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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marknadsföringsaktiviteter på Instagram : - En kvantitativ studie om hur varumärkesattityd påverkas av företags samarbeten med influencers på sociala medier

Habte Gimariam, Wintana, Johnsén, Felicia January 2021 (has links)
TitelMarknadsföringsaktiviteter på Instagram - En kvantitativ studie om hur varumärkesattityd påverkas av företags samarbeten med influencers på sociala medier. NivåC-uppsats i ämnet Företagsekonomi. FörfattareFelicia Johnsén & Wintana Habte Gimariam HandledareJonas Molin & Lars-Johan Åge. Datum2021 – juni SyfteStudiens syfte är att undersöka hur varumärkesattityd påverkas av den upplevda attraktiviteten hos influencers när de utför samarbeten med företag. MetodDenna studie tillämpar en kvantitativ metod med en tvärsnittsstudie. Studiens datainsamling har utförts med en online enkätundersökning. Den baserades på 79 godtagbara svar från Instagram användare som följer en eller flera influencers. Enkätsvaren har analyserats genom IBM SPSS Statistics och Excel. Därefter har en deskriptiv analys samt en korrelationsanalys gjorts för att tolka studiens resultat. Resultat & SlutsatsResultatet av denna studie visar att attraktiva egenskaper påverkar varumärkesattityd mer än fysisk attraktivitet. Studiens resultat visar även innebörden av att välja en passande influencer till varumärket för ett företags framgång. Förslag till vidare forskningDenna studie föreslår bland annat att genomföra två kvalitativa studier där ena lyfter frågan om fysisk attraktivitet har blivit tabu att tala om och den andra kan utföra samma studie som denna, men med intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Andra förslag till vidare forskning är att undersöka olika generationer och begränsa urvalet efter könsfördelning, exempelvis endast kvinnor. Uppsatsens bidragStudiens bidrag är att attraktiva egenskaper hos influencers påverkar konsumenter mer än deras fysiska attraktivitet. Det är även viktigt för företag att välja en passandeinfluencer till sitt varumärke för att främja positiva attityder gentemot varumärket. NyckelordInfluencer, Influencer marketing, Instagram, Product Match-up. Source Attractiveness, Source Credibility, Varumärkesattityd. / TitleMarketing activities on Instagram - A quantitative study of how brand attitude is affected by companies colloborations with influencers on social media. LevelFinal assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration. AuthorsFelicia Johnsén & Wintana Habte Gimariam. SupervisorsJonas Molin & Lars-Johan Åge. Date2021 – june AimThe purpose of the study is to investigate how brand attitude is affected by the perceived attractiveness of influencers when they do collaborations with brands. MethodThis study applies a quantitative method with a cross-sectional study. The study's data collection was conducted with an online survey. It was based on 79 acceptable responses from Instagram users who follow one or more influencers. The survey results have been analyzed through IBM SPSS Statistics and Excel. Subsequently, a descriptive analysis and a correlation analysis were performed to interpret the study results. Result & ConclusionThe results of this study show that attractive properties affect brand attitude more than physical attractiveness. The results of the study also show that the meaning of choosing the right influencer for the right brand is important for a company's success. Suggestions for future researchThis study proposes, among other things, to conduct two qualitative studies where one raises the issue of physical attractiveness has become taboo to talk about and the other can perform the same study as this, but with interviews as a data collection method. Other proposals for further research are to examine different generations and limit the selection by gender distribution, for example only women. Contribution of the thesisThe study's contribution is that attractive characteristics of influencers affect consumers more than their physical attractiveness. It is also important for companies to choose a suitable influencer for their brand in order to promote positive attitudes towards the brand. Key wordsBrand attitude, Influencer, Influencer Marketing, Instagram, Product Match-up, Source Attractiveness, Source Credibility.

Vnímání vlastního těla u vysokoškolských studentek s ohledem na možný transgenerační přenos / The Body Image of Female University Students with Regard to Possible Transgenerational Transfer

Řezáčová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The thesis focuses on female university students and their body image in relation with their parents' body image. The satisfaction of the students with their own bodies depends on many elements such as the influence of the media and the judgements of their peers, family and authorities. A substantial part of our thesis is an unprecedented analysis of the possibility of a trans-generation transfer of the extent of satisfaction with one's own body from parents to their daughters. We have used the quantitative research strategy to assess the results gathered from questionnaires focusing on the students' as well as the parents of both male and female children's perception of their own bodily features. Physical parameters such as height and weight were also checked. The study also focused on whether the trans- generation transfer is affected by the way the parents treat their children during childhood and adolescence. Our results have shown that there is a positive relation between the student's and the mother's body image. This positive relation can be perceived as a consequence of the trans-generation transfer which is probably a mechanism of observational learning. The results further show that the student's body image and their mothers' loving care during childhood and adolescence are also in a...

