Spelling suggestions: "subject:" range off motion"" "subject:" range oof motion""
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Reliability in measuring the range of motion of the aging cervical spineSinha, Juhi 05 April 2011 (has links)
The purposes of this study were to: 1) determine absolute intrarater reliability of using the cervical range of motion device (CROM) for measuring cervical movements in older adults, and 2) determine the intrarater reliability and concurrent validity of the Candrive protocol, which uses a universal goniometer to measure rotation. Forty older adults (75.7 + 4.7 years of age) were tested in two sessions, one week apart, by two raters. Intrarater reliability scores were good for the CROM protocol (coefficient of variation (CV) values were 5.5% and 6.2 % for cervical rotation). The Candrive protocol values were higher (CV = 7.9 and 9.4%). Concordance analyses suggested that the Candrive protocol was less than good in terms of its validity, particularly when order effects were taken into consideration. In conclusion, the CROM protocol demonstrated good reliability for either group or individual analyses, whereas the Candrive protocol was less reliable and its validity marginal.
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This dissertation is composed of three manuscripts based on two studies related to training and assessment methods used to evaluate change and overall quality in measures of performance, postural control, and functional movement. Study one evaluated the effect of sand training on athletic performance and postural control. Study two investigated the effect of scoring strata of the deep squat (DS) component of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) on the weight-bearing lunge test (WBLT), Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT), and Lateral Flexion Test (LFT) in 101 male and female college students.
Study one results included significant overall improvements of the five repetition maximum (5RM) squat (p=0.002), and WBLT (p
Study two results indicated that limited dorsiflexion will lead to a reduction in DS performance and asymmetry of performance on the LFT may result in further movement limitations. Subjects scoring a one or two on the deep squat performed significantly lower (p
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Kineziterapijos efektyvumas po klubo endoprotezavimo operacijos tiriamųjų amžiaus aspektu / The effectiveness of physical therapy after a hip joint endo prosthetics due to patients ageČešūnaitė, Loreta 18 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo hipotezė. Manome, kad kineziterapija jaunesnio amžiaus pacientams (55 – 70 m.) po klubo sąnario endoprotezavimo turės didesnį teigiamą poveikį, nei vyresnio amžiaus pacientams (71- 85 m.).
Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti kineziterapijos efektyvumą po klubo sąnario endoprotezavimo operacijos tiriamųjų amžiaus aspektu.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Įvertinti kineziterapijos poveikį tiriamųjų šlaunies judesių amplitudėms. Palyginti gautus rezultatus tarp skirtingo amžiaus tiriamųjų grupių.
2. Įvertinti kineziterapijos poveikį tiriamųjų skausmo suvokimui. Palyginti gautus rezultatus tarp grupių.
3. Įvertinti kineziterapijos poveikį tiriamųjų operuotos kojos šlaunies raumenų jėgai. Palyginti gautus rezultatus tarp grupių.
4. Įvertinti kineziterapijos poveikį pacientų motyvacijai. Palyginti gautus rezultatus tarp grupių.
1. Abiejų grupių tiriamųjų operuotos kojos šlaunies lenkimo ir atitraukimo amplitudės po kineziterapijos padidėjo (p<0,05). Jaunesnio amžiaus pacientų šlaunies lenkimo ir atitraukimo amplitudžių pokytis buvo didesnis (p<0,05) nei vyresnio amžiaus pacientų. Šlaunies tiesimo amplitudės po kineziterapijos tarp grupių nesiskyrė (p>0,05).
2. Abiejų grupių tiriamųjų operuotos kojos skausmo intensyvumas po kineziterapijos sumažėjo (p<0,05). Jaunesnio amžiaus pacientų skausmo intensyvumas sumažėjo daugiau (p<0,05) nei vyresnio amžiaus pacientų.
3. Abiejų grupių tiriamųjų operuotos kojos šlaunies raumenų jėga po kineziterapijos padidėjo (p<0,05). Jaunesnio amžiaus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Hypotesis:
Physical therapy for young patients (55-70) after hip arthroplasty surgery has a better outcome compared to elderly patients (71-85).
Purpose of the survey:
To evaluate efficiency of physical therapy after a hip joint endo prosthetics due to patients age.
Goals of the survey:
1. To evaluate efficiency of physical therapy on patients‘ thighs range of motion. To compare the results between two age groups.
