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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Governança, políticas públicas de cultura e as realidades locais: o caso VAI-SBC / Governança, public policy of culture and the local circumstances: VAI-SBC case

João Batista Pires 17 April 2017 (has links)
Trata-se do processo de disseminação ou difusão de políticas públicas de cultura, a partir da análise de implantação do Programa de Valorização de Iniciativas Culturais, VAI-SBC, programa de fomento à produção cultural da prefeitura de São Bernardo do Campo, em relação com o programa homônimo e sua matriz conceitual, o Programa VAI, desenvolvido na cidade de São Paulo. Embora ambos se filiem ao mesmo campo político-ideológico, ao ser adaptado à localidade do Grande ABC, variáveis internas e externas ao programa, tais como a experiência acumulada pelos fazedores de política (policy makers), os constrangimentos impostos pela situação político-administrativa do município e as características de desenvolvimento especificas do campo cultural local influenciaram o modo como ocorreu a escolha do modelo de formulação, agindo decisivamente na construção do seu objeto e de suas diretrizes. O estudo foi realizado a partir de pesquisa de documentos, leis, imprensa comercial e oficial, programas, entrevistas, depoimentos, projetos e ações, considerando aspectos políticos, culturais, artísticos e sociais na realização da política pública de cultura / It is about the process of dissemination or diffusion of culture public policies, from the analysis of the Cultural Initiatives Valuation Program, VAI-SBC, development program to cultural production of the São Bernardo do Campos city hall, in relation to the homonym program and its conceptual basis, the VAI Program, developed on the city of São Paulo. Although both join the same political-ideological field, when being adapted to the location of Grande ABC, internal and external variables to the program, such as the accumulated experience by the policy makers, the embarrassments imposed by the political-management situation of the city hall and the development characteristics of the local cultural field, influenced the way how the choice of the formulation model occurred, acting decisively on the construction of its object and its guidelines. The study was based on research on documents, laws, commercial and official press, programs, interviews, testimonies, projects and actions, considering politcal, cultural, artistic and social aspects in the accomplishment of the public policy of culture

Governança, políticas públicas de cultura e as realidades locais: o caso VAI-SBC / Governança, public policy of culture and the local circumstances: VAI-SBC case

Pires, João Batista 17 April 2017 (has links)
Trata-se do processo de disseminação ou difusão de políticas públicas de cultura, a partir da análise de implantação do Programa de Valorização de Iniciativas Culturais, VAI-SBC, programa de fomento à produção cultural da prefeitura de São Bernardo do Campo, em relação com o programa homônimo e sua matriz conceitual, o Programa VAI, desenvolvido na cidade de São Paulo. Embora ambos se filiem ao mesmo campo político-ideológico, ao ser adaptado à localidade do Grande ABC, variáveis internas e externas ao programa, tais como a experiência acumulada pelos fazedores de política (policy makers), os constrangimentos impostos pela situação político-administrativa do município e as características de desenvolvimento especificas do campo cultural local influenciaram o modo como ocorreu a escolha do modelo de formulação, agindo decisivamente na construção do seu objeto e de suas diretrizes. O estudo foi realizado a partir de pesquisa de documentos, leis, imprensa comercial e oficial, programas, entrevistas, depoimentos, projetos e ações, considerando aspectos políticos, culturais, artísticos e sociais na realização da política pública de cultura / It is about the process of dissemination or diffusion of culture public policies, from the analysis of the Cultural Initiatives Valuation Program, VAI-SBC, development program to cultural production of the São Bernardo do Campos city hall, in relation to the homonym program and its conceptual basis, the VAI Program, developed on the city of São Paulo. Although both join the same political-ideological field, when being adapted to the location of Grande ABC, internal and external variables to the program, such as the accumulated experience by the policy makers, the embarrassments imposed by the political-management situation of the city hall and the development characteristics of the local cultural field, influenced the way how the choice of the formulation model occurred, acting decisively on the construction of its object and its guidelines. The study was based on research on documents, laws, commercial and official press, programs, interviews, testimonies, projects and actions, considering politcal, cultural, artistic and social aspects in the accomplishment of the public policy of culture

Gestão de materiais no HCFMRP-USP: estudo de caso / Material management at HCFMRP-USP: case study