Souvislost hodnocené a sebehodnocené kvality hlasu v rámci konceptu Body-Image / Possible Relationship between Other-Rated and Self-Rated Vocal Quality in Body Image Concept

Stolařová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
for diploma thesis: Possible Relationship between Other-Rated and Self-Rated Vocal Quality in Body-Image concept Petra Stolařová The aim of this study was to investigate whether it is possible to consider voice as a part of Body-Image concept. We examined the perception of one's own voice and its affect on individual's personality and behavior. In addition, we decided to examine this fact in two culturally different samples - Czech and Brazilian. We collected comparable vocal recordings in both cultures - two recordings of singing and two recordings of speech, we also collected questionnaire data regarding perception of one's own voice and singing, scores of seciosexuality and additionaly in the Czech sample we collected self-reported self-esteem. Subsequently, we collected attractiveness ratings of these vocal recordings by independent raters within the two chosen cultures. Using statistical methods, we found that the rated and self-rated voice quality (both speech and singing) partially correlated, but these correlations differed in relation to gender, and population. The Czech sample revealed that neither self-rated nor other-rated quality of voice had affect on self-esteem. Also, it appears that self-rated quality of singing has an impact on sociosexuality in Czech women and Brazilian men,...

Do you feel excluded? : an explorative study of who the perceived typical shopping mall consumer is and if this consumer feels excluded from city centers

El-khatib, Fatima, Myszka, Marta January 2020 (has links)
As the retail apocalypse is increasing, it is common to face stores without consumers in citycenters. E-commerce is one of the factors that has had a negative impact on physical stores,both in city centers and in shopping malls. It has been easier for shopping malls than forcity centers to fight the increased competition.The purpose of this thesis was to explore who the typical shopping mall consumer was andif this consumer felt excluded from city centers. Four concepts were investigated; consumerstereotype, place image, shopping experience and place attractiveness. A qualitative,method and an exploratory approach were applied, and the data was collected through anonline focus group and interviews.The findings showed that the perceived typical shopping mall consumer had seven traits;social, fun, curious, open, flexible, time thrifty, calm and patient, and four characteristics;young, families with children, females and formal styles/ fashion oriented. Furthermore,this consumer felt excluded as a shopper because of the limited supply and divided citycenter.The implication of this study was to understand who the typical shopping mall consumeris and, if and why he/she felt excluded. Hence, this can provide retailers in city centers withunderstanding of what factors affect the perceived typical shopping mall consumer’s choiceand thus will enable them to make their stores more welcoming also to the typical shoppingmall customer.The original value of this study is an understanding of the perceived typical shopping mallconsumer and if this consumer feels excluded from city centers, which has previously notbeen explored.

A Study of the Effect of a Child's Physical Attractiveness upon Verbal Scoring of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (Revised) and upon Personality Attributions

Wheeler, Paula Theisler 01 May 1985 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to investigate possible examiner bias in scoring the Verbal subtests of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (Revised) due to the level of facial attractiveness of the child. Sex of the child and sex of the research subject were also included as independent variables. No main effect for attractiveness or sex x attractiveness interactions were found. Thus, little evidence emerged to suggest attractiveness stereotyping effects in an intelligence testing context. However, female children received significantly higher Comprehension and total Verbal scores than did male children. In addition, while male subjects did not provide differential Verbal scores for male and female children, female subjects tended to be biased toward female children, regardless of attractiveness level. A secondary goal of this study was to determine if the research subjects differentially attributed positive characteristics to attractive versus unattractive children. Indeed, it was empirically established that, in this testing environment, adults attributed more positive personality and social characteristics to attractive than unattractive children. Implications for clinicians/diagnosticians are discussed. It is suggested that future research attempt to delineate a continuum of diagnostic measures wherein one pole represents objective measures with little risk of bias and the other pole is the extreme of subjective instruments with high resk of examiner bias.

Infant Physical Attractiveness, Affect, Temperament, and Gender in Relation to Tester Behavior

Hart, Andrea D. 01 May 1996 (has links)
Easily observable infant characteristics have been shown to influence others; perceptions of infant competence. This study examined the relation between infant characteristics and a tester's willingness to repeat opportunities for the infant to pass items during administration of a cognitive test. Results showed that infant physical attractiveness was related to lower elicited infant performance (the ratio of items initially failed). Positive affect was related to higher test scores. Because first impressions are likely to contribute to future relationships, it may be important to educate adults who interact with infants about the effects of stereotyping infants based on first impressions.

HUR FRÄMJAS HÄLSAN I UTEMILJÖER PÅ CAMPUS? : En enkätbaserad fallstudie vid Umeå universitet / How is health promoted in outdoor environments om campus? : A survey-based case study at Umeå University

Softic, Selma January 2023 (has links)
Urbanization and population growth necessitate an increased presence of green spaces in urban settings to uphold the well-being and health of residents. Outdoor environments with green spaces have shown positive effects on our mental and physical health by reducing stress and enhancing well-being. Understanding how outdoor environments are perceived on university campuses can contribute to more effective health promotion efforts across all campus areas in Sweden. This study aims to investigate how outdoor environments on campus are experienced and can be designed to promote health and social sustainability. Data for this study was collected through a survey targeting both students and employees at Umeå University. The findings reveal that green spaces are highly valued in terms of attractiveness and appreciation. The study identifies seasonal variations in usage and highlights certain factors, such as relaxation and proximity to water, as particularly significant. These green spaces provide opportunities for relaxation, nature experiences, and seating areas, contributing to a positive and enjoyable environment for the campus community. In conclusion, the results of the survey indicate that the green spaces on Umeå University's campus are attractive and significant according to the respondents. Therefore, it is important to continue investing in green areas and green spaces to promote a healthy and welcoming environment for all who reside and work on campus.

