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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Max Frisch Uwe Johnson. Eine literarische Wechselbeziehung / Max Frisch Uwe Johnson. Une interaction littéraire / Max Frisch Uwe Johnson. A literary interaction.

Letawe, Céline 25 May 2007 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird die literarische Wechselbeziehung zwischen den deutschsprachigen Schriftstellern Max Frisch (1911-1991) und Uwe Johnson (1934-1984) untersucht. Zu diesem Zweck werden nicht nur die literarischen Texte besprochen, sondern auch ihre Produktion und Rezeption, und zwar anhand von veröffentlichtem und unveröffentlichtem Material. Durch die Untersuchung der verschiedenen Lektoratsarbeiten Johnsons an Frischs Werken, des Projekts "Stich-Worte" und der intertextuellen Bezüge zwischen dem Werk von Frisch und dem von Johnson wird ein literarischer Austausch zwischen den beiden Schriftstellern rekonstruiert, bei dem die Frage nach der Identität und deren literarischer Darstellung sowie die Problematik von Biographie und Autobiographie im Zentrum stehen. Es wird gezeigt, dass die beiden Schriftsteller einander bei diesem Austausch erheblich beeinflusst haben. ---------------------------------- L´objet de la présente thèse de doctorat est l´interaction littéraire qui sest développée entre les écrivains de langue allemande Max Frisch (1911-1991) et Uwe Johnson (1934-1984). Afin de mieux circonscrire le dialogue qu´ils ont mené tout au long de leur relation et l´influence qu´ils ont exercée l´un sur l´autre, l´analyse des textes littéraires proprement dits a été combinée à l´étude de leur production et de leur réception sur la base de documents publiés et de documents darchives. De l´étude des travaux de relecture réalisés par Johnson sur quatre manuscrits de Frisch, des "Stich-Worte" et des liens intertextuels tissés entre l´uvre de Frisch et celle de Johnson, il ressort que le dialogue entre ces écrivains a pour thème central la question de l´identité et de sa représentation littéraire, la problématique de la biographie et de l´autobiographie et que, par le biais de ce dialogue, ces deux auteurs se sont influencés de façon considérable. ---------------------------------- The subject of this thesis is the literary interaction between the German-speaking writers Max Frisch (1911-1991) and Uwe Johnson (1934-1984). In order to better circumscribe their lifelong dialogue and mutual influence, not only the literary texts were analysed, but also their production and reception, which was done on the basis of published and unpublished material. The analysis of Johnsons comprehensive editing on four manuscripts by Frisch, of the "Stich-Worte" and of the intertextual links between the works of Frisch and Johnson, reveals that the dialogue between these two writers centers on the issue of identity and its literary representation, as well as the problems posed by biography and autobiography; Ultimately, it appears that through this dialogue Frisch and Johnson influenced each other to a considerable extent.

The Trick Question: Finding a Home for Tricksters in Indigenous Literary Nationalism

Cline, Kayleigh Unknown Date
No description available.

Do nobre ao soviete: \"Antologia do conto russo\", Editôra Lux Ltda. / From noble to soviet: \"Anthology of russian short stories\", Editôra Lux Ltda.

Bárbara Rosa Pelissaro 15 August 2013 (has links)
A Antologia do conto russo, publicada pela Editôra Lux Ltda. no início dos anos 1960 e organizada por Otto Maria Carpeaux, é a primeira tradução de contos russos realizada diretamente da língua de origem. Este estudo resgata as informações e a situação em que essa coletânea de textos foi criada, numa tentativa de remontar seu contexto histórico, momento literário e mercado editorial, buscando hipóteses que auxiliem no entendimento dos aparatos que a constituem, num esforço de aproximação do escasso material de divulgação localizado sobre obra, editora e organizador pesquisado nos periódicos da época e constante dos anexos , numa reflexão sobre os laços de interesse existentes entre o Brasil e a União Soviética. / The Anthology of Russian Short Stories, edited by Otto Maria Carpeaux and published in the early 1960s by Editôra Lux Ltda, marks the first time Russian short stories were published from direct translation of the original language to Portuguese. This study retrieved information about the Brazilian historical and literary context as well as its publishing market during the time the work was created in an effort to promote a better understanding of how it was influenced by them. The presented information about the work, publisher and editor )included in the attachments( was searched in the sparse number of publishing advertisements in the newspapers and magazines that circulated during that time. It allows a better understanding of the works content and promotes a deeper reflection on the common interests and relationship between Brazil and the USSR.