2. To evaluate efficiency of physical therapy on patients‘ pain perception. To compare the results between two age groups.
3. To evaluate efficiency of physical therapy on patients‘ operated leg‘s thigh‘s muscle strenght. To compare the results between two age groups.
4. To evaluate efficiency of physical therapy on patients‘ motivation. To compare the results between two age groups.
1. There was a statistically sighnificant improvement in range of motion (flexion and abduction) of operated leg in both groups. Younger patients‘ range of motion improved more significanly than in the elderly group. Patients‘ extension after physical therapy improved equally.
2. Level of pain after physical therapy decreased statistically sighnificantly in both groups. Younger patients‘ level of pain decreased more than in the elderly group.
3. There was a statistically sighnifican improvement of muscle strenght in both groups. Although younger patients‘ muscle srength improved more that in the elderly group.
4. Patients‘ motivation after physical therapy improved... [to full text]
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Reliability in measuring the range of motion of the aging cervical spineSinha, Juhi 05 April 2011 (has links)
The purposes of this study were to: 1) determine absolute intrarater reliability of using the cervical range of motion device (CROM) for measuring cervical movements in older adults, and 2) determine the intrarater reliability and concurrent validity of the Candrive protocol, which uses a universal goniometer to measure rotation. Forty older adults (75.7 + 4.7 years of age) were tested in two sessions, one week apart, by two raters. Intrarater reliability scores were good for the CROM protocol (coefficient of variation (CV) values were 5.5% and 6.2 % for cervical rotation). The Candrive protocol values were higher (CV = 7.9 and 9.4%). Concordance analyses suggested that the Candrive protocol was less than good in terms of its validity, particularly when order effects were taken into consideration. In conclusion, the CROM protocol demonstrated good reliability for either group or individual analyses, whereas the Candrive protocol was less reliable and its validity marginal.
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Sensorimotor control and cervical range of motion in women with chronic neck pain : Kinematic assessments and effects of neck coordination exercise / Sensomotorisk funktion och rörelseomfång i nacken hos kvinnor med långvarig nacksmärta : Utvärdering med rörelseanalys och effekter av nackkoordinationsträningRudolfsson, Thomas January 2014 (has links)
Introduction: Neck pain is a common problem in society and is more prevalent among women. The consequences of neck pain for the individual often include activity and participation limitations, thus affecting many dimensions of life. There is still a lack of understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the disorder and likewise of efficient rehabilitation for people with neck pain. However, coordination exercises have shown promising short-term effects. To carry this line of research forward, there is a need to improve methods for objective characterization of impairments and to investigate novel methods of rehabilitation. Aims: To characterize impairments of active cervical range of motion of the upper and lower cervical levels in women with chronic neck pain with a novel method (Study I and II) and identify the influence of head posture and movement strategies (Study II). Further, to investigate the effects of a novel method for neck coordination exercise on sensorimotor function and neck pain (study III) and the consistencies of motor variability metrics in a goal directed arm movement task to aid the design of future clinical research (Study IV). Methods: All studies were laboratory based with kinematic assessments of neck movements (Study I-III), balance (Study III) and goal directed arm movements (Study III, IV). The studies had designs that were: cross-sectional (I and II), randomized controlled trial (III) or test-retest reliability study (IV). Participants in Study I (n=135) and II (n=160) were women with chronic non-specific neck pain and healthy controls. In Study III, women with chronic non-specific neck pain (n=108) were randomized into three different individually supervised 11 week interventions. Study IV included healthy women (n=14). Results: It was found that cervical range of motion impairments in women with non-specific neck pain were direction- and level-specific; impairments were greater in extension in the upper and flexion in the lower levels of the cervical spine. The magnitude of impairments in range of motion was associated to self-ratings of functioning and health. Possible group differences in natural head posture were rejected as a cause for the direction specific effects. Neither could the effects be explained by a strategy to minimize torque in the cervical spine during movement execution. The neck coordination training was not superior to strength training (best-available) and massage treatment (sham) in improving sensorimotor functions or pain according to short-term and 6 months follow ups. The results from the study of the goal directed movement task showed that between and within-subject sizes of most motor variability metrics were too large to make the test suitable for application in clinical research. Conclusions: Women with chronic non-specific neck pain have direction- and level-specific impairments in cervical sagittal range of motion. The underlying causes of these specific impairments remains unresolved, but the direction specific impairments are not related to natural head posture. The clinical validity of the method of characterization of cervical range of motion was supported and it can be useful in future clinical research. The novel method of neck