Mazeto, Luzimar Rosângela da Silva 05 December 2016 (has links)
Os hospitais, embora sejam instituições predominantemente fornecedoras de serviços, à semelhança das indústrias, também apresentam necessidade de gestão de materiais. A diversidade de itens de consumo vai desde gêneros alimentícios até insumos de alta especificidade, como por exemplo, os que são utilizados em sofisticados exames de biologia molecular. A gestão de materiais de consumo em um hospital de ensino, público e de nível terciário é ainda mais complexo, pois há uma relativa autonomia de cada área no planejamento de seus materiais, alta exigência na qualidade dos itens, com consequente seleção de marcas. É um incorporador, e criador de novas técnicas e tecnologias, e tem que obedecer a legislação vigente. Há ainda outras variáveis relacionadas, como a logística, orçamento escasso, falta de recursos humanos qualificados. O presente estudo descreveu os materiais de consumo de um hospital universitário de grande porte, classificou os materiais de consumo segundo o valor financeiro (ABC) e também quanto a criticidade (VEN ou XYZ) e propôs política de gestão utilizando estas classificações, com o objetivo de melhorar o desempenho dos resultados das políticas de abastecimento. Trata-se de um estudo tipo relato de caso, que utilizou a coleta de dados, informações, além da pesquisa documental disponibilizados através de sistema informatizado para a analise dos materiais de consumo programados na instituição. O resultado foi a classificação dos itens através dos valores e também em relação a importância operacional dos itens em um dado processo .Através do cruzamento das duas classificações foi possível identificar os grupos de materiais que precisam de maior controle em função dos valores e criticidade. Assim como o acompanhamento dos processos de aquisição e a quantidade a ser estocada para a sua utilização em todas as atividades realizadas no hospital. / Hospitals, although mainly service-providing institutions, like the industries also have need for materials management. The diversity of consumable items ranging from foodstuffs to high specific inputs, such as those used in sophisticated molecular biology tests. consumption of materials management in a teaching hospital, public and tertiary level is even more complex because there is a relative autonomy of each area in the planning of their materials, high demands on the quality of the items, with consequent selection of brands, is one developer and creator of new techniques and technologies and have to obey the law. There are other related variables, such as logistics and meager budget, lack of skilled positions. This study described the material consumption of a large university hospital, ranked consumables according to the financial value (ABC) as well as the criticality (VED or XYZ) and proposed management policy using these classifications in order to improve the performance results of supply policies. This is a case study, which used data collection, information, and document research available through a computerized system for the analysis of consumables programmed in the institution. The result was the classification of items through the values and in relation to the operational significance of the items in a given .Through process the intersection of two classifications is possible to identify groups of materials that require greater control on the amounts and criticality. And the monitoring of procurement processes and the quantity to be stored for use in all activities in the hospital.

Studie standardizace určené komodity pro činnosti nákupu / The Study of Standardization for the Business of Buying Commodities

Vlašic, Petr January 2016 (has links)
Master’s thesis deal with commodities of metallurgical and connecting material in engineering firm. For these commodities is concocted an analysis of current statement, based on it will be designed its material standard. Purpose of this dissertation should be reaching of potential savings of money, time and increasing of productivity.

De la rose sauvage à la rose domestiquée : caractérisation du rôle d’APETALA2L dans la formation de la fleur double chez le rosier / From wild to domesticated roses : characterisation of APETALA2L function in double flower formation in Rosa chinensis

