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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optical Scattering Properties of Fat Emulsions Determined by Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy and Monte Carlo Simulations

Hussain, Moeed January 2010 (has links)
To estimate the propagation of light in tissue-like optical phantoms (fat emulsions), this thesis utilized the diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in combination with Monte Carlo simulations. A method for determining the two-parametric Gegenbauer-kernal phase function was utilized in order to accurately describe the diffuse reflectance from poly-dispersive scattering optical phantoms with small source-detector separations. The method includes the spectral collimated transmission, spatially resolved diffuse reflectance spectra (SRDR) and the inverse technique of matching spectra from Monte Carlo simulations to those measured. An absolute calibration method using polystyrene micro-spheres was utilized to estimate the relation between simulated and measured SRDR intensities. The phase function parameters were comparable with previous studies and were able to model measured spectra with good accuracy. Significant differences between the phase functions for homogenized milk and the nutritive fat emulsions were found.

Liquid Crystals in Aqueous Ionic Surfactant Solutions: Interfacial Instabilities & Optical Applications

Peddireddy, Karthik Reddy 12 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Modelling the Effect of Suspended Bodies on Cavitation Bubbles near a Ridgid Boundary using a Boundary Integral Approach

McGregor, Peter Stanley January 2003 (has links)
Cavitation is the spontaneous vaporisation of a liquid to its gaseous state due to the local absolute pressure falling to the liquid's vapour pressure (Douglas, Gasiorek et al. 1995). Cavitation is present in a wide range of mechanical systems ranging from ship screws to journal bearing. Generally, cavitation is unavoidable and may cause considerable damage and efficiency losses to these systems. This thesis considers hydraulic systems specifically, and uses a modified Greens equation to develop a boundary integral method to simulate the effect that suspended solid bodies have on a single cavitation bubble. Because of the limitations of accurately modelling cavitation bubbles beyond touchdown, results are only presented for cases up to touchdown. The aim of the model is to draw insight into the reasons there is a measurable change in cavitation erosion rate with increasing oil-in-water emulsion percentage. This principle was extended to include the effect that ingested particulates may have on cavitation in hydraulic machinery. Two particular situations are modelled; the first consists of stationary rigid particles in varying proximity to a cavitation bubble near a rigid boundary. The second case is similar; however the suspended particle is allowed to move under the influence of the pressure differential caused by the expanding/contracting cavitation bubble. Numerous characteristics of the domain are considered, including domain pressures and fluid field motion, and individual boundary surface characteristics. The conclusion of the thesis is that solid bodies, either stationary or moving, have little effect on the cavity from an energy perspective. Regardless of size or density, all energy transferred from the cavity to the solid body is returned indicating that there is no net change. As this energy is ultimately responsible for the peak pressure experienced by the domain (and hence responsible for eroding the rigid boundary) as the cavity rebounds, it then serves that a cavity with a solid body will rebound at the same pressure as a cavity without a suspended body present. If this is coupled with the observation that the cavity centroid at touchdown is largely unaffected by the presence of a suspension, then it would appear that the bubble near a solid would rebound at a very similar position as a cavity without a solid. Consequently, the damage potential of a cavity is unaffected by a suspension. However, there is one point of contention as the profile of the re-entrant jet of the cavity is altered by the presence of a suspension. As energy is radiated away from the cavity during penetration, it is possible that the shape of the jet may alter the rate that energy is radiated away during penetration. However, this requires further research to be definitive.

Φυσικοχημική μελέτη της σταθερότητας γαλακτωμάτων πρωτεϊνών γάλακτος με την τεχνική της μονοφασικής χρωματογραφίας πεδίου

