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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pedalkraft, Muskelaktivität und physiologische Kenngrößen auf Ergometer, Laufband und Bahn bei Elitebahnradsportlern

Strunz, Janine 12 December 2011 (has links)
Auf der Radrennbahn können Leistungsdiagnostik und Techniktraining nur sehr eingeschränkt durchgeführt werden. Alternativen bieten sich mit Ergometer (Ergo) und Laufband (LB). Das erste Ziel dieser Arbeit war zu klären, inwieweit sich EMG, Pedalkraft und physiologische Kenngrößen beim Radfahren auf dem Ergo oder auf dem LB vom Radfahren auf der Bahn unterscheiden. Um die Wettkampfleistung beeinflussen zu können, müssen die Besonderheiten des Muskelkoordinationsmusters sowie des Tangentialkraft-Winkel-Kurvenverlaufes im wettkampfspezifischen Intensitätsbereich erkannt werden. Das zweite Ziel der Arbeit war daher die Analyse von Muskelaktivität und Tangentialkraft bei wettkampfnaher Belastung auf der Radrennbahn, um hieraus Erkenntnisse für die Trainingspraxis zu gewinnen. Im ersten Ergebnisteil zeigten sich signifikante Unterschiede für die physiologi-schen Kennwerte, die Tangentialkraft und die Muskelaktivität im Vergleich Bahn vs. Ergo (U1) sowie Bahn vs. LB (U2). Die mittlere Tangentialkraft und die physiologischen Kennwerte waren in der U1 und U2 auf der Bahn signifikant geringer als auf dem Ergo bzw. LB. Die Aktivität einiger Muskeln wies hingegen auf der Bahn signifikant höhere Werte auf als beim Ergo- und LB-Test. Im Vergleich Bahn vs. Ergo konnten für sechs und im Vergleich Bahn vs. LB für zwei der zehn abgeleiteten Muskeln signifikante Unterschiede nachgewiesen werden. Aus den Ergebnissen des ersten Untersuchungsteils kann gefolgert werden, dass für die Leistungsdiagnostik und das Techniktraining das LB dem Ergo vorgezogen werden sollte. Im zweiten Ergebnisteil wurde nachgewiesen, dass bestimmte Muskeln an der Anpassung der gesamten muskulären Beanspruchung an die wettkampfnahe Belastung besonders stark beteiligt sind. Im Kraft- und Radtraining sollte diesen Muskeln besondere Beachtung zukommen. Auch die Tangential-Kraft-Winkelkurve wies bei wettkampfnaher Belastung Besonderheiten auf, welche mit einem Feedbacktraining angesteuert werden könnten. / Performance diagnostics and technical training can only be carried out in a re-stricted manner on the cycling track. The alternatives are the ergometer (ergo) and treadmill (TM). The first objective of this paper was to clarify to what extent EMG, pedal force and physiological parameters during cycling on the ergo or TM differ from cycling on the track. The peculiarities of the muscle coordination pattern as well as the tangential force-angle-course of curve in the intensity range specific to competition must be recognized to be able to influence performance. The second objective of the paper was therefore the analysis of muscle activity and tangential force during stress on the cycle track close to the race to obtain findings for practical training as a result. In the first part of the results there were significant differences for the physio-logical parameters, the tangential force and the muscle activity when comparing track and ergo (U1) as well as track and TM (U2). The average tangential force and the physiological parameters in U1 and U2 on the track were significantly lower than on the ergo or TM. The activity of some muscles on the track, however, showed significantly higher values than on the ergo and TM test. When comparing track vs. ergo six of the ten derived muscles showed significant differences, when comparing track vs. TM it was two of the ten muscles. We can conclude from the results of the first part of the investigation that the TM is preferable to the ergo for performance diagnostics and technical training. The second part of the results showed that certain muscles play a significant role in the adaptation of the entire muscular stress to stress during the race. Special attention should be paid to these muscles during strength and cycle training. The tangential force-angle curve also showed peculiarities during stress close to the race, which could be controlled with feedback training.