Blivande sjuksköterskors upplevelser av arbetsgivarattraktivitet : Aspekter som kan stärka vårdens attraktivitet / Experiences of prospective nurses regarding employer attractiveness

Nordström, Amanda, Olsson, Linnea January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka blivande sjuksköterskor upplevelser av arbetsgivarattraktivitet. En kvalitativ metod användes och åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sista årets sjuksköterskestudenter i Sverige. Intervjuerna analyserades genom en induktiv tematisk analys vilket resulterade i tre huvudteman och sju tillhörande underteman. Resultatet indikerade att möjligheten till kollegiala relationer, struktur i vardagen och relationen med chefen är tre viktiga aspekter i hur sjuksköterskorna definierar arbetsgivarattraktivitet. Det framkom att ett öppet arbetsklimat och stöd från kollegorna värderades högt. Vidare framhöll respondenterna önskemål om en rimlig arbetsbelastning, vilket kan påverkas av schemats utformning. Vikten av utvecklingsmöjligheter betonades också. Ytterligare framhöll respondenterna en önskan om en chef som visar ett intresse för personalen genom att inneha ett individanpassat ledarskap, vara närvarande samt ha god återkoppling till personalen. Studiens resultat kan bidra till hur arbetsgivare inom vården kan skapa en attraktiv arbetsmiljö för att rekrytera och behålla sjuksköterskor. / The purpose of the study was to investigate the experiences of prospective nurses regarding employer attractiveness. A qualitative method was used, and eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with final year nursing students in Sweden. The interviews were analyzed using an inductive thematic analysis, which resulted in three main themes and seven sub-themes. The result indicated that the opportunity for collegial relationships, daily structure, and the relationship with the employer are three important aspects in how nurses define employer attractiveness. It was found that an open work climate and support from colleagues were highly valued. Furthermore, respondents expressed a desire for a reasonable workload, which can be influenced by the design of the schedule. The importance of development opportunities and feeling valued was also emphasized. Additionally, respondents expressed a desire for a leader who shows interest to the staff through individualized leadership, being present, and providing good feedback to the staff. The study contributes to understanding how healthcare employers can create an attractive work environment to effectively recruit and retain future nurses.

På den framtida arbetskraftens villkor : En kvalitativ studie av generation Z:s preferenser på arbetsmarknaden

Gardell, Alice, Heino, Emelie, Hägg Edelönn, Vilma January 2023 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks personer med IT-kompetens i generation Z:s åsikter om viktiga egenskaper hos arbetsgivare. På grund av rådande kompetensbrist inom tekniksektorn finns det ett stort behov av att rekrytera kompetent arbetskraft. Då majoriteten av de som tar examen i närtid tillhör generation Z spelar de en viktig roll i företags rekrytering. Genom att förstå vad som tilltalar generationen kan arbetsgivare anpassa sin marknadsföring med målet att attrahera den kompetens de behöver. Utgångspunkten i studien har varit att identifiera de faktorer som IT-kompetenta i generation Z värderar högt vid val av arbetsgivare med hjälp av teoretiska verktyg. Den data som använts har erhållits genom kvalitativa intervjuer med tio individer från målgruppen. Resultatet antyder att kompetensutveckling och intressanta arbetsuppgifter som gör skillnad är de faktorer som generationen attraheras mest av, medan en marknadsmässig lön och god arbetskultur anses vara grundläggande för att en arbetsgivare över huvud taget ska vara intressant.

Využití evolučních přístupů k výzkumu lidské sexuality a výběru partnera. / Approach of Evolutionary Psychology to Research of Human Sexuality and Mate Choice

Binter, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focusses on choice of partner, courtship, and stability of relationship. The emphasized phenomenon within this field are namely evolutionary origins of attractiveness and attraction, endocrine, behavioral, verbal and paraverbal displays. The courtship in this thesis is divided into three major phases - attractivity, proceptivity and receptivity - following suggestion of Beach, Freund and Money. Each of these phases is typical by certain types of behavior and reaction, such as hormonal response, vocal displays as is described in review of literature in the theoretical part. In the second, practical part, consists of four articles that address one specific phenomenon at time. The first article is focused on choice of partners in real world and their presence in sexual fantasy repertoire. The second article addresses vocal modulation when speaking to member of opposite sex who we find attractive or unattractive. The third article introduces hormonal response on possibility of gaining and loss of a potential partner in virtual courtship scenario. And finally, the fourth discusses role of female orgasm in relation to sexual and overall satisfaction in the relationship. The studies are original, and bring innovative insight to human mate-choice and courting, providing further scientific...

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