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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stilistiska normer i översatt sakprosa : En kvalitativ undersökning med fokus på preferensmönster hos en målgrupp med italienska som förstaspråk / Stylistic norms in non-fiction translated texts : quality study with focus on preference pattern in a group of people with Italian as their first language

Paparella, Karin January 2020 (has links)
I denna kandidatuppsats undersöks uppfattningen av översatta texter hos en grupp med italienska som förstaspråk i syfte att redovisa om ett preferensmönster finns gällande tilltal, idiomatiska uttryck, meningsbyggnad och meningslängd. Texter som är undersökningens material i denna studie översätts enligt Nidas principer om formell och dynamisk ekvivalens och definieras enligt Tourys teorier. Undersökningen genomförs genom ett antal öppna frågor som ställs till respondenterna under semistrukturerade intervjuer. Slutsatserna dras från diskussionen av respondenternas svar kopplad till teorin samt redovisning av resultat för preferensmönstret. Studien visar att kontext, forum och målgruppen är avgörande för valet av översättningsstrategin.Förslag på vidare forskning ges i det slutliga kapitlet med formulering av hypotes gällande behovet att bestämma översättningsstrategi och tillämpning av normer enligt texttyp och målgrupp. / This bachelor’s thesis is a study of perception of translated texts in a group of people with Italian as their first language. The aim of this work is to investigate whether a pattern in the preference of form of address, idiomatic expressions and syntax can be identified. The texts that are used in this study are translated according to Nida’s principles of formal and dynamic equivalence and are defined according to Toury’s theories.The study is conducted thanks to a set of open questions asked to the responders in semi-structured interviews. The conclusions are derived from the analysis of the responders’ answers in relation to the theories mentioned and the pattern of preferences revealed. The study shows that context, forum and target group are crucial for the choice of which translation strategy it will be used,Finally, we outline a proposal for further research to test the hypothesis that translation strategies and application of norms should be chosen according to the type of text and the target group.Nyckelord

Město ve městě/ „Blok Trnitá“ / City within the City / "Trnitá City Block"

Moráviková, Patrícia Unknown Date (has links)
A modern answer to the question of what an above-standard multifunctional house in the South Center of Brno should look like in the 21st century. First-class urban comfort of living in the countryside on the banks of the river Svratka near the city center with excellent transport links. The design of the building combines various typologies and operations and seeks to ensure maximum efficiency in the use of the plot, its evaluation and benefits for the environment.

Bronx - změna adresy (přestavba káznice) / Bronx - address substitution (reconstruction house of correction)

Kozel, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
The subject of this graduation thesis is a conceptual architectural study of the former house of correction extension, annex and reconstruction and also a new ideological solution of adjacent areas and total building plan . The house is located in the Brno’s Bronx district. The reconstruction is focused on the use of alternative housing concepts with the general target at the whole city quarter reneration – address change.

Журналы о кино в условиях современного рынка (на примере "Искусство" кино и "Сеанс") : магистерская диссертация / Magazines about cinema in the conditions of the modern market (by the example of the Art of Cinema and Session)

Поморцев, П. О., Pomorcev, P. O. January 2020 (has links)
Объектом исследования являются концептуальные особенности современных журналов о кино в России. Предметом исследования является соответствие концепций журналов о кино запросам современного рынка. Цель магистерской диссертации – выявление эффективных с точки зрения современного рынка стратегий формирования контента, структуры и дизайна журналов о кино. В первой главе рассматриваются следующие аспекты: место кинематографа в современном мире, понятие, видовая классификация и концептуальные характеристики журналов о кино. В ходе изучения было проанализировано состояние журнального рынка в стране, рассмотрены отечественные издания о кино, определена доля этих изданий среди прочих журналов. Во второй главе проанализированы концептуальные особенности журналов «Сеанс» и «Искусство кино»: целевое назначение и читательский адрес, способы формирования контента и структуры, выбор дизайна и полиграфических особенностей, а также современные механизмы продвижения журналов. На основе проведенного анализа выявлены стратегии, позволяющие существовать журналам в условиях современного книжного рынка. / The object of the research is the conceptual features of modern film magazines in Russia. The subject of the research is the correspondence of the concepts of cinema magazines to the demands of the modern market. The purpose of the master's thesis is to identify effective strategies for the formation of content, structure and design of film magazines from the point of view of the modern market. The first chapter discusses the following aspects: the place of cinema in the modern world, the concept, species classification and conceptual characteristics of film magazines. During the study, the state of the magazine market in the country was analyzed, domestic publications about the cinema were examined, the share of these publications among other magazines was determined. The second chapter analyzes the conceptual features of the Session and Art of Cinema magazines: the purpose and readership address, ways of creating content and structure, the choice of design and printing features, as well as modern mechanisms for promoting magazines. Based on the analysis, strategies have been identified that allow journals to exist in the modern book market.

Редакторский анализ пособий по компьютерной верстке : магистерская диссертация / Editorial analysis of desktop publishing study aids

