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A Theory of Gravity in Elementary Particle Physics / 素粒子論における重力の理論 / ソリュウシロンニオケルジュウリョクノリロンKokubo, Hiroshi 23 March 1977 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 工学博士 / 甲第1863号 / 工博第493号 / 新制||工||364(附属図書館) / 4871 / UT51-52-L34 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科原子核工学専攻 / (主査)教授 片山 泰久, 教授 向坂 正勝, 教授 清水 栄 / 学位規則第5条第1項該当
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Αριστοτέλους "Φυσικής ακροάσεως Α΄" : ανάλυση κεφαλαίων 6,7,8 και 9 / Aristotle's "Physics hearing A'" : analysis chapters 6,7,8 and 9Μπάστα, Γεωργία 30 December 2014 (has links)
Ἡ παροῦσα μελέτη ἀποτελεῖ διπλωματική ἐργασία στό Τμῆμα
Φιλοσοφίας τοῦ Πανεπιστημίου Πατρῶν. Μέ αὐτή θά ἀποπειραθοῦμε νά
ἀναλύσουμε μέρος ἑνός ἀπό τά ἔργα τοῦ σπουδαιότερου, ἴσως, ἀρχαίου
Ἕλληνα φιλοσόφου, τοῦ Ἀριστοτέλη. Πρόκειται γιά τό ἔργο «Φυσικῆς
Ἀκροάσεως Α΄» καί συγκεκριμένα γιά τά κεφάλαια 6, 7, 8 καί 9 τοῦ ἔργου.
Τά παραπάνω κεφάλαια τοῦ Ἀριστοτελικοῦ ἔργου παρουσιάζονται καί
ἀναλύονται σέ ἀντίστοιχα κεφάλαια αὐτῆς τῆς ἐργασίας. Προτάσσεται
γενική εἰσαγωγή, στήν ὁποία παρουσιάζεται συνοπτικά τό περιεχόμενο τῆς
ἐργασίας καί ἀναφέρονται κάποια βασικά βιογραφικά στοιχεῖα τοῦ
μεγάλου πανεπιστήμονα φιλοσόφου, τό ἔργο τοῦ ὁποίου κατέχει ἐξέχουσα
θέση στήν παγκόσμια φιλοσοφία καί ἐπιστήμη.
Ἀπό τή θέση αὐτή ἐκφράζω τίς θερμές εὐχαριστίες μου στόν
ἐπιβλέποντα κ. Στασινό Σταυριανέα, Λέκτορα τοῦ Τμήματος Φιλοσοφίας
τοῦ Πανεπιστημίου Πατρῶν, τόσο γιά τή βοήθειά του στήν ἐπιλογή τοῦ
θέματος, ὅσο καί γιά τήν πολύτιμη καθοδηγησή του στήν πορεία τῆς
ἐργασίας, καθώς καί ὅλους ὅσοι μέ κάθε τρόπο μέ βοήθησαν ἤ μέ
διευκόλυναν στήν ὁλοκλήρωση αὐτῆς τῆς ἐργασίας. / This study consists dissertations in section
Philosophy, University of Patras. With that attempts at analysis by one of his works, perhaps most importantly, Ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle. The project is called "Natural Hearing A΄" and specifically on chapters 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the project.
The above chapters Aristotle work presented and analyzed in respective chapters of this work. Preceded by a general introduction which summarizes the content of
work and specifying some basic biographical information on major universities philosopher, whose work occupies a prominent position in world philosophy and science.
From this position I express my warmest thanks to Supervisor Mr. Stasinos Stavrianeas, Lecturer of the Department of Philosophy, University of Patras, both for his help in choosing the subject and for valuable guidance in the course of work, and all those who in any way helped or by facilitated Consummation this work.