Die Frühgeschichte der Sportvereinigung Dynamo

Fechner, Carmen 25 April 2012 (has links)
Trotz ihrer großen Bedeutung für den DDR-Sport und ihrer mächtigen Trägerbetriebe Staatssicherheit, Volkspolizei, Innenministerium und dem Amt für Zoll und Kontrolle des Warenverkehrs stellt die staatliche Sportvereinigung Dynamo bis heute ein Forschungsdesiderat dar. Obwohl Ergebnisse zu einigen speziellen Themen die Vereinigung betreffend vorliegen, wurde die wissenschaftliche Erarbeitung eines institutionshistorischen Basiswissens in Form einer allgemeinen Entwicklungsgeschichte stark vernachlässigt. Die vorliegende Studie beleuchtet die unbekannte Frühzeit der mächtigen, aggressiv-dominanten Sportorganisation und vollzieht deren Genese, Entwicklung und Etablierung in den 1950er Jahren quellengestützt nach. Im Vordergrund stehen die strukturellen Fragen, mit welchen Mitteln sich Dynamo etablierte, warum die Sportvereinigung eine privilegierte Sonderstellung einnahm und auf welche Weise sie Separatinteressen im von der SED-Führung beherrschten DDR-Sportsystem durchsetzte. Die Quellen belegen eine konspirative Gründung der Sportvereinigung Dynamo durch die Staatssicherheit im Juli 1952 und eine anschließende, nach den Anordnungen des Staatlichen Komitees für Körperkultur und Sport regelwidrige Okkupation der Sportvereinigung Deutsche Volkspolizei durch Dynamo im März 1953, die in der heutigen Forschung fälschlicherweise als Gründung der Sportvereinigung Dynamo gilt. Die Vereinigung war von Beginn an mit einer besonderen Organisationsstruktur, einem elitären Selbstverständnis und mächtigen Trägerbetrieben ausgestattet, die die Einnahme einer privilegierten Sonderstellung ermöglichten. Begünstigt wurde dies durch eine ehrgeizige Führungsriege und den politischen Interessen des Politbüros. Die Studie zeigt, dass Dynamo ein starkes Hegemoniebestreben entwickelte, und dass im Inneren eine fortwährende, zum Teil auch konspirativ umgesetzte Beherrschung der Majorität Volkspolizei durch die Minorität Staatssicherheit bestand. / In spite of the fundamental importance for the GDR-sport and in spite of the powerful “Trägerbetriebe” ”Staatssicherheit”, “Volkspolizei”, “Ministerium des Innern” and “Amt für Zoll und Kontrolle des Warenverkehrs”, the sports organisation Dynamo is not explored very well. There are research results about some special subjects, but scientifically basics in terms of a general history of development do not exist. This study examines the undocumented first years of the powerful, aggressive and dominant organisation. It sheds the light on the origin, development and establishment in the 1950s by evaluating contemporary documents. Very much emphasis is on structural questions: how could the sports organisation Dynamo establish itself? Why could it achieve such an exceptional position? And how could Dynamo implement its own interests, although the sports system in the GDR was controlled by the SED-leadership? The documents show, that the sports organisation Dynamo was found in July 1952 by the “Staatssicherheit”. They also prove a following occupation of the “Sportvereinigung Deutsche Volkspolizei” by Dynamo in March 1953. This take-over violated the orders of the “Staatliches Komitee für Körperkultur und Sport” and is spuriously known as the foundation of the sports organisation Dynamo. From its foundation Dynamo was gifted with an especial organisational structure, an elitist self-image and powerful “Trägerbetriebe” to get into a privileged and exceptional position. This development was abetted by an aspiring leadership and the political interests of the “Politbüro”. The study shows, that Dynamo developed a strong endeavour for hegemony, and it proves a constant, partly conspiratorial control of the majority “Volkspolizei” by the minority “Staatssicherheit”.

