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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En Rödgrön röra? : Gestaltningen av de Rödgröna i media

Strömsten, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Sveriges förändrade inställning till EU-medlemskapet : en studie av elva regeringsdeklarationer

Carlsson, Helena January 2008 (has links)
Abstract The aim with this essay has been to investigate if Sweden’s attitude against the European Union has changed expressed in the statement of government policies, during the years 1988-1998. In the prolongation I want to see if the policies can be seen as examples of agenda-setting. My comprehensive objective is: In which way is the change of the Swedish attitude towards the European Union expressed in the statement of government policies during 1988-1998 shown? My other objectives are: In which ways describes the statements the integrations process in Europe generally? In which ways does the integrations process influences Sweden in generally? In which ways does the integrations process influences Sweden’s relations against the European Union? I have used qualitative text analysis as method in my essay to find the answers to the questions. I have classified a number of opinions, found in the policies, summarized under my three objectives. The result of my essay was shown that the changed not can be found in the policies and they are examples of agenda-setting. Decisions and public opinions take places in other ways than in the statements of government policies. Keywords: The European Union, the statement of government policies, the swedish EU-membership and agenda-setting. Nyckelord: Den Europeiska Unionen, regeringsdeklarationer, det svenska EU-medlemskapet och “agenda-setting."

FONTES JORNALÍSTICAS EM VEJA: enquadramento como estratégia de noticiabilidade em pautas de clima e meio ambiente / JOURNALISTIC SOURCES IN VEJA: framing as a strategy of news in themes of climate and environment

Miranda, Clarissa Mazon 01 March 2012 (has links)
This dissertation researches the use of journalistic sources and the form as the questions related to climate and environment are framed and agenda settled in the magazine Veja in the context of the Brazilian environmental journalism. Understanding the agenda setting through authors such as Hohlfeldt (2003), McCombs (2009), Sousa (2000) and Kunczik (1997) and framing as exposed by Goffman (1974), Tuchman (1993) and Colling (2001), we try to investigate the relation of these with the choice of the journalistic sources for reportages in magazines, having as reference authors as Mesquita (2008). The journalistic sources are approached by Brasilizian researchers such as Lage (2003), Guerra (2006) and Schmitz (2010). Methodologicaly, the research is build with content analyses in an qualitative and quantitative approach. Are investigated reportages about the thematics of climate and environment published in Veja on the first semester of 2011. Our research, has as its context the enviromental journalism as understood by Trigueiro (2005), Girardi and Schwaab (2010) and Loose (2010), among others. We arrived to the development of an analyses protocol for the selection/classification of journalistic sources in print media constructed through the adaptation of a model of formulair of content analyses proposed by Fonseca Júnior (2009). We observed the categories of sources applied in reportages of climate and environment in Veja and tried to bring contributions about the relation among these sources, the framing and the agenda setting indentified on the reportages. / Esta dissertação pesquisa o uso das fontes jornalísticas e a forma como as questões relacionadas ao clima e meio ambiente são enquadradas e agendadas na revista Veja dentro do contexto do jornalismo ambiental brasileiro. Compreendendo o agendamento a partir de autores como Hohlfeldt (2003), McCombs (2009), Sousa (2000) e Kunczik (1997) e o enquadramento exposto por Goffman (1974), Tuchman (1993) e Colling (2001), procuramos investigar a relação destes com a escolha das fontes jornalísticas para reportagens em revista, tendo como referência autores como Mesquita (2008). As fontes são abordadas por pesquisadores brasileiros como Lage (2003), Guerra (2006) e Schmitz (2010). Metodologicamente, a pesquisa é construída com a análise de conteúdo em abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. São investigadas as reportagens sobre as temáticas clima e meio ambiente publicadas em Veja no primeiro semestre de 2011. Nossa pesquisa, tem como contexto jornalismo ambiental conforme entendido por Trigueiro (2005), Girardi e Schwaab (2010) e Loose (2010), entre outros. Chegamos à elaboração de um protocolo de análise para a seleção/classificação de fontes jornalísticas em mídia impressa desenvolvido a partir da adaptação de modelo de formulário de análise de conteúdo proposto por Fonseca Júnior (2009). Observamos as categorias de fontes aplicadas em matérias de clima e meio ambiente de Veja e procuramos trazer contribuições sobre a relação entre estas fontes, os enquadramentos e o agendamento identificados nas reportagens.

