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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sociala medier och dess påverkan på ungdomars psykiska hälsa – utifrån professionellas synvinkel

Almaliki, Zahraa January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur negativa effekter av sociala medier påverkar tonåringarnas mentala hälsa och ta reda på interventionerna som utförs av yrkesverksamma som arbetar med tonåringar på olika sätt. En kvalitativ metod har använts i denna studie baserad på semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra professionella inom olika områden. Två perspektiv har använts för att analysera resultaten; tonåringarnas presentation av sig själva framför andra och hur tonåringar skapar en identitet genom andra. Resultatet av studien visar att sociala medier kan påverka tonåringarnas mentala hälsa genom passiv användning av en vald plattform. Studien visar också att tonåringar kan bilda ett beroende av smartphones och sociala medier och samtidigt riskera psykisk sjukdom när man jämför sig med andra. Vidare visas det i studien att tonåringar föredrar att presentera en positiv bild av sig själva på sociala medier som kan sätta press på dem att ständigt visa sina bästa sidor. En annan risk för sociala medier är nätmobbning som orsakar psykisk sjukdom för tonåringar, där professionella intervenerar genom samtal. Studien visar att vissa yrkesverksamma saknar information om hur man hanterar tonåringar som indirekt uttrycker en form av psykisk sjukdom på grund av sociala medier. Slutligen visar studien att tonåringar kanske inte är medvetna om den negativa sidan av sociala medier som uppmuntrar fler ansträngningar från professionella för att öka tonåringarnas medvetenhet om detta fenomen. / The aim of this study was to investigate how negative effects of social media affect teenagers’ mental health, and to find out the interventions performed by professionals that work with teenagers in various ways. A qualitative method has been used in this study based on semi-structured interviews with four professionals in different fields. Two perspectives have been used to analyze the results; teenagers’ presentation of themselves in front of others and how teenagers create an identity through others. The result of the study show that social media can affect teenagers’ mental health through passive using of a chosen platform. The study also shows that teenagers could form an addiction to smartphones and social media while at the same time risk mental illness when comparing themselves to others. Furthermore, it is shown in the study that teenagers prefer to present a positive image of themselves on social media which could set pressure on them to constantly show their best sides. Another risk of social media is cyberbullying that causes mental illness for teenagers, where professionals intervene through dialogues. The study shows that some professionals’ lack information on how to deal with teenagers that indirectly express a form of mental illness because of social media. Finally, the study shows that teenagers may not be aware of the negative side of social media which encourages more efforts from professionals to raise teenagers’ awareness about this phenomenon.

Designing Interventions for Cyber-bullying: A Design Thinking Approach

Lal, Shubhangi S. 04 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Lärares upplevelser av undervisning mot nätkränkningar : En empirisk undersökning om lärares upplevelser av undervisning mot nätkränkningarrelaterat till styrmedel och didaktisk praxis

Lundell Björk, Sofia, Thynell, Alexandra January 2021 (has links)
En stor del av elevers vardag spenderas på internet, vilket möjliggör bland annat socialinteraktion och informationsutbyte, samtidigt som risken för att bli utsatt för kränkningarökar. För att minska risken av nätkränkningars utbredning krävs utbildade och medvetnaaktörer. Syftet med studien är att undersöka lärares upplevelser av undervisning motnätkränkningar relaterat till styrmedel och didaktisk praxis. Studien är kvalitativ och detempiriska underlaget skapas genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med verksammasamhällskunskapslärare i årskurs fyra till sex. Resultatet visar att lärarna i studien anser attarbetet mot nätkränkningar ingår i ett större undervisningssammanhang som berör skolansvärdegrund. I utformandet av undervisningen utgår lärarna från olika delar av det centralainnehållet i kursplanen för samhällskunskap och använder sig till stor del av varierandeundervisningsmetoder. Den enda gemensamma metod som lärarna använder är diskussion isyfte att öka elevers medvetenhet om fenomenet. Att lärarna arbetar på olika sätt mednätkränkningar kan härledas till tolkning av styrmedel, tidigare utbildning, medvetenhet ochintresse för fenomenet. Goda elevrelationer är av stor vikt för lärarens förståelse avproblematiken, då lärarens kunskapsbild är beroende av den information elever delger lärareom sin vardag på sociala plattformar.