coordination exercise showed no advantages on sensorimotor functions or pain compared with best-available treatment in women with chronic non-specific neck pain. / Långvarig smärta i nacken är vanligt förekommande och orsakar både personligt lidande och stora kostnader för samhället. Långvariga nackbesvär är vanligare hos kvinnor än hos män. Det saknas kunskap om effektiva rehabiliteringsmetoder, men forskning har indikerat att träning som förbättrar nackens koordination kan vara effektivt. För att uppnå bättre rehabiliteringsresultat är det viktigt att utveckla metoder för att objektivt mäta funktionsnedsättningar och att utveckla samt utvärdera nya rehabiliteringsmetoder. Syftet med avhandlingen kan sammanfattas i tre delar: Att detaljerat mäta nedsättningar i nackens rörelseomfång hos kvinnor med långvarig nacksmärta; att utvärdera effekten av en ny metod för nackkoordinationsträning på rörelsefunktion och smärta hos kvinnor med långvarig nacksmärta; samt att utvärdera ett nytt test för att mäta precision och koordination vid målriktade armrörelser och ämnat för framtida klinisk forskning. Resultaten visade att kvinnor med långvarig nacksmärta hade specifika nedsättningar i nacken rörelseomfång; i övre nackregionen var bakåtböjning mer begränsad medan i nedre nackregionen var framåtböjning mer begränsad. Vi kunde utesluta att resultaten berodde på skillnader i huvudets normala hållning. Graden av rörelsebegränsning i nacken uppvisade samband med personernas självskattade funktion, symtom och hälsa. Nackkoordinationsträningen var inte var bättre än styrketräning eller massage för att förbättra rörelsefunktion eller för att minska smärta. Det nya testet för armrörelser var inte lämpat för kliniska studier av rörelseprecision. Slutsatserna från avhandlingsarbetet är att kvinnor med långvarig nacksmärta har begränsningar i nackens rörelseomfång vid framåt- och bakåtböjning av huvudet som är specifika vad gäller nivå i halsryggen och riktning. Att graden av rörelsebegränsning uppvisade samband med självskattad funktion, symtom och hälsa styrker testets kliniska validitet. Ytterligare forskning behövs för att förstå orsakerna bakom de specifika nedsättningarna. Nackkoordinationsträningen som utvärderades kan inte rekommenderas för kvinnor med långvarig nacksmärta eftersom korttidsuppföljning och 6-månadersuppföljning visade att träningsformen inte var bättre än styrketräning eller massage, vare sig när det gällde att förbättra sensomotorisk funktion eller att minska smärta.
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Identification of the glenohumeral joint rotation centre : an MRI validation studyCampbell, Amity January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Normal and pathological upper limb movement assessments rely on the valid and reliable identification of the glenohumeral joint centre of rotation (GHJ). However, clarifying the most suitable techniques to identify and reference this location has proved a challenge, and performing a variety of methods that lack validation is commonplace. This may not only be erroneous, but also prevents the standardised collection of upper limb biomechanical information. The principle aim of this research was to clarify the accuracy and reliability of various methods of GHJ identification, including both predictive and functional techniques, as well as the error associated with referencing the GHJ location during dynamic movement trials. Predictive methods of GHJ identification rely on a generic relationship between the GHJ position and predetermined anatomical distances or locations. The ISB recommended predictive method was developed and validated using cadavers, and it appears that a number of convenient, yet to be validated methods are routinely performed in preference of this recommended technique. In the present study, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was utilised to validate, in vivo, the accuracy of various predictive approaches; the ISB recommended method and a representative sample of commonly used techniques. A new multiple linear regression model and simple 3D offset method, were developed from the MRI identified locations of the GHJ and the surface markers. The results indicated that the new multiple linear regression model (13 ±4.6) mm and simple 3D offset (12 ±4.6 mm) found an average GHJ location closer to the MRI determined location than any of the established predictive methods (14-50 mm), including the ISB recommended method (32 ±8.2 mm), and a recently publicised amended 2nd version (16 ±8.4 mm). ... For instance when the optimal algorithm (geometric sphere fit), marker set and movement trial were used in the functional approach, average in vivo accuracy errors of 27 ±8.6 mm were reported, around half the error reported by the most accurate and reliable predictive method (13 ±4.6 mm). A further investigation aimed to determine the most suitable location to reference the GHJ during dynamic motion analysis trials. The GHJ was referenced in a number of upper arm and acromion technical coordinate systems (TCSs) in a series of static MRIs. This permitted the error associated with each set of markers to be calculated in vivo. The results indicated that a combination of TCSs defined from two sets of markers; one placed on the acromial plateau and one located proximally on the upper arm, produced the most accurate results, recording an average of 18 ±4 mm of error following a large humeral elevation (up to 180°). Furthermore, a distal upper arm set of markers proved to be inappropriate for GHJ referencing, reporting average errors greater than 30 cm in two large humeral elevations. Therefore, following the identification of the GHJ, its 3D location should be referenced in the average of two TCSs determined from respective sets of markers placed on the acromion and proximal upper arm, during dynamic trials.
