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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studie řízení zásob ve vazbě na výrobní proces / The Study of Inventory Management in Connection with Manufacturing Process

Tieber, Michael January 2008 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with problems of inventory management in the International Repair Centre for Symbol Technologies Czech Republic s.r.o.. Actual inventory management is described with a focus on materials planning, storage and evidence of inventory movements using information database systems. A part of the thesis is also an analysis of inventory categories from several different aspects. The purpose of the master’s thesis is to submit suitable suggestions of how to improve existing inventory management processes.

Studie logistických služeb v obchodě / The Study of Logistics Services in Business

Zahradníčková, Iva January 2007 (has links)
The Master´s thesis deals with the logistics services studies in Sika CZ, Ltd. Company. Considering the fact that the principal activity of the company is trading, it uses logistics as a substantial instrument to achieve the customers’ satisfaction. The main objective of the thesis is to create logical structures of services and project suitable metrics for measuring customers’ satisfaction of the provided services.

Návrh optimalizace procesů v oblasti nákupu a skladových zásob / Proposal of Optimalization in Purchasing Procesess and Stock Management Area

Kukulová, Tereza January 2009 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with optimalization of procedures in production company using modern methods. Describing actual status of inventory management with focus on purchasing department, inventory movements, stocking and planning. Thesis solve problem by introducing Kanban system in field of inventory management, ABC analysis and evaluation of suppliers in the area of purchasing. The purpose of the master´s thesis is to submit suitable solutions, which can improve existing processes in inventory management and purchases.

Řízení nákupu a zásob / Purchasing and Inventory Management

Bartošková, Sylvie January 2013 (has links)
Purpose of this thesis is to create strategies based on market analyses for optimized inventory management in area of small batch production and enforce meaning of the supply chain marketing within KLM company. This thesis providing ABC analysis, new system developed for efficient identification of the parts and suppliers. Based on these analyses new quotation system for spare parts management has been proposed.

Från periodisk inventering utan Pick By Voice till rullande inventering med Pick By Voice : En fallstudie på Företag X / From periodic inventory without Pick By Voice to continuous inventory with Pick By Voice : A case study at Company X

Vinberg, Karl, Holm, Jacob, Basic, Amer January 2020 (has links)
Titel: Från periodisk inventering utan Pick By Voice till rullande inventering med Pick By Voice - En fallstudie på Företag X Bakgrund och problem: Företag X har valt att implementera plocktekniken Pick By Voice, samtidigt som företaget ser över möjligheten att implementera en rullande inventering i samband med detta. Frågor som uppstår är vad lagar och praxis säger för området samt hur en möjlig implementering av rullande inventering bör se ut. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att genom en kvalitativ studie undersöka behovet av en ny inventeringsmetod genom en förstudie och därefter utveckla en inventeringsprocess passande efter Företag X förutsättningar. Denna inventeringsprocess ska kunna användas i samspel med Pick By Voice. Vidare är också att uppmuntra andra företag inom likartad bransch att se över sin nuvarande inventeringsmetod och om de kan implementera en liknande förändring av rullande inventering med Pick By Voice. Metod: Denna studie är en kvalitativ fallstudie. Insamlingen av empiri har skett genom utförandet av semistrukturerade och ostrukturerade intervjuer med företag och revisionsbyråer. Slutsats: En nu 65 år gammal skattelag säger att företag måste inventera sina lager minst en gång om året. Som en otillräcklig beskrivning av hur detta ska göras, samtidigt som lagerhanteringssystemet får ny utveckling, har detta lagt större vikt vid nuvarande praxis. Detta är särskilt så när ett företag implementerar en rullande inventeringsmetod. Viktiga steg i implementeringsprocessen bekräftas vara avgörande för företag att uppfylla. Dels för att lyckas med implementeringen, men också för att säkerställa en tillfredsställande inventeringsprocess och undvika att både misstag i implementerings- och inventeringssprocessen uppstår. Att kombinera den rullande inventeringen med röstplocktekniken Pick By Voice anses även det vara betydande för att reducera ytterligare misstag som förekommer eller kan förekomma i inventeringsprocessen. Hur frekvent företag bör inventera grundar sig i; vilken typ av marknad företaget är verksamt på, andelen misstag som uppstår i inventeringsprocessen och om fler antal inventeringar kan bidra till fler besparingar för företaget. / Title: From periodic inventory without Pick By Voice to continuous inventory with Pick By Voice - A case study at Company X Background and problem: Company X has chosen to implement the Pick By Voice picking technology, while at the same time considering the possibility of implementing a continuous inventory in connection with this. Questions that arise are what the laws and practices say for this area and what a possible implementation of continuous inventory should look like. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the need for a new inventory method through a pilot study and then develop an inventory process suitable for Company X conditions. This inventory process should be used in interaction with Pick By Voice. Furthermore, other companies in similar industries are also encouraged to review their current inventory method and whether they can implement a similar change of continuous inventory with Pick By Voice. Method: This study is a qualitative case study. The collection of empirical data has been carried out through the conduct of semi structured and unstructured interviews with companies and accounting firms. Conclusion: A now 65 years old tax law says that companies need to count their inventory at least once a year. As there is an insufficient description of how this should be done, while also warehouse management system get new development, this has placed greater emphasis on current practice. This so, especially when a company is implementing a continuous inventory method with Pick By Voice. Important steps in the implementation process have been confirmed to be crucial to fulfil by the company. Especially in order to achieve a successful implementation of the process, ensure that the process fulfil its required satisfaction level and to avoid occurrence of mistakes in the implementation process as well as in the inventory process. The combination of continuous inventory and Pick By Voice is considered to be significant in the reduction of further mistakes that occur or can occur in the inventory process. The determination of the inventory frequency is dependent on; type of market that the company operates in, number of occurring mistakes in the inventory process and if an increase in number of inventory occasions can contribute to an increase in the savings.

