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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synen på medarbetarskap : En studie av medarbetare och skolledares syn på medarbetarskap inom den kommunala gymnasieskolan.

Lindblom, Karin, Lindgren Meng, Jessica January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att synliggöra och utveckla kunskap om medarbetarskap inom den kommunala gymnasieskolan. I förlängningen ämnar vi dessutom få en djupare förståelse för innebörden av medarbetarskap i gymnasieskolan ur både ett medarbetar- och ett ledarskapsperspektiv. Vi har även förhoppning om att denna studie kan bidra till den generella kunskapsbildningen inom detta område som för skolutveckling anses mycket viktigt.  Studien utgår från en hermeneutiskt ansats med ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv där delarna i det som refereras till som ett myndigt medarbetarskap skapar en helhetsbild av medarbetarskap. Studiens empiri baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer med intervjuguider skapade utifrån studiens frågeställningar: Hur tar sig medarbetarskap uttryck i den kommunala gymnasieskolan? Hur är synen på medarbetarskap hos medarbetare och skolledare? I den deduktiva delen av processen har informanternas svar kategoriserats utifrån färdiga teman i medarbetarskapshjulet (Hällsten & Tengblad, 2006) och därefter analyserats utifrån begreppsparen förtroende och öppenhet, gemenskap och samarbete, engagemang och meningsfullhet samt ansvarstagande och initiativförmåga. Studiens slutsats är att delar av medarbetarskapet såsom det definieras i medarbetarskapshjulet anses vara uppfyllda men att det saknas viktiga delar för att det skall anses fulländat och därmed utveckla den kommunala gymnasieskolan såsom är möjligt. / The purpose of this study is to visualize and develop knowledge about the view on employeeship within the municipal upper secondary school. In addition, we intend to gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of employeeship in upper secondary school from the perspective of both employees and the principals. We also hope that this study can contribute to general knowledge in this area which is considered very important for school development. The study is based on a hermeneutic approach with a phenomenological perspective in which the parts of what is referred to as a governmental partnership creates a holistic picture of employeeship. The study's empirical data is based on semi-structured interviews with interview guides created based on the research questions: How can one see employeeship in the municipal upper secondary school? What are coworkers’ and principals’ view on employeeship? In the deductive part of the process, the informants' responses were categorized based on completed themes in the Wheel of Employeeship (Hällsten & Tengblad, 2006) and then analyzed. The study's conclusion is that parts of the employeeship as defined in the Wheel of Employeeship is fulfilled, however, there are still important parts missing that need further research.

The Role of Followership During Periods of Absent Leadership

Leonard, Robert Alan 01 January 2014 (has links)
With a culture focused on leadership, the purpose in this study was to explore untested assumptions about followers and their being ignored as independent productive actors in the workplace. The lived experience of followers and their impact on the success or failure of organizations during periods of absent leadership was explored via 4 independent situations. A qualitative, phenomenological research design based primarily on the theoretical framework of Moustakas and the research design of Patton guided the study. The 3 key research questions were explored with regard to followers during periods of absent leadership: how they respond, what actions they take to fill the void, and the purpose of their actions and reactions. The qualitative data were coded and centered around 4 themes: (a) productivity, (b) morale, (c) direction, and (d) interpersonal behavior during periods of absent leadership. The results indicated that followers did not descend into chaos without leaders, thus refuting a primary conjecture about their assumed workplace behavior. Instead, emergent consensual self-managing teams arose, and this research resulted in a proposed organization-member exchange (OMX) construct for further research to account for the environmental context as a potential substitute to the traditional leader-follower relationship. Social change may occur by increasing efficiencies if additional training is provided for followers to prepare themselves for absent leadership and for leaders to realize the full potential of followers. Attempts at developing self-managed groups to fully utilize the leadership potential might serve to negate negative effects of the departure of a designated leader and promote employee wellbeing as contributing and valued members of the organization.

Från traditionella till virtuella arbetsarrangemang : En kvalitativ studie om utbytesrelationer mellan ledare och följare på distans / From traditional to virtual work arrangements : A qualitative study on exchange relationships between leaders and followers in remote work