Полещук, Ю. В., Poleshchuk, Y. V. January 2019 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена проблеме подготовки учебного издания по компьютерной верстке, отвечающего требованиям специалистов и удовлетворяющего потребности читателей. Цель исследования – на основе редакторского анализа разработать рекомендации для учебного пособия по верстке. Объектом исследования стали пособия по компьютерной верстке. Предметом – структурно-содержательные особенности пособий по компьютерной верстке. Магистерская диссертация «Редакторский анализ пособий по компьютерной верстке» состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения и библиографического списка, включающего 71 наименование. В первой главе диссертации учебное пособие охарактеризовано как вид издания, определен ряд критериев, отличающих учебное пособие от учебника. В ходе работы с научными источниками были выделены и проанализированы требования специалистов к структуре, содержанию, языку и стилю учебных изданий, а также выявлены важные характеристики учебной книги с точки зрения читательской аудитории. На основе сравнительного анализа этих точек зрения сделаны выводы о роли, которой наделяют учебные издания специалисты и читатели. Вторая глава содержит характеристику структурно-содержательные особенности шестнадцати пособий по компьютерной верстке, представленных на рынке и доступных для обучающихся. Выявленные особенности соотнесены с требованиями к учебным изданиям, сформулированными в первой главе. На основе собранного материала представлен список рекомендаций по подготовке учебного пособия по компьютерной верстке. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы как при создании учебного пособия по компьютерной верстке по заказу кафедры Издательского дела, так и для подготовки современных и качественных изданий по другим дисциплинам. / Master’s thesis is devoted to the matter of preparation of desktop publishing study aid which meets specialists’ requirements and satisfies readers’ needs. The purpose of the research is to develop recommendations for desktop publishing study aid basing on editorial analysis. Research object is desktop publishing study aids. Subject matter is structural and content features of the desktop publishing study aids. Master’s thesis “Editorial analysis of desktop publishing study aids” consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion and bibliography containing 71 source materials. First chapter characterizes study aid as a types of publication, defines a set of criteria differentiating study aid from textbook. During the process of working with scientific sources, specialists’ requirements for structure, content, language and style of study publications were identified and analyzed; in addition significant features of study aid from reader’s perspective were identified as well. Basing on the comparative analysis of these points of view conclusions on the role assigned to the study aids by both specialists and readers were drawn. Second chapter comprises characteristic of structural and content features of sixteen desktop publishing study aids found on the market and available for students. Detected features are compared to the requirements for study aids formulated in the first chapter. The list of recommendations for preparation of desktop publishing study aid is formulated in accordance with the gathered material. The research results may be used for both creating desktop publishing study aid on request by Faculty of Publishing and preparation contemporary high-quality publications dedicated to other disciplines.

Brave New World Reloaded: Advocating for Basic Constitutional Search Protections to Apply to Cell Phones from Eavesdropping and Tracking by Government and Corporate Entities

Berrios-Ayala, Mark 01 December 2013 (has links)
Imagine a world where someone’s personal information is constantly compromised, where federal government entities AKA Big Brother always knows what anyone is Googling, who an individual is texting, and their emoticons on Twitter. Government entities have been doing this for years; they never cared if they were breaking the law or their moral compass of human dignity. Every day the Federal government blatantly siphons data with programs from the original ECHELON to the new series like PRISM and Xkeyscore so they can keep their tabs on issues that are none of their business; namely, the personal lives of millions. Our allies are taking note; some are learning our bad habits, from Government Communications Headquarters’ (GCHQ) mass shadowing sharing plan to America’s Russian inspiration, SORM. Some countries are following the United States’ poster child pose of a Brave New World like order of global events. Others like Germany are showing their resolve in their disdain for the rise of tyranny. Soon, these new found surveillance troubles will test the resolve of the American Constitution and its nation’s strong love and tradition of liberty. Courts are currently at work to resolve how current concepts of liberty and privacy apply to the current conditions facing the privacy of society. It remains to be determined how liberty will be affected as well; liberty for the United States of America, for the European Union, the Russian Federation and for the people of the World in regards to the extent of privacy in today’s blurred privacy expectations.

Perspective vol. 21 no. 6 (Dec 1987)

Veenkamp, Carol-Ann, Pitt, Clifford C., Fernhout, Harry, Kuk-Won Shin, Kits, Harry J. 31 December 1987 (has links)
No description available.

Perspective vol. 21 no. 6 (Dec 1987) / Perspective (Institute for Christian Studies)

Veenkamp, Carol-Ann, Pitt, Clifford C., Fernhout, Harry, Kuk-Won Shin, Kits, Harry J. 26 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Entwicklung des Kommunikationsteilsystems für ein objektorientiertes, verteiltes Betriebssystem

Becher, Mike 09 November 1998 (has links)
Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines Kommunikationsteilsystems fuer das Experimentiersystem CHEOPS zur Ermoeglichung einer Interobjektkommunika- tion zwischen Objekten auf dem gleichen bzw. verschiedenen Systemen. Ausgangspunkte stellen dabei eine verfuegbare Implementation eines Ethernet- Treibers der Kartenfamilie WD80x3 fuer MS-DOS, eine geforderte Kommunikations- moeglichkeit mit UNIX-Prozessen sowie die dort benutzbaren Protokoll-Familien dar. Die Arbeit beschaeftigt sich mit der Analyse und Konzipierung des Ethernet- Treibers sowie der Internet-Protokoll-Familie fuer CHEOPS als auch deren Implementation resultierend in einem minimalen Grundsystem. Weiterhin wird ein erster Entwurf fuer ein spaeter weiterzuentwickelndes bzw. zu vervoll- staendigendes Netz-Interface vorgeschlagen und durch eine Beispiel-Implemen- tierung belegt.

Mobile IP v sítích MANET / Mobile IP in MANETs

Raška, Martin January 2009 (has links)
This thesis discuss about the problem with mobility of stations in IP networks, concretely protocol Mobile IP and about the problems with this protocol in MANET networks, with the scope on Motorola MESH. First part is about design integration of protocol Mobile IP in this networks with usage Tropos 5210 MetroMesh routers and Cisco components (router, switch) to design and configure wireless MESH network, than connect this network with Cisco components and try to implement Mobile IP into this network. Second part is about design and configure wireless network from Cisco Wireless Access Points and about succesfully implementation of Mobile IP protocol into this network. In the last part is some tests of the function and quality of this topology.

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