Molekulární analýza rezistenčního genu vga(A)LC - identifikace klíčových aminokyselinových zbytků. / Molecular analysis of resistance gene vga(A)LC identification of key aminoacid residues.

Kroová, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
Protein Vga(A) gives staphylococci resistance to streptogramins A. The recently discovered protein Vga(A)LC differs from Vga(A) only by 7 amino acid residues, but this difference is sufficient for shift of its substrate specificity towards lincosamides. The group of four amino acids in the central part of protein (LGAG in Vga(A) and SVTS in Vga(A)LC) was detected to be crucial for the substrate specificity. In this diploma thesis 5 alternativesets of vga(A)LC gene point mutations were prepared in order to determine the impact of individual amino acids of the aforementioned group on the resistance phenotype. Mutations were prepared in vector pGEM® -T and cloned into shuttle vector pRB374. The prepared constructs were transformed by electroporation into the sensitive strain of Staphylococcus aureus RN4220 and values of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) were measured for lincomycin, clindamycin and pristinamycin IIA by the agar dilution method. The transformation was not successful in one of the mutations. Results of setting MIC for the remaining four mutations do not make it possible to specify uniquely the ratio of individual amino acids for determining substrate specificity. Two of the amino acids were found to be important. We anticipate preparation of more mutations.