Ahlberg Lööf, Sarah, Johansson, Gustav January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of leader and follower exchange-relationships when work is conducted remotely, as well as the creation and development of such relationships. The study focuses on remote work in the form of full-time and hybrid solutions, which have become more common for many organizations. The theoretical framework of the study includes theories about remote work, leader-member-exchange, and followership. To conduct the study the authors used a qualitative research method with multiple case studies and semi-structured interviews. The respondents of the study consisted of four leaders and four followers.  The results of the study indicate that reduced physical contact and interaction in remote work pose challenges to leaders and followers in their previous abilities to create and develop qualitative exchange relationships. Furthermore, leaders and followers establish exchange relationships through daily conversations and meetings via digital platforms. These relationships develop through common factors such as social identity, self-categorization, social categorization, human capital, social capital and personal attributes. Similarities in these factors contribute favorably to the creation of high-quality exchange relationships between leaders and followers. Remote work has brought forth new factors critical to developing high-quality exchange relationships, and both leaders and followers have different perspectives on remote work. Leaders find it challenging to lead and support their followers, while followers on the other hand don't think that their job tasks have been significantly affected. / Syftet med denna undersökning är att öka förståelsen för ledare och följares utbytesrelationer när arbetet sker på distans, samt skapandet och utvecklandet av utbytesrelationer. Studien fokuserar på distansarbete i form av heltids- och hybridlösningar, arbetsformer som har blivit vanligare för allt fler organisationer. Studiens teoretiska referensram innehåller teorier om distansarbete, leader-member-exchange och följarskap. För att genomföra studien använde författarna en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med flerfallstudier och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Respondenterna i studien bestod av fyra ledare och fyra följare. Resultaten från studien visar att den minskade fysiska kontakten och interaktionen vid distansarbete utmanar ledare och följares tidigare förmågor att skapa och utveckla utbytesrelationer. Respondenterna skapar utbytesrelationer genom dagliga samtal och möten via digitala plattformar. Utbytesrelationerna utvecklas genom gemensamma faktorer som social identitet, självkategorisering, social kategorisering, humankapital, socialt kapital och personliga egenskaper. Där likheter i ovanstående faktorer fördelaktigare bidrar till skapandet av högkvalitativa utbytesrelationer mellan ledare och följare. Vidare har distansarbete medfört att nya faktorer är kritiska för att utveckla högkvalitativa utbytesrelationer, samt att både ledare och följare har olika syn på distansarbete. Ledare upplever det svårt att leda och stödja följarna, medan följarna å andra sidan anser att deras arbetsuppgifter inte påverkats särskilt mycket.

An Examination of Followers' Upward Influence

Brake, William A., brake 30 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

HRT ur ett medarbetarperspektiv : Påverkan på relation och resiliens / HRT from an employee perspective : Influence on relation and resilience

Frödelius, Johanna, Nilsson, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem Många HR-funktioner har idag genomfört en Human Resource Transformation (HRT) genom att anta ett strategiskt, affärsinriktat och externt fokuserat arbetssätt i linje med verksamhetens mål, för att skapa ett större bidrag till organisatorisk framgång och överlevnad. Detta fenomen har främst studerats ur ett ledningsperspektiv, och medarbetarnas perspektiv har inom forskningen delvis försummats. Då medarbetare ofta beskrivs som organisationers viktigaste resurser, skulle deras perspektiv kunna bidra till att skapa ökad förståelse för HRT och dess relation till organisationers långsiktiga överlevnadsförmåga, en förmåga som ofta beskrivs som organisatorisk resiliens. Syfte och metod Studiens syfte är att skapa större förståelse för relationen mellan medarbetare och HRT, och hur detta kan förstås i relation till resiliens, genom att belysa fenomenet HRT ur ett medarbetarperspektiv. Då studien syftar till att skapa en ökad förståelse, har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod använts där det empiriska materialet hämtats genom nio semistrukturerade intervjuer. Respondenterna är från tre lokalt förankrade organisationer med olika branschtillhörighet. Resultat och slutsats Studiens empiriska material visar på att majoriteten av de intervjuade saknar ordentlig insikt i HR-funktionen och dess uppgifter. De flesta hade ingen relation till HR alls, och uttryckte ett lågt förtroende för funktionen. Det förekom en allmän önskan om ökad närvaro från HR för att skapa möjligheter till relationsbyggande, och för att HR skulle få större insyn i det operativa arbetet. För att besvara studiens problemformulering utgår analys och slutsats från dels ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv, dels ett relationellt perspektiv som skapats av studiens författare. Utifrån ett systemteoretiskt medarbetarperspektiv, är relationen mellan medarbetare och HR av begränsad betydelse och dess påverkan på resiliens är inte möjlig att göra uttalanden om. Utifrån ett relationellt medarbetarperspektiv är relationen av betydelse i egenskap av en av de resurser som påverkar organisationens medarbetarskap, som i sin tur kan ses som en av de sociala resurser som kan påverka resiliens. Därmed finns även större möjligheter att analysera och dra slutsatser om relationen mellan HRT och resiliens. / Background and problem Today, many HR functions have implemented an HRT by taking a strategic, businessoriented and externally focused approach in line with the business objectives, in order to create a greater contribution to organizational success and survival. This phenomenon has mainly been studied from a management perspective, and the employees' perspective has been partially neglected in research. As employees often are described as the most important resources of organizations, the employee perspective could contribute to creating an increased understanding of HRT and its relation to organizations' long-term survival ability, an ability that is often described as organizational resilience. Purpose and method The purpose of the study is to create a greater understanding of the relationship between employees and HRT, and how this can be understood in relation to resilience, by highlighting the phenomenon of HRT from an employee perspective. Since the study aims to create an increased understanding, a qualitative research method has been used in which the empirical material was obtained through nine semi-structured interviews. The respondents are from three locally based organizations with different industry affiliations. Results and conclusion The empirical material of the study shows that most of the interviewees lack proper insight into the HR function and its tasks. Most had no relation to HR at all and expressed a low confidence in the function. There was a general desire for increased presence from HR to create opportunities for building relationships, and to give HR greater insight into the operational work. To answer the problem formulation of the current study, both analysis and conclusion are based on a system-theoretical perspective as well as a relational perspective created by the authors of the current study. From a systemtheoretical perspective, the relationship between employees and HR is of limited importance and its impact on resilience is not possible to make statements about. From a relational employee perspective, the relationship is important as one of the resources that influences the organization’s followership, which in turn can be seen as one of the social resources that can affect resilience. Therefore, there are also greater opportunities to analyze and draw conclusions about the relationship between HRT and resilience.