Nicht-invasive Bestimmung der Gewebetemperatur der Arbeitsmuskulatur und des Gehirns bei körperlicher Belastung

Wilfinger, Anke 07 December 2016 (has links)
Hyperthermische Behandlungsverfahren im Bereich der Tumortherapie oder sportmedizinische Fragestellungen zum Einfluss verschiedener Belastungen auf verschiedene Gewebe v.a. die Frage einer möglichen belastungsinduzierten Hyperthermie mit möglicher gesundheitlicher Schädigung usw. verlangen nach einem praktikablen Messverfahren zur Überwachung von Gewebetemperaturen während körperlicher Belastung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Einfluss körperlicher Belastung bei moderaten Temperaturbedingungen um 21°C auf die Temperaturveränderung zum einen in der Muskulatur, zum anderen im Gehirn untersucht. Es wird eine praktikable Methodik zur Untersuchung von Gewebetemperaturen am Beispiel Muskulatur und Gehirn während bzw. unmittelbar nach körperlicher Belastung mittels Magnetspektroskopie beschrieben. Zur Bestimmung der Gewebetemperatur im M. gastrocnemius während aerober Belastung bei 30 % MVC und anaerober Belastung unter Ischämie bei 60 % MVC wurden an 21 gesunden männlichen Probanden 31P- spektroskopische Untersuchungen Form eines Tretversuches im MRT durchgeführt. Zur Untersuchung der belastungsinduzierten Temperaturentwicklung im Gehirn wurde die 1H-Magnetresonanzspektroskopie (MRS) genutzt. 14 gesunde männliche Probanden wurden während 150 min ohne Flüssigkeitsersatz bei 60 % ihrer individuellen anaeroben Leistungsschwelle auf einem Fahrradergometer belastet. Die Aufzeichnung der Spektren erfolgte zu drei Zeitpunkten prä, post und 3 h post Belastung in drei verschiedenen Voice of Interest (VOI''s) mit einer Grösse von 2 x 2 x 2 cm³= 8ml in der weißen Substanz parietal rechts, in der weißen Substanz parietal links und in der grauen Substanz okzipitoparietal. / Method of treatment using hyperthermia in tumor therapy or questions in sports medicine related to the influence of intensive sport activities on different tissue, especially the question of health effects or threat because of the possibility of load induced hyperthermia, need practicable method to measure brain temperature during physical activity. The influence of physical strain on temperature change in differerent tissue, in brain and in muscle, at moderate temperature about 21° C examinated in the present paper. A viable method using MRS for measuring tissue temperature in muscle and brain during physical aktivity resp. directly after load is described. For examination of the influence of different physical load on the local tissue temperature in musculature 31P-MRS was applied. 21 healthy male test person have been examinated using 31P-MRS during aerobic load with 30 % MVC and anaerobic load under ischemia with 60 % MVC . The load, a especially desingned kick experiment, occured directly in the magnetic resonance tomographic unit. 1H-MRS was used for examination of load induced temperature change in brain. 14 healthy male test person were loaded on cycle-ergometer during 150-min without liquid substitute with 60 % individual anaerobic threshold. MR-spectra observed in three different Voice of Interest (VOI''s) sized 2 x 2 x 2 cm³: grey substance occipitoparietal, white substance partietal on the right and white substance parietal on the left.

Heart rate variability in relation to the menstrual cycle in trained and untrained women