Sortimentsreducering för ökad lönsamhet : En fallstudie hos företaget Edsbyn

Inostroza Galvez, Stephanie, Feizi, Suleiman January 2021 (has links)
Sortiment är hos många företag väldigt stort vilket leder till att företag inte kan hantera sina produkter rätt. Problematiken är att kunderna får för mycket valmöjligheter när det erbjuds ett helt produktsortiment. Varje företag behöver ifrågasätta sig hur de ska hantera sitt sortiment när kunderna har för mycket att välja mellan. I denna situation hjälper sortimentsreducering att öka effektiviteten och lönsamheten i förtaget. Ett välplanerat sortiment är en viktig faktor för kundens köpbeslut eftersom för många produktval i sortimentet kan leda till överbelastning. Studien är en fallstudie med syfte att ta fram faktorer och processer som bör beaktas vid en sortimentsreducering hos ett producerande företag. Studien kommer att avgränsas mot att studera sortimentsreducering hos ett svenskt företag som tillverkar kontorsmöbler. För att besvara syftet och frågeställningarna utfördes fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer och ett studiebesök med anställda som hade relevant kunskap inom området. I metoden har abduktion antagits som vetenskapligt angreppsätt. Den teoretiska referensram togs fram genom litteratursökningar via databaser och böcker som sedan diskuterades i en jämförelse mot den sammanställda empirin som analyserades och diskuterades. Studiens slutsats visade vilka faktorer och processer som företag bör beakta vid en sortimentsreducering. De framtagna faktorerna var sortimentets djup och bredd, företagsimage, flexibilitet, kategoristyrning samt implementering av modulära och standardiserade produkter. Genom att integrera dessa faktorer kan företag göra en reducering effektivt. Studien visade tre processer med hjälp av modeller vid hänsyn till sortimentsreducering som skulle kunna implementeras på företag. Dessa modeller är ABC-analysen, Porters femkraftsmodell och sortimentsplaneringsmodellen. Genom att integrera de olika faktorer och processer för sortimentsreducering kan företaget göra en lönsam reducering i sortimentet. / Many companies have a large assortment, where most are incapable of correctly handling their products. Result of such assortment usually is overload of customers with an abundance of options. Every company needs to question themselves how to handle their assortment when customers has to many choices to pick. In this situation assortment reduction helps to increase efficiency and profitability of organizations. A well-planned assortment is an important factor for the customers purchase decision as too many choices in the assortment can lead to overload.   This study is a thesis written with the purpose of developing factors and processes to take into account for a products assortment reduction at a producing company. This study is limited to studying product assortment reduction at a Swedish company that manufactures office furniture. The purpose and questions are answered through four semi-structured interviews and a study visit accompanied by employees with relevant knowledge to thesis. In the method, abduction has been adopted as a scientific approach. A theoretical frame of reference was developed through literature searches through databases and books, which were the discussed in a comparison with the compiled empirical data that were analyzed and discussed.  The study´s conclusion showed which factors and processes companies should take into account in an assortment reduction. The factors developed were assortment depth and breadth, corporate image, flexibility, category management, implementing modular and standard products. By integrating these factors, companies can make a reduction effective. The study showed three processes using models with regard to product assortment reduction that could be implemented in companies. These models are the ABC-analysis, Porters five forces and the assortment planning model. By integrating the various factors and processes for product assortment reduction, the company can make a profitable reduction in the assortment.

Propuesta para mejorar el nivel de servicio de mantenimientos vehiculares a través de una adecuada gestión y planificación de inventarios en una empresa del sector automotriz / Proposal to reduce the number of maintenances inattentions through planning and inventory management in a company in the automotive sector

Rodríguez Huamán, Sofía Lorena, López Mariluz, Héctor Enrique 01 March 2022 (has links)
En el presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional se examina el problema de desatenciones que ocurren durante el servicio de mantenimiento de vehículos en una empresa del sector automotriz. Para el desarrollo del estudio, se analizó una empresa del sector en la cual las desatenciones se encuentran entre el 40% y 50% del total de servicios realizados en el mes. Este problema representa una pérdida económica del 25% respecto a los ingresos mensuales, el cual se origina por la escasez de repuestos debido a la ineficiente planificación de inventarios. Por ello, para mitigar las roturas de stock, se desarrolló una propuesta para la planificación y gestión de las existencias por tipo de mantenimiento. Por un lado, se elaboró una propuesta para el proceso de planificación de repuestos de mantenimiento preventivo basado en el sistema E-Kanban. Por otro lado, se elaboró una propuesta para el proceso de planificación de repuestos de mantenimiento correctivo basado en un sistema ABC para la clasificación de los repuestos y un sistema de inventario EOQ (Lote de Compra Económica) para definir las cantidades y momentos de reposición. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo disponer de autopartes mecánicas en el momento solicitado lo cual ayudara a reducir las pérdidas económicas en un 84% el número de desatenciones en un 76%. Finalmente, se tiene proyectado recuperar la inversión en un periodo de un año y medio. / The present professional sufficiency work examines the problem of negligence during the vehicle maintenance service in an automotive company. For the development of the study, a company from the sector, whose negligence are between 40% and 50% of the total of services performed in the month, was analyzed. This issue, which represents an economic loss of 25% regarding its monthly income, is caused by the shortage of spare parts due to inefficient inventory planning. Therefore, to mitigate the stock-outs, a proposal was developed for planning and managing stocks by type of maintenance. On the one hand, a proposal was elaborated for the planning process of preventive maintenance spare parts based on the E-Kanban system. On the other hand, a proposal was prepared for the planning process of corrective maintenance spare parts based on an ABC system for the classification of spare parts and an EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) inventory system to define the quantities and replacement times. The objective of this work is to dispose of available mechanical auto parts at the requested time, which will help to reduce economic losses by 84% and the amount of negligence by 76%. Finally, it is projected to recover the investment in a period of a year and a half. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Diseño de un sistema de control de inventarios para la reducción de productos defectuosos en Pymes Peruanas de Panificación