ISIS – Information principles, skills, relations and capabilities for an inclusive learning society : -

Nordell, Dan January 2012 (has links)
In our complex world of today we see that the leader- and followership is getting harder and harder to “command and control” our organizations and our society. The awareness of the decision makers are often too fragmented in relation to the often complex real situations out there. The information is only flowing in organizational stovepipes and not across boundaries as it should today. The patterns of mutual complex dependencies have taken over and we have difficulties in controlling the consequences of our decisions. The relations over organizational borders are often weak and fragmented and the mutual trust is low. Technology has always been a driver for the society to evolve and our idea is that technology can be the main driver for evolving cross boundary collaboration in order to meet the demands of the world. Technology can be the main driver but only if we consider all of the important dimensions when implementing Information and communication technologies (ICT) In order to find the right method of using technology and scientific methods for achieving better cross boundary collaboration a number of data collection activities has been performed, described and analyzed in the work with this thesis. The activities has been diverse in its nature, brainstorming activities, qualitative interviews and a small case study has been combined in order to derive the result – a path forward against further research for a better cross boundary collaboration in our western community. The thesis now have identified a path forward and a scientific framework for taking all of our experiences, existing capabilities, earlier performed research one step further and lift it up to the cross boundary level in organizations and in our society. We have the chance of cultivating all of the properties, relations, amounts of information, and evolve our technology. This may be all that we need in order to achieve a more socially sustainable climate in leader- and followership in our organizations and society. Who knows … maybe we can change the world … or at least make a real difference somewhere!

Leading Passion : How does a leader cope with a passionate followership?

Siebert, Désirée January 2015 (has links)
The importance of passion increases with the extent of sorrow. While money can replace the passion by offering the opportunity to buy the added value for oneself and the society, social enterprises, artists and start-up organizations have bigger issues to organize the necessary resources. Passion is inevitable for making a difference in the society while suffering a lack of money. Thus, the presence of a certain obsession is a favorable situation for smaller organizations in order to go through difficulties. This thesis investigates the miracle of passion in order to gain an understanding about the ability of leading passionate people. Theories and experiences from passionate individuals are combined in this research paper and suggest different perspectives a leader must consider by leading passion. I assume the social interaction between leaders and followers which result in a mutual influence of behavior and performance. This thesis is focused on the perspective of passionate followership and elucidates factors that are needed to act passionate as well as the role of the leader within this passionate environment.

The use of language as an influencing tool in leadership : a way of understanding Brexit

Arango Terán, Diego Emilio, Arango Terán, Jorge Ernesto, Bitanihirwe, Pearl January 2020 (has links)
Abstract New nationalist ideologies have permeated politics for the last decade. New leaders, followers, and conducive environments have emerged to cause the most controversial and unique episodes in recent politics. Brexit was selected by having a set of exclusive characteristics, factors, and social elements which resulted in the UK leaving the EU after 47 years. Additionally, two academic attributes were considered to be politically researched, which were leadership and communication techniques. The former established the relationship between two parts of society (leaders and followers) and how their roles developed during the Brexit referendum campaign, and the latter examined political language by extracting the most representative rhetorical means used by the British leaders to run it.   The set of rhetorical techniques was thoroughly investigated using a specially adopted analysis. Several examples were included in how they were performed politically and strategically to create that democratic result. To execute this study, we developed qualitative research based on a study case strategy, descriptive purpose, and by having an inductive approach. Consequently, we selected a sampling method which met specific research criteria and allowed us to analyse this political phenomenon rhetorically. Besides, our empirical data was formed by using interactive and visual material which provided a credible source of study to approach, identify, and answer our research questions. Finally, Brexit’s outcome was viewed as the end of an era in terms of faith in the benefits of globalisation, open labour markets, European integration (Norris and Inglehart, 2019), loss of identity from British individuals, and the reflection of a fractured society (Gherghina and O’Malley, 2019).