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Εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα πολυμέσων για τις φυσικές αρχές της μαγνητικής τομογραφίας : σχεδιασμός, ανάπτυξη και αξιολόγηση / Computer aided instruction program for MRI physics : design, development and evaluationsΚουμαριανός, Δημήτρης 29 June 2007 (has links)
Σκοπός της μελέτης ήταν η ανάπτυξη και αξιολόγηση ενός προγράμματος πολυμέσων για την εκμάθηση των φυσικών αρχών της μαγνητικής τομογραφίας από μεταπτυχιακούς φοιτητές της Ιατρικής Φυσικής του Πανεπιστημίου της Πάτρας. Η ανάπτυξη του εκπαιδευτικού προγράμματος έγινε με την χρήση κατάλληλου προγράμματος συγγραφής πολυμέσων. Δεκαοχτώ μεταπτυχιακοί φοιτητές της Ιατρικής Φυσικής κατατάχτηκαν τυχαία σε δύο ομάδες, την ομάδα των υπολογιστών και την ομάδα του βιβλίου. Όλοι οι συμμετέχοντες αξιολογήθηκαν με ένα τεστ με ερωτήσεις πολλαπλής επιλογής 2 εβδομάδες πριν την αρχή των παραδόσεων, στο τέλος των παραδόσεων και ένα μήνα μετά το τέλος των παραδόσεων. Επιπλέον συμπλήρωσαν ερωτηματολόγια για την αξιολόγηση των στάσεων και πεποιθήσεων τους σχετικά με την χρήση υπολογιστών στην εκπαίδευση. Οι βαθμολογίες των δύο ομάδων συγκρίθηκαν με την βοήθεια της στατιστικής δοκιμασίας ANOVA. Το εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα που αναπτύχτηκε αποτελείται από 6 ενότητες για την διδασκαλία πολύπλοκων φυσικών αρχών MRI με την βοήθεια animation. Κάθε ενότητα περιλαμβάνει ένα τεστ και οι επιδόσεις των χρηστών μπορούν να καταγραφούν και να αναλυθούν με ένα ξεχωριστό πρόγραμμα. Στην ενότητα που χρησιμοποιήθηκε για την αξιολόγηση οι φοιτητές της ομάδας με τους υπολογιστές πέτυχαν στατιστικά υψηλότερους βαθμούς (Μ=80.5, SD=9.4) από τους σπουδαστές με το βιβλίο (M=61.3, SD=12.5, p=.003). Επιπλέον οι φοιτητές των υπολογιστών φαίνεται να εκτιμούν περισσότερο την εκμάθηση μέσω της χρήσης υπολογιστών συγκριτικά με τους σπουδαστές της ομάδας του βιβλίου (p=.230). Οι απόψεις των φοιτητών για την επέκταση της χρήσης των πολυμέσων στην ιατρική φυσική εστιάζονται σε θέματα σχετικά με τα κίνητρα, τις εκπαιδευτικές δυνατότητες και την αξία του περιεχομένου. Τα αναφερθέντα μειονεκτήματα ήταν ελάχιστα, και ήταν επικεντρωμένα κυρίως σε τεχνικά θέματα και σε μαθησιακές δυσκολίες. Η εκπαίδευση με χρήση πολυμέσων είναι χρήσιμη και επικουρική μέθοδος για την εκμάθηση των φυσικών αρχών MRI από μεταπτυχιακούς φοιτητές. Η παρούσα μελέτη έδειξε ότι η χρήση κατάλληλων προγραμμάτων πολυμέσων βελτιώνει την κατανόηση πολύ περισσότερο συγκριτικά με παραδοσιακές μεθόδους μάθησης. / The objectives of this study were to develop and evaluate an interactive multimedia computer based instructional package in MRI physics and to provide first year medical physics postgraduate students of University of Patras with an interactive means of self-study and self-evaluation. An authoring system was used to develop the courseware package. Eighteen postgraduate medical physics students were prospectively, randomly assigned to receive instruction on the same topic from a textbook and an interactive computer module. Participants were evaluated by a multiple choice test 2 weeks before the lectures, at the end of the lectures and by a retention test 1 month after the end. They also completed questionnaires to elicit their attitudes toward the two instructional methods. Mean test scores of the textbook and computer groups were compared by means of analysis of variance. The developed MRI program is a suite of 6 interactive modules designed to dynamically teach complex MRI concepts using media-rich animations. All modules include a quiz and since patterns of use by student can be recorded a Log Decryption utility and a Log Reader utility was also developed. The tested module demonstrated that students in the computer group (M=80.5, SD=9.4) scored significantly higher on their post-test when compared with the textbook group (M=61.3, SD=12.5, p=.003). Furthermore students in the computer group seem to appreciate multimedia modules more compared to textbook students (p=.003). There were no differences noted between method of instruction and learner satisfaction (p=.230). Students’ rationale for expanding the use of multimedia in physics education seemed to focus on issues concerning motivation, instructional capabilities and content value. The disadvantages reported were few, their prevalence considerably small, especially after the intervention and were mostly focused on technical issues and some difficulties in learning. Computer aided instruction is a useful and effective aid for teaching MRI principles to postgraduate students. The study demonstrated that the inclusion of properly designed multimedia modules enhance conceptual understanding far more than do traditional methods.