Κέντα, Στέλλα 31 May 2012 (has links)
Τα γαλακτώματα είναι η κολλοειδής διασπορά δύο μη αναμίξιμων υγρών, τα οποία είναι κατά κανόνα θερμοδυναμικά ασταθή συστήματα. Οι πρωτεΐνες γάλακτος είναι γνωστές επιφανειοδραστικές ουσίες και ως εκ τούτου χρησιμοποιούνται ως συστατικά σε ένα ευρύ φάσμα γαλακτωμάτων τροφίμων. Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι η εύρεση των κατάλληλων συνθηκών για την παρασκευή σταθερών γαλακτωμάτων πρωτεϊνών γάλακτος. Το μέγεθος των λιποσφαιριδίων διαδραματίζει τον κυρίαρχο ρόλο στη σταθερότητα του γαλακτώματος πρωτεϊνών γάλακτος. Η μέτρηση του μεγέθους των λιποσφαιριδίων έγινε με την τεχνική της Μονοφασικής Χρωματογραφίας Φυγοκεντρικού Πεδίου. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, μελετήθηκε η επίδραση της συγκέντρωσης (0,5 έως 3,0% w/w) και του τύπου (πρωτεΐνες ορού και καζεΐνες) των πρωτεϊνών γάλακτος, καθώς και των συνθηκών ομογενοποίησης (πίεση ομογενοποίησης 200 έως 600bar) του γαλακτώματος. Επίσης, μελετήθηκε η επίδραση της συγκέντρωσης γαλακτωματοποιητών εμπορίου (Tween 80) στη σταθερότητα των γαλακτωμάτων. Επιπρόσθετα, έγινε κινητική μελέτη συσσωμάτωσης των γαλακτωμάτων από πρωτεΐνες γάλακτος και στη συνέχεια μελετήθηκαν πιο συγκεκριμένα τα γαλακτώματα καζεϊνών, με σκοπό τον προσδιορισμό της σταθεράς ταχύτητας της συσσωμάτωσης των λιποσφαιριδίων σε θερμοκρασίες 30,5 και 80 ᵒC. Αυξάνοντας την πίεση ομογενοποίησης του γαλακτώματος παρατηρήθηκε μείωση της διαμέτρου των λιποσφαιριδίων. Τα γαλακτώματα που ομογενοποιήθηκαν σε πίεση μεγαλύτερη των 500 bar παρουσίασαν ευρύτερη κατανομή μεγέθους, λόγω της υψηλής θερμοκρασίας που αναπτύχθηκε κατά τη διάρκεια της ομογενοποίησης. Η πρωτεϊνική συγκέντρωση έχει σημαντικές επιπτώσεις στις φυσικοχημικές ιδιότητες του γαλακτώματος (λάδι σε νερό). Αυξανόμενης της συγκέντρωσης των πρωτεϊνών γάλακτος, μειώθηκε αισθητά η διάμετρος των λιποσφαιριδίων του γαλακτώματος και σε χαμηλές συγκεντρώσεις πρωτεϊνών (<1%κ.β.) παρατηρήθηκε σχηματισμός συσσωματωμάτων. Παρατηρήθηκε μικρή μεταβολή της διαμέτρου των λιποσφαιριδίων των γαλακτωμάτων που σχηματίστηκαν με διαφορετικές αναλογίες κλασμάτων πρωτεϊνών ορού/καζεϊνών. Οι δύο τύποι των πρωτεϊνών του γάλακτος παρουσίασαν πολύ καλή γαλακτωματοποιητική δράση και τα γαλακτώματα που σχηματίστηκαν ήταν πολύ σταθερά. Παρατηρήθηκε ότι, αυξάνοντας τη συγκέντρωση των πρωτεϊνών του ορού γάλακτος και ταυτόχρονα μειώνοντας τη συγκέντρωση των καζεϊνών, μειώθηκε η διάμετρος των λιποσφαιριδίων του γαλακτώματος. Η σταθερότητα των γαλακτωμάτων σε σχέση με τον χρόνο οφείλεται στη δομή των μορίων των πρωτεϊνών που σταθεροποιούν τα γαλακτώματα αυτά. Κατά συνέπεια, τα μόρια των καζεϊνών και των πρωτεϊνών ορού, προσδίδουν διαφορετικές ιδιότητες στα γαλακτώματα λόγω της διαφορετικής δομής τους. Τα γαλακτώματα που σχηματίστηκαν με καζεΐνες ήταν πιο ανθεκτικά στην θερμοκρασία και παρουσίασαν μακροπρόθεσμη σταθερότητα σε σχέση με τα γαλακτώματα που περιείχαν μόνο πρωτεΐνες ορού. Η υπολογισθείσα φαινόμενη σταθερά συσσωμάτωσης των γαλακτωμάτων καζεϊνών στη θερμοκρασία των 30,5 ᵒC βρέθηκε να είναι σχεδόν 14 φορές μικρότερη από αυτή των γαλακτωμάτων που συσσωματώθηκαν στη θερμοκρασία 80,0 ᵒC. Επομένως, η διαδικασία της συσσωμάτωσης συμβαίνει ταχύτερα σε πιο υψηλές θερμοκρασίες θέρμανσης για τα γαλακτώματα καζεϊνών, ωστόσο έφτασαν στο μέγιστο βαθμό συσσωμάτωσης σε ίδιο χρονικό διάστημα. / In the food industry, when referring to an oil-in-water emulsion, is usually