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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Gitlin, Thomas, Nguyen, Diem V., Harlacher, Marc, Smarrelli, Robert 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 23-26, 2000 / Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center, San Diego, California / The Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) Multiple Access (MA) Return Service provides a communication path that originates at a customer platform (either a spacecraft or other type of emitter) and is routed through a geosynchronous Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) back to a customer control center or data acquisition location. Conventional operations provide Space Network (SN) customers with MA Service based on a schedule generated from user requests. The MA Service currently provides return link telemetry services to customer platforms with real-time, playback, and science data rates up to 100 kbps. This paper describes an integrated approach, using state-of-the-art technology and fault-tolerant architecture, to develop the next generation of TDRSS MA beamforming equipment. New designs will result in significant reduction in beamformer size and cost by at least an order of magnitude relative to the current MA equipment. This new equipment will provide the potential for increased usage of TDRSS MA services. The paper describes the in-development Demand Access (DA) Return Service that provides a new class of service using next generation technology.


Martin, Fredric W. 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 17-20, 1994 / Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center, San Diego, California / Use of top-down design principles and standard interface techniques provides the basis for a global telemetry data collection, analysis, and satellite control network with a high degree of survivability via use of distributed architecture. Use of Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) hardware and software minimizes costs and provides for easy expansion and adaption to new satellite constellations. Adaptive techniques and low cost multiplexers provide for graceful system wide degradation and flexible data distribution.

Aspects of small airborne passive millimetre-wave imaging systems

Smith, David Michael Patrick 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Passive millimetre-wave (PMMW) imaging is a technique that uses radiometers to detect thermal radiation emitted and reflected by metallic and non-metallic objects. While visual and infra-red emissions are attenuated by atmospheric constituents, PMMW emissions are transmitted, resulting in consistent contrast between different objects from day to night in clear weather and in low-visibility conditions to form images for a range of security and inclement weather applications. The use of a PMMW imaging system on a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) offers extremely attractive possibilities for applications such as airborne surveillance for search and rescue operations, which are often hindered by inclement weather making visibility poor and endangering the rescuers as the search vehicle flies through the bad weather zone. The UAV would fly above the bad weather zone, with the PMMW imaging system detecting the thermal radiation emitted and reflected by objects in the MMW spectrum through the inclement weather. The 35GHz propagation window is chosen for the greater transmission through atmospheric constituents. The design of the PMMW imaging system is severely limited by the size of the UAV, particularly in the inability to incorporate any form of optical or mechanical scanning antenna. A possible solution is a long, thin antenna array fitted under the wings of the UAV. Such an antenna has a narrow, high gain, frequency-scanned beam along the plane perpendicular to the flight path, but a very broad beam along the plane of the flight path blurs the image, making it difficult to accurately determine the position of an object or to differentiate between objects situated along the plane of the flight path. This dissertation proposes a technique of image reconstruction based on the Kalman filter, a recursive filter that uses feedback control to estimate the state of a partially observed non-stationary stochastic process, to reconstruct an accurate image of the target area from such a detected signal. It is shown that given a simulated target area, populated with an arbitrary number of objects, the Kalman filter is able to successfully reconstruct the image using the measured antenna pattern to model the scanning process and reverse the blurring effect / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Passiewe millimetergolf (PMMG) beeldvorming is ’n tegniek wat van radiometers gebruik maak om termiese straling waar te neem vanaf beide metaal en nie-metaal voorwerpe. Waar optiese en infra-rooi straling attenueer word deur atmosferiese bestanddele, plant PMMG strale ongehinderd voort. Dit lei tot konstante kontras tussen verskillende voorwerpe in daglig of snags, mooi of bewolkte weer, en in ander lae-sigbaarheid toestande om beelde te vorm vir ’n wye reeks sekuriteits- of weertoepassings. Die gebruik van PMMG beeldvorming op ’n klein onbemande lugtuig (OLT) bied aantreklike moontlikhede vir toepassings in observasie en reddingsoperasies, wat dikwels verhinder word deur bewolke weer wat reddingswerkers in gevaar stel as hul moet vlieg in toestande van lae sigbaarheid. Die OLT kan bokant die onweer vlieg, met die PMMG beeldvormer wat termiese straling in die millimetergolf spektrum vanaf voorwerpe kan waarneem in swaks weerstoestande. Vir verbeterde golfvoortplanting deur atmosferiese bestanddele, word die 35GHz band gekies. Die ontwerp van die PMMG stelsel word geweldig beperk deur die grootte van die OLT, spesifiek deur die tuig se onvermoë om ’n antenne te huisves wat opties of meganies kan skandeer. ’n Moontlike oplossing is om gebruik te maak van ’n lang, dun antenne samestelling wat onder die OLT se vlerke geplaas word. So ’n antenne het ’n nou, hoë-aanwins bundel wat met frekwensie skandeer langs ’n vlak loodreg tot die vlugtrajek. So ’n antenne het egter ’n baie wye bundel langs die vlugtrajek, wat beeldkwaliteit verlaag en dit moeilik maak om die posisie van ’n voorwerp langs die vlugtrajek te bepaal, of om tussen veelvuldige voorwerpe te onderskei. Hierdie proefskrif bied ’n tegniek van beeldherwinning gebaseer op die Kalman filter, ’n rekursiewe filter wat terugvoerbeheer gebruik om die toestand van ’n nie-stasionêre stochastiese proses af te skat wat slegs gedeeltelik waargeneem is, om soedoende ’n akkurate beeld van die teikenarea te herkonstrueer vanuit ’n verwronge beeld. Dit word getoon dat, gegewe ’n gesimuleerde teikenomgewing met ’n arbitrêre hoeveelheid voorwerpe, die Kalman filter suksesvol ’n beeld kan herkonstrueer deur gebruik te maak van die antenne se gemete stralingspatroon om die skanderingsproses na te boots, om sodoende die beeldkwaliteit te verhoog