Destruktivt ledarskap : En retrospektiv fallstudie om medarbetaresupplevelser / Destructive leadership : A retrospective case study on employee experience

Andersson, Anna, Berglund, Karolina January 2022 (has links)
Problemformulering: Hur beskriver medarbetare destruktivt ledarskap? Syfte: Studiens syfte är att beskriva destruktivt ledarskap utifrån ettmedarbetarperspektiv. Metod: Studien följer en deduktiv ansats och bygger på en kvalitativforskningsstrategi, studiens empiriska material har insamlats genomsemistrukturerade intervjuer samt bearbetats och tolkats med utgångspunkt i enkvalitativ innehållsanalys. Slutsats: Medarbetare beskriver destruktivt ledarskap som ett stort problem vilketmedför en rad allvarliga konsekvenser som därmed bör tas på allvar. Det framgårockså tydligt att medarbetares upplevelser och perspektiv är betydande för förståelsenav fenomenet destruktivt ledarskap och därför bör beaktas i större utsträckning ipraktiken. Vi kan även konstatera att organisationers sätt att hantera destruktivtledarskap riskerar att förvärra konsekvenserna för medarbetare och klienter. / Research question: How do employees describe destructive leadership? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe destructive leadership from anemployee perspective. Method: The study follows a deductive approach and is based on a qualitativeresearch strategy, the empirical material of the study has been collected throughsemi-structured interviews and processed and interpreted on the basis of a qualitativecontent analysis. Conclusion: Employees describe destructive leadership as a major problem whichbrings a series of serious consequences that should be taken seriously. It also appearsthat the employees experiences and perspective is significant for the understanding ofthe phenomenon of destructive leadership and therefore should be taken intoconsideration on a larger scale in practice. We can also state that the organization’sapproach to cope with destructive leadership risks worsening the consequences foremployees and clients.

Exchange relationships between leaders and followers in Baptist churches

Pierce, Stephen Brian 13 November 2007 (has links)
This research into Baptist leadership examines the processes of Christian leadership in terms of human relationships in churches under the microscope of a leadership theory known as leader member exchange theory (LMX), and discovers the correlation between a high level of LMX in a local church and the positive outcomes of leader legitimation in a society where pastoral tenure and pastoral termination project disheartening statistics. LMX theory is particularly suited for the study of the Baptist congregational leadership paradigm with emphasis on heightened follower participation in dyadic relationships between the pastor and church members. In the light of current convoluted leadership praxis, provides an appropriate theoretical tool for relational analysis. The background to this thesis is the perceived growing inclination among Baptist pastors to adopt a leadership paradigm, which exalts the person and role of the pastor to the exclusion of the church members. This “great man theory” is being modeled from sources that focus on church growth rather than church health, and represents a departure from servant leadership, which has long been the model for Baptists in general. This “new” trend of charismatic leadership may be one of the reasons for the inclination toward shorter tenures and pastoral termination, among Baptists, particularly in the USA. Understanding the peculiarities of congregational government is of particular importance to the research, with emphasis on the perceptions and expectations of church members regarding current leadership in their local church, and how the perception of personal value correlation translates into member satisfaction. The Literature on leadership offers a multiplicity of innovative ideas, mostly focused on the leader, and after literature research into the subjects of transactional transformational, complexity theory, and servant leadership no single theory of leadership offers completeness, hence the term quantum or complexity will assist in moving Baptist pastors from average leadership. <p.Critical elements of LMX were identified in the literature and processed into the questionnaire, which was distributed to among Baptist churches in South Africa and the United States. The results of the research are then analysed in the light of LMX theory, and the conclusion that in the congregational structure of Baptists, LMX theory offers valuable insights into member satisfaction. The characteristic of practical theology is the critical correlation of theological insight and empirical observation that will result in a new theory of praxis, and the final purpose is to focus attention on the positive outcome of healthy leader member exchange in local churches and the extended zone of influence through enhanced legitimation of pastoral leadership. / Thesis (PhD (Practical Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Practical Theology / PhD / unrestricted

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