneem moet word op ‘n streeks-skaal eerder as op ‘n plaas-tot-plaas of vallei wye area. Ek plaas my resultate in ‘n bestuursraamwerk, waarin ek streng beheer van vrugtevervoer in Suid-Afrika beklemtoon. Verdere navorsing moet fokus op die ondersoek van geenvloei op ‘n landswye skaal (hele Suid-Afrika) in C. capitata, sowel as die vergelyking van die genetiese diversiteit, bevolkings differensiasie en geenvloei patrone van C. capitata met die van Ceratitis rosa om ‘n suksesvolle pes beheer strategie vir Suid-Afrika te formuleer.

The white line : Rowan Williams on time and tragedy

Delport, Khegan Marcel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study, I will be concerned with the viability of a tragic theology that is at the same time able to cohere with the standards of a classically orthodox Christian theology. My study will focus on a particular figure, namely Rowan Williams who, I will argue, exemplifies a blending together of these two concerns. However, as we shall see in this study, ‘tragic theology’ is by no means an uncontroversial affair since some argue that it implies heterodox conclusions in relation to God, creation, sin, etc. My aim is to counteract this claim that a classically orthodox theology cannot coexist with a tragic perspective. I will make the claim that tragic theology aims to emphasise the reality of contingency, conflict and suffering in relation to human life as seriously as possible, without effacing the difficulty it proposes to thought and the limits of human action, while at the same time holding onto the conviction that these beliefs can exist comfortably with an orthodox theological perspective. Through my study of Williams, which will largely follow a genealogical approach, I aim to show that Williams is able to emphasise this difficulty of tragedy, while at the same time believing in the fundamental goodness of creation, the possibility of transformation, hope and healing, as understood within a incarnationally-centred understanding of ‘the redemption of time’. Systematically speaking, I will attempt to arrange Williams’ understanding of tragedy according to four motifs which recur throughout his oeuvre, namely contingency, contemplation, compassion, and non-closure, all of which can be understood within the context of a classical Christian theology of God, salvation, and creaturely finitude. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ek sal in hierdie studie ondersoek instel na die lewensvatbaarheid van 'n tragiese teologie wat terselfdertyd met die kriteria vir ‘n klassieke, ortodokse Christelike teologie belyn is. My studie fokus op 'n bepaalde figuur, te wete Rowan Williams, wat, – so argumenteer ek – hierdie twee aspekte op eksemplariese wyse aan die orde stel. Soos uit hierdie studies al blyk, is die begrip ‘tragiese teologie‘ geensins 'n onomstrede saak nie, aangesien sommige juis argumenteer dat dit afwykende beskouinge aangaande God, die skepping, die sonde, ensovoorts, impliseer. My doel in hierdie studie is om die standpunt uit te daag dat 'n klassieke, ortodokse teologie noodwendig teenoor `n tragiese perspektief gestel moet word. Ek wil juis argumenteer dat 'n tragiese teologie daarna streef om die werklikheid van kontingensie, konflik en lyding ernstig te neem, sonder om in die proses die uitdagings wat dit vir die proses van nadenke en vir die grense van menslike handeling inhou, op te hef. Terselfdertyd word die oortuiging gehuldig dat `n tragiese teologie‘ gemaklik met `n klassieke, ortodoksie teologiese persektief saamval. In die bestudering van Williams se werk, wat grootliks 'n genealogiese benadering volg, wys ek uit hoe Williams hierdie komplekse aspek van tragedie verreken, terwyl hy terselfdertyd aan die fundamentele goedheid van die skepping, asook aan die moontlikheid van transformasie, hoop en heling, vashou. Hierdie oortuiginge word binne die kader van `n inkarnasie-gesentreerde verstaan van die ‘verlossing van die tyd‘ geplaas. Sistematies beskou, sal ek poog om Williams se verstaan van tragedie volgens vier motiewe wat deurlopend in sy werk voorkom, te bespreek. Hierdie vier motiewe is onderskeidelik die motiewe van kontingensie, kontemplasie, medelye en nie-sluiting (of voortdurende openheid). Daar word geargumenteer dat al hierdie begrippe binne die konteks van `n klassieke Christelike teologiese raamwerk aangaande God, redding en eindigheid geplaas kan word.