Design, Simulation and Characterization of Some Planar Lightwave Circuits

Shi, Yaocheng January 2008 (has links)
Optical devices based on planar lightwave circuit (PLC) technology have the advantages of small size, high reliability, possibility for large scale production, and potential integration with electronics. These devices are widely employed in optical telecommunications, sensing, data storage, imaging, and signal processing. This thesis focuses on some selected PLC based devices, such as power splitters, demultiplexers, triplexers and polarization beam splitters. First, the basic principle of the waveguides and the simulation methods for PLC devices are discussed. A novel effective index method is introduced to reduce a two-dimensional structure to a one-dimensional one, and can be implemented for arbitrarily shaped waveguides. Numerical methods, such as finite-difference mode solver, beam propagation method, finite-difference time-domain method are introduced to analysis the mode profile of the waveguides, and the propagation properties of light in PLC devices. Multimode interference (MMI) couplers are widely used in many PLCs, such as power splitters, ring lasers, optical switches, and wavelength division multiplexers/demultiplexers. In this work, concepts for improving the self-imaging quality of MMI couplers are analyzed and new designs are proposed. A significant improvement in performance together with compact sizes were obtained with taper sections at the input/output of MMI couplers based on SOI, and deeply etched ridges in MMI couplers based on SiO2. A polarization insensitive dual wavelength demultiplexer based on sandwiched MMI waveguides was presented. Novel devices including triplexers and polarization beam splitters were realized by using photonic crystal (PhC) structures. Two stages of directional couplers based on PhC waveguides are cascaded to form an ultracompact triplexer. The special decoupling property of the PhC waveguide based directional coupler was utilized in the design. A novel polarization beam splitter was realized by combining a MMI coupler and a PhC which works as a polarization sensitive reflector. Finally, fabrication and optical characterization of an ultra-compact directional coupler and PhC structures in InP are presented. In a single etching step, by using the lag-effect in inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching, a compact directional coupler (55 μm) is demonstrated. Carrier life times in PhC structures etched by chemically assisted ion beam etching were investigated, for emitter and switching applications. / QC 20100909

Demonstration of a Novel Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer

Yang, Cheng-Hao 18 July 2011 (has links)
In response to the development of a next-generation networking (NGN) generalized multi-protocol label switching (GMPLS) technology is required for automatically switched optical network (ASON). Reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer (ROADM) is an indispensable device for the ASON, and the dense wavelength division multiplexed (DWDM) signals can be transmitted through the network under the management of the network administrator to configure dynamic customer needs and the desired quality of service (QoS). The ROADM can also increase the efficiency of utilizing the existing capacity of the optical fiber lines and can reduce or waive to set up additional optical fiber lines. This thesis studies a novel ROADM based on the arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) and the fiber Bragg grating (FBG) to overcome that the current ROADM cannot process that the input signal channels is greater than the wavelengths channels of AWG. Many types of ROADMs have been proposed and realized through different optical devices. Among these, hybrid optical circulator and FBG based ROADM is more attractive because of its low crosstalk and polarization insensitivity. However, it still suffers from many component counts and high insertion losses due to the use of many circulators and a multiplexer-demultiplexer pair. In this master thesis, we focus on demonstrating a novel ROADM and evaluating its crosstalk performance. It is found that the proposed ROADM has the advantage on extending the number of wavelength signal to make the system configurable and flexible.