Jurado Muñoz, Nadia Cecilia, Fernández Paredes, Ismael Ángel 07 October 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad, en la industria de alimentos se ha diagnosticado un exponencial crecimiento en la demanda, en todos los rubros pertenecientes a este sector. Uno de estos es la industria de panificación, en la que el principal motivo de desarrollo, crecimiento y cambio son las exigencias de los clientes vinculados a criterios como precios reducidos, aumento de la calidad, variedad de productos entre otras variables que una empresa debe tener en cuenta para ser competitiva en el sector, y a su vez mantener un nivel de rentabilidad y margen de contribución. Para ello, es indispensable tener una correcta planificación de cada proceso considerando con igual importancia tanto al proceso de producción como a los adyacentes a este. Dichos procesos se vinculan a la compra de las materias primas en calidad, precio o tiempos de recepción, el cálculo preciso del pronóstico de la demanda y la correcta gestión de inventarios que son indispensables para asegurar un producto final de calidad al alcance del cliente. El presente artículo propone un nuevo modelo que se basa en el uso del enfoque lean y técnicas combinadas para lograr un competitivo manejo de los procesos mencionados anteriormente. Para ello, se plantea el uso conjunto de herramientas tales como la homologación de proveedores, MRP, lote económico de compra de materiales (EOQ) y estandarización de proceso de trabajo, para mejorar los problemas relacionados a una producción defectuosa por una mala gestión de materiales que asciende a un índice actual de 11.43%. Luego de la implementación de la propuesta se obtuvo una reducción de aproximadamente el 58% de ella como sustento de la efectividad del método y su corroboración a la mejora continua con una simulación llegando a verificar los resultados. / Currently, an exponential growth in demand has been diagnosed in the food industry, in all items belonging to this sector. One of these is the baking industry, in which the main reason for development, growth and change are the demands of customers linked to criteria such as reduced prices, increased quality, variety of products, among other variables that a company must have. in account to be competitive in the sector, and in turn maintain a level of profitability and contribution margin. For this, it is essential to have a correct planning of each process considering with equal importance both the production process and those adjacent to it. These processes are linked to the purchase of raw materials in quality, price or reception times, the precise calculation of the demand forecast and the correct inventory management that are essential to ensure a quality final product available to the customer. This article proposes a new model that is based on the use of the lean approach and combined techniques to achieve a competitive management of the processes mentioned above. For this, the joint use of tools such as supplier approval, MRP, economic materials purchase lot (EOQ) and standardization of the work process is proposed, to improve the problems related to defective production due to poor material management which amounts to a current rate of 11.43%. After the implementation of the proposal, a reduction of approximately 58% was obtained in support of the effectiveness of the method and its corroboration to continuous improvement with a simulation, verifying the results. / Trabajo de investigación

Artikelklassificering som en förutsättning för operativ lagerstyrning : En fallstudie om förbättringsmöjlighet på Alutrade / Product classification as basis for operational inventory management : A case study onimprovement opportunities at Alutrade

