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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing Coalitional Value of a Peer to Group Members:The Role of Sex, Competence, and Peer Deference

Prince, Celeste Marie 24 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

"Our Leaders Were Mighty": Identifying Modern Leadership Philosophies in the Book of Mormon

Peterson, Christopher J 01 July 2019 (has links)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints provides a multitude of leadership opportunities to its members. Although many valuable leadership training resources are available, the Book of Mormon is surprisingly absent as a source material on leadership. Written by and about leaders in the ancient Americas, it seems like the Book of Mormon should contain important principles on how to lead within the context of building God’s kingdom that could be instructive. The Book of Mormon was not preserved to teach modern leadership styles, nor does its usefulness depend on how it does or does not connect to these leadership theories. However, an analysis of the leadership qualities and practices exhibited by leaders in the Book of Mormon could help leaders in the Church to use the Book of Mormon for inspiration and guidance.This paper analyzed the leadership decisions exhibited by Captain Moroni and identified remarkable similarities to transformational leadership and its four components. Nephi, on the other hand, showed a servant leader mentality. Both of these leaders achieved remarkable levels of success, consistent with the current literature on both styles of leadership.

Leadership effectiveness and cognitive style: A Malaysian government linked companies' (GLCs) perspectives

Busari, Abdul Halim January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore leadership effectiveness from the perspectives of the Full Range Leadership Model and Cognitive Style Theory within the framework of understanding both followers and leaders as individual¿s attitudes to leadership effectiveness. Leadership effectiveness was measured using newly developed self-report instrument, the Leadership Effectiveness Questionnaire (LEQ) with three scales of effectiveness as suggested by Yukl (2002), which were: 1) aims, 2) followers¿ attitude towards the leader and, 3) group processes. The Full Range leadership approaches were measured using Bass & Avolio¿s (1997) Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) Form 5X-Short, whilst cognitive style was gathered by using Allinson & Hayes¿s (1996) Cognitive Style Index (CSI). A two stage (questionnaire survey followed by semi structured interviews) mixed method study was undertaken. Questionnaire data was gathered from 331 followers and 172 leaders in Malaysian Government-Linked Companies, and 10 leaders involved in the interviews. Findings from the survey suggest that a transformational approach was correlated significantly and positively with effectiveness. Intuitive Cognitive Style also correlated significantly with leadership effectiveness. Findings from the semistructured interviews identified a few more characteristics of an effective leadership such as balance and appreciative, whilst new dimensions of cognitive style identified such as rational and holistic. / Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Malaysia; and Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas).

Building Relationships : Assessing the quality of the relationship between leaders and followers as an indication of authenticity vs. toxicity

Ferrec, Romain, Oskam, Petrus January 2014 (has links)
Relationships are so entrenched in the social interaction between individuals that most people do not pay attention to them until they experience trouble in their relationship. Humans create new relationships and end old ones all the time in conscious and unconscious processes. This thesis will give a theoretical and practical overview to reveal the process of social interaction which shapes relationships between a leader and a follower. We focus on the necessary components as well as on the process in which the relationship is built. We approach the process of social interaction from both the side of the leader and the side of the follower to create a balanced picture that will provide systematic explanation of this complicated and multidimensional phenomenon. The primary focus of this thesis will be on the origin and development of an authentic, healthy relationship between a leader and a follower.

Artister som (o)frivilliga ledare

Andersson, Sofie, Nyman, Nathalie, Orup, Josefine January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Baserat på att ett informellt ledarskap är något som tillskrivs en person av människor som har en vilja att följa denne, är ledarskapsrollen inte nödvändigtvis alltid självvald. Därmed fanns ett intresse att lyfta ledarens förhållningssätt till sin tillskrivna ledarroll. Genom detta sågs även en möjlighet att belysa att ledarskap inte enbart ger upphov till konsekvenser för följarna utan även för ledaren i fråga. Problemformulering: Hur förhåller sig artister till sitt tillskrivna ledarskap? Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att redogöra för om ett tillskrivet ledarskap upplevs som positivt och/eller negativt av artisten i fråga. Metod: Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär samt har en induktiv forskningsansats. Insamling av empiri till rapporten har skett genom sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med verksamma artister samt branschaktörer vilka på olika sätt arbetar nära artister. Slutdiskussion: Majoriteten av rapportens respondenter framhåller ett positivt förhållningssätt till den informella ledarroll yrket som artist medför. Framförallt lyfts aspekter som en känsla av tillhörighet, bekräftelse och uppskattning samt en ömsesidig, nära relation med följarna. Denna studie tyder på att följarna i många fall är av större vikt än ledaren i fråga. Det är vidare just denna relation samt artistens beroendeställning gentemot följarna som till stor del påverkar, och även i vissa fall avgör, hur artister förhåller sig till sitt tillskrivna ledarskap.