An On-Chip Memory for Testing of High-Speed Mixed-Signal Circuits

Omar, Omar Jaber January 2013 (has links)
Mixed-signal processing systems especially data converters can be reliably tested at high frequencies using on-chip testing schemes based on memory. In this thesis, an on-chip testing strategy based on shift registers/memory (2 k bits) has been proposed for digital-to-analog converters (DACs) operating at 5 GHz. The proposed design uses word length of 8 bits in order to test DAC at high speed of 5 GHz. The proposed testing strategy has been designed in standard 65 nm CMOS technology with additional requirement of 1-V supply. This design has been implemented using Cadence IC design environment. The additional advantage of the proposed testing strategy is that it requires lower number of I/O pins and avoids the large number of high speed I/O pads. It therefore also solves the problem of the bandwidth limitation that is associated with I/O transmission paths. The design of the on-chip tester based on memory contains no analog block and is implemented entirely in digital domain. In the proposed design, low frequency of 1 MHz has been used outside the chip to load the data into the memory during the write mode. During the read mode, the frequency of 625 MHz is used to read the data from the memory. A multiplexing system is used to reuse the stored data during read mode to test the intended functionality and performance. In order to convert the parallel data into serial data at high frequency at the memory output, serializer has been used. By using the frequencies of 1.25 GHz and 2.5 GHz, the serializer speeds up the data from the lower frequency of 625 MHz to the highest frequency of 5 GHz in order to test DAC at 5 GHz.

Integration of Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy for Multichannel Cell Culture Measurement

Chan, Conard 01 February 2022 (has links) (PDF)
ELECTROCHEMICAL IMPEDANCE SPECTROSCOPY (EIS) has been widely used to study the electrical properties of biological material due to its non-invasive nature and experimental reliability. However, most of the precision impedance analyzers used in EIS only provide single- or two-channel measurements which are inadequate for larger-scale multiplexed measurements, such as those found in modern microfluidic cell culture experiments. The Biomedical Microsystems Laboratory has developed a 16-channel cell culture platform with integrated electrode arrays for monitoring cell growth and electrical properties (i.e., the so-called “electrical phenotype”). In this paper, a system consisting of a 16-channel solid-state analog multiplexer (MUX)paired with a low-cost, impedance analyzer is developed to replace high-cost physical relay MUX and impedance analyzer systems. System requirements and design constraints for monitoring biological systems are considered and a prototype device was fabricated. Initial testing was performed on a breadboard to verify the feasibility of the design idea. Results identified measurement errors due to parasitic elements in the system. Software compensation successfully corrected for parasitic capacitance in the analog MUX design. The accuracy of the measurement system was evaluated on a developed Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) by comparing theoretical values to MUX compensated data. Finally, an EIS experiment was carried out with tap water with the PCBA system, and measurement results were analyzed using an equivalent Circuit Model (ECM). These results successfully captured the dynamics of charge transport in the electrical double layer, consistent with a modified-Randlecell ECM.

Mediacentral för skogsmaskiner : Ny konstruktion för Komatsu Forest AB / Media center in forestry machines : New design for Komatsu Forest AB

Lindmark, Isak January 2017 (has links)
Komatsu Forrest AB have a demand for a media solution where the user can select between different input sources as well as output channels. The input sources are Radio, Bluetooth, AUX, two microphones and PC. The system shall also be able to mix sound from an ANC unit (Active Noise Control). Due to the demands from the company, the system must be able to be digitally controlled. The goal is to present a concept that offers the solution for these demands.To specify the needs from the user a dialog with employees with more knowledge about the user’s use have resulted in a table. From this a technical design has been created and resulted in a technical design requirement. With the design structure as a base, simulations have been done. After the structure has been verified by simulations a prototype with the basic functions have been designed and programmed and verified to clarify the function.Simulations and measurements have shown that the design works as desired. The result shows that the unit can meet the requirements set by the company in a user-friendly manner. The project has resulted in different solutions and these evaluated for pros and cons compared to the chosen solution. / Komatsu Forest AB behöver en multimedialösning för att uppfylla specifika behov exempelvis simultant användande av två mobiltelefoner och två mikrofoner. Enheten ska klara av att hantera ljud från flertalet ljudkällor samt två mikrofoner och aktiv bullerreducering. Systemet ska styras digitalt från till exempel en PC. Målet är att presentera ett koncept som erbjuder en lösning för dessa problem.Utformningen av enheten har gjorts genom att utvärdera användarens bruksområden tillsammans med den vision som legat till grund för projektet. Detta har genom samtal med anställda på företaget medfört en sammanställning över förarens användnings-områden. Utifrån denna sammanställning av användningsområdena har en teknisk skiss för enhetens uppbyggnad möjliggjorts. Efter att funktionen för skissen har verifierats med simuleringar har ett prototypkort för enhetens grundstomme konstrueras, programmerats samt verifierat konstruktionen.Simuleringar och mätningar verifierar att konstruktionen fungerar som önskat. Resultatet visar att enheten skulle uppfylla de uppsatta önskemålen på ett bra och användarvänligt sätt. Då flera lösningar har tagits fram under projektets gång diskuteras för och nackdelar med dessa samt motiveras varför den valda lösningen är bäst anpassad.