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Dynamic knee stability after anterior cruciate ligament injury : emphasis on rehabilitation /Tagesson, Sofi, January 2008 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2008. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Det elektroniska universalverktyget Easy Angle kan ersätta Myrinmätare vid mätning av cervikal rörlighet hos patienter med spondartrit. : En validitet- och reliabilitetsstudie.Karlström, Julia January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Mätning av rörlighet är en elementär del i fysioterapeutiska bedömningar. Spondartrit är en kronisk inflammatorisk sjukdom som framför allt drabbar ryggraden och kan medföra kyfotisk hållning. Mätning av cervikal rörlighet är en del i den kliniska undersökningen av denna patientgrupp och utförs idag med Myrinmätare. Easy Angle är ett nylanserat digitalt mätinstrument som mäter rörlighet i kroppens alla leder. Den behöver dock utvärderas för att kunna användas i klinik. Syfte: Undersöka mätegenskaper för Easy Angle avseende samtidig validitet samt att undersöka inter- och intrabedömarreliabilitet för Easy Angle och Myrinmätare hos personer med spondartrit. Metod: Den samtidiga validiteten utvärderades genom att jämföra Easy Angle mot Myrinmätaren. Intra- och interbedömarreliabiliteten utvärderades genom test-retest-förfarande mellan samma mätare och två olika mätare för båda mätinstrumenten. Nitton personer med diagnosen spondartrit genomförde studien. Mätningarna utfördes från höger till vänster sida i given ordning: rotation, lateralflexion, flexion, extension. Den samtidiga validiteten beräknades med Spearmans korrelation (rs) och intra- och interbedömarreliabiliteten beräknades med Interclass correlation (ICC). Resultat: Resultaten från denna studie påvisar en hög till mycket hög samtidig validitet (rs 0,86–0,95) samt nästintill perfekt intrabedömarreliabilitet för både Easy Angle (ICC 0,90–98) och Myrin (ICC 0,95–0,98) samt mycket hög interbedömarreliabilitet för Easy Angle (ICC 0,95–0,98) och Myrin (ICC 0,92–0,98). Slutsats: Det förelåg en hög samtidig validitet hos EasyAngle när den jämfördes mot Myrinmätare och en näst intill perfekt intra- och interbedömarreliabilitet för både EasyAngle och Myrinmätaren. Slutsatsen är att Myrinmätare och Easy Angle är utbytbara. Fördelarna med Easy Angle är att fler leder kan mätas med samma instrument, att den inte är känslig för lägesändringar och mer hygienisk. / Background: Measurement of range of motion is an elementary part of physiotherapeutic assessments. Spondarthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that primarily affects the spine and can lead to a kyfotic stance. Measurement of cervical range of motion is part of the clinical examination for this patient group. Easy Angle is a newly launched digital measuring instrument that measures joint range of motion. However, it needs to be validated to be used in clinics. Objective: This study examined the current validity, inter-tester and intra-tester reliability of Easy Angle and Myrin for the measurement of active cervical range of motion among patients with spondarthritis. Method: Nineteen individuals with spondarthritis participated in this study. The examiners measured cervical range of motion of each participant. The concurrent validity was evaluated by comparing Easy Angle to the Myrin. Intra- and inter-tester reliability was evaluated by test-retest procedure. Estimates of validity and reliability were then established using the Spearman correlation coefficient and Interclass correlation coefficient. The concurrent validity was concluded with Spearman's correlation (rs) and intra- and inter-tester reliability was calculated using Interclass correlation (ICC). Results: This study found high to very high concurrent validity (rs 0.86–0.95), almost perfect intra-tester reliability in both Easy Angle (ICC 0,90–0,98) and Myrin (ICC 0,95–0,98) and a very high inter-tester reliability for Easy Angle (ICC 0,95–0,98) and Myrin (ICC 0,92–0,98). Conclusion: The study found no significant differences between the Myrin and Easy Angle, indicating that Myrin and Easy Angle are interchangeable. However, the benefit of Easy Angle is that more joints can be measured with the same instrument, that it is not sensitive to movement and that it is more hygienic.