O livro vertebrado: a articulação de poemas em Claro Enigma de Carlos Drummond de Andrade / Vertebrate book: the articulation of poems in Claro Enigma de Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Eduardo Francisco Junior 16 May 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo estudar como os poemas de Claro Enigma de Carlos Drummond de Andrade se articulam e como tal articulação os modifica e os constitui como livro. Para tanto, analisa-se a nota introdutória da antologia que Drummond compôs com seus próprios poemas, na qual ele expõe e explica seus critérios de organização, usando o adjetivo vertebrado para qualificá-la; em seguida, passa-se à leitura das seis seções do livro, buscando-se identificar as maneiras como elas estão construídas e como isso afeta suas composições; aponta-se, então, o uso de algumas imagens repetidas em diferentes poemas, rearticulando as seções e o conjunto; e, por fim, examina-se as diversas edições do Claro Enigma / This dissertation seeks to study how the poems of Claro Enigma, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade, are integrated and how this integration changes them and makes a book out of them. In order to do so, it is analyzed the introductory note of the anthology that the poet has made of his own compositions, in which he exposes and explains the criteria used by him in this task. In this note he also has characterized this anthology as a vertebrated one. Afterwards, the six sections of Claro Enigma are examined; with the purpose of identify the ways by which they are built and how this affects their poems. After that it is studied the use of some images in more than one poem and how they remodel the sections and the whole. Lastly, there is a study of the different editions of Claro Enigma

Redefining the anthology : forms and affordances in digital culture

Taurino, Giulia 03 1900 (has links)
Alors que le modèle économique de la télévision américaine, longtemps dominant, a été mis au défi de diverses manières par les changements industriels et technologiques de ces dernières années, des formes narratives de plus en plus hétérogènes sont apparues, qui se sont ajoutées aux structures sérielles originaires. La diversité des formes télévisuelles est devenue particulièrement évidente depuis que les paysages télévisuels nationaux et locaux ont commencé à s’ouvrir aux marchés étrangers situés en dehors des États-Unis, pour finalement adopter une perspective transnationale et globale. La transition vers la télévision distribuée sur Internet a joué un rôle central dans cette fragmentation formelle et la nouvelle dynamique de la diffusion en ligne a ouvert une different perspective pour comprendre le flux mondial de contenus télévisuels, qui reflète aujourd'hui un environnement multimédia et numérique hautement interconnecté et mis en réseau. En effet, la multiplication des services de vidéo à la demande oblige la sérialité à s’adapter au paysage médiatique contemporain, donnant naissance à des produits audiovisuels pouvant être transférés en ligne et présentant des spécificités de production, de distribution et de réception. L’un des résultats de tels changements dans les séries télévisées américaines à l’aube du XXIe siècle est la série anthologique divisée en différentes saisons avec des histoires distinctes, et pourtant liées par le ton et le style. Ma recherche se situe dans un tel contexte technologique, industriel et culturel, où le contenu télévisuel est de plus en plus fragmenté. Compte tenu de cette fragmentation des contenus, cette thèse examine la manière dont les contenus télévisuels contemporains sont distribués, dans l'interaction entre les processus de recommandation basés sur des algorithmes et les pratiques éditoriales plus traditionnelles. L’objectif de ce projet est donc d’étudier la manière dont certaines structures narratives typiques de la forme de l’anthologie apparaissent dans le contexte de la sérialité de la télévision nord-américaine, à partir de conditions spécifiques de production, de distribution et de consommation dans l’industrie des médias. En se concentrant sur l'évolution (dimension temporelle et historique) et sur la circulation numérique (dimension spatiale, géographique) des séries d'anthologies américaines, et en observant les particularités de leur production et de leur style, ainsi que leurs réseaux de distribution et les modes de consommation qu'elles favorisent, cette thèse s’inscrit finalement dans une conversation plus vaste sur les études culturelles et numériques. L’objectif final est d’étudier la relation entre les formes anthologiques, les plateformes de distribution et les modèles de consommation, en proposant une approche comparative de l’anthologie qui soit à la fois cross-culturelle, crosshistorique, cross-genre et qui prenne en consideration les pratiques pre- et post-numériques pour l’organisation de contenus culturels. / As the longtime dominant U.S. television business model has been challenged in various ways by industrial and technological changes in recent years, more heterogeneous narrative forms have emerged in addition to original serial structures. The diversity of televisual forms became particularly evident since national, local television landscapes started opening up to foreign markets outside of the U.S., finally embracing a transnational, global perspective and tracing alternative value-chains. The transition to internet-distributed television played a pivotal role in this formal fragmentation and new dynamics of online streaming opened up another path for understanding the flow of television content, which today reflects a highly interconnected, networked media and digital environment. Indeed, the proliferation of video-on-demand services is forcing seriality to adapt to the contemporary mediascape, giving rise to audiovisual products that can be transferred online and present specificities in production, distribution and reception. One of the outcomes of such changes in U.S. television series at the dawn of the twenty-first century is the anthology series divided in different seasons with separate stories, yet linked by tone and style. My research positions itself in such a technological, industrial and cultural context, where television content is increasingly fragmented. Given such a fragmentation, this thesis considers the ways contemporary television content is distributed in the interaction between algorithmic-driven recommendation processes and more traditional editorial practices. The aim of the project is to investigate the way certain narrative structures typical of the anthology form emerge in the context of U.S. television seriality, starting from specific conditions of production, distribution and consumption in the media industry. By focusing on the evolution (temporal, historical dimension) and on the digital circulation (spatial, geographic dimension) of U.S. anthology series, and observing the peculiarities in their production and style, as well as their distributional networks and the consumption patterns they foster, this thesis ultimately insert itself into a larger conversation on digital-cultural studies. The final purpose is to examine the relation between anthological forms, distribution platforms and consumption models, by proposing a comparative approach to the anthology that is at the same time cross-cultural, cross-historical, cross-genre and accounting for both pre- and post-digital practices for cultural content organization.