described in which oil is dispersed in the form of small spherical droplets in the continuous phase. Food emulsions are thermodynamically unstable. Nevertheless, food scientists are able to slow down the above physicochemical mechanisms responsible for emulsion instability and thus, extend the self-life of such products by a relatively simple and well studied process, termed emulsification. Surface active materials termed emulsifiers, such as proteins help produce small droplets and contribute to the stability of the emulsion. Emulsifiers decrease the interfacial tension between the oil and water phases through rapid adsorption to the surface of the newly formed oil droplets. Milk proteins (caseins and whey proteins) are well known surfactants and hence are used as ingredients in a wide range of food emulsions. One of the important parameters affecting the quality, appearance and taste of the final food products is the particle size of the ingredients included. For example, particle size of fat globules plays predominant role in the stability of the milk-protein stabilized emulsion. Milk protein-stabilized model emulsions were formed using high-pressure homogenization and the effect of homogenization pressure during emulsification, protein concentration, type of milk proteins (casein and whey proteins) and the effect of the surfactant Tween-80 were studied. The kinetic of milk protein emulsions aggregation was also studied and moreover, the apparent rate constant was calculated for the aggregation of caseinate stabilized emulsions in different temperatures (30,5 and 80,0 ᵒC). Sedimentation field flow fractionation was employed for the size characterization of oil droplets and the results obtained are consistent with those of other studies. Increasing protein content results in significant reduction in emulsion particle size for the concentration range (0.5 – 3.0 % w/w) employed in this study. Low protein content (<1%) may be correlated with bridging flocculation leading to increased particle size, as indicated by optical microscopy. Similarly, increasing pressure during the homogenization process results in decreasing significantly the particle size of the oil-in-water emulsions, for the pressure range (200 – 600 bar) utilized in this study. Increased heating associated with high levels of pressure during the homogenization process, can result in changes in the oil or protein structure, which in turn may have an impact on the physicochemical properties of the oil-in-water emulsions on a long-term basis. The two types of milk proteins appeared to be both good emulsifiers and the formed emulsions were very stable. Increasing whey protein content and together decreasing the casein content, results in small reduction in emulsion particle size. Different proteins depending on their composition and structure posses’ properties, which render them, better emulsifiers than others. Caseinate stabilized emulsions were more resistant in heating time than whey stabilized emulsions. The calculated apparent rate constant for the aggregation of caseinate stabilized emulsions at the temperature of 30,5 ᵒC was found to be fourteen times smaller than the one at the temperature of 80,0 ᵒC. Therefore, the aggregation process is faster in high temperatures for caseinate stabilized emulsions, although the maximum of aggregation point is attained at the same time in both temperatures.