Mediální konstrukce zdravotního rizika v českém prostředí na příkladu viru Zika / The Role of the Media in Construction of Health Risks in Czech Republic on the Example of Ziza Virus

Kudrnová, Blanka January 2017 (has links)
This Master's thesis identifies the characteristics of the Czech media in the context of the media construction of health risks - the Zika virus, focusing on the printed media. Research by T. Knířová (2011), comparing the construction of swine flu risk between the British daily newspaper The Times and the Czech daily MF Dnes, and the analysis of the avian influenza, mad cow disease and West Nile fever in The New York Times (Shih, Wijaya, Brossard, 2008) are the initial works. The thesis uses a method of quantitative content analysis extended by an interpretative text reading. The risk of viral infection is analyzed with regard to concepts of agenda-setting, framing, and issue-attention cycles.

Rámcování tématu imigrace v českých zpravodajských denících / Framing of immigration in Czech daily newspapers

Vicenová, Natalie January 2017 (has links)
The analysis "Framing of immigration in Czech daily newspapers" reveals how Czech daily newspapers framed so called migration crisis in Europe in 2015 when the immi- gration issue belonged to the most important issues in both Czech and foreign news media. This thesis draws from theoretical and analytical concept of media framing and concept of Agenda setting which deal with aspects used by media in describing reality, and their media effects on public opinion. Quantitative content analysis of five national daily newspapers revealed that immi- gration issue was represented mainly as international political problem, followed by security threat as the second most frequent topic of news on immigration. In almost all news articles the immigration issue was framed as problem, whereas cause frame and solution frame were present in approximately a quarter of news on immigration. Czech and foreign politicians and government sources were the most cited or para- phrased actors in Czech daily newspapers. On the other hand, refugees, immigrants and ci- tizens were less frequent speakers, and experts rarely commented on the issue of immigration in Czech daily newspapers. Further results of this analysis revealed that thematic framing rather than episodic was prevalent in immigration news, and human interest...

Jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män i SVT och YLE : En komparativ studie av svenska och finska tv-nyheter

Roth, Sabine, Väli-Tainio, Sanne January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur jämställdheten mellan kvinnor och män ter sig i svensk och finsk public service-tv. För att komma fram till våra resultat har vi gjort en kvantitativ och kvalitativ analys av  nyhetsinslag från SVT och YLE. Våra frågeställningar handlade om hur många män och kvinnor som syns i nyhetsinslagen, hur de framställs och om det finns “manliga” eller “kvinnliga” ämnen. I vår analys har vi använt oss av genusteori, dagordningsteori och gestaltningsteori. Vi kom fram till att fler män än kvinnor kom fram på både SVT och YLE och att det fanns ämnen som var mer “kvinnliga” och “manliga”. Det kom även fram fler kvinnor på YLE än SVT. Vi har dragit slutsatsen att det fortfarande inte är jämställt. / The purpose of this study was to analyze how the gender equality gets represented in swedish and finnish public service television. To discover this we have done a quantitative and a qualitative analysis of news reports from SVT and YLE. Our research questions were about how many men and women are shown in the news reports, how they are portrayed and if there are “male” and “female” news topics. In our analysis we have used gender theory, agenda setting theory and framing theory. We found out that there are more men than women shown in both SVT and YLE and that there were tendencies of “male” and “female” news topics. There were also more women in YLE than SVT. We’ve come to the conclusion that it’s still not equal.

Integrerad Rapportering : Glaset halvfullt eller halvtomt? / Integrated Reporting : The glass half full or half empty?