Evolution of Writing Style in Ernest Hemingway's Works from 1916 to 1929

Loudin, Zachary O. 23 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.


[pt] Esta dissertação de mestrado investiga um corpus de dez antologias de literatura coreana traduzida, publicado no Brasil entre 1985 e 2022. Foi observada a prática de antologização da literatura coreana traduzida no Brasil, com intuito de verificar a criação de imagens resultantes dos critérios de seleção, tradução e apresentação dessa literatura com base na análise de seus paratextos, evidenciando-se a atuação dos agentes de reescrita. A fundamentação teórica utilizada é oriunda dos Estudos da Tradução, especialmente os campos dos Estudos Descritivos da Tradução (DTS) e da Sociologia da Tradução, e da Teoria do Paratexto. Verificou-se, com base no corpus, que o ato de antologizar divide-se em três atitudes: (1) construir, na qual estão em evidência os critérios de seleção dos textos e o contexto de publicação das obras; (2) desenhar, em que é verificado como o paratexto visual comunica visualmente os projetos editorial e tradutório das antologias; e (3) enquadrar, na qual, por meio dos prefácios, foram identificadas as estratégias de produção de discursos acerca da literatura coreana. No exame dos prefácios, os agentes destacados foram os tradutores, colaboradores e autoridades da cultura de chegada, que assumem, a partir de seu lugar de produção de discurso, um papel fundamental na inserção da literatura coreana no Brasil. Nas décadas de 1980 a 2000, observou-se uma contribuição central dos agentes na publicação dessa literatura, por meio das antologias dedicadas a diferentes autores e correntes literárias. Da década de 2010 em diante, as antologias alinharam-se às tendências editoriais atuais em diálogo com a crescente apreciação de produtos culturais coreanos no Brasil. / [en] This Master s thesis proposes the investigation of a corpus of ten anthologies of translated Korean literature published in Brazil between 1985 and 2022. The practice of anthologizing Korean literature translated in Brazil was observed in order to verify the creation of images resulting from the criteria for selecting, translating and presenting this literature, based on an analysis of its paratexts, highlighting the actions of the agents of rewriting. The theoretical basis used comes from Translation Studies, especially the fields of Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS) and the Sociology of Translation, and from Paratext Theory. Based on the corpus, it was verified that the act of anthologizing is divided into three attitudes: (1) constructing, in which the criteria for selecting the texts and the context in which the works were published are underlined; (2) designing, in which it is verified how the visual paratext communicates the editorial and translation projects of the anthologies; and (3) framing, in which, through the prefaces, the strategies for producing discourses about Korean literature were identified. In examining the prefaces, the agents highlighted were translators, collaborators and authorities from the target culture, who assume, from their place of discourse production, a fundamental role in the insertion of Korean literature in Brazil. From the 1980s to the 2000s, agents made a central contribution to the publication of this literature through anthologies dedicated to different authors and literary currents. From the 2010s onwards, the anthologies have aligned with current publishing trends in parallel with the growing appreciation of Korean cultural products in Brazil.