Tratamento de emulsões óleo/água utilizando a vermiculita modificada para a remoção de óleo. / Treatment of oil / water emulsions using modified vermiculite for the removal of oil.

SILVA, Valdete Campos. 23 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-03-23T22:05:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VALDETE CAMPOS SILVA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEQ 2015..pdf: 1742009 bytes, checksum: d14a2b9103828a1effe17c04bc86fe09 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-23T22:05:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VALDETE CAMPOS SILVA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEQ 2015..pdf: 1742009 bytes, checksum: d14a2b9103828a1effe17c04bc86fe09 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-13 / Capes / As águas oleosas provenientes de descartes de algumas indústrias representam um sério problema para o ecossistema marinho e terrestre, sendo necessário um tratamento prévio para reutilização ou descarte dessas águas. O uso de materiais adsorventes vem sendo bastante estudado pelo fato de minimizar os problemas causadores no sistema ambiental. A busca por materiais de baixos custos, alta capacidade de remoção e fácil disponibilidade são fatores importantes para a sua escolha. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo a avaliação da capacidade de remoção de óleo utilizando argila vermiculita modificada com sal quaternário de amônio e cera de carnaúba líquida em soluções emulsionadas óleo/água. Para tal finalidade, o planejamento fatorial 2² com três pontos centrais foi realizado para determinar as condições dos ensaios de banho finito. Para o processo de expansão a argila vermiculita in natura foi aferida, antes e depois da expansão, em uma proveta graduada. Foi levada ao forno mufla frio até atingir as temperaturas de 700, 800, e 900 ºC e, após atingir estas temperaturas permaneceu por mais 15 minutos no forno. A argila vermiculita expandida foi modificada com o sal quaternário de amônio CTABr e a cera de carnaúba líquida durante 2 minutos, sob agitação constante. Após as modificações, foram preparadas as emulsões óleo/água nas concentrações de 50, 75 e 100 ppm, utilizando o cloreto de sódio, óleo lubrificante Petrobras e água deionizada, sob agitação mecânica por 20 minutos. Para o banho finito, foram utilizadas as amostras da argila modificada, água deionizada, e as emulsões óleo/água, seguindo o planejamento fatorial 2². Após todos os procedimentos, as emulsões óleo/água e as amostras do banho finito, foram avaliadas através do analisador de óleo Horiba OCMA-350. Por meio do tratamento térmico, verificou-se que o processo de expansão das lamelas da vermiculita foi favorecido a temperatura de 700 oC. Nos difratogramas ficou evidenciado a intercalação do sal quaternário de amônio devido aumento da distância interlamelar do pico característico da argila vermiculita expandida. Com os espectros de infravermelhos observou-se a ausência da água adsorvida, ocasionada pelo processo de expansão, e a intercalação do material orgânico. A partir das micrografias verificou-se que a intercalação do sal quaternário de amônio e a cera de carnaúba gerou o preenchimento dos espaços vazios entre as camadas decorrentes da argila expandida que resultaram em aglomerados mais compactos. A argila vermiculita modificada com sal quaternário de amônio apresentou maior potencial na capacidade de remoção, nos tempos de 1h e 3h, e concentração de 100 ppm, em relação à argila modificada com cera de carnaúba. Para a argila vermiculita modificada com sal quaternário de amônio os ensaios 1 (50 ppm/1 hora) e 2 (100 ppm /1 hora) tiveram a melhor porcentagem de remoção de óleo, com 89,72% e 90,80%, respectivamente, e para a argila vermiculita modificada com cera de carnaúba os ensaios 2 (100 ppm/1 hora) e 4 (100 ppm/3 horas) tiveram a melhor remoção de óleo, com 84,21% e 86,90%, respectivamente. / Oily water from discharges of some industries represent a serious problem for the marine and terrestrial ecosystem, requiring pretreatment for reuse or disposal of these waters. The use of adsorbent materials has been widely studied because of minimizing the problems causing the environmental system. The search for low-cost materials, high capacity removal and easy availability are important factors in their choice. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the oil removal capacity using vermiculite modified clay with quaternary ammonium salt and wax liquid carnauba in emulsified oil / water solutions. For this purpose, the factorial design 2² with three central points was conducted to determine the conditions of finite bath trials. For the process of expansion in nature vermiculite clay was measured before and after expansion, in a graduated cylinder. It was brought to the cold muffle furnace until it reaches temperatures of 700, 800, and 900 ° C and, after reached these temperatures remained for 15 more minutes in the oven. The expanded vermiculite clay was modified with the quaternary ammonium salt, the liquid CTABr and carnauba wax, for 2 minutes under constant stirring. After the modifications, the oil/water emulsions were prepared at concentrations of 50, 75 and 100 ppm, using sodium chloride, Petrobrás lubricating oil and deionized water, under mechanical stirring for 20 minutes. For the finite bath, the samples modified clay, the deionized water, and the oil/water emulsions were used, according to the 2² factorial design. Após todos os procedimentos, as emulsões óleo/água e as amostras do banho finito, foram avaliadas através do analisador de óleo Horiba OCMA-350. Through the heat treatment, it was found that the process of expansion of the vermiculite lamellae was favored of 700 ° C temperature. In diffractogram, was evidence the intercalation of quaternary ammonium salt, due to increased interlayer distance from the characteristic peak of the expanded vermiculite clay. With the infrared spectra, were observe the absence of adsorbed water, caused by the expansion process, and intercalation of the organic material. From the micrographs it was found that the intercalation of quaternary ammonium salt and carnauba wax generated filled the voids between layers of the resulting expanded clay which have resulted in more compact aggregation. The vermiculite modified clay with quaternary ammonium salt has the greatest potential removability, the times of 1h and 3h, and 100 ppm concentration, in relation to the clay modified with carnauba wax. For the vermiculite modified clay with quaternary ammonium salt, the tests 1 (50 ppm / 1 hour) and 2 (100 ppm / 1 hour) had the best percentage of oil removal, with 89.72% and 90.80%, respectively, and vermiculite modified

Qualidade e vida de prateleira de patê elaborado com subprodutos comestíveis do abate de ovinos. / Quality and shelf life of pâté made with edible by-products from slaughtered lamb.