Cyberbullying : En Kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av nätmobbning bland barn och unga i de nordiska länderna / Cyberbullying : A Qualitative Studie of the Experience of CyberbullyingAmong kids and Youths in the Different Nordic Countries

Abou Niaj, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Nätmobbning har länge varit ett omfattande problem bland barn och ungdomar, särskilt i skolverksamheten. I och med den snabba utvecklingen av internet har mobbning börjat uttryckas i en ny domän, nämligen internet. Detta fenomen kallas för cybermobbning. Syfte: Syftet med följande uppsats är att undersöka upplevelsen av nätmobbning samt vilka strategier som finns för att bekämpa nätmobbning. Metod: För att besvara det som efterfrågas i uppsatsen har en litteraturstudie av kvalitativ ansats använts. Resultat: Resultatet visar att barn och ungdomar som utsatts för mobbning kan få bestående problem, både socialt och intellektuellt. Slutsats: Det främjande arbetet bör innehålla information om konsekvenserna av nätmobbning. Vuxna som är uppväxta under andra omständigheter där internet inte varit lika omfattande i vardagen bör även få en vidgad uppfattning av nätmobbning. / Background: Cyberbullying has long been a problem among children and young people and especially in school activities. With the rapid development of the internet, bullying has begun to be expressed in a new arena, namely the internet. This is often called cyberbullying. Purpose: The purpose of the following paper is to investigate the experience of cyberbullying and what possible strategies exist to combat cyberbullying. Method: To answer the purpose, a literature review with qualitative approach has been used. Results: The results show that children and young people who have been bullied can have lasting problems, both socially and intellectually. Conclusion: The conclusion that can be drawn from the following study is that the promotion work should include information on the consequences of cyberbullying. Adults who grew up in other circumstances where the internet has not been as extensive in everyday life should also have a broader perception of cyberbullying.

Bezpečnostní hrozby internetu / Internet security threats

Bolek, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a development of a system, which serves as a supportive tool for improvement of cyberbullying prevention. The system provides continuous collection and evaluation of information about how much time users spend on mobile apps intended for mobile devices running Android operating system. The main parts of the system are the Android application and the remote server with the web application. The Android application provides continuous collection of information about device usage and sends it to the remote server at weekly intervals. Access to mobile device usage history is obtained by the API android.app.usage. The web application is responsible for receiving data from individual devices and for subsequent data processing. The results of data processing are presented through the user interface of the web application. The PHP framework Laravel is used to build the web application.

Skolkuratorers syn på nätmobbning : En kvalitativ studie kring skolkuratorers upplevelser och arbete mot nätmobbning / School Counselors' Views on Cyberbullying : A Qualitative Study of School Counselors' Experiences and Work Against Cyberbullying

Bernevik, Ebba January 2022 (has links)
Cyberbullying is a phenomenon that is increasing as more children and young people use social media. This phenomenon affects the mental and physical well-being of children and young people. Previous research addresses the school's and school counselor’s responsibility for the preventive and health-promoting work around cyberbullying. The purpose of the thesis is to study how school counselors in primary and secondary schools experience cyberbullying, as well as how they work with cyberbullying and what preventive and remedial measures are taken in cases of cyberbullying. The theoretical basis of the study is partly Lipsky’s (1980) theory of space for action (discretion) and Brante's (2009) professional theory. The empirical material of the study was collected through four qualitative semi-structured interviews with school counselors which were then analyzed thematically to be reported. A literature review was also carried with the aim to find relevant research and current knowledge bases related to the area. The results of the study highlight that school counselors work with cyberbullying in much the same way as traditional bullying. Three themes that were highlighted extra when it came to the preventive work against cyberbullying were relationship building, legislation and information. However, school counselors highlight that it is more difficult to detect if students are exposed to cyberbullying because it is not possible to see cyberbullying in the physical reality. School counselors also believe that the consequences of cyberbullying can be more problematic than the consequences of traditional bullying. All interviewees also highlight that this phenomenon is something that should be given more attention in schools and in general.

Cyberbullying y ajuste psicosocial y escolar en estudiantes de 5º y 6ª de Educación Primaria

Escortell Sánchez, Raquel 18 January 2017 (has links)
Es un hecho que el siglo XXI comenzó con el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas informáticos, dando paso a una sociedad en red que ha propiciado novedosos contextos de relaciones interpersonales, a la vez que ha sentado las bases de nuevos comportamientos de intimidación y exclusión guiados por las relaciones de abuso de poder. Este fenómeno, conocido en la actualidad como ciberacoso o cyberbullying, se define como una forma de acoso, que implica el uso de teléfonos móviles o Internet y otras tecnologías para acosar, amenazar o intimidar a alguien. Este comparte muchas características con el acoso tradicional, no obstante, presenta otras como el anonimato, la ubicuidad, o la rapidez de difusión que lo hacen más perjudicial. Dada su reciente aparición, estudios previos han dejado abiertos múltiples interrogantes con relación a variables psicosociales y escolares, sobre todo en la preadolescencia. Con la intención de dar respuesta a estos, el objetivo del presente estudio es analizar la prevalencia y las diferencias de sexo y curso del ciberacoso, así como su relación con la personalidad, el autoconcepto, las metas académicas, la agresividad y la ansiedad escolar, en una muestra de 548 alumnos de 5º y 6º de Educación Primaria. Los resultados indican que la prevalencia del ciberacoso en los últimos cursos de primaria es moderada en conductas como el envío de mensaje ofensivos, la difamación y el robo de contraseñas, siendo la prevalencia de ciberacoso mayor en las chicas. Asimismo, el estudio de las variables psicosociales y escolares aporta perfiles diferentes en víctimas, acosadores y observadores. Así, las víctimas presentan una personalidad adaptativa, agresividad verbal baja, pero mayor ansiedad ante la victimización, así como un autoconcepto y orientación hacia metas de logro y aprendizaje bajas. Los acosadores manifiestan una personalidad ajustada, poca ira y ansiedad escolar, mientras que sus metas se orientan más hacia el refuerzo social y su autoconcepto es más bajo. Los observadores también presentan una personalidad adaptativa, menor ansiedad escolar, y un autoconcepto y metas escolares inferiores. Los análisis de regresión logística señalan que el bajo autoconcepto y las metas académicas son las variables más influyentes en la predicción de los tres roles involucrados en el ciberacoso. Las evidencias halladas se discuten estableciendo posibles direcciones para futuros estudios, así como implicaciones prácticas que puedan guiar la elaboración de programas para prevenir el ciberacoso.