François, Léa 16 July 2019 (has links)
Les roses à fleurs doubles attirent sélectionneurs et scientifiques depuis de nombreux siècles. L’analyse des taux de ségrégation et cartes génétiques indique que le passage de la fleur simple à la fleur double est dû à une seule mutation dominante située sur le chromosome 3. Cette mutation conduit à une conversion homéotique d’une partie des étamines en pétales, soulignant la possibilité que cette mutation impacte certains gènes du modèle ABC. Il y a quelques années, notre équipe a démontré que l’augmentation du nombre de pétales chez le rosier était corrélée à une restriction de l’expression de RcAGAMOUS (RcAG) vers le centre du méristème floral. Cependant, RcAG étant porté par le chromosome 5, il ne peut être le déterminant génétique de la fleur double. Il a donc été supposé que la mutation en cause se trouvait dans un gène intervenant en amont de RcAG.Récemment, nous avons séquencé, assemblé et publié le génome de Rosa chinensis cv ‘Old Blush’ un ancêtre des rosiers modernes qui produit déjà des fleurs doubles. L’assemblage, de très bonne qualité, nous a aidé à reconstruire la séquence des deux haplotypes de l'intervalle contenant la mutation liée à la fleur double. Nous avons identifié, parmi les 631 gènes de cet intervalle, un gène APETALA2-LIKE (RcAP2L) comme candidat plus que prometteur. En effet, il a été découvert que ce gène existait sous la forme de deux allèles, l’un d’entre eux contenant un grand élément transposable, donnant lieu à un allèle tronqué résistant à l’inhibition par miR172, appelé RcAP2LΔ172. Sachant que la surexpression d’un variant résistant au miR172 entraîne souvent la formation de pétales supplémentaires chez A. thaliana, j’ai démontré que la présence de ce variant corrèle avec le phénotype « fleur double » chez les rosiers d’origine chinoise. Enfin, alors qu’AP2 est capable d’inhiber l’expression d’AG en se liant directement à ses séquences régulatrices chez A. thaliana, j’ai confirmé la capacité des protéines codées par les deux allèles de RcAP2L à lier les séquences régulatrices de RcAG, in vitro. À partir de ces résultats, je propose donc un modèle pouvant expliquer la formation de fleurs doubles chez les rosiers chinois et peut-être d’autres Rosaceae, dans lesquelles la protéine RcAP2LΔ172 peut s’accumuler du fait de sa résistance au miR172 et restreindre davantage l’expression de RcAG au centre du méristème floral. Ainsi, la frontière entre les domaines A et C se trouve elle aussi déplacée vers le centre du méristème, ce qui induit la conversion des étamines en pétales. / Roses exhibiting double flowers have intrigued both breeders and scientists for decades. Based on segregation ratios and genetic maps, it is known that the switch from simple to double flower is due a single dominant locus on chromosome 3. When present in its mutated form, this locus leads to a homeotic conversion of stamens into petals, suggesting a mechanism involving the ABC genes. A few years ago, our team demonstrated that the increase in petal number correlates with a restriction of RCAGAMOUS (RcAG) expression domain towards the center of the floral meristem. However, as RcAG is located on chromosome 5, the causative mutation was assumed to act as a regulator of this gene. Recently, we sequenced, assembled and published the double-flowered Rosa chinensis cv ‘Old Blush’ genome sequence with a high-quality assembly that helped us to reconstruct the sequence of the two haplotypes of the interval containing the double flower mutation. Among the 631 genes from this interval, we identified here an APETALA2-LIKE (RcAP2L) gene as a strong candidate. Indeed, this gene was found to exist as two alleles, with one containing a large transposable element resulting in a truncated, miR172-resistant, variant named RcAP2LΔ172. Knowing that the overexpression of a miR172-resistant variant of AP2 leads to the formation of extra petals (and sometimes stamens) in Arabidopsis, we investigated the presence of this variant in simple and double flower varieties. The presence of RcAP2LΔ172 was found to correlate with the double flower phenotype in Chinese roses and was not observed in any of the simple-flowered roses studied. Finally, as AP2 is able to inhibit AG expression by directly binding to its regulatory sequences in A. thaliana, I confirmed that both RcAP2L proteins are also able to recognize RcAG regulatory sequences in vitro. A working model is thus proposed for double flower formation in rose, that could be valid for other Rosaceae, whereby RcAP2LΔ172 protein may accumulate due to its resistance to miR172 and consequently may repress more RcAG towards the center of the floral meristem, leading to the sliding of the A/C border and thus the conversion of stamens into petals.