Spielmann, Nadine 05 January 2005 (has links)
Einleitung: Es wird angenommen, dass die zyklusbedingten, hormonellen Änderungen die vegetative Ansteuerung des Herzens bei normotensiven Frauen beeinflussen. Die Herzfrequenzvariabilität (HRV) stellt einen der am häufigsten untersuchten, nicht-invasiven Parameter des Herz-Kreislauf-Systems dar. Deshalb war es das Ziel dieser Studie, den Verlauf der HRV Parameter bei ausdauertrainierten als auch untrainierten normotensiven Frauen in Abhängigkeit vom Menstruationszyklus zu untersuchen. Methode: Normotensive, untrainierte als auch trainierte Frauen nahmen an der Studie teil. Die Athletinnen absolvierten individuell abgestimmte Trainingspläne (>5h/Woche) während der Studie. Die HRV Messungen wurden in den folgenden fünf Zyklusphasen aufgezeichnet: In der Menstruation (M), der Mitte der Follikel- (MidF), der Ovulations- (O), der Mitte der Luteal- (MidL) und der Pre-Menstruationsphase (PreM). Die Basaltemperatur als auch die Hormonanalysen des Luteinisierenden (LH) und des Follikelstimulierenden Hormons (FSH), des β-17 Östrogens (E2) und des Progesterons (P) dienten der Verifizierung der Zyklusphasen. Die HRV Messungen wurden bei Spontanatmung im Liegen (20 min) wie auch während eines Orthosthase Tests aufgezeichnet. Parameter der Zeit als auch der Frequenzdomäne für Kurzzeitmessungen wurden ausgewertet. Resultate: Alle Frauen hatten einen normotensiven Menstruationszyklus mit typischen hormonellen Schwankungen und einem signifikanten Verlauf (p / Introduction: The autonomic control of the heart is assumed to be affected by endogenous hormonal fluctuations in normal ovulatory females. Analyzing heart rate variability (HRV) had become a tool for the noninvasive measurement of cardiac autonomic control. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the course of the HRV parameters in moderately active as well as in long time endurance trained women during the menstrual cycle. Methods: Normal ovulatory females, untrained and trained were enrolled. Female athletes were involved in individually different training patterns (>5h/week) during the study. HRV recordings were obtained during five different menstrual cycle phases: menstruation (M), middle of follicular (MidF), ovulation (O), middle of luteal (MidL) and pre menstruation phase (PreM). Phases were verified by basal body temperature and analysis of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicular stimulation hormone (FSH), β-17 estrogen (E2) and progesterone (P). HRV measurements took place at subjects’ spontaneous breathing frequency in supine position (20 min) as well as during an orthostatic test. Parameters of short-term recording were calculated in time and frequency domain. Results: All women had normal ovulatory menstrual cycles including typical endogenous hormonal fluctuations; levels of LH, FSH, E2 and P were significantly different (p

Zeitaufgelöste Frequenzanalyse von EMG-Signalen bei dynamischen Hebevorgängen mit zunehmenden Lasten

Dietrich, Ralf 09 August 2010 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht mit elektromyographischen und biomechanischen Methoden lokale muskuläre Ermüdung und die damit verbundenen Veränderungen in der Kinematik und Kinetik eines ausbelastenden Hebetests. Hierzu wurde der PILE-Test (Mayer et al., 1988) verwendet, der als Diagnostikverfahren in der Rehabilitation von Personen mit Rückenbeschwerden eingesetzt wird. In den letzten Jahren sind mathematische Verfahren entwickelt worden, um spektralanalytische Untersuchungen dynamischer Muskelkontraktionen durchführen zu können. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde einer dieser Ansätze im Rahmen eines Softwarepakets umgesetzt. Er beruht auf der Verwendung der ''Smooth-Pseudo-Wigner-Ville-Verteilung'', einer biquadratischen Transformation der Cohen-Klasse. Das Verfahren zeichnet sich durch eine hohe Zeit- und Frequenzauflösung aus. Die spektralanalytische Untersuchung von sechs bewegungsrelevanten Muskeln während des Hebetests zeigte für die 22 männlichen Sportstudierenden signifikante Verringerungen der Medianfrequenz lediglich für die Signale der Rumpfstrecker (M. erector spinae, M. gluteus maximus). Dies konnte für die Signale des Kniestreckers (M. vastus lateralis) nicht beobachtet werden. Diese Ergebnisse korrespondieren mit den kinematischen Änderungen im Verlauf der Testdurchführung. Zwischen der Frequenzänderung des M. erector spinae vom Startintervall (geringe Last) zum Schlussintervall (hohe Last) und der Verringerung der Bewegungsamplitude der Rumpfextension wurde eine signifikante Korrelation festgestellt. Aufgrund der daraus ableitbaren Insuffizienz des M. erector spinae kommt es in der Initialphase der Hebung, in der die maximalen Bodenreaktionskräfte auftreten, für nahezu die Hälfte der Probanden zu einem Absenken des Rumpfes. Da dieses Verhalten mit einer erhöhten Belastung im Bereich der lumbalen Wirbelsäule assoziiert wird, sollte die Bewegungsausführung während des PILE-Tests kontrolliert werden, um Gesundheitsrisiken zu vermeiden. / Electromyographic and biomechanical methods were used to investigate localized muscle fatigue and changes in the kinematics during an exhausting lifting test. For this purpose the ''Progressive Isoinertial Lifting Evaluation'' (PILE) was utilized, which was published by Mayer (1988) as a method to quantify the lifting capacity of people with spinal disorders. Fatigue-related changes in the electromyographic signals of trunk and limb muscles were evaluated and compared to kinematic measures in order to determine whether fatigue influences motor behavior during the lifting test. Recent advances in the methodology of time-frequency analysis for electro- myographic signal processing provide a new way of studying localized muscle fatigue during dynamic contractions. One of these approaches was used to develop an algorithm for the analysis of highly dynamic muscle contractions. It is based on the ''smooth-pseudo-Wigner-Ville-distribution'', a biquadratic transformation of the Cohen class. The method is characterized by a high time and frequency resolution. Twenty-two male physical education students performed the lumbar PILE-test. During the lifting task, the median frequency significantly decreased over time in the trunk extensor muscles (erector spinae, gluteus maximus) but not in the limb muscles (vastus lateralis, gastrocnemius). This corresponds to changes in the kinematic. In the initial lifting phase, the range of motion of the knee joint increased from low to high loads, while the range of motion of the trunk decreased. Half of the subjects reached almost complete knee extension while the trunk was still in maximum flexion when lifting heavy loads. The change of median frequency of the erector spinae is significantly correlated with the reduction of trunk extension. These biomechanical changes are associated with increased peak torque at the lumbar spine. Therefore it is recommended to monitor the lifting technique during the PILE-Test to avoid health risks.