Follow Me! Followership, Leadership and the Multigenerational Workforce

Johnson, Ronald M. 01 January 2014 (has links)
This research was designed to develop an understanding of today's multigenerational workforce with respect to a preferred styles or characteristics of followership and leadership. Specifically this research sought to determine if there was a relationship between an individual's generational cohort and the preferred styles of leadership and followership, as measured by implicit theories of leadership and followership. Therefore, this study draws upon generational theory (Mannheim, 1952), implicit theories of leadership (Epitropaki & Martin, 2004) and implicit theories of followership (Sy, 2010). The changes in the composition of the US workforce which have occurred, and which will continue to occur in the near future, make it appropriate and timely to jointly examine followership and leadership, particularly from a generational perspective. By examining the various US workforce generational cohorts, the potential exists to uncover additional insight that has been absent from the extant literature. The sample population consisted of Baby Boomer, Gen X and Millennial employees drawn from individuals working for an integrated delivery and financing system in the Northeastern US, as well as individuals recruited via social media (N = 249). The implicit leadership scale (Epitropaki & Martin, 2004) was utilized to measure participant's preferred characteristics of leaders. The implicit followership scale (Sy, 2010) was utilized to measure participant's preferred characteristics of followers. Data analysis was conducted utilizing principal components analysis (PCA) to determine the factor structures of both leadership and followership. A one-way ANOVA was conducted on the results of these factor analyses to test whether there were any differences which could be attributed to membership in a generational cohort. Cluster analysis was also conducted. The results indicated that generation does not significantly influence an individual's preferred characteristics of leaders or followers. Implications for theory, practice and further research are also discussed.

Distributing team leadership : a grounded theory study of how followers exercise leadership

Robertson, Grant January 2009 (has links)
The complex social phenomenon of leadership has been of interest for thousands of years and the subject of formal scientific research for over a century. The individual (sole) leader has been the focus of majority of the studies and leader-follower dyads have featured prominently in the identification of leader behaviours The paradigm has shifted, from the early quantitative approach to the most recent 'new leadership' perspectives which include theories such as transformational, charismatic and visionary leadership. Non-leaders (labelled followers and sometimes subordinates) have received little research attention despite being in the majority in teams. This study examined the research question, 'How do followers exercise leadership?' Approaching the question using grounded theory research methodology, leadership behaviours were studied in 48 seven- to nine-person teams of Year 11 male students attending an outdoor leadership program in one of two consecutive years in South Africa. The qualitative research was based on (1) data collected and analysed from observations in the field, including an extensive video record; (2) semi-structured interviews with course participants and staff; and (3) in-course leadership review documents. This research extends the existing theory of distributed leadership by defining and clarifying particular processes and skills of how followers in this study exercised leadership. Influence is central to leadership and also the core category in this study. In the context of the substantive field, theoretical propositions generated by the research include that team members are generally concerned about contributing and belonging and, when leading, focus on initiating or taking charge of influencing. Instead of being limited to a single leader, the leading role is distributed amongst team members, though not necessarily in equal proportion. In all teams, more than one member exercised leadership, and in most teams every member exercised some leadership behaviour during the four day program. Depending on context, followers exercised leadership by employing one or more of eight influencing behaviours and switching from following to leading roles. Communicating and listening emerged as core leadership behaviours, vital to team processes and most frequently used. Coordinating and motivating were identified as key influencing behaviours, regularly used and important to team processes. Risking, anchoring, mediating and channelling were categorised as situational influencing behaviours, used less frequently, based on context. This research articulates the mechanism whereby team members switch between leading, following and sometimes nominal member roles. Insights are provided of how individuals in a team may, for a period of time, occupy a leading role and then, at other times, occupy a following role. Occupying these roles is not related to formal assignment of roles. This study not only shows that followers play a greater role in leadership than existing literature on research indicates, but it also defines eight influencing behaviours used to exercise leadership. The study has important implications which can help managers and leaders in formal roles maximise the contributions of their followers. This study can also contribute to the design of leadership training and help build more effective teams and organisations.

Hur påverkas medarbetarskap av distansledarskap : En kvalitativ studie om distansledarskapets påverkan på medarbetarnas engagemang och meningsfullhet / How does remote leadership affect followership : A qualitative study on remote leadership's influence on employee commitment and meaningfulness