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Una prospettiva storico-filosofica sull'evoluzione del curricolo di fisica nella scuola: problemi e innovazioni pedagogiche / A historical and philosophical perspective on the evolution of school physics curriculum: issues and pedagogical innovationsPanajoli, Tommaso <1982> 04 July 2012 (has links)
Negli ultimi vent’anni sono state proposte al livello internazionale alcune analisi dei problemi per le scienze nella scuola e diverse strategie per l’innovazione didattica. Molte ricerche hanno fatto riferimento a una nuova nozione di literacy scientifica, quale sapere fondamentale dell’educazione, indipendente dalle scelte professionali successive alla scuola.
L’ipotesi di partenza di questa ricerca sostiene che alcune di queste analisi e l’idea di una nuova literacy scientifica di tipo non-vocazionale mostrino notevoli limiti quando rapportate al contesto italiano. Le specificità di quest’ultimo sono state affrontate, innanzitutto, da un punto di vista comparativo, discutendo alcuni documenti internazionali sull’insegnamento delle scienze. Questo confronto ha messo in luce la difficoltà di ottenere un insieme di evidenze chiare e definitive sui problemi dell’educazione scientifica discussi da questi documenti, in particolare per quanto riguarda i dati sulla crisi delle vocazioni scientifiche e sull’attitudine degli studenti verso le scienze. Le raccomandazioni educative e alcuni progetti curricolari internazionali trovano degli ostacoli decisivi nella scuola superiore italiana anche a causa di specificità istituzionali, come particolari principi di selezione e l’articolazione dei vari indirizzi formativi.
Il presente lavoro si è basato soprattutto su una ricostruzione storico-pedagogica del curricolo di fisica, attraverso l’analisi delle linee guida nazionali, dei programmi di studio e di alcuni rappresentativi manuali degli ultimi decenni. Questo esame del curricolo “programmato” ha messo in luce, primo, il carattere accademico della fisica liceale e la sua debole rielaborazione culturale e didattica, secondo, l’impatto di temi e problemi internazionali sui materiali didattici. Tale impatto ha prodotto dei cambiamenti sul piano delle finalità educative e degli strumenti di apprendimento incorporati nei manuali. Nonostante l’evoluzione di queste caratteristiche del curricolo, tuttavia, l’analisi delle conoscenze storico-filosofiche utilizzate dai manuali ha messo in luce la scarsa contestualizzazione culturale della fisica quale uno degli ostacoli principali per l’insegnamento di una scienza più rilevante e formativa. / Over the past twenty years there have been some international perspectives on the analysis of the problems of school science and some consequent strategies for educational change. Many studies have pointed to a new concept of scientific literacy as a fundamental knowledge, prior to career choices and relevant for every student. The starting hypothesis of this research argues that some of these analyses and the main idea of a non-vocational scientific literacy show significant limitations when related to the Italian context. The specificities of the latter are addressed, first, from a comparative point of view, discussing few international reports on science education. This comparison has highlighted the difficulty of having a set of clear and definitive evidences on the problems of science education discussed by these documents, in particular through the data concerning the crisis in scientific vocations and students’ attitudes towards science. Also the institutional framework of the Italian high schools shows how the educational recommendations and some curricular projects, discussed within the international community, find some important obstacles due to principles of selection and to different school tracks for the upper secondary level.