Suggested actions to improve the warehouse layout at Nordic E-commerce group

Ericsson, Sandra, Frid, Marielle January 2013 (has links)
Background: Nordic E-commerce group (NECG) consists of affiliated companies NordicInk, NordicFeel and PetsOnline. Three different types of companies in one warehouse area contribute to a wide range of products held in inventory. NECG’s problem derives in the fact that the company’s warehouse layout needs to handle a larger volume of sales, but is not capable of doing this in a structured way today. This matter of fact has led to new thoughts concerning improvements of the layout. The warehouse layout referred to in this thesis includes input and output doors, receiving and outgoing areas, material handling equipment and the placement of articles in inventory. Although article placement is per definition a part of warehouse layout, it will be given extra emphasis in this thesis as it is one of NECG’s most critical issues.   Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to identify NECG’s current warehouse layout and article placement and the problems associated with it, as well as to provide suggested actions for improvements. This is to be done so NECG can better utilize the warehouse space, and thus prepare the warehouse to handle a larger volume of sales.   Methodology: Qualitative and quantitative data was collected through semi-structured interviews and observations at NECG, as well as through excel files containing transactional data for NordicInk’s products. Through a non-probability, snowball selection the respondents were chosen. There have not been any requirements from NECG regarding confidentiality in terms of the warehouse layout.   Findings: There are a number of suggested actions that NECG may apply to improve the warehouse layout; two separate doors for incoming and outgoing deliveries, one designated receiving and one outgoing area, and a flow shop layout combined with a U-form layout would be the most beneficial for NECG’s warehouse. Furthermore, NECG needs a more consistent article placement and it is recommended for the company to apply a floating location system to its high-picked products and a fixed location system for its low-picked products. This will make NECG take better use of the available space and a more structured warehouse will be achieved. / Bakgrund: Nordic E-commerce Group (NECG) består utav dotterbolagen NordicInk, NordicFeel och PetsOnline. Då lagret består utav tre olika företag finns ett brett utbud av produkter. NECG:s problem härrör i att företagets lagerlayout inte har följt med i företagets utveckling. För att kunna hantera en större försäljningsvolym, behöver lagerområdet kunna hantera nuvarande och framtida lagervolymer, men är inte kapabel till att göra detta på ett strukturerat sätt i dag. Detta har lett till nya tankar om förbättringsförslag kring lagerlayout. I detta examensarbete avser lagerlayout ingående och utgående portar, inkommande och utgående lagringsområden, materialhanteringsutrustning och artikelplacering i lager. Även om artikeln placering är per definition en del av lagerlayout, kommer det att ges extra fokus i detta examensarbete eftersom det är en av NECG mest kritiska frågor.   Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete är att identifiera NECG nuvarande lagerlayout och artikel placering samt vilka eventuella problem som finns, för att kunna ge förslag på förbättringar. Detta ska göras så att NECG kan utnyttja sitt lagerutrymme bättre och förbereda sig inför ökade försäljningsvolymer.   Metod: Kvalitativ och kvantitativ data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och observationer på NECG, samt genom excel filer innehållande transaktionsdata kring NordicInk’s produkter. Genom ett icke-sannolikt, snöbollsurval valdes respondenterna ut. NECG har inte uttryckt några krav om att sekretessbelägga arbetet kring lagerlayout.   Resultat: Det finns ett antal förslag på åtgärder som NECG kan tillämpa för att förbättra lagerlayouten: två separata dörrar för inkommande och utgående leveranser, ett designerat område för inkommande och ett för utgående leveranser samt en flow shop layout kombinerat med en U-form layout skulle vara mest fördelaktigt för NECG:s lager. Vidare behöver NECG en mer konsekvent artikelplacering och det rekommenderas för företaget att tillämpa ett flytande system för dess högfrekvent plockade produkter och ett fast system för dess lågfrekvent plockade produkter. Detta kommer att göra så att NECG bättre utnyttjar det tillgängliga lagerutrymmet och ett mer strukturerat system kommer att uppnås.  Bakgrund: Nordic E-commerce Group (NECG) består utav dotterbolagen NordicInk, NordicFeel och PetsOnline. Då lagret består utav tre olika företag finns ett brett utbud av produkter. NECG:s problem härrör i att företagets lagerlayout inte har följt med i företagets utveckling. För att kunna hantera en större försäljningsvolym, behöver lagerområdet kunna hantera nuvarande och framtida lagervolymer, men är inte kapabel till att göra detta på ett strukturerat sätt i dag. Detta har lett till nya tankar om förbättringsförslag kring lagerlayout. I detta examensarbete avser lagerlayout ingående och utgående portar, inkommande och utgående lagringsområden, materialhanteringsutrustning och artikelplacering i lager. Även om artikeln placering är per definition en del av lagerlayout, kommer det att ges extra fokus i detta examensarbete eftersom det är en av NECG mest kritiska frågor.   Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete är att identifiera NECG nuvarande lagerlayout och artikel placering samt vilka eventuella problem som finns, för att kunna ge förslag på förbättringar. Detta ska göras så att NECG kan utnyttja sitt lagerutrymme bättre och förbereda sig inför ökade försäljningsvolymer.   Metod: Kvalitativ och kvantitativ data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och observationer på NECG, samt genom excel filer innehållande transaktionsdata kring NordicInk’s produkter. Genom ett icke-sannolikt, snöbollsurval valdes respondenterna ut. NECG har inte uttryckt några krav om att sekretessbelägga arbetet kring lagerlayout.   Resultat: Det finns ett antal förslag på åtgärder som NECG kan tillämpa för att förbättra lagerlayouten: två separata dörrar för inkommande och utgående leveranser, ett designerat område för inkommande och ett för utgående leveranser samt en flow shop layout kombinerat med en U-form layout skulle vara mest fördelaktigt för NECG:s lager. Vidare behöver NECG en mer konsekvent artikelplacering och det rekommenderas för företaget att tillämpa ett flytande system för dess högfrekvent plockade produkter och ett fast system för dess lågfrekvent plockade produkter. Detta kommer att göra så att NECG bättre utnyttjar det tillgängliga lagerutrymmet och ett mer strukturerat system kommer att uppnås.