Amaral, Deborah Silva do 20 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-17T14:49:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1476200 bytes, checksum: 9adfb21edcaca9834a01f0b4db7401ca (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Many edible meat by-products, produced from the lamb slaughter, are often wasted, although they represent excellent sources of many nutrients. The preparation of pâté may be an alternative to the use of this raw material, and contribute to the development of lamb sector by the offer of new products to the consumer market. The objective of this work was to produce and evaluate the quality and shelf life of a lamb pâté, made with the blood, liver and trimmed meat, packed in glass and polyamide casing, stored at 4±1 °C for 90 days. The formulation of the product was composed by 12% meat, 25% liver, 13% blood, 20% water and 30% fat, as well as spices and herbs. The lamb pâté was prepared in accordance with the requirements in the Brazilian legislation, regarding chemical and microbiological parameters, being able to use. It presented high iron content (9.0 mg/100g), important in the control of anemia. The levels of essential amino acids, found in 100g of the lamb pâté, exceeded the recommended daily allowances for adults, especially leucine, valine and histidine. The lamb pâté showed also a significant percentage of linoleic acid (16.68%), which is essential to the human body. The lamb pâté had good acceptability, whereas 55.6 % of the panelists indicated that they will probably buy it. The storage period showed good microbiological stability, but its shelf life was limited by the regression of the acceptability of sensory attributes, especially, overall impression and texture. The physico-chemical parameters of lamb pâté were affected by storage time, especially the instrumental texture, which indicated instability of emulsion during storage, and an increase in hardness, springiness and gumminess. Difference between the two packages used to the lamb pâté was detected only to the moisture, TBARS, hardness and gumminess parameters; however, there was no change in the microbiological and sensory quality of the product, this result highlights the advantages of the packages studied. In fact, this study suggests that the development of lamb pâté is a viable alternative to add value to the edible byproducts of lamb in order to obtain a product with high nutritional value. / Do abate ovino resultam diversos subprodutos comestíveis, os quais representam fonte nutricional e sensorial, sendo muitas vezes desperdiçados. A elaboração de patê apresenta-se como uma alternativa para o aproveitamento desta matéria-prima de baixo valor comercial, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento da ovinocultura, além da diversificação de seus produtos ao mercado consumidor. Neste aspecto, objetivou-se com este trabalho produzir, avaliar a qualidade físico-química, sensorial e a vida de prateleira de um patê, elaborado com o sangue, fígado e carne de ovinos, embalado em vidro e em tripa de poliamida, armazenado a 4±1°C durante 90 dias. A formulação do produto foi composta por 12% de carne, 25% de fígado, 13% de sangue, 20% de água e 30% de toucinho, além de especiarias e condimentos. O patê apresentou os requisitos exigidos na legislação Brasileira, quanto aos parâmetros químicos e microbiológicos, com elevado teor de ferro (9,0 mg/100g), importante no controle da anemia. Os níveis de aminoácidos essenciais encontrados em 100g da amostra superaram as quantidades diárias recomendadas para adultos, especialmente para leucina, valina e histidina. O patê ovino apresentou uma porcentagem significativa de ácido linoleico (16,68%), que é essencial para o organismo humano. O produto teve boa aceitação sensorial, visto que 55,6% dos provadores responderam positivamente a intenção de compra. Quanto ao período de armazenamento, o produto apresentou ótima estabilidade microbiológica, entretanto sua vida útil foi limitada pela regressão da aceitabilidade dos atributos sensoriais, principalmente, impressão global e textura. Em relação aos parâmetros físico-químicos, todos foram afetados pelo tempo de armazenamento, especialmente a textura instrumental, a qual indicou instabilidade da emulsão ao longo do armazenamento, com acréscimo da dureza, elasticidade e gomosidade. Verificou-se diferença significativa entre as amostras nas duas embalagens, apenas nas análises de umidade, TBARS, dureza e gomosidade, no entanto, não foi observada nenhuma alteração na qualidade microbiológica e sensorial do produto que destacasse vantagens entre as embalagens estudadas. Este estudo sugere que o desenvolvimento de patê é uma alternativa viável para agregar valor aos subprodutos comestíveis de ovinos, tendo em vista a obtenção de um produto com elevado valor nutricional.