Lateralität bei Leistungsschwimmern

Hermsdorf, Mario 10 September 2009 (has links)
Kann durch ein zusätzliches Kraftausdauertraining bei Hochleistungsschwimmern eine vorhandene Lateralität bei den oberen Extremitäten verringert werden? Ein positiver Effekt des Trainings am Armkraftzuggerät (AKZ), welches mit unterschiedlichen Belastungseinstellungen für die beiden Seiten durchgeführt wurde, konnte nur bei zwei von den sieben Probanden (Pb.) der Testgruppe (TG) nachgewiesen werden. Die anderen Pb. der TG zeigten bei den gemessenen Parametern keine eindeutige Verringerung der absoluten bzw. prozentualen Differenzen, teilweise waren sogar Differenzvergrößerungen zu finden. Die Pb. der Kontrollgruppe (KG), die mit denselben Belastungseinstellungen für die beiden Seiten trainierten, zeigten ein sehr heterogenes Bild bei den erreichten Ergebnissen. Während bei sechs Pb. die erreichten Ergebnisse relativ stabil blieben, stiegen die Differenzen bei den anderen vier Pb. in unterschiedlichen Messungen an. Insgesamt kann keine signifikante Verringerung des anfangs vorhandenen Seitenunterschiedes bei der TG im Vergleich zur KG nachgewiesen werden. Bei einer nachträglichen Trainingsdatenanalyse des Schwimmers Pb. 18 konnte festgestellt werden, dass über den Zugstil Schmetterling (S) auf der linken Seite, wo höhere Belastungen eingestellt waren, auch höhere Leistungswerte provoziert wurden als bei der Zugart Kraul (K). Ferner waren die Leistungswerte beim S links größer als rechts, was bei K nicht der Fall war. Dort zeigte die rechte Extremität höhere Werte. Ob nun solch ein Training am AKZ mit dem Zugstil K oder S zu besseren Ergebnissen führt, konnte noch nicht geklärt werden. Aus diesem Grund wird ein Training in der Zugart der Hauptlage empfohlen. Außerdem sollte versucht werden, im allgemeinen Training spezielle Übungen zur Verringerung von Seitigkeitsunterschieden zu integrieren. / Introduction: The results of published studies on laterality (related to sport) as well as results of evaluations from IAT (Institute for Applied Sports Training) data and findings of own investigations indicate the existence of laterality in athletes, not only in acyclic but also in cyclical sports such as swimming. Is it possible to reduce existing laterality in upper extremities by additional strength endurance training in high performance swimmers? Results and discussion: A positive effect of swimming machine ergometer training, with different load settings for both sides, could be proven by only two out of seven subjects, whose side difference decreased demonstrably. The measured parameters didn’t show any significant decrease of the absolute and/or percentage differences for the other subjects, in fact an increase of side differences were to be found partially. The subjects of the control group, undergoing the same training, showed heterogeneous results. While the results of the six subjects remained stable, the side differences of the other four subjects increased during different measurements. Overall, there was no significant decrease of the existing laterality in the test group compared to the control group. In an additional training data evaluation of subject 18 it was found that the athlete’s left-hand side, where higher loads were set, was able to gain a higher performance in butterfly style than in crawl. In contrast to crawl style, the left side performance values during butterfly strokes were higher then right-hand side values. During crawls strikes the right-hand side displayed higher values. Whether a „crawl" or „butterfly" training at the swimming machine ergometer leads to better results, could not be clarified yet. For that reason, training in the athlete’s favored swimming position is recommended. Moreover, the general training program should imply certain exercises to decrease laterality.