The didactics of an English-Bemba anthology of oral traditional narratives in the Zambian Grade Ten literature class

Mwelwa, Joseph Mulenga 06 1900 (has links)
Within the multilingual context of Zambia, Grade Ten Literature in English language pedagogy could incorporate the learners’ language and culture to help enrich participation and facilitate understanding of concepts among the learners who are in the foundational year of the literature course. However, current Literature in English language pedagogy is characterized by a monolingual practice with English dominating the literature learning/teaching classroom space – thus rendering the learners’ local linguistic and cultural knowledge impotent. To remedy the situation, the study investigated a dominant local language – Bemba – for a linguistic genre suitable for use in Literature in English language pedagogy. Archival retrieval and live recording of Bemba oral traditional narratives produced the initial research data. Transcription and translation techniques created an anthology from which a bilingual resource (BR) was derived. The BR was then trialled among Grade Ten Literature in English language learners in schools in the Copperbelt province of Zambia. Focus group discussions by participants generated evaluative data whose analysis using qualitative techniques indicate that learners responded positively to the bilingual materials and approach. Teachers were equally enthusiastic, describing the bilingual approach to Literature in English language pedagogy as unique, innovative and liberating. A Linguistic Synergy theory was thus developed to account for teachers’ and learners’ experiences in a bilingual Literature in English classroom. / English Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (English)

“[T]he subtle but powerful cement of a patriotic literature”: English-Canadian Literary Anthologies, National Identity, and the Canon

Hughes, Bonnie K. 24 April 2012 (has links)
The dissertation investigates the correlations among the development of general anthologies of Canadian literature, the Canadian canon, and visions of national identity. While literature anthologies are widely used in university classrooms, the influential role of the anthology in the critical study of literature has been largely overlooked, particularly in Canada. The dissertation begins with an analysis of the stages of development of general anthologies of Canadian literature, demonstrating that there are important links between dominant critical trends and the guiding interests of the various phases of anthology development and that anthologies both reflect and participate in moulding views of the nation and its literature. Focusing then upon five eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Canadian authors, the dissertation traces their treatment in anthologies and analyzes in detail the impact of stages of anthology development upon authors’ inclusion and presentation. The reception of Frances Brooke, John Richardson, William Kirby, Susanna Moodie, and Emily Pauline Johnson over a span of nearly 90 years is examined, and points of inclusion and exclusion are scrutinized to determine links with prevailing critical interests as well as canonical status. These case studies reveal the functions of anthologies, which include recovering overlooked authors, amending past oversights, reflecting new areas of critical inquiry, and preserving the national literary tradition. Their treatment also reveals the effect of larger critical concerns, such as alignment with dominant visions of the nation, considerations of genre, and reassessments of past views. The dissertation shows that the anthology is a carefully constructed, culturally valuable work that plays an important role in literary criticism and canon formation and is a genre worthy of careful scrutiny.

Identiteitsbeelding in poësie vir die adolessent : 'n vergelykende studie tussen 'n Afrikaanse en 'n Nederlandstalige bloemlesing / H.C. van der Walt

Van der Walt, Hester Carina January 2004 (has links)
Anthologies composed for adolescent readers are rare in both Afrikaans and Dutch. These anthologies are published at quite lengthy intervals, because they are post-publications in which already published volumes are absorbed. These anthologies are, however, to an increasing extent the medium by which readers become aware of poetry and are also introduced to different poets. For that reason it can be concluded that anthologies inform poetic taste. The empathy and love towards poetry experienced by young children in both languages are gradually replaced by an apathetic attitude towards poems and even an antipathetic attitude in general during adolescence. The first reaction to poetry is usually emotional and this indicates the way for further intellectual development. When selecting poems for the adolescent reader, the different developmental aspects affecting the adolescent and his identity development must be taken into consideration. The needs of the adolescent reader must be kept in mind. Needs in reading develop as a result of general needs that should be satisfied in the first place. Should this be the case, the need for reading would develop. In this study different theoretical points of view, namely reader-response criticism, developmental psychology, general needs and reading-related needs are used to determine the representation of identity in poems. Specific theories of poetry are used as instruments in text studies and analyses with regard to representation of identity in anthologies for adolescents. Poems in Versreise (Vermaak et al.) and Met gekleurde billen zou her gelukkiger leven zijn (Van Coillie) are analysed focusing on the representation of time and space, speaker and perspective, atmosphere and metaphorical language. For the purposes of this study analyses were conducted to evaluate and interpret the representation of identity in the texts of both anthologies. The differences and similarities between the Afrikaans and Dutch poetry texts for the adolescent had to be identified. The differences were used to determine which type of text would support the Afrikaans identity, the Dutch identity or the Flemish identity. The similarities, on the other hand, were used to determine the type of text that would not appeal to the Afrikaans, Dutch or Flemish adolescents only, but to adolescents in general. In this study method-pluralism is scientifically unavoidable. Different methods were systematically combined to support the specific methods of approach. The research was done in accordance with four methods: a synopsis of existing and appropriate theory of literature and forming of theory with regard to relevant concepts and terms; the analyses of texts in two anthologies; a summary of critical opinions stated in different reviews as well as surveys and interviews based on consultations via e-mail with the different role players, i.e. the anthology composers, illustrators and publishers. / Thesis (MA (Afrikaans en Nederlands))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.

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