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Características da postura corporal de escolares da rede municipal de ensino de Porto AlegreMoreira, Suzana January 2008 (has links)
Sintomas álgicos, de sobrecarga e de alteração da estrutura corporal estão presentes na população adulta e infanto-juvenil. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever e associar postura ortostática, execução de Atividades de Vida Diária (AVDs), Amplitude de Movimento Articular (ADM) e dor nas costas de escolares. Foram avaliados 430 escolares do ensino fundamental da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Porto Alegre – RS, com idade entre 6 e 18 anos. Foi realizada avaliação da postura ortostática, da postura dinâmica (sentar para escrever e transportar o material escolar), teste de Adams, mensurações do ângulo Q, mensurações das ADMs do quadril, joelho e tornozelo, teste de Schober total e lombar, teste de extensão da coluna total e lombar e avaliação da dor. Os resultados mostraram uma tendência dos escolares posicionarem-se anteriormente ao fio de prumo, independente da faixa etária em que se encontravam. A angulação média observada nas curvaturas da coluna foi 28,67º para lordose cervical, 26,47º para cifose dorsal e 24,42º para lordose lombar. A avaliação do alinhamento horizontal de pontos anatômicos mostrou que estavam alinhados 10,1% dos acrômios, 19,4% das espinhas ilíacas ântero superiores (E.I.A.S.), 20,8% dos ângulos inferiores das escápulas e 42,9% das espinhas ilíacas póstero superiores (E.I.P.S.). O valor médio obtido para ângulo Q do joelho direito foi de 16,20º; e para o joelho esquerdo, 16,60º. O teste de Adams foi positivo em 21,4% com predominância de saliência paraespinhal lombar esquerda seguida de gibosidade dorso-lombar esquerda. Na avaliação da postura sentada para escrever, na qual os avaliados poderiam atingir de 0 a 4 pontos, o maior percentual de escolares obteve um ponto no momento 1 e zero nos momentos 2, 3 e 4 da filmagem. A avaliação sobre transportar material escolar mostrou que 69,2% dos escolares usam mochila e seu peso ultrapassa 10% do peso corporal somente em 9% dos casos. Comparando as médias das ADMs apresentadas pelos avaliados com as divulgadas pela literatura, observou-se que as amplitudes de rotação interna e externa da coxo-femural e flexão plantar do tornozelo do grupo avaliado foram menores. Os escolares apresentaram o valor médio de 8,01 cm para teste de Schober total, o que estava abaixo do considerado adequado pela literatura. Dor foi referida por 29% dos escolares. A região lombar foi a mais mencionada e a intensidade predominou entre média e fraca. Não foi verificada associação entre dor e peso da mochila. Ocorreu diferença significativa entre os que sentiam e não sentiam dor no terceiro momento da análise da filmagem da posição sentada. A amplitude do movimento de flexão da articulação coxo-femural com joelho direito flexionado apresentou diferença significativa entre os que sentiam e não sentiam dor, sendo maior nos que sentiam dor. Os resultados deste estudo fornecem informações a respeito da postura corporal dos escolares do ensino fundamental das escolas municipais de Porto Alegre. Não foi feita uma investigação com o intuito de verificar o que estava certo ou errado, mas de conhecer melhor os escolares e auxiliar na criação de projetos de educação postural adequados à realidade desta população. / Painful simphtoms, from overload and body structural alteration are present in the adult and infant-juvenile population. The objective of this study was to describe and to associate orthostatic posture, execution of daily activities (DA), range of motion (ROM) and students back pain. It was evaluated 430 Fundamental School students of Municipal Schools from Porto Alegre-RS, aged between 6 and 8 years old. The orthostatic posture was evaluated, dynamic posture (sitting to write and to carry the school material), Adam’s forward-bending test, Q-angle measurement, measurement of the hip, knee and ankle ROMs, total and lumbar Schober test, extension test of the total and lumbar spine and pain evaluation. The results showed a tendency of the students to position themselves forward to the reference line, regardless of their age. The mean angulation observed on the spine curvature was 28,67º for the cervical lordosis, 26,47º for the thoracic kyphosis and 24,42º for the lumbar lordosis. The evaluation of the horizontal alignment of the anatomic points showed that were aligned 10,1% of the acromions, 19,4% of the anterior superior iliac spines(E.I.A.S), 20,8% of the inferior angle of the scapula and 42,9% of the superior anterior iliac