Olsson, Anton, Jönsson, Maja January 2023 (has links)
Background: Inventory control is a complex challenge that affects various activities on howinventory is controlled and managed. The management of inventory has a major impact on acompany's profitability and needs to be handled in different ways depending on the situationthe company is operating in. In order to improve operational inventory management forcompanies that have customer-unique products, high inventory availability and the desire forincreased inventory turnover rate, different aspects need to be addressed. Different items in acompany's assortment have different properties, and in order to control items in a goodassortment, a differentiation of the control can be developed. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find a way to improve Alutrade's operationalinventory control and theoretically contribute with an analysis of which classification basescompanies in a similar situation should analyse when a model for differentiated control isdeveloped. The study aims to differentiate different operational models to adapt to differentitem characteristics to achieve an increased inventory turnover rate. Method: This study is treated with a deductive approach and contains both a qualitative andquantitative research method. The empirical data collected during the study consists ofinterviews, observations, focus groups and excel documents from the company's businesssystem Jeeves for calculations. The data is collected through unstructured and semi-structuredinterviews and observations. Results: By analysing Alutrade's situation, various problems could be identified in theircurrent work regarding operational inventory control. To remedy these problems, differentclassification bases for a differentiated control were analysed. This is to develop a model thatcan provide the opportunity to increase the stock turnover rate based on Alutrade'sconditions. A classification of articles is presented and gives the opportunity to applydifferent operational layer certification methods to the 9 different categories. The differentiated control handles, among other things, methods for service level, crew pointsystem, EOQ and gives recommendations for how they should be applied for each category.Through this, Alutrade can work to increase its inventory turnover rate and prioritize itsefforts where they make the most sense. Through the application of relevant classificationbases, a framework for differentiated control can be developed and different operationalinventory control methods can then be adapted for each category and provide an increase inthe inventory turnover rate. Keyword: Inventory, operational inventory control, differentiated inventory control,inventory turnover rate, classification bases, order time, order quantity, safety stock, servicelevel, ABC-XYZ analysis / Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Lagerstyrning är en komplex utmaning som berör olikaaktiviteter om hur lager styrs och hanteras. Styrningen av lager har en stor påverkan påföretags lönsamhet och behöver hanteras på olika sätt beroende på i vilken situation företagetbefinner sig i. För att förbättra operativ lagerstyrning för företag som har kundunika artiklar,hög lagertillgänglighet och en önskan om ökad lageromsättningshastighet behöver olikaaspekter beröras. Olika artiklar i företags sortiment har olika egenskaper och för att styraartiklar på ett framgångsrikt sätt kan en differentiering av styrningen utvecklas. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är hitta ett sätt att förbättra Alutrades operativa lagerstyrningoch teoretiskt bidra med en analys om vilka klassificeringsgrunder, företag i liknandesituation bör analysera när en modell för differentierad styrning tas fram. Studien syftar tillatt differentiera olika operativa modeller för att anpassa till olika artikelegenskaper för attuppnå en ökad lageromsättningshastighet. Metod: Denna studie behandlas med ett deduktivt angreppssätt och innehåller både enkvalitativ och kvantitativ forskningsmetod. Den empiriska datan som inhämtats under studienutgörs av intervjuer, observationer, fokusgrupper och excelunderlag från företagetsaffärssystem Jeeves för beräkningar. Datan är inhämtad genom ostrukturerade ochsemistrukturerade intervjuer och observationer. Resultat: Genom att analysera Alutrades situation kunde olika problem identifieras i derasnuvarande arbete gällande operativ lagerstyrning. För att åtgärda dessa problem analyseradesolika klassificeringsgrunder för en differentierad styrning. Detta för att ta fram en modell somkan ge möjlighet att öka lageromsättningshastigheten utifrån Alutrades förutsättningar. Enklassificering av artiklar presenteras och ger möjlighet att tillämpa olika operativalagerstyrningsmetoder till de nio olika kategorierna. Den differentierade styrningen hanterarbland annat metoder för servicenivå, besättningspunksystem, EOQ och gerrekommendationer för hur de bör tillämpas för respektive kategori. Genom detta kan4Alutrade arbeta för att öka sin lageromsättningshastighet och prioritera sina insatser dit de görmest nytta. Genom en tillämpning av relevanta klassificeringsgrunder kan ett ramverk fördifferentierad styrning utvecklas och olika operativa lagerstyrningsmetoder kan därefteranpassas för respektive kategori och ge en ökning av lageromsättningshastigheten. Nyckelord: Lager, operativ lagerstyrning, differentierad lagerstyrning,lageromsättningshastighet, klassificeringsgrunder, ordertidpunkt, orderkvantitet,säkerhetslager, servicenivå, ABC-XYZ analys

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