Fransson, Elliot, Hagström, Oscar January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Digitaliseringen har medfört betydande förändringar de senaste decennierna för hur kommunikation sker inom organisationer. Digitala kommunikationsmedier medför att organisationens medlemmar inte längre begränsas av att fysiskt närvara på arbetsplatsen. En central komponent till organisationers och arbetslags framgång är chefens ledarskap som nu kan genomföras på distans, något som benämns distansledarskap. Distansledarskap är präglat av teoretisk negativitet i form av exempelvis lägre prestationer och mindre berikande kommunikation samtidigt som otaliga svenska chefer bedriver distansledarskap. Likväl påvisar medarbetarskap att chefens roll är oumbärlig för medarbetarnas engagemang och meningsfullhet vilket ytterligare är en komponent att bevaka i relationen mellan medarbetaren och distansledaren. Chefer måste därför möjliggöra engagemang och meningsfullhet trots de hinder som distansen medför.   Syfte: Studiens syfte är att beskriva och analysera hur chefens distansledarskap kan främja medarbetarnas engagemang och meningsfullhet?   Metod: Syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera individers upplevelser och därför har kvalitativ undersökningsmetod använts. I relation till vår teoretiska referensram har åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts. Majoriteten av studiens respondenter innehar en chefsposition men har sin primära ledarskapsstimulans på distans.   Slutsatser: Engagemang och meningsfullhet hos medarbetare påverkas i synnerhet av bemyndigande och kontroll från chefen. Om chefen kontrollerar och inte bemyndigar medarbetaren att genomföra arbetsuppgifterna påverkas engagemang och meningsfullhet negativt. För att ytterligare kompensera för hindren som distansledarskap medför bör chefer lära känna medarbetarna, ge mer feedback, stöttning och uppmärksamhet. Chefen bör genom fysisk interaktion lära känna medarbetarna för att påskynda förtroendeingivande processen mellan medarbetare och chef. Efter initial fysisk interaktion kan chefen distansera sig och därav inte fysiskt närvara på arbetsplatsen, om så inte är nödvändigt, istället bör chefen vara tillgänglig via digitala medier. / Background: Digitization has led to significant changes over the past few decades for communication in organizations. Digital communication resources mean that organizational members are no longer restricted by being physically present at the workplace. A key component of the success of organizations and work teams is the leadership that can now be implemented at a distance, called remote leadership. Remote leadership is characterized by theoretical negativity while countless Swedish managers conduct remote leadership. Nevertheless, followership show that the role of the manager is indispensable for the employees' commitment and meaningfulness, which is another component to consider in the relationship between the employee and the remote leader. Managers therefore need to enable commitment and meaning despite the obstacles that the distance causes.   Purpose: The purpose of the study is to describe and analyze how the manager's remote leadership can promote employee involvement and meaningfulness?   Method: Since the purpose of the study is to describe and analyze individual experiences, a qualitative survey methodology has been used. In relation to our theoretical reference framework eight semi-structured interviews have been conducted. The majority of the respondents hold a senior position but have their primary leadership stimulus at a distance.   Conclusion: Commitment and meaningfulness among employees are particularly affected by the authorization and control of the manager. If the manager controls the employees and gives little authorization, commitment and meaningfulness are negatively affected. In order to further compensate for the obstacles caused by remote leadership, managers should get to know the employees, provide feedback, support and attention. The manager should, through physical interaction, get to know the employees to accelerate the thrust-inducing process between the employee and the manager. After initial physical interaction, the manager should distance themselves and therefore not physically attend the workplace, unless necessary, instead, the manager should be constantly available through digital media.

The relationship between authentic leadership, psychological capital, followership and work engagement

du Plessis, Marieta January 2014 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The present study provided insight into authentic leadership, psychological capital and exemplary followership behaviour as antecedents of work engagement of employees. A quantitative, cross-sectional survey design was utilised, using a composite electronic questionnaire. Data was gathered by using a purposive sample of managers in a national South African healthcare industry organisation (N = 647). The portability of the measurement instruments to a South African context were validated through confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis. The psychological capital and authentic leadership measures retained its original factor structure and items, whilst the work engagement and followership measures were adapted to improve the internal reliability and construct validity of the instrument for the healthcare industry sample. The higher-order factor structure of psychological capital was also confirmed


Wuertele, Ramona January 2017 (has links)
Over the past couple of decades, women have conquered most obstacles in their effort to scale the mountains of leadership and management, seemingly only to fall at the last hurdle by purposefully derailing and mistreating each other. As a large percentage of the workforce in the Western hemisphere is composed of women, the likelihood of experiencing a female superior throughout their career is very high for both men and women, giving rise to the threat of dealing with the Queen Bee Syndrome. The antecedent aim of this master thesis paper is to explore the reasons that give rise to and legitimize the so-called Queen Bee phenomenon, which describes a usually senior female holding a higher leadership-position, who actively opposes the rise of other females in male-dominated organizations, in connection to the Millennial Generation. For this purpose, the methodology approach of Grounded Theory was chosen, first and foremost establishing a theoretical framework comprising literature gathered from academic journals, professional and specific print and sources, as well as relevant writings from contemporary and topical media channels, such as the New York Times newspaper, or the Harvard Business Review. Second, a qualitative empirical study was conducted, for which several women from both the Millennial and its predecessor generation were interviewed, in order to explore opinions on perceived biases against female leaders and managers which, among other things may lead to typical Queen Bee behavior, its provenances, and their implications for business women and organizations. The gained insights are culminating in the emergence of a new theory, according to which female Millennials’ inherent narcissistic tendencies may not hinder them to pursue much-needed mentoring relationships with other females and even suggest the possibility of a diminishment of the dreaded female bully-boss paradigm.

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