New title : traversing uncertain co-ordinates in search of alternative trajectories

Keet, Emma Alice 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis traverses the complexities and entanglement of theoretical and practical processes in a Post-structural age. Through the deconstruction of stable systems of knowledge and thought, this age has become synonymous with uncertainty. In an attempt to navigate a time of continual change, Foucault proposes a toolkit. Foucault advocates deconstruction, critical engagement and reflection. In addition to these tools, this thesis moves through genealogical, mapping, archaeological and glass (blowing) methodologies. My practice cannot be separated from theory, it is excavated concurrently. Foucault, Derrida, Nietzsche, Deleuze and Guattari open up knowledge systems in an effort to uncover alternative thought trajectories and create a space in which complexity can exist. Knowledge circulating in this space is not fixed, it manifests in moments. My practical project, Fleeting Certainty, also aims to create an open space. It does not culminate in one, autonomous work, but is rather an archive of moments. Viewers will also be equipped with a toolkit of light and lenses with which to create moments of their own. Therefore moments will generate continuously. These theoretical and practical processes do not culminate in a coherent conclusion. There is a pause, a comma, but there are many more trajectories or lines to follow. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis deurkruis die ingewikkeldhede en verstrengeling van teoretiese en praktiese prosesse binne ’n Post-strukturele tydperk. Hierdie tydperk het, deur die dekonstruksie van stabiele stelsels van kennis en denke, gelykstaande aan onsekerheid geword. In a poging om ’n tydperk van voortdurende verandering te verken, stel Foucault sekere hulpmiddels voor. Foucault bepleit, dekonstruksie, kritiese betrokkenheid en besinning. Benewens hierdie hulpmiddels, maak hierdie tesis gebruik van genealogiese, karterings-, argeologiese en glas (blaas) metodologieë. Die praktiese komponent van my werk hou ten nouste verband met die teoretiese en kan nie van mekaar geskei word nie. Foucault, Derrida, Nietzsche, Deleuze and Guattari stel kennisstelsels oop in ’n poging om alternatiewe gedagtegange te ontbloot en skep ’n ruimte waarin kompleksiteit kan bestaan. Kennis wat in hierdie ruimte bestaan, is nie vas of bepaald nie, maar kom in oomblikke voor. My praktiese projek, Fleeting Certainty, poog ook om ’n ‘oop’ ruimte te skep. Die projek loop nie uit op een selfstandige werk nie, maar dien as ’n versameling of argief van oomblikke. Kykers sal ook toegerus word met hulpmiddels in die vorm van lig en lense waarmee hulle oomblikke van hul eie kan skep. Oomblikke sal dus voortdurent geskep word. Hierdie teoretiese en praktiese prosesse loop ook nie op ’n samehangende gevolgtrekking uit nie. Daar is ’n pouse, ’n komma, maar daar is baie meer bane of lyne om te volg.

Genesis 12-25 in die lig van grafgebruike en grafvertellinge gedurende die Ystertydperk in Palestina