Edifícios e galerias comerciais: arquitetura e comércio na cidade de São Paulo, anos 50 e 60 / Commercial buildings and galleries: architecture and commerce at São Paulo city, in the 1950\'s and 1960\'s

Aleixo, Cynthia Augusta Poleto 23 August 2005 (has links)
Discute a construção de um conjunto de edifícios e galerias comerciais em meio ao processo de metropolização e modernização da cidade de São Paulo no século XX. Produtos de um momento de desenvolvimento acelerado da indústria imobiliária, no qual a verticalização na área central era incentivada e ao mesmo tempo controlada pela administração municipal, estes edifícios, datados dos anos 50 e 60 em sua maioria, foram empreendidos por grupos de investidores brasileiros associados a imigrantes europeus, escritórios de arquitetura e construtoras. Considerando sua origem histórica, ao investigar as referências européias, norte-americanas e principalmente a história paulistana, propõe-se a compreensão de sua produção pelo viés arquitetônico, social e mercadológico. O trabalho identifica as especificidades da construção dos edifícios e galerias comerciais resgatando o momento de constituição do centro novo como uma nova área de investimentos, em especial, no setor terciário. Contribui também para as pesquisas sobre os novos programas e novas tipologias ligadas às demandas da metrópole paulistana na segunda metade do século XX. / The construction of a set of commercial buildings and galleries is discussed as part of the metropolization and modernization of the city of São Paulo in the 20th century. Products of a period of accelerated development of the real estate industry, during which the verticalization in the downtown area was encouraged and at the same time controlled by the municipal administration, these buildings, most of them dating back to the 50 and 60\'s, were the enterprise of groups of brazilian investors associated with european immigrants, architectural offices, and builders. Considering their historical origin, when investigating the european and north american references and mainly the history of the city, we propose the understanding of their production from an architectural, social, and marketing viewpoint. The present work identifies the specificities of the construction of the commercial buildings and galleries by recovering the time when a new downtown area was constituted as a new area of investment, especially in the tertiary sector. It also contributes to research about the new programs and typologies linked to the demands of the São Paulo metropolis in the second half of the 20th century.

Ohrožené skupiny obyvatel na trhu práce se zaměřením na osoby starší padesáti let / Endangered groups of people on the labour market with respect to persons older than 50 years

Urbanová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
Economic cycle has significantly affected the national as well as the international labour market and has caused increased unemployment which primarily concerns endangered groups of people on the labour market. This Thesis is based on the hypothesis that persons older than 50 years are more prone to be socially excluded due to long-term unemployment and a more complex return to job than younger groups of people. With respect to the continuous aging population and prolongation of retirement age, it is necessary to analyse the obstacles and options leading to longer job engagement. The theoretical part of the Thesis characterises the labour market and its imperfections using a descriptive method. In the analytical part, effectiveness and purposefulness of the tool of active employment politics in Jindřichův Hradec are investigated. Evaluation of the analysis follows. The major aim of this Diploma Thesis is to identify the status of the social group in question in the Czech labour market via secondary analysis and also to evaluate to what extend active employment politics contributes to such a status in the regional labour market in Jindřichův Hradec.