spines(E.I.P.S). The mean value obtained for the right knee Q- angle was 16,20º and for the left knee it was 16,60%. The Adams forward-bending test was positive in 21,4% with predominance of the left lumbar flank prominence followed by left dorso-lumbar thoracic rotational prominence. On the evaluation of posture while students were writing, where the evaluated could reach from 0 to 4 points, the biggest percentage of the students got one point on the moment 1 and zero on the moments 2, 3 and 4 of the filming. The evaluation of carrying school material showed that 69,2% of the students wear backpack and its weight goes over 10% of the body weight only in 9% of the cases. Comparing the ROMs means presented by the evaluated with the ones publicized through the literature, it was observed that the range of the hip external and internal rotation and the ankle plantar flexion from the evaluated group were smaller. The students presented the mean value of 8,01 cm for the total Schober test which was lower of the considered appropriate by the literature. The back pain was referred by 29% of the students. The lumbar region was the most mentioned and the intensity predominated between medium and low. It was not verified the relation between back pain and weight of the backpack. There were a significant difference between the ones that felt pain and the ones that did not feel pain on the third moment of the filming when they were in the sitting position. The range of the right hip flexion with the knee flexed presented significant difference between the ones that felt pain and the ones that did not feel pain, being stronger on the ones that felt pain. The results of this study give information about the body posture of the students from the municipal schools in Porto Alegre. It was not made any investigation in order to verify what was right or wrong, but just to know the students better and help them with educational postural projects, appropriated to this population reality.
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Reprodutibilidade da avaliação da força muscular, da amplitude de movimento e da funcionalidade do quadril em sujeitos saudáveisMorales, Anete Beling January 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A avaliação da articulação do quadril continua sendo considerada complexa e desafiadora. Avanços recentes nas técnicas cirúrgicas e de imagem têm contribuído para a identificação das estruturas que contribuem para a dor no quadril. Medidas válidas, confiáveis, reprodutíveis e repetíveis são necessárias para que se possa identificar mudanças que ocorreram na articulação do quadril ao longo do tempo, e para avaliar os desfechos do tratamento realizado. Tanto no ambiente clínico como no de pesquisa, um processo sistemático de avaliação é fundamental para constituir uma prática baseada em evidência. Entretanto, são poucos os estudos encontrados na literatura que avaliaram a reprodutibilidade da avaliação da força muscular, da amplitude de movimento (ADM) e da funcionalidade do quadril em sujeitos saudáveis, medidas fundamentais para que se possa avaliar os efeitos de intervenções clínicas no tratamento de pacientes com problemas na articulação do quadril e comparar com dados normativos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a reprodutibilidade de um protocolo de avaliação da força muscular, ADM e funcionalidade de quadril em sujeitos saudáveis. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: 15 voluntários saudáveis (30 quadris), de ambos os sexos, entre 22 e 37 anos, foram submetidos ao teste e reteste, com um único avaliador, da força muscular, da amplitude de movimento e da funcionalidade do quadril. Quatro sessões de avaliação foram realizadas no Setor de Plasticidade Neuromuscular do Laboratório de Pesquisa do Exercício da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. As avaliações foram compostas por: (1) medidas antropométricas, (2) aplicação de questionários funcionais, (3) teste de agachamento unipodal, (4) avaliação fotogramétrica e goniométrica da ADM do quadril, (5) teste de força máxima com dinamômetro manual e dinamômetro isocinético, (6) avaliação da dor. RESULTADOS: a dinamometria manual apresentou excelente reprodutibilidade, com coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI) > 0,9 (com intervalos de confiança (ICs) entre 0,85 e 0,99) e valores de erro padrão de medida relativo (EPM%) inferiores a 10%. Os testes dos rotadores externos em 0°, 10° e 20° de rotação interna; dos rotadores internos em 15° de rotação externa e dos abdutores do quadril da dinamometria isocinética e os da rotação externa ativa e passiva