ROSELI MARTINS DE SOUZA 24 June 2003 (has links)
[pt] O conhecimento da concentração dos elementos traço em óleo lubrificante usado é útil para a avaliação de desgastes de componentes específicos de motores.Em óleo combustível, este monitoramento permite avaliar a qualidade do combustível e prever o potencial das emissões de metais no meio ambiente. Neste trabalho, utilizou-se a espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP OES) para a determinação de elementos refratários em amostras de óleo. Desenvolveram-se metodologias para introdução dessas amostras orgânicas no ICP na forma de emulsões (com detergente e sem detergente). Diversos sistemas de nebulização de amostra foram testados, constatando flagrante vantagem do nebulizador do tipo Meinhard K3 acoplado a uma câmara de nebulização ciclônica. A deposição de carbono na extremidade superior do injetor e o sinal de fundo foram minimizados através da cuidadosa otimização da proporção das vazões de argônio e oxigênio no plasma. A otimização dos parâmetros experimentais e instrumentais permitiu a quantificação com curvas de calibração preparadas com padrões inorgânicos dos analitos em meio aquoso. Um padrão interno (Sc) foi usado para correção de efeitos da matriz de óleo lubrificante. Para as emulsões com Triton X-100, limites de detecção (LD- 3ó/m) na ordem de ng g-1 foram calculados para os elementos Ni, Mo, Cr, V e Ti. A metodologia foi validada com materiais de referência certificados do NIST (SRM 1084a, 1085a, 1085b e 1634b) e amostras de óleo diesel enriquecidas com os analitos. Recuperações entre 90 e 107 por cento foram obtidas. O desempenho analítico do método, em termos de parâmetros de mérito, foi comparável ao de metodologias de ICP OES já estabelecidas (decomposição ácida da amostra ou diluição direta com solvente orgânico), porém constatou- se, para o método otimizado, clara vantagem em termos de praticidade. / [en] The quantification of trace elements in used lubricating oil is useful for evaluating wearing of specific components of engines. In fuel oil, such monitoring allows the evaluation of the fuel quality and its potential for metal emissions in the environment. In the present work, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) was used for the determination of refractory elements in oil samples. Methodologies were developed aiming the introduction of such organic samples into the ICP as emulsions (with detergent and detergentless). Several nebulization systems were tested with clear advantage for the Meinhard K3 coupled with a cyclonic chamber. The carbon deposition on the injector tip as well as the plasma background was minimized through a careful optimization of the argon and oxygen flows into the plasma. The optimization of experimental parameters allowed quantification using the calibration curve prepared with analyte inorganic standards. An internal standard (Sc) was used for correction of matrix effects for lubricating oil samples.For emulsions prepared with Triton X-100, limits of detection (LD-3ó/m)in the ng g-1 range were calculated for Ni, Mo, Cr, V e Ti. The methodology was validated through the analysis of certified materials from NIST (SRM 1084a, 1085a e 1085b, 1634b) and with analyte spiked diesel oil. Good recoveries were achieved. The performance of the analytical method, in terms of parameters of merit, were comparable with those of established ICP OES methodologies (sample acid decomposition or sample direct dilution in an organic solvent), however, clear advantages in practical terms were found for this developed methodology.

Protein directed evolution

Laos, Roberto 25 September 2017 (has links)
Evolución dirigida de proteínas: La evolución dirigida es una técnica que nos permite explorar funciones enzimáticas que no son requeridas en el ambiente natural. Esta técnica, simula procesos genéticos naturales y de selección. Esta estrategia se utiliza cuando un diseño racional es muy complicado. Consiste en una repetición de ciclos de diversificación y selección que llevan a la acumulación de mutaciones benéficas. Aquí se presenta dos ejemplos de evolución dirigida con los cuales se ha trabajado directamente: la ADN polimerasa del organismo  Thermus aquaticus usada comúnmente en PCR, y la proteína LacI que regula la expresión de genes usados para el metabolismo de lactosa en E. Coli. / Directed evolution allows us to explore protein functionalities not required in the natural environment. It mimics natural genetic processes and selective pressures. This approach is used when the molecular basis is not completely understood and rational design is a difficult task. This approach consists of serial cycles of consecutive diversification and selection which eventually lead to the accumulation of beneficial mutations. Here are presented two cases where directed evolution is used to modify two different proteins: Taq polymerase, enzyme used for DNA extension in PCR, and the LacI repressor protein which regulates gene expression on E.coli.