Untersuchungen zum Fettsäuretransport durch zelluläre und peroxisomale Membranen / Investigation of fatty acid transport across cellular and peroxisomal membranes

Scharnewski, Michael 19 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Régulation de l'activité transcriptionnelle de PPARgamma via l'activation des récepteurs CD36 et GHS-R1a : potentiel anti-athérosclérotique

Demers, Annie 10 1900 (has links)
Les sécrétines peptidiques de l’hormone de croissance (GHRPs) constituent une classe de peptides synthétiques capables de stimuler la sécrétion de l’hormone de croissance (GH). Cette activité est médiée par leur liaison à un récepteur couplé aux protéines G : le récepteur des sécrétines de l’hormone de croissance (GHS-R1a), identifié subséquemment comme le récepteur de la ghréline. La ghréline est un peptide de 28 acides aminés sécrété principalement par les cellules de la muqueuse de l’estomac, qui exerce de nombreux effets périphériques indépendamment de la sécrétion de l’hormone de croissance. Les effets indépendants de la sécrétion de GH incluent, entre autres, des actions sur le contrôle de la prise de nourriture, le métabolisme énergétique, la fonction cardiaque, le système immunitaire et la prolifération cellulaire. L’étude de la distribution périphérique des sites de liaison des GHRPs nous a permis d’identifier un second site, le CD36, un récepteur scavenger exprimé dans plusieurs tissus dont le myocarde, l’endothélium de la microvasculature et les monocytes/macrophages. Le CD36 exprimé à la surface du macrophage joue un rôle clé dans l’initiation du développement de l’athérosclérose par la liaison et l’internalisation des lipoprotéines de faible densité oxydées (LDLox) dans l’espace sous-endothélial de l’artère. L’hexaréline, un analogue GHRP, a été développé comme agent thérapeutique pour stimuler la sécrétion de l’hormone de croissance par l’hypophyse. Sa propriété de liaison aux récepteurs GHS-R1a et CD36 situés en périphérie et particulièrement sa capacité d’interférer avec la liaison des LDLox par le CD36 nous ont incité à évaluer la capacité de l’hexaréline à moduler le métabolisme lipidique du macrophage. L’objectif principal de ce projet a été de déterminer les effets de l’activation des récepteurs CD36 et GHS-R1a, par l’hexaréline et la ghréline, le ligand endogène du GHS-R1a, sur la physiologie du macrophage et de déterminer son potentiel anti-athérosclérotique. Les résultats montrent premièrement que l’hexaréline et la ghréline augmentent l’expression des transporteurs ABCA1 et ABCG1, impliqués dans le transport inverse du cholestérol, via un mécanisme contrôlé par le récepteur nucléaire PPARγ. La régulation de l’activité transcriptionnelle de PPARγ par l’activation des récepteurs CD36 et GHS-R1a se fait indépendamment de la présence du domaine de liaison du ligand (LBD) de PPARγ et est conséquente de changements dans l’état de phosphorylation de PPARγ. Une étude plus approfondie de la signalisation résultant de la liaison de la ghréline sur le GHS-R1a révèle que PPARγ est activé par un mécanisme de concertation entre les voies de signalisation Gαq/PI3-K/Akt et Fyn/Dok-1/ERK au niveau du macrophage. Le rôle de PPARγ dans la régulation du métabolisme lipidique par l’hexaréline a été démontré par l’utilisation de macrophages de souris hétérozygotes pour le gène de Ppar gamma, qui présentent une forte diminution de l’activation des gènes de la cascade métabolique PPARγ-LXRα-transporteurs ABC en réponse à l’hexaréline. L’injection quotidienne d’hexaréline à un modèle de souris prédisposées au développement de l’athérosclérose, les souris déficientes en apoE sous une diète riche en cholestérol et en lipides, se traduit également en une diminution significative de la présence de lésions athérosclérotiques correspondant à une augmentation de l’expression des