Ultra-dense co-integration of FeFETs and CMOS logic enabling very-fine grained Logic-in-Memory

Breyer, Evelyn T., Mulaosmanovic, Halid, Trommer, Jens, Melde, Thomas, Dünkel, Stefan, Trentzsch, Martin, Beyer, Sven, Mikolajick, Thomas, Slesazeck, Stefan 23 June 2022 (has links)
Ferroelectric field-effect transistors (FeFET) based on hafnium oxide offer great opportunities for Logic-in-Memory applications, due to their natural ability to combine logic (transistor) and memory (ferroelectric material), their low-power operation, and CMOS compatible integration. Besides aggressive scaling, dense integration of FeFETs is necessary to make electronic circuits more area-efficient. This paper investigates the impact of ultra-dense co-integration of a FeFET and an n-type selector FET, sharing the same active area, arranged in a 2TNOR memory array. The examined FeFETs exhibit a very similar switching behavior as FeFETs arranged in a standard AND-type array, indicating that the ultra-dense co-integration does not degrade the FeFET performance, and thus, paves the path to a very fine-grained, ultra-dense Logic-in-Memory implementation. Based on this densely integrated 2TNOR array we propose a very compact design of a 4-to-1 multiplexer with a build-in look-up table, thus directly merging logic and memory.

Estudo do desempenho do Multiplexador/Demultiplexador add/dropbaseado na configuraÃÃo do InterferÃmetro de Michelson de fibras Ãpticas para aplicaÃÃes em sistemas OTDMA e OCDMA / Study the performance of the multiplexer/demultiplexer add/drop based on the Michelson interferometer configuration for fiber for applications in optical systems OTDMA and OCDMA