Correlações eletrostáticas e de tamanho em um modelo de cela para dispersões coloidais

Derivi, Alexandre Guimarães January 2008 (has links)
Dispersões coloidais estão presentes em muitas aplicações industriais e biológicas, tais como indústria de alimentos, cosméticos, produtos farmacêuticos e nanoestruturas. Devido a efeitos entrópicos, macromoléculas, quando imersas em uma solução de partículas pequenas, tendem a se aglomerar. Para evitar este fenômeno, cargas são adicionadas à superfície do colóide. Conseqüentemente, para manter o sistema neutro, a solução contém uma série de pequenos contraíons que neutralizam a carga do colóide. A inclusão de cargas pode evitar a aglomeração dos colóides, mas incorpora ao problema uma série de novos efeitos de natureza eletrostática. Todos estes efeitos, bem como o comportamento termodinâmico do sistema, no entanto, podem ser compreendidos analisando-se a distribuição de contraíons ao redor do colóide. Uma teoria muito simples que fornece esta distribuição de contraíons é a teoria de Poisson Boltzmann, na qual os contraíons são partículas pontuais e as interações eletrostáticas entre os íons são obtidas via potencial médio criado por todos os íons sobre um determinado contraíon, desconsiderando, desta forma, as correlações. Nesta tese respondemos à pergunta: quando correlações eletrostáticas e de tamanho são relevantes? Propusemos que correlações eletrostáticas são relevantes quando as interações eletrostáticas entre íos superam os efeitos entrópicos, ou seja, quando o parâmetro de plasma está acima de um certo limiar, G2d > 2. Sugerimos, também, que o tamanho dos íons torna-se relevante quando a fração de volume dos contraíons na superfície do colóide está acima de um limiar, ou seja, fs > 0,2. As duas propostas são testadas comparando-se os resultados obtidos via teoria de Poisson Boltzmann com os resultados provenientes de simulações. Em seguida, empregamos a teoria de Debye-Hückel Buraco Cavidade para incorporar correlações eletrostáticas. Comparamos os resultados obtidos via esta teoria com os resultados de simulações. Mostramos que a incorporação dos efeitos de correlações eletrostáticas resultam em um maior número de contraíos próximos à superfície do macroíon do que o observado via teoria de Poisson Boltzmann. Depois, introduzimos duas teorias de funcionais de densidade ponderada que incluem efeitos de correlações de tamanho: funcional de densidade ponderada com um peso baseado na teoria Debye-Hückel Buraco Cavidade e uma funcional de densidade ponderada com um peso constante. Comparamos os resultados obtidos através destas duas teorias com simulações, e observamos que a segunda teoria apresenta uma melhor concordância com as simulações. De maneira geral, as correlações de tamanho deixam os íons mais afastados do colóide do que o predito via teoria de Poisson Boltzmann. Finalmente, propusemos uma combinação da teoria Debye-Hückel-Buraco-Cavidade e funcional de densidade ponderada com um peso constante para tratar de problemas onde tanto correlações eletrostáticas como de tamanho se façam presentes. Observamos que para G2d < 2 e fs < 0,2 a teoria mista fornece os mesmos resultados que a teoria de Poisson Boltzmann; para G2d > 2 e fs < 0,2 a teoria mista fornece os mesmos resultados que a teoria Debye-Hückel-Buraco-Cavidade, pois somente correlações eletrostáticas são relevantes; para G2d < 2 e fs > 0,2 a teoria mista oferece o mesmo resultado que a teoria funcional de densidade ponderada com um peso constante; para G2d ≈ 2 e fs ≈ 0,2 ocorre uma compensação entre efeitos e a teoria mista fornece o mesmo resultado que a teoria de Poisson Boltzmann. Para G2d > 2 and fs > 0,2 efeitos de tamanho dominam e a teoria mista oferece os mesmos resultados que a teoria da funcional de densidade ponderada com umpeso constante. / Colloidal dispersions are present in many industrial and biological applications going from food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and nanostructures. Due to entropic effects the large macromolecules in a solvent made of small particles, agglomerate. In order to avoid this effect, charged groups are added to the colloidal surface. Consequently in order to keep the charge neutrality the solution is full of counterions. The addition of charges might stop agglomeration but adds a number of new phenomena that are deeply related to the distribution of the counterions around the macroion. One simple theory that describes this distribution is the Poisson Boltzmann approach in which the counterions are assumed to be point ions and where the electrostatic interactions between the counterions are taken into account as the average field on a singel ions, ignoring correlations. In this thesis we address the question; when does electrostatic correlations and the size of the counterions are relevant? We propose that electrostatic correlations are relevant when the electrostatic interactions between the ions are bigger than the entropic effects. This assumption can be expressed by the plasma parameter being above a certain threshold, G2d > 2. We also propose that the size of the counterions become relevant when the volume fraction of ions at the surface of the colloid is above a certain threshold fs > 0.2. This two propositions are tested comparing results obtained with the PB theory with simulations. We then propose a theory to take into account the electrostatic correlations, the Debye-Hückel-Hole-Cavity and test this approach with simulations. The electrostatic correlation leads to more ions close to the colloid than the Poisson Boltzmann predicts. Next, we present two different approaches to account for size effects, the Weight Density Approximation based in the Debye-Hückel-Hole-Cavity theory and the Weight Density Approximation based in a constant weight. Comparison with simulations show that the second approach gives a better agreement. The size correlations leads to less ions close to the colloid than the Poisson Boltzmann approach predicts. Finally we propose a combination of the Debye-Hückel-Hole-Cavity and the Weight Density Approximation based in a constant weight to be the theory able to take into account both electrostatic and size correlations. Our result shows that for G2d <2 and fs <0.2 electrostatic and size correlations are irrelevant so Poisson Boltzmann is a good approach; for G2d > 2 and fs < 0.2 electrostatic correlations dominates and Debye-Hückel-Hole-Cavity gives a good approach; G2d < 2 and fs > 0.2 the Weight Density Approximation based in a constant weight gives the correct behavior; for G2d ≈ 2 and fs ≈ 0.2 the electrostatic correlation effects cancel the size effects and Poisson Boltzmann gives a good approximation. For G2d > 2 and fs > 0.2 size effects dominate.