A pioneira arquitetura dos hotéis art déco de Goiânia - décadas de 1930 e 1950 / Modernity art déco hotel architecture-Goiânia - the 1930 and 1950s

Rocha, Daniella Medeiros Moreira 21 July 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2014-10-06T10:45:36Z No. of bitstreams: 7 Dissertação-Daniella Medeiros Moreira Rocha - 2013 (1).pdf: 15801916 bytes, checksum: 0b05660a9e263c1da4204536b0e56871 (MD5) Dissertação-Daniella Medeiros Moreira Rocha - 2013 (2).pdf: 15676966 bytes, checksum: 14c5483474603d8a9d0511d3bceb46ac (MD5) Dissertação-Daniella Medeiros Moreira Rocha - 2013 (3).pdf: 13776768 bytes, checksum: fd1891ee713ec6ee3bd869c8b555b31c (MD5) Dissertação-Daniella Medeiros Moreira Rocha - 2013 (4).pdf: 15705470 bytes, checksum: f733031fb9deed4871424e7b1edd8bdc (MD5) Dissertação-Daniella Medeiros Moreira Rocha - 2013 (5).pdf: 16753983 bytes, checksum: 5c3116b2bb7bde75782d6a9bea854266 (MD5) Dissertação-Daniella Medeiros Moreira Rocha - 2013 (6).pdf: 12309120 bytes, checksum: f2daa3bc673f5f55b04314d2d1d2cd4a (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2014-10-06T10:48:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 7 Dissertação-Daniella Medeiros Moreira Rocha - 2013 (1).pdf: 15801916 bytes, checksum: 0b05660a9e263c1da4204536b0e56871 (MD5) Dissertação-Daniella Medeiros Moreira Rocha - 2013 (2).pdf: 15676966 bytes, checksum: 14c5483474603d8a9d0511d3bceb46ac (MD5) Dissertação-Daniella Medeiros Moreira Rocha - 2013 (3).pdf: 13776768 bytes, checksum: fd1891ee713ec6ee3bd869c8b555b31c (MD5) Dissertação-Daniella Medeiros Moreira Rocha - 2013 (4).pdf: 15705470 bytes, checksum: f733031fb9deed4871424e7b1edd8bdc (MD5) Dissertação-Daniella Medeiros Moreira Rocha - 2013 (5).pdf: 16753983 bytes, checksum: 5c3116b2bb7bde75782d6a9bea854266 (MD5) Dissertação-Daniella Medeiros Moreira Rocha - 2013 (6).pdf: 12309120 bytes, checksum: f2daa3bc673f5f55b04314d2d1d2cd4a (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-06T10:48:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 7 Dissertação-Daniella Medeiros Moreira Rocha - 2013 (1).pdf: 15801916 bytes, checksum: 0b05660a9e263c1da4204536b0e56871 (MD5) Dissertação-Daniella Medeiros Moreira Rocha - 2013 (2).pdf: 15676966 bytes, checksum: 14c5483474603d8a9d0511d3bceb46ac (MD5) Dissertação-Daniella Medeiros Moreira Rocha - 2013 (3).pdf: 13776768 bytes, checksum: fd1891ee713ec6ee3bd869c8b555b31c (MD5) Dissertação-Daniella Medeiros Moreira Rocha - 2013 (4).pdf: 15705470 bytes, checksum: f733031fb9deed4871424e7b1edd8bdc (MD5) Dissertação-Daniella Medeiros Moreira Rocha - 2013 (5).pdf: 16753983 bytes, checksum: 5c3116b2bb7bde75782d6a9bea854266 (MD5) Dissertação-Daniella Medeiros Moreira Rocha - 2013 (6).pdf: 12309120 bytes, checksum: f2daa3bc673f5f55b04314d2d1d2cd4a (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-21 / This research seeks to highlight the history of architecture in Goiania, and its protected architectural heritage (historical and artistic), under art deco style look, which was manifested in hotel edifications of Goiania, in 1930 and 1940, and lately, in 1950, representing, at the time, a symbol of modernity. More specifically, it is a study of the three pioneering hotels with this style: Palace Hotel, Grand Hotel and Hotel Don Bosco. The study delimitation consisted on investigating the objects in three periods: at construction; at some of their most significant moments; at present days. Methodological proposal was based upon bibliographical and documental surveys, oral interviews, photographic survey, original plants and descriptive memorials surveys, updated architectural and photographic surveys, for composition of records, as well as descriptions and analysis of art deco modernity, under the following criteria: party and architectural program, volumetry and facades, materials, techniques and indoors. In bibliographical research were used references pertinent to the history of art, history of art deco, history of Goiania and considerations on the question of heritage. As to documentary research, the public agencies related with were: Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN), the Board of Historical and Artistic Heritage, the Board of the Image and Sound Museum (MIS), both of the Agency of Culture Pedro Ludovico Teixeira in Goiania (AGEPEL), the Heritage Division of the Municipal Secretary of Culture, the Municipal Secretary of Sustainable Urban Development (SEMDUS) and its historical archives. The testimonies were collected by oral interviews of personae who were part of the story of the people of Goiania. / Esta pesquisa procura evidenciar a história da arquitetura de Goiânia e do seu acervo arquitetônico tombado (histórico e artístico) pelo viés do estilo art déco, que se manifestou nas edificações hoteleiras goianienses nas décadas de 1930 e 1940 e, mais tardiamente, em 1950, representando, à época, um símbolo de modernidade. Mais especificamente, constitui um estudo dos três hotéis pioneiros nesse estilo: o Palace Hotel, o Grande Hotel e o Hotel Dom Bosco. A delimitação do estudo consistiu em investigar o objeto em três tempos: no momento inicial da sua construção; alguns de seus momentos mais significativos; e os seus dias atuais. A proposta metodológica foi a do levantamento bibliográfico e documental, entrevistas orais, levantamento fotográfico, levantamento de plantas originais e memoriais descritivos, levantamentos arquitetônicos e fotográficos atualizados, para composição de registros, descrições e análise da modernidade do art déco a partir dos seguintes critérios: partido e programa arquitetônico, volumetria e fachada, materiaise técnicas e interiores. Na pesquisa bibliográfica foram utilizadas referências pertinentes à história da arte, à história do art déco, história de Goiânia e considerações sobre a questão do patrimônio. Quanto à pesquisa documental, os órgãos públicos relacionados foram: Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico (IPHAN), a Diretoria do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico, a Diretoria do Museu da Imagem e Som (MIS), ambas da Agência Goiana de Cultura Pedro Ludovico Teixeira (AGEPEL), a Divisão de Patrimônio Histórico da Secretaria Municipal de Cultura, Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Urbano Sustentável (SEMDUS) e arquivos históricos. Os depoimentos foram coletados por entrevista oral de personagens que fizeram parte da história goianiense.