Oosthuizen, Rudolph De W. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2000 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Apart from the literature of Ancient Israel itself, and contemporary literature from the ancient Near East, archaeological data continue to be an important source for the historian seeking to elucidate a history of ancient Israel or certain aspects of that history. Notwithstanding certain developments in the field of Biblical scholarship as well as archaeology, the discipline of Biblical archaeology continues to survive as the framework in which these two disciplines join forces, and, quite possibly, may enter into the historical discourse in meaningful dialogue with each other. The historical discourse of course, is multidimensional, that is to say, the insights deriving from a diversity of methodological approaches are being integrated and related to each other in order to gain an improved understanding of the Old Testament (or certain aspects thereof), and the cultural-historical context from which the Old Testament came to be. Of decisive importance for Biblical archaeology is the foundation on which this dialogue takes place, after all, the basis on which the dialogue takes place has a determining influence on the collection and interpretation of archaeological data; and the use of them, similarly, on the understanding and interpretation of the Bible. The title of this dissertation suffices to indicate that the focus is on burial stories and burial customs in Palestine during the Iron Age. The dissertation then proceeds to show how a certain aspect of Old Testament views of death and dying, that is the coherence between posterity (the living) and the ancestors (those who have died) - which, among other things surface in the genealogical presentation of burial stories - can be understood from the burial customs in Syro-Palestine. In that respect the archaeological data contributes to an understanding of the death notices (presenting themselves as genealogical material in family burial stories) within the culturalhistorical milieu in which they appear. The coherence between religious documents and their cultural embeddedness contributes to a bettter understanding of the theological significance of the relevant texts. In addition to the fact that archaeology expands the database of historical discourse, important aspects of the Old Testament world of experience and historical context come to the fore that have so far been ignored in this discipline. An important aspect of burial customs, in terms of both the archaeological record (family graves) and the literary legacy of Ancient Israel (death notices and genealogies in the Old Testament) is the continuing relationship between the preceeding generations (the ancestors that have passed on) and the posterity (the community of those still living). The connection established in family burial stories between genealogical material (death notices) and the family burial customs highlights an important perspective, that is, the relation between the preceeding generations and the community still living as an element of the expectation of the future, or the future-directedness of Ancient Israel. The expectation of the future, with specific reference to the grave, is defined in terms of continuity in the generational community of familial relations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Naas die literatuur van Ou Israel self, sowel as kontemporere literatuur uit die ou Nabye Ooste, bly argeologiese data In belangrike bron tot beskikking van die historikus wat In geskiedenis van Ou Israel of sekere aspekte daarvan wil verduidelik. Nieteenstaande sekere verwikkelinge op die gebied van die Bybelwetenskap aan die een kant, en van die Argeologie aan die ander kant, bly die dissipline Bybelse argeologie voortleef as die kader waar die twee dissiplines by mekaar aansluit, en bes moontlik tot In sinvolle dialoog met mekaar kan toetree in In historiese diskoers. Die historiese diskoers is uit die aard van die saak multidimensioneel van aard, dit wil se die insigte vanuit In verskeidenheid metodologiese benaderings word geintegreer en in verband tot mekaar gestel ten einde In beter begrip van die Ou Testament (of sekere aspekte daarvan) en die kultuur-historiese milieu - van waaruit die Ou Testament ontstaan het - te verkry. Van deurslaggewende belang vir die Bybelse argeologie is die basis waarop hierdie dialoog plaasvind. Die basis waarop die dialoog plaasvind, het immers In bepalende invloed op die versameling en interpretasie van argeologiese data; en die gebruik daarvan vir die verstaan en interpretasie van die Bybel. Die titel van die proefskrif dui reeds aan dat daar gefokus word op grafvertellinge en grafgebruike gedurende die Ystertyd in Palestina. Vervolgens word aangedui hoe In bepaalde aspek van die Ou-Testamentiese sieninge oor die dood, naamlik die samehang tussen die nageslag (lewendes) en die voorgeslag (ontslapenes) - wat onder meer ter sprake kom in die genealogiese aanbieding van die grafvertellinge - vanuit grafgebruike in Siro-Palestina verstaan kan word. In die opsig dra argeologiese gegewens daartoe by om die doodsberigte (wat by wyse van genealogiese materiaal in die familiegrafvertellinge na vore tree) te verstaan binne die kultuurhistoriese milieu waarin dit voorkom. Die samehang tussen religieuse dokumente en die kulturele bedding daarvan dra daartoe by dat ons die teologiese betekenis van die tekste wat ter sprake kom, beter kan verstaan. Afgesien van die feit dat die argeologie die databasis van die historiese diskoers verbreed, tree belangrike aspekte van die Ou-Testamentiese leefwereld of historiese milieu na vore wat grootliks geignoreer is in die vakgebied. 'n Belangrike aspek in doodsgebruike, beide wat betref die argeologiese rekord (familiegrafte) sowel as die literere nalatenskap van Ou Israel (doodsberigte en geslagsregisters in die Ou Testament), is die verbondenheid wat bly voortbestaan het tussen die voorgeslagte (ontslape voorvaders) en die nageslagte (nog lewende gemeenskap). Die verband wat gele word in die familiegrafvertellinge tussen genealogiese materiaal (doodsberigte) en die familiegraf bring 'n belangrike perspektief na vore, naamlik die verbondenheid tussen die voorgeslagte en die nog lewende gemeenskap as 'n element van die toekomsverwagting of toekomsgerigtheid van Ou Israel. Die toekomsverwagting word, met spesifieke verwysing na die graf, gedefinieer in terme van kontinurteit in familiale verband.