e da rotação interna bilateral passiva da fotogrametria da ADM do quadril também apresentaram reprodutibilidade considerada excelente, com CCIs > 0,75, e valores aceitáveis do EPM e EPM%. Porém, tanto na dinamometria isocinética quanto na avaliação da ADM, em muitas das situações testadas, os testes permaneceram com a reprodutibilidade entre razoável e boa (CCIs entre 0,48 a 0,75, no geral), com ICs muito amplos, principalmente para a avaliação da ADM. No dinamômetro isocinético, os testes dos rotadores externos foram mais reprodutíveis que o dos rotadores internos; e os testes em extremos articulares de ambos rotadores foram menos reprodutíveis. A classificação do Kappa do teste de agachamento unipodal foi satisfatória (k=0,59). Os testes menos reprodutíveis foram: a fotogrametria da abdução ativa do quadril (CCI=0,39), da abdução passiva do quadril (CCI=0,48) e a ADM ativa de flexores do quadril realizada com um goniômetro (CCI=0,51). CONCLUSÃO: Uma boa parte dos testes apresentou reprodutibilidade excelente e justifica a aplicação no ambiente clínico, quando realizados por um único avaliador. Entretanto, aprimoramentos nas técnicas utilizadas são necessários a fim de melhorar a reprodutibilidade e reduzir os erros de medida na avaliação do quadril. / INTRODUCTION: The assessment of the hip is still considered complex and challenging. Recent advances in surgical and imaging techniques have contributed to the identification of structures that contribute to hip pain. Measures that are valid, reliable, reproducible and repeatable are necessary to identify changes that have occurred at the hip joint over time, and to evaluate the treatment outcomes. Both at the clinical and research settings, a systematic evaluation process is crucial to provide an evidence-based practice. However, there are few studies in the literature that evaluated the reliability of muscle strength, range of motion (ROM) and hip function measurements in healthy subjects, fundamental steps to assess the effects of clinical interventions in the treatment of patients with problems in the hip joint and compare with normative values. PURPOSE: To evaluate the reliability of an assessment protocol of muscle strength, ROM and hip functionality in healthy subjects. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 15 healthy volunteers (30 hips), of both sexes, between 22 and 37 years of age, were submitted to the test and retest, with a single investigator, of muscle strength, ROM and hip functionality. Four test sessions were held at the Neuromuscular Plasticity Department of the Exercise Research Laboratory at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. The hip assessment included: (1) anthropometric measurements, (2) patient-reported outcome measures, (3) single leg squat test, (4) photogrammetric and goniometric hip ROM examination, (5) maximum strength test with handheld and isokinetic dynamometers, (6) pain evaluation by intensity rating scale. RESULTS: the handheld dynamometer showed excellent reliability with intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) > 0.9 (with confidence intervals (CIs) between 0.85 and 0.99) and relative standard error values (% SEM) of less than 10%. The external rotators tests at 0°, 10° and 20° of internal rotation; internal rotators at 15° of external rotation, and hip abductors on an isokinetic dynamometer, and active and passive external rotation and bilateral passive internal rotation taken by photogrammetric analysis of the hip also showed excellent reliability, with ICCs> 0.75, and acceptable SEM and SEM% values. However, in many tests performed on the isokinetic dynamometer and in ROM assessment, the reliability remained between fair and good (ICCs between 0.48 to 0.75 overall), with very large CIs, especially for the assessment of ROM. At the isokinetic dynamometer, testing of the external rotators was more reliable than the internal rotators; and the strength rotators tests at the extremes ROMs the reliability was lower. The kappa interpretation for the single leg squat test was satisfactory (k = 0.59). The worst reliability tests were photogrammetry of active hip abduction (ICC = 0.39), passive hip abduction (ICC = 0.48) and active ROM of the hip flexors performed with a goniometer (ICC = 0.51). CONCLUSION: A good part of the tests showed excellent reliability and justifies the application at the clinical setting, when performed by a single investigator. However, improvements are needed in some of the used techniques to improve the reliability and reduce measurement errors in the assessment of the hip.
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