Muftic, Nadja, Ombashi, Donika January 2017 (has links)
Course: Master Thesis in Business Administration Institution: Business School at Linneus University in Växjö Authors: Nadja Muftic and Donika Ombashi Supervisor: Karin Jonnergård Examiner: Fredrik Karlsson Title: Integrated reporting  - The glass half full or half empty? Background: Integrated reporting is the latest framework in the reporting world and intends to integrate financial and non-financial information into one single report. Through the <IR> framework, the integrated report aims to describe how business strategies, corporate governance and performance create value over short, medium and long-term perspective. The integrated report has gained enthusiasm and attention in media and among experts in Sweden. Despite the good presentation of integrated reporting, there are only a few companies in Sweden that publish integrated reports in accordance with the <IR> framework. The discourse, the overall discussion, about the phenomenon is therefore interesting to examine among companies in Sweden. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to study the discourse of integrated reporting among experts in Sweden and the relevance of the discourse amongst Swedish companies. Furthermore, we also intend to explain the circumstances that affect the relevance between the discourse and the companies. Method: This thesis consists of two studies; a first study that examines the discourse on integrated reporting developed by experts in Sweden and a second study that examines the relevance of the discourse amongst Swedish companies. A qualitative approach is the basis of the two studies, in which the collected material has been obtained through semi-structured interviews. The expert’s discourse has been processed through a critical discourse analysis and the material from the companies has been processed through a content analysis. Conclusion: The conclusion is that the discourse has a low relevance amongst companies in Sweden at the moment. However, the identified circumstances that explain the relevance indicate that the phenomenon may spread more in the future. / Kurs: Examensarbete Civilekonomprogrammet Lärosäte: Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö Författare: Nadja Muftic och Donika Ombashi Handledare: Karin Jonnergård Examinator: Fredrik Karlsson Titel: Integrerad rapportering – Glaset halvfullt eller halvtomt? Bakgrund: Integrerad rapportering är det senaste inom rapporteringsvärlden och avser att integrera finansiell- och icke finansiell information till en enskild rapport. Genom ramverket <IR> ämnar den integrerade rapporteringen beskriva hur företagsstrategier, styrning och prestationer skapar värde över kort, medellång, och lång sikt. Den integrerade rapporteringen har erhållit entusiasm och uppmärksamhet i media och bland experter i Sverige. Trots den goda framställningen av integrerad rapportering finns det idag i Sverige ett fåtal företag som publicerar integrerade rapporter enligt ramverket <IR>. Diskursen, den samlade diskussionen, kring fenomenet är därmed intressant att undersöka på företagsnivå. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera diskursen om integrerad rapportering bland experter i Sverige och vilken relevans diskursen har på företagsnivå. Vidare ämnar vi även förklara omständigheter som påverkar om det finns en relevans eller inte mellan diskurs och företag.               Metod: Denna uppsats utgörs av två studier; en första studie som undersöker den diskurs om integrerad rapportering som framkommit bland experter i Sverige och en andra studie som undersöker diskursens relevans på företagsnivå. En kvalitativ forskningsansats ligger till grund för båda studierna där det insamlade materialet har erhållits genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Experternas diskurs har bearbetats genom en kritiskdiskursanalys och materialet från företagen har bearbetats med hjälp av en innehållsanalys. Slutsats: Slutsatsen dras att diskursen har en låg relevans på företagsnivå i Sverige i nuläget. De identifierade omständigheterna som förklarar relevansen tyder dock på att fenomenet kan få en större utbredning i framtiden.

Vliv Global Witness na utváření legislativy konfliktních minerálů / Global Witness´s influence on forming of conflict mineral legislation

Lukeš, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The thesis concers the issue of conflict minerals in the Democratic republic of Congo. The situation in the country has been monitored by the NGO Global Witness for decades. Human rights violation, illicit trade followed by exporting of minerals out of the country, have been supervised by militaristic rebel groups. As a result these groups have been indirectly founded by international corporations.The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the performance of Global Witness at the agenda setting of conflict minerals, including a critical assessment of legislative measures.

Nastolování agendy ve vybraných lokálních médiích vlastněných městy (tzv. radničních listech) v Pardubickém kraji v roce 2020 / Concept of agenda setting in municipality-owned media (know as City hall newspapers) in Pardubicky region during year 2020

Kubištová, Dominika January 2021 (has links)
This thesis discusses the phenomenon of the so-called "town hall newspaper" across the Pardubice Region during 2020. These journals are classified by relevant literature as hyperlocal media, being produced for a relatively limited group of people, mainly inhabitants of one city and its suburbs. The thesis goal is to describe the work routine of these regional journals during 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic began to spread in the Czech Republic. In the practical part, there is a description of the press offices in the four smallest towns and the four largest cities of the Pardubice Region. The thesis explains their choice of topics and sources and describes making an article published in the hyperlocal media. The thesis author gathered these data via triangulation of methods. She had created a content analysis of three particular publications of each newspaper from 2020 that she used to prepare the look of the semi- structured interviews with the "town hall newspaper" office members. The main has been to describe the working routine of these journals in a more detailed way, not just in 2020.

Mediální zarámování koaličních vyjednávání po volbách do Poslanecké sněmovny v roce 2006 (na příkladech MF Dnes a Práva) / Media framing of coalition negotiations after parliamentary elections in 2006 (on example of MF Dnes and Pravo)

Balíčková, Anna January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Media framing of coalition negotiations after parliamentary elections in 2006 (on example of MF Dnes and Pravo)- deals with the way how two most widely read daily newspapers informed about post-election negotiations in 2006. In the quantitative part, the position of researched topic in monitored media is touched; in the qualitative analysis, the most frequently used media frames are shown. The thesis describes the topic development in the time and points out at the main differences between both the monitored daily papers.

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