Die diskoers van Antjie Krog se Lady Anne (1989)

Crous, Matthys Lourens 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002 / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ondersoek in hierdie studie sentreer random die diskoers in Antjie Krog se sewende digbundel, Lady Anne (1989). Die ondersoekprableem is die vraag na die wyse waarop die diskoers van hierdie teks georden en' geproduseer word. Foucault se teorie oor diskoersanalise word as kritiese werktuig gebruik by die beantwoording van hierdie vraag. Foucault (1981) omskryf diskoers onder meer as die sosiale gebruik van taal gesitueer binne bepaalde kontekste en verbonde aan spesifieke instansies. Volgens Foucault vertoon diskoers 'n innerlike orde of formasie wat argeologies opgediep kan word; dit het 'n regulerende funksie wat nie net betekenis afbaken nie, maar betekenis praduseer in die positiewe sin van die woord (Foucault, 1981). Wanneer hierdie regulerende funksie genealogies ontleed word, blyk dit dat diskoers mag uitoefen deur die meganismes van kennis, waarheid en self (Foucault, 1980), Diskoers artikuleer kennis wat die self die waarheid oor die self toe-eien. Dit roep op sy beurt weer die prableem van vryheid en politieke verset op. Die ondersoek fokus op die volgende vraagstukke random die diskoers in Lady Anne: die diskursiewe patrone in die teks; die beperkinge wat op die diskoers geplaas word (Foucault, 1981); die outeursfunksie soos beskryf deur Foucault (1979); die fiksionalisering van die lady Anne Barnard-geskiedenis aan die hand van die genealogiese benadering (Foucault, 1970; 1972). Daar sal ook ingegaan word op die verestetisering van die politieke diskoers in Suid-Afrika, asook op die kwessie in watter mate daar sprake is van stemgewing aan die Ander. Die sentrale vraagstuk wat ondersoek word, is: wat is die posisie van die wit skeppende vrau in Suid-Afrika en hoe word hierdie posisie ingeskryf in die diskoers van die Afrikaanse letterkunde? In samehang hiermee word gelet op kwessies soos subjektiwiteit, beskrywing van die objek, asook die subjek se posisie met betrekking tot die tradisie waarin sy die teks inskryf. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation centers on the discourse in Antjie Krog's seventh volume of poetry, Lady Anne (1989). The central thesis of the dissertation is to analyse the way in which the discourse of the text under discussion is being ordered and produced. The theoretical approach is based on Foucault's discourse analysis. Foucault (1981) defines discourse as, among others, the social usage of language within specific contexts and as part of specific institutions. According to Foucault, discourse has an internal order or formation which one can reveal by way of an archaeological approach; it also has a regulatory function which not only delineates meaning, but produces meaning in the more positive sense of the word (Foucault, 1981). If one analyses this regulatory function by way of a genealogical approach, it appears as if discourse exercises power over mechanisms such as knowledge, truth and self (Foucault, 1980). Discourse articulates knowledge that the self claims as a particular truth. This calls to mind issues such as the problem of freedom and political resistance. This dissertation focuses on the following issues pertaining to the discourse in Lady Anne: the discursive patterns in the text, the limitations placed on the production of discourse (Foucault, 1981), the author function as used by Foucault (1979), the fictionalization of the history of Lady Anne Barnard by means of a genealogical approach (Foucault, 1970; 1972). Another pertinent issue that will be analysed is the aestheticisation of the political discourse in South Africa, as well as the manner in which a voice is given to the so-called Other. The central issue of this investigation is the following: What is the position of white creative women in South Africa and how is this position being inscribed into the discourse of Afrikaans literature? Concomitantly, issues such as subjectivity, the description of the object, as well as the subject's position within the literary tradition will be analysed.

Le lien socio-musical : une histoire de famille ? / The socio-musical link : a family history ?

Pinville, Typhaine 27 June 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche de doctorat se construit sur la transmission d’une pratiquemusicale au sein de diverses générations familiales. L’étude des généalogiesmusicales montre que l’expérience musicale s’enracine autour de coutumes,traditions et préférences familiales en interaction avec les membres de la famille,la musique et le milieu. Il ne faut pas omettre que cette pratique se construit àtravers le passé, le présent et le futur. Cependant, cette continuité musicale nepeut être semblable d’une génération à l’autre. Les attentes, les motivations, lesnormes, les goûts et les choix diffèrent selon la période donnée. Pourcomprendre les processus de transmission générationnelle, le lien socio-musicals’avère être le concept le plus approprié. On entend par « lien », l’interactionentre les différentes générations familiales ; par « socio », l'objet même de lamusique et ses conséquences sur les pratiques sociales ; et par « musical », lapratique artistique entre différents individus. Cette recherche permetd’appréhender la musique comme analyseur des relations familialesintergénérationnelles. / This doctoral research investigates the transmission of a musical practicewithin different family generations. The study of musical genealogies shows thatmusical experience finds its roots in customs, traditions and family preferencesin interaction with members of the siblings, music and milieu. One should notomit that this practice develops through past, present and future. However, thismusical continuity cannot be similar in the transmission from a generation toanother. Expectations, motivations, norms, tastes and choices differ according togiven periods. Socio-musical link turns out to be the most appropriate concept tounderstand the processes of generational transmission. "Link" has to beunderstood as the interaction between the various family generations; " socio "refers both to music as an object of study and to its influences on socialpractises; "musical" alludes to artistic practices among various individuals. Thisresearch allows to apprehend music as the “analyser” of intergenerational familyrelations.