Edifícios e galerias comerciais: arquitetura e comércio na cidade de São Paulo, anos 50 e 60 / Commercial buildings and galleries: architecture and commerce at São Paulo city, in the 1950\'s and 1960\'s

Cynthia Augusta Poleto Aleixo 23 August 2005 (has links)
Discute a construção de um conjunto de edifícios e galerias comerciais em meio ao processo de metropolização e modernização da cidade de São Paulo no século XX. Produtos de um momento de desenvolvimento acelerado da indústria imobiliária, no qual a verticalização na área central era incentivada e ao mesmo tempo controlada pela administração municipal, estes edifícios, datados dos anos 50 e 60 em sua maioria, foram empreendidos por grupos de investidores brasileiros associados a imigrantes europeus, escritórios de arquitetura e construtoras. Considerando sua origem histórica, ao investigar as referências européias, norte-americanas e principalmente a história paulistana, propõe-se a compreensão de sua produção pelo viés arquitetônico, social e mercadológico. O trabalho identifica as especificidades da construção dos edifícios e galerias comerciais resgatando o momento de constituição do centro novo como uma nova área de investimentos, em especial, no setor terciário. Contribui também para as pesquisas sobre os novos programas e novas tipologias ligadas às demandas da metrópole paulistana na segunda metade do século XX. / The construction of a set of commercial buildings and galleries is discussed as part of the metropolization and modernization of the city of São Paulo in the 20th century. Products of a period of accelerated development of the real estate industry, during which the verticalization in the downtown area was encouraged and at the same time controlled by the municipal administration, these buildings, most of them dating back to the 50 and 60\'s, were the enterprise of groups of brazilian investors associated with european immigrants, architectural offices, and builders. Considering their historical origin, when investigating the european and north american references and mainly the history of the city, we propose the understanding of their production from an architectural, social, and marketing viewpoint. The present work identifies the specificities of the construction of the commercial buildings and galleries by recovering the time when a new downtown area was constituted as a new area of investment, especially in the tertiary sector. It also contributes to research about the new programs and typologies linked to the demands of the São Paulo metropolis in the second half of the 20th century.

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