Teachers' and Principals' Perceptions of Antibullying Programs in a U.S. Middle School

Uzoma, Nneka 01 January 2019 (has links)
School bullying has become a serious issue in U.S. schools, with children being harassed, hurt, and even killed or driven to suicide or homicide as a result of being bullied. Bullying in schools has persisted despite the various intervention measures taken to curtail the phenomenon. The purpose of this phenomenological exploration was to explore how teachers and principals at a U.S. middle school perceive the school's existing bullying programs and elicit recommendations about how to improve the programs. The theoretical basis of this investigation was Bandura's social learning theory. Data were collected through interviews with 4 principles and 6 teachers. Interview data were transcribed, and then coded and analyzed using a modified Van Kaam procedure, as revised by Moustakas. Nine themes emerged from the data analysis that encompassed participants' perceptions of the causes of bullying and how teachers and principals can help to prevent bullying. The key finding is that teachers reported that more professional training to reduce bullying is needed. Additionally, social learning theory is explanatory of participant experiences as they noted that encouraging positive behavior, kindness, and empathy in the classroom will help minimize bullying conduct in schools. This study may foster societal change by providing insight to educational leaders about how to improve antibullying programs, which may lead to reductions in school dropout rates, incidents of homicide and suicide as a result of school bullying, and other antisocial behaviors associated with school bullying.

Teachers' and Students' Perspectives About Patterns of Interaction

Smith, Ena 01 January 2019 (has links)
Social interaction is key to students' learning in blending learning discussions. Although there is research on interactions in online courses and traditional classes, there is little on whether blended learning discussions are meeting students' social interaction and educational development needs. The purpose of this multicase study was to examine attitudes of first-year and final-year business and technology students and faculty members for patterns of interaction and knowledge construction. The study was conducted in the northeastern United States. Piaget's cognitive constructivism, Vygotsky's social constructivism, and Knowles's andragogy constituted the conceptual framework. Using maximum variation sampling, participants were 8 students and 4 faculty for 2 first-year and 2 final-year classes. Data sources were interviews and discussion responses coded using Straus and Corbin's open, axial, and selective coding procedures. Coded data were analyzed using Merriam's cross-case analysis method. The business students displayed the first three phases of knowledge construction: (a) sharing and comparing (b) discovery and exploration, and (c) negotiation of meaning; the technical students progressed to the fourth phase: testing and modification of proposed synthesis. Knowledge construction often occurred in a positive, challenging form of interaction. The professors expressed that gender, VoiceThread media, and discussion content influenced students' learning. These findings contribute to positive social change by informing stronger learning processes that students and teachers can use in their blended learning classes to facilitate collective knowledge construction.

Talking the Talk: An exploration of parent-child communication about cyberbullying

Droser, Veronica Anne 02 October 2013 (has links)
Technology has, without a doubt, altered the social fabric of society. Mediated forms of communication have paved the way for more efficient production, and the vast amount of information available online has given people the opportunity to be more informed than ever. However, the rise of mediated communication has also presented a number of new threats. The current study focused on one of these threats, cyberbullying, and was interested in looking at how parents talk about and understand their child's cyberbullying behavior. This study had the goal of uncovering if parents talk to their child about cyberbullying, and how they approach these conversations. The intent of this study was was grounded in the idea that parent-child communication is a valuable tool for developing belief systems, as well as making sustainable, positive and effective changes to behavior and perceptions. Ultimately, parents do not avoid conversations about cyberbullying with their children. Parents structure these conversations with the intention of positively changing their child's behavior and beliefs. Specifically, parents talk about cyberbullying with their children as an effort to decrease the perceived risk their child faces if he or she participates in cyberbullying. However, these conversations are limited because they are grounded in misrepresented media coverage of cyberbullying which intensifies cyberbullying behaviors. As such, media producers must work toward presenting more all encompassing and wide spread coverage of cyberbullying as an effort to educate parents about the variety of behaviors which relate to cyberbullying.

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