Untersuchungen zur genealogischen Skaldendichtung

Dusse, Debora 24 June 2013 (has links)
Thema der Arbeit sind die genealogischen Fürstenpreisgedichte Ynglingatal, Háleygjatal und Nóregs konungatal, eine Textgruppe aus dem Bereich der norrönen Skaldendichtung. Die Gedichte wurden vor allem im Kontext dynastischer Interessen in mittelalterlichen historiographischen Werken tradiert und sind in ihrer Datierung umstritten. Sie behandeln Genealogien norwegischer Herrschergeschlechter und die Königsreihe mit einem Fokus auf dem Tod der Fürsten. Mit der Verbindung der Aspekte Genealogie und Tod entziehen sie sich einer eindeutigen Klassifikation. Die Arbeit erfasst diese Textgruppe in ihren charakteristischen Merkmalen, ordnet sie literaturhistorisch ein und will zu einer präziseren Bestimmung der Texte beitragen. Sie gliedert sich in zwei Teile. Der erste Teil behandelt die literaturhistorischen Kontexte: Zum einen die Frage der Überlieferung von Skaldendichtung. Zum anderen werden die Gedichte in den Kontext genealogischer und enumerativer Literatur eingeordnet und zu verwandten Dichtungsarten in Beziehung gesetzt. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit besteht aus einer Analyse von Ynglingatal, Háleygjatal und Nóregs konungatal unter Berücksichtigung ihrer Überlieferung. Das wesentliche Ergebnis ist, dass sich die Vorstellung eines Texttyps genealogischer Skaldendichtung retrospektiv im 12./13. Jahrhundert entwickelt haben muss. Es zeigt sich, dass die Frage der Datierung der Texte nicht mehr zu beantworten ist, da die Texte in der Überlieferung umgestaltet wurden. Es wird deutlich, dass dieser Texttyp seine Ursprünge in einer mit dem Tod verbundenen poetischen Tradition hatte und die Texte im Zuge genealogisch-dynastischer Interessen die Form fanden, in der sie in der Historiographie überliefert wurden. Dort schließlich begegnen Ynglingatal und Háleygjatal als emblematische Vertreter wikingerzeitlicher Skaldendichtung. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass die überlieferungsgeschichtliche Perspektive ein unabdingbarer Teil der Analyse von Skaldengedichten sein muss. / The topic of this paper are the genealogical praise poems Ynglingatal, Háleygjatal and Nóregs konungatal, a text group within the Old Norse skaldic poetry. The poems were transmitted in medieval historiographic works, above all within the context of dynastic interests. The dating remains controversial. They deal with the genealogies of the Norwegian dynasties and the order of the kings, with a focus on the dukes’ deaths. By linking the aspects of genealogy and death, they elude a distinct literary classification. This paper covers this text group in its characteristic features, classifies it in a literary-historical context and aims at contributing to a more precise determination of the texts. It is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the literary-historical contexts, firstly with the issue of the transmission of skaldic poetry. Then the poems are analysed within the context of genealogical and enumerative literature, and are seen in connection to related kinds of poetry. The second part of the paper is an analysis of Ynglingatal, Háleygjatal and Nóregs konungatal with particular focus on their transmission. The main result is that the concept of genealogical skaldic poetry as literary genre developed retrospectively in the 12th/13th centuries. It can be shown that the issue of dating the texts cannot be answered definitively since the texts have been altered in the course of their transmission. It becomes apparent that this text type had its origins in a poetic tradition which is related to death, and which assumed the form in which it was passed on in historiographical works mainly due to genealogical and dynastic interests. Here Ynglingatal and Háleygjatal represent an emblematic representation of the viking-age skaldic poetry. The paper shows that the perspective of medieval transmission of skaldic poems needs to be an indispensable part within the analysis of that literary genre.

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