Antonio Francisco Gomes Furtado Filho 02 March 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Neste trabalho, alÃm dos capÃtulos que envolvem a teoria e definiÃÃes, foi basicamente divido em trÃs estudos: Primeiro (capÃtulo 4), apresentamos uma investigaÃÃo numÃrica do desempenho de um filtro passa-banda totalmente Ãptico composto por um acoplador direcional duplo seguido de duas grades de Bragg simetricamente iguais gravadas nos seus braÃos de saÃda. Esta configuraÃÃo caracteriza um InterferÃmetro de Michelson com caracterÃsticas de um filtro add/drop. As caracterÃsticas de transmissÃo (T), taxa de extinÃÃo (XR) e âcrosstalkâ (XT) foram estudadas a partir da aplicaÃÃo de um sinal CW (onda contÃnua) na entrada do dispositivo. A teoria de modos acoplados e o mÃtodo de Runge Kutta de 4a ordem foram aplicados, respectivamente para resolver as equaÃÃes diferenciais acopladas. Este à o primeiro estudo feito considerando a nÃo linearidade do acoplador e a linearidade das grades de Bragg. O dispositivo apresenta um comportamento altamente nÃo-linear em funÃÃo do defasamento entre as amplitudes dos feixes refletidos e em funÃÃo da potÃncia de entrada. Num segundo momento (capÃtulo 5) apresentamos a propagaÃÃo e chaveamento de pulsos ultracurto (~2ps) usando um interferÃmetro de Michelson de Fibras Ãpticas. Neste estudo o desempenho do interferÃmetro à estudado como uma funÃÃo das caracterÃsticas nÃo lineares do acoplador e das grades de Bragg. Os estudos numÃricos foram feitos a partir das equaÃÃes de modos acoplados resolvidas usando o mÃtodo de Runge-Kutta de 4 ordem. As caracterÃsticas de chaveamento do pulso foram analisadas em funÃÃo da potÃncia de entrada e do defasamento aplicado em uma das grades de Bragg. As caracterÃsticas de transmissÃo (T), coeficiente de ExtinÃÃo (XR), âcrosstalkâ (XT), fator de compressÃo (FC). Utilizamos trÃs valores de potÃncia de entrada: abaixo da potÃncia critica (P0=1W), igual a potÃncia crÃtica (P0=1,73W) e acima da potÃncia crÃtica (P0=1,95W). AtravÃs deste estudo, pode-se verificar que a transmissÃo, taxa de extinÃÃo, âcrosstalkâ e fator de compressÃo dependem da potÃncia da bombeio inserida no dispositivo e da defasagem aplicada. O interferÃmetro de Michelson em fibras implementa componente de grande importÃncia para aplicaÃÃes em redes Ãpticas, como os demultiplexadores add/drop. Este dispositivo tem atraÃdo bastante interesse no campo das telecomunicaÃÃes devido a sua alta capacidade de taxas de transmissÃo. Num terceiro momento foi apresentado um estudo de simulaÃÃo numÃrica do desempenho da codificaÃÃo e decodificaÃÃo de pulsos Ãpticos curtos (ps) em sistemas OCDMA (Optical Code Division Multiple Access â acesso VIII mÃltiplo por divisÃo de cÃdigo no domÃnio Ãptico) baseado em FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating â grade de Bragg em fibra Ãptica) onde os cÃdigos sÃo inseridos atravÃs de saltos discretos na fase Ãptica (Âπ). Para geraÃÃo de pulsos codificados foram utilizados cÃdigos de Gold obtidos analiticamente. Analisamos como a inserÃÃo de cÃdigos adicionais afetam a autocorrelaÃÃo e correlaÃÃo cruzada. O interferÃmetro de Michelson inicialmente estudado no capÃtulo 4 foi utilizado para propagaÃÃo e chaveamento de sinais codificados. Baseados nas caracterÃsticas de TransmissÃo (T) e Taxa de extinÃÃo (XR) fizemos um estudo do dispositivo como multiplexador /demultiplexador add/drop na recuperaÃÃo de pulsos codificados. / This work, in addition the chapters which involves both theory and definitions, was basically divided three studies: First (chapter 4),we present a numerical investigation of the performance of a bandpass filter composed of an all-optical directional coupler, followed by two double bars Bragg recorded symmetrically equal outputs in their arms. This configuration features a Michelson interferometer with characteristics of an add/ drop filter. The transmission characteristics (T), extinction rate (XR) and "crosstalk" (XT) were studied based on the application of a CW signal (continuous wave) into the device. Theory of coupled modes and the Runge Kutta fourth order were applied respectively to solve the coupled differential equations. This is the first study considering the nonlinearity of the coupler and the linearity of Bragg gratings. The device features a highly nonlinear behavior as a function of dephasing between the amplitudes of the reflected beams and depending on the input power. In a second step (section 5), the propagation and switching of ultrashort pulse (~ 2PS) Michelson interferometer using an optical fiber. In this study the performance of the interferometer is studied as a function of the nonlinear characteristics of the coupler and Bragg gratings. The numerical studies were made from the coupled mode equations solved using the Runge-Kutta 4th order. The pulse switching characteristics were analyzed as a function of input power and applied to one dephasing Bragg gratings. The transmission characteristics (T), extinction coefficient (XR), "crosstalk" (XT), the compression factor (CF)and shape of the pulses were analyzed for different values of phase and different input powers. We use three values of input power: below the critical power (1W = P0), equal to the critical power (P0 = 1.73W) and above the critical power (P0 = 1.95W). Through this study, it is found that the transmission rate of extinction, "crosstalk" and compression factor depends on the power of the pump device inserted into the gap and applied The Michelson interferometer fiber implement major component with applications in optical networks, such as demultiplexers add/drop. This device has attracted considerable interest in the field of telecommunications due to its ability of high transmission rates. In the third place was presented a numerical simulation study of the performance of encoding and decoding of short optical pulses (ps) systems OCDMA (Optical Code Division Multiple Access based on FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating ) where codes are inserted through discrete jumps in the optical phase ( π). For generation of coded pulses were used Gold codes obtained analytically. We look at how the inclusion of additional codes affect the autocorrelation and cross correlation.The Michelson interferometer initially studied Chapters 4 was used for propagation and switching of encrypted signals. Based on the characteristics of transmission (T) and extinction rate (XR) did a study of the device as multiplexer/demultiplexer add / drop in the recovery of coded pulses.

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