KELLY MARGARITA COLMENARES VARGAS 07 November 2018 (has links)
[pt] O processo de recuperação de óleo pelo deslocamento com água é o método mais utilizado na indústria de petróleo. No entanto, as altas razões de mobilidade e baixas eficiências de varrido tornam o processo menos eficiente. Uma alternativa usada para minimizar este efeito é a aplicação de tecnologias que atuam como agentes de controle de mobilidade. Dentre eles, e em particular a injeção de emulsões de óleo em água tem sido estudada com relativo sucesso como um método de recuperação avançada de óleo. Alguns estudos indicam melhor varredura do reservatório devido a uma redução da mobilidade da água em regiões do reservatório já varridas por água, mediante a aglomeração e bloqueio parcial dos poros mais permeáveis com gotas da fase dispersa da emulsão. Contudo, ainda não há compreensão plena dos mecanismos associados ao escoamento de emulsões em meios porosos, assim, uma análise e visualização na escala microscópica dos fenômenos envolvidos se faz essencial para a melhora do entendimento do escoamento de emulsões em um reservatório. Neste trabalho, experimentos de escoamento de emulsões foram conduzidos em um micromodelo de vidro, estrutura artificial que busca representar alguns aspectos principais de um meio poroso e proporciona uma adequada visualização do comportamento das faces ao longo do escoamento. Nos experimentos foram realizadas alterações na molhabilidade e variou-se a vazão volumétrica a fim de avaliar diferentes números de capilaridade no meio poroso. Dentro dos resultados mais significativos, foi evidenciado como a fase dispersa da emulsão é capaz de bloquear os poros e gargantas de poro alterando a distribuição dos fluidos no meio poroso, melhorando a eficiência de deslocamento na escala de poro e com isso o fator de recuperação final. Os resultados mostram que, a altos números de capilaridade as forças interfaciais são menos importantes ao reduzir o efeito de bloqueio pelas gotas da fase dispersa nos poros do micromodelo. Estes resultados fornecem um grande aprendizado ao permitir conhecer características do escoamento de emulsões no meio poroso para uma futura aplicação no campo. / [en] The oil recovery process by water-flooding is the most used method in the oil industry. However, the high mobility ratios and low sweep efficiencies make the process less effective. A common alternative to minimize this effect is the application of technologies that act as mobility control agents. Among them and in particular the injection of oil in water emulsions has been studied with relative success as an Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) method. Several studies indicate a better reservoir sweep due to the water mobility reduction in regions already swept by water. This reduction can be associated with partial blockage of porous media throats by droplets of emulsion dispersed phase. Nevertheless, there is still no full understanding of the mechanisms associated to the flow of emulsions in porous media, thus, an analysis and visualization at the microscopic scale of the involved phenomena is essential for the improvement of the comprehension of the flow of emulsions in a reservoir. In this work, experimental tests related to the flow of emulsions in a glass micro-model were performed, artificial device that represents some principal features of a porous medium and provides a proper visualization of the phase behavior. In the experiments, the effect of the capillary number on the oil recovery factor and the relative influence of the wettability of the porous medium on the oil displacement process were studied. The results evidence how the oil droplets in the emulsion are capable of block the pores and the pore throats modifying the fluids distribution in the porous medium, improving the displacement efficiency at pore scale and consequently the final oil recovery factor. It was also observed that at high capillary numbers, the blocking caused by the capillary pressure needed to deform the droplet becomes less intense. These results provide a great learning by allowing to know the characteristics of the flow of emulsions in porous media for a future field application.

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