gènes cibles de PPARγ et LXRα dans les macrophages péritonéaux provenant des animaux traités à l’hexaréline. L’ensemble des résultats obtenus dans cette thèse identifie certains nouveaux mécanismes impliqués dans la régulation de PPARγ et du métabolisme du cholestérol dans le macrophage via les récepteurs CD36 et GHS-R1a. Ils pourraient servir de cibles thérapeutiques dans une perspective de traitement des maladies cardiovasculaires. / Growth hormone-releasing peptides (GHRPs) are a class of small synthetic peptides known to stimulate GH release through their binding to a G protein-coupled receptor identified as GHS-R1a, later recognized as the ghrelin receptor. Ghrelin is an acetylated 28 amino acid hormone initially identified from the stomach, which induces the release of growth hormone (GH) from the pituitary but also regulates food intake, energy homeostasis, cardiovascular function, immune system and cell proliferation. In documenting the peripheral distribution of GHRPs binding sites, we uncovered the presence of another binding site for GHRPs, identified as CD36, a class B scavenger receptor. CD36 is expressed among several tissues, including myocytes, endothelial cells of the microvasculature and monocytes/macrophages. The macrophage CD36 contributes to excessive lipid loading and atherogenic formation of foam cells through uptake of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) in the subendothelial space of the artery. The properties of hexarelin, a ligand for GHS-R1a and CD36, which features overlapping binding sites with that of oxLDL binding domain on CD36, and thus interfering with the binding of oxLDL on CD36, have prompted us to evaluate the potential of hexarelin, as well as that of the endogenous ligand ghrelin in the modulation of macrophage cholesterol metabolism. We demonstrate here the ability of hexarelin and ghrelin to enhance the expression of ATP-binding cassette A1 and G1 transporters through a PPARγ-dependent mechanism. The hormone binding domain of PPARγ is not required to mediate PPARγ transcriptional activation by CD36 and GHS-R1a. Both hexarelin and ghrelin promotes phosphorylation of PPARγ in THP-1 macrophages. A more detailed study of GHS-R1a-initiated signaling revealed an intricate and complex signalling interplay triggered by ghrelin that involves modulation of Src-dependent Dok-1/ERK1/2 and Src-independent Gαq/PI3-K/Akt pathways, leading to PPARγ-dependent transcriptional competence in the macrophages. The central role of PPARγ on cholesterol metabolism in the macrophages has been demonstrated using peritoneal macrophages from PPARγ heterozygote mice whose response to hexarelin on PPARγ-LXRα-ABC transporters pathway was strongly impaired. Treatment of apolipoprotein E-null mice fed on a lipid-rich diet with hexarelin resulted in a significant reduction in atherosclerotic lesions, concomitant with an enhanced expression of PPARγ and LXRα target genes in peritoneal macrophages. The results presented in this thesis feature novel mechanisms by which the beneficial regulation of PPARγ and cholesterol metabolism in macrophages could be regulated by both CD36 and ghrelin receptor. The downstream effects following the activation of these receptors might be potential targets in the treatment of human coronary artery disease.

Implication des interactions médicamenteuses, des transporteurs membranaires, du sexe et du diabète dans les mécanismes de survenue du syndrome du QT long médicamenteux

Hreiche, Raymond January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Caractérisation de la résistance à la bacitracine et évaluation in vitro de bactériophages envers les Clostridium perfringens aviaires

Jalbert, Louis-Alexandre January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

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