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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekonomická krize: mediální obraz a veřejné mínění / Economic Crisis: Media Representation and Public Opinion

Picková, Martina January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the current global recession, its presentation in the media, and the public opinion on the economic situation in the Czech Republic. It is based on the theory of agenda-setting. Content analysis is used to examinate the intensity of attention of two different journals paid to the subject of the recession in the observed period September 2007 - December 2011, with a special focus on December 2008. The objects of the current study are two Czech nation-wide journals: the economic newspaper Hospodářské noviny and the tabloid newspaper Blesk. The study shows that the economic journal presents the recession more intensively, from a more general point of view, and questions the causes of the recession. The tabloid concentrates on the Czech Republic, writes about the recession primarily in the context of non-economical news (especially sport), and does not use the mechanisms typical for tabloids as much as expected. A secondary analysis of the outcomes of public opinion surveys examines the readerships of these journals separately. The economic expectations of the readers of the economic journal correspond with the intensity of attention paid by this journal to the recession, but only in the first half of the analysed period. The expectations of the tabloid readers correspond with...

Reprezentace životního prostředí v ruském a českém tisku. Obsahová analýza vybraného českého a ruského týdeníku mezi lety 2007-2011 / Representation of the environment in Russian and Czech press. Content analysis of selected Czech and Russian weekly between 2007-2011

Anufrieva, Nelli January 2012 (has links)
"Representation of the environment in Russian and Czech press" This diploma thesis deals with the representation of the environment in the Russian and Czech press. For my research I chose two news weekly papers: Respekt and Argumenty a fakta issued between the years 2007-2011. Quantitative content analysis and qualitative frame analysis were used for data processing. The theoretical part describes the development of the media, their influence on society, mechanism of news construction (agenda setting, news values, objectivity, bias, access to news, work with sources), the development and state of the Czech and Russian media, concepts of nature and the development of environmental reporting. In the practical part I found out how the environment and nature are viewed and interpreted by these printed media in the content of their messages. Key words: environment; nature; media; representation; agenda-setting; content analysis; frame analysis; framing; weekly magazíne; Respekt; Argumenty a fakta

Rámcování obrazu Euromaidanu v informacích "RIA Novosti " na přelomu 2013-2014 / Framing media image of the Euromaidan in the reports of the RIA Novosti on the breakdown of 2013/2014

Kastrama, Siarhei January 2016 (has links)
This thesis studies how the state owned news agency the RIA Novosti (РИА Новости) covered the protests, named Euromaidan. Timely the paper is limited with the end of November, 2013 and the end of February, 2014. The first part of the thesis focuses on the theoretical approaches about interdependences between the audience and the media. The next chapter covers concisely the principles and the essence of agenda setting and framing, also such concepts as frames and their functions are analyzed. In the methodological part the criteria and the scope of analysis are set up. After the methodological part the analytical part goes which focuses on the separate frames, which were constructed by the RIA Novosti. In the last chapter the conclusions were made unveiling, how the theoretical inputs and empirical outputs are correlated, and which Euromaidan's attributes were transmitted the most.

A Framing Analysis of #MeToo YouTube-based News Coverage in BRICS: Media Censorship, State-controlled Channels & the Obstruction of Online Feminist Activism in China, Russia and Brazil

Hoareau, Charlotte 16 February 2022 (has links)
This comparative study investigates the media representation of YouTube-based news about the #MeToo campaign, feminism, and sexual harassment accounts in three BRICS nations: China, Russia and Brazil. The situation of women in the Global South was at the centre of discussions during the 2018 BRICS summit. While their security remains a persistent issue, officials declared that women should not feel unsafe while participating in economic activity. Although the bloc flagged gender disparities as a significant concern, media outlets perceive Russia, Brazil and China's responses to sexism and gender-based violence as inadequate. Various mechanisms also compromise activism for women's rights. This research focuses on the YouTube representation of conditions which gave rise to the campaign and the process of #MeToo in BRICS. This study considers the level of inclusion of women in economic activity, the procedures established for their safety as well as the extent of media freedom, including tools available for feminist advocacy. In addition to revealing gaps in depiction and proposing solutions for improved media framing, this research is significant because the role and repercussions of this viral campaign must be comprehended better in BRICS economies. Academics focused mainly on the impact of the movement in the West. However, the innovative feminist trend rapidly spread to non-western nations that are dominant emerging economies, showing the gravity of sexual harassment and gender disparities globally. Furthermore, the extent to which #MeToo had influenced localised iterations of anti-assault movements in these emerging countries suggests that the BRICS became sites where sexual abuse and gender inequalities unfold singularly in comparison to other nations. The study presents findings from primary research done on the BRICS, this online social movement #MeToo and related gender dynamics issues. After a presentation of the selected study design, the research provides results from a content analysis of thirty YouTube news reports (October 2017-March 2019).