The present work is based primarily on a historical and pedagogical reconstruction of the physics curriculum, through national guidelines, syllabi, and the analysis of some representative textbooks of the last decades. This study of the “intended” curriculum revealed, firstly, the “academic” nature of high school physics and its weak educational value, secondly, the impact, of the international issues discussed, on educational aims and learning tools embodied in textbooks. Despite the evolution of these features of the curriculum, the analysis of historical and philosophical knowledge used by textbooks has highlighted the lack of a cultural contextualization of physics as one of the main obstacles to promoting a more relevant science education.
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Report / Institut für Experimentelle Physik I ; Institut für Experimentelle Physik II ; Institut für Theoretische Physik / Report / Institute for Experimental Physics I ; Institute for Experimental Physics II ; Institute for Theoretical Phyics / Report / Institute für Physik / Report / The Physics InstitutesGrundmann, Marius 29 August 2014 (has links)
Der Forschungsbericht der Institute für Experimentelle Physik I und II und des Instituts für Theoretische Physik erscheint jährlich und berichtet über die Aktivitäten und die Mitarbeiter der Institute. Den Hauptteil des Forschungsbericht bilden Forschungsberichte aus den einzelnen Abteilungen der Institute (Halbleiterphysik, Magnetismus, Optik und Akustik).
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Report / Institut für Experimentelle Physik I ; Institut für Experimentelle Physik II ; Institut für Theoretische Physik: Report / Institute für Physik / Report / Institute for Experimental Physics I ; Institute for Experimental Physics II ; Institute for Theoretical Phyics: Report / The Physics InstitutesGrundmann, Marius 29 August 2014 (has links)
Der Forschungsbericht der Institute für Experimentelle Physik I und II und des Instituts für Theoretische Physik erscheint jährlich und berichtet über die Aktivitäten und die Mitarbeiter der Institute. Den Hauptteil des Forschungsbericht bilden Forschungsberichte aus den einzelnen Abteilungen der Institute (Halbleiterphysik, Magnetismus, Optik und Akustik).
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Performance Assesment Of Indium Antimonide Photodetectors On Silicon SubstratesTumkaya, Umid 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, detailed characteristics and performance assessment of 3& / #8722 / 5
µ / m p-i-n InSb photodetectors on Si substrates are reported. The detector epilayers were grown on GaAs coated Si substrates by molecular beam apitaxy (MBE). Both homojunction and single heterojunction (AlInSb/InSb) detector structures were investigated. Arrays of 33x33 µ / m2 detectors were fabricated and flip-chip bonded to a test substrate for detailed electrical and optical characterization. A peak detectivity as high as 1x1010 cmHz1/2/W was achieved with InSb homojunction
detectors on Si substrate in spite of the large lattice mismatch between InSb and Si (%19). In both homojunction and single heterojunction structures the differential resistance is significantly degraded by trap assisted tunneling (TAT) under moderately large reverse bias and by ohmic leakage near zero-bias. While the heterojunction structures provide a higher 80 K zero bias differential resistance, the
responsivity of this structure is significantly lower than that of homojunction InSb photodiodes. In both homojunction and heterojunction photodetectors, 80K 1/f noise is dominated by TAT processes, and the noise current at 1 Hz follows the
empirical relation in= & / #945 / TAT(ITAT) & / #946 / with & / #945 / TAT& / #8764 / 1.1x10& / #8211 / 6 and & / #946 / & / #8764 / 0.53.
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Characterization of cluster/monomer ratio in pulsed supersonic gas jetsGao, Xiaohui, doctor of physics 31 January 2013 (has links)
Cluster mass fraction is an elusive quantity to measure, calculate or estimate accurately for pulsed supersonic gas jets typical of intense laser experiments. The optimization of this parameter is critical for transient phase-matched harmonic generation in an ionized cluster jet at high laser intensity. We present an in-depth study of a rapid, noninvasive, single-shot optical method of determining cluster mass fraction f_c(r,t) at specified positions r within, and at time t after opening the valve of, a high-pressure pulsed supersonic gas jet. A ∼ 2 mJ fs pump pulse ionizes the monomers, causing an immediate drop in the jet’s refractive index n_jet proportional to monomer density, while simultaneously initiating hydrodynamic expansion of the clusters. The latter leads to a second drop in n_jet that is proportional to cluster density and is delayed by ∼ 1 ps. A temporally stretched probe pulse measures the 2-step index evolution in a single shot by frequency domain holography, enabling recovery of f_c. We present the theory behind recovery of f_c in detail. We also present extensive measurements of spatio-temporal profiles f_c(r, t) of cluster mass fraction in a high-pressure supersonic argon jet for various values of backing pressure P, and reservoir temperature T. / text
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Interaction effects in topological insulatorsWen, Jun, doctor of physics 14 February 2013 (has links)
In this thesis we employ various mean-field approaches to study the shortrange
interaction effects in topological insulators. We start with the Kane-Mele
model on the decorated honeycomb lattice and study the stability of topological
insulator phase against different perturbations. We establish an adiabatic connection
between a noninteracting topological insulator and a strongly interacting spin liquid
in its Majorana fermion representation.
We use the Hartree-Fock mean-field approach, slave-rotor approach and
slave-boson approach to study correlation effects related to topological insulators.
With the spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism, we can have an interaction driven topological insulator with extended Hubbard models on the kagome lattice
and decorated honeycomb lattice. For the interplay among spin-orbit coupling,
distortion and correlation effect in transition metal oxides, we use the slave-rotor
mean-field approach to study its phase transition. We identify regimes where a
strong topological Mott insulator and a weak topological insulator reside due to the
strong Coulomb interaction and distortion. This is relevant to experiments with the
transition metal oxides as they hold promise to realize topological insulators. To
study the doping effects and a possible spin liquid in Kane-Mele-Hubbard model
on the honeycomb lattice, we employ the slave-boson mean-field approach which is
appropriate for the intermediate interaction strength. We compare our results with
those obtained from other methods. / text
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Complex Numbers in Quantum TheoryMaynard, Glenn (Physics researcher) 08 1900 (has links)
In 1927, Nobel prize winning physicist, E. Schrodinger, in correspondence with Ehrenfest, wrote the following about the new theory: “What is unpleasant here, and indeed directly to be objected to, is the use of complex numbers. Psi is surely fundamentally a real function.” This seemingly simple issue remains unexplained almost ninety years later. In this dissertation I elucidate the physical and theoretical origins of the complex requirement. I identify a freedom/constraint situation encountered by vectors when, employed in accordance with adopted quantum representational methodology, and representing angular momentum states in particular. Complex vectors, quite simply, provide more available adjustable variables than do real vectors. The additional variables relax the constraint situation allowing the theory’s representational program to carry through. This complex number issue, which lies at the deepest foundations of the theory, has implications for important issues located higher in the theory. For example, any unification of the classical and quantum accounts of the settled order of nature, will rest squarely on our ability to account for the introduction of the imaginary unit.
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