Vid krisens vägskäl : Kontinuitet och förändring inom det svenska krishanteringssystemet mellan 2004 och 2018 / After the Crisis : Continuity and Change Within the Swedish Crisis Managment System Between 2004 and 2018

Swedenhammar, Marika January 2020 (has links)
Frågan om och hur kriser leder till förändring är relativt outforskad, särskilt i en svensk kontext, men även inom internationell forskning som präglas av vitt skilda uppfattningar om relationen där emellan. För Sveriges del, väcks frågan till liv i samband med kriser som drabbar landet. Denna policyanalys av tre kriser som har inträffat under de senaste åren: tsunamin 2004, skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014 och skogsbränderna sommaren 2018, visar att samma brister med och kritik mot krishanteringssystemet, framför allt gällande dess decentraliserade karaktär som både står och faller med självständiga myndigheter och kommunalt självstyre, påträffades i respektive fall. Därutöver analyseras fallen som fokushändelser utifrån teori om agenda-setting. Hittills så är det bara tsunamin som genom ett öppet policyfönster har lett till förändring gällande systemets karaktär och gjort det lite mer centraliserat. Inget av skogsbrandsfallen gav samma resultat med förklaringen att policyfönstren stängdes. Andra typer av förändringar bekräftas dock i alla tre fall och därför kan det, i en svensk kontext, konstateras att kriser leder till förändring. Resultaten indikerar också att det svenska krishanteringssystemet, efter ytterligare kriser, troligen står inför en vändpunkt av centraliserande karaktär baserat på färdigställda lagförslag med syfte att åtgärda bristerna med det decentraliserade systemet.

Forskning på agendan

Berglund, Amanda, Langer, Kajsa January 2018 (has links)
Problembakgrund och syfte: Sociala medier breder i allt större omfattning ut sig i samhälletoch skapar därmed nya kommunikativa spelregler vilka den vetenskapliga sfären behöver förhålla sig till. Mot bakgrund av denna utveckling är det intressant att ur ett samhälls- ochmedieperspektiv studera hur universitet och högskolor arbetar med tredje uppgiften nämligen att föra ut forskning till en publik utanför den vetenskapliga sfären. Syftet med denna studie var således att undersöka hur forskningskommunikatörer och forskare arbetar med och resonerar kring att synliggöra forskning externt genom sociala medier.Metod och material: Studien är genomförd med hjälp av semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med 12 respondenter varav fyra är kommunikatörer och åtta är forskare inom Malmö universitet.Resultat: Studiens resultat visar på att forskare och forskningskommunikatörers grundsyn iarbetet med att sprida forskning till det omgivande samhället består av två delar; att kommunicera forskning till berörda grupper samt att forskare och forskning bör synliggöras i samhällsdebatten. I arbetet med att nå de uttalande målen har två framträdande strategier identifierats. Sociala medier används som ett verktyg för att nätverka och bygga relationer med definierade primära målgrupper samt används för att lyfta fram forskning och ge den medialt utrymme i de traditionella nyhetsmedierna och därmed nå ut med forskning brett till det omgivande samhället. Resultatet visar också att forskningskommunikation genom sociala medier omges av olika personliga och organisatoriska incitament. Slutligen visar resultatet på att sociala medier bedöms vara av särskild betydelse när det kommer till att synliggöra formella vetenskapliga publikationer till en bredare publik. Sociala medier används därmed som ett komplement och som en del av övrig forskningskommunikation och forskningskommunikativa aktiviteter. / Background and objective of study: In a contemporary era of a progressive mediadevelopment, an increasing number of people are accessing information through social mediaand therefore its interesting, from both a societal and media perspective, to study how research communication is changing, and in what way the science outreach is adapting to this new media landscape. The purpose of this study was thus to investigate how research communicators and researchers make research visible externally through social media.Methods: The study was conducted using semi-structured qualitative interviews with 12respondents, four communicators and eight researchers from Malmö University.Results: The study's findings show that researchers' and research communicators' basic beliefs in the dissemination of research to the surrounding community consist of two parts; tocommunicate research to relevant groups and to make researchers and research visible in thepublic debate. In the process of reaching the statement goals, two prominent strategies have been identified. Social media is used as a tool for networking and building relationships with defined primary target groups and is used to highlight research and provide media space in the traditional news media and thus reach out to the surrounding community with scientific research.The result also shows that research communication through social media is surrounded by different personal and organizational incentives. Finally, the result shows that social media is considered of particular importance to make formal scientific publications visible to a broader audience. Social media are thus used as a complement and as part of other research communication activities.

(Ne)úspěch změny organizačně právního uspořádání českých nemocnic / The (un) success of the change in the organizational and legal form of Czech hospitals

Angelovská, Olga January 2021 (has links)
In the last thirty years, since the transformation period, several attempts have been made to change Czech hospitals' organizational, legal form. The thesis targets two such efforts after 2000. Only one was successful both in the agenda-setting and decision-making process and led to the enactment of a new organizational form. The main aim of the thesis is to identify contextual factors of success or failure of efforts to change the organizational and legal form of hospitals. The thesis is based on the Multiple Stream Framework to explain how different streams (policy, politics and problem stream) couple and open a policy window that allows a policy change. It works with the modified framework, which broadens the concept by including agenda-setting and decision-making and offers two coupling processes. Comparing two cases of the policy process led to the identification of the factors causing closing the window before the agenda was set.

Miljö - så mycket mer än bara klimat : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om hur Dagens Nyheter rapporterar om Sveriges miljömål. / Environment – so much more than climate : A quantitative content analysis about how Dagens Nyheter reports about the Swedish environment goals.

Lorensson, Hulda, Nilsson, Elin January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter reports about the environment. Through a quantitative content analysis 335 news articles from the first half of 2018 and 2021 have been examined, with the Swedish environmental goals as base. The Swedish environmental goals were agreed on by the Swedish government in 1999 and have been a part of the sustainability work ever since. Only one of the 16 goals have been achieved so far. This study examines what environmental goals Dagens Nyheter prioritizes in their agenda and shows how the articles are presented and contextualized. Climate impact is a dominant topic during both time periods, based on several aspects. At the same time, several of the other environmental goals receive minimal reporting even though they have not been fulfilled yet. With the agenda setting as a theoretical framework this will affect the citizens' image of the reality, which they later will act upon. The readers will believe that the climate is the most important topic to put effort into, at the same time as many of the other goals don't need their attention. To contribute to the field, the study’s focus on the environmental goals brings new aspects to the discussion about environmental journalism, in comparison to earlier studies that mostly focus on the climate alone.

Twitter and the Affordance of Public Agenda-Setting: A Case Study of #MarchForOurLives

Chong, Mi Young 08 1900 (has links)
In the traditional agenda-setting theory, the agenda-setters were the news media and the public has a minimal role in the process of agenda-setting, which makes the public a passive receiver located at the bottom in the top-down agenda-setting dynamics. This study claims that with the development of Information communication technologies, primarily social media, the networked public may be able to set their own agendas through connective actions, outside the influence of the news media agenda. There is little empirical research focused on development and dynamics of public agenda-setting through social media platforms. Understanding the development and dynamics of public agenda-setting may be key to accounting for and overcoming conflicting findings in previous reverse agenda-setting research. This study examined the public agenda-setting dynamics through a case of gun violence prevention activism Twitter network, the #MarchForOurLives Twitter network. This study determined that the agenda setters of the #MarchForOurLives Twitter network are the key Never Again MSD student leaders and the March For Our Lives. The weekly reflected important events and issues and the identified topics were highly co-related with the themes examined in the tweets created by the agenda setters. The amplifiers comprised the vast majority of the tweets. The advocates and the supporters consisted of 0.44% and 4.43% respectively. The tweets made by the agenda setters accounted for 0.03%. The young activists and the like-minded and participatory public could continuously make changes taking advantage of technologies, and they could be the hope in the current and future society.

DN:s nya Norrland : En digital textanalys av representationen av Norrland efter Dagens Nyheters satsningar i norra Sverige / DN:s new Norrland : A digital text analysis of the Swedish national newspaper Dagens Nyheters new editorial offices in northern Sweden.

Forsman, Filip, Hellgren, Anton January 2023 (has links)
DN:s new Norrland – A digital text analysis of the Swedish national newspaper Dagens Nyheters new editorial offices in northern Sweden.     The aim of this study is to compare the coverage of Norrland in the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter before and after the fourth of April 2022. That date marks the opening of two new editorial offices in Umeå and Luleå as part of new investments in the area. The material gathered for the analysis consists of articles from one year before the editorial offices opened, as well as one year after. The method utilized in this essay was a quantitative digital text analysis, as it was the method that allowed us to capture a whole year worth of news coverage. Using computers in quantitative analysis is of big help, and something that allowed the study to incorporate 1579 articles into two separate networks for our study.    The theoretical framework of this study consists of Representation (defined by Stuart Hall), concepts of media shadow (by Nygren, Althén and Nord) as well as Madeleine Erikssons thoughts about reproducing Norrland in the media. Other theories such as news values, centers and peripheries and agenda setting are also used to strengthen the analysis.    With the help of the network analysis tool Gephi, two different networks of correlations were identified and analyzed. The results show that despite the opening of the new editorial offices,  DN still portrays a picture of Norrland as “the other”. New industries and investments are covered, with lots of articles regarding the need for workers in Norrland. In the networks from Gephi, we can see a shift from focus on Sweden to Stockholm as the main local areas that feature in the articles. However, regions, and most specifically, cities, are still in